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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Joko Rahmanto

Student Number: 121214165


















Rahmanto, Joko. (2017). Figurative Languages in Adele’s Album 25. English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Figurative language is “a way of saying one thing and meaning another” (Perrine 1963, p. 5). In the songs’ lyrics, there are a lot of examples of figurative languages. Sometimes, people need to think deeply to understand the meaning of figurative languages used in songs’ lyrics.

This study is aimed to examine the figurative language types which are used in Adele’s album 25. The problem formulation of this study is, which types of figurative language are used in the lyrics of the songs in Adele’s album 25? The objective of this research is to find out the types of figurative language which are used in the Adele’s album 25.

The writer employed Perrine’s (1963) theory to analyze the songs’ lyrics in Adele’s album 25 in order to find the figurative language types. This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach. The data of this study was taken from the lyrics of the four chosen songs in Adele’s album 25. Then, the songs’ lyrics were analyzed in line by line to find out figurative languages. Next, the writer categorized the figurative languages which were found based on each type of figurative language. Finally, the writer explained the meaning of each figurative language from the data which were collected in each song.

The result of this study shows that there are ten figurative language types which are used in Adele’s album 25. They are metaphor, simile, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, paradox, hyperbole and irony.

Keywords: Figurative Language, Songs, Lyrics




Rahmanto, Joko. (2017). Figurative Languages in Adele’s Album 25. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, JPBS, FKIP, Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Gaya bahasa adalah “cara mengatakan sesuatu tetapi mempunyai arti yang berbeda” (Perrine 1963, p. 5). Dalam lirik lagu-lagu, ada banyak gaya bahasa. Kadang kala, orang-orang perlu pemahaman yang lebih baik untuk memahami gaya bahasa yang terdapat pada lirik lagu-lagu.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tipe-tipe gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada lirik lagu-lagu dalam album Adele yang berjudul 25. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah, tipe-tipe gaya bahasa apa saja yang digunakan pada lirik lagu-lagu dalam album Adele yang berjudul 25? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tipe-tipe gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada lirik lagu-lagu dalam album Adele yang berjudul 25.

Penulis menggunakan teori dari Perrine (1963) untuk menganalisa lirik lagu-lagu dalam album Adele yang berjudul 25 untuk menemukan tipe-tipe gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada lirik lagu-lagu tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini diambil dari lirik empat judul lagu yang terdapat dalam album Adele yang berjudul 25. Kemudian, lirik dari empat judul lagu tersebut dianalisa satu per satu untuk menemukan gaya bahasa yang ada pada tiap judul lagu tersebut. Setelah itu, penulis mengelompokkan gaya bahasa-gaya bahasa tersebut ke dalam masing-masing tipe gaya bahasa. Dan yang terakhir, penulis menjelaskan arti tiap gaya bahasa yang ditemukan pada masing-masing judul lagu.

Hasil penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya sepuluh tipe gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada lirik lagu-lagu dalam album Adele yang berjudul 25. Tipe-tipe gaya bahasa tersebut adalah metafora, simile, personifikasi, sinekdoke, apostrof, metonimi, simbol, paradoks, hiperbola, dan ironi.

Kata kunci: Figurative Language, Songs, Lyrics




First of all, I would like to say thanks to The Most Merciful God for His

blessings. Without His help, I would not go this far in completing this final paper.

I also thank my parents, Drs. Soeradi Boedisiswoyo and Wahyu Astuti for their

support that led me to completing this final paper.

I would like also to thank Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M.

as my beloved final paper advisor. I would also like to say thank Dr. Emmanuel

Sunarto, M.Hum., and Yohana Veniranda, M.Hum., Ph.D., for giving me

feedbacks about making the final paper. I also thank them for helping me write my

final paper and encouraging me to complete it. I would also like to thank Laurentia

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St., as she was there for helping me solve the problems

I was facing and giving me advices during writing this final paper.

Lastly, I would like to say thanks to Cila, Hendra, Aji, Riyo, Gheza, Doni,

Vincent, Nanda, Erlin, Tessa, all other classmates from class F, Erick, Gudel,

Ganang, Brian and other friends from batch 2012 who shared experiences and

some precious information during my final paper writing.

Joko Rahmanto




TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………….. i APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………………………… ii MOTTO PAGE …………………………………………………………... iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ………………………... v LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH ………............. vi ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… vii ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………………. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………... x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION

A. Background of the Study ………………………………………….. 1 B. Approach of the Study …………………………………………….. 4


A. Review of Related Literature ……………………………………… 8 1. Metaphor ………………………………………………………. 2. Simile ………………………………………………………….. 3. Personification ………………………………………………… 4. Apostrophe ……………………………………………………. 5. Synecdoche ……………………………………………………. 6. Metonymy ……………………………………………………... 7. Symbol ………………………………………………………… 8. Allegory ……………………………………………………….. 9. Paradox ………………………………………………………... 10. Hyperbole ……………………………………………………... 11. Irony …………………………………………………………...

9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 15

B. Discussion …………………………………………………………. 1. Figurative Language Types in Adele’s Album 25………………

16 16

a. Metaphor …………………………………………………... b. Simile ……………………………………………………… c. Personification ……………………………………………. d. Apostrophe ……………………………………………….. e. Synecdoche ………………………………………………... f. Metonymy ……………………………………………….... g. Symbol ……………………………………………………. h. Paradox …………………………………………………..... i. Hyperbole ………………………………………………..... j. Irony …………………………………………………….....

2. The Paraphrasing of The Songs’ Lyrics in Adele’s Album 25…. a. When We Were Young ……………………………………... b. Remedy ……………………………………………………..

16 18 20 21 22 23 23 25 25 28 29 30 30



c. River Lea ………………………………………………….. d. Love You In The Dark ………………………………………

31 32

CHAPTER III: CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………. 33 REFERENCES …………………………………………………………... 35 APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………. 36





This chapter consists of the background of the study and the approach of the

study. The background of the study provides general information about the topic,

problem formulation and objectives of the study. The approach of the study

provides the description of samples and procedures of this research.

A. Background

Language is the most basic part of our life to communicate with each other.

Goldstein (2008, p. 297) defines language as “a system of communication using

sounds or symbols that enables us to express our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and

experiences”. People take the use of language for granted in terms of daily

conversations. Even with the ability to make a daily conversation each other, some

people still find some difficulties in understanding the feelings, thoughts, ideas and

experiences expressed in a language. One of the problems that people are facing in

a language is the use of figurative languages.

In a daily conversation, people sometimes say something without saying the

literal meaning of it. Instead, they choose some languages which need interpretation

of the hearers to understand what the people mean. For instance, when a person

went camping alone for a couple of nights, then his friends might say, in a figurative

way, that he is as brave as a lion. That remark is an example of a figurative language.



Figurative languages are not only used in a conversation. They are often

found in literary works such as poems. According to Perrine (1963), poets use

figurative languages as “another way of adding extra dimensions to language”.

Then she adds that by using figurative languages, “we can say what we want to say

more vividly and forcefully by figures than we can by saying it directly” (p. 65).

Besides poem, figurative languages are often found in songs.

In a song and poem, there are familiar terms i.e. lyric and lyrics. The term

“lyrics” in the song are not the same as the term “lyric” in the poem. Kennedy and

Gioia (2002) states that “kind of printed poem we now call a lyric is usually

something else”. They refer the term “lyric” without ending -s as the term which is

used to refer to a poem. However, the use of the term “lyrics” which is from the

term “lyric” added the ending -s is now used to refer to something’s else. They

explain more that “we use lyrics to mean the words of a popular song” (p. 10). So,

the term “lyrics” is used to refer to all the words of a song.

A song is articulated in specific ways with musical instruments in the

background. Song is identical with its lyrics. Lyrics are all words which are used in

a song. The use of figurative languages in a song is common. It needs more

comprehension for a music listener to enjoy the song by not only listening to it, but

also understanding the figurative languages in the song lyrics.

Song lyrics have been produced by songwriters all around the world. New

songs are always showing up each year. When songs are being popular, they can be

used as music soundtracks in movies. In other words, songs are popular among



people in the world. American and British songs are the most popular songs among

people all around the world as those songs are sung in English. English which is an

international language is one of the reasons that western songs are more popular

among people all around the world than any other songs in a particular language

other than English.

To know the popular western song album of the year, there are some

websites which publish the list of the popular song album. According to Billboard

magazine (2017), an American entertainment media, the album 25 by Adele is

ranked in the Billboard 200 and one of the highest-selling albums and EPs in the

United States. The data are compiled by Nielsen Soundscan based on each album's

weekly physical and digital sales, as well as on-demand streaming and digital sales

of its individual tracks. In the Forbes article, Hugh McIntyre (2017) states that

“Adele’s 25 ended 2016 on top, becoming the bestselling album of the year”.

In writing songs, Adele mostly did it by herself. However, some songs were

made by working together with other songwriters. According to Platon (Billboard,

2017), Adele was working with Tobias Jesso Jr., Paul Epworth, Max Martin, Bruno

Mars, Danger Mouse, Ryan Tedder, and Greg Kurstin in writing the songs in album


As figurative languages are important to understand and the songs’ lyrics

contain some figurative languages, the writer intends to examine more the

figurative languages in songs’ lyrics. The songs which are popular tend to be more



beneficial for more people if they are to be the object of study. Therefore, the writer

intends to conduct the study in figurative languages used in Adele’s album 25.

As what has stated previously in this background of study, the writer

formulates the question of problems as follows: “which types of figurative

languages are used in Adele’s album 25 songs’ lyrics?”

The aim of this study is to find out the types of figurative languages which

are used in the lyrics of songs in Adele’s album 25. There are three benefits in

conducting this study. The first benefit can be obtained by general readers who like

to listen to western songs, especially Adele’s songs in her album 25. This study

helps them gain more understanding about the meaning of the lyrics which contain

some figurative languages as there are some explanation for each type of figurative

language and its examples in the lyrics of the songs in Adele’s album 25. The

second benefit is that the readers can reflect the hidden meaning from the figurative

languages in the lyrics of songs on their life. The third benefit can be obtained for

educational purposes. As figurative languages are often used for the materials of

learning English. This study can be their sources of teaching and learning about

figurative languages.


Basically, there are two approaches to conduct a research i.e. a quantitative

research and a qualitative research. According to Ross (1999) as cited by Hunt

(1999), “qualitative approaches to research are based on a ‘world view’ which is



holistic and has the following beliefs: first, that there is not a single reality; second,

that reality is based upon perceptions that are different for each person and change

over time; and third, that what we know only has meaning within a given situation

or context”. As this study focuses on figurative languages which can only be

understood by particular people who use a particular language and know a given

situation, this study employs a qualitative approach.

This study also employs a descriptive research method. According to Glass

and Hopkins (1984) as cited by Aruma (2011, p. 20), descriptive research “involves

gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and

describes the data collection”. The main data of this study is the lyrics of the songs

in album 25 by Adele. This study is conducted to find out the types of figurative

languages which are used in the lyrics of the songs in album 25 by Adele and to

explain the meaning of each figurative language after determining which type of

figurative language it is.

Basically, there are two data collection methods in the research i.e. primary

and secondary source of data. Given (2008, p. 803) as cited by Maskhurin (2014, p.

29) argued “secondary data source is preexisting source that have been collected

for a different purpose or by someone other than the researcher”. This study collects

the lyrics of songs in album 25 by Adele using secondary data which are found on

Adele’s official website at Album 25 is the third album by Adele. There

are eleven songs in album 25. The songs which are in album 25 by Adele are Hello,

Send My Love (To Your New Lover), I Miss You, When We Were Young,



Remedy, Water Under the Bridge, River Lea, Love In The Dark, Million Years

Ago, All I Ask, and Sweetest Devotion. Due to many songs in this album, the writer

chooses some of them as samples for this study.

In order to choose the samples of this study, the writer read thoroughly the

lyrics of all songs in album 25 by Adele. By understanding the types of figurative

languages which are based on Perrine’s (1963) theory, the writer marked the line of

the songs’ lyrics which contain a figurative language by noting which type of

figurative language it is. After that, the writer made a table as seen in Appendix 1

which listed the songs’ titles in Adele’s album 25 vertically and the types of

figurative languages horizontally. In the table as seen in Appendix 1, the writer

marked with a check “” symbol for the songs which contain the particular types

of figurative languages. From that table, the writer got the data that some songs had

only a few types of figurative languages while other songs have more types of

figurative languages. The writer chose the songs which contain more various types

of figurative languages. As a result, the writer took four out of eleven songs in

Adele’s Album 25. Those songs are When We were Young, Remedy, River Lea, and

Love In The Dark.

There were actually five songs which contain four or more figurative

language types. Those songs were When We Were Young, Remedy, River Lea, Love

In The Dark, and Million Years Ago. However, the later song did not contain some

particular figurative language types which could be found in the rest of the other

three songs. So, Million Years Ago was excluded from the samples as it contained



the figurative languages types which could actually be found in the rest of the songs

chosen as the samples.

There are some steps in order to conduct this study. First, the writer collected

the lyrics of four songs as the data samples from album 25 by Adele. Next, each

song lyrics were analyzed in line by line to find out figurative languages. Then, the

writer categorized the figurative languages which were found based on each type

of figurative language. Finally, the writer explained the meaning of each figurative

language from the data which were collected in each song.





This chapter essentially contains review of related literature and the findings

as well as the interpretation of the findings. Review of related literature shows how

the study builds on prior knowledge by presenting and evaluating what is already

known about the topic.

A. Review of Related Literature

There are a lot of theories about figurative languages. Each book on

figurative language contains explanation about some figurative languages which

can have the same or different explanation of figurative languages between one

book and another. In order to have clear references to find out which types of

figurative languages used in lyrics of Adele’s album 25 songs, the writer studied

the figurative languages based on Perrine’s (1963) theory. There were some more

recent books written by other authors which support the explanation of figurative

languages in that Perrine’s book.

Figurative language is “a way of saying one thing and meaning another”

(Perrine 1963, p. 5). A songwriter uses figurative languages in song lyrics in order

to make “more vividly and forcefully… than saying it directly” (Perrine 1963, p.

5). According to Holman (1985), the definition of figurative language is

“intentional departure from the normal order, construction, or meaning of words in

order to gain strength and freshness of expression, to create pictorial effect, to



describe by analogy or to discover and to illustrate similarities in other wise

dissimilar things” (p. 185). In other words, the use of figurative language is to

describe something by saying one thing but meaning another in order to gain

strength and freshness of expression.

There are twelve types of figurative languages explained in Perrine’s book.

They are stated as follows:

1. Metaphor

Metaphor and simile have almost the same characteristics. According to

Perrine (1963), “metaphor and simile are both comparisons between things

essentially unlike.” The difference is that in metaphor, “the figurative term is

substitute for or identified with the literal term” (p. 65). In addition, Abrams (1999)

states that “metaphor is a word or expression that in literal usage denotes one kind

of thing is applied to a distinctly different kind of thing, without asserting a

comparison” (p. 97). The explanation by Perrine and Adams above is also similar

to what Kennedy and Gioia (2002 p. 122) state that metaphor is “a statement that

one thing is something else, which, in a literal sense, it is not.” They also support

Abram’s (1999) explanation that “implied metaphor, one that uses neither

connective nor the verb to be” (p. 122). So, it can be concluded that in metaphor,

the figurative term is addressed directly to explain the literal term in a statement or

sentence without adding connective such as like.



An example of metaphor can be found in The Band’s (1971) song entitled

Life is a Carnival. From that title, they compare life to a carnival. While two things

are essentially unlike. Life is an abstract object whereas carnival is a public event.

However, to describe the meaning of life, the term “carnival” can be used. In this

example, life is directly described as a carnival without inserting some connectives

such as like or as.

2. Simile

According to Perrine (1963), simile uses “some words or phrases such as

like, than, similar to, or resembles” to compare something (p. 65). Kennedy and

Gioia (2002) confirms that “simile is a comparison of two things, indicated by some

connective, usually like, as, than, or a verb such as resembles” (p. 122). Based on

those explanations, simile is a comparison between two unlike things but using

some connective, such as like, as, than, or a verb such as resembles. An example of

simile is when somone says, “you look like a movie”. From that example, it can be

seen that the line uses connective look like to compare between pronoun you and a


3. Personification

Perrine (1963, p. 67) states that “personification consist in giving the

attributes of a human being to an animal, an object, or an idea”. In addition, Abrams

(1999) states the similar thing that “personification, or in the Greek term,



prosopopeia, in which either an inanimate object or an abstract concept spoken of

as though it were endowed with life or with human attributes or feelings (compare

pathetic fallacy)” (p. 99). Kennedy and Gioia (2002) add more explanation that

“personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract

term (truth, nature) is made human” (p. 130). In conclusion, personification is

giving the attributes of a human being or feelings to either an inanimate object or

an abstract concept. An example of personification is when someone says, “Our

journey has tired us”. In that statement, the abstract noun “journey” is employed by

using a human attribute with the verb “tire”.

4. Apostrophe

Perrine (1963) states that “apostrophe consists in addressing someone absent

or something nonhuman as if it were alive and present and could reply to what is

being said” (p. 67). In addition, Kennedy and Gioia (2002) state that “apostrophe is

a way of addressing someone or something invisible or nor ordinarily spoken to”

(p. 131). In other words, apostrophe is a way of addressing someone absent and

something which is nonhuman or invisible by calling them. It is obvious that calling

someone absent or something which is nonhuman will not get a reply. In a popular

song entitled “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”, singer sings it in a way of calling star

with “twinkle, twinkle, little star”. This is an example of apostrophe.



5. Synecdoche

According to Perrine (1963), “synecdoche is the use of the part for the

whole” (p. 69). Kennedy and Gioia (2002) add Perrine’s explanation that

“synecdoche is the use of a part of a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa”

(p. 131-132). In other words, synecdoche is a statement which contains a part of a

thing to represent the whole thing. An example of synecdoche is in the sentence,

“England won the football match”. In that example, the reality is that the football

team that consists of eleven men from England won the football match against

another country. However, the use of word “England” which should represent all

people in England is used in that sentence although not all people in England did

the football match.

6. Metonymy

Perrine (1963, p. 74) states that metonymy is the use of something closely

related for the thing actually meant. In another book, Kennedy and Gioia (2002)

states that metonymy is used in a sentence in which “the name of thing is substituted

for that of another closely associated with it” (p. 131). From both sources, it can be

concluded that metonymy uses a thing to represent something’s else in which both

of the things are closely related each other. The difference from synecdoche is that

metonymy is the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for the thing

closely related. The example of metonymy is the use of the term “White House” to

refer to the state palace of United Stated of America. The term “White House”



literally means the building which has a white color. However, the term is used in

a figurative way. The term “White House” is used to represent the US government

as that building is where the US government stays. Another example of metonymy

can be found in the news when it usually states the term “boots” to represent

“soldiers”. Soldiers usually wear boots in the middle of a war. So, between soldiers

and boots are two things which are related. Therefore, boots are used to represent


7. Symbol

Perrine (1963, p. 76) states that symbol is roughly defined as something that

means more than what it is. Harmon (1996) says, "a symbol combines a literal and

sensuous quality with an abstract or suggestive aspect" (p. 507). In other words,

when a statement contains a symbol, there are two meanings of it which are a literal

meaning and another meaning which is a suggestive aspect. William Harmon

(1996) gives an example of the use of symbol which has a universal suggestion of

meaning “as flowing water suggests time and eternity, a voyage suggests life”.

8. Allegory

Perrine (1963, p. 82) states that allegory is a narrative or description that has

a second meaning beneath the surface one. She also states that allegory is “less

popular in modern literature than it was in medieval and Renaissance writing, and



it is much less often found in short poems than in long works”. Based on that

explanation, lyrics of song rarely contain this type of figurative language as songs

are more modern than poems.

An example of allegory can be found some parts in the Bible which tell

about Pharaoh who has a dream in which seven fat kine are devoured by seven lean

kine. That story does not really become significant until Joseph interpret its

allegorical meaning that Egypt is to enjoy seven years of fruitfulness and prosperity

and followed by seven years of famine.

9. Paradox

According to Perrine (1963), a paradox is “an apparent contradiction that is

nevertheless somehow true” (p. 84). Paradox is a statement which contradicts itself.

In a statement, a paradox may contradict one word with another. Both words are

usually an antonym. An example of paradox is in a statement as follow: “to bring

peace we must war”. Peace is an antonym of war. However, the use of both words

in that statement can be true. After war is over, people who are in conflict can have

a treaty of peace.

10. Hyperbole

According to Perrine (1963, p. 103), overstatement, or hyperbole, is simply

exaggeration but exaggeration in the service of truth. An example of hyperbole is

when someone says, “there were literally millions of people at the dance”. That



statement is exaggerated as a dance party could not accommodate that huge number

of people.

11. Irony

Perrine (1963) states that irony is “saying opposite of what one means” (p.

105). This form of irony is usually called as a sarcasm. There is another form of

irony which is called a situational irony. Olivera as cited in Kadir (2014, p. 15)

states that situational irony is “a discrepancy between the expected result and actual

results”. In other words, there are two forms of irony; the verbal irony which is what

is saying to be in contrast to what actually means and the situational irony which

occurs when the exact opposite of what is expected to happen, happens.

An example of irony is when someone says, “I can’t wait to read the seven

hundred-page report”. That statement is a verbal irony. As what he means that is

opposite to what he says that he or she does not actually like to read a very long

report. In the poem entitled The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Coleridge wrote some

lines of his poem below:

Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink

In the both lines above, Coleridge wanted to tell that someone is expected to

be able to have a drink as water is everywhere but what happens is the exact

opposite. That is the example of a situational irony.



B. Discussion

In this section, the writer discusses the findings as well as the interpretation

of the findings. There are two major parts of this discussion. The first one is about

the figurative language types and the second one is about the paraphrasing each of

the four-chosen songs.

1. Figurative Language Types in Adele’s Album 25

In this part of discussion, each type of figurative language which was found

in the songs’ lyrics will be discussed one by one. The writer will discuss all

figurative language types which were found in each song’s lyrics. The findings

which are the figurative languages will be grouped based on which type of the

figurative language they are in. Then, the writer will explain the reason why the

findings belong to a particular type of figurative language. After that, the writer will

explain the meaning of those figurative languages.

a. Metaphor

In the previous section, Perrine (1963) explained that metaphor is “metaphor

and simile are both comparisons between things essentially unlike” (p. 65). There

were some examples of the metaphors in the songs entitled Remedy and River Lea.

In the song Remedy, the writer found three metaphors as follows:

(1) That I will be your remedy11

(2) Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't let the rain come through17

(3) Your love, it is my truth and I will always love you18



While in the song River Lea, the writer found a metaphor in the line:

(4) But my heart is a valley, it's so shallow and man made3

In metaphor number 1, a person is compared to a remedy. According to

Hornby (2010, p. 1245), remedy is “a way of dealing with or improving an

unpleasant or difficult situation”. According to Hornby (2010, p. 1245), another

meaning of remedy is “a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that

is not very serious”. In other words, a remedy is something related to a medicine or

a way to deal with a problem. From that definition, it can be concluded that the

songwriter or the singer compares someone to a remedy as she wants to convey that

she will be someone’s assistance in coping with any life problems. By doing that

way, the songwriter calls herself, in a figurative way, as his lover’s remedy.

And then, metaphor number 2 compares a person to a shelter. According to

Hornby (2010, p. 1361), shelter means “the fact of having a place to live or stay,

considered as a basic human need”. So, this whole line means that the songwriter

conveys that she will defend someone when he gets a bad situation involving

anyone’s else. She will be his “shelter” which, in literal meaning, means she will

be his lover’s protection.

In metaphor number 3, the songwriter compares a love to a truth. Both the

term “love” and “truth” are unlike things. According to Hornby (2010, p. 884), love

is “a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody/something, especially a member

of your family or a friend”. According to Hornby (2010, p. 1602), truth is “the true



facts about something”. Truth is important to say. Some problems which are faced

by a couple can be caused by telling lies. By saying someone’s love is the

songwriter’s truth, the songwriter wants to tell that she feels that the songwriter’s

lover loves her very much.

In metaphor number 4, the songwriter compares her heart to a valley.

According to Hornby (2010, p. 1648), valley is “an area of low land between hills

or mountains, often with a river running through it”. It can be said that valley is a

depression in the landscape. But the depression is not as deep as a canyon. In that

line, the songwriter gives more description of the valley which is shallow and man-

made. This line uses word “man-made” instead of word “nature”. This use of word

“man-made” implies that the valley is not as great as that the nature can create.

From that explanation, it can be concluded that the valley means a negative thing

which is used to compare it to the songwriter’s own character. The songwriter wants

to say that she is not sure if she is a committed person in a relationship. By saying

in the line that my heart is a valley… which is …man-made, the songwriter wants

to say that someone could distract her from the relationship commitment.

b. Simile

Simile actually almost has the same characteristics with metaphor. Simile is

also a figurative language type which compares two things. Perrine (1963)

explained the difference from metaphor is that simile uses “some words or phrases

such as like, than, similar to, or resembles” to compare something (p. 65). The



writer found the similes in the songs entitled When We Were Young. They were

numbered as follows:

(1) Cause you feel like home5

(2) You're like a dream come true6

(3) You look like a movie11

(4) You sound like a song12

Simile number 1 and simile number 2 compare someone to a home and a

dream. People get used to hear the term “home” which is usually associated with a

house, a building where people live. But the term “home” is also often associated

with a family and/or the place someone feels attached to. So, the term “home” is

more emotional than the term “house”. The term “home” is not necessarily a house.

For instance, when a person with his friends of family go to camping, they can still

call their camp as home. In other words, the term “home” means a place where they

find enjoyment and comfort to them. In that line, the songwriter conveys that she

has a strong emotion on someone. The next sentence, she compares someone to a

dream. According to Hornby (2010, p. 445), dream is “a wish to have or be

something, especially one that seems difficult to achieve”. By comparing someone

to a dream, the songwriter wants to convey that someone is worthful.

Simile number 3 compares someone to a movie. Then, simile number 4

compares someone to a song. Both movie and song are the entertaining media for a

lot of people. Nowadays, people almost cannot miss their favorite songs and

movies. By comparing someone to both a movie and a song, the songwriter tries to

convey that someone is entertaining to her.



c. Personification

According to Perrine (1963), “personification consist in giving the attributes

of a human being to an animal, an object, or an idea” (p. 67). Some personifications

were found in the song entitled Remedy. The findings were as follows:

(1) Every story has its scars7

(2) But when the pain cuts you deep8

(3) When the night keeps you from sleeping9

(4) When the world seems so cruel12

The personification number 1 gives the human attribute “scars” to the

abstract noun “story”. Generally, every relationship was remembered as a story by

people who experienced it. In that line, the songwriter uses the term “scars” to

describe a story. Scars appear on the skin after a person gets an injury. Injuries

which would result in scars on the skin could be painful. In that line, the songwriter

tries to convey that every story of a relationship has some unpleasant memories.

The personification number 2 employs the noun “pain” for doing an action

by adding the action verb “cut”. The verb “cut” should be employed by humans or

animals. Therefore, that line is considered as a personification. Normal person will

feel pain when a sharp object, such as a knife or a cutter, cuts that person’s skin.

The term “pain” represents an unpleasant moment. The phrase “cut you deep” in

that line represents the action of something which has a significant impact on

someone. In that line, the songwriter wants her listeners to imagine when they had

the most unpleasant moment which made them so down.



The line number 3 is also a personification as that line employs the noun

“night” for doing an action by adding the action verb “keep”. It can be easily

understood that the songwriter wants the listener to imagine if they cannot sleep all


The last personification was in the line number 3. It describes the noun

“world” with the adjective “cruel”. In that line, the songwriter wants the listener to

imagine when unfair things happened in their life.

d. Apostrophe

According to Perrine (1963), “apostrophe consists in addressing someone

absent or something nonhuman as if it were alive and present and could reply to

what is being said” (p. 67). In the songs entitled When We Were Young and River

Lea, there were some apostrophes. In the song entitled When We Were Young, there

was an apostrophe in the line:

(1) My God, this reminds me13

In the song entitled River Lea, an apostrophe was found in the line:

(2) So I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea16

In apostrophe number 1, the songwriter uses noun “God”, which is

nonhuman, in the phrase “My God”. The reason why such phrase is considered

apostrophe is that God does not orally answer back to that person’s call. In that



statement, the songwriter conveys that something is surprising her till that thing

reminds her of a particular event in the past.

In apostrophe number 2, the songwriter vents her bad traits on a river which

is a nonhuman object. In an interview with NPR, Adele said, “a lot of my life was

spent walking alongside the River Lea to go and get to somewhere else” (NPR,

2015). So, River Lea is a name of real river where the songwriter spent her

childhood. In NPR interview, she said, “I have a lot of bad habits. And rather than

admitting that I have bad traits in my actual character, I blame it on where I’m from”

(NPR, 2015). From that interview, it becomes clearer that she vents her bad traits

on River Lea as it reminds her of where she is from.

e. Synecdoche

According to Perrine (1963), “synecdoche is the use of the part for the

whole” (p. 69). The writer found a synecdoche in the song entitled When We Were

Young. It was found in the line as follows:

And a part of me keeps holding on just in case it hasn't gone31

The phrase “a part of me” indicates a half of a person which is impossible.

That phrase is actually used to represent a person. In that line, the songwriter

conveys that she cannot move on from her relationship with someone.



f. Metonymy

According to Perrine (1963, p. 74), metonymy is the use of something

closely related for the thing actually meant. There were some metonymies which

were found in the songs entitled Remedy and Love In The Dark. In the song entitled

Remedy, the metonymies were found in the following lines:

(1) so desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe2 (2) When the world seems so cruel12

While in the song entitled Love In The Dark, a metonymy was found in the


(3) It is the world to me27

In the three metonymies above, the term “world” is not actually a world

which contains a lot of continents and islands. But the term “world” in this

particular case is to define something which has closely related to the world.

Generally, people know that world is a place for all people to live. So, the meaning

of the term “world” can be concluded that it actually means a personal life. In

metonymy number 3, “it” refers to her life with her lover which can be seen in the

line that you are in my life28. Her life with her lover is not as good as she expects.

g. Symbol

According to Perrine (1963, p. 76), symbol is roughly defined as something

that means more than what it is. To understand more about what a symbol is,

Harmon (1996) has a better explanation. According to Harmon (1996), "a symbol



combines a literal and sensuous quality with an abstract or suggestive aspect" (p.

507). So, a symbol has the other meaning which is more suggestive. The writer

found symbols in the song entitled When We Were Young and Love In The Dark. In

the song entitled When We Were Young, a symbol was found in the line:

(1) Let me photograph you in this light37

While in the song entitled Love In The Dark, a symbol was found in the line:

(2) I can't love you in the dark7

The term “light” in a figurative term usually represents knowledge. In

symbol number 1, the phrase “in this light” can be defined as “from this

perspective” of taking a photograph using a camera. But the term “light” in that line

can also have a suggestive meaning. The term “light” usually represents a good

thing. The phrase “let me photograph” means that the songwriter wants a particular

moment to be remembered. In this context, the term “light” means a warmth

moment. So, this line means that the songwriter wants to have a warmth moment

with her lover so she can remember that moment as her beautiful memory in her


The term “dark” in symbol number 2 represents something which is other

than the actual meaning of “dark”. The actual meaning of “dark” suits in that

sentence. However, there is another suggestive meaning of it which can be

understood in a specific way. The opposite of the term “light” is dark. This term

has a connotation of bad thing. The term “dark” in this context means no good



future. In that line, the songwriter conveys she cannot let her relationship with

someone continue as she thinks she will not have a good future with him.

h. Paradox

According to Perrine (1963), a paradox is “an apparent contradiction that is

nevertheless somehow true” (p. 84). The writer found a paradox in the song entitled

Love In The Dark. It was in the line:

Don’t try to change my mind I’m being cruel to be kind6

The term “cruel” and the term “kind” are two terms which are antonym. This

example of paradox is actually common. That paradox means that the songwriter

wants to cause someone pain for his or her own good.

i. Hyperbole

According to Perrine (1963, p. 103), overstatement, or hyperbole, is simply

exaggeration but exaggeration in the service of truth. The writer found the

hyperboles in the songs entitled When We Were Young, Remedy, River Lea, and

Love In The Dark. The hyperboles in the song entitled When We Were Young were

found as follows:

(1) Everybody loves the things you do1

(2) Everybody here is watching you4

The hyperboles found in the song entitled Remedy were listed as follows:

(3) I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be1

(4) No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to16



The hyperboles found in the song entitled River Lea were listed as follows:

(5) Everybody tells me it's 'bout time that I moved on1 (6) I'm scared to death if I let you in that you'll see I'm just a fake4 (7) But I know that's just me cause nothing ever is enough6

The hyperboles found in the song entitled Love In The Dark were listed as


(8) Take your eyes off me so I can leave1

(9) This is never ending, we have been here before3

(10) You have given me something that I can't live without12

Both hyperbole number 1 and hyperbole number 2 use pronoun

“everybody”. It is a form of exaggeration as pronoun “everybody” embodies every

single person in the world. Thus, saying everybody likes the things that someone

does is an exaggerated statement. Both hyperboles are used by the songwriter to

show how she admires the person whom she indicates with the pronoun “you”.

Both hyperbole number 3 and hyperbole number 4 exaggerate the human

capabilities. In hyperbole number 3, it exaggerates the capability of a human

memory. People normally remember only some of what they have ever thought in

all their lifetime. In hyperbole number 2, it exaggerates capability of a human action

in doing something. Someone who can swim may consider the risks of swimming

some rivers. Rivers which are too wide and too deep can be dangerous to swim.

Some authorities even prohibit some rivers from a public access.



Hyperbole number 5 employs the pronoun “everybody”. It is an exaggerated

statement as it is not possible that everybody tells the songwriter what will happen

to her. There might be somebody or some people that told her what to do. Instead

of using the pronoun “somebody” or “some people”, she uses pronoun

“everybody”. By using doing that way, it gives the listeners an idea that her

statement it's 'bout time that I moved on is the most likely to happen as everybody

tells her what will happen to her as time goes by.

Hyperbole number 6 has an expression “I’m scared to death”. The fact is

when that statement is said, the speaker is still alive. So, that expression is an

exaggerated statement. The songwriter uses this expression to tell that she is so

afraid that her lover knows the real personality of her.

Hyperbole number 7 has a statement “nothing is ever enough”. It is an

exaggerated statement. Some things which humans have in life are just enough for

them. The songwriter likely has some things that are not enough in her life.

However, the use of word “nothing” in that statement can give an idea that no single

thing is enough for her. By saying the statement “nothing is ever enough”, the

songwriter wants to admit that she is a perfectionist.

The statement in hyperbole number 8 is clearly exaggerated. Someone

would not willingly take his eyes off. The songwriter wants to tell that she does not

want her lover to see the bad traits of her if she tells about herself openly. This line

indicates that her relationship with her lover is superficial. They do not know each



other very well. Sometimes, when someone has some bad traits, she or he needs to

hide it from someone’s else by faking her or his traits, especially to someone she or

he knows for the first time.

The statement in hyperbole number 9 is exaggerated. In that statement, the

songwriter tells that she has re-visited the same place as she did before. But it will

absolutely end in the future. In this statement, the songwriter wants to tell that both

she and her lover repeatedly tell lies with each other. This line also indicates that

the lies will continue if they still have a relationship.

In hyperbole number 10, the songwriter exaggerates something which is

given by his lover. In this case, the thing her lover gives is not a body organ or a

medical equipment to support the songwriter’s life. By saying that, the songwriter

wants to tell how much she loves her lover. She will probably be grieving if she and

his lover break their relationship up.

j. Irony

The writer has found three ironies in this song lyrics. They were all in the

song entitled River Lea. It was in the line:

(1) I can't go back, but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips9

(2) But it's in my roots11

(3) In my veins12 (4) It's in my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain13



Irony number 1 tells that the songwriter cannot go back to the River Lea.

That statement is her expectation which is in contrast with what happens that the

reeds which are in the river are growing out of her fingertips. This irony means that

she has to go through something which she does not like.

The other ironies are in number 2, number 3, and number 4. The pronoun

“it” in that line is used to replace the noun “river”. The statements in those three

lines are what happens which is in contrast with what she expects which is in the

line I can’t go back to the river10. In those lines, the songwriter tells that she has to

go through something which she does not like.

2. The Paraphrasing of The Songs’ Lyrics in Adele’s Album 25

In this section, the writer will discuss the paraphrasing of the four chosen

songs’ lyrics in Adele’s album 25. According to Jubobs (Merriam-Webster’s

Dictionary), the definition of paraphrase is “a restatement of a text, passage, or work

giving the meaning in another form”. So, the writer restates the songs’ lyrics into

the narrative texts. The paraphrase of the songs’ lyrics is meant to help readers

understand songs’ lyrics thoroughly after understanding the meaning of the

figurative languages which were previously discussed. There were four songs as

the samples. Therefore, this section is divided into four parts. Each part is based on

each title of the chosen songs. The paraphrasing of the songs’ lyrics is discussed as




a. When We Were Young

The songwriter tells that she admires her lover as he is respected by a lot of

people. It is seen as the songwriter employs the hyperbole by using word

“everybody” to praise her lover. She is very comfortable with him by telling in a

figurative way, cause you feel like home.

They have very beautiful moments as they are still young. The beautiful

moments are represented by employing similes which compare her lover with a

movie and a song. As the songwriter realizes that she and her lover will not live

young forever. Sometimes, she is afraid that in the future, they might be not as

happy as they are now. So, she wants to spend the beautiful moments with her lover

as they are still young by telling “let me photograph you in this light” in the hope

that they can still remember all those beautiful moments as they are getting older,

Thus, songwriter hopes they can manage their relationship well by remembering

good memories in their young ages. It is proven in the lyrics when the songwriter

tells “and a part of me keeps holding on just in case it hasn’t gone”.

b. Remedy

The songwriter recalls her memories of her past which was a

disappointment. They were deeply remembered by her but those memories give her

a lesson. It is proven in the line which states “I remember all of the things that I

thought I wanted to be”. However, she manages to handle the disappointment. In

the line “so desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe”, she tells



that her days which were very bad moments were finally over as she managed to

solve the problems. The bad moments in her past is proven also in the line “every

story has its scars”.

However, what happened to her in the past has made her strong. She can

teach her lovers to handle the problems of life. In the song’s lyrics, it is proven in

the line “that I will be your remedy”. She can tell her lover what to do by referring

to what happened to her past time. There was so much lesson she can take from her

past time.

c. River Lea

Songwriter is aware that she needs to move on. It is proven in the line

“everybody tells me it’s ‘bout time that I moved on”. By employing the hyperbole

using word “everybody”, she just wants to support her opinion that she should find

a happy life with her lover. However, she is aware that she actually does not have

a good personality. It is proven in the line “But my heart is a valley, it’s so shallow

and man-made”.

She realizes she is not content with what she has. She has made a mistake

and she really wants to apologize to her lover. She wanted to not repeat the mistakes

she has made. Ironically, she thinks that the mistakes she has made are parts of her

personality. She is not sure if she can fix it. She uses the word “River Lea” to vent

her mistakes as it is a place where she grew up. She uses the word “reeds” to

represent her mistakes. In the line “I can’t go back but the reeds are growing out of



my fingertips”, she wants to tell with the irony figurative language that she do not

want to make mistakes again, but she thinks her bad traits are her real personality.

d. Love In The Dark

In the line “take your eyes off of me so I can leave”, the songwriter does not

want her lover to know deeper about her. They have a superficial relationship. It is

proven in the line “I can’t love you in the dark” which means she does not know

her lover very well. Both of them often tell lies with each other. Songwriter thinks

if the relationship keeps continuing, she realizes that she will only get lies from her

lover. So, she tells to her lover that she wants to end up her relationship with him.

She realizes that her relationship with her lover has taught her something which she

might need in the next relationship. It is proven in the line “you have given me

something I can’t live without”. “Something” there means that the failure of her

relationship with her lover. It gives her a lesson which can make her be a better






There are ten types of figurative languages which were found in Adele’s

album 25. Those ten types of figurative languages are metaphor, simile,

personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, symbol, paradox and hyperbole. Each one

of those figurative language types has one or more examples in the lyrics of four

songs in Adele’s album 25.

This study shows the use of figurative languages in the songs’ lyrics are

common. There were four metaphors, four similes, four personifications, two

apostrophes, one synecdoche, three metonymies, two symbols, one paradox, ten

hyperboles, and four ironies. There are totally thirty-five figurative languages of the

four songs’ lyrics which are the samples for this study. Figurative languages give

the deeper meaning of the songs’ lyrics. Through some sources of information, the

literal meanings can be explained thoroughly. Each figurative language has its own

literal meaning. Some of them are easy to understand, but some of them need more

deeper understanding in order to find out the meaning which is hidden in the

figurative languages.

Seeking some information from the songwriter’s interview which can be

found in some news media can give deeper understanding about the meaning of the

figurative language. For instance, Adele in an interview with NPR revealed that her



childhood which was spent in River Lea is the reason why she vents her bad traits

on River Lea in her lyrics as River Lea reminds her of where she is originally from.

This study shows that the use of figurative languages in songs are important

as figurative languages can make the song’s lyrics sound “more vividly and

forcefully… than saying it directly” (Perrine 1963, p. 5). The music listeners need

to think deeper to themselves to understand each figurative language found in the

song’s lyrics. The meaning of figurative language can be the reflections of the

songwriter’s experiences. The similar experiences may also be experienced by the

music listeners.




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APPENDIX 1: The Sum of Figurative Language Types in Adele’s Album 25 Based on Each Song’s Title

No Song’s Title Me Si Pe Ap Sd Mn Sb Pa Hy Ir Sum of

Fig. Lang. Types

1. Hello 2 2. Send me My Love 1 3. I Miss You 3 4. When We were Young 5 5. Remedy 4 6. Water Under the Bridge 1 7. River Lea 4 8. Love In The Dark 4 9. Million Years Ago 4 10. All I Ask 1 11. Sweetest Devotion 3


Me : Metaphor Sd : Synecdoche Hy : Hyperbole Si : Simile Mn : Metonymy Ir : Irony Pe : Personification Sb : Symbol Ap : Apostrophe Pa : Paradox



APPENDIX 2: Lyrics of Each Song and Its Types of Figurative Languages

1.1. Lyrics of When We Were Young and Its Types of Figurative Languages

Lyrics of Song: When We Were Young Types of Figurative Language

Everybody loves the things you do1 From the way you talk2 To the way you move3

Everybody here is watching you4 Cause you feel like home5

You’re like a dream come true6 But if by chance you’re here alone7 Can I have a moment before I go8

Cause I’ve been by myself all night long9 Hoping you’re someone I used to know10

You look like a movie11 You sound like a song12

My god this reminds me13 Of when we were young14


Let me photograph you in this light15 In case it is the last time that we might16

Be exactly like we were before we realised17 We were sad of getting old it made us restless18

It was just like a movie19 It was just like a song20

I was so scared to face my fears21 Nobody told me that you’d be here22 And I swear you moved overseas23

That’s what you said when you left me24

You still look like a movie25 You still sound like a song26 My god this reminds me27 Of when we were young28


Hyperbole Hyperbole Simile Simile Simile Simile Apostrophe Symbol Simile Simile



(When we were young x4)

It’s hard to admit that everything just takes me back to when you were there29

To when you were there30 And a part of me keeps holding on just in case it hasn’t

gone I guess I still care31 Do you still care32

It’s was just like a movie33 It was just like a song34

My god this reminds me35 Of when we were young36

(When we were young x 4)

Let me photograph you in this light37 In case it is the last time that we might38

Be exactly like we were before we realised39 We were sad of getting old it made us restless40

Oh I’m so mad I’m getting old it makes me reckless41 It was just like a movie42 It was just like a song43 When we were young44




1.2. Lyrics of Remedy and Its Types of Figurative Languages

Lyrics of Song: Remedy Types of Figurative Language

I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be1

So desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe2

Right before my eyes I saw3 My heart it came to life4

This ain’t easy5 Its not meant to be6

Every story has it’s scars7

But when the pain cuts you deep8 When the night keeps you from sleeping9

Just look and you will see10 That I will be your remedy11

When the world seems so cruel12

And your heart makes you feel like a fool13

I promise you will see14 That I will be, I will be your remedy15

No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to you16 Come whatever I’ll be the shelter that won’t let the rain

come through17 Your love it is my truth and I will always love you18

Love you19

When the pain cuts you deep20 When the night keeps you from sleeping21

Just look and you will see22 That I will be your remedy23

When the world seems so cruel24

And your heart makes you feel like a fool25

Just look and you will see26 That I will be your remedy27

Hyperbole Metonymy Personification Personification Personification Metaphor Personification, Metonymy Metaphor Hyperbole Metaphor Metaphor Personification Personification Metaphor Personification, Metonymy Metaphor



When the pain cuts you deep28 When the night keeps you from sleeping29

When the world seems so cruel30

And your heart makes you feel like a fool31 Just look and you will see32

That I will be, I will be your remedy33

Personification Personification Personification, Metonymy Metaphor



1.3. Lyrics of River Lea and Its Types of Figurative Languages

Lyrics of River Lea Types of Figurative Language

Everybody tells me its ‘bout time that I moved on1 That I need to learn to lighten up and learn how to be

young2 But my heart is a valley it’s so shallow and manmade3

I’m scared to death if I let you in that you’ll see I’m just a fake4

Sometimes I feel lonely in the arms of your touch5 But I know that’s just me cause nothing ever is enough6

When I was a child I grew up by the River Lea7 There was something in the water now that something’s

in me8

I can’t go back but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips9

I can’t go back to the river10

But it’s in my roots11 In my veins12 In my blood13 And I stain14

Every heart that I use to heal the pain x215 So I blame it on the River Lea River Lea River Lea16

I should probably tell you now before its way too late17 That I never meant to hurt you or to lie straight to your

face18 Consider this my apology I know its years in advance19

But I would rather say it now incase I never get the chance20

Oh I can’t go back but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips21

I can’t go back to the river22

But it’s in my roots23 In my veins24 In my blood25 And I stain26

Hyperbole Metaphor Hyperbole Hyperbole Irony Irony Irony Irony Apostrophe Synecdoche



Every heart that I use to heal the pain x227 So I blame it on the River Lea River Lea River Lea28



1.4. Lyrics of Love You In The Dark and Its Types of Figurative Languages

Lyrics of Love You In The Dark Types of Figurative Language

Take your eyes off of me so I can leave1 I’m far too ashamed to do it with you watching me2

This is never ending we have been here before3 But I can’t stay this time cause I don’t love you


Please stay where you are don’t come any closer5 Don’t try to change my mind I’m being cruel to be kind6

I can’t love you in the dark7 It feels like we’re oceans apart8

There is so much space between us9 Baby we’re already defeated10

Everything changed me11

You have given me something that I can’t live without12 You mustn’t underestimate that when you are in doubt13

But I don’t want to carry on like everything is fine14 The longer we ignore it all the more that we will fight15

Please don’t fall apart I can’t face your breaking heart16 I’m trying to be brave stop asking me to stay17

I can’t love you in the dark18 It feels like we’re oceans apart19

There is so much space between us20 Baby we’re already defeated21

Everything changed me22

We’re not the only ones23 I don’t regret a thing24 Every word I’ve said25

You know I’ll always mean26 It is the world to me27

That you are in my life28 But I want to live and not just survive29

That’s why I can’t love you in the dark30 It feels like we’re oceans apart31

Hyperbole Hyperbole Paradox Symbol Simile Hyperbole Symbol Simile Hyperbole Metonymy Symbol Simile



There is so much space between us32 Baby we’re already defeated33

Everything changed me34