field test report drill string internal wiper-system · field test report drill string internal...

Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field

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Page 1: Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System · Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field

Field test report

Drill String Internal Wiper-System

Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field

Page 2: Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System · Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field


CONTENT Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Crew .................................................................................................................................................... 4

Observations prior to drop of DSIW, “conventional” tripping ................................................................ 5

Minutes of field trial ................................................................................................................................ 6

DSIW System components, operational performance & experiences ................................................ 7

Drill String Internal Wiper, DSIW ..................................................................................................... 7

2K Tools 5 ½” Landing Sub, LS ......................................................................................................... 7

Light Impact Fish Tool, LIFT ............................................................................................................. 7

Winch System, WS ........................................................................................................................... 8

Grip Tool, GT .................................................................................................................................... 8

Drill Floor Rack, DFR ........................................................................................................................ 8

Wireline Fishing Tool, WFT .............................................................................................................. 8

Summary DSIW Field Test ....................................................................................................................... 9

Page 3: Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System · Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field


Executive summary The main objective with the field test was to verify the DSIW´s ability to wipe the interior of the 5 ½”

drill pipe clean from drilling fluid. Also the “total tool management” was in focus, in order to observe

how the tool worked in a regular drilling operation. Therefore 2K Tools prepared the complete DSIW-

System which includes all components and safety systems.

The test was performed at DS Bergen located at the Norne field on the K2 template. Oil Based Drilling

fluid was applied during the DSIW –System testing.

The DSIW Tool performed as expected during the operation and the results were to the Statoil

projects´ full satisfaction. The 5 ½” drill pipe bore was continuously wiped in a length of

approximately 1.800 meters with optimum cleaning efficiency. There was no mud spill from the drill

pipe when it was pulled out of the hole, neither on the rotary nor on the set back area. It was easy to

visually confirm that stands were wiped clean when they were dis-connection and lifted to the set

back area.

The DSIW System will contribute significant to the environmental and economically aspects of the

drilling operations offshore and onshore.

Page 4: Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System · Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field


Introduction The Drill String Internal Wiper System, DSIW-System, has been field tested on the semi submersible

rig Deepsea Bergen, 11th of April 2010 at the Norne field. Statoil gave 2K Tools the opportunity to

perform this field test to verify the DSIW Systems ability to perform under realistic conditions


Prior to the field test the DSIW System has been tested successfully in 2K Tools laboratory and at

Ullrigg/IRIS fullscale testrig at Ullandhaug in Stavanger.

DS Bergen was equipped with 5 ½” drill pipe (DP) and the DSIW was dressed accordingly. At the end

of 5 ½” DP the 2K Tools Landing Sub was made up in order to land the DSIW after wiping/tripping out

of hole.

It was oil based mud in the well during the DSIW –System testing.

Objective The main objective with the field test was to verify the ability to wipe the interior of the 5 ½”

drillstring clean from drilling fluid. Also the “total tool management” was in focus, in order to observe

how it worked in a regular drilling operation. Therefore 2K Tools prepared the complete DSIW-

System that includes all components and safety systems.

During the test only the DSIW, Tool Grip and Landing Sub were applied as predicted.

The Winch System with the LIFT (Light Impact Fish Tool) and the WFT (Wireline Fish Tool) was in

contingency. It was not expected to be necessary for these back up systems, since the pulling was

inside casing and no “stuck drill string” problem could occur. Also a cemented and plugged hole gave

minimum risk of well influx.

Crew When dropping the DSIW the following crew was on duty,

Supervisor John Kristian Larsen Statoil

Toolpusher John Ove Olsen Odfjell

Driller Vegar Oen Odfjell

Assistant driller Oddvar Sørli Odfjell

Page 5: Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System · Field test report Drill String Internal Wiper-System Deepsea Bergen 2010, Norne Field


Observations prior to drop of DSIW, “conventional” tripping

During the week long rig stay there were

opportunities to monitor the tripping

operations without wiping the interior of

the drillstring.

The “problem” with drill fluid spills on deck

is known to the industry, and 2K Tools got

the opportunity to document this during

tripping operations without appliance of the

DSIW –System.

The pictures on this page illustrates the drill

floor conditions during tripping without

wiping the interior. Roughnecks frequently

had to apply floor wipers and high pressure

water gun to clean and maintain the

drillfloor from mudspills.

These observations gave a good reference

prior to applying the DSIW.

The pictures shows "drain off" from the

drillpipe stands.

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Minutes of field trial In agreement with Statoil and for best safety for the first field trial the DSIW was dropped after

cementing of the 6” pilot hole. The string was assembled with cement stinger, 2 7/8”, 3,5” and 5 ½”


The 2K Tools 5 ½” Landing sub was maked up in the DP BHA and positioned between the 5 ½” DP and

3 ½” DP.

Prior to drop of DSIW a 1,67 s.g. slug was pumped. The first slug did not have the required effect. The

level inside the string was just 1 inch below the DP shoulder, and a second slug was prepared and

pumped. After the second slug, the level inside the string was not visible when checking with

flashlight inside the pipe. The DSIW was collected from the DFR (tool rack) and dropped

approximately 04.15 hours the 11th of April.

The freefalling drop inside the string was

approximately 40-50 mtrs below drill floor


When pulling of stands no spill on the set

back was observed, as seen on the picture

to the right from the set back. This

confirmed efficient cleaning of the drill


Approximately 1.800m (61 stands) of 5 1/2”

DP was continuously and successfully wiped

with the DSIW.

Below pictures (pore quality) inside connection were some impression of the cleaning

efficiency could be observed.

Also to be observed that threads and shoulders are clean from drill fluid when wiped with

DSIW. No mudspills on threads and shoulders when stand was lifted off. The effect would

probably reduce wear on threads and shoulders when making up string for next run, due to less

particles (solids) mixed together with the drillpipe dope compound.

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DSIW System components, operational performance & experiences

Drill String Internal Wiper, DSIW

The DSIW was preassembled and carried from the 2K Tools

tool rack and dropped into the drillstring. No extra tool or

procedures was required for the drop sequence.

Normal tripping started after the DSIW was dropped into

the stringbore. When Landing Sub eventually was set in

drill pipe slips after tripping 61 stands, the DSIW was

revealed inside the Landing Sub as planned and picked

out. No damage on the tool from the drop or trip was

identified after operation. (Pic to the right, dropping DSIW after


2K Tools 5 ½” Landing Sub, LS

The Landing Sub was maked up at the

end of the 5 1/2" DP when run in hole.

The “wash ball” after cementing job

passed LS without any problem.

The Landing Sub does not represent any

obstacles to run explosives if required.

(Stuck string)

The Landing Sub was handled as any

ordinary Pup Joint. There are no

additional service requirements or loose

parts for adjustment. (Pic. to the right when

make up to string)

Light Impact Fish Tool, LIFT

The LIFT was not applied in the operation. The LIFT was only

demonstrated both to Statoil and Odfjell personal on the

drillfloor/pumproom. The easy latch and charge function was

demonstrated. Comments on tool that it was easy to operate,

both easy to charge, latch on DSIW fish neck and to release

from neck. (Pic. to the right in contingency)

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Winch System, WS

The WS was not applied during test. The WS function was

demonstrated on drillfloor/pumproom. The latch function of

the LIFT and run procedure was explained and reviewed. All

comments from personal was positive, based on the

equipments easy function and operability.

The tool will only be applied if string is stuck or for other

reasons there is a need to fish out the DSIW from the string

during tripping. (Pic. to the right in contingency in DFR)

Grip Tool, GT

The GT (Grip Tool) was applied problem free when

picking the DSIW out of the Landing Sub after the

tripping operation. Immediate latch on the DSIW fish

nech and pull out of Landing Sub. (Pic. to the right)

Drill Floor Rack, DFR

For practical reasons the DFR was located in the

pumproom while waiting on the operation. Prior to trip

the DFR was installed on the drillfloor (pictures)

outside red zone, but 6-7 mtrs from RKB. DFR were

located in a safe place and away from drill floor

activities, tug wires, lifting operations, etc. The DFR

was supported on it’s fundament and strapped to the

derrick beams for best safety and stability.

The DFR function as a tool

storage rack worked fine, were

equipment was compactly and

safely stored. The DFR was

hoisted with the crane into cat

walk and carried to its location

on the drill floor. (Pic. to the right

placed on drillfloor)

Wireline Fishing Tool, WFT

The WFT is a contingency tool and was not applied in the

operation. The WFT was located on the rig during the test

period. The tool was demonstrated/reviewed for the Statoil

personal and rig crew. WFT is designed for slick/wireline and

can be applied if DSIW needs to be fished from string/Landing

Sub deeper than WS capacity. (Pic. to the right in contingency)

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Summary DSIW Field Test The DSIW Tool performed as expected during the operations and to Statoil projects´ satisfaction. The

5 ½” drillpipe bore was continuously wiped in a length of approximately 1.800 meters with optimum

cleaning efficiency. No mud spill was observed from the drill pipe stands when being pulled out of

the hole and placed in the set back.

Efficiency and effects

5 ½” DP was completely wiped clean and the drilling fluid returned to well while tripping.

No mud spills on drillfloor or drains.

Reduced maintenance and floor cleaning.


DSIW System can easily be run by the rig crew, no additional service personnel required. No

extra skills required except knowledge of the system and function.

Intervention by the rig crew only required when dropping and retrieving the DSIW, before

and after trip operation.

Easy to visually see that interior of stands were wiped with DSIW, function obtained.


Components in the system could easily be handled by one crew member during preparations

and operation. During this operation 2K Tools personal handled the equipment for survey


2K Tools Landing sub was handled as any ordinary 5 1/2" pup Joint.


No potential risk or danger revealed during operation of the DSIW-System Components.

Significant Improvement of the Drill Floor Working Environment.

Reduced personal exposure in the red zone due to reduced cleaning/maintenance activities.


Reduced costs in slop production, handling and treatment, on rig, boat and land.

Reuse of drill fluid due to return to hole.

The DSIW System will be a significant contribution to the oil and gas industry and represents

operational, environmental and economical improvements in drilling operations

offshore and onshore.

______________________ __________________________

Ketil Botnmark, 2K Tools AS Kjell Mikalsen, 2K Tools AS

General Manager Technical Manager

______________________ __________________________

Koen Sinke, Statoil ASA John Kristian Larsen, Statoil ASA

Drilling Supervisor Supervisor during field test

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8503 Narvik, Norway 8517 Narvik, Norway



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Ketil Botnmark Kjell Mikalsen

General Manager Technical Manager

Phone +47 76961921 +47 76961922

Mob +47 90925054 +47 90015296

e-mail [email protected] [email protected]