film posters

By: Ahiya Kathiramar FILM POSTERS

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Post on 19-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Film posters

By: Ahiya Kathiramar


Page 2: Film posters

You can easily spot that this poster is a horror movie because of the

colours that has been used in the poster, the main colours that

represent it is a horror movie is by the colour red, black, white and

any other dark colours. As you can see there is a large image of a

girl/lady who is maybe possessed or dead, the reason to why I am

suggesting this is because on the large image the person doesn't

have eyes or teeth. It is half skull and half face on the poster, that

could suggest that she was dead and became a ghost. The image

looks like it is faded or blurred, which makes the audience think that

it could be a ghost or a zombie. Inside the large image there are

loads of small images of people, that may suggest that the person

of the poster might have killed that many people. The poster doesn't

contain too much of text or writing this makes the poster look more

professional and simple, the text that was only used was the

masthead and on the skyline and also for some information below &

above the masthead. The poster has some special effects which

makes it look more like a horror movie. The font that was used in

the poster is used very good because it give the whole masthead

a shape, the first letter and the last letter of the masthead is larger

that the other letter of the masthead. And the text for the masthead

also looks wider which makes it look like the masthead.

Page 3: Film posters

This film poster is called insidious. The film poster

represents with a little boy who is the main character of

the movie , the little boy looks like he is possessed on

the film poster. The way the image was taken was by

a mid shot because it doesn’t show the full form of the

little boy but rather shows it half way. Behind the boy

there is his house which makes it look like it is haunted

or something. The atmosphere of the film poster

makes it look more like a horror movie because it is

dark. The film poster looks very simple and has few

text which makes it look professional, the colour of the

text are all in white except from 2 letter in the masthead

‘SI’ gives a hint to the audience that these letter are

relevant to what is going to happen in the movie.

Page 4: Film posters

The film is called ‘Sinister’ the film poster is done

very creatively and it look very unique because of the

way it is represented that it is a horror movie. The

poster contains few text which includes the film title.

The film title is in the colour red so that it stands out

from all the other colours. The masthead makes it

looks like it was painted with blood as it dripping

down, and just below the film title there are small

images made by the blood that was dripping; it looks

like people who are hung. The background that was

done on the film poster looks like a wallpaper of a old

house, this may suggest that the film could be about

a haunted house. There is a second image placed

behind the film title, that second image almost looks

like a face. There are also few text used above the

film poster about the producer and the director of the

film, this text is in white and so is the little icons and

text below the film poster. There are also red text

below the film poster which is the tag line of the


Page 5: Film posters

This film poster is from the film called excision. It ‘s quiet

obvious that it is a film poster because of the colour that has

been used – red, black and white. The film poster looks very

simple but personally I think it doesn’t look that professional.

The film title is placed below the film poster and is done in a

large font size, the font type also makes it look like a horror

movie and the film title stand out from the film poster. The bill

block is done in white so that It can stand out from the black

background. The image is just the half of the film poster

which I really like and the other half of the poster is for the

text. The image that has been used in the film poster looks

like 2 people who are killed by the person in the middle, the

person in the middle looks like the main character of the

movie. The setting look like an hospital or something

else, because of the white bed and the clothing that person

in the middle is wearing. All of the people in the film poster

are covered in blood which also indicates that it is horror


Page 6: Film posters

This film is called ‘Drag met o hell’ the film as you can see is a

horror movie. The film poster contains a large image of the

main character of the movie, and looks like she is dragged to

hell, this means that the film title is very relevant to the movie

itself. The film title is done in white and stands out very well to

from the film poster as it is in a different colour and the font

type is different and so is the size of the film title. The bill block

is done in a different font type and colour so that it also stand

out from all the other information on the film poster. The

images done on the film posters makes it look like a horror

movie, behind the large image of the main character there is

an image of a house which indicates a hint to the audience

that the house might be related to the film, it could also mean

that the house is haunted or something. The tag line that is

above the film title film title is done differently and the

structure of the whole film poster is done uniquely because

usually there would be some text above on the film poster but

there is no text at all. The film poster looks very simple and

professional, it will attract the audience and make them want

the movie as the it indicates the story to the film itself.