film magazines and posters


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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Film magazines and posters



Page 2: Film magazines and posters

The title of the magazine “TOTAL FILM” is

in capitals and stands out from the whole

magazines, this is a good idea for when its

on the shop shelf people don’t have to look

round for ages it just stands out to them

instantly. They have created a tagline “The

ultimate movie magazine” this instantly is

to draw in readers who are interested in

films. The “Charlie and the chocolate

factory” is a children’s film, this could be

bringing in more readers who are not

interested in this magazine this is what I

want to get across in my magazine. The

main actors name is also in capitals on the

right hand side of the magazine which

stands out as he is well known and will

draw people both to buy the magazine and

to see the film.

I think our magazine should have many of

these features as they stand out to our

audience and will also draw readers in.

Page 3: Film magazines and posters

I’ve decided to use this cover as I've already used it in my

primary research and its following my genre.

“500 greatest movies of all time” this will draw readers in

to see what's top and what's bottom. It also shows that

the film was so successful also if people haven't watched

it , it could suggest for them to do so. The title of the

magazine and its bold writing stands out over the picture

like Total Film did so I will look more carefully into this

when I'm creating mine as you want your magazine to

stand out over any other film magazine. From the picture

you can get an idea of the genre from the gun and police

detective badge.


ENDING” suggest something bad happens this draws

people in to either read the magazine or even go and

watch the film to see what happens.

I will try to do this in my magazine as I believe it will bring

people to get involved in the magazine either reading or

watching the film, it draws viewers in who also don’t read

the magazine or not practically interested in this genre.

Page 4: Film magazines and posters

This film poster shows that with all the

images of them shows that there is a lot

going on at once and its constantly fast pace.

All the images of the man in the poster show

that his always in action where

stereotypically the girl is worried and lost.

They don’t give anything away from the film

poster which you wouldn’t want as it will give

it all away, the tagline is before the movie title

“EAGLE EYE” this is very spaced out and

stands out for watchers.


WILL OBEY” from this it gives the genre

away this could be ideal as it shows for

people from that audience it will also bring

watchers into the film to want to know what

happens to both characters.

This poster shows that its either action or

thriller which is good as it will persuade

people who enjoy action films to purchase it

as well as the thriller audience.

Page 5: Film magazines and posters

I like this poster as it doesn’t give anything

away, the title of the film “TAKEN” with a young

girls face in the text suggest to readers that the

young girl was taken and the black background

gradually turning into white might suggest that

the something good comes out of it. The man

with a gun suggests action and that he is after

the girl or whoever has took the girl.

The actor looks very mysterious and knows what

his doing, the actors name above the title will

force watchers to buy the film as it’s a very well

known and a very good actor. The more plain the

poster is the more effective I believe it looks so I

will try bring this through when I'm creating mine.

The aim for thrillers is to keep the audience alert

and on the edge of their seats so I will have to

show this in my magazine and poster.