fight against fascism

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Fighting fascism


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Tuesday, 07 de February


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Fight against fascism continuesFebruary 5, 2012 7:16 pm 0 comments

A conference being held in London on 25 February promises to give antifascists in the UK the opportunity to helpdetermine their strategy for the year ahead.

Graham Vincent

The Unite Against Fascism (UAF) National conferenceconvenes with the manifesto of providing a platform for antifascists and antiracists to assist in planning theircampaign for the coming year.

Much of the campaign will revolve around mobilising against the English Defence League (EDL) after a successful2011, where the UAF also united against the fascist British Nationalist Party (BNP) in Stoke-on-Trent, forcing themout of the city.

The BNP, a far-right political party advocating “firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendantsto return home”, was also booted out of other key areas at the local elections.

Antifascists have staged victorious demonstrations against the English Defence League around the country, but theEDL still pose an alarming threat.

The risk of perpetrations of violence to Britain’s’ Muslim population and against trade unionists and the political leftis unabating.

The EDL has now teamed up with BNP splinter group the British Freedom Party, creating a new alliance with both

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an electoral wing and a street thug movement – the classic two-pronged fascist strategy.

Fascism is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology. It seeks topurify the nation of foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting intothe national culture. This is enforced through discipline, indoctrination, physical education and, most prominently,violence.

Hundreds of antifascist and antiracist activists, campaigners and trade unionists will come together at theconference to discuss the UAF’s approach in 2012.

Themes for discussion at the conference will include: Campaigning against the English Defence League, TheBritish Freedom Party — the new fascist electoral threat, Mobilising the antifascist vote in the May elections, Howthe BNP were defeated in Barking and Stoke, EDL attacks on trade unions and the Occupy Movement, Racism andthe global economic crisis, Islamophobia and hate crimes against Muslim communities, and How the EDL wasdefeated in Tower Hamlets.

The conference comes at a poignant time, as memorial services up and down the country commemorated thevictims of the Holocaust.

An event held in Barrow, Cumbria, hosted by UAF themed “speak up, speak out” was designed to pay respects tothose lost in the Holocaust, to remind the public fascism still exists within today’s society and to underline theimportance of fighting it.

The conference will take place on 25 February at 10am until 4.30pm at Conway Hall, Holborn, London.

To register go to or ring UAF on020 7801 2782.

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Fight against fascism continues

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