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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from thetext. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

Kurt Cobain.i

Kurt Donald Cobain was the leader of Nirvana band, the one to reshape thesound of the nineties.

Born on,February, 20 1967, near Seattle, Cobain was a sickly bronchiticchild. His mother was a waitress, his father an auto mechanic and their divorcemade things worse

for Cobain.(1)

.fbHe was fascinated by the British band Sex Pistols and he tried several timesto form his own band. In 1989 Nirvana was able to record the first album andstep by step they grew more and more successful, until they became overnightmillionaires.

Cobain became a victim of heroin in the early 90's. (2) $ . He soon foundout that he and the term "control" had very little in common. He also worriedthat his band had lost the moral principles and it was attracting the wrong kindof fans.

In February 1992 Cobain married Courtney Love, already pregnant and in

August he received medical treatment for heroine abuse. (3) .4.During the winter of 1993-1994 Nirvana set off a'*European tour, whichcaused him throat problems. Few months later he was rushed to hospital in a

coma. (q .L.On the 5th of April he put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger,

leaving a suicide note to his wife and the 19 month-old daughter. (5) .€. Hisdeath also brought about teenagers committing suicide in US & Australia.

His child, Francis Bean Cobain was born shortly afterIt turned him into an anti-social, withdrawn child, becoming for a

certain period of time a living under a bridge homeless.The reason was his attempt to commit suicide.He claimed to use it as a shield against the pain of stomach ulcers.It ended with the words "I love U, I love U "He loved both his daughter and his wife very much



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Roxana Boangiu , Mirela Dincu

Internet Addiction Disorder

Do some people have problems rvith (0) spendingtoo much time on the Internet? Sure they do.Sbme people definitely spend a lot of timeuratching TV, working etc, but can lve draw theconclusion that TV and work (i) ... involvessomething pathological? Probably not. Teenagersspend many hours talking on the phone to people

they see every day. Do we say they are addictedto the telephone? Of course not. If (2) ...starteddefining addiction as social (3) ..., then we wouldall be addicted to every social relationship.Their only problem might be a strong desire to notwant to deal with other problems in their lives.There's not a big (a) ... among these people andthose who may deal with (5) ..., anxiety or l{r',':(6) ... problems. Instead of becoming(7) ..., not feeling like talking to anybody for example,these kind of people stay online. This would bethe only (8) .... It's not the technologythat is addicting, it's the (9) .. .

And behaviours are easily (10) ... .

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals below the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the orderthey should be used. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)


(1) ADDTCTlt

.-., J ,:, * , . 'r..{

. J..-irlr '(2) SCTENCE(3) TNTBRACT


,..,'l, tl'- ; (L(4) DTFFER

;. (5) DEPRESSied (6) RELATE

(7) WITHDRAWT4I ;:./.I'r.,.,...i,'


i;(i-, rr 11 #;'(9) BEHAVE(10) cu

EII. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative $\ric\r suits themeaning best. (15 points)

1. Of course. We meet / are meeting at i2 prn at your place.2. She said she will I yo.uld do her best to impress them.

\\1rl$\N:*sq$rrtr(ersla\\d.rthetter.4. While rhey w9Jg yalk-ing / watked the dog. a storm started.

5. I was so tiredTe.uur* J had-been studying / lvas studying for a couple of

hours.6. Ann gra_duated_ / has graduated from college five years ago.

7. We can't corne to a conclusion untii they will announce /;uanounce the

iatest news.8. I really wish you wigg / €& here rrow'

9. The city cer;te-r i5leing. / iggebuilt at present

i0. I irad_ alr*ady@qt r finished n1y mtai v,,'hen my friertcis canlein-

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11. You would have handled the situation much better if you hA_d_pe,id / paidmore attention to it.

12. - 'm,t9gv_ ng_/ I leave tomorrow morning13. She apologized for bglng late /to be late and then she entered the room.14. It was so-h-ot / such a hot that we decided to sunbathe.15. The cookie.was so swpet / such sweet that she couldn't help eating it.

IV. Read the text below urrA O..iae which answer A, B, C or D best fitseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)


The word "perfume" (0) B from Latin, "per" meaning "through" and"fumus" meaning "smoke", that is nice smell that (1) ... through the air fromburning incense-

Incense was the first form of perfume, discovered (2)... the Mesopotamiansabout 4,000 years ago. It had many uses, embalming the dead with perfumebeing only one of them.

Perfumes were also (3) .. . in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs and they are(4) ... mentioned in'the Bible.

(5)...of the perfumes were so (6) ... that 3300 years afterTutankhamen'sdeath some (7) ...of fragrance could be detected the moment the tomb wasopened. It is (8) ... that the embalming lasted between 40 to 70 days to complete.

Romans celebrated perfumes, (9) ... . They came to apply perfume threetimes a day. They perfumed their pet dogs. horses and birds (10) ... released tospread perfumes from their wings, too. Tables, candlesticks, draperies andcushions were also perfumed.

Nefertiti surrounded herself with containers with myrrh, flacons filled r,vith

sweet oils and jars of unguents. Cleopatra experimented a lot the power of scent.She met Mark Anthony on a ship with perfume sails and her arrival wasannounced by clouds of perfume.

(0) Astarts Bcomes1. AFlies B Runs

2. ';ABv B From3. A Located B- Found4. AEasily BMostly5. fr'Sorn. B Any6. APowerful BHard7. AFootprints B Fragments8. A Plain ,$Knorvn9. AAlreadv BTo10. $W.r. B Have

C initiatesieico.tCAtC InitiatedC UsuallyQ Few.Q StrongC AppearanceC AdmittedC Alike

D beginsD LimpsD NearD Created

'.SFrequentlyDNoD Heavv

erruit,D ExperienceD'TooD Beingd

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Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)


On April 10, 1912, (0) the Titanic, world's largest ship, left England (t) ;:iiher way to New York City. Her passengers were (2) ... blend of the world'srichest people, She was thought (3) ... as the safest ship ever built, so safe (4)

'ti'r,f she carried only 20 lifeboats - enough (5) Ji-. carry only half of her 2,20Apassengers and crew. The reason for carrying this number of lifeboats was that(6)i:,. was considered an unsinkable ship, so they would take them only to savethe survivors of other sinking ships, if any.

In the fourth day of her journey, on \he night of April 14, Titanic struck (7)i*. iceberg. The impact was fatal (8;:,,.:' the water four degre"t,, :-t"g,y freezingsoon poured through the ship. It was plain that there weren't (9) i.. {ifeboats forall the passengers and even though all of them were provided life jackets it wasclear that some of them wouldn't make it. The biggest ship (10) ... made slowlyslid under the water two hours and forty minutes after the collision.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick (r') by the number. If a line has a word which

should not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

The word Buddha signifies one who is being awake,meaning woken up to reality. This name has been h,r firstto a man named Siddhartha, born in dhe Nepal 2,500 yearsBuddhists dq not consider him to be a god, in fact he didn'thqt pretend to be one. He was an Enlightened human leing,able to "decipher" life in its fhqmost profound way possible.

The story holds that he had a cloistered upbringing but hesoon left from home in search for Truth. He practicedmeditation, even of austerity and, in spite of being at a certainmoment on the point of death, he realized he hadn't beenfound Truth yet. That is why he tried some other ways ofreaching it. He sat down under the pipal tree, a largeIndian tree, and swore not to move from that spot until hewon Enlightment. His wish came true after 40 days, whenhe finally achieved Enlighment, that is a state of being thatgoes above all the earthly things.

0 being1 ...)3 ...4...5 ...6 ...I ...8 ...9 ...

10 ...

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from thetext. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra which you do not need to use. (5 points)

Mahatma Gandhi

(ril; Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever inflesh and blood walked upon this earth .

Born October 2,1869 in the Gujarat province of India, Mahandas KaramchadGandhi struggled(2). He becams a lawyer after studying

law in Londonand

practiced it from 1893 to 1914 in South Africa, constantly protesting the racismmet there.

Despite the imprisonment and violent treatment he was subjected to, he wasable to develop the practice of non violent passive resistance.{(3) to a certainextent justified by saying that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind .* (4) the independence of India from British rule. In this respect he organized

boycotts of British goods, actions which caught world's attention. but whattriggered the name of Mahatma (meaning Great Soul) was. his^fasting, as amethod of lrotest. to tott= ov$*{,

His wish came true in 1947 when India eventually became an independentstatefi5) he was assassinated in New Delhi.

\ for freedom by practicing non violence resistance.B. He is considered one of the most famous people of India.*C* Albert Einstein said when describing Mahatma Gandhi:

4.. Starting 1915, his main target becameE. A year later, on January 30, 1948B He fought those who would sustain that violent retaliation was

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order theyshould be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)

Petronas Towers Malaysia

The design of the Towers is basedon patterns in (0) architecture of Islamic{1) -.. . The squares and circles, as geometric



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Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

figures that (2) ... rhe building symbolizeg\n:rett***gdrrl a*noRACTBRas the eKperts say, uniiy, harmon,u-, (3) .. St*Ui{; (3) STABLE

(4) RATTONALnd (4) ... - which represent the principles 4qS&

of Islam. Even tiiough Malaysian motifs such astimber (5) ... are to be found in the design of thebuilding its eharaeter remains one of the high-techand internationa.i. The buiiding has 88 sloreys,with a (6) . . . of 452 meters. There is a sky-bridgebesween leveis 41 and 42,having a (7) ... of 58rueiers, The Towers were erected in March i996and the (8) ... of it was completed in early 1997.At present Tower One is occupied by thestate-orvned petroleurn (9) ... an Tower Two is*shtrSef{'httg) CORPORATEpartly occupied by Petronas associates, ihe (10) .,.t *^ -- ^ , (10) REMAINspace being let to multinational companies.' i ljllm M*b

trII. Read the follorving sentences. Choose the aiternative which suits themeaning best. (15 points)

1" Whc ggg-hElding i heid tire press conference at the time of the attack??, F{e imrnediately realized how selfish he hailbe'cpt$_g / has become.3. You wouid have won the competition if you tgg gggbt / fought for it.4. They have he.en rehe.arsiFg were rehearsing for ttrree hours norv.

5. I we,s prla;',ing computer games rvhen the light gg$t I rvas goingpff"6. He admitted he is I uas-rrct the owner of the ship at that time.r i'd r'atl:er "vci.i &g#J*:ghgx** I didn't behave like that yestei'ciay.

8" John lives i is livine in Saa Par-rlo ior the moment.*" FIe said rre *iilififui*ffinreback the fqllowing day.,{S.'foda,v a new prodictBAg h^*Sn:p.k3ggdlwas released by the company.I t. I have never been caught red handed. Niifher-lraye..I.l So have I.i2, I consider him to be rny &,gE / better student.i3. You rnustn'f i3-eednLcome hon'le unless you -,'vant io.14. What

"l*"Wwere you doing lately?

15. They were iaiking on the phone more and more often / much and much+ften.

tV. Read the text below and decide rvhich anslver A, B, C or D best fitseach space" There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)


-v'olcanoes aLe {*)A after l'iulcan, the Roman gcd (t) .* fire. He was (2) .f

icli,'e iinder an isiand in the Mediterranean Sea, called Vulcano and he was

CJf(v\ V (s) CARVE

(8) BUILD, fu"f{-t*i*


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\,;lrought to be (3) .\lacksmith, fabricating weapons for the other gods. Theaa;th u'ould shake wheh (4) . ) these weapons.

The i5) ... way to imagine what happens when a volcano erupts is to shaker bode o'i fizzy drink. The shaking causes pressure. (6)*. you open the

bottle.he pop squirts out. The same things happen when a volqano erupts. The magmaises in the chimney, mixes with gas creating a (7) .Nlena that goes up,:r:ioding rvhen leaching the top.

There are (8) \ omens to be considered when a volcano is going to erupt.Most oi the [ime there are earthquakes before the eruption and gaseous fumes,suiiur (9)+. that smell really Uai. rl

More than half of the world's voldanoes are to be found in the Facific Ocean.There is also a circle of volcanoes called The Pacific Ring of Fire.

The first volcano to be recorded is Mount Etna in Sicily, in 475 BC. The

.argest volcano in the (10) A'is in Hawaii. It is 30,000 feet above the ocean bedand is 60 miles wide at the base. It is still active.

(l) A namedi. A bvz. 6ulueueo3. Ano4. A doing5. A.goodest6. {\ when

7. @igt't8. $never9. (4 ut10. ffiworld

B entitledB fromB accused

@uB preparingB betterB before

B easyB usuallyBasifB city

C called

OorC caughtCanC explodingffiestC after

C hard$qrrely

C thoughC planet

D baptizedDin?chargedffi-$ makingD craziestD until

@rt"uuyD alreadyD like lD town

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space"Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)

Digital Musie Player

\wenty-five years (0) ago Sony launched the Walkman. It was the beginning *(t)E. a revolution because most of the teenagers don't travel anywhere (2)\S#A'1


pa;r of headphones. The revoiution is still continuing nowadays. It turned (3) nfr, lt il

a digital revolution, giving Ulrttr (+)lM the digital rnusic pl4yer. Its anival with'ruge storage capacity allowed thousands of songs to (5) k recorded on onedeviqe and for some people it equaled the storage of an entire music collection(6)ffi a player.


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Roxana Boangiu, Mirela Dincu

campaign, this product has become the must-have accessory of 2003.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldntt be there. If a line

,;. is correct, put a tick () by the number. If a line has a word whichshould not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

The Roaring Thenties

Great changes have took place in the 1920s in the States. Whentalking about the roaring twenties, people usually rememberle$lawlessness, moral decay and jazz parties as seasoned with as

much rp6e alcohol as possible.^In 192i an Amendment was ffi inftoduced to prohibit the

manufacture, sell or transport of alcohol because of theincreasing number of the people abusing it. It was expectedthat alcohol's banishment would determine the diminutionof poverty and vice, helping the common man reach{hisaims at the same time. But the reality proved to be/{ifferent,though. The Canadian border :W proved to be a sieve for liquorto flow through. More and more clandestine distilleriesappeared, bootlegging making the famous Chicago gangsterAl Capone an overnight millibnaire.

0 have1 ...)3 ...4 ...5 ...6...

8 ...9 ...

10 ...

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from the

text. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)


Nefertiti;i her name meaning the perfect woman has come, was the mostpowerful, extremely beautiful and controversial queen of the ancient Egypt. (i) i:,from the more than 3,200 year old tomb inscriptions discovered so far.

Some say that she came to Egypt from a foreign land; others say she was ofroyal blood.

$ (2) that she was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton and the stepmother ofTrltankhamenS<ll tried to impose polytheism by force. It seems that this was theaction that brought her so many enemies who eventually took care of her end.

Both her name and her husband's were erased from historical documents, asEgypt returned to its former religion after their death.

fl4) whether she died by natural causes or she was helped seems to be a

natural one. Nobody knows for sure, but the mummy that is believed to be herswas definitely mutilated few years after her 0eat(15) was meant to prevent herfrom living in the afterlife.

She and her husband denied monotheism andThe evidence that we have about her come mainlyArcheologists presume that this treatmentHaving so many enemies, the questionStill, it is not known whether she was the queen of Egypt or not.What we know for sure is

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order they

should be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)




It is an ancient Chinese art dating over 3,000 yearsago which claims that arranging our environmentaccording to certain (0) harmonious patterns caninduce a sense of health, balance and (1) ... intoour life. Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway)

(0) HARMONYrn{1: (1) HAPPY

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Roxana Boangiu )uir"t" Dincu

(2) ... means wind andwater, the two elementswe can't live without, and it combines theconcepts of (3) ... designs with the belief that

one's space can play an important role in the(4) ... and psychological well-being. It useselements like minors, plants, colours, and (5) ... 5'FrrFCb



L+ur&p(2) LITERAL


whutt^@fuRRouNDh.oi ^l r o', i fff tr*LArIoN

trJil,"J"rJffiT:: nii,":il?;*[11*H",,, wb,tr*{business residents practige the benefits of thisancient art.Thousands of years of observation revealedthat a good (6) ... among nature, man and his d$fif $[ii,9]i (6) CONNECT(7) ... can eliminate problems in different aspects

of our life, including health, family, career, wealth,(8) ... . Like many Chinese beliefs, Feng Shui hasits own story. It is said that 500 years ago anemperor was sitting along a river bank when heobserved a turtle climbing ashore. The turtle beingconsidered the symbol of the Universe, its back,dome like, represents the sky, the numerous markscovering its shell represent the planets andconstellations and its belly represents the Earth.The turtle is also considered the symbol of wisdom,(9) ..., endurance and longevity. 'ot\,or16|-)'1 (9) STRONGIn Feng Shui, energy is the most important principle andits (10) ... in order to achieve balance isits goal. ^t r . (1p) AL:IERNATE

III. Read the fonowing senten..r.4*niffih suits themeaning best. (15 points)

1. If I will have / Rfg enough money, I will go on a trip.2. I amnot sure when we-fuisb/ will finish school year.

3. She behaved as if I {i$'t / don't know her.4. Mary advised me to leary4 / learning as much as possible.5. It is already known that the plane will land / lands at 12.00 a.m.6. I will not leave until it will stop / qlgpr raininfl*7. The new president 'as-heen_/ was elected this morning.8. You have done / ilg u great job yesterday.9. This dress is feeling / feele nice.10. I would rather you hdgl _ g d / haven't told them the news /esterday.11. It had been _ryTr"g/ has been raining for two hours when I eventual$

went out.

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TEST YOUR ENGLISH FOR INTENSIVE AND BILINGUAL CLASSESiIi12. Michael had so much fun / so that fun that he didn't want to leave

13. He was so tired ttritfieEil / lelt asleep on the couch.14. She would come to you if_qlu ts.tuJ / knows what you had in mind.

15. Do you have yy lsome questions?

IV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best flrtseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)

Food Additives

Do E-Numbers sound familiar (0) B you?Specialists say that artificial colourings and preservatives in both drink (1)

... food determine hyperactivity, behavioural problems and even changes in I Q.Doctors at Southampton University have carried a (2) ... on children, controllingtheir diet for four weeks.

During the first week the children were (3) ... additive - free food. In thesecond week half of (4) ... were given daily fruit juice containing preservativesand the other half (5) ... provided the same quantity of natural juice, i.e. notcontaining additives. The same thing happened in the (6) ... two weeks. Theresults were clear. Children who had drunk juice without additives wereobviously (7) ... hyperactive and the only possible explanation could be that itwas influenced (8) ... the removal of the preservatives from their juice.

The doctors conclude: If that is confirmed by further research (9) ... there

t'T;:T:ffitlilT:, *., to (r0) .. . rhese issues is to use unprocessed foods,

as those bought in the rnid-2Oth century. As this is not an easy task, we can atieast be aware of those additives approved by the EU. They include colourings,flavourings, preservatives, sweetener, thickeners, antioxidants and acidityregulators.

(0) A for1. Aor

Z. A lesson3. A rewarded4. 'A them5. flRiwere6. A previous7. A least8. ; Abv\.4. Je. (i,hhen10. Aabandon

Bto'$ and

B bagB forcedB theirsB hadrftnextB mostB fromB than

'S avoid

C from

;$nor s,,Agli(psurveYqffixtr$'givenC theyC wasC afterC fewConC withC elude

DatD from

{studyD eatenD themselvesDisD before

QJessDofD afterD escape

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Roxana Boangiu, Mirela Dincu






V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at the

beginning (0). (10 points)

Salinity Changes in the Ocean

An ilrteresting aspect has (0) beeu noticed over the past 40 years. Tropicalwaters if ha> bJcome saltier (2) alAalder while o..un, closer to poles havebecome fresher. fhis is interpreted (3) 0F a sign of global warming. Anacceferytion @Yrl.this phenomenon could affect global precipitation structures(5)ah0is in chHrge with the distribution, frequency and severity of floods,droughts and even storms.

tut.tting glaciers, as (6) h consequence of global warming, represent Q)Ybnsource of additional fresh water to the NgrthAtlantic. That is (8) \l# cooling ofthe region from the.North Pole 1lia4&celerate the melting pro.t s and thuswould decrease (l0ltq,krowing quantity of salinity in the tropical waters.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick (r') by the number. If a line has a word whichshould not be there, write the word in the space. There is an example

at the beginning (0). (10 points)'{i.*Qpg gryg5gting}

Arguing is definitely a problem in the most families nowadays.The cause of our quarrels seems to be discontentment andgratefulness$,tis thought as being the key to happy f*pily.Our childr n i quao ling canjtop if we teach them Qlhowto be content with what they GDheady have, to d&elopa spirit of gratefulness. It is already known that generationstend to take for granted wha@the previous generation couldhardly achieve. That is why people who are advised to let theothers people understand ho(m@ things could go wrongin order to develop a sense of contentment, thus avoiding somearguments. We should als@ let the children know how muchwe appreciate the little thinls they do for us. They need to berewarded, to feel appreciated. This makes them more contentwith themselves and more self-confident, thus end quarrels andhave a happy family.

0 theI ...a

3 ...4..,5 ...6 .,.7 ...8 ...9 ..,

10 ...

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from thetext. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1'5)'There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

The 6'Philadelphia Experiment

ln L943 a U.S. Navy destroyer was made invisible and teleported fromPhiladelphia to Virginia in a few minutes,Ql).This is known as PhiladelphiaExperiment .htZl military camouflage, that is total radar and optical invisibility. Some

Jti.rc still consider it a rnytrcty.$3) from fiction, especially because theauthorities refuse to offer all the necessary information in order for experts tocome to a conclusion.

$rf+l some others going mad, others being halfway embedded in the deck whiletfi6 whole ship was covered from a spherical shape, green fog. A witnessmentions that he saw the ship for a few minutes and then it disappeared again.

t (5) simply vanishing in the middle of a fight. It seems that the information' gathered by the people in charge scared them so much that they decided to shut

down the whole experiment three years later.

'\ Some scientists consider this experiment as the latest development in thehistory of

\ Still, there have been some constants provided to the media like a fewmen catching fire,

\ the actual distance requires about 24 hours

-A*It is almost an impottibt. task to sort the factsE. Nobody knows what really happened.h. Another one mentions that he saw a friend of his

II. Read the textbelow. Use the words given in capitals next to the text to

form a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order theyshould be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)


Some (0) scientists have tried out to i rnil^, rc uit- (0) SCIENCEfind out whether (1) ... is the solution 0

*''* ' d' (1) JEALOUSto (2) ... . The arguments for and against , r i , (2) CHEATare many. One thing is for sure. Both C\tu:lnfrfimen and women experience jealousy, it is

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W *D{Jiu o Mireta Dincu

ilfff$ f];^jllthis shourd_be

turned f"l-Wnro.eachpun*,,, uffiui].ir;T#T r::;'"'o (3) FEEL

get jealous about (4) .. ,htr,r;;;;r*,",,^f


t:] . 1t^ lur -u.l *," |u.i.,"-'#fl 16 ' nrt' i'l

iL (4) DIFFERli/^;__^."*..ntr,.uneryrooks,"d#;';ijiln?.,,on, (s) BEHAVE

t'ii1:3ffi I'f f$li:il:+*:'"ru1il:"uudz,I1''"Tr##*o;for the well-hai-^ ^c /1\

uvu,./rer rr rs suu considered a necessary toolor rhe well-being": g....-E;;" *r,1,3iiJ""ilinlrt{ro.nhf1



. 1. Sue is so dirty. She has beerthree tour..- ""' @hQd been *Elilg flowers for2. lt you will

I ru ;xl;;,.l;f,'mrui.ittrf #i"t'J:#s, n.w


7. Look Thev oro ,rlr-ltn- / *r-gs;ffiiffi[:ffiffi",*:::_e' He rord me n' r*'11"u;,i'n"\;juud'1iri*u"roed

his project.0' The phone rang as ,oon u, I h?q u"I*q7 entered rhe house.. A new orfice r,i, r.ui';;irfurorr";u_iu,ugo.2.Do you know / Areyil;;;ng him?rc' i-wd'r ei* up unlessl n"";; wiil have serious reasons.lfii:

fff":fl#llt*:,IJ'sreepingIV. Read the text below and decid_e which answer A, B, C or D best fitsach space. There ir un.*r*pr."iin. ilugi*iog. (10 points)

NightmaresWho hasn't (0) B gle or more dreams that contain fear?

g$-"ri=" # cked, o.r"* ,".ole ro move or scream aredreams (3) a. whenever rr,. iniiuio;liillff)?|i,i::,|13.y 'u/ir,ur suchwhenever

he is unabf" to ,ofu"ffi.o in life.uations

in .u..yJuy lifa

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It is already,a (5) S. tn, fact that we dream every night. (6) .2only thingwhich blocks dreqm recall is our fear of nightmares. The only solution thepsychologists (7) . zis the understagrding of the crucial role dreams have in ourlife, accepting nightmares as a (8) ffi Uut necessary pill which helps us release

our negative emotions. We (9) .15 be happy that we have these nightmares asnatural "pressure-release" therapy and (10).D.. we learn to decode their message,we would have a much healthier psyche.

Of course the final target is to get rid of these nightmares, but this can happenprovided we begin to turn them into our own advantage by changing them intobeneficial scenarios and not by ignoring or blocking them.

C done D feltCfor Don6only D fewC manifest D ariseC formidable D involvedC evidence D decisione - O,n'Coffer D donateC spicy SsaltyCmustn't /DwouldC provided $if

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)

Burj Al-Arab , r_Situated (0) in Dubai, Towers of the Arabs is the tf ft?ftlotel of the world,

taller tZi\frn the Eiffel Tower.and,only 65 metfes shorter than the Empire StateBuilding, floating on an (3)$.erdit is also (4)+.h{ most expensive hotel, wherethe suites may cost up to $15,000 a night.

Not only the sail-shaped structure ma[<es it special, but (t4,t9th. underwaterrestaurant, the 9,000 square metres (q'W. gold, granite, crystal and marble usglto decorate its interior, its fastest lift ever built (seven metres per (7)C[+{},leopard-skin furniture and fire-spouting volcanoes.

Most of the clients come (8)r[O3the oil-rich states lgd they are waited for atthe airport by either a Rolls noyt" limousine t+|affi91-t.opi.r. All suites have ?-inch television screens, faxes and laptop computers.

Shopping there will cost you at least several hundred dollars and the entrancefqe, in case you want to take a look inside this luxurious hotel will set you (10)

ffi"only" $55.



A oracticed

@ftA already

A are.Scalcitrant,'$ certaintya.dA take

@itrctA have toA unless

B experiencedBbv


tg-occur@)aimcuttB assuianceBanB exhibitB sweet@shouldB if only

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Hoxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick (4 by the number. If a line has a word which

should not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

i 'fr


Glidiators were prisoners of p-] war, condemned criminals orslaves who were bought by an owner of the gladiators for themain purpose of participating in gladiator combats@verymuch enjoyed by the mob in Roman times. There were alsoprofessional gladiators who volunteered to take part in thegame_sr{us gaininS poputarity. Condemned criminalswhoQer/committed capital crimes entered the arena withoutweapons. Those who didn't commit a capital crime weretrained in special schools, becofng specialists in (6combat techniques. Theyrverqtut-hlso allowed to use

weapons and they could(t54win their freedom if they wereable to survive three to five years of fights. Even thoughthey had to fight only to or three times a year, very few ofthem survived. All of them had to obey the orders of theirmaster and therefore were revered for their loyalty anddiscipline.

rvrp\c.*rn t\ictt/

obv1 ...,3 ...4...5 ...6...I ...8 ...9 ...

10 ...

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from the

text. Choose from the sentences A..F the one which fits each gap (1-t.There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

Maintaining Your Target Weight

Experts arb sure about one thing: once you've reached your target rveight andyou start eating just the way you used to, you will definitely come back to theprevious shape. It's as simple as that.

This kind of problem can be encountered when using quick-fix dietfil) helpyou maintain your target weight, then you are doqqred- That ig why the experts'advice is to lose weight more gradually. c-bnnahwoeat) 1Z1the media according to which we are supposed to be skinnier and skinnier.

This is totally wrong. We should have the weight that makes us feel comfortable,can be easily sustained, the weighfttl} It is extremely important to keep up a

positive attitude and not to be dissatisfied with our own body and our ownachievements in ten4s of losing weight.{'<q no food is forbidden when keeping a diet$J5) it in small amounts or if we

do exaggerate once, the only thing we have to do is take some more exercises thenext day. All-or-nothing rules are not to be followed when talking about diets.

that keeps us healthy and optimistic.The important thing is to eatIf they don't work on the long term, that is if they don'tNothing is forbidden when keeping a diet.Very few people know thatWe should also keep out of the messages sent by

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order they

should be used. There is an example at the beginning(0). (10



Acupuncture is considered a branch ofthe (0) alternative medicine. It is based on 2,000 ^ (0) AIXERNATEYearsof(1)...andresearchesintheFarEast.'.Auttn*.*ini{-t@It is used both for (2) ... disease and ' (2) CURW4?(3) ... health. Acupuncturists' main target is toestablish balance in ill bodies and to (4) ... treatment


(3) MAINTAIN iaa4(4) PERSONALi:{'

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fo:r each individual. Acupuncture has been practiced \crflfl?e ":P r

in China for thousands of years. Its purpose is (5) ... ' (SFMPROVE*tthe overall well-being of the rather than the isolated , .0 , Sy*

treatment of specificiymptoms because their (6) ... is thatbruffl

BELIEVEour body's health depends on its (7) ... energy moving (7) MOTMTEin a smooth way through many channels beneath the frn eh\at\ f O+fskin. Our energy is made up of equal quantities ofYin and Yang and when they are not balancedanyniore, (8) ... may occur. By inserting fineneedles inside one specific meridian of energy, an

and their task is to recover the balance betweenphysical, (10) ... and emotional aspects of the individual.

(8) SICKott

acupuncturist may help our body re-establishits (9) ... equilibrium. The flow of energy can be raAU.hA.,[ (9) INATUREdisturbed by many factors, like stress, anger, fear,

weather conditions, poor nutrition, infections, etc

Hoxana Boa,ngiu. Mirela Dincu

(10) sPrRtTt[

IlI. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative which surits themeaning best. (15 points)

1. Callie is exhausted because she has run / lras begn ruIning for hours.2. Significant progress lgs_n-radcJ has been made in the last century.3. I have met /petJoe at a party two months ago.

4. I wish I am lWxetaller.5. Shelley acts as if she owns / owned this company.6. Yesterday he told me that he will / would go to the mountains the

following week.7. If I have / will have time I will write a letter to Paul.8. Chris would rather you gppgg|/ stop smoking.9. Unless you don't leave / leave now you won't catch the train.10. She would have understfid-f,-b explanations if she paid / had paid more

attention.11. I qas watching / watched cartoons when I heard a strange noise.

12. She remembered that she had seen / saw him the night before.13. Do you think / Are you tilInffiook the book?14 If your uncle c.omgs,l| will come with us, we'll go to the cinema.15. Forget it I' n qolggigg-lg / won't let you hurt her again.

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fV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fitseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)

English SpeakersReports (0) A that a third of the people (1) ... rhe planer will be learning

English in the next ten (2) ... thus becoming the world language . Two billionpeople have already learned this language so (3) ... and it is expected that theirnumber (4) ... Fue doubled within a decade. It is also mentioned that French isdeclining; German is (5) ... especially in Asia and Chinese, Arabic and Spanishare also (6) ... to be key international languages . (7) ... there is a drawback tobe noticed. It seems that English speakers tend tci become more arrogant interms of learning new foreign languages, considering that English is enough, so

what's the use of studying (8) ... more? The authors of the report totally (9) ...with this preconceived idea and they strongly advise the English learners toavoid complacency.

Another disadvantage for the native English speakers would be that they arenot motivated anymore to leam a new language since the whole world speaks(10) ... .The specialists' last warning mention that there might be a backlashagainst the global spread of English in the far future and the national languagestend to reassert.




(0) ,Amention B declare C affirrn

1. tAof B by C near2. A hours ii years C days3. A away B close @ui4. A can't @should C need5. Amultiplying B expanding Cdilating6. Agoing Bwalking Cstrolling7. A already B for ..C,)still8. @ ury B^ no b,b-,g. i4irupproue [email protected] C dislike10.

@them \ttremselvesC they

D speak

DonD weeks


D increasingD tryingD thusDaD disappearD theirs

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)

rn r}szniqeteen meq rr, ::::t:;d (1N d*n.,*,, werecarted to Salem Viltage (Zf$frondemned to hanging for their belief. Another oldman was

,r, Vitpt$it.tfor refusing to submit


trial on witchcraft charges.

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Roxana Boangiu, Mirela Dincu

It all started (4) 0ft 1688 when a priest's daughter, Betty Parris becamestrangely ill. The cause of this may (5)Lr4$heen a combination qf epilepsy,asthma, stress and guilt, but there are some other theories tO$q94dr$t#hr ttrey

suspected the imptications of witchcraft of (D4$trish woman. It is no wonderthat people believed the devil was close, considering the fact that the Indian warwas only seventy miles away.

Talk of witchcraft increased when some friends of Betty started (8$P- behavejust tlre same and when a doctor was called to examine the girls he stated thattheir problem might havp beep of supernatural origin. The girls contorted intogrotesque poses, feil (gf4YfiI&frozen postures and accused biting and pinchingsensations. The implications of the witches were already a certainty. The womenthemselves admitted they were (10) ... aqd had connections with the devil.

v,\bd^utVI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines

are correct, and some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick (4 by the number. If a line has a word whichshould not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

The Chinese Zodiac

When going to'@ China you are very likely to be asked the

following question: "What do you belong to?" and you need toknow that the answer'T belong to Romania" is least expected.What do the C[rinese actually need to hear is your zodiac sign.You are :kindly expected to belong to one of thetwelve animals r@which are mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon,snakg.sheep, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, rat and pig.It'sltoo known that the Chinese zdiac is based on twelve yearCycles, each year being represented by one of the.pomb animalsmentioned above. Each year6'is different, depending on thecharacteristics of the animal which governs that particular year.

Most of the Chinese believe that a person's physical appearance,personality traits and even the success in life are determined bythe year of birth.

0 the

1 ...)3 ...4 ...5 ...6...7 ...8 ,..9 ...

1.0 ...

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from the

texL Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (Spoints)

Thanksgiving Day

(1) religiotis reasons and settled in Hotland for a few years but soon theywanted to move on. That is why on September,6, 1620 the Pilgrims sailed forthe New World on a ship called the Mayflower. (2) and decided to settle there.The first winter there was totally devastating. The cold and snow prevented thepilgrims from building their own houses. Many of them died, only half of the

Pilgrims survived. (3) weather and they started to recover.The same spring a very important event took place. A brave Indian entered

their settlement and tried to talk to them.(4) but he and the other Indians alsotaught the new comers how to plant the Indian corn aml other crops, whichplants were poisonous and which ones weren t, etc

The harvest in October was successful. They had enough food, fish,vegetables and fruit to survive the next winter. (5) saving them from demise andsince then the Americans have been celebrating Thanksgiving Day.

A. They eventually arrived at Plymouth

B. The Pilgrims were happy they survived.C. Spring brought warmerD. In 1609 the Pilgrims left England forE. That was the moment they decided to thank God for ,

F. Not only that the Indian talked,

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order theyshould be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)

Emotional Intelligence

This iew concept of (0) emotional inteltigence isdefined as the capacity for managing both our (1) ...and others, motivating ourselves and (2) ...with emotions in general, not only ours but others,too. (3) ... have identified four main competenceswhen talking about emotional (4) ... .



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'lrthe first one is the capacity for understanding our

own (5) ... and weaknesses, the capacity for beingaware of them. That is why it is called Self-(6) ... .

Then they talk about the capacity for managingthem because it is not enough to know yourself,it is also crucial to be able to use these (7) ...that you have come to effectively. This capacityis known as Self-(8) ... .

Thdi third competence refers to comprehendingwhat others are saying and feeling andunderstanding their reasons for acting in a certainway as well. It is called Social-Awareness. Thelast competence, Relationship Management is

in charge with (9) ... one's goals and gettingwhat they want from the others.Once we acquire these competences at a highlevel, we can say that we possess emotionalintelligence, which (10) ... our way to success.

(s) STRoNc(6) AWARE



(e) REACT{


III. Read the following sentences Choose the alternative wEaicEt suits themeaning best. (15 points)

tr Ben announced us last Wednesday that he became / taad heeomqry ilemanager of his firm.

2. Anew highway is being built / built at the moment.3. Yesterday a parcel was found / has been found in front of my hor;se.

4. Paula and Mark said they were / are very happy together.5. My cousin will must / will have to work more to get that scholarship.6. It is easier / more easy for me to get there on Friday.7. She mustn't have said / can't have said that, she's too polite.8. I wish you didn't go lhadn't gone there yesterday.9. She would rather stayed / stay at home today, she feels so tired.

L0. She advised me not to go swimming as the sea is / was very rorrga.11. I was reading / read while she was watching TV.12. Their son was too / so lazy to help them.13. I'm in trouble. I really need your help / helping.14. I'm a good tennis piayer but I haven't played / didn't played t?rz\:,s -.:

three years.i5. She was so tired / too tired that she couldn't waik anymore.

Hoxana Boangiu u Mirela Dincu

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IV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fitseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)

Colloseum of RomeIn 64 AD a great fire (0) B in Rome, burning the buildings in the area

Colloseum (1).... later occupy. Emperor Vespasian wanted Colloseum to be(2).... entertaining place. It was (3).... called Flavian Ampitheatre, after (4) and ttp name probably changed (5).... a colossal statue of Nero oncestood near this great building. It was opened with 100 days of public events,including bloody gladiator (6).... when thousands of men and animals were(7)..... More than 50,000 spectators can seat there in 15 minutes. The Emperorhad his own place in the Colloseum and he was the (8).... one to decide the fate

of defeated gladiators.From time to time Colloseum was flooded in order for small naval battles to

take (9)...., the floor of it being made of sand and wood. For all its multiple uses

and for many other reasons, Colloseum is'considered a marvel of efficiency andergonomics.

Colloseum was used for more than 400 years and it survived theearthquakes and the passing of time quite (10) ....

Aburst out B broke out C turned out D found outA would B will C shall D should

Aa Bthe Can D-A initial B secondly C initially D earlyAir Bits Cir's DhisAbecause of B for C consequently D becauseA fights B arguments C punches D hitsA killed B damaged C ruined D destroyedA individual B only C alone D solitaryA part B turn C place D advantageA successfully B happily C joyfully D profitably

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)

Harvest Festivals

llan'est festivals were held not (0) only by the Americans, but (1) ... by theancient Greeks, the Romans and (2) ... Chinese.

The ancient Greeks' polytheism is well known. One (3) ... the goddess theyworshipped was the (4) ... of corn, Demeter. Each autumn, (5) ... the first day



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Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

of festival, married women had to build shelters made of leaves and plants. Onthe (6) ... day they fasted and on the third one they offered fruit, pigs, cakes andcorn to the goddess (7) ... gifts.

The Romans' goddess of corn was Ceres, (from (8) ... the word cerealcomes).They held the festival each year and the first fruits of harvest and pigswere offered to her.

The Chinese celebrated this harvest festival, Chung Ch'ui on the l5th day ofthe 8th month, when (9) ... was full moon. They baked round, yellow mooncak6s and.stamped them (10) ... the picture of a rabbit in the middle of it,because Chinese saw a rabbit on the face of the moon.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn't be there. tf a lineis correct, put a tick (r') by the number. tf a line has a word whichshould not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

The Parthenon

It is one of the most representative symbols of the Athens. It was 0 thebuilt to replace two temples of Athena on the Acropolis. One of I ...these, the remains of which no longer exist, was built at south of 2 ...the Parthenon. The other one was one the same spot as

the3 ...

Parthenon. The tree main types of columns used in the Greek 4 ,..Buildings are Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. The Parthenon always 5 ...combines its elements of the Doric and Ionic orders. Basically 6 is a Doric temple, it meaning floor plan with low steps on every 7 ..,side, having a sculptedfieze which borrowed from the Ionic 8 ...order. Each entrance has six columns in the front of it. The room 9 ...which houses the cult statue is the larger one. The more smaller L0 ...was used for treasury.The Parthenon also has four Ionic columns supporting the roof.

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from thetext. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

The International Space Stationil.

It is the most complex scientific project ever developed.(1) scientific help of other 16 states, Canada, Brazil and Russia included.(2) than the Russian Mir space station, The station will be in an orbit which

permits the launch vehicles of the partners to reach it. (3) globe will bepermanently observed.

(4) discoveries in the domain of medicine, that is helping the scientistsunderstand the nature of proteins and viruses, leading to the discovery of newdrugs for dealing with cancer, diabetes and immune system disorders. It will alsorepresent an important step in the development of human space explorations.This refers to a better understanding of the effects which the exposure to reducedgravity on human bodies has. (5), bone density, weakening muscles, heartproblems; etc. All these researches plus the simulation of the gravity on theMoon or Mars will provide useful information for further space explorations.

Research in station's laboratories will lead toIt is the largest project led by the United States, with the technological and

It is four times biggerIt is one of the greatest achievements in history.Using this space station 85 percent of theSuch effects refer to loss of

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text tofonn a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order they

should be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)




The (0) Chinese culture and Dragons areinextricably linked. Most of the Chineseconsider themselves the (1) ... of thedragonn'. According to their (2) ...,the dragon is a (3) ... of nine animals,deer, camel, devil and snake being only




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Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

some of them, The dragons are consideredto possess great powers which allowedthem to control rain or floods by (4) ...the river with their tails, to take peopleto celestial places after death, etc. They also (5) ,..adaptability, (6) ... andthe (7) ... world. All people in China,the Emperor included bowed beforethe image of the dragon eventhou$h Chinese emperors thought they werethe real dragons. The beds they slept in werecalled the dragon beds, the throne - the dragonseat and the emperor's dress - the dragon robe.

The image of the dragon could be (8)... on theFlag of the last feudal dynasty of China, too.Thus, one cannot talk about China without (9) ...the (10) ... of the dragon in Chinese Culture.






III. Read the following sentences. Choose ttre alternative which su,its themeaning best. (15 points)

1. By the time Chris got home, his friend had already left / already left.2. If the weather is / will be fine tomorrow we will go to the seaside.

3. Did you see / have you seen my pen? I can't find it.4. I could have helped you if you had call,ed / called me yesterday.5. I can't answer the phone right now. I'm having / have a shower.6. The new building wasn't finished / hasn't been finished yet.7. Denis was late for the meeting because no one was telling / had toEd her

about the new plans.8. The winning project was led / was leacling by the U.S.9. I haven't seen him for / since a couple of days.10. There's somebody knocking at the door. It can be / must be Jenny.11. Oh, not again You are always frying / always fry the chicken too much.

12. She came / was coming while I was cooking dinner.13. I am staying / stay with my brother this week.14. This is the best film I have seen / saw.15. I can't stand her anymore / no more.

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IV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fitseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)

The Fast of Ramadan

The Muslims celebrate Ramadan (0) C the ninth month of the Muslimcalendar. It is believed that a (1).... Man was sent from heaven to guide thepeople (2)....a means of Salvation.

(3).... this month the Muslims fast. It is known as the fast of Ramadan and(4).... ldits the entire month. Their main target along this month is to focus

on spiritual issues rather (5)... . the earthly ones. It is a time of contemplation andworship. They also (6).... certain rules like not drinking, eating or smokingduring the daylight hours. They are (7).... to do this during the night. So the fastis (8).... at the end of the day with meal called iftar and prayer. Afterwards they

go visiting their friends or family. It is also common for Muslims to go toMosque during this period, praying and (9).. ... .

There are five things that can ruin all their efforts. (10).... are: the telling ofa lie, denouncing someone without him knowing this, greed and a false promiseand slander.

Doing their best not to break all these rules, the Muslims end their fast byoffering gifts to the loved ones, praying and preparing large meals.

A across B at C during D throughA whole B holy C wholly D holeA as B like C likely D likenessA through B on C during D rhoughAshe Bhe Cits D irA than B then C them D toA make B obey C give in D adhereA possible B able C allowed D probableA ready B achieved C finished D perfectedA studying B researching C teaching D examiningA this B those C that Dthese

V. Read the text below and think of the word which trest fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)

Heaven and Hell

People (0) have seen planets, stars, the moon and the sun (1) ... thousands ofyears now. The ancients belief was (2) ... gods lived there, among the stars (3)... clouds. Scientists believe that the names heaven and hell must have come (4)

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Hr|l.. observing the volcanic actions. It was (5) ... hot inside that they couldn t

sustain life and the ancients probably associated this (6) ... hell. A god of theunderworld (7) ... have dwelled there and all the people (8) ... didn t live a goodlife were thrown inside.

People needed these two notions of heaven and (9) ... . They needed to bepunished for their bad deeds and rewarded for their (10) ... ones. This is how lifeon Earth could have been improved along the years. This was a system whichallowed human beings follow the right path.

Vf. Reaa the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn t be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick () by the number. If a line has a word whichshould not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

The Pyramids

Many of people consider that the pyramids were made or at least 0 ofinfluenced by the non-earthly beings. One reason to believe it 1 ...would be that this kind of structure it is not typical for any country 2 ...or continent. The second thing is that the Pyramids relationship to 3 ...Pi and the triangular shape seem to prove it that their builders were 4 ...been helped in terms of guidance by extraterrestrial beings. It is 5 ...important

to mention the fact that the ancient Egyptians were not 6 ...familiar with the notion of Pi. Still, at a closer by look we notice 7 ...that the Egyptians used to a wheel as a measuring device, so it 8 ...wasn t not necessary for them to know about the Pi, all they 9 ...needed to know was how to use a wheel to measure. If you have 10 -.had to build something using a wheel and raw manpower, thena triangle shape like the Pyramids proves to be the best choice.

Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from thetext. choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap(L-S).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

The Moon

The Moo.rr has been known since prehistoric times. (1) satellite of Earth and thesecond brightest object in the sky, after the Sun. It orbits around the Earth once amonth. That is why the period between two successive new moons is 29.5.

It is the only extraterrestrial body ever visited by humans. (2) human beingson July 20, L969 by Neil Armstrong and the last time was on December L972.Itis the only body from which (3).

The gravitational force between the Moon and the Earth causes veryinteresting effects (4). The Moon's gravitational force is stronger on the side ofthe Earth nearest to the Moon than on the opposite side. (5) rigid, andparticularly the oceans, it is stretched out along the line towards the Moon. Thiseffect is much stronger in the ocean than in the solid crust.

A. So little is known about the MoonB. It is the only naturalC. people brought samples when returning to Earth

D. " T[e first time moon was visited byE.1:i'The one that we all know is the tides "F. Taking into account the fact that the Earth is not

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order theyshould be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)


It is definitely one of the most (0) destructivephenomena which can affect our planet and peoplein general. According to statistics, more than3 million people were (1) ... in earthquakes in thelast century only. These disaster happen because(2) ... can predict which regions most likelyto be struck by earthquakes are, but it is (3) ...for them to predict when (4) ... rhey will occur.Earthquakes occur whenever two tectonic


(1) KrLL



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plates join. Our planet is in permanent (5) ...,most of the times (6) ... to humans, butsometimes this (7) ... is so violent that it can

result in what is called an earthquake.The most (8) ... earthquakes occur when the pointof focus is just a few dozen kilometers below thesurface of the earth and the vice versa, the leastdestructive are those which have the focus hundredsof kiltimeters below the surface. Earthquakes canalso occur under the oceans. These kind ofquakescan cause tidal waves or tsunamis, (9) ...(10) ... of up to 15 meters.

Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

(s) MovE(6) PERCETVE

(7) JOIN


(9) REACH(10) HrGH

III. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative which suits themeaning best. (L5 points)

1. I had eaten / ate that kind of food before, so I knew what it tasted like.2. The Beast asked the Beauty if she will like / would like to live with him.3. She told us she has left / had left three months earlier than she expected.4. I would rather stay / stayed indoors tonight.5. We'll get there on time provided we will find / find a taxi.6. Carla had been trying / has been trying to fix the car when the mechanic

arrived.7. I wish you hadn't mentioned / didn't mention that yesterday.8. She wanted to know when did the train leave / the train left.9. What do your parents do / are your parents doing for living?10.\ thrnk\ r'rou\ilbe rnut\\upp\et \\.\\\re{ I xou\d,\i'',re \n the U.S.11.She asked me whether I liked / did I like chocolate.12. This isn't my biggest / most big problem now.13. Be quiet Can't you see I'm reading / read?

14. There's nothingl can do ior younou.\sus\srr\d, to{d f should tellme earlier.

15. You don't likeher,


/do you?

lV. Read the tex\\Nts Nr\\r\N.rN\tsussxe\ \R.C sx B hes' frts

each space. There is an example at the beginning. (L0 points)


R.ainforests are to (0) B found in a band arounri the equaior, to 'r more r I t

... in South and Central America, Africa, Asia and Australia, covering 7% \2r "'the planet's surface.

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In these areas the temperatures are very (3) ..., causing accelerated evaporationof the (4) .... This is the main cause for frequent rain in the forested areas.

We can talk about two seasons in a tropical rainforest, the dry and the wetseason. There are (5) ... two types of rainforests: tropical and temperate.

They play a very important (6) ... on us. First of all, the plants in the foresttum carbon dioxide into clear air, (7) ... thus pollution and the greenhouse effect.(8) ... of all, the animals and the plants in the rainforest represent a (9) ... offood, shelter, jobs and medicines.

Scientists,ivam us that the rainforests continue to disappear although most of theplants that will cure the (10):.. diseases in the world are to be found in the rainforests

(0) Ahave Bbe Cdo Dmake1 Aspecific Bcertain Crealistic Dsure

2. Aaround Bfor Cof Don3. Aup Bdown Clow Dhigh4. Afire Bwater Cearth Dair5. A even B not only C too D also6. Arole Bpart Cinfluence Dtrick7. Astruggling Barguing Cfighting Dhaving8. Asecondly Bfirstly Csecond Dall9. Abeginning Bspring Coriginator Dsource10. Abest Bworst Cworse Dbetter

V. Read the text below and think of the word which tiest fits each space.use only oNE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)


Mecca is (0) a city in saudi Arabia, inhabited (1) ... 1.4 million people. It isconsidered the most holy city in Islam. Each Muslim s aim is to get there at (2)... once in his lifetime.

It is regarded (3) ... the first place created on Earth, the place where theKa ba was built, (4) ... Ka ba is the centre of Islam, a rectangular building (5)... of bricks.

It (6) ... the central place on the caravan routes running over the ArabianPeninsula in Muhammad s time, (7) ... considered a point of crucial importanceeven before the first revelation came to (B) ....

Mecca plays two important (9) ...: it is both the final destination of acompulsory pilgrimage (10) ... a focal point for all Muslims. Most of the peopleliving in Mecca nowadays are pilgrims who have decided to study Islam in thecentre of their religicus world.


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Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correc and some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick (r') by the number. If a line has a word which

should not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

Shaolin Monks

Ths.lrame of shaolin Monks has just been connected with 0 justDiscipline, courage and strength for more than 15 centuries ago. 1 ...The Shaolin Temple was founded in 495 AD and is one of the 2 ...most famous ancient temples in china. The first monks knew it 3 ...some martial arts before entering the Temple. They created a set 4 ..,of 18 fighting techniques which involved in all the body parts, 5 ...combined with the use of the different weapons. At the beginning 6 ..,this was only a form of meditation but more later on it turned into 7 ...a means of self-defense. The first monks are helped the others, 8 ...

who weren't very skilled to improve their techniques and teaching 9 another they gradually formed the Shaolin school. L0 ...Nowadays the Shaolin Monks are famous both for their elitefighting skills and the peaceful way of life because rhey kept onpracticing Kung Fu and defending their Temple as well.

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I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from thetext. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

Machu Picchu

Machu piittru was a famous Inca citadel. (1) ... and terraces which make upa kind of hanging city. There are evidence which lead to the conclusion thatMachu Picchu was a religious complex.

(2) ... containing one hundred burials. 150 out of I73 skeletons recoveredwere women. They were also the ones to have the richest graves. (3) ... templecomplex, built for a religious, ritualistic reason.

Scientists also notice that extreme magnetic anomalies are found in thislocation. (4) ... those magnetic anomalies and the sensitivity of psychics. Onefactor to explain the energies existing there was the presence of granite, a

radioactive rock, from which the temple was built. (5) ... lead to vivid, unusualstates of consciousness like being able to see your physical body, thusundergoing an out-of-body experience.

A. In I9l2 archeologists found some natural caves

B. Further research proved that there was a clear connection betweenC. Too little is known about Machu Picchu.D. Machu Picchu was, therefore, a women sE. It still is a complex of stone houses, templesF. Experiments show that exposure to such radiation zones can

II. Read the text below. Use the words gryen in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order theyshould to be used. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 points)


Harlem tends to become a new symbol for theU.S., another Statue of Liberty.Harlem has become the (0) greatest Negrocommunity of the world. One cannot find such(1)... in Europe, Asia or Africa. It is a veryheterogeneous place on Earth, watching (2) ...,Jew, Italian, Negro people drifting in and out.



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Roxana Boangiu, Mirela Dia1t

It has come to have its own (3) ..., to be a distinctpart of New York. It is a city within a city.Harlem may mean (4) ... music, racy dancing,

downtown theatres. It may also mean a Harlem ofmonster parades, (5) ... oratory or the figures ofNegro (6) ..., a neighbourhood preoccupied withpennanent (7) ... to a white world.It is more than a ghetto, it is a race capital. It has

broulht together the Negro of the South and theNegro of the North, the African, the West Indianand the Negro (8) ..., the man from the town andthe man from the countryside, the poet and the artist,the peasant, the preacher and the (9) .... It is indeedthe Mecca for the (10) ..., the pleasure-seeker, thecurious and the talented of the whole world.


(4) RACU





III. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative which suits trGmeaning best. (15 points)

1. Vince had no idea what great things were / are about to happen.2.If I had wings I would fly / will fly among the stars.3. Last year our house was seriously damaged / has been seriously

fn::iri like this movie. so do r / have r.5. I failed the exam. I should have learned / must have learned harder.

6. She is looking for / has been looking for her purse for half an hou.7. It usually snows / is usually snowing in December.8. She admitted she had never seen / never saw him before.9. What were you doing / have you been doing when I called you?10. The Earth is moving / moves round the Sun.11. -Her problem was that she hasn t finished / hadn t finished the projectL2.My neighbour takes / is taking his dog for a walk every morning.

13. The police is investigating / are investigating a honifying murden14. If you will like I like him, you ll share the room.15. I don t think it s a good idea to have a party now. The baby ir

sleeping / sleeps.

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IV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C on D best fitseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 ponmts)

A Brief History of London

The Romans aie (0) D to have rcund Londinium in 43 AD as a stores depot.It (1) . .. became secure in (2) ... position as capital of Roman Brita:i: :y ihe end

of the first (3) .. ..

Still its realBxpansion (4) ... in the eleventh century, becoming the seat of the(5) ... known invader of Britain, William the Conqueror. He was (5) . .. the oneto build the White House, which is the centerpiece of (7) ... Tower of Ldndon.

Many of the g;eat architecturai masterpieces built during that period (8) ...destroyed in the course of a few days in 1666 when the Great Fii'e of London

wiped (9) ... more than thirteen thousand houses and almost niilery churches,continuing the series of destruction begun a yeff before by the Grea.t ?l ?-f,\tp.

That is the reason for (10) ... most of the buiidings today were curtt- rn theeighteenth century, i.e. during the reign of Queen Victoria.

(0) Alearned Btaught Cmeant Dknovrm.1. Aeaiily Blate Csooner Dsoon2. Aher Bhis Cits Dit3. Acentury Bmrllennium Cyear Dweek4. A got going B inaugurated C set on D begar.

5. Abest Bwell Cbad Dgood6. Aeven B only C too D also7. Athe Ba Can D-8. A are E, have been C were D was

9. Ain Bon Cup Dout10. A that B which Cwhose Dwhat

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits eacl'i space.Use only ONE word in each space. T'here is an exaxrlptre et th.e

beginning (0). (10 points)

H,inkin Park

Linkin Park founded themselves (0) as a group in 2001. Their success was(l)... sudden that they didn't even realize when they came (2'; ... be rn themiddle of it. It seemed that they came (3) ... of nowhere and were 'r.ocrr cn :cp

of (a) ... world.At (5) .. . it was thought of as a cheesy rap/rock group. The group fou;ri ;ls:if

in the mrddle of a media scandal, the band being assoeiated (6i . a -r;c.ur..

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incident which (7) ... taken place in a school in their home state of California., For a couple (8) ... days the lyrics of the song "One Step Closer" were

interpreted on MTV news. But the group stated (9) ... they went beyond

controversy and they would go on their way in making a great career in music.The future proved that they had no problem in making their dream (10) ... true.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a line

ts correct, put a tick (4 by the number. If a line has a word whichshould not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)


Three years after Thomas Jefferson has decided thatWashington should be only the capital of the United States ofAmerica in the 1790, the building of the great Capitol started.

By the end of the century, the lawmakers and the most influentialI people had already began to move there.' In 1814 the British people burned it the Capitol almost

completely. This demoralized the Americans so much that theywere close to abandoning the whole experiment. Still, the Capitolwas eventually rebuilt from 1817 to 1819.Two much more wingswere added in 1857 and by constructing the well known domeand the east face six years later, the Capitol came to have the

current icon which is twice as big as the initial building.

0 has1 ...,,

3 ...4...5 ...6...7 ...8 ...9 ...

L0 ...

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I. Read the foltowing text. Five sentences have been removed from the

text. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (L-5).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

Coco Chanel


Born in 1883, (1)... changed the way women looked, She blended the

features of male and female clothes, (2) ... Even though some might considerher to be a feminist, she constantly claimed to speak of femininity rather than offeminism. (3) ... to be a part of the liberation of women. (4) . . . but also

appropriated sports clothes as part of the new fashion, offering herself as an

example. She herself dressed in mannish clothes. It was obvious that her stylewas a result of necessity and defiance, as she couldn't afford the expensiveclothes of the period. That was the reason for which she started creating her ownoutfits, using ties, sports jackets and everyday male clothes, replacing the corset

with casual elegance. (5) ... her style was simplicity

Still, her clothes were meantThe main word to defineCoco Chanel is considered to be the woman whoShe not only adapted the styles and items of clothing that were worn bymen

E. giving birth to a fashion that allowed the wearer to have a feeling of'hidden luxury' rather than ostentation.

F. She was considered to be both a feminist and a feminine.

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals next to the text toform a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the orderthey should to be used. There is an example at the beginning (0) (10




Nike, pronounced Ni-Key, was the Greek (0) winged(1) ... of victory. When Greeks went to battle andrvon, they used to say It is nike , meaninghonoured (2) ... .

Nike of the (3) ... century is the footwear that takes

the greatest athletes of the world to higher levelsof (4) ... .

(0) WING(1) GOD



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It started as a small (5) ... outfit, having its'headquarter' in the trunk of Phil Knight's car. Itlooked like a timid (6) ... for a company which was

to become one of the most (7) ... both in footwearand street wear. In 1988 Nike launched its most (8) ...advertisement, the 'Just do it campaign. By (9) ...

people that they should 'Just do it , they are actuallytrying to say Buy our shoes and you will do it. Thismes:sage definitely reached its target because Nike's(10) ... highly increased as a consequence of this ad



(6) BEcrN





il10) SELL

III. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative which suits themeaning best. (15 points)

1. The soup is tasting / tastes really salty.2. I called you / have called you four times3. I wish it is / were waffner now.4. I will definitely call you as soon as I will enter / enter the house.

5. It is said that the treasure was found / has been found a century ago.

6. He suggested to read / reading his new book.7. I am seeing / see my doctor tomorrow morning.8. You mustn't / shouldn't step on the grass. It is forbidden.9. What would you have done if you find / had found the mistake?10. I have never done that before. Neither have / did I.11. That shouldn't / mustn't be your problem. Let her solve it.12. It's rather late. You should / could be in bed now.13. It is likely for / likely to her to be given the job.14. Money make / makes the world go round.15. I have never imagined / didn't ever imagine that you could do this to me.

IV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fitseach space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)

The Houses of Parliament

Also (0) D as the Palace of Westminster, the Houses of Parliament is (1) ...of the most famous monuments of London, (2) ... the great clock tower,popularly known as Big Ben.

The (3) ... palace was built by Edward the Confessor in the eleventh century(4) ... order for him to watch over the buildings of (5) ... abbey. After HenryVIII (6) ..., the House of Commons moved into this new palace, (7)

beginning its connection with parliament.

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1834 is the year when the original palace burned (8) ....Westminster Hall andthe Jewel Tower are the only relics of the medieval palace. This palace (9) ...hosted all but two coronations for four centuries. It is also the place where

almost (10) ... royal or famous citizens are honoured.

(0) Abuilt Bdesigned Cmeant1. Aa Bone Can2. Ahousing Bpossessing Cowning3. Aoriginated Boriginally Coriginal4. Ainto Bto Cfor5. Ahim Bhe s Che6. Adie Bdied Cdye7. Athus Balthough Cso

8. Aop Bdown Cout9. Ahave B had Chas10. Asome Bno Cany

D knownD-D havingD originDinD hisD diesD though

DonD wasD all

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at thebeginning (0). (10 points)

Coca Cola

Coca Cola is (0) the trademark which is recognized ( 1) . . . 94Vo of the world (2) ... first introduced by the pharmacist John Styth Pemberton inAtlanta, Georgia. According (3) ... statistics, Coca Cola products are served6more (4) .. .705 million times every day.

It all started (5) ... 1886 when Pemberton prepared a caramel-coloured syrupwith coca leaves and kola nut (6) ... a basis. Then he started canying (7) ... ina jug down the street and sold it (8) ... five cents. Afterwards he associated witha paftner, combined the syrup with carbonated water. His partner was the (9) name the new product Coca Cola .

Nowadays over 7,000 Coca Cola products are consumed (10) ... second. Thecountries to drink the greatest amount of Coca Cola are Mexico and lceland.

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Roxana Boangiu. Mirela Dincu

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the linesare correct, and some have a word which shouldn t be there. If a lineis correct, put a tick (r ) by the number. If a line has a word which

should not be there, write the word in the space. There is an exampleat the beginning (0). (10 points)

British Tea Drinking Custom

Ariira, 7th Duchess of Bedford, she is considered to be theone who was initiated the idea of afternoon tea in the early1800s. Having tea around four or five it was meant to eliminatethe hunger of feeling between lunch and dinner. Soon, this habitturned into a good reason for social meetings and started to a

custom that is still very popular in Britain nowadays.Drinking tea has became an important part in the waypeople had fun outside the home. By in the middle of theeighteenth century a dancing night couldn t be ended in a

different way than drinking tea. The entrance to such dancings

nights also included tea with bread and with butter. Tea dancesare still popular in Britain today.

0 sheI ...2 ...3...4...5 ...6 ...7...8 ...9...

10 ...

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I Appendix I

Rephrasing means the transformation of a given sentence into another thathas a similar or close meaning to the original sentence. You are given thebeginning of the transformed sentence.

L. "Why Qonl we send him an e-mail?"Carln suggested thal we could send him an e-mail.You should transform the sentence from direct speech (the exact words

someone said) into indirect speech (retelling exactly what that person said,without using her/tris actual words).

The most commonreporting verbs are say, tell, ask but there are some otherverbs which are also used: demand, offer, suggest, invite, order.

The given example is a suggestion which requires a modal verb (should orcould) and the main verb.

Another thing that you have to take into account is the fact that verb tenseschange when transforming a sentence from direct speech into indirect speech.

Present Tense - Past Tense

The pronouns, possessive adjectives, adverbs and time expressions change "Iam talking to my mother now".

She said that she was talking to her mother then/ at that time,

2. "I always fu guitty after I fufuwith my classmates."She said she always felt guilty arter she fought with her classmates.If the reporting verb is at past tense the other verbs should be at past tense, too.

3. The thieves stole the painting despite the improved security system.The painting was stolen by the thieves despite the improved security system.You are given the prompt sentence and in the second sentence we notice that

the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. The person

who performs the action is introduced by the preposition "by". You can omitmentioning it when it is a pronoun like one, someone, the noun people becausethey are easily understood from the rest of the text. You shouldn't change thetense of the verb.

eg. People built the monastery in a beautiful area surrounded by trees.The monastery was built in a beautiful area surrounded by trees.

4. He would prefer to have a salad for lunch.He'd rather have a saladfor lunch.

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Roxana Boangiu, Mirela Dincu

The two expressions are used to show preference. Mind that I'd rathel isfollowed by the short infinitive while I'd prefer is followed by the long infinitiveof the verb.

5. This is the first time I have visited. Prague.I haven't visited Prague before.You should read the first sentence very carefully to grasp the meaning. The

second sentence is expressed by using Present Perfect-which shows that the

experieribe we are tatking about happened at an indefinite time in the past.

6. John is too young to be appointed prime ministenJohn is not old enough to be appointed prime minister.In this type of exercise you should think of a word or a phrase which has the

same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase from the promptsentence.

eg. Nowadays computers aren't as expensive as they were a few years ago.

Nowadays computers are less expensive than a few years ago.

7. Where is the bus station?The passer-by asked me where the bus station was.When we report questions, we do not follow the normal question order but

the word worder in a statement.

Fill-in exercises consist of a gapped text from where different words aremissing. You are required to complete the text with the necessary words.

You need to follow certain steps to solve this type of exercise. First of all, you

should read through the whole text to get the general idea. Then you have to read

the text again and fiIl in those gaps that you are very sure of. After that, try toread each sentence very carefully taking into account the surrounding words.

These words help you to work out if the missing word is a noun in the singularor plural, an adjective, a verb, a pronoun, an article, a numeral, an adverb or a

preposition. Moreover, the meaning of the sentence helps you to decide whattense the verb is, or if you need a comparative or superlative adjective. On theother hand, there are verbs which require certain prepositions.

Finally, read the text again to seg if it makes sense.

Word formation exercises consist of a text with 10 gaps, each one

corresponding to a word. At the same time you are given the stems of the

missing words beside the text. You should complete the text by making newwords from the ones given to you by adding suffixes and/ or piefixes.Compound words may also be needed.

eg. The inhabitanls of the island were very friendly. INTIABIT

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Appendix 2

Tips for oral examinationRead the text carefully and underline the key words, i.e. the words you should

refer to while taking your.oral exam.Read the text as many times as necessary in order for you to fully

comprehendi:the message rendered.Do not come up with an answer until you have read the whole text.You iue allowed to start by summarising the text in ONE sentence,

identifying the main idea and staying on it. Then express your OWN viewpoints,supporting them with relevant arguments. So do not restate the author s point ofview, provide your own on the issue.

You should use formal language when taking an examination. Do not speakcolloquially even if it is an oral examination. Still, your language should benatural, not too formal.

Use linking devices in order to organise your presentation:o Ordering: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, etc.o Generalising: usually, generally, etc.o Giving examples: for instance, for example, etc.o

Comparing: in the same.way,etc.

o Contrasting: but, however, on the one hand. ... on the other hand, etc.o Giving reasons: so, that is why, as a result, etc.o Cointradicting: in fact, actually, etc.

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Bell, Jan and Gower, Roger, Matters Pre-lntermediate, Student s Book, Longman, 1999Evans, virginia, succesful writing, intermediafe, Express publishing, 2000Prodromou, Luke G rammar and vocab ulary fo r F irst c ert ific at e, Longman, 200 I

www. :// :// i:

www.hotshotdi c ityofsydney.nsw. gov. an


cambridge Advanced Learner s Dictionary, cambridge university press, 2004

Dictionar Romdn-En glez, Carmen Nedelcu, Ioana Murar, Andreea Bratu, Andrei Bantag,Editura Teora, Bucuregti, 2004.

Macmillan English Dictionary, For Advanced Learne rs, 2002.Turton, ND Heaton, JB Longman Dictionary of common Errors, Longman,2002

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ff5f Your lngllrhFor lntcnrluc AndBlllngucl Glattcris an intermediate and upper-intermediatelanguage practice book

supplies tasks for:

D bilingual classes

contains the following types of exercises:

) rephrasing

) word formation

provides possible subjects for the oral examination,improving students' speaking skills

suitable for both class use and self-studydue to the answer key


