fidor apis - terms & conditions

API Terms & Conditions Stefan Weiß, 13.11.2014 Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 1

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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API Terms & Conditions

Stefan Weiß, 13.11.2014

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 1

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 2

•  Contract structure •  60 second API •  Terms and Conditions •  Pricing


Parties involved

Page 3

Bank  Customer  


Your  Customer  Fidor Developer Day 2014, London

Elements of Terms And Conditions

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 4

Access  your  account  via  web  or  mobile  

If  you  want  to  …   You  need  to  accept  …  

•   User/Contact  Data  •   Finance/Account  Data  •   Money  Transfers  

Access  your  account  via  API  

Standard  Banking  Terms  When  creaEng  the  account  

Standard  Developer  Terms  When  creaEng  your  first  applicaEon  •   User/Contact  Data  

•   Finance/Account  Data  •   Money  Transfers  

And  there  you  are  …  

60 Second API

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 5


In  just  a  few  seconds  you    can  open  the  API  door  and  tap  the  full  power  of  your  Fidor  Account.  

©  Even  though  we  are  a  bank.  


Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 6

Affiliate Platform „We run an affiliate network and have thousands of partners.. We must make a lot of payments. Most are rather small. In addition I’d like to automatically check our account if our customers did pay.”

ü  Standard API Access 60  

Elements of Terms and Conditions (Additional Services)

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 7

If  you  need  …  

AddiEonal  banking  services  

You  need  to  sign…  

•     SEPA  Direct  Debit  •     SEPA  Mandate  Management  •     Escrow  Account  Management  •     Licence  Sheltering  there’s  more  to  come  …  

Service  contract(s)  •   Modular  •   Packages  

AddiEonal  PSP  services  (for  e-­‐commerce)  •     Credit  Card  Acceptance  •     PayPal,  Prepaid  Cards,  Pay-­‐by-­‐phone,  …  

AddiEonal  SLAs  •     Support,  Performance,  …  


Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 8

Donation platform „We run a mobile app that helps people collecting money for charity projects. We created the user experience. For the money handling we needed a bank.”

ü  Standard API Access ü  Escrow Account & Management ü  Regulative Shelter

Elements of Terms and Conditions (Additional Access Rights)

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 9

If  you  need  …  

3rd  Party  Data  Access  

You  need  to  sign  …  

•     Access  to  bank  customers’  data  •     Access  to  bank  customers’  accounts  

3rd  Party  Data  Access  Agreement  ATer  a  thorough  screening  process.  Including  regular  revisions.  


Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 10

Multi-banking tool „We provide tools for personal finance management. Our solution needs access to the bank accounts of our customers.”

ü  Standard API Access ü  3rd Party Data Access

Developer Agreement

Content •  Definition of responsibilities •  Limitation of liability •  Laws and regulation •  Quality of your application •  License Rights & Intellectual

Property •  Brand policy •  Privacy, Data Security •  Termination

„60 Second API “ if …*) •  Full KYC account (sandbox is available to everyone)

Talk to us (in advance) if ... •  Need for additional services •  3rd Party Data Access •  Certain business models

§  Crypto currencies §  Regulated business

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 11


*) additional conditions apply

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 12

Type   Setup   Monthly   Variable  Cost  Basic  API  usage   None  (!)   <  10  €  (~8  £)   Outgoing  


Developer Agreement


Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 13

Type   Setup   Monthly   Variable  Cost  Basic  API  usage   None  (!)   <  10  €  (~8  £)   Outgoing  


3rd  Data  Access   2500  €  (~2000  £)   200  €  (~150  £)   #  of  users  

Developer Agreement


Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 14

Type   Setup   Monthly   Variable  Cost  Basic  API  usage   None  (!)   <  10  €  (~8  £)   Outgoing  


3rd  Data  Access   2500  €  (~2000  £)   200  €  (~150  £)   #  of  users  

AddiEonal  banking  services  (e.g.  SEPA  DD)  

Service-­‐specific   Service-­‐specific   Service-­‐specific  (many  based  on  TX)  

Specific  packages   Service-­‐specific   Service-­‐specific   Service-­‐specific  

Developer Agreement


Prices  may  change,  API  Rate  limits  apply  

Outlook: In-Account App Pricing

User Pricing Most apps will be free to install and use. In addition the following pricing models are possible: •  One time fee for installing an app •  Monthly fees for having an app installed •  Usage fees: •  per job (e.g. doing a complex calculation) •  per transaction (e.g. buying and selling) – in most

cases this will be “hidden” in the buying or selling price.

App Providing Business model Standard model for App Providers •  API usage fees •  App Store placement fee (review) •  App revenue share

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 15

Service Level Agreements and Consulting

Page 16

As a banking service we provide professional IT services in terms of security, reliability and support. If you need extended support, guaranteed response times or unusual high performance we provide extra service levels.

In addition we provide business consulting, technical consulting and software development in order to make your ramp up as smooth as possible. Where is YOUR need? How can WE support you?

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London

Fidor Developer Day 2014, London Page 17

Questions? Stefan Weiß VP Standard Product Development

[email protected] @weiss2go