fiiiisi - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · bparlca like a flime. she had a new...

ft Vol. XV. TSo;2i; HONOLULU, H. I., "WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBERS, 1891. 0 Of 'ITU I"- -' that wished ' to be beautiful in order to DECEPTIONS. MUTUAL TEL. W0. P. O. BOX 480 THE "DAILY BBM1H" Iiinfcj Htreeln. W'owt Cor. u iiiin u JBT All kinds of NEW and fur cash at the 1 X L. .SECOND-HAN- FL'K.NI I UKE sold cheap fT The I X I. pay the HIGHEST CASH PliH.'E bu all kinds of Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc. fjflT JF YOU WANT TO SELL entirety, call at the 1 X L Auction and King streets. Prompt lie turns Made on This Space is Reserve! FOR Steamer & Veranda Chairs for sale at the Single & Double Bedroom Sets for sate ut the Single & Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles & Saddles for sale at the Books, by standard author, only oOels, for sale at the Extra Quality Safvty Matches, Tocts a gross, for sale at the All Makes of Second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the N. S. SACHS, 104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu. Meat Safes. Ice Boxes. Stoves, Hujfs, Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Feather Pillows. Bed Lounges, Solas, Spring & llalr Matti asses. Vardrobes, Sold at tlT Lowest Cash Prices at the corner of.Nuuanu POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE. $S Store Open Saturday Evenings till 1) o'clock. may 7-- JOHN NOTT, Importer and Dealer in Steel iu Iroi Ranges, Sieves and Fixtures, CASTLE & ; vf k's L tMPMKTKHa Shipping -- & Commission Merchants, PLANTATION INSURANCE AOKNTM, ' mi pbalkks Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements, PLANTATION IS PUBLISHED Evtry Afternoon Except Sundays At the Office, Queen street, Houolulu, H. I. DANIEL LOGAN Editor ft. Manager FOR THR Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited ) MUBMCKirTIOVH: Daily Bulletin, l year 96 00 " ' 6 months 3 00 " " per nio n ill (de- livered') SO Wekkly Bulletin Summary, 1 year 5 00 foreign. 0 00 Both Telephone Mo. 5. -- 6 IAddress all business communica- tions "Manager Daily Bulletin." larAddress all matter for publica- tion "Editor Daily Bulletin." P. O. Kflx N. Honolulu. II. I. JM. MON8ARRAT. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. ALFRED MAGOON, J Attorney at Law and Notary Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono- lulu. DAVID DAYTON (Kewiki) be in his private office from :12:30 to 1:30 P. i. Office: 91 King street, (up stairs). HW. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers & Commission Fort street, Honolulu. HHackfeld & Co , Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, II. I. GW Macfarlane & Co., Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, U. I. GONSALVES & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, H. I. T. WATERBOU8E, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. Wl ILDER & CO., M Dealers in Lumber, Paints, . Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. ewers & Cooke, L Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. THEIXL & Commission House pays the highest cash price for all kinds of Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Etc. Furnished houses bought in their en- - 107-9- 1 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, 5 Honolulu, I i H- - I. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings ; Machinery of every 'description made to order. Particular atteution paid to Ship's Blacksmithiug. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. T. B. WALKEU, Contractor ,mc1 liuilder. Brink. Stone and Wooden Building esti mates given. Ceuietary Work and Job- bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono lulu, xseii leiepnone ivt . -- iu Dr. UMEKSOX, INO. 135 FOKT STRUCT. Bell Telephone SI. HOURS: 8 :30 to 10:30 a. m.- -1 2 to 3 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. Residence, i School st. Bell Tel. 149 111-t- f. CARPENTER & CONTRACTOR. 1843. JOHN COOK. 101. "1) EMOVED from Alukea street to 177 Xfc Fort street. Will contract for building all kinds of wooden buildings ana ao an wnus oi ions, ei-- ai C. B. RIPLEY, architect. Office : Room 5, Spreekels' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. Hew Designs ! Modem Buildiogs ! Complete plans and specifications for every description of building. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of construction given wheu required. Call and examine plans. apr 29 ly H. LOSE, Housekeeping Goods & Kitchen Utensils, AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY. WHITE, Gil AY AND SILVER-PLATE- D LAfiflPS - AND FIXTURES. Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift end Force Pumps, Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' A Plumbers' Tools, drive V leo Holise a little crazy; he has declared to me that he is tired of my perfidy. See,' yon deserve do you know that I am becoming angry with you?-- ' She really believed that she had hit the truth with her words. Indeed, lie hail so well kept up the illusion with her, he had hidden so jealously his em- barrassment that she did not know how .to explain this sudden restriction. But meanwhile every word of hers was a blow to the heart of Marchis; he saw her already at the ball, passing from arm to arm, with hrr step like a flying angel; listening to the insidious compliments of Vico Molise and his kind, and keeping meantime in her heart that leaven of rancor against him because of his re- fusal; and he saw himself again, as he had seen himself a Utile while before in the mirror, old, weary, worn, beside her so fresh, young, with eyes sparkling from the cruel scorn of one who has made an unequal bargain. Suddenly he rose, like one who has taken a decision, passed his hand across his brow, and without replying Went awav to go out of the house. She be lieved that she had conquered, and let him go without moving herself, only with a flash of cunning in her eyes, but when he was on the stairs the door opened, a blonde head appeared between the folding doors: "We are agreed, then?" He did not reply- - and she hwd Ms step down the stairway, alow, heavy, weary. The evening of the ball Marchis knocked at the door of his wife's dress- ing room. "Coma in," and he entered. In the little dressing room so illumined as to set m on lire, with the air rilled with fragrance from the little unstop-pere- d bottle of perfume, all gleaming white with the disorder of feminine ap- parel scattered about, Gemma stood erect liefore tho mirror, between two kneeling maids, rady dressed for the ball.. She was truly radiant iu her gown of white salin with almond blonsoms, with fresh sprays of almond flowers around tho. neck of the dress, at tho waist, among the waving folds of the train, issuing from that covering of deli- cate, pale, d iwn tinted flowers, she. too, was fiv.,:i as tii .'.v, .with, her faintly ros' complex, on, as if she wer o:ie of thtisr flowers 1 eeoine u 11 vso:i. l'Jut- undvr liei lashes gleamed anou tho Cisu of coll and cruel rauoor. Her husbaud had not given her tiio diadem. But hearing him enter, she turned, and Beei!igiuat he held a ca&ot in his hands she comprehended everything. With a liound she was beside him, her arms twined around his neck. "Oh, how good you are! How good you are! How I love you!" He trem- bled all over and was very pale. Gemma did not even perceive it. All at once, with one of her irresistible movements, sho loosened her arms from his neck, took with one hand the casket and with the other holding her husband's hand, she led him after her to the mirror. Sho seated herself and ojiened the casket. Among puffs of red plush, under the burning light, the diadem sent forth Bparlca like a fLime. She had a new out- burst of joy, took the husband's head be- tween her hands, drew it down and kissed his forehead oh! the forehead of a corpse, iey and livid. Then without looking at his features, his wandering gaze, she offered him the diadem and bent before him her blonde head, which was so well suited to that mystical jy wel. "Come, sir, crown me!" And while he sought to unite with trembling hands the clasp of the gems among those marvelous blonde curls, waving and breaking into ripples of cold at every movement, she, still with her bent head, lifted her smiling eyes to meet his look. And he answered with a resigned gentleness to the smilo of those perilous blue eyes; he, the poor man who deceived for tne sake of desire to be deceived, and who bonght for himself a little mock love with mock diamonds. Translated for "Short Stories" from the Italian of Haydee by E. Carazza. STOCKS and BONDS FOB HALE ! A Rare Chance for Investors ! Trustees of the Ewa Plantation VS Company, the undersigned offer for sale the Bonds of this Company to the extent of 8250.0(10 (of which about 8120,000 have already been disposed of), in Bonds of flfiOO each, issued In Series A, B, C. I) and E. of $50,000 each, pay- able in 3, 4, 5, ti and 7 years respectively, bearhm interest at 7 percent per annum in coupons maturing April 1st and Octo- ber 1st of each year -- principal and in- terest all payable' in U. S. Cold Coin, at our olllce. These Bonds are secured by a First Mortgage on the entire property of the Company, and are free of Government t xes. Adequafe Insurance on Buildings, Machinery, etc., is provided with loss If any payable to the order of the Trustees. The Company having also voted to in- crease their Capital Slock from $500,000 to 8750.000. we are prepared to issue a portion of the New Shares upon appli- cation to us with an equivalent remit- tance accompanying same. iiifior & co. Honolulu, Aug. 24, 191. 200 lilt Alias Assumes Coipaiy j or MiMiox. j H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Island. i i-- ai (CONCLUDED.) "You know. 1 was at Couuh'ss Fusehis'. Molise wt there, you Always faithful ttu J alwuyi in Ade.'pair. And also Com 111, h? tlut haiisach lugubri-ou-.- i gallantry. K bus pro aiUeJ to kill himself loi- - my aaij wiiuiu a mouth: we shall .. Ah! Ah!". 1 And sittiufjoppositetdhim, in a rustle of satin and j'.t, makia;? shine like two stars tlio brilliants, bitjq as hazelnuts, which adorned her small, ears, she con- tinued to laus'U, with her I'l.i iiio laugh-to- r, full of mischief and full of tender- ness. $ Ah, indeed, old MitUds could call himself a fortuiiaw manl Fortuuiit-- ? Yes, he ought to have considered himself bo, When he set himself to reason about it, to describe mentally his conjugal sitn itkm, he had to conclude that he wotdd b;kve done wrong to complain of his destiny. And yet What of tho terribly unexpected had he now discovered in the depths of the nure sapphire of Gemma's eyes? Was there arisen in his soul the doubt that that faithfulness against every trial, that coldn jss toward her admirers, was nothing but the wish to preserve intact position acquired with difficulty, and that precisely to that position was di rected all the tenderness shown toward himself! 1 do not know, but the vivid and impetuous joy of the wedding was no longer in him, although his love re- mained the same, and a painful doubt thrilled in his voice when he replied to the playful confidence of Gumma, for- cing himself to lauh, too. Take care, now, take care tne ven geance or tne tyrant uangsover you Ah, the poor tyrant, how lie loveu nori How she had known how to bind him with her little hands, white and per fumed aw two lilies! For nothing in the world would he have .discovered the truth, changed into certainty his fo- menting doubt; bo. she hud only to ask in order to obtain; for now! for him that love of which he doubted had become his lif. and lie felt a painful stricture at his heart at the mere thought that a day might come when he would be obliged to refutte her something, iei, t.iaC day came, t.uudeniy, oy ouo 15. ....,,. my- terious complications of ; bi.:. bank, wUich until then baa ojm' I "oir trinmph to triumph, underwent a vio- lent shock. Not a noisy downfall, ouo of those open, public rmu3 whiiM pro duce great failures, but ouo of tUoa deep, intimate, secret crises that must be borne without a worn, a lament, under penalty of death; that can be overcome only by force of small privatious, little hidden savings; it is uien mar, strict economy in the family becomes neces- sary, the luxury of Geuima in those moments became absolutely ruinous fur her husband; he ought to have warned her, sought to check her; he dared not, and continued to content her, bnt very soon came the time when he could do so no more. It was on the occasion of a great ball to which she was to go; she had ordered from Paris a marvelous gown that be- came her to perfection; still she was not satisfied. Some days before, in the show- case of the most fashionable jeweler of the city, a diadem had set in revolution all the feminine imaginations; a superb iewel. of antique Htyle, set in silver gilt, nf a starrv pallor, wtiere tne urmiam seemed drops of flame. Gemma wished to have it, and indeed it would be diffi- cult to find a face adapted to the almost religious richness of that jewel, more than her snowy proiue or an angi-- i iu ecstacy. Ten thousand francs was the price of that jewel, and Marchis did not have them. Mute, immovable, his heart op pressed, he listened to Gemma's words as she described it to him. llow couiu he tell her, how could he even tell her that he had imt the 10,01)0 francs! It was terrible. To another woman who should have h;id that caprice one might have propose 1 to have her own diamonds re- set after that model, or perhaps even to have an imitation diadem made. No one would have suspected it. But ho felt that the danger lay in confessing his poweilessness. Yet it must bo done. And he made an effort at courage. Gemma had seated herself beside him, throwing back and bending a little to one side her blonde head with that irre- sistible feminine movement which dis- plays the white throat, the pure line descending from the slender neck to the full bloomed burst down to the round and flexible waist. ."I would like to have it; it seems to me that I should look well. Don't you think so? I have a great wish to be beautiful. If you knew why?" She laughed now deliciously, with the air of her roguish hours. lie was silent for a moment: then fixing a vague look upon the delicate dt signs of the oriental carpet, paling as if from an inward wound, he mununred:. "The fact is that I do not know I do not really know whether whether ahall be able to buy it for you" "Why:-- She had quickly raised her head, much surprised, nueasy, looking at him. Such a thing had Aver happened to her. Marchis wiped his forehead and re- sumed his discourse. "The fact is you see, in a bank like ours thei-- j ;:re. moments that certain moments i i eh one cannot in which it is laipi shiole. What ; ; for him, in thai moment, w...s ) finish the phrase. He stopped mid lifted his eyes timidly to her, desol.iif s it to Deg tier to tieip him. Sbc-v- , ry pale, with a sudden hardness in r features, in her com l pressed r. her knit brows, iu her sparklinj; i "Have you not 10,000 francs? Is it possible?" And her voice was hard as her look a profound hardness that startled him. But all at once her face changed expr.-s-sio- she recovered her fresh, tuneful laugh, the sweet rnd limpid ray v.. re- kindled in her blue eye. "Come, you want to tell me stories, so as not to buy me anything. Deceiver! 1 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS out your Household Furniture in its & Commission House , corner Nuuanu Goods Hold on Com mission I Hi Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks. Babv Cribs ife Carriage Yard Brooms, Crockery & Glassware. Towels, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads. Brown & Blue Mottled Soup, Etc., Etc. IX L Auction & Commission House, aud King streets, PnoruiKTOR. CASTLE & COOKE, inPOUTERM. Hardware, Shipping Commission Merchants. PEALRRS IN General Men handise 1 Plantation Agents, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Agtn'i. 1 HONOLULU, U. I. 91 iioM:mi II A.JNO IIAKKHY, F. iiOKX, Piactical Confectioner, Pastry Cook A Baker. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. BEAVER SALOON Th Beti Lunoh in Town, f ea and Oofieo at 11 Hours The Finest Brands of Alwu y on 1 luxid. H (M.TL Proprietor. VAINTEK J I F von want a First-clas- s Job of Psint- - Kitchen Oteusils, Paiuts, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp (foods and GeoernL IVIroIiantlis"?. s Steam Pumps, Weston's Ccotrtfiigals, Wilcox 4 Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jiyne & Sons Family Medicine Telephones, No. 119.- - COOKK, in MUl'PItKM, J03&T -- P. O. Box 372. OK HAND. steamers from San Francisco. to and satisfaction guaranteed, Island -- P. O. Box 297 Dealers in Groceries & Provisions, ICK from California fresh Calafornia Roll Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese New Breakfast Cereals. Cream Oal Etc., Etc.. Etc. Hatisfao'ion guaranteed -- Telephone No. 92. AND KING STREETS. GhasJustace, Lincoln Block, King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets, IMPORTER & DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed. Fresh California Boll Butter & Island Butter ALWAYS New Goods received by every g0F" AH orders faithfully attended' orders solicited and rmcked with care. Telephone 240.- - C. BREWER & CO.. j (LtMITKIk). General Mercantile Commission Agents LIST OF OFXICKKS: J. O. Carter President & Manager O. II. Robertson Treasurer E. V. Bishop Secretary VV. F.. Alleu Auditoi DIKKCTOKS: Hon, C. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen, II. Waterhonse. Wi. G. Irwin & Company, (LlMlTKII.) . OKKKU FOR 8ALK Inline Ac Cement, PARAFFINE PAllVT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED 3 PVitNT Felt Steam Pipe Coferiag, all sizes. FERTILIZERS : WOOL Dl'BT, DONE MEAL, FISH GU.ANO BUCK & OHIiANDT'S High Grade Chemical Cane Micare. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVERS Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'a Corner1 Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. PATE It HAISCiING ! IVE .1. L Mkyf.u the Painter a call J and hve your Paper Hanging don promptly and "neatly. 130 Koit street. P. O. Box 347. 156 a LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, H. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail OJN Bv each steamer of the O. 8. 8. Co. Butter, Frozen Ovsters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables etc., etc A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of German rates and Potted Meats and Bottled. Brand Suear Cured Hams and Bacon. Flakws and Cream Wheat Flakes. Sicily Lemons and California Riversid Oranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, P. O. Box 145- .- . . MclfMTYRE & BBC, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT COMMISSI AtiHVr. Patentee of "Lose's Chemical Com- pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; of which supplies are kept on baud. I3T He will attend to any business entrusted to him. OFFICE: No. 42 Merchant Street. Telephone: Mutual 128; Bell 152. P. O Box 338. 143 8m 1 itijr of auv description done, call ou New Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to aud Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. the Practical Painter. J. L. Mkt only. Fort street 130, P. O. Box 387. 15ti U

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Page 1: fiiiisi - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Bparlca like a fLime. She had a new out-burst of joy, took the husband's head be-tween her hands, drew it down and kissed



that wished'to be beautiful in order toDECEPTIONS. MUTUAL TEL. W0.P. O. BOX 480THE "DAILY BBM1H"

Iiinfcj Htreeln.W'owt Cor. u iiiin u

JBT All kinds of NEW andfur cash at the 1 X L.

.SECOND-HAN- FL'K.NI I UKE sold cheap

fT The I X I. pay the HIGHEST CASH PliH.'E bu all kinds ofSecond-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc.

fjflT JF YOU WANT TO SELLentirety, call at the 1 X L Auctionand King streets.

Prompt lie turns Made onThis Space is Reserve!

FOR Steamer & Veranda Chairs for sale at theSingle & Double Bedroom Sets for sate ut theSingle & Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles &

Saddles for sale at theBooks, by standard author, only oOels, for sale at theExtra Quality Safvty Matches, Tocts a gross, for sale at theAll Makes of Second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the


104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu.Meat Safes. Ice Boxes. Stoves, Hujfs,Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs,Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers,Feather Pillows. Bed Lounges, Solas,Spring & llalr Matti asses. Vardrobes,

Sold at tlT Lowest Cash Prices at thecorner of.Nuuanu


$S Store Open Saturday Evenings till 1) o'clock.may 7--

JOHN NOTT,Importer and Dealer in

Steel iu Iroi Ranges, Sieves and Fixtures,

CASTLE &; vf k's L


Shipping --& Commission Merchants,


' mi


Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,



Evtry Afternoon Except Sundays

At the Office, Queen street, Houolulu,H. I.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor ft. Manager


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited )


Daily Bulletin, l year 96 00" ' 6 months 3 00" " per nio n ill (de-

livered') SO

Wekkly Bulletin Summary, 1

year 5 00

foreign. 0 00

Both Telephone Mo. 5. --6

IAddress all business communica-tions "Manager Daily Bulletin."

larAddress all matter for publica-tion "Editor Daily Bulletin."P. O. Kflx N. Honolulu. II. I.

JM. MON8ARRAT.Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. Merchant street, Honolulu.

ALFRED MAGOON,J Attorney at Law and NotaryPublic. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-lulu.

DAVID DAYTON (Kewiki)be in his private office from

:12:30 to 1:30 P. i. Office: 91 Kingstreet, (up stairs).

HW. SCHMIDT & SONS,Importers & CommissionFort street, Honolulu.

HHackfeld & Co ,Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono-

lulu, II. I.

GW Macfarlane & Co.,Importers and Commission

Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu,U. I.

GONSALVES & CO.,Grocers and Wine

Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,H. I.

T. WATERBOU8E,JOHNImporter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

Wl ILDER & CO.,M Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

. Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

ewers & Cooke,L Importers and Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.

THEIXL & Commission Housepays the highest cash price for all kindsof Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Etc.Furnished houses bought in their en- -

107-9- 1

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,5 Honolulu, I i H- - I.

Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings ;

Machinery of every 'description made toorder. Particular atteution paid toShip's Blacksmithiug. Job Work ex-

ecuted at short notice.


Contractor ,mc1 liuilder.Brink. Stone and Wooden Building estimates given. Ceuietary Work and Job-bing attended to. 86 King street, Honolulu, xseii leiepnone ivt . --iu


Bell Telephone SI.HOURS:

8 :30 to 10:30 a. m.- -1 2 to 3 p. m.Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M.

Residence, i School st. Bell Tel. 149

111-t- f.


1843. JOHN COOK. 101.

"1) EMOVED from Alukea street to 177Xfc Fort street. Will contract forbuilding all kinds of wooden buildingsana ao an wnus oi ions, ei-- ai

C. B. RIPLEY,architect.

Office : Room 5, Spreekels' Block.Mutual Telephone 208.

Hew Designs ! Modem Buildiogs !

Complete plans and specifications forevery description of building. Contractsdrawn and careful superintendence ofconstruction given wheu required. Calland examine plans. apr 29 ly


Housekeeping Goods & Kitchen Utensils,AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY.


LAfiflPS - AND FIXTURES.Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift end Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work.

Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' A Plumbers' Tools,

drive V leo Holise a little crazy; he hasdeclared to me that he is tired of myperfidy. See,' yon deserve do you knowthat I am becoming angry with you?-- '

She really believed that she had hitthe truth with her words. Indeed, liehail so well kept up the illusion withher, he had hidden so jealously his em-

barrassment that she did not know explain this sudden restriction. Butmeanwhile every word of hers was ablow to the heart of Marchis; he saw heralready at the ball, passing from arm toarm, with hrr step like a flying angel;listening to the insidious compliments of

Vico Molise and his kind, and keepingmeantime in her heart that leaven of

rancor against him because of his re-

fusal; and he saw himself again, as hehad seen himself a Utile while before inthe mirror, old, weary, worn, beside herso fresh, young, with eyes sparklingfrom the cruel scorn of one who hasmade an unequal bargain.

Suddenly he rose, like one who hastaken a decision, passed his hand acrosshis brow, and without replying Wentawav to go out of the house. She believed that she had conquered, and lethim go without moving herself, onlywith a flash of cunning in her eyes, butwhen he was on the stairs the dooropened, a blonde head appeared betweenthe folding doors:

"We are agreed, then?"He did not reply- - and she hwd Ms

step down the stairway, alow, heavy,weary.

The evening of the ball Marchisknocked at the door of his wife's dress-ing room.

"Coma in," and he entered.In the little dressing room so illumined

as to set m on lire, with the air rilledwith fragrance from the little unstop-pere- d

bottle of perfume, all gleamingwhite with the disorder of feminine ap-

parel scattered about, Gemma stooderect liefore tho mirror, between twokneeling maids, rady dressed for theball.. She was truly radiant iu her gownof white salin with almond blonsoms,with fresh sprays of almond flowersaround tho. neck of the dress, at thowaist, among the waving folds of thetrain, issuing from that covering of deli-

cate, pale, d iwn tinted flowers, she. too,was fiv.,:i as tii .'.v, .with, her faintly ros'complex, on, as if she wer o:ie of thtisrflowers 1 eeoine u 11 vso:i. l'Jut- undvr liei

lashes gleamed anou tho Cisu of colland cruel rauoor.

Her husbaud had not given her tiiodiadem.

But hearing him enter, she turned,and Beei!igiuat he held a ca&ot in hishands she comprehended everything.With a liound she was beside him, herarms twined around his neck.

"Oh, how good you are! How goodyou are! How I love you!" He trem-bled all over and was very pale. Gemmadid not even perceive it. All at once,with one of her irresistible movements,sho loosened her arms from his neck,took with one hand the casket and withthe other holding her husband's hand,she led him after her to the mirror. Shoseated herself and ojiened the casket.Among puffs of red plush, under theburning light, the diadem sent forthBparlca like a fLime. She had a new out-

burst of joy, took the husband's head be-

tween her hands, drew it down andkissed his forehead oh! the forehead of

a corpse, iey and livid. Then withoutlooking at his features, his wanderinggaze, she offered him the diadem andbent before him her blonde head, whichwas so well suited to that mystical jy wel.

"Come, sir, crown me!"And while he sought to unite with

trembling hands the clasp of the gemsamong those marvelous blonde curls,waving and breaking into ripples ofcold at every movement, she, still withher bent head, lifted her smiling eyes tomeet his look. And he answered with aresigned gentleness to the smilo of thoseperilous blue eyes; he, the poor manwho deceived for tne sake of desire tobe deceived, and who bonght for himselfa little mock love with mock diamonds.

Translated for "Short Stories" fromthe Italian of Haydee by E. Carazza.



A Rare Chance for Investors !

Trustees of the Ewa PlantationVS Company, the undersigned offerfor sale the Bonds of this Company tothe extent of 8250.0(10 (of which about8120,000 have already been disposed of),in Bonds of flfiOO each, issued In SeriesA, B, C. I) and E. of $50,000 each, pay-

able in 3, 4, 5, ti and 7 years respectively,bearhm interest at 7 percent per annumin coupons maturing April 1st and Octo-

ber 1st of each year -- principal and in-

terest all payable' in U. S. Cold Coin, atour olllce.

These Bonds are secured by a FirstMortgage on the entire property of theCompany, and are free of Governmentt xes. Adequafe Insurance on Buildings,Machinery, etc., is provided with loss If

any payable to the order of the Trustees.

The Company having also voted to in-

crease their Capital Slock from $500,000to 8750.000. we are prepared to issue aportion of the New Shares upon appli-cation to us with an equivalent remit-tance accompanying same.

iiifior & co.Honolulu, Aug. 24, 191.

200 lilt

Alias Assumes Coipaiyj or MiMiox.j H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,

Agents for the Hawaiian Island.i i-- ai


"You know. 1 was at Couuh'ss Fusehis'.Molise wt there, you Alwaysfaithful ttuJ alwuyi in Ade.'pair. Andalso Com 111, h? tlut haiisach lugubri-ou-.- i

gallantry. K bus pro aiUeJ to killhimself loi- - my aaij wiiuiu a mouth:we shall .. Ah! Ah!". 1

And sittiufjoppositetdhim, in a rustleof satin and j'.t, makia;? shine like twostars tlio brilliants, bitjq as hazelnuts,which adorned her small, ears, she con-

tinued to laus'U, with her I'l.i iiio laugh-to- r,

full of mischief and full of tender-ness. $

Ah, indeed, old MitUds could callhimself a fortuiiaw manl

Fortuuiit-- ? Yes, he ought to haveconsidered himself bo, When he sethimself to reason about it, to describementally his conjugal sitn itkm, he hadto conclude that he wotdd b;kve donewrong to complain of his destiny. Andyet

What of tho terribly unexpected hadhe now discovered in the depths of thenure sapphire of Gemma's eyes? Wasthere arisen in his soul the doubt thatthat faithfulness against every trial,that coldn jss toward her admirers, wasnothing but the wish to preserve intact

position acquired with difficulty, andthat precisely to that position was directed all the tenderness shown towardhimself! 1 do not know, but the vividand impetuous joy of the wedding wasno longer in him, although his love re-

mained the same, and a painful doubtthrilled in his voice when he replied tothe playful confidence of Gumma, for-

cing himself to lauh, too.

Take care, now, take care tne vengeance or tne tyrant uangsover you

Ah, the poor tyrant, how lie loveu noriHow she had known how to bind himwith her little hands, white and perfumed aw two lilies! For nothing in theworld would he have .discovered thetruth, changed into certainty his fo-

menting doubt; bo. she hud only to ask inorder to obtain; for now! for him thatlove of which he doubted had become hislif. and lie felt a painful stricture at hisheart at the mere thought that a daymight come when he would be obligedto refutte her something, iei, t.iaC daycame, t.uudeniy, oy ouo 15. ....,,. my-terious complications of ; bi.:.

bank, wUich until then baa ojm' I "oir

trinmph to triumph, underwent a vio-

lent shock. Not a noisy downfall, ouo

of those open, public rmu3 whiiM produce great failures, but ouo of tUoa

deep, intimate, secret crises that must beborne without a worn, a lament, underpenalty of death; that can be overcomeonly by force of small privatious, littlehidden savings; it is uien mar, stricteconomy in the family becomes neces-

sary, the luxury of Geuima in thosemoments became absolutely ruinous furher husband; he ought to have warnedher, sought to check her; he dared not,and continued to content her, bnt verysoon came the time when he could do so

no more.It was on the occasion of a great ball

to which she was to go; she had orderedfrom Paris a marvelous gown that be-

came her to perfection; still she was notsatisfied. Some days before, in the show-

case of the most fashionable jeweler ofthe city, a diadem had set in revolutionall the feminine imaginations; a superbiewel. of antique Htyle, set in silver gilt,nf a starrv pallor, wtiere tne urmiamseemed drops of flame. Gemma wishedto have it, and indeed it would be diffi-

cult to find a face adapted to the almostreligious richness of that jewel, morethan her snowy proiue or an angi-- i iuecstacy.

Ten thousand francs was the price ofthat jewel, and Marchis did not havethem. Mute, immovable, his heart oppressed, he listened to Gemma's wordsas she described it to him. llow couiuhe tell her, how could he even tell herthat he had imt the 10,01)0 francs! It wasterrible. To another woman who shouldhave h;id that caprice one might havepropose 1 to have her own diamonds re-

set after that model, or perhaps even tohave an imitation diadem made. Noone would have suspected it. But hofelt that the danger lay in confessing hispoweilessness. Yet it must bo done.And he made an effort at courage.

Gemma had seated herself beside him,throwing back and bending a little toone side her blonde head with that irre-

sistible feminine movement which dis-

plays the white throat, the pure linedescending from the slender neck to thefull bloomed burst down to the roundand flexible waist.

."I would like to have it; it seems tome that I should look well. Don't youthink so? I have a great wish to bebeautiful. If you knew why?"

She laughed now deliciously, with theair of her roguish hours. lie was silentfor a moment: then fixing a vague lookupon the delicate dt signs of the orientalcarpet, paling as if from an inwardwound, he mununred:.

"The fact is that I do not know I donot really know whether whetherahall be able to buy it for you"

"Why:--She had quickly raised her head, much

surprised, nueasy, looking at him. Sucha thing had Aver happened to her.

Marchis wiped his forehead and re-

sumed his discourse."The fact is you see, in a bank like

ours thei-- j ;:re. moments that certainmoments i i eh one cannot in whichit is laipi shiole.

What ; ; for him, in thaimoment, w...s ) finish the phrase. Hestopped mid lifted his eyes timidly toher, desol.iif s it to Deg tier to tieiphim. Sbc-v- , ry pale, with a suddenhardness in r features, in her com

lpressed r. her knit brows, iu hersparklinj; i

"Have you not 10,000 francs? Is itpossible?"

And her voice was hard as her looka profound hardness that startled him.But all at once her face changed expr.-s-sio-

she recovered her fresh, tunefullaugh, the sweet rnd limpid ray v.. re-

kindled in her blue eye."Come, you want to tell me stories, so

as not to buy me anything. Deceiver! 1


out your Household Furniture in its& Commission House , corner Nuuanu

Goods Hold on Com mission I

HiSideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks.Babv Cribs ife Carriage Yard Brooms,Crockery & Glassware. Towels,Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads.Brown & Blue Mottled Soup, Etc., Etc.

I X L Auction & Commission House,aud King streets,



Hardware, Shipping

Commission Merchants.


General Men handise 1

Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agtn'i.

1 HONOLULU, U. I. 91



F. iiOKX,Piactical Confectioner, Pastry Cook A


71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.


Th Beti Lunoh in Town,

fea and Oofieo at 11 HoursThe Finest Brands of

Alwu y on 1 luxid.H (M.TL Proprietor.


I F von want a First-clas- s Job of Psint- -

Kitchen Oteusils, Paiuts, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp (foods and

GeoernL IVIroIiantlis"?.

s Steam Pumps, Weston's Ccotrtfiigals,

Wilcox 4 Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jiyne & Sons Family Medicine

Telephones, No. 119.- -




J03&T -- P. O. Box 372.


steamers from San Francisco.

to and satisfaction guaranteed, Island

-- P. O. Box 297

Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,

ICKfrom California fresh Calafornia Roll

Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseNew Breakfast Cereals. Cream Oal

Etc., Etc.. Etc. Hatisfao'ion guaranteed

--Telephone No. 92.


GhasJustace, Lincoln Block,King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Boll Butter & Island Butter


New Goods received by every

g0F" AH orders faithfully attended'orders solicited and rmcked with care.

Telephone 240.- -

C. BREWER & CO.. j


General Mercantile

Commission AgentsLIST OF OFXICKKS:

J. O. Carter President & ManagerO. II. Robertson TreasurerE. V. Bishop SecretaryVV. F.. Alleu Auditoi


Hon, C. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen,II. Waterhonse.

Wi. G. Irwin & Company,


Inline Ac Cement,PARAFFINE PAllVT CO.'S



Felt Steam Pipe Coferiag, all sizes.





High Grade Chemical Cane Micare.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'a Corner1

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.



IVE .1. L Mkyf.u the Painter a callJ and hve your Paper Hanging don

promptly and "neatly. 130 Koit street.P. O. Box 347. 156 a

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & RetailOJN

Bv each steamer of the O. 8. 8. Co.Butter, Frozen Ovsters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetablesetc., etc A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned& Bottled Goods always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of Germanrates and Potted Meats and Bottled.Brand Suear Cured Hams and Bacon.Flakws and Cream Wheat Flakes. Sicily Lemons and California RiversidOranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes,

P. O. Box 145- .-


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT


Patentee of "Lose's Chemical Com-

pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on baud.

I3T He will attend to any businessentrusted to him.

OFFICE: No. 42 Merchant Street.

Telephone: Mutual 128; Bell 152.P. O Box 338.

143 8m

1 itijr of auv description done, call ouNew Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attendedto aud Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Islandsolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.

the Practical Painter. J. L. Mkt only.Fort street 130, P. O. Box 387. 15ti U

Page 2: fiiiisi - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Bparlca like a fLime. She had a new out-burst of joy, took the husband's head be-tween her hands, drew it down and kissed


Svruif IDAILYBULLKTIHCO Issues Every Dssirabie Form

coffee growing. It is said that thepeople of Brazil tire very eager toaccept the overtures of reciprocitymade by the United States. Ha-

waiian coffee need not be afraid of

Brazilian as to quality, but uo doubtthe increased product of Biazil will

tend to keep prices moderate. Ha-

waii needs mads to open up coffee

lands, and large areas would be made

U JL. It has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOLlARS.Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by uny Insurance Company.

MS" For full particulars apply to

, I. MOSAIC,. General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

Aro Receiving New la voice of

i;::,.r a;iil..

of Paiwy

Makes Ice Cream Instantly I

Gets a Temperature of 4 DegreesBelow Zerol

A Child can operate it I

It is Simple, Durable andEconomical.

It Saves 100 Percent in Time, Iceand Labor I

Vyvk- - frotii Iiiir of Me-

tallic, Poisoning!


Ice and Salt will Muke uffioiesit CreamTwenty --five Persons!CONSIGNMENT JUST

LEWIS & CO ,Honolulu ; Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


b. f. fiiiisi CO.,o

t&" All our GOODS greatly reduced in order to make room for NewImportations to arrive.

t8r Island orders will receive prompt attention and will be filled atthe same low prices.

Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. CLARK.

lOO Fort Street,

Beg to call attention to their Large and Varied Stock of



"Monarch" Unlaundried at $1.00 Each I



at their

Steam PrintinI Ice


Where they are fully prepared to do allkinds of work in the latest styles, at

the shortest notice and at the

most Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty I


Executed in the Most AttractiveManner.




--Printed, and Blocked when desired.

Keud the following partial list of spec-

ialties and get the Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou w ill save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

' Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal Cards,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Orders,

Promissory Notes,Pamphlets,


Labels of every variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars.Sporting Scores & Records,

Perpetual Washing Lists,General Book Work,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Xo Joh'is allowed to leave the of-

fice until it gives satisfaction.


" We are six iu faru- -

A Farmer at ily. We live iu aplace where we are

Edom, Texas, JTubject t0 violentSays: Colds and Lung

Troubles. I haveused German Syrup for six yearssuccessfully for Sore Throat, 'Cough,Cold, Hoarseness, Pains in theChest and Lungs, and spitting-u- p

of Blood. I have tried many differ-

ent kinds of cough Syrups in mytime, but let me say to anyone want-ing such a medicine German Syrupis the best. That has been my ex-

perience. If you use it once, youwill go back to it whenever youneed it. It gives total relief and isa quick cure. My advice to every-one suffering with Lung Troublesis

Try it. You will soon be con-

vinced. In all the families thereyour German Syrupis used we have uo Johntrouble with the FrankinLungs at all. It isthe medicine for this &G. U. GKEEJJ. Sole Mau'fr.Woodburj.NJ.

For San Francisco.The Fine Sailing Bark

Capt. Winding.Will rail for the above port on the

lath September, 1891.86 For freight and passage apply to

H. mCKFELD 4 CO.,213 lw Agents

For Sin Francisco.The Fine Steamship

?ii .a ic,"Of the Occ idental & Oriental S. S. Co.

will sail for the above port onor about

September 23, 1891.I'gr For freight and passage apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,2KJ 2v Agents.

GOC Klfifl & CO.,

Merchant Tailors,Xi. 5i Y ii ilium Mrn'l,

Having just received a new lot of Tailor-ing (joud of the Latest Shades

and Patterns in all Wool

I laKnii ls,t iishI inrres,

lOlo.. Ktc.Are prepared to make up Suits in the

very Latest Fashion, l'eifeet Fit.

Stoi'" The public are invited to call andexamine our New woods.

Rejsonsblo Prices A First-clas- s Work211 1m


A REWARD of $500 will be paid toany person or persons who will

nive information that will lead to thearrest of anyone who can prove thatthe '


contain any cotton or any oilier dele-terious compound. Barefooted Billnot excepted.

211 lw V. O. SPKOULL.


ON Sunday morning, Sept. tith. a GoldChidii Bracelet on Kin; street, be-

tween I.ililia street and Kdihi. Thetinder will be suitably rewarded uponreturning the same to "E. O. llalltSSons " L'll tf


fM-l- above rewardI will be paid to

anyone who will re-

turn to the Union IceWorks Fort Bt't-ct- . 1

Small Hay Mare and saddle, lost fromthe People's Ice Works, Ueivtanm street,on last Monday night, the horse h is awhite face. 1 hind foot is white, and has-- h )' s on 'lis front feet. 212 tf

Fa i in Stock For Su to!

p MtKEDIXG Sows;v I Horse, Huggy,

hSttTSilU 3 Milk Cows. 1 Heifer,1 Steer, 2 Bulls. The

Stock is in firt-cl;s- s condition andthoroughbred; all youuif. Apply to theundersigned at the Uuioo Iron Works,or on tin; premises at I'awaa.i05 lin THOMAS KEWCASTLK.

NOTICE to SHIITFJiS.' I'll F. pa rens of the (tabu Jiailw.iy A

1 Land Co are hereby nut ti:d thathere ifler no Freight will be carried onI'asMMigei Trains.

Sea?" Freight Trains leave Honoluludaily (Sun. lays excepted) at 10 o'clockA. M.

No Freight will be received at theHon. dub) Depot thehours nt t ::: I a. m. and 10:30 A. t.

The Honolulu Fn igbt Otlice will beopen daily (Suiidiiys excepted) from 7

a.m. to 5)'. m. with the above excep-tion

OAHLI RAILWAY & LAND CO.W. G. Asill.hV. Superintendent.

Honolulu. Sept. 8, mi. 212 lm

available, without a doubt, by theconstruction of the Hilo and Hamn-ku- a

Railway. It is to be hoped thatnext Legislature will see the way

clear to promote that great work.

"P.uiefootud Bill" ha been cauglit

"at last," as everybody says.Had he been caught at first his ex-

ploits would never have risen to thedignity ol n sensation, nor would he

have received a title to give him a

permanent place in local criminalannals. The Bulletin has been ac-

cused on the outside of derelictionof duty in not "pitching into" thepolice for their failure to catch thecunning but not very expert burglar.This jourcal is somewhat informedas to the dilliculties the police of

great cities elsewhere have in run-

ning criminals to earth frequently,and therefore has declined to join in

a hue and cry against the Honolulupolice because it failed to cut shortthe recent series of burglaries. Re-

cently the San Francisco police were

utterly bullied for many weeks in

detecting the authors of a series ofbold burglaries in wealthy citizens'houses in the daytime. They cauglitthem, however, "at last," as theHonolulu police have caught "Bare-footed Bill." The London police,boasted to be among the most elli-cie- ut

forces in tut world, with a de-

tective contingent of worldwide famein ferreting out mysterious criminals,have now for several years been com-

pletely battled in the most strenuousefforts to catch "Jack the Ripper,"whose appalling crimes committed atfrequent intervals, sometimes in theopen street, have shocked the civil-

ized world. While the search for

our mysterious burglar lias been keptup, several house-breake- and sneakthieves have been caught; but theover-sma-rt critics of our police dis-

dain to accord them any marks of

merit for these practical evidences of



A sale of Government lands tookplace y at noon at the front en-

trance of Aliiolani Hale. Govern-ment land in Kola, Maui, containing2155 acres, was said to the Halca-kal- a

Ranch Co. for the upset priceof SI, 500.

The leases of five tracts of Govern-ment land at Hamakua, Hawaii, weresold to different parties. The termof lease is 15 years, and the saleswere as follows:

Tract No. 1 In Nicnie, 10,000acres. I'pset rental per annum,8500. Sold to Hon. S. Parker for$i;oo.

Tract 2 In Kaohe, 15,000 acres.Upset rental per annum, $400. Tothe Kukaiau Plantation Co. for 1 1 10.

Tract 3 In Kaohe, 37,000 acres.Upset rental per annum, ?.'J()0. ToHon. S. Parker for 8305.

Tract 4 In Kaohe, 138.000 acres.Upset rental per annum, 8300. i'othe Iluimiula Sheep Station for $ 110.

T ract 5 In Kaohe, 25,000 acre-- .Upset rental per annum $300. 'I'othe Kukaiuu Plantation Co. for $320.


Carroll D. Wright, the UnitedStates Labor Commissioner, in anarticle recently published in theEconomist, maintains that instead oflabor-savin- g machines displacing la-

bor, they have increased the demaudfor it, in some cases iudirecily andin others directly, by opening upnew employments to men and women,lie argues that new inventions ex-

pand old industries and create newones. That inventions by cheapen-ing the cost of commodities increaseconsumption, and by increasing con-

sumption make a greater demand onthe labor of those engaged in mak-

ing the varied products. In thecommissioner's opinion, "it wouldtake all the way .from 50,000,000 to100,000,000 persons by manual laborto lo the wotk am1 produce the goodsnow made in this country by f'e in-

dustrialists of to-d- w itn the aid ofmachinerv.


Two highly respectable Hawaiianladies have complained to the Bri.i.K-ti-

of a little incident that occurredto the in on the street, cars. Theywere going out on a visit to a subur-ban place, when a little dog followedthem. Na complaint was made aboutthe dog on the car going out, biu onreturning the conductor of anothercar put the dog off. Tin y say thedog was perfectly quiet and disturb-ing nobody, and if its presence wasagainst. I lie rules they should havebeen notified in the first car. Al-

though the dog was ejected a China-man was allowed to smoke a strong-smellin- g

cigar iu the same car.

SHKkiiET Soda and Ice Cream Sodaare the liuest and healthiest drinks ona warm day; served in styleat the "Lli c lee Cream I'arlors."

210 lw

Examine our lower window for Goods and Prices.

Sale ( f Lease of GovernmentLands Lying Between liu-muu- !a

and "Waipuna-Li- ,

Kilo, Ilavraii.

On THURSDAY, August 6th, 1891,

at 12 o'clock noon, at the front en-

trance of Aliiuluni Hale will he okl

at public auction the lease of theGovernment lauds lying between

Waiounalei, Hilo, Hawaii,containing an area of 'A7 acres, more

or lesti.

Term Lease for 10 years.Upset price !flH) per milium, pay-

able semi-annual- in ailvancc.

The time of the above sale has been

postponed until THURSDAY, Sept.10, 1891, at the same hour and place.

C. X. STENT EK,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Orlice, Aug. fl, 1891.

184 3t

Irrigation Notice.

Honom'Mi, 11. I., May 27, 1891.

Notice is hereby given to all holders

of water privileges that owing to the

prolonged drouth, it is necessary thatcare be used in the use of water.

Holders of privileges and the public

generally are therefore respectfullyrequested to assist the Departmentby exercising economy in the use of

water.The irrigation hours are from 7 to

8 a. m., and 5 to b' o'clock r. m.

JOHX C. tVHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

C. X. Spknckk,Minister of the Interior.

121 tf


A reward of !f 2."0 will be paid to anyperson who will give informationwhich will leiid to the arrest and con-

viction of the person or persons who

have committed btirlui-ie- in thiscity within six weeks last past.

CHAS. B. WILSON,Marshal.

Honolulu, Aug. 27, 1891. 209 hn

Til fcJ

: ailu J u lie tinPledged to neither Sect not Party,But established for the benefit of all.


The "lion" didn't eat the "lamb"at Nolte's yesterday because lie

doesn't like "black sheep."

A sight to make the gods weep for

joy the soreheads of Ka Leo and

the Hilo Record laid together in af-

fectionate caress. It reminds one ol

the alderman discussing a wooden

pavement for his town, who said to

his fellow "town daddies," " Let us

put our heads together and the thingis done!"

Extensive anthracite coal fields

have been discovered in Sonora,Mexico. The coal is said to equalby test the finest Lehigh valley pro-

duct. It can be laid down in San

Diego, Cal., for $5 a ton, and per-

haps for little if any more in Hono-

lulu. Hard coal unlike soft is quiteclean for house use, and if it could

be got cheap here would be the fav-

orite fuel.

Ka Leo has a screaming article oftwo or three columns this morning,denouncing the Queen and Premierand Cabinet for terrible maladminis-tration. When you come to searchthe article diligently there is not asingle fact, nor one assertion capableof substantiation, throughout, to jus-

tify the boinbastes furioso rhetoric.It is all wind off a stomach keptempty, by the will of the people midthe mercy of providence, of fodderfrom the Government crib.

The Advertiser in its miscrosenpicquest of typographical errors in

other papers, lately stumped thispaper with the query, "How can a

woman be her own husband?" Ourmarine reporter wishes to propoundin return the problem, "How can aMr. and Mrs. have a wife?" (Seethe passenger list of the Likelike inthis morning's Advertiser.) TheBulletin does not believe in pickingup these little things as a rule, butsometimes it is salutary to adminis-

ter to a physician his own medicine.

A dozen new railways are in course"of construction in Brazil, and asrailways pierce into the interior thereis ft corresponding development of



See'V UK


FREEZERFive Cents Worth of


187 lm

The Largest Fire InsuranceCompany in the World !

(Instituted, 1830.)

THELiverpool & London Globe


Total Assets $44,982,492 16Total Losses Paid from Organization to

Jan. 1, 1891 $36,703,046 83

Its reputation for stability and forhonorable dealing is worldwide. Theample security which it offers to itspations Is uiiequaled, as its totid assetsare greater than those of anv other FireIusurance Company on the globe.


Cash Capi'al.... $1,000,000.Assets $2,450,100

The Leading Coast Company !

CT" For particulars apply to

BISHOP & CO.,General Agents.

Or, J. M. Dowsett,Local Agent.

203 in

To The Public !

Buy Your SoapAT THE

Leleo Soap Works,Because there von get the BEST quality,

full weitfht and the LOWESTPKU.K, viz.:

$4.50 per 100 lbs., or $4.75 p-- Case.

Stgr I have no agents in Honolulu.Buy your Soap direct from my Factor'!

fgr Established 35 years!

T, W. RAWLINS,208 lm Proprietor.

0i Mm Bites

FOU SALE!HAVE Four Fine Residence Sites,I situated on Piikoi street, for sale.

The Lots have a froutage of 94 feet onPiikoi street .and are 200 feet deep, arenicely laid out in fruit and shaie treesand are all covered with grass; waterlaid on throughout. The situation ofthese Lots and the limited number makeit necessary that intending purchasersshould make early 'application to theundersigned, from whom all particularscan be had. J AS. P. MOKGAN.

203 tf


VN Al Vessel will be despatched inthis line, if sufficient induci-men-

offers, to sail from New York in all themouth of November. Orders for mer-chandise should be forwarded as soon aspossible to insure shipment. For furtherinformation apply to

W. H. CKCHSMAN & BRO.,li & 7 Broad st., New York.

Or, Castle & Cooke,Honolulu, H. I.

201 2w


Dl'RIXG my recent visit in Hilo, Iarraugfinents with Mb. C.

Fckneacx, for the purchase and sale ofhis VIEWS OF ISLAND SCENERY. TheseViews need ouly to be sken to be

Among them are views onthe Volcuno R'ad. BUo Bay, MuunaKea, Native Grass Houses, TropicalViews, etc., etc., etc.. Mounted and Un-

mounted.ftsflr- - I have received a choice assort-

ment of these Views, and will hereafterkeep them for sale at my Store ou Fortstreet. A. L. SMITH.

202 2w


EWw&E oplPfcs ia al! Sia-BO- GS

Chinese Matting, While & Fiiney;

Engli h Bedroom Sets, complete;IRON BEDSTEADS, COTS & CRIBS,


Gent's Furnishing Goods !


' Ladies' & Gent's Waterproof Coats with Sleeves or Cape,'Fl'I.I. LINK OF



barren's Rotary Knife Cleaners !

A labor saving machine without which no kitchen is complete.


PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.,Ko.rf, Street, Honolulu.


TH10 (JUttlS'KY

Refrigerators & Irt.kk!Motto: ''The Survival of ifo Fittest.'



The Old Favorite "Eddy"K


I XL Pocket CutleryWade & Butchers' Razors,

Shelf Hardware, Agricultural Imple-ments, Vacuum Oil,

Plantation Supplies in Great Variety.Address,


71 4neeif Mtrect.HaalalB.H. 1.


Art Rooms, : : Mclnerny Hall.PICTURE TO OILDOt!

THE WORK IN -- man's PAPERJL " The Dat y Bulletin." 6j tam-

per aoutlt. ,


Page 3: fiiiisi - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Bparlca like a fLime. She had a new out-burst of joy, took the husband's head be-tween her hands, drew it down and kissed


Good iiov Louis!




Mary had a little liiinO; ...It tilli il the nehnol with IhiikIupi ;

While she w ii happy aw h eliiuilirinktitg X.YPA SODA WATER.

11 children to a picnic ko,lie they son or (IhtiKhtcr;The. healthiest drink we nil do knowl NAPA SODA WATER.

When lawyers go tip, mi u Hir;eAnd drink ni.tre than they ouirho r.The doctors say lite fjuickest cure- NAPA St IDA WATER.

Id all the baliies horn litis look most like their ptipa ;

The handsomest are those whose tna'nDrank N APA Si (DA WATlJf.



Especially Mottled and Corked with extra care for this market.

l:Cvry. LJvttl iw Wiirritiitcl !

HOLLISTER & CO.,IM Fort Mlrwt. : : . : t : Honolulu. II. .


S,A. (- -

- ii-

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort street, uppn. Sprockets' Bank, Honolulu.

0 1 K 1IT BAU MSCucumber Juice Skin Tonic!

Judge McCully, in a letter to Rev.Prebendary Hutchinson, of Hluttou,Staffordshire, father of Mr. AllenHutchiiison, Sculptor, of Honolulu,tells of a visit he paid to PrincessKaiulani, Hawaiian Heir Apparent:

"Our visit to our liltl.i Princesswas especially satisfactory, thoughlimited to half an hour. 1 wrote loMrs. Sharpc. Her equipage was atthe station to meet u, anil perhapsno other could have been got. Theschool is between two and threemiles distant. Mrs Sharpe is a ladywhose impress on this girl's iniiid,manners and character will lie mostsalutary, and has been so. Our Ha-waiian girls need to be set apartfrom their borne influences, wheresuch a girl as this would grow upundisciplined and with little re-

straint. She is very happy in thisschool, has gained in weight andstrength, and greatly enjoys theEnglish climate, even last cold wi-nter."


The New Orleans Daily Picayuneof August 2d contains a neat sketch,entitled: "Dandy John; the Fate ofa Samoan Stowaway ; a 'Pale of Trav-el by Little Olive Berkley." It is il-

lustrated with three engraving, andtells of a Satnoan who slowed awayou the steamer Mariposa and, afterbeing returned to his native isles,was seen among the Saiuoans whocame out to the Alameda. This timehe was dressed in a tall silk hat anda red tie, bought for him in Sydneyby the "Warblers" of the Mariposa."John had become & high priestamong his people ; was sought alterand reverenced" on account of hisdude outfit. We are indebted tolittle Olive for a copy of the Pica-yune containing her story, accompa-nied by her compliments. The youngauthoress will be agreeably remem-bered as playing "Little Lord Kaunt-leroy- "

in Honolulu a few monthsago.



Chandeliers.Piano, Banquet and Library

Lamps, in oxidized silver, wrought,black and polished brass, directfrom the factory.

Turkey and Ostrich Dusters.Wire on Spools.

Tuck9 and Square Flax Packing.Disston's Files.Tube Scrapers.Hammers.Carvers, Table and Butcher Knives.Refrigerators and Ice Chests.A fresh invoice of Rubber Hose,

etc., etc., etc.PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, (L'D).,



Caddo Mills, Texas, June 5, 1891.From my own personal knowledge,

I can recommend Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera aud Diarrhu-- Remedyfor cramps in the stomach, also fordiarrha-- and flux. It is the bestmedicine I have ever seen used andthe best selling, as it always givessatisfaction. A. K. Sukuuill. 25and 50 cent bottles for sale by alldealei-3- . Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


HAS moved the KntcrprWe Hack Co.the corner of King and bethel

streets. Bell aud Mutual Telephonesll.f. 213 lw


IS prepared to execute Life-siz- e Por-trait Heads in the round for $50.

Ten sittings of one hour's durationTime and place to convenience

of 'sitter. 213 tf


II K annual niceiing of the Protec-tionI

Hook A Ladder Co. o. 1 willbe held at its hall THUtSDAY EVEN-ING, Sept. 10, IK'JI. at. 7 ::i0 o'clocksharp. Every nicinlier is requested tobe present. S. L. KKKL'MAXO,213 21 . Secretary.

Knight of Pythias.

A1LL members of the Mvstbi LodsteNo. 2 are requested to be present

at their Castle Hall Tills (Wednesday)EVENING, as action will betaken upona proposed amendment to Art. VII ofthe By-la- Per order.

A. V. OER,213 It K. of It. & S.


DURING my absence from theMr. Joe Kennedy will act for

me under lull power i.f attorneyP. G CAMAKINOS.

Honolulu, Sept 8, 1891. 212 3t


NOTI"E is hereby given that themaster o: the ship

"SUaUiblane." will not be responsiblelor any debts coutr.cted by the crewwithout his written order.

212 3w J. CUT1IELL.


4 T a nieet'ng of Win. G. Irwin & Co.,IV (L'n h Id August 24ih. II M.Whituey, .1- . - duly elected to till theotllce of Treasurer and Secretary duringthe temporal)' iibcuce of W. M.'Giffard.

W. O. IRWIN,20 2w President.

:)TICE.rIMIB uudeisigued sole surviving inem-J- L

ber of the tirni of Wing Wo Chan& Co. hereby give notice that allpowers of a'torney exeetred by his saidjinn or by any member thereof iu thelirm name are revoked; and un person isauthorized to sign She Him name but theundersigned. )

TOVO WUXO WAI.Dated Honolulu, S4pt. 3, 1891. 204 lw

' Hitrrrnut.Ml BUI" rarna Oat to Im' Bill" Hoopil.

This morning about a quarter totwo o'clock, a uative named WilliamHoopii was arrested coming out ofthe lane between S. M. Carter's storeand a Chinese fruit stand on Kingstreet. The arrest was made byCaptain of the night watch, LouisToussaint. The fellow was bare-footed and carried a brace and bit.He was taken to the Station, where,on his outer shirt being removed,several yards of silk ribbon werefound wrapped around bis body. Inhis pockets were found a lot of Bos-

ton matches, the kind which has beenused in the late burglaries.

Police ollicers on going to Iloopii'shouse found articles which have beenmissing from several stores. Silkribbons and handkerchiefs wereidentified this morning by clerksfrom the store of B. F. Ehlers & Co.

"Bill" Hoopii is a young nativeHawaiian and a carpenter by trade,having worked some time ago for H.F. Berteluiann. He came back latelyfrom San Francisco, where it is be-

lieved he learned his nefarious tricks.He is of medium height and not g.

Hoopii has confessed to the au-

thorities that he was the one engagedin the late burglaries, and that hebail entered in all twenty-seve- n

houses. He has been in San Fran-cisco six years. William tried toopen his cell door iu the Police Sta-

tion shortly after being put thereand had almost succeeded when theturnkey heard the noise.

Last night he entered the store ofB. F. Ehlers & Co. through a paneof glass a fool wide and a foot and ahalf long. He secured eight yardsof ribbon which be wound aroundhis body. Leaving this store heentered the carpenter shop of H. F.Bertelmann and succeeded in open-ing the sate. He was leaving theplace when arrested by Louis Tous-saint, who had been suspicious ofsomething going on there and waslying in wait. When, accosted liestarted to run, hut on being con-fronted with a pistol he meekly gavehimself up.

Hoopii was convicted once ofstealing watermelons from a China-man in Pauoa valley, where Iloopii'sdwelling is situated.

Marshal Wilson yesterday reversedthe positions of the special day andnight watches set for catching theburglar. In consequence of thepbange the regular police were busynearly all night running "specials,"whom they knew not, into the station.

An alarm was raised in a saloon,between 9 and 10 o'clock, that aman was on the roof of an adjacentbuilding. A rush was made out-side, when, in response to a shout,a valiant police captain showed, hiui--.self over the battlements, presentinga search light as strong as the head-light of a locomotive.


The U. S. S. Pensacola, which isnow on the way to this port, has beenin continuous service since 1884.She left New York 'to act as flagshipon the South Atlantic Station andsailed from the Brooklyn Navy-yar- d

August 30th, 1890. The first placeshe called at was Madeira, and aftera short stay she sailed for Bahia.Sine tben went to Rio de Janeiro,where she took part in the first cele-bration of the Brazilian Republic,which was a glorious affair. Thecity was a blaze of light, over fiftyarches built of gaspipe being erect-ed on the principal streets, which,when lit up, made a grand

The Pensacola remained on theAtlantic Coast until the Chilean warbroke out, and she was then orderedaround the Horn to look out forAmerican interests in that country.Until the arrival of the San Francis-co and Baltimore she was the onlyship belonging to Uncle Sam in Chile.

The cruise was marked by a verysad event. While the ship lay at aplace called Maldonado, the whale-bo- at

containing six men and an otll-ce- r

was capsized in the heavy surfand three of the crew drowned. Therest clung to the boat for over anhour and were then picked up by theship's first cutter.

The Pensacola carries a battery ofeighteen guns, all of them

and has a crew of 305 alltold.


Two Chinamen were arrested bywarrant yesterday, under suspicionbacked by some evidence that theywere concerned in the Waikiki rob-

beries of 1889 and 18110. A goldchain stolen from a servant of Mr.C. A. Brown was traced back,through several hands, until itproved to have been bought fromone of the prisoners. This one hadan ugly-looki- knife on his personwhen arrested, and there is sus-picion that he is the man whoseriously wounded Mr. J. F. Brown,when that gentleman grappled wihhim on being awakened by bis in-

trusion. Mr. Ltrowu has never re-

covered the use of his right hand,and bis trip abroad hr the steamerZealandia Ibis week is to seek surgi-cal restoration abroad. Mr. C. A.Brown has been working up the caseof the rubbery at his bouse for along time, and it is understood thathe has placed valuable clues in thehands of the authorities besideseffecting the arrest of the two China-

men as stated.


lew Hornford'a Acid l'hoHphtr,Dr. W. W. Bhtekman, Brooklyn, N.

Y., says: "I am very much pletedwith it in seasickness. Several caseshave been brought to my attentionwhe-- it afforded prompt and entirerelief."

Com hi oft' i lie roof

Thk bark Matilda Irom Port Town- -

nvuvi ao I'll jjwi u

Iolani School will nextMonday, Sept. 14th.

It is fiii'ty-on- e years ago y

since California was admitted to theUnion.

The Myrtle Bout Club will, holdtheir regular monthly meeting thisevening at the regular time and place.

Mr. Ben Hooan will speak againin Y. M. C. A. hall. His ad-

dress last night proved very interest-ing to his auditors.

A sale of l he lease of Governmentlands in liilo, Hawaii, will take place

at noon, at the front en-

trance of Aliiolaui Hale.

All members of Mystic Lodge, K.of P., are requested to attend a meet-ing this evening, as action will betaken on a proposed change in the


A stuffed ostrich about one mouthold is on exhibition in the HawaiianNews Co.'s window. It is from Dr.Trousseau's ostrich farm ut Kapio-lau- i


WliifiHT linos., King street, havefinished a new dray for tlin PacificTransfer Company. The dray was onthe streets yesterday and is a finespecimen oi home manufacture.

The band will give a moonlighte weert at Thomas Square this even-ing, commencing at 7 :30 o'clock. To-

morrow evening it will play in EmmaSquare 'not Thomas, as stated in theAdvertiser.

A Chinaman named Pon Lun withthe usual alias was lined $50 ill thePolice Court this m.irning for indulg-ing in pakapio. He offered no de-

fense. An appeal was lifted. A. P.Peterson appeared for the defendant.

The grand excursion and luau toRemond Grove will come off nextSaturday afternoon and evening.Dancing wi 1 bo indulged in by loversof the fantastic. The modest sum of$1 will be the charge for the roundtrip, including the luau.

The Kohala conespondent of theAdvertiser reports that Mrs. Hihio, toget even with her husband after a"tiff," made a confession that she,her hueband and a man named Hapa n mi were the personi who burnedthe plantation store. One .Kaliooliulihad been committed for trial for thecrime. One of the incendiaries, thereport doos not gay which, escapedfrom the train on the way to Mahu-kon- a.


The Enterprise Hack Co. has re-

moved to the new stand, King andBethel streets.

Every member of Protection Hook& Ladder Co. is requested to attendthe annual meeting even-ing.

H. Hackfelp &, Co. announce thefine steamship Belgic of the O. & O.S CS., to sail for San Francisco on orabout Sept. 23. ,

The fine sailing bark Albert, Capt.Winding, will sail for San Franciscoon the 15lh September. For freightor passage apply to the agents, H.Hackfeld & Co.

Mr. Allen Hl'tcihnhon, sculptor,quotes his price fur making life-siz- e

portrait heads. It will be creditableto Honolulu if it give such an artistpatronage enough to retain him here.


Mr. Alex. Bolster, priuter, yester-day attained his sixtieth birthday.He claims to be the oldest printer inHonolulu and, notwithstanding thetrying nature of the business onone's sight, he has not yet found itnecessary to use spectacles. Mr,Bolster arrived here in 1851 fromTasmania. He was employed byMr. Rogers, the missionary printer,on Micronesian work ; then went towork for Mr. H. M. Whitney on thePolynesian, going with him to workon the Advertiser when started as aweekly. He went away in 1863 andwas absent eighteen years. Return-ing in 1881 he has been working atbis trade ever since. He is one ofthe most efiicient compositors inHonolulu, and seems good for manymore years of toil at the craft.


The Royal Hawaiian Military Bandwill give a concert at Thomas Squarethis evening commencing at 7:30o'clock. Following is the program i

PAHT I.March The Bersaglleri (new)EilenbergKeiuinisceuces of the Gaiety (new)..

Meyer LutzFantasia The Nightingale and the

Frogs (new) EilenbergSelection Nadjy (new) ChatssuigneAia iliki Mai. Aiua llou. Ipo Lauae.

PAHT II.Medley Yankee Tickle (uew) BeyerWaltz The Viennese (new)...CzibulkaGavotte In oonlight (uew) ... WatsonMedley Red Hut (new) Beyer

Hawaii Poooi.


A small blaze occurred at the RoyalSaloon, corner of Nuuanu and Mer-

chant streets, at 7 this morning. Thecause of the fire was kerosene oil andlucifer coming in contact, throughthe carelessness of the handler infilling lamps. The fire took place inthe private room. The room wasbadly tcorchvd and panes of glass inthe window were broken by thosewho assisted iu extinguishing thetire. An alarm was sounded from theBell Tower which quickly broughtthe fire laddies to the spot, but theirservices were not needed. EngineCo. No. 2 was first on the tceue.

THE BULLETIN h the leadlnaI daily paper of the Kingdom. 50

cents per mouth.

Large SizeMedium SizeTrial Si.e

ME) I HK I'll V,


Tv i i i :



Pal! of Xew UevlcFH and Improve-mi-ntH- .

Hfrplvrd the only H fit a I

at MerhmilF'm fair JuMt rlufledIn 4'oinprtltion Willi all

Other Tjiib Writrrn.


High Speed,

Perfect Alignment,

Easiest Running,

Type Cleaning,Beautiful Work,

Lightest Touch,

Simple Key Board,

Most Silent.

Accomplishes Work Impossible to Performon Other Type Writers.


Sole Ag't for Hawaiian Islands.

Office, Union Feed Company.

205 2v

Grand Excursion and Luau


Saturday Afternoon & Evening,

Heptember 1 . IHIU,

The Luau will be under the per-sonal supervision of the Kafu Bros.

LUAU From 2 P. M. to 6 P. M.

DANCIKG From 2 P. H. to 10 P. M.

TRAINS will leave Honolulu at 1 :4Sp. M., 2:15 P. M , 4:a0 l M. and7 P. M.

KEITKNING will leave Kemond Groveat 3 :3U P. i . 4 :15 p. M., 6 :0i p. m.aud 10:30 p. m.



Oaliu liiiilway 4 Land Co.

Great Reduction la Railway Fares for

30 Days, from Sept. 5, 1891.

For the purpose of giving every-body a chance to get out of townduring this hot weather, as oppor-tunity may oiler, Tickets will be soldduring the next 30 days, for the roundtrip to and from Pearl City and toand from Ewa Plantation, at the rateof 3 cents per mile, 1st Class, and 2cents per mile, 2d Class.


Pearl City and Return, 1st Class 75c' ' 2nd Class 60c

Ewa Mill and Return, 1st Class $1.15' " " ' 2nd C ass 75c

jTJBJ The trains leaving Honoluluat 8 :!.") a. si. and 1 :4." p. m. aud thetrains leaving F'.wa Mill at 10:J:i A. M.and 3:4:5 v. M will run down to theterminus on Peninsula, at Pearl City.


W. G. Ashley, Superintendent.20(1 1m


iXE GooilF?Z-y- v7 Punahou street, contain-SVSsSi&- P

ing i)i acres more or less.For particulars enquire ofltiatl J. M. DOWSETT.


4 FURNISHED Front Roomtp3 i m linrr utrunt on.l .1

s&3 Room in a cottage Is offeredfor rent, at 20!l Fort street. Apply lothis oflice, or at the premises. 205 tf


. Dwelling House on Kings'reet. lately occupied bv Mrs

liaruard. Artesiau we'l water, stables.oulhoiues and every conveuieuce. Forterms enquire of

ABRAHAM FERNAXDKZ,211 tf At E. O. Hall & Sons1.


'f HR larp aetata known as1 . KiUuku Ranch, Kan,

Hawaii, with all Its,gs. The Ranch containslb4.000 acres. Ther Is ou

the Rauxb a large and valuable forestof Koa aud Ohia. For further parti-culars, apply to KAlll'KU,1 tf Kau. Hawaii.

A.M. A.M. P. I' M.

leava Honolulu. .6:15 845 1 i :30fArriva Honouiiull. .7 ::. ft .49 X 6:35fLeave Honeuliull .7:30 10:61 t! 6 :45fArrive Honolulu. . .8:35 11:55 6:501


Leave Honolulu ;

Arrive Pearl City iiTs

Leave Pear' City . . f5

Arrive Honolulu... U:40

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdays excepted

Tll cm. Mun mm II no ii.BY C. J. LYONS.

B' S! pi r"i c

DAT. glBSgisi! RHt Hii

i o. r s. F &

a.m. li. in. a.m. p.mMon. ; 6 ;io a :v. u no oo! 5 45 e 11 l) a'lTues. 8 8 21) IS 00 0 20 '2 40 S 4i 6 10 8 ItltWed. 7 00, 6 30 0 60 HI) S 45 0 10 21

TllUl'S. 10; 9 IK) 7 10' 1 '2(1 4 Ool 46 H ON 11 07Fri. 111 9 HO, 8 3(1 2 00 4 XO, ft () Ui 11 6H

Bat. 12 U 15. 10 HO 3 IMI 0 2H ft 4(1 li OH: ....8un. 11)111 IKI ll HO H SO 7 10 ft 4(1; U U5; 0 ftO

First qunrter of the moon on the lltli atOil. 86m. a. m.

The time signal for tlin port In Kiven nt 121i.Om. Osec. (midnight) of Greenwich time or111. 28m. :448ec. p. in. of Honolulu Observatorytime. It Is given by the steam whistle of theHonolulu Planing Mill, a few doors abovethe Custom House. The same whistle issounded corrnctly at Honolulu mean noon,Observatory meridian, or lOh. 31m. 20see. ofGreenwich time

D aUg fjulkfuiWEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9, 1891.


.Am sehr Mary Dodge, fromEureka, Oil.

8unr Viva for Molokal


Stinr 0 K Bishop for Kaluiku and Puna- -luu at 0 a in

Stmt-- Waialeale for Kauai at 4 p mHcbr Kauikeuouli for PunaHofir Luka for Kauaihcbr Kulamiinii for Maui


Am bark Helen W Almy. Luttrell, Bnta-ritar- l.


For Maui per stmr Likelike, Sept 8 PS Taylor, Mrs huiliui and 2 servants,Geo (J Jordan, .1 no Campbell and wife,J Mori, Mrs Kieuch and 8 children, MrStetson, C Apo and wife, Mr and Airs JJ pickels.

Fur Kauai per Ftmr Mikalmla, Sept 8The Misses Walker, lion VV 11 Rice,

C Peacock, J K Meyers. Sain K nuliaue,.Francis Gay, C bus Ensign, Mrs Ouerro,O B Makee, J Morjison, linn G N Wi-lcox, Hon A S Wilcox, and about 45 deck.


Am bk Meninon, Anderson, from De-parture Bay f .

Pktne Albert, Winding, from San Fran-cisco

Am bk Annie Jntnison, Miller, LiverpoolAm sbip Melrose, Port llliikelyAm bgtne W U Irwin, MeCulloch, S FAm bktue S N Castle, Hubbard, s FAm bark H W Almy, from San FranciscoAm schr Mary Dodge, from EurekaBr ship Strathblaue, t. uihell, GlasgowBr bk Laucetield, Burns, Taconia


L' ISS Pensacola, from San Francisco,due Sept 10

S Australia, Houdlette, from San Fran-cisco, due Sept 15

& H China, from tian Francisco, dueDec 15

H 8 Mariposa, Hayward, from San Fran-cisco, due Sept 24

S Mooowai, Carey, from the Colonies,due Sept 24

S S Belgic, from San Francisco, Oct. 15Am bktne Planter, Dow, from Fran

cisco, due sept 11Am bk Mount Washington, from Port

Blakely, Aug. 10Am bkt Alary W inkeluian, "Nissen, from

Port GambleAm 4-- iu schr Itobt l.ewers, from Port

Townsend, Sept 15Am bk Amy Turner, Johnson, from Bos-

ton, Jan. 10-1- 5

Br bk Pass of Leny, from Glasgow, dueNov 30

Ani bk Martha Davis from New YorkBk Harrison G Johnson from New YorkGer bk Woosung from UremeuGer bk H Hackfeld from LiverpoolGer bk Sabiuo from Berry


The bark Helen W Almy Is docked atthe Fish Market wharf, where she istaking in mission supplies willsail for the South spiis

The S S Australia will be due herefrom San Francisco on Tuesday next.

The brigauiine W G Irwin is unload-ing her freight of general merchandiseat the O S & wharf.

The American bark Albert will leavefor Sail Francisco la'!eu with sugar ounext Tuesday, Sept 15.

The British bark Lancelield is nowdocked at the OSf wharf, where she isdischarging her cargo of 24.000 bugs ofgrain.

The American schooner Mary Dodge,Capt J F Gallop, arrived this morningfrom Eureka, Cnl., with 22,023 feet H Wties and 345M K W shingles consigned to.Lewers & looke. Hie also broughtseveral articles of consumption, includ-ing 20 boxes of apples to Mrs. Wall fcbeis docked at i he splauade.

When the steamer Waialeale hamade her departure at 4 p in to-d- not

of the actively engaged coastinglleet of steaiueis will be lu port.


JIOSSMAX At Xiulii, Hawaii, on Aug-ust 18, to the wile of Thomas lialphMussmau, a sou.


PADGETT - EKVALL In this city.Sept. 8, 1801, at the residence of, andby Kev. E G. Beckwith, 11. S. Pad-gett U Christina Ekvall.

Fob a good enp of Coffee, Tea andChocolate call at the "Elite Ice Creamparlors." 210 lw

Tluit's what's tin; matter

with the people arouiwl our

store. AVe imported a lot of

English Crockery and since

the first dozen plates were sold

we've had no rest. Everyone

wants some and we must

order more to keep up with

the times. It's just the same

with every thing else we have.

It's drive, drive, drive all the

time. People know where to

come when thev want good



Honolulu, H. 1.

S.M.CARTER,.o. ft King Street.



Dwrlin Eaj cm,

Mm) Goal,

Newcastle Goal,


faf Delivered In auy part of thetown.

187-B0- TH TELEPHOHB-18- 7.200 If

KUMAX-A.i- l KltlCA

Insurance Comp'y

CASH CAPITAL, I ASSETS OVER.$1,000,000.00 1 $5,600,000.00

Solid Security Against Loss!

MT Eire Insurance Only !

WILDER & CO.,197 1m Ageuta.

500 U 1LI.OX


t x i : vHtFor sale by


It is harmless ami eflicaeious. It is a purely vegetable preparation.It is really made from cucumbers. It removes suuburu, tan and

blackheads.It prevents and cures poison oak. It prevents soreness after shaving.It prevents and cures chapping, etc. It is elegant to use before

applying powder.It softens, whitens and smoothes the skin. It gives universal

satisfaction.It is reasonable in price. It is just what every one needs.

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

ll.'Ml.i Fort Mrret,




Kort Wti-c.-t- .


You will liud one of the most completestocks of '



Wulcliex, Eli'., Etc.,

Ever imported into this Kingdom.

13?" No trouble io show goods.l" tf

For Portland, Oregon.rpHK Iron Clipper Ship

1 "Strathblano (of the133t famon Allan Line), now here

from tilasgow. will have im- -meilia e dispnteh for the above port, andwill carry Sugar. Hiee. Sa't and es

at Special Kates of Kielghl. Forparticulars applv to

O. W. MACKAKLAXE & CO.,211 tf Agents.

Scotch Splint Coal !

TMIK undersigned offer for fale 3001 tons of best Scotch Splint Coal, jmit

arrived per "Strathblatie' from Olas- -gow. This Coal is equal to best WelchCoal, and especially suited for steam,household aud ploughing engiue use.811 tf (J. W. MACFARLANE & CO.

Page 4: fiiiisi - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Bparlca like a fLime. She had a new out-burst of joy, took the husband's head be-tween her hands, drew it down and kissed

.,;fr jP.'F W-'-'- """Trie.

IIUSTACE.jtttit tumln Go's J.H0PP& 00.UNineiiwoRiBANANAS AS FOOD AND MEDfCINE.

Dr. John Dougall, of St. Mungo'sCollege, Glasgow, has a letter in arecent issue of the Glasgow Heraldon the banana. He quotes from Stan-

ley's "In Darkest Africa," showingthat "for infants, persons of delicatedigestion, dyspeptics, and those suf-

fering from temporary derangementsof the stomach, the Hour, properly

: Manaukk.Slil'KKlNTKNliKNT.

.1. N. S. WILLIAMS,K. MoKIS, : :

Engineers 4 Iron Founders,Office & Works, Queen Street, Honolulu.

J. O. 15 OA. BSO.


Sugar Machinery, Steam Engines,Plain or Automatic Cutoff, Boilers for land ami murine nae,

Vacuum Pans up U 11 feet in diameter.Double, Triple or (Quadruple Effects,

Wrought Iron or Cast Iron Tanks fur all purposes,

Cane Wagons, Sugar Wagons, Cranes,Hoisting Machinery, Rice Mill Machinery and

Wrought & Cast Iron Work' for House Building.

A Lare & Varied Asfortment of Bar Iron always on hand !


Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.Sol.K M.INII' A"l TliKKS IN HAWAIIAN IsI.ANHS KOK

William's Patent Furnaces for burning cane trash.William's Patent Cane Slicing Machines, the mM siiocosslul and econo-

mical made.Marsden & Rickard's Patent Evaporator, utilizing the waste heat in smok-

estackthe latest iinpiovemi lit.

Nolf AgriitM in llawailun lttlantlN tar the

Pelton Water Wheel Co. of San Francisco.lit II' Asbestos l'acl- - iiifr Co. of London, England.

Sheet Packing, Smiling Box Packing,Manhole & llamllioio (Jackets, Steam l'ipe & Boiler Coverings.

fjF These Packings arc used exclusively by the British Admiralty in

war vessels.o

fjff-- Repairs to all kinds of Machinery done at reasonable rater and at

abort notice.

This Space

-- FOR



is Reserved


8. LEVY.


ilitrt 'Stuiiti Ct

TinW TA Hi. V.:

SI MR. 'KINAU,'CLAIUE, CL.r.:...:.jr,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. M..

touching at Lahaiua, Maalata Bayand Makena the same day; Mahu-kon-

Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe thefollowing Jay, arriving at Hdo atUi id mt: lit.

tAVfcr! UuKOM'MT.

Fridav Sept. 18thTuesday "ept. 29thFridav Oct. 9thTuesday Oct. 20th

Returning Laves Hilo, touching atLanpahoehoe same day; Kawaihae,a. m. ; Miihukona, 12 noon; Makena,6 P. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 P. M. ; Laha-in- a,

10 p. m. the following day ; arriv-

ing at Honolulu 6 A. M. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Wednesday '.Sept, KithSaturday Sept. 26thWednesday Oct. 7th.Saturday Oct. 17lhWednesday Oct. 2Hth

gj6f No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.

stmr.'claudine:0AVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock p. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-hub- i.

Returning will arrive at Hono-

lulu every Sunday morning.

JBT No Freight will be receivedafter 4 p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after Buch

freight has been landed. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Asseis, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Inc. Co.

Assets, 4,317,052.

Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,

(Limited;,Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $1 15,947,809.97.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $115,347,809.87

lilfnntn Ctnl.hnnK "'MnAr "raws 0.10 ottiiiueiu imsisa.

At every age, on every premiumtable, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OfANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

V. O,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands


Lite, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !


lev England Matnal Life Ins. Co.


tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company.Vlrr A M trine. .


Mm & Hitiilicocfc,

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good iu transit to the other Islands.

Also. Black & White SanaIn quantities to suit at lowest prices.

eST Okfick: Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Hatiiid 19 -- g Telephones Jffif" Bell 414

Baldwin LiiioiimThe undersigned having been appointed

sole agents for tin? HawaiianIslands

For t he Cekbr ted

Baldwia liMoliiSsFrom the works of

Bar-ham-, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, I'enn.,Are now prepared to give estimates and:receive orders for these engines, ofsize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes

A number of which have recently beerreceived at, these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents ami managers wltn particularsof same

The superiority of these Locomotivesoverall other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm, . IRWN & Vo., L'dtSole Agents for Hawaiian Islands


given on all kinds of Brick,Iron. Stone and Wooden Buildinas Altkinds of Jobbing iu tbe. Building Tradeattended to heep for sale, Brick, Lime,Cement. Iron Sione Pipe and Finings,Old and New Corrugated Iron. MiutonTiles, Quariy 'I lies, aborted sizes audcolors; California and Monteuy Sand.Granite Curbing and Blocks, Etc.

Ollice and Yard : Cor. King and!Smith streets. Office Hours: 8 to 12A. m., and 1 to 1 l'. M.

ifVr Telephones: Bell, 351; Mutual,417. Residence: Mutual, 410. P.O.Box, 117 129 ly

Special Notice to Batiiers at

Waiiuli !

r ilE proprietor of Long Brancli Balligbegs to announce to the public

that the wonderful Marine Toboggan, atWaikiki. is now in very successful opera-tion, affording the most enjoyable andexhilarating exercise to sea bathers,and a sport without an equal in theworld for old anil young. Wednesdaysand Thursdays will lie reserved more es-

pecially for Ihdies and children. A ridecosts only Five (5) Cents. For furtherinformation, apply to

C.J. SHERWOOD,101 tf Proprietor.

Hawaiianliilil MrllitilE CO,

W0RK8: - - Young St., Honolulu.

laving received the latest and most im-

proved machinery, we are pre-pared to do

Plating in Nickel, Silver & Gold.

Cutlery, Forks. Spoons, Faucy Lamps,surgical and Dental Instruments platedor skillfull' repaired. Tools, Iustiu-nieut- s.

Bicycles and parts of machineryplated in Nickel.g" Work or orders left wilh Midler's,

corner King aud Bethel streets, willreceive prompt attention. Satisfactionguaranteed. 173 3iu


Carpanler & Builder.37 King street, mauka side, below

Mauuakea street,B'. gs to iufonn the public that he ts wellprepared to contract on all kinds ofBuildings and to do General Jobbing

a y !

fitUf Mulual Telephone 365. 173 Sri

All .Night 'Hack' I


I Biik No. 14,Hereby notitle his friends and the pub-

lic generally, that he can beculled at

All Ilourn m the Night 1

SC.?1 Stand at Club Stables. Tele-pho- ni

s .No. 477.Honolulu, April 20, 1891. ly

MTIOJK!' PHE patrons ot the Oceanic S. S. Co.

L are hereby notified that hereattelno round trip or excursion tickets willne issued for any of the through mai"s: earners. These tickets will, however,be issued as customary for the localsluamers "Australia" andPasseuuers who hold round trip ticketsand wish to take the through mailsteamer will be charged au extia fare of

25.Per order o' the Oceanic S. S. Co.

Wm.G.IRWLN ago.,54 tf General Agents,

Tllli; TAB Lilt

LOCAL LINK.......A ir.. !..!.. r mii iivc (luuuiuiu. jL.eave rionoiuiu

Sept 15 Australia Sept 22Sept 29 Zealaudia '.Oct 6Oct 13 Australia Oct 20


Arrive from San Arrive from theFrancisco. Colonies.

Mariposa .... Sept 24 MoaowaiMonowai Oct 22 Alameda

Nov 19 Mariposa

Austrian Mail Service!

Mitt FKANUimM.The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"JUIONOWAI,"Of the Oceanic Steamship oinpany will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Aucklaud on or p.hout

Sept. 24, lf.-- H,

And will leave for the ato.e port withmails and passengers on or

about that date.

19 For freight or passage, havingst perlor accommodations, apply to

Wm 0. LRWIN & CO.. L'd,Ageuts.

For Sydney and Auckland !

The New and Fine Al ' Steel Steamship

"rViARIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

Sept. 24, 1891 ,And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

3T For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. IRWIN & CO.. L'd,Agents.



NO. 3.The hereditary- - blood Dolson of

scrofula develops in the delicate tissuesof the brain, mental weaknesses andinfirmities, idiocy and insanity. It en-

larges the glands of the th oat, impairsthe sense of smell and taste, or breaksinto consuming ulce s on the neck. Itdestroys the lungs, or fills them withtuberculous secretions. It eats awaythe coating of the stomach, enlargesthe liver, clogs the kidneys, createsconstipation and Induces piles. , Nobuman agency can so speeauy, per-manently and economically cleanse theblood of scrofulous poison, clear thecomplexion and skin, scalp and blood,as lleutei's Syrup JVo. 3, thegreat blood punnur.

Renter's Healing Soap

Use it always if von W13U for a fair.clear skin, a soft, supple skin. Givesa natural tint, lmpirts trnsnness, re-

moves blotches, pieveuts eruptions.

i.OLLISTER & CO..1931 Diatrlb'iUnjr Airents. Pm


Wm. G. Irwin. . ..President & ManagerClans Spreckels nt

Walter M. GiffardKecreUirv & Treasurer

Then. O. Porter ." Auditor


Commission Agents.AGKNTS OV THK

Oteaiic Siaslip Curt.Of HH t'raiK-lxeo- . Cal.



.lewfler Watelimakor,KUKUI JEWELRY SPECIALTY.

King Street, Honolulu, II. 1

Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. 1 -- 91

FOR SALE or LEASEitKsinir.xr'K nn Ti,,ni,.1 . ;.,r. izz. ...v.. r. :.: ;

oy .ur. j. a, con-taining double parlors, four bedrooms,diuing-roo- bathroom, large dining-roo-

kitchen and pantry; servant'sroom, stabling, etc., on rear ot mainbuilding. Grounds, 300x10 feet, welllaid out. Vacant on 14th August Lota ijoluing 300x105 feet may be purchasedon reasonable terms,

R. I. LILLIE,16s tf WitliTheo 11. Davieg & Co.

JN Ol ICE.TUfN CHONG of Puualuu, Hawaii,

having made an assignment to mefor the benefit of his creditors, all per-sons having claims against him are

lo present the same withiu 30days from this date. All persons owingsaid estate are requested to make Imme-diate payment to me at Honolulu, or toJ. C. beaile, Deputy Sheriff, Kau, Ha-waii. L. B. KERR,

Honolulu, Aug. 13, lBfl. llK) lm

Are to the front with fresh importa-tions of


Elegant In design and stylish In make.

Chamber SuitsWai drobcH,

Mideboui-dM- ,

Ca OlnctM,

DRESSING CASE?chitting: tlindK,

urn win I'oleM.

PARLOR SETSK11ttH.1t it- Itel l I ,

JL.OIIIl(f'M,Ho in I!Uk.

Ctuifs lo Rent iur Bails ad Partis.

Our facilities for upholstery areand the department is in charge

of an A No. 1 man.'



Pacific Mail Steamship Co.


Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.

Will call at Honolulu on theirway to the above ports,

as follows:

Stmr. "Belpio." Oct- -

Stmr. "China." 15.

teg' Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaami return, via San Francisco, ijfiinO.For particulars apply to

H. HACKFElD L CO.,13K tf Agents.


Contractor . Builder.

Honolulu Steam Planing Mil).,, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, linds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of woodwork finish. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kjnds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing aud Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to andwork guaranteed. Orders from theoilier Islands solicited.

'I'U 1.XSTi


Rtetropsltia.- -

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

6. J. WAI U K, - - Onager.Wholesale ft Ketaii Bjtthers



A. G. SUVA & CO.,S3 & 57 Hotel Hn-eet- .


DRY GOODS,Gentlemen's Furnishings,

Carpets & Matting,FURN1TUUK.

Large Stock Always on Handaug -y

Head This ! Something New !

Hi Pacific fiife Ca.

Is now prepared to do all kinds of cart-ing. Ring up Bell Telephone 212 andyou will always find it on hand. Bag-gage and Goods delivered to all parts ofthe city with despatch. Pianos, Furni-ture, Etc., moved with care and at rea-sonable rates. Baggage checked towithin one hour of the sailing of foreignsteamers.

PACIFIC TRANSFER CO.,136 3in T. McGuiiiK, Manager.

F. H. KEDWARD,Conirnctor & llulicler.

Informs his many friends and patronsthat he can be found al the old stand,


Where he Is prepared to do contractingand building of Hrlck, Stone and Wooden.Buildings. Estimates given and jobbing'promptly atteud' d to. Bell Tel. No. 2.P. O. Box No. 423. liiO 1 in

if n mmm

King Sitreel. Honolulu.Ex client accommodation for patients

DR. A. K. KOWAT, V. S.Office Honrs 7:80 to 10 a.m.; 12:3u

10 z p. m. ; 4 :au lo e p. ni.Telephones: Bell 9B. Mutual las.

P. O. Box 32fi. 192tf

WENNE & CO.,Manufacturing Jewellers.

NO. &a FtHlT 8THEKT.Constantly on hand a large assortmentof every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, Etc.

prepared, would be of universal de-

mand." During Stanley's two at-

tacks of gastritis a slight gruel ofthis flour, mixed with milk, was theonly material that could be digested.'It is odd, also, as pointed out inStanley's book, that in most bananalands Cuba, Brazil, West Indiesthe valuable properties of the bananaas an easily digested and nourishingfood have been much overlooked. Dr.Dougall has made some experimentsin making banana flour. He con-

cludes that it should be made fromthe ripe fruit at its place of produc-tion. In trying to make it from ba-

nanas purchased in Glasgow, he ob-

tained on drying the pulp a loughsweet mass like toasted ligs, an ap-

pearance probably due to the conver-sion'- of

starch into sugar. Bananascontain only 50 per cent, of pulp, andof this about 75 per ceut. is water.They would yield, therefore, onlyone-eight- part of flour.


Aug, Hornung, a well known manu-

facturer of boots and shoes at 820Nolan St., fSan Antonio, Texas, willnot soon forget his experience withan attack of the cramps which herelates as follows : "I was taken witha violent eaunp in the stomach, whichI believe would have caused mydeath, had it not been for the promptuse of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy. The firstdose did me so muoh good that Ifollowed it up in 20 minutes with thesecond dose, and before the Doctorcould get to where I was, I did notneed him. This Remedy shall alwaysbe one of ili' main stays of myfamily." For sale by all dealers.Bi.nson, Smith & Co., agents for theHawaiian Islands.





Honolulu Iron Worts Co.

(l; 13x24In. Cummer Engine.

(1) lUx'JOlu. Cummer F'nginc.

(1) Putnam Screw Cutting Lathe, ISin.swini?, 12i'r. bed; most; improvedtype.'

(I)-20-- Vacuum Pan, HI. I. W. Co.make), built, in sectious; completewith iron stage and Bhike's DirectVa iiiiiii Pump, lsxli4x24in.

(4) Hula. Weston's Centrifugals.

(1; Complete Diffusion Plant fo1' a ca- -pacity of 400 long tons caue perdiem. Manufactured by the San-g- ei

hiitisen Co , and to arrive in Sept..The two ane slicing Machines lorthis Diffusion Plant, are the latestand most improved type, (self-feedi-

with Cane Carrier) and havebeen successfully used on Sugar caneat factory and given the highestsatisfaction.

(1) 8ft. Cell to Multiple Kffeot (H. I.W, Co make). Can be easily con-nected to any of the II. 1. VV. Go'sMultiple Meets.

(75) Wheeled Coolers. 30x!10x30lu.

(1) Duplex Water Pump, Kixl4xl2in.Capacity, 2 million gals, in 24 hoursto a height of 120 teet with a boilerpressure of 201bs per square inch.

tSaT All the ahove Machinery is new,in perfect order and rlgnt from the

establishments where it wasmade.

jST Uavliig a very large stock of ma-terials on hand, purchased at ihe lowestpossible prices by our Manager whenri'een! ly in Kurope aud the I'nitedstiller-- , we are prepared to furnish anykind of Sugar Machinery on short noticeand at prices to suit the times.


170 tf

To Purcbasers and Prospective

Purchasers of Pearl

City Lots !

Grtat Reduction in Railway Fares !

Those who purchased Lots at PearlCity with a guarantee that the OahuRailway & Land Co. would carry themand their families between Honoluluand Pearl City (2nd Class) for a termof nine (!); years at the rate of 1 centper mile, are hereby notified thatthose who will build upon their Lotswithin twelve (12) months from thisdate, can claim a reduction of 20 percent from the rate of fare named inthe deed, for the v hole term. Thiswill make the rate ten (10) cents eachway for 2nd Class, and fifteen (15)ceuts each way for 1st Class, which isabout one-thir- the rate per milecharged by the Hawaiian TramwaysCo.

gjtFW'v look for prosperity throughthe prosperity of the public!

OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.U. F. Dili.ikoham, Gen'l Manager.

Honolulu, Sept. 1, 1891. " 2(Xilni

i HE WEKKLY BUU..fc'f IN-- 29' columns of interesting readingmatters. Mailed lo foreign countries,

Islands, fS.

The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States.

New Assurance Written in 1890 $ 203,826,107 00Income 35,036,683 21

Surplus (from which dividend will be made) 23,740.447 34o

An Investment Worth !Ct owing About I


Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty-Yea- r

Tontine Policies of The Equiti ble Life Assurance Society of the U. 8.

Policies maturing in 1891 realize cash returns to the owners, of amountsvarying from 120 to 170 per cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-

tage of the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.The following is one of many actual cases maturing this year:

Endowment Policy No. (i4,925.

Issued in 1871, at aae 27. Amount, 5,))0Premium, $239.90. Total Prems. Paid, $4,798.

J:ULiTSat End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender Value, $8,449.45

(Equal to 8176.10 for each $100 paid in premiums, which is equivalent toa return of all premiums paid, with interest at "t per cent, per annum.)

Or, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Life Policy fcr $19,470

(Equal to $405.80 for each $100 paid in premiums.)Or,

A Life Aniiritv of $633.55.

A L ixTXc ARTWRICH T.General Agent for the Hawaiian Islsnda, Equitable Life Assurance Ho-eie- tv

of thU. S.

Telephones, No. 175. jBf3SJST Oor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.


California Wheat, Oat Hay. in large and compressed bales; Barley, Rolled& Ground Barley, California & New Zealand Oats, Middlings, Bran, Corn.

Cracked Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc. Also,

Drifted Sncw and Victor Flour!1 1 J It 'V ILIZKlti J

We keep constantly in stock the celebrated Fertilizers manufactured by Mr.

A. Haas of San Francisco, vise.: B me Meal, Wool Dust and High (tradeSuper Phosphates, all of which can be had at bedrock prices.

t0 Ishtnd orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. JgjI