film pitch

Film pitch Bethany Braine

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Post on 22-Dec-2014




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Page 2: Film pitch

Above is my visual mood board of films I am influenced by that I would like to make similar to my film. A repetitive genre amongst these three films is ‘Drama.’ I really like the idea of intense story lines where the audience have to do all the thinking and work out the cleverness of it. I hope to incorporate this in my film, but perhaps for a younger audience like myself.

Visual mood board of similar films and influences

Page 3: Film pitch

The title of my film is going to be called UNOTICABLE.

I have chosen this name as it highly links in with the narrative of the film. The capital letters will make it really stand out, and the one-word title makes it short and sweet. Hopefully it will be memorable. Here is a draft of the title:


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At school, there is a troubled teen named Dylan who is 16 years old. He is in his first year at Sixth Form, but you wouldn’t really know it. Everyone on the rough estate block he lives in hates him, his family constantly tell him how useless he is and he has absolutely no friends. The only place he finds he can be himself is at school, where he is completely invisible, even the teachers seem to think he doesn’t exist (so an element of unrealistic-ness.) Little does everyone know, Dylan is actually extremely clever and can hack into many sites and decipher codes, basically he can change any thing on any website, any where in the world.

Narrative: The story

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One day a student, named Stewy, by accident notices what he doing on the computer during Media at school. Stewy actually talks to Dylan, the first time anyone has ever spoken to him in his life. After a little teasing, he listens to what Dylan says. He explains everything, it’s not like he has ever kept it secret, just nobody really asked. Stewy and Dylan become best friends, spending every hour they can together every day hacking and publishing really cool, private bits of information. They spend so much time together at school now they actually get teased about being gay, but just brush it off because they love what they do so much.

Narrative: The story

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Throughout the film, they really cleverly hide illegal bits of technology they have been able to get through hacking, but most importantly publicly humiliate some of Dylan’s most hated people, by publishing private chats they have had online. Dylan becomes very popular at school.

When he is older, due to all of his skill and intelligence, Dylan becomes the co-owner of Apple. He is a very successful and highly known man, but his parents still aren’t proud of him.

The message: nobody has everything.

Narrative: The story

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The genre of the film is Sci-Fi-Drama. The conventions of this will be applied through

some of the stereotypical things found in Sci-Fi's and Dramas.

For example: dramatic elements such as characters putting themselves in conflict with themselves, others, and society.

sci-fi elements such as advanced technology and a problem having to be overcome.


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The BBFC certificate of this film would be a 12A. This means branching out to young and older teens of both genders. Just because it is a 12A does definitely not mean adults won’t enjoy it either, but due to the lack of violence or sexual scenes etc. There is no need for it to be a 15.

Target Audience

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The setting of the film is mainly at a school but also in the main character’s home, so a rough estate. It will always be day time, except from the odd occasion where the main character and his friend may be doing something at night. Because of the setting being at school, it will always mainly be morning afternoon time specific.


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For themes, it is important to incorporate drama and sci-fi.

For example: emotional, trying to get noticed and being yourself themes will be for dramatic elements and an action-adventure journey of self-discovery theme for dramatic elements.


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Icons for sci-fi elements will be advanced technology e.g. Computers and hacking equipment for Dylan.

Another icon will be the rough estate from where he is from, this is just so the audience stereotypically assume he is going to be a gangster-chav, but he is actually a really clever, kind boy.

Another icon for drama elements will be music that can make the audience feel empathy for Dylan, for example something sad and down-hearted.

Icons / Mise en scené

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Name: Dylan Gender: Male Age: 16 Personality: Quiet, unnoticed boy.

Extremely clever and very polite and kind once you get to know him.

Role: Main character. Picture of what I imagine him to be:

Character profiles

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Name: Stewy Gender: Male Age: 16 Personality: One of the

popular boys, although he is very down to earth he can something be judgmental and hurt others feelings by doing it.

Role: main characters best friend (eventually)

Picture of what I imagine him to be:

Character profiles

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I would like to include as many varieties of camera shots as possible, especially shot reverse shots, match on action shots and 180 degree rule shots.

The sound should always complement the mood, for example something tense and dramatic is jumpy, slow music. Something hacked and shared = faster, more up beat music.

I would like all the editing to complement the genre, for example perhaps change the lighting in adobe premiere so it is more greeny to be more sci-fi and darker in the more dramatic times. I would also like to put some cool transitions in to make it flow.

There should be some effects to make it more professional e.g. Editing and cutting to make sure nothing that shouldn’t be in there isn’t.

The costumes of the characters should just be stereotypical school clothes, for example hoodies and jeans, and stereotypical props e.g. Rucksacks etc. There should also be many sci-fi props in there e.g. Computers etc.

Textual Analysis

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Class: the quality of this film should be really good. All of the camera shots, editing, sound, mise en scené elements etc. Should all come together.

Age: BBFC certificate = 12. Gender: both male and female. Ethnicity: this film will be incorporating

different social groups.


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Warner Brothers would produce and distribute this film as they are extremely successful, they know exactly what to do and have all the elements we would need e.g. Setting, costumes etc. They have an income of 12 billion pounds.


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Advertising and marketing techniques: I will use: TV for adverts Billboards in prime locations YouTube advertising Related website advertising e.g Odeon and

Lovefilm Advertising on popular websites e.g. Twitter and


Initiative advertising and marketing techniques

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For my opening scene, I had the idea of Dylan walking through a busy room (e.g. the common room.) He would be in front of the most popular, good looking kid at school, and everyone would be staring at him. All the girls faces would light up and blush, making it look like they were looking directly at him. It would all be in slow motion with some cool, cheesy music playing. Then, in slow motion again, Dylan would step aside and turn around, and realise everyone was staring past him at the popular kid, not him.

This is just one idea for the opening scene, which obviously isn’t long enough for two minutes so it would be developed.

Opening scene