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  • 1Serbian Chamber of EngineersInenjerska komora Srbije









    Belgrade, 2008


  • Potovani korisnici,

    Ovo je prvo izdanje tzv. Narandaste knjige na srpskom govornom podruju. U njoj se nalazi aktuelni celovit tekst standardnog FIDIC ugovora za projektovanje-izgrad-nju po sistemu klju u ruke, odnosno za isporuku potpuno opremljenih objekata spremnih za eksploataciju. Ne postoje univerzalno prihvaene definicije izraza projektovanje-izgradnja i klju u ruke, osim injenice da u oba sluaja izvoa snosi potpunu odgovornost za projekt. O strukturi, nainu i varijantama njegove primene vie u predgovoru koji sledi.

    Podseamo, krajem januara 2008. publikovali smo drugo, ispravljeno izdanje Crvene knjige ( uslovi ugovaranja za graevinske radove), a sredinom 2007. prvo izdanje tzv. ute knjige (uslovi ugovaranja za elektro i mainske radove). U toku je prevoenje i priprema za tampu i etvrte, tzv. Bele knjige u kojoj je publikovan FIDIC ugovor na relaciji Naruilac/Investitor konsultant kao i priprema drugog, ispravljenog izdanja ute knjige.

    Sve navedene obrasce ugovora publikujemo uz podrku Inenjerske komore Srbije i ogranka britanske inenjering kompanije Mace u Beogradu, koja je nosilac licence za srpsko jeziko podruje. Verujemo da emo u istom aranmanu nastaviti da pra-timo sve promene u navedenim ugovorima i da vas o tome obavetavamo.


    Ovo je prilika da vas obavestimo da u naoj ponudi postoje i dve tematski srodne publikacije sa prevodima, dva aktuelna vodia Evropske komisije:

    Praktini vodi za ugovorne procedure u kontekstu akcija u zemljama van EU (Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions), sainjen 2006. i

    Vodi za upravljanje ciklusom projekta (Project Cycle Management Guidelines), ino-virani dokument koji je Evropska Komisija objavila 2004.

    Verujemo da e svi navedeni obrasci ugovora i vodii EU biti od velike praktine koristi za sve uesnike u projektima, posebno u onim sa meunarodnim ueem.

    Izdava Beograd, februar 2008.


  • Dear users,

    This is the first edition of the so-called Orange Book in the Serbian language area. It includes the full up-to-date text of the standard FIDIC contract for engineering and construction in accordance with the turnkey system or delivery of fully equipped facilities ready for operation. There is no universally accepted definition of the terms engineering and construction and turnkey, apart from the fact that in both cases, the contractor is fully liable for the design. Their structure and ways and variations of application are dealt with in more detail in the following Foreword.

    We would like to remind you on this occasion that in late January 2008, we pub-lished the second, corrected edition of the Red Book (conditions of contract for building works) and in mid-2007, the so-called Yellow Book (condition of contract for electrical and mechanical works). The fourth or the so-called White Book, which includes the FIDIC client/consultant model services contract, is now being trans-lated and prepared for publishing. The second, corrected edition of the Yellow Book is also being prepared for publishing.

    We are publishing all of the mentioned contract forms with the support of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers and the Mace Engineering Company branch in Belgrade, which is the holder of licence for the Serbian language area. We believe that we will carry on following all changes in the mentioned contracts by the same arrangement and keep you informed accordingly.


    We are taking this opportunity to inform you that our offer also includes two themat-ically related publications with translation, i.e., two European Commission guides of current interest:

    Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions (2006), and

    Project Cycle Management Guidelines, which is an updated version of a docu-ment published by the European Commission in 2004.

    We believe that all of the mentioned contract forms and the EU guides will be of great practical use to all participants in projects and particularly those involving international participation.

    Publisher Belgrade, February 2008


  • 4

  • 5Optipregled sadraja

    Tableof Contents

    Predgovor 6-7 Foreword



    Sadraj 10-13 Contents





    Sadraj 148-149 Contents




    USLOVI UGOVARANJA ZA PROJEKTOVANJE-IZGRADNJU I KLJU U RUKE su pripremljeni od strane FIDIC-a i preporuuju se za optu upotrebu u projektovanju i izvoenju radova u vezi kojih se pozivi na tender upuuju na meunarodnom nivou, a sa manjim izmenama, pogodni su za korienje i kada se radi o domaim ugo-vorima. Ne postoji univerzalno prihvaena definicija izraza projektovanje-izgrad-nja i klju u ruke, osim to se u oba sluaja podrazumeva potpuna odgovornost Izvoaa za projekat. Za Investitora, ovakva jednostrana odgovornost moe biti korisna, s tim to ta korisnost moe da bude umanjena injenicom da ima malo mogunosti da utie na projektovanje, uz oteano postavljanje raznih zahteva.

    Pod uobiajenim aranmanima za ugovore o projektovanju-izgradnji, Izvoa je odgovoran za projekat i izvoenje radova, u skladu sa zahtevima Investitora, koji mogu predstavljati kombinaciju inenjerskih radova (niskogradnje, mainskih, elek-trotehnikih, itd.) i radova visokogradnje, a privremena plaanja se vre u skladu sa napretkom izgradnje. Aranmani za plaanje prikazani su u l. 13 iz Dela I.

    Ovi Uslovi su takoe predvieni za korienje u vezi klju-u-ruke ugovora, po kojima Izvoa obino zahteva isporuku potpuno opremljenog objekta, spremnog za upotrebu (po okretanju kljua) i koji su esto finansirani od strane Izvoaa. Klju-u-ruke ugovori obino obuhvataju projektovanje, izgradnju, pokretni i nepo-kretni inventar, iji je obim definisan drugim ugovornim dokumentima. Pored toga, ugovor moe da Izvoaa obavee na upravljanje objektom u trajanju od nekoliko meseci tokom putanja u pogon ili u trajanju od nekoliko godina na bazi ugovora o izgradnji, eksploataciji i prenosu. Saveti za klju-u-ruke aranmane su dati u Delu II, sa primerima koji opisuju finansiranje od strane Izvoaa.

    FIDIC smatra verziju Uslova na engleskom jeziku zvaninom i autentinom verzi-jom za potrebe prevoda.

    U pripremi Uslova dolo se do saznanja da pored velikog broja lanova koji su gene-ralno primenljivi, postoji i izvestan broj lanova koji moraju da pretrpe izvesne izmene kako bi se uzele u obzir okolnosti koje su relevantne za konkretni ugovor. Stoga su lanovi za koje se smatra da su primenljivi na veinu ugovora predstavljeni u Delu I Opti uslovi, to e olakati njihovu ugradnju u ugovor. Deo I Opte uslovi i Deo II Uslovi posebne primene skupa sainjavaju Uslove koji reguliu prava i obaveze ugovornih strana. Bie potrebno da se pripremi Deo II za svaki ugovor posebno.

    Da bi se olakala priprema Dela II i ostale tenderske dokumentacije, objanjenja i uzorci formulacije dati su skupa sa ovim Uslovima u Smernicama za pripremu Uslova posebne primene.



    The terms of the Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey have been prepared by the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and are recommended for general use for the purpose of the design and construction of works where tenders are invited on an international basis; with minor modifica-tions, the Conditions are also suitable for use on domestic contracts. There are no universally-accepted definitions of the terms design-build and turnkey, except that both involve the Contractors total liability for design. For the Employer, such single-point responsibility may be advantageous, but the benefits may be offset by having less control over the design process and more difficulty in imposing varied requirements.

    Under the usual arrangements for a design-build contract, the Contractor is respon-sible for the design and provision, in accordance with the Employers require-ments, of works which may include any combination of engineering (including civil, mechanical, electrical, etc) and building works; and interim payments are made as construction proceeds. In Part I, Clause 13 sets out the payment arrangements.

    The Conditions are also intended for use on turnkey contracts, under which the Employers requirements usually include provision of a fully-equipped facility, ready for operation (at the turn of the key); such contracts are often contractor-financed. Turnkey contracts typically include design, construction, fixtures, fittings and equip-ment, the scope of which would be defined in other contract documents. In addition, the contract may impose a requirement for the Contractor to operate the Works, either for a few months commissioning period, or for some years operation on a build-operate-transfer contract. Advice on turnkey arrangements is included in Part II, together with sample wording for contractor-finance.

    The version in English of the Conditions is considered by FIDIC as the official and authentic text for the purposes of translation.

    In the preparation of the Conditions it was recognised that, while there are many sub-clauses which will be generally applicable, there are some sub-clauses which must necessarily vary to take account of the circumstances relevant to the particu-lar contract. The sub-clauses which were considered to be applicable to the major-ity of contracts have therefore been presented in Part I - General Conditions, which will facilitate their incorporation into the contract. Part I - General Conditions and Part II -Conditions of Particular Application will together comprise the Conditions governing the rights and obligations of the parties. It will be necessary to prepare the Part II for each individual contract, taking particular account of the references to Part II which are contained in some sub-clauses in Part I.

    In order to assist in the preparation of Part II and the other tender documents, explanatory material and example wording are published with these Conditions in the Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application.


  • 8Deo I



  • 9Deo I



  • Uslovi ugovaranja FIDIC


    14 . . . . . . . . . . . DEO I: OPTI USLOVI

    14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UgovorDefinicije

    Naslovi i fusnoteTumaenja

    Pravo i jezikUgovorni sporazum

    Prioritet DokumenataDokumenta na Gradilitu

    OptenjeObezbeenje dokumentaciju za izgradnjuKorienje Izvoaeve dokumentacije od

    strane InvestitoraKorienje Investitorove dokumentacije od

    strane IzvoaaPoverljivi podaci

    Postupanje u skladu sa uredbama, propisima i zakonima

    Solidarna odgovornost

    24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . InvestitorOpte obaveze

    Pristup i uvoenje u posed GradilitaDozvole, licence ili odobrenja

    Pravo Investitora na raskid24. . . . . . . . . . . Predstavnik Investitora

    Dunosti i ovlaenja Predstavnika Investitora

    Uslovi Predstavnika InvestitoraOvlaenja Predstavnika Investitora da

    prenese dunostiInstrukcije Predstavnika Investitora

    Pokuaj Dogovora Predstavnika Investitora

    26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IzvoaOpte Obaveze

    Garancija za Dobro Izvrenje PoslaPredstavnik IzvoaaKoordinacija Radova

    PodizvoaiDodeljivanje Obaveza Podizvoau

    ObeleavanjeGarancija KvalitetaPodaci o Gradilitu

    Uticaji na Izvoenje RadovaNepredvidivi Podzemni Uslovi

    Prilazni PuteviPravo Pristupa i Objekti

    Dinamika RadovaIzvetaj o Napredovanju Radova

    Mehanizacija IzvoaaMere BezbednostiZatita OkruenjaStruja, Voda i Gas


    PART I: GENERAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    1 The Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.1. Def initions 1.2. Headings and Marginal Notes 1.3. Interpretation 1.4. Law and Language 1.5. Contract Agreement 1.6. Priority of Documents 1.7. Documents on Site 1.8. Communications 1.9. Provision of Construction Documents 1.10. Employers Use of Contractors Documents

    1.11. Contractors Use of Employers Documents

    1.12. Confidential Details 1.13. Compliance with Statutes, Regulations and

    Laws 1.14. Joint and Several Liability

    2 The Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.1. General Obligations 2.2. Access to and Possession of the Site 2.3. Permits, Licences or Approvals 2.4. Employers Entitlement to Terminate

    3 The Employers Representative . . . . . . 25 3.1. Employers Representatives Duties and

    Authority 3.2. Requirements for Employers Representative 3.3. Employers Representatives Authority to

    Delegate 3.4. Employers Representatives Instructions 3.5. Employers Representative to Attempt


    4 The Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.1. General Obligations 4.2. Performance Security 4.3. Contractors Representative 4.4. Co-ordination of the Works 4.5. Subcontractors 4.6. Assignment of Subcontractors Obligations 4.7. Setting Out 4.8. Quality Assurance 4.9. Site Data 4.10. Matters Affecting the Execution of the Works 4.11. Unforeseeable Sub-Surface Conditions 4.12. Access Route 4.13. Rights of Way and Facilities 4.14. Programme 4.15. Progress Reports 4.16. Contractors Equipment 4.17. Safety Precautions 4.18. Protection of the Environment 4.19. Electricity, Water and Gas

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Sadraj 11 Contents

    Nabavka Mehanizacije i Materijala od strane Investitora

    ienje GradilitaObezbeivanje Gradilita

    Aktivnosti Izvoaa na GradilituFosili

    40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ProjekatOpte Obaveze

    Dokumenta o IzgradnjiIzvoa se obavezuje

    Tehniki Standardi i RegulativeUzorci

    Crtei Izvedenog StanjaPrirunici za Upravljanje i Odravanje

    Greka od strane IzvoaaPrava na Patente

    44. . . . . . . . . . . .Osoblje i Radna SnagaZapoljavanje radne snage

    Zarade i uslovi radaLica Zaposlena kod Drugih

    Zakoni o RaduRadno Vreme

    Smetaj za Radnu SnaguZdravstvena zatita i zatita na radu

    Nadzor od Strane IzvoaaPersonal Izvoaa

    Izgredniko ponaanje48. . . . . .Postrojenje, Materijali i Izrada

    Nain IzvoenjaDopremanje na Gradilite


    Pravo svojine nad Postrojenjem i Materijalima

    Poetak Radova, Kanjenje i 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Obustava

    Poetak RadovaRok za Zavretak Radova

    Produetak Roka za ZavretakOdlaganja Prouzrokovana Merama

    Nadlenih OrganaNapredovanje Radova

    Ugovorna odteta zbog kanjenjaObustava Radova

    Posledice ObustavePlaanja za Postrojenja i Materijale u

    Sluaju ObustaveProduena Obustava

    Nastavak Radova56. . . . Testiranje na Zavretku Radova

    Obaveze IzvoaaOdloeno TestiranjePonovno Testiranje

    Propust da se Zadovolji Testiranje na Zavretku

    4.20. Employer Supplied Machinery and Materials

    4.21. Clearance of Site 4.22. Security of the Site 4.23. Contractors Operations on Site 4.24. Fossils

    5 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 5.1. General Obligations 5.2. Construction Documents 5.3. Contractors Undertaking 5.4. Technical Standards and Regulations 5.5. Samples 5.6. As-Built Drawings 5.7. Operation and Maintenance Manuals 5.8. Error by Contractor 5.9. Patent Rights

    6 Staff and Labour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6.1. Engagement of Staff and Labour 6.2. Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour 6.3. Persons in the Service of Others 6.4. Labour Laws 6.5. Working Hours 6.6. Facilities for Staff and Labour 6.7. Health and Safety 6.8. Contractors Superintendence 6.9. Contractors Personnel 6.10. Disorderly Conduct

    7 Plant, Materials and Workmanship. . . . 49 7.1. Manner of Execution 7.2. Delivery to Site 7.3. Inspection 7.4. Testing 7.5. Rejection 7.6. Ownership of Plant and Materials

    8 Commencement, Delays and Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 8.1. Commencement of Works 8.2. Time for Completion 8.3. Extension of Time for Completion 8.4. Delays Caused by Authorities

    8.5. Rate of Progress 8.6. Liquidated Damages for Delay 8.7. Suspension of Work 8.8. Consequences of Suspension 8.9. Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of

    Suspension 8.10. Prolonged Suspension 8.11. Resumption of Work

    9 Tests on Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 9.1. Contractors Obligations 9.2. Delayed Tests 9.3. Retesting 9.4. Failure to Pass Tests on Completion

  • Uslovi ugovaranja FIDIC

    Sadraj 12 Contents

    58. . . . Preuzimanje Radova od Strane Investitora

    Potvrda o Preuzimanju RadovaKorienje Radova od Strane Investitora

    Ometanje Testiranja na Zavretku Radova60. . . . . . . . Testiranje posle Zavretka

    Obaveze InvestitoraOdloeno TestiranjePonovno Testiranje

    Propust da se zadovolje Testiranja po zavretku Radova

    62. . . . . . .Odgovornost za NedostatkeZavretak neizvrenih Radova i otklanjanje

    nedostatakaTrokovi Otklanjanja Nedostataka

    Produenje Ugovornog RokaPropust da se Otklone Nedostaci

    Uklanjanje Radova sa NedostacimaDodatna Testiranja

    Pravo PristupaObaveza Izvoaa da istrauje

    Potvrda o dobrom izvrenju poslaNeizvrene Obaveze

    66. . . . . . . Ugovorena Cena i PlaanjeUgovorena Cena

    Avansno PlaanjeZahtev za Privremenu Situaciju

    Dinamika PlaanjaPostrojenja i Materijali namenjeni za Trajne

    RadoveOdobrenje Pivremenih Situacija

    PlaanjaKanjenje u Plaanju

    Plaanje Ugovornog DepozitaObraun po Zavretku RadovaZahtev za Okonanu Situaciju

    Izjava o Prestanku ObavezaIzdavanje Okonane Situacije

    Prestanak Odgovornosti InvestitoraIzraunavanje Plaanja u Stranoj Valuti

    Izmena Zakonodavstva76. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Izmene

    Pravo na IzmeneVrednosna Racionalizacija

    Postupak IzmenePlaanje u Primenjivim Valutama

    Provizorni Iznosi78. . . . . . . . . . . .Neispunjenje obaveza

    Zahtev za Otklanjanje NepravilnostiRaskid Ugovora

    Procena na Dan RaskidaPlaanje nakon Raskida Ugovora

    Podmiivanje82. . . .Neispunjenje obaveza od strane

    InvestitoraPravo Izvoaa da Obustavi radove


    10 Employers Taking Over . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

    10.1. Taking-Over Certificate 10.2. Use by The Employer 10.3. Interference With test on Completion

    11 Tests after Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 11.1. Employers Obligations 11.2. Delayed Tests 11.3. Retesting 11.4. Failure to Pass Tests after Completion

    12 Defects Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 12.1. Completion of Outstanding Work and

    Remedying Defects 12.2. Cost of Remedying Defects 12.3. Extension of Contract Period 12.4. Failure to Remedy Defects 12.5. Removal of Defective Work 12.6. Further Tests 12.7. Right of Access 12.8. Contractor to Search 12.9. Performance Certificate 12.10. Unfulfilled Obligations

    13 Contract Price and Payment . . . . . . . . . 67 13.1. The Contract Price 13.2. Advance Payments 13.3. Application for Interim Payment Certificates 13.4. Schedule of Payments 13.5. Plant and Materials for the Permanent Works

    13.6. Issue of Interim Payment Certificates 13.7. Payment 13.8. Delayed Payment 13.9. Payment of Retention Money 13.10. Statement at Completion 13.11. Application for Final Payment Certificate 13.12. Discharge 13.13. Issue of Final Payment Certificate 13.14. Cessation of Employers Liability 13.15. Calculation of Payments in Foreign Currency 13.16. Changes in Legislation

    14 Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 14.1. Right to Vary 14.2. Value Engineering 14.3. Variation Procedure 14.4. Payment in Applicable Currencies 14.5. Provisional Sums

    15 Default of Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 15.1. Notice to Correct 15.2 Termination 15.3. Valuation at Date of Termination 15.4. Payment after Termination 15.5. Bribes

    16 Default of Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

    16.1. Contractors Entitlement to Suspend Work 16.2 Termination

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Sadraj 13 Contents

    Prestanak Radova i uklanjanje Mehanizacije Izvoaa

    Plaanje pri Raskidu84. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .Rizik i Odgovornost

    ObeteenjeIzvoaeva briga o radovima

    Rizici InvestitoraPosledice rizika Investitora

    Rizik IzvoaaOgranienje Odgovornosti

    86. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Osiguranje Osiguranje Projekta

    Osiguranje Radova i Mehanizacije Izvoaa

    Osiguranje Imovine i Lica

    Osiguranje RadnikaOpti Zahtevi Osiguranja

    90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Via SilaDefinicija Vie Sile

    Posledice dogaaja Vie SileOdgovornost Izvoaa

    Odgovornost InvestitoraPlaanja Izvoau

    Opcioni Raskid Ugovora, Plaanje i Oslobaanje

    Oslobaanje od izvrenja po Zakonu92. . . . . . . .Zahtevi, Sporovi i Arbitraa

    Procedura ZahtevaPlaanje Zahteva

    Komisija za Reavanje SporovaPostupak za donoenje Odluke Komisije za

    Reavanje SporovaSporazumno Reavanje Sporova

    ArbitraaNeispunjavanje Odluke Komisije za

    Reavanje SporovaIstek Imenovanja lanova KRS


    JA KOMISIJE ZA REAVANJE 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOROVA

    USLOVI IMENOVANJA ZA 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TROLANU KOMISIJU


    108. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SPOROVA

    USLOVI IMENOVANJA JEDNOLANE 112. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KOMISIJE


    118. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (JEDNOLANA KOMISIJA)

    16.3. Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractors Equipment

    16.4. Payment on Termination17 Risk and Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    17.1. Indemnity 17.2. Contractors Care of the Works 17.3. Employers Risks 17.4. Consequences of Employers Risks 17.5. Contractors Risks 17.6. Limitation of Liability

    18 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 18.1. Insurance for Design 18.2. Insurance for Works and Contractors Equipment

    18.3. Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property

    18.4. Insurance for Workers 18.5. General Requirements for Insurances

    19 Force Majeure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 19.1. Definition of Force Majeure 19.2. Effect of Force Majeure Event 19.3. Contractors Responsibility 19.4. Employers Responsibility 19.5. Payment to Contractor 19.6. Optional Termination, Payment and Release

    19.7. Release from Performance under the Law20 Claims, Disputes and Arbitration . . . . . 93

    20.1. Procedure for Claims 20.2. Payment of Claims 20.3. Dispute Adjudication Board 20.4. Procedure for Obtaining Dispute Adjudication

    Boards Decision 20.5. Amicable Settlement 20.6. Arbitration 20.7. Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication

    Boards Decision 20.8. Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Boards




    APPENDIX A: PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE DISPUTE ADJUDICATION BOARD (OF THREE MEMBERS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

    TERMS OF APPOINTMENT FOR A BOARD OF ONE MEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

    APPENDIX A: PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE DISPUTE ADJUDICATION BOARD (OF ONE MEMBER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

  • Uslovi ugovaranja FIDIC


    Ugovor1.1. Definicije

    U Ugovoru (po definiciji u daljem tekstu), sledee rei i izrazi imaju znaenje koje im je ovde dato, osim gde kontekst iziskuje drugaije:

    1.1.1 Dokumentacija Ugovor predstavlja ove Uslove Ugovora (Delove I i II), zahteve Investitora, ten-der, Izvoaevu ponudu, tablice, Pismo o prihvatanju, Sporazum o Ugovoru (ako je sainjen) i ostalu dokumentaciju koja je izriito ukljuena u Pismo o prihvatanju ili Sporazumu o Ugovoru (ako je sainjen). Zahtevi Investitora predstavljaju opis obima, standard, kriterijume projektovanja (eventualne) i dinamiku izvoenja radova, kako je predvieno Ugovorom, i eventu-alne izmene i korekcije koje su izvrene u skladu sa Ugovorom. Ponuda predstavlja Izvoaevu ponudu sa cenama upuenu Investitoru za izvoe-nje radova, kao to je prihvaena u Pismu o prihvatanju. Prilog ponudi predstavlja dopunjeni dodatak sadran u Ponudi. Predlog Izvoaa predstavlja idejni projekt koji je priloen uz Ponudu, kako je pred-vieno Ugovorom. Tablice predstavljaju informacije i podatke koji su priloeni uz Ponudu, kako je predvieno Ugovorom. Dinamika plaanja predstavlja dinamiku odreenu kao takve (ako postoji) po defi-niciji iz l. 13.4. Pismo o prihvatanju predstavlja formalno prihvatanje Ponude od strane Investitora. Ugovorni Sporazum predstavlja sporazum (ako postoji) po definiciji iz l. 1.5.

    1.1.2 Lica Investitor predstavlja lice koje je kao takvo imenovano u prilogu Ponude i pravne sledbenike tog lica, ali ne i zastupnika tog lica (osim ako nije dobijena saglasnost Izvoaa u tom smislu). Izvoa predstavlja lice ija je Ponuda prihvaena od strane Investitora i sve nje-govi pravni zastupnici, ali ne i zastupnika tog lica (osim ako nije dobijena saglasnost Izvoaa u tom smislu). Predstavnik Investitora predstavlja lice koje je Investitor postavio da deluje kao Predstavnik Investitora u smislu Ugovora i koje je kao takvo imenovano u prilogu Ponude, ili neko drugo lice koje Investitor postavi s vremena na vreme i o tome obavesti Izvoaa.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract



    1.1 Definitions

    In the Contract (as defined below) the words and expressions defined below shall have the meanings assigned to them, except where the context requires otherwise:

    1.1.1Documents Contract means these Conditions of Contract (Parts I and II), the Employers Requirements, the Tender, the Contractors Proposal, the Schedules, the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or Contract Agreement (if completed). Employers Requirements means the description of the scope, standard, design criteria (if any) and programme of work, as included in the Contract, and any altera-tions and modifications thereto in accordance with the Contract. Tender means the Contractors priced offer to the Employer for the Works, as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance. Appendix to Tender means the completed appendix comprised in the Tender. Contractors Proposal means the preliminary design submitted with the Tender, as included in the Contract. Schedules means the information and data submitted with the Tender, as included in the Contract. Schedule of Payments means the Schedule designated as such (if any), referred to in Sub-Clause 13.4. Letter of Acceptance means the formal acceptance by the Employer of the Tender. Contract Agreement means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause 1.5.

    1.1.2Persons Employer means the person named as such in the Appendix to Tender and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such person. Contractor means the person whose Tender has been accepted by he Employer and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person. Employers Representative means the person appointed by the Employer to act as Employers Representative for the purposes of the Contract and named as such in the Appendix to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified as such to the Contractor.

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    16 Deo I Opti uslovi Predstavnik Izvoaa predstavlja lice (ako postoji) koje je Izvoa kao takvo ime-novao u Ugovoru ili neko drugo lice koje Izvoa postavi s vremena na vreme, kako je predvieno l. 4.3. Podizvoa predstavlja bilo koje lice koje imenovano u Ugovoru kao podizvoa, proizvoa ili isporuilac za neki deo radova, ili neko lice kome je deo radova pove-ren za podizvoenje u skladu sa l. 4.5, i pravni sledbenici tog lica, ali ne i zastupnik takvog lica. Komisija za reavanje sporova predstavlja jedno lice ili vie lica koja su u Ugovoru imenovana kao takva , ili neko drugo lice ili vie lica koja se imenuju s vremena na vreme shodno l. 20.3.

    1.1.3 Datumi,rokoviiperiodi Osnovni Datum predstavlja 28. dan pre poslednjeg datuma za podnoenje Ponude Investitoru na prihvatanje. Efektivni datum predstavlja datum poetka pravosnanosti Ugovora. Datum poetka radova oznaava datum kada je Izvoa primio nalog Predstavnika Investitora da zapone radove shodno l. 8.1. Rok za zavretak predstavlja rok za zavretak Radova ili sekcije radova (zavisno od sluaja) i postizanje zadovoljavajuih rezultata ispitivanja po zavretku, kao to je navedeno u prilogu Ponude (ili produeno u skladu sa l. 8.3), raunato od Datuma poetka Radova. Ugovorni period oznaava vreme od Datuma poetka Radova do 365. dana od dana kada su celokupni Radovi zavreni kako je Predstavnik Izvoaa potvrdio shodno l. 10 (ili sa produetkom iz l. 12.3). Dan predstavlja jedan kalendarski dan, a godina predstavlja 365 dana.

    1.1.4 Ispitivanjanazavretku Ispitivanja po zavretku predstavljaju ispitivanja predviena Ugovorom i nazna-ena kao takva, i bilo kakva dalja ispitivanja koje mogu biti dogovorena izmeu Predstavnika Investitora i Izvoaa ili naloena kao izmene, a koja se vre pre nego to Investitor preuzme radove ili neku sekciju radova. Potvrda o Preuzimanju predstavlja potvrdu izdatu prema l. 10. Ispitivanja posle zavretka predstavljaju ispitivanja navedena u Ugovoru i nazna-ena kao takva, koja se vre po preuzimanju Radova ili sekcije istih od strane Investitora. Potvrda o valjanom izvrenju predstavlja potvrdu izdatu od strane Predstavnika Investitora prema l. 12.9.

    1.1.5 Novaciplaanja Ugovorna cena predstavlja iznos naveden u Pismu o Prihvatanju koji se isplauje Izvoau za projekat, izvoenje i zavretak Radova i za otklanjanje svih nedostataka u skladu sa odredbama Ugovora. Lokalna valuta oznaava valutu drave. Strana valuta oznaava slobodno konvertibilnu valutu koja je navedenu u prilogu Ponude kao valutu u kojoj je deo Ugovorne cene plativ i koja nije Lokalna valuta.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Part I General Conditions 17 Contractors Representative means the person (if any) named as such in the Contract or other person appointed from time to time by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3. Subcontractor means any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, manu-facturer or supplier for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the Works has been subcontracted in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5, and the legal succes-sors in title to such person, but not any assignee of such person. Dispute Adjudication Board means the person or persons named as such in the Contract, or other person or persons appointed from time to time under Sub-Clause 20.3.

    1.1.3Dates,TimesandPeriods Base Date means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender for acceptance by the Employer. Effective Date means the date on which the Contract entered into legal force and effect. Commencement Date means the date on which the Contractor receives the notice to commence issued by the Employers Representative under Sub-Clause 8.1. Time for Completion means the time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be), and passing the Tests on Completion, as stated in the Appendix to Tender (or as extended under Sub-Clause 8.3), calculated from the Commencement Date. Contract Period means the period from the Commencement Date to the date 365 days after the date on which the whole of the Works shall have been completed as certified by the Employers Representative under Clause 10 (or as extended under Sub-Clause 12.3). day means a calendar day and year means 365 days.

    1.1.4TestsandCompletion Tests on Completion means the tests specified in the Contract and designated as such, and any other such tests as may be agreed by the Employers Representative and the Contractor or instructed as a Variation, which are to be carried out before the Works or any Section are taken over by the Employer. Taking-Over Certificate means a certificate issued under Clause 10. Tests after Completion means the tests specified in the Contract and designated as such, which are to be carried out after the Works or any Section are taken over by the Employer. Performance Certificate means the certificate issued by the Employers Representative under Sub-Clause 12.9.

    1.1.5MoneyandPayments Contract Price means the sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance as payable to the Contractor for the design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. Local Currency means the currency of the Country. Foreign Currency means a freely convertible currency, named in the Appendix to Tender as a currency in which part of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

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    18 Deo I Opti uslovi Garantni Depozit predstavlja akumulirani zadrani iznos koji Investitor zadrava shodno l. 13.3. Privremena suma predstavlja (eventualnu) sumu navedenu u Ugovoru i naznaenu kao takva, za izvoenje bilo kog dela Radova ili za isporuku opreme, materijala ili usluga. Troak predstavlja sve trokove koje Izvoa umesno napravi na ili van Gradilita, ukljuujui reijske i sline trokove, ali ne ukljuuje dobit. Privremena situacija predstavlja svaku situaciju koju Predstavnik Investitora odobri u skladu sa l. 13, a koja nije okonana situacija. Okonana situacija predstavlja situaciju koju je odobrio predstavnik Investitora u skladu sa l. 13.13. Zavrni obraun predstavlja dogovoreni obraun po definiciji iz l. 13.11.

    1.1.6 Ostaledefinicije Dokumentacija izgradnje predstavlja sve crtee, proraune, kompjuterski softver (programe), uzorke, ablone, makete, prirunike za eksploataciju i odravanje, i ostale sline prirunike i informacije koje podnosi Izvoa. Izmena predstavlja svako menjanje i/ili modifikaciju Zahteva Investitora koju Predstavnik Investitora naloi ili odobri kao izmenu u skladu sa l. 14. Radovi predstavljaju Trajne radove i Privremene radove ili i jedne i druge, zavisno od sluaja. Trajni radovi predstavljaju trajne radove koji treba da budu projektovani i izvedeni u skladu sa Ugovorom. Privremeni radovi predstavljaju sve privremene radove svake vrste (bez opreme Izvoaa) koji su potrebni za izvoenje i zavretak Radova i otklanjanje svih nedostataka. Postrojenje predstavlja mehanizaciju i aparaturu koji su predvieni da ine ili ve sainjavaju deo Trajnih radova, ukljuujui i pozicije koje se samo isporuuju (ako ih ima), a isporuuje ih Izvoa shodno Ugovoru. Materijali predstavljaju predmete svih vrsta (osim Postrojenja) koje Izvoa obez-beuje i ugrauje u Trajne radove, ukljuujui i pozicije koje se samo isporuuju (ako ih ima), a isporuuje ih Izvoa shodno Ugovoru. Mehanizacija Izvoaa predstavlja svu mehanizaciju,aparaturu i druge stvari (osim Privremenih radove) koje su potrebne za izvoenje i zavretak Radova i otklanjanje nedostataka, ali bez Postrojenja, Materijala i drugih stvari koje su predviene da saine ili ve sainjavaju deo Trajnih radova. Sekcija predstavlja deo Radova koji su posebno definisani u Prilogu Ponude kao Sekcija (ako postoji). Gradilite predstavlja mesta koje Investitor obezbedi za izvoenje Radova gde e biti izvoeni radovi i gde e i na koja se dopremaju Postrojenje i Materijali i bilo koja druga mesta koja su u Ugovoru posebno odreena kao sastavni delovi Gradilita. Drava predstavlja zemlju u kojoj e se izvoditi Radovi u koju su dopremaju Postrojenje i Materijali.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Part I General Conditions 19 Retention Money means the accumulated retention monies retained by the Employer under Sub-Clause 13.3. Provisional Sum means a sum (if any) specified in the Contract and designated as such, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services. Cost means all expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit. Interim Payment Certificate means any payment certificate issued by the Employers Representative under Clause 13, other than the Final Payment Certificate. Final Payment Certificate means the payment certificate issued by the Employers Representative under Sub-Clause 13.13. Final Statement means the agreed statement defined in Sub-Clause 13.11.

    1.1.6OtherDefinitions Construction Documents means all drawings, calculations, computer software (pro-grams), samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance manuals, and other manuals and information of a similar nature, to be submitted by the Contractor. Variation means any alteration and/or modification to the Employers Requirements, which is instructed by the Employers Representative or approved as a variation by the Employers Representative, in accordance with Clause 14. Works means the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works or either of them as appropriate. Permanent Works means the permanent works to be designed and executed in accordance with the Contract. Temporary Works means all temporary works of every kind (other than Contractors Equipment) required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedy-ing of any defects. Plant means machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only items (if any) which are to be supplied by the Contractor as specified in the Contract. Materials means things of all kinds (other than Plant) to be provided and incorpo-rated in the Permanent Works by the Contractor, including the supply-only items (if any) which are to be supplied by the Contractor as specified in the Contract. Contractors Equipment means all machinery, apparatus and other things other than Temporary Works) required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects, but does not include Plant, Materials, or other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. Section means a part of the Works specifically defined in the Appendix to Tender as a Section (if any). Site means the places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be exe-cuted and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as may be specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site. Country means the country in which the Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered.

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    20 Deo I Opti uslovi

    1.2. Nasloviifusnote

    Naslovi i fusnote ne sainjavaju deo ovih Uslova, te se ne uzimaju u obzir u tumaenju istih.

    1.3. Tumaenja

    Rei koje se odnose na lica i strane ukljuuju firme, korporacije i sva druga pravna lica. Rei koje se odnose na jedninu, takoe ukljuuju i mnoinu i obrnuto tamo gde to kontekst nalae. Rei koje se odnose na jedan rod, takoe se odnose na druge rodove.

    1.4. Pravoijezik

    Merodavno pravo Ugovora navedeno je u Prilogu Ponude.

    U sluaju da se verzije Ugovora pripremaju na raznim jezicima, verzija koja je pripremljena na zvaninom jeziku iz Priloga Ponude prevladava. Jezik za svakodnevno optenje naveden je u Prilogu Ponude.

    1.5. Ugovornisporazum

    Bilo koja strana je duna da na zahtev druge strane potpie Ugovorni sporazum sa svim izme-nama koje su potrebne za registrovanje Ugovora. Investitor snosi sve trokove vezane za takse i ostale dabine predviene zakonom.

    1.6. PrioritetDokumenata

    Dokumenti koji sainjavaju Ugovor uzimaju se kao uzajamno objanjavajui. Ako postoji dvo-smislenost ili neslaganje u dokumentima, Predstavnik Investitora izdaje Izvoau potrebno objanjenje ili nalog, pri emu je prioritet dokumenata kako sledi:

    a) Ugovorni sporazum;b) Pismo o prihvatanju;c) Zahtevi Investitora;d) Tender;e) Uslovi Ugovora; Deo II;f) Uslovi Ugovora; Deo I;g) Tablice;h) Ponuda Izvoaa.

    1.7. DokumentanaGradilitu

    Izvoa je duan da na Gradilitu dri komplet dokumenata koji sainjavaju Ugovor, Dokumentaciju izgradnje, Izmene, ostale komunikacije izdate po l. 1.8 i dokumentaciju iz l. 5.4. Investitor, Predstavnik Investitora i pomonici (kako su navedeni u l. 3.3) imaju pravo da koriste ova dokumenta u svako razumno doba.

    1.8. Optenje

    Ukoliko nije drukije predvieno, kad god je potrebno da se izda ili koristi neko saoptenje, nalog, saglasnost, potvrda ili odluka bilo kog lica, ako nije drukije navedeno, to saoptenje treba da bude u pisanoj formi, i to bez nepotrebnog uskraivanja ili odlaganja.

    Kadgod je predvieno da optenje bude u pisanoj formi, to znai rukom pisano, kucano na pisaoj maini ili tampano, ukljuujui i dogovorene sisteme elektronskog prenosa koji su navedeni u Prilogu ponude.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Part I General Conditions 21

    1.2. HeadingsandMarginalNotes

    The headings and marginal notes are not part of these Conditions, and shall not be taken into consideration in their interpretation.

    1.3. Interpretation

    Words importing persons or parties shall include firms and corporations and any organization having legal capacity. Words importing the singular also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires. Words importing one gender also include other genders.

    1.4. LawandLanguage

    The law of the Contract is named in the Appendix to Tender. Where versions of the Contract are prepared in different languages, the version which is in the ruling language named in the Appendix to Tender shall prevail. The language for day to day communications shall be as stated in the Appendix to Tender.

    1.5. ContractAgreement

    Either party shall, if requested by the other party, execute a Contract

    Agreement, in the form annexed with such modifications as may be necessary to record the Contract. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges imposed by law shall be borne by the Employer.

    1.6. PriorityofDocuments

    The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatoryof one another. If there is an ambiguity or discrepancy in the documents, the Employers Representative shall issue any necessary clarification or instruction to the Contractor, and the priority of the docu-ments shall be as follows:

    a) The Contract Agreement;b) The Letter of Acceptance;c) The Employers Requirements;d) The Tender;e) The Conditions of Contract, Part II;f) The Conditions of Contract, Part I;g) The Schedules; andh) The Contractors Proposal.

    1.7. DocumentsonSite

    The Contractor shall keep on the Site one complete set of the documents forming the Contract, the Construction Documents, Variations, other communications given or issued under Sub-Clause 1.8 and the documents mentioned in Sub-Clause 5.4. The Employer, the Employers Representative and assistants (as referred to in Sub-Clause 3.3) shall have the right to use such documents at all reasonable times.

    1.8. Communications

    Wherever provision is made for the giving or issue of any notice, instruction, consent, approval, certificate or determination by any person, unless otherwise specified such communication shall be in writing and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

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    22 Deo I Opti uslovi

    Sve potvrde, poruke ili pismeni nalozi upueni Izvoau od strane Investitora ili Predstavnika Investitora i sve poruke Investitoru ili Predstavniku Investitora od strane Izvoaa predaju se na ruke uz pismenu potvrdu prijema ili alju avionskom potom ili preko jednog od dogovorenih sistema elektronskog prenosa. Adrese primalaca navode se u Prologu Ponude.

    1.9. Obezbeenjedokumentacijuzaizgradnju

    Dokumentacija za izgradnju je u posedu Izvoaa koji se o njoj i stara. Ukoliko drugaije nije navedeno u Zahtevima Investitora, Izvoa je duan obezbediti est kopija za korienje od strane Predstavnika Investitora i njegovih pomonika (kako je navedeno u l. 3.3)

    1.10. KorienjeIzvoaevedokumentacijeodstraneInvestitora

    Autorska prava na dokumentaciju za izgradnju i ostalu projektnu dokumentaciju pripremljene od strane od strane ili u ime Izvoaa ostaju u vlasnitvu Izvoaa. Investitor ima pravo da o svom troku umnoava, koristi i prenosi bilo koji takav dokument (ukljuujui vrenje i korie-nje izmena), za potrebe zavravanja, eksploatacije, odravanja, vrenja izmena, podeavanja i popravljanja Radova. Investitor ili Predstavnik Investitora nema pravo da bez saglasnosti Izvoaa dokumentaciju koristi, umnoava ili prenosi treim licima u neke druge svrhe.

    1.11. KorienjeInvestitorovedokumentacijeodstraneIzvoaa

    Autorska prava u Zahtevima Investitora i ostaloj dokumentaciji predatoj Izvoau od strane Investitora ili Predstavnika Investitora ostaje u vlasnitvu Investitora. Izvoa ima pravo da o sopstvenom troku takvu dokumentaciju umnoava, koristiti i prenosi za potrebe Ugovora. Izvoa nema pravo da bez saglasnosti Investitora dokumentaciju koristi, umnoava ili prenosi treim licima, osim kada je to potrebno radi izvravanja Ugovora.

    1.12. Poverljivipodaci

    Od Izvoaa se ne moe zahtevati da Investitoru ili Predstavniku Investitora obelodani pover-ljive podatke nabrojane u Prilogu Ponude.

    1.13. Postupanjeuskladusauredbama,propisimaizakonima

    Izvoa je duan da po svakom pitanju koje proistie iz izvravanja Ugovora postupa, izdaje saoptenja i plaa sve dabine u skladu sa nacionalnim odnosno dravnim uredbama ili drugim zakonima ili po propisima nadlenih organa u odnosu na Radove. Izvoa je duan da pribavi sve dozvole, licence ili odobrenja koji su potrebni za bilo koji deo Radova u razumnom roku za isporuku Postrojenja i Materijala i zavretak Radova. Investitor i Izvoa e se povinovati zakonima svake zemlje u kojoj posluju.

    1.14. Solidarnaodgovornost

    Ako je Izvoa Joint Venture (ili konzorcijum) dva ili vie lica, sva takva lica su solidarno odgo-vorni Investitoru za ispunjenje uslova Ugovora. Pomenuta lica su duna da odrede jednog od njih da deluje u svojstvu vodeeg sa ovlaenjem da preuzima obaveze u ime Joint Venture (ili konzorcijuma) i svakog pojedinanog lana. Sastav uesnika niti statut Joint Venture (ili konzorcijuma) ne sme biti menjan bez prethodne saglasnosti Investitora.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Part I General Conditions 23

    Wherever provision is made for a communication to be written or in writing, this means any hand-written, type-written or printed communication, including the agreed systems of electronic transmission stated in the Appendix to Tender.

    All certificates, notices or written orders to be given to the Contractor by the Employer or the Employers Representative, and all notices to be given to the Employer or to the Employers Representative by the Contractor, shall either be delivered by hand against written acknowledge-ment of receipt, or be sent by airmail or one of the agreed systems of electronic transmission. The addresses for the receipt of such communications shall be as stated in the Appendix to Tender.

    1.9. ProvisionofConstructionDocuments

    The Construction Documents shall be in the custody and care of the Contractor. Unless other-wise stated in the Employers Requirements, the Contractor shall provide six copies for the use of the Employers Representative and assistants (as referred to in Sub-Clause 3.3).

    1.10.EmployersUseofContractorsDocumentsCopyright in the Construction Documents and other design documents made by or on behalf of the Contractor shall (as between the parties) remain the property of the Contractor. The Employer may, at his cost, copy, use and communicate any such documents (including mak-ing and using modifications) for the purposes of completing, operating, maintaining, altering, adjusting and repairing the Works. They shall not, without the Contractors consent, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Employer or the Employers Representative for other purposes.

    1.11. ContractorsUseofEmployersDocuments

    Copyright in the Employers Requirements and other documents issued by the Employer or the Employers Representative to the Contractor shall (as between the parties) remain the property of the Employer. The Contractor may, at his cost, copy, use and communicate any such docu-ments for the purposes of the Contract. They shall not, without the Employers consent, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the purposes of the Contract.

    1.12. ConfidentialDetails

    The Contractor shall not be required to disclose, to the Employer or the Employers Representative, the confidential details listed in the Appendix to Tender.

    1.13. CompliancewithStatutes,RegulationsandLaws

    The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, comply with, give all notices under, and pay all fees required by, the provisions of any national or state statute, ordinance or other law, or any regulation of any legally constituted public authority having juris-diction over the Works. The Contractor shall obtain all permits, licences or approvals required for any part of the Works, in reasonable time taking account of the times for delivery of the Plant and Materials and for completion of the Works. The Employer and the Contractor shall comply with the laws of each country where activities are performed.

    1.14. JointandSeveralLiability

    If the Contractor is a joint venture (or consortium) of two or more persons, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the fulfillment of the terms of the Contract. Such persons shall designate one of them to act as leader with authority to bind the joint ven-ture (or consortium) and each of its members. The composition or the constitution of the joint venture (or consortium) shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Employer.

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    24 Deo I Opti uslovi


    2 Investitor2.1. Opteobaveze

    Investitor obezbeuje gradilite Gradilite i vri isplate Izvoau u skladu sa l. 13.

    2.2 PristupiuvoenjeuposedGradilita

    Investitor daje Izvoau pravo pristupa Gradilitu i uvodi ga u posed istog u roku navedenom u Prilogu Ponude. Takvo pravo i posed ne moraju da se odnose iskljuivo na Izvoaa.

    Ako Izvoa kasni i/ili napravi trokove zbog propusta Investitora da mu da pravo pristupa Gradilitu i da ga uvede u posed istog, Izvoa je duan da o tome obavesti Predstavnika Investitora. Po prijemu takvog obavetenja, Predstavnik Investitora postupa u skladu sa l. 3.5 radi davanja saglasnosti ili odluivanja o sledeem:

    a) produetku roka na koji Izvoa ima pravo po l. 8.3, ib) iznosu takvih trokova uveanih za iznos umerene dobiti, koji se dodaju u Ugovornu

    cenu.i o tome obavetava Izvoaa.

    2.3. Dozvole,licenceiliodobrenja

    Investitor je duan da na zahtev i o troku Izvoaa, Izvoau pomogne u podnoenju zahteva za dozvole, licenci ili odobrenja koji su potrebni za bilo koji deo Radova, isporuku (sa carinje-njem) Postrojenja, Materijala i opreme Izvoaa i zavretak Radova. Takvi zahtevi mogu da ukljue zahteve za pomo Investitora u podnoenju zahteva za dobijanje saglasnosti nadlenih organa za izvoz opreme Izvoaa po njenom uklanjanju sa Gradilita.

    2.4. PravoInvestitoranaraskid

    Investitor ima pravo da raskine Ugovor po sopstvenom nahoenju bilo kada po isteku 56 dana od datuma davanja otkaza Izvoau uz obavetenje Predstavnika Investitora i vraanje garan-cije za valjano izvrenje posla. U sluaju takvog raskida, Izvoa:

    a) postupa u skladu sa l.16.3, ib) ima pravo na isplatu od strane Investitora u skladu sa l. 19.6.

    Posle takvog raskida, izvoenje Radova ne moe se ponovo zapoeti bez Izvoaeve sagla-snosti tokom narednih est godina..


    3.1. DunostiiovlaenjaPredstavnikaInvestitora

    Predstavnik Investitora izvrava obaveze koje su predviene Ugovorom.

    Predstavnik Investitora nije ovlaen da vri izmene Ugovora.

    Predstavnik Investitora moe da vri ovlaenja koja su predviena Ugovorom ili koja se iz njega podrazumevaju.

    Ako se od Predstavnika Investitora zahteva, pod uslovima njegovog angaovanja od strane Investitora, da pribavi specijalno odobrenje od Investitora pre vrenja takvih ovlaenja, ti uslovi su oni koji su navedeni u Delu II. Sva potrebna odobrenja se smatraju datim od strane Investitora za vrenje ovlaenja Predstavnika Investitora.

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    Part I General Conditions 25


    2 TheEmployer2.1. GeneralObligations

    The Employer shall provide the Site and shall pay the Contractor in accordance with Clause 13.

    2.2. AccesstoandPossessionoftheSite

    The Employer shall grant the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, the Site within the time stated in the Appendix to Tender. Such right and possession may not be exclusive to the Contractor.

    If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from failure on the part of the Employer to grant right of access to or possession of the Site, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employers Representative. After receipt of such notice the Employers Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:

    a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3. andb) the amount of such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be added to the Contract

    Price,and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.

    2.3. Permits,LicencesorApprovals

    The Employer shall, at the request and cost-of the Contractor, assist him in applying for permits, licences or approvals, which are required for any part of the Works, for delivery (including clear-ance through customs) of Plant, Materials and Contractors Equipment, and for the completion of the Works. Such requests may also include requests for the Employers assistance in apply-ing for any necessary government consent to the export of Contractors Equipment when it is removed from the Site.

    2.4. EmployersEntitlementtoTerminate

    The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract, at the Employers convenience, at any time after giving 56 days prior notice to the Contractor, with a copy to the Employers Representative, and returning the performance security. In the event of such termination, the Contractor:

    a) shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 16.3, andb) shall be paid by the Employer in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.6.

    After such termination, execution of the Works shall not be recommenced within a period of six years without the Contractors consent.


    3.1. EmployersRepresentativesDutiesandAuthority

    The Employers Representative shall carry out the duties specified in the Contract.

    The Employers Representative shall have no authority to amend the Contract.

    The Employers Representative may exercise the authority specified in or necessarily to be implied from the Contract.

    If the Employers Representative is required, under the terms of his appointment by the Employer, to obtain the specific approval of the Employer before exercising such authority, such requirements shall be as stated in Part II. Any requisite approval shall be deemed to have been given by the Employer for any such authority exercised by the Employers Representative.

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    Osim, kao to je izriito navedeno u Uslovima Ugovora, Predstavnik Investitora nee imati pravo da oslobodi Izvoaa bilo koje njegove dunosti, obaveza ili odgovornosti pod Ugovorom.

    Bilo koja ponuda, provera, inspekcija, testiranje, saglasnost, potvrda ili slian akt od strane Predstavnika Investitora (ukljuujui izostanak neslaganja) nee osloboditi Izvoaa od odgo-vornosti, ukljuujui odgovornosti za sopstvene greke, propuste, neusaglaenosti i neudovo-ljenju lanovima 5.3 i 5.4.

    Predstavnik Investitora e dostaviti Investitoru kopije celokupne prepiske koju je primio ili poslao u skladu sa Ugovorom.

    3.2. UsloviPredstavnikaInvestitora

    Predstavnik Investitora e biti inenjer odgovarajue kvalifikacije ili drugi pogodan profesio-nalac, sa iskustvom i sposobnostima neophodnim za udovoljenje ovom lanu, ili e zaposliti kvalifikovane inenjere i druge profesionalce i staviti ih na raspolaganje za Ugovor.

    3.3. OvlaenjaPredstavnikaInvestitoradaprenesedunosti

    Predstavnik Investitora moe, s vremena na vreme, preneti dunosti svojim asistentima, i moe u svakom trenutku povui takvo ovlaenje. Svako takvo ovlaenje ili povlaenje istog mora biti u pisanom obliku i nee stupiti na snagu sve dok kopija istog ne bude dostavljena Investitoru i Izvoau.

    Svaka odluka, uputstvo, inspekcija, provera, ispitivanje, testiranje, odobrenje ili sl. Postupak od strane asistenata Predstavnika Investitora, u skladu sa prenosom dunosti smatrae da ima isto dejstvo kao da je izdato od Predstavnika Investitora. Meutim:

    a) svaki propust da se ne odobri Postrojenje, Materijali, projekat ili izrada, nee uskra-titi pravo Predstavnika Investitora da odbije takvo Postrojenje, Materijale, projekat ili izradu;

    b) ako Izvoa dovede u pitanje bilo koju odluku ili instrukciju asistenta Predstavnika Investitora, moe izneti predmet Predstavniku Investitora koji e potvrditi, povui ili izmeniti takvu odluku ili instrukciju.

    3.4. InstrukcijePredstavnikaInvestitora

    Sem ako je zakonski ili fiziki neizvodljivo, Izvoa e se saglasiti sa instrukcijama izdatim od Predstavnika Investitora u skladu sa Ugovorom.

    3.5. PokuajDogovoraPredstavnikaInvestitora

    Gde god se od Predstavnika Investitora zahteva da odlui o vrednosti, ceni ili produetku roka, on e se konsultovati sa Izvoaem u nastojanju da se postigne dogovor. Ako dogovor nije posti-gnut, Predstavnik Investitora e reiti predmet korektno, razumno i u skladu sa Ugovorom.


    4.1. OpteObaveze

    Radovi koji su kompletirani od strane Izvoaa treba da budu u potpunosti u skladu sa Ugovorom, i podeeni za potrebe njihove namene, kako je definisano u Ugovoru. Radovi e ukljuiti sve aktivnosti neophodne za zadovoljenje Zahteva Investitora, Izvoaeve Ponude i Tabele, ili nastale iz bilo kojih obaveza Izvoaa, i sve radove koji nisu pomenuti u Ugovoru ali mogu biti neophodni za stabilnost ili zavretak ili bezbedno i efikasno upravljanje radovima.

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    Part I General Conditions 27


    Except as expressly slated in the Conditions of Contract, the Employers Representative shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract.

    Any proposal, inspection, examination, testing, consent, approval or similar act by the Employers Representative (including absence of disapproval) shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility, including responsibility for his errors, omissions, discrepancies, and non-compli-ance with Sub-Clauses 5.3 and 5.4.

    The Employers Representative shall copy to the Employer all communications given or received by him in accordance with the Contract.

    3.2. RequirementsforEmployersRepresentative

    The Employers Representative shall be a suitably qualified engineer or other appropriate pro-fessional, having the experience and capability necessary for compliance with this Clause, or shall employ such suitably qualified engineers and other professionals and make them avail-able for the Contract.

    3.3. EmployersRepresentativesAuthoritytoDelegate

    The Employers Representative may from time to time delegate any of his duties to assistants, and may at any time revoke any such delegation. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until a copy-has been delivered to the Employer and the Contractor.

    Any determination, instruction, inspection, examination, testing, consent, approval or similar act by any such assistant of the Employers Representative, in accordance with the delegation, shall have the same effect as though it had been an act of the Employers Representative. However:

    a) any failure to disapprove any Plant, Materials, design or workmanship shall not preju-dice the right of the Employers Representative to reject such Plant, Materials, design or workmanship;

    b) if the Contractor questions any determination or instruction of an assistant of the Employers Representative, the Contractor may refer the matter to the Employers Representative, who shall confirm, reverse or vary such determination or instruction.

    3.4. EmployersRepresentativesInstructions

    Unless it is legally or physically impossible, the Contractor shall comply with instructions given by the Employers Representative in accordance with the Contract.

    3.5. EmployersRepresentativetoAttemptAgreement

    When the Employers Representative is required to determine value, Cost or extension of time, he shall consult with the Contractor in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement is not achieved, the Employers Representative shall determine the matter fairly, reasonably and in accordance with the Contract.


    4.1. GeneralObligations

    The Works as completed by the Contractor shall be wholly in accordance with the Contract and fit for the purposes for which they are intended, as defined in the Contract. The Works shall include any work which is necessary to satisfy the Employers Requirements, Contractors Proposal and Schedules, or is implied by the Contract, or arises from any obligation of the Contractor, and all works not mentioned in the Contract but which may be inferred to be neces-sary for stability or completion or the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the works.

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    Izvoa e projektovati, sprovoditi i kompletirati Radove, ukljuujui i pribavljanje Dokumentacije o Izgradnji, u okviru Roka za Zavretak, i otklonie sve nedostatke u okviru Ugovorenog Perioda. Izvoa e obezbediti rukovoenje, radnu snagu, Postrojenje, materijale, Mehanizaciju Izvoaa, Privremene radove i sve ostalo, privremene ili trajne svrhe, neophodno za projekat, izvrenje, kompletiranje i otklanjanje nepravilnosti.

    Pre poetka projekta, Izvoa treba da obrati panju na Zahteve Investitora (ukljuujui pro-jektni kriterijum i proraune, ako postoje) i take orijentacije pomenute u lanu 4.7. Izvoa e obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o bilo kakvom nedostatku, greci ili propustu u Zahtevima Investitora ili u takama orijentacije. Posle primanja takvog obavetenja, Predstavnik Investitora e odluiti da li e odredbe lana 14 biti primenjene, i shodno tome e obavestiti Izvoaa.

    Izvoa e snositi puno odgovornost za stabilnost, adekvatnost i bezbednost obavljanja poslova na Gradilitu, i za sve metode izgradnje celokupnih Radova, bez obzira na odobrenja ili sagla-snosti Predstavnika Investitora.

    4.2. GarancijazaDobroIzvrenjePosla

    Izvoa e obezbediti o svom troku, garanciju za dobro obavljanje posla od treeg lica, u iznosu i valuti navedenim u Prilogu Tenderu, i dostaviti Investitoru u roku od 28 dana posle Efektivnog Datuma. Garancija za Dobro Izvrenje Posla treba da bude izdata od organizacije odobrenog od strane Investitora, i treba da bude u formi iz aneksa ili nekoj drugoj formi odo-brenoj od Investitora.

    Garancija za Dobro Izvrenje Posla e biti na snazi dok Izvoa ne izvede i kompletira Radove i otkloni sve nedostatke. Bie vraena Izvoau u roku od 14 dana po izdavanju Potvrde o valjanom izvrenju. Pre pravljenja potraivanja pod Garancijom za valjano Izvrenje Posla, Investitor e, u svakom sluaju, obavestiti Izvoaa navodei prirodu nedostataka zbog kojih e potraivanje biti nainjeno.

    4.3. PredstavnikIzvoaa

    Ako Predstavnik Izvoaa nije imenovan u Ugovoru, Izvoa e, u roku od 14 dana od Efektivnog Datuma, podneti Predstavniku Investitora na odobrenje ime i detalje o osobi koju Izvoa namerava da imenuje. Izvoa ne sme povui imenovanje Predstavnika Izvoaa bez prethodne saglasnosti Predstavnika Investitora.

    Predstavnik Izvoaa e posvetiti sve svoje vreme upravljanju pripreme Dokumentacije o Izgradnji i izvoenju Radova. Osim ako drugaije nije navedeno u Ugovoru, Predstavnik Izvoaa e primati (u ime Izvoaa) sva obavetenja, instrukcije, saglasnosti, odobrenja, potvrde, odluke i ostalo optenje navedeno u Ugovoru. Kad god Predstavnik Izvoaa name-rava da bude odsutan sa Gradilita, treba da imenuje odgovarajue lice kao zamenu i o tome obavesti Predstavnika Investitora.

    Predstavnik Izvoaa moe preneti svoju mo, funkcije i ovlaenja kompetentnom osoblju, i moe u bilo kom trenutku povui takve prenose. Sva ta prenoenja i povlaenja treba da budu u pisanom obliku, i nee stupiti na snagu dok Predstavnik Investitora ne primi obavetenje pot-pisano od Predstavnika Izvoaa, navodei mo funkcije i ovlaenja koja je dao ili povukao. Predstavnik Izvoaa i takve osobe treba da vladaju jezikom za svakodnevnu komunikaciju kao to je navedeno u lanu 1.4.

    4.4. KoordinacijaRadova

    Izvoa e biti odgovoran za koordinaciju i pravilno izvoenje Radova, ukljuujui i koordinaciju ostalih izvoaa do nivoa navedenog u Zahtevima Investitora. Izvoa e, kao to je navedeno u Zahtevima Investitora, omoguiti nesmetano izvoenje radova :

    a) svim drugim izvoaima angaovanim od strane Investitora i njihovim radnicima,

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    Part I General Conditions 29

    The Contractor shall design, execute and complete the Works, including providing Construction Documents, within the Time for Completion, and shall remedy any defects within the Contract Period. The Contractor shall provide all superintendence, labour, Plant, Materials, Contractors Equipment, Temporary Works and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such design, execution, completion and remedying of detects.

    Before commencing design, the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding the Employers Requirements (including design criteria and calculations, if any) and the items of reference men-tioned in Sub-Clause 4.7. The Contractor shall give notice to the Employers Representative of any error, fault or other defect In the Employers Requirements or such items of reference. After receipt of such notice, the Employers Representative shall determine whether Clause 14 shall be applied, and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.

    The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Site operations, of all methods of construction and of all the Works, irrespective of any approval or consent by the Employers Representative.

    4.2. PerformanceSecurity

    The Contractor shall obtain, at his cost, a performance security from a third party, in the amount and currencies specified in the Appendix to Tender, and deliver it to the Employer by the date 28 days after the Effective Date. The performance security shall be provided by an entity approved by the Employer and shall be in the form annexed, or in another form approved by the Employer.

    The performance security shall be valid until the Contractor has executed and completed the Works and remedied any defects. It shall be returned to the Contractor within 14 days of the issue of the Performance Certificate. Prior to making a claim under the performance security, the Employer shall, in every case, notify the Contractor stating the nature of the default for which the claim is to be made.

    4.3. ContractorsRepresentative

    Unless the Contractors Representative is named in the Contract, the Contractor shall, within 14 days of the Effective Date, submit to the Employers Representative for consent the name and particulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint. The Contractor shall not revoke the appointment of the Contractors Representative without the prior consent of the Employers Representative.

    The Contractors Representative shall give his whole time to directing the preparation of the Construction Documents and the execution of the Works. Except as otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractors Representative shall receive (on behalf of the Contractor) all notices, instructions, consents, approvals, certificates, determinations and other communications under the Contract. Whenever the Contractors Representative is to be absent from the Site, a suitable replacement person shall be appointed, and the Employers Representative shall be notified accordingly.

    The Contractors Representative may delegate any of his powers, functions and authorities to any competent person, and may at any time revoke any such delegation. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until the Employer Representative has received prior notice signed by the Contractors Representative, specifying the powers, functions and authorities being delegated or revoked. The Contractors Representative and such persons shall be fluent in the language for day to day communications defined in Sub-Clause 1.4.

    4.4. Co-ordinationoftheWorks

    The Contractor shall be responsible for the co-ordination and proper execution of the Works, including co-ordination of other contractors to the extent specified in the Employers Requirements. The Contractor shall, as specified in the Employers Requirements, afford all reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to:

    a) any other contractors employed by the Employer and their workmen,

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    b) radnoj snazi Investitora,c) radnoj snazi bilo koje legalno konstituisane javne vlasti koji mogu biti angaovani

    na radovima na ili blizu Gradilita na nekom poslu koji nije ukljuen u Ugovor, a koji Investitor moe da zahteva.

    Izvoa e od podizvoaa nabaviti, koordinirati i podneti Predstavniku Investitora kao obave-tenje sve detalje (ukljuujui i detalje za radove koji e se izvoditi van Gradilita). Izvoa e biti odgovoran za lociranje njihovog rada i materijala, u cilju da osigura da ne doe do sukoba sa radom ostalih Podizvoaa, Izvoaem ili drugih izvoaa.

    4.5. Podizvoai

    Izvoa nee dati podizvoau celokupne Radove, osim ukoliko je drugaije navedeno u Delu II:

    a) izvoa nee biti obavezan da pribavlja potvrde za narudbine Materijala za Podizvoaa za koji je Podizvoa imenovan u Ugovoru;

    b) prethodno odobrenje Predstavnika Investitora mora se pribaviti za druge predloene Podizvoae;

    c) ne manje od 28 dana pre datuma nameravanog za poetak radova od strane sva-kog Podizvoaa na gradilitu, Izvoa e obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o takvoj nameri; i

    d) gde je to primenjivo, Izvoa e pruiti pravinu i razumnu priliku izvoaima iz Drave domaina da budu odreeni kao Podizvoai.

    Izvoa e biti odgovoran za pridravanje svih Podizvoaa svih odredbi Ugovora. Izvoa e biti odgovoran za dela i propuste svih Podizvoaa, njihovih posrednika ili zaposlenih, u potpu-nosti kao da su to dela ili propusti Izvoaa, njegovih posrednika ili zaposlenih.

    4.6. DodeljivanjeObavezaPodizvoau

    Ako je Podizvoa preuzeo trajne i dodeljive obaveze od Izvoaa za radove projektovane ili izvrene, ili su Postrojenje, Materijali ili usluge obezbeene od strane Podizvoaa, i ako se takve obaveze se nastave posle isteka Ugovorenog Perioda, Izvoa e, po isteku Ugovornog Perioda, preneti korist od tih obaveza na Investitora za vreme njihovog neisteklog trajanja, na zahtev i o troku Investitora.

    4.7. Obeleavanje

    Izvoa e obeleiti radove u skladu sa originalnim kotama, linijama i nivoima orijentacije specifiranim u Zahtevima Investitora, ili, ako to nije specifirano, datim od strane Predstavnika Investitora u pisanoj formi. Izvoa e ispraviti, o svom troku, bilo kakvu greku u pozicionira-nju, nivelisanju, dimenzijama ili trasiranju Radova.

    4.8. GarancijaKvaliteta

    Ukoliko drugaije nije navedeno u Delu II, Izvoa e sprovesti sistem garancije kvaliteta da bi pokazao zadovoljenje zahteva Ugovora. Takav sistem e biti u skladu sa detaljima navedenim u Ugovoru. Sprovoenje sistema kontrole Kvaliteta nee osloboditi Izvoaa njegovih dunosti, obaveza ili odgovornosti.

    Detalji svih postupaka i dokumenata o sprovoenju sistema kvaliteta e biti dostavljeni na oba-vetenje Predstavniku Investitora pre poetka svake faze projektovanja ili izvoenja. Prilikom izdavanja bilo kog dokumenta Predstavniku Investitora, taj dokument treba da prati potpisana potvrda o kvalitetu za taj dokument u skladu sa detaljima navedenim u Ugovoru.

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    Part I General Conditions 31

    b) the workmen of the Employer, andc) the workmen of any legally constituted public authorities who may be employed in

    the execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the Contract, which the Employer may require.

    The Contractor shall obtain, co-ordinate and submit to the Employers Representative for his information all details (including details of work to be carried out off the Site) from Subcontractors. The Contractor shall be responsible for the locations of their work or materials, in order to ensure that there is no conflict with the work of other Subcontractors, the Contractor or other contractors.

    4.5. Subcontractors

    The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works. Unless otherwise stated in Part II:

    a) the Contractor shall not be required to obtain consent for purchases of Materials or for subcontracts for which the Subcontractor is named in the Contract;

    b) the prior consent of the Employers Representative shall be obtained to other proposed Subcontractors;

    c) not less than 28 days before the intended date of each Subcontractor commencing work on the Site, the Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative of such intention; and

    d) where practicable, the Contractor shall give a fair and reasonable opportunity for con-tractors from the Country to be appointed as Subcontractors.

    The Contractor shall be responsible for observance by all Subcontractors of all the provisions of the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor, his agents or employees, as fully as if they were the acts or defaults of the Contractor, his agents or employees.

    4.6. AssignmentofSubcontractorsObligations

    If a Subcontractor has undertaken a continuing and assignable obligation to the Contractor for the work designed or executed, or Plant, Materials or services supplied, by such Subcontractor, and if such obligation extends beyond the expiry of the Contract Period, the Contractor shall, upon the expiry of the Contract Period, assign the benefit of such obligation to the Employer for its unexpired duration, at the request and cost of the Employer.

    4.7. SettingOut

    The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of refer-ence specified in the Employers Requirements or, if not specified, given by the Employers Representative in writing. The Contractor shall rectify, at his cost, any error in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of the Works.

    4.8. QualityAssurance

    Unless otherwise stated in Part II, the Contractor shall institute a quality assurance system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Contract. Such system shall be in accor-dance with the details stated in the Contract. Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the Contractor of his duties, obligations or responsibilities.

    Details of all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to the Employers Representative for his information before each design and execution stage is commenced. When any document is issued to the Employers Representative, it shall be accompanied by the signed quality statements for such document, in accordance with the details stated in the Contract.

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    Predstavnik Izvoaa e moi da revidira bilo koji aspekt sistema i moi e da zahteva da korektivne mere budu sprovedene.

    4.9. PodacioGradilitu

    Investitor e obezbediti Izvoau, pre Osnovnog Datuma sve hidroloke i podzemne podatke Gradilita, studije o uticaju na okruenje, koje su dobijene od ili u ime Investitora prilikom istra-ivanja za potrebe Radova. Izvoa e biti odgovoran za tumaenje svih podataka.

    Smatrae se da je Izvoa pregledao i prekontrolisao Gradilite, njegovo okruenje, gore pomenute podatke i sve raspoloive informacije, i da je zadovoljan (uzimajui u obzir vreme i cenu, koliko je to mogue) pre podnoenja Tendera, i to:

    a) oblikom i prirodom Gradilita, ukljuujui podzemne uslove,b) hidrolokim i klimatskim uslovima,c) obimom i prirodom radova i Materijala neophodnih za izvrenje i kompletiranje Radova,

    i otklanjanjem nedostataka, id) sredstvima pristupa Gradilitu i smetajem koji moe da zahteva.

    Smatrae se da je Izvoa pribavio sve neophodne informacije u pogledu rizika, nepredvienih radova ili ostalih okolnosti koje mogu uticati ili tetno delovati na Tender.

    4.10. UticajinaIzvoenjeRadova

    Smatrae se da je Izvoa zadovoljan korektnou i dovoljnou Ugovorene Cene. Ukoliko dru-gaije nije navedeno u Ugovoru, Ugovorena Cena e pokriti sve njegove obaveze po Ugovoru (ukljuujui i one pod Provizornim iznosima, ako postoje) i sve stvari neophodne za ispravno projektovanje, izvoenje i kompletiranje Radova i otklanjanje nedostataka.

    4.11. NepredvidiviPodzemniUslovi

    Ako je Izvoa naiao na podzemne uslove koji po njegovom miljenju nisu mogli da budu predvieni od strane jednog iskusnog Izvoaa, treba da obavesti Predstavnika Investitora da bi ovaj mogao da proveri takve uslove. Posle prijema ovakvog obavetenja i posle pro-vere i istrage, Predstavnik Investitora e, ako su takvi uslovi bili nepredvidivi (do Osnovnog Datuma) od strane iskusnog Izvoaapostupiti u skladu sa lanom 3.5 i saglasiti se ili odluiti o sledeem:

    a) produetuk vremena na koje Izvoa ima pravo po lanu 8.3, ib) dodatnom troku zbog takvih uslova, koji e biti dodati Ugovorenoj Ceni,

    i shodno tome, obavestie Izvoaa.

    4.12. PrilazniPutevi

    Smatrae se da je Izvoa zadovoljan prikladnou prilaznih puteva koje je izabrao da koristi. Izvoa e biti odgovoran za odravanje takvih puteva. Izvoa e obezbediti saobraajne znakove ili putokaze za koje misli da su neophodni za orijentaciju osoblja, radne snage i osta-lih. Izvoa e pribaviti bilo koju neophodnu dozvolu od relevantnih organa za korienje tih puteva, znakova i putokaza.

    Investitor nee biti odgovoran za bilo kakva potraivanja koja nastanu zbog korienja prilaznih puteva ili drugih razloga. Investitor ne garantuje dostupnost ni jednog prilaznog puta, i nee odobriti bilo koji zahtev vezan za nepogodnost ili nedostupnost takvog puta usled njegovog korienja tokom izgradnje.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Part I General Conditions 33

    The Employers Representative shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system and require corrective action to be taken.

    4.9. SiteData

    The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor, prior to the Base Date, all the data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions at the Site, and studies on environmental impact, which have been obtained by or on behalf of the Employer from investigations for the Works. The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all data.

    The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site, its surroundings, the above data and other available information, and to have satisfied himself (so far as is prac-ticable, taking account of cost and time) before submitting the Tender, as to:

    a) the form and nature of the Site, including the sub-surface conditions,b) the hydrological and climatic conditions.c) the extent and nature of the work and Materials necessary for the execution and com-

    pletion of the Works, and the remedying of any defects, andd) the means of access to the Site and the accommodation he may require.

    The Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contin-gencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect the Tender.

    4.10. MattersAffectingtheExecutionoftheWorks

    The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract Price shall cover all his obligations under the Contract (including those under Provisional Sums, if any) and all things necessary for the proper design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedy-ing of any defects.

    4.11. UnforeseeableSub-SurfaceConditions

    If sub-surface conditions arc encountered by the Contractor which in his opinion were not foreseeable by an experienced contractor, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employers Representative so that the Employers Representative can inspect such conditions. After receipt of such notice and after his inspection and investigation, the Employers Representative shall, if such conditions were not (by the Base Date) foreseeable by an experienced contractor, pro-ceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:

    a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, andb) the additional Cost due to such conditions, which shall be added to the Contract Price,

    and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.

    4.12. AccessRoute

    The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the suitability and availability of the access routes he chooses to use. The Contractor shall (as between the parties) be responsible for the maintenance of access routes. The Contractor shall provide any signs or directions which he may consider necessary for the guidance of his staff, labour and others. The Contractor shall obtain any permission that may be required from the relevant authorities for the use of such routes, signs and directions.

    The Employer will not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any access route. The Employer does not guarantee the suitability or availability of any par-ticular access route, and will not entertain any claim for any non-suitability or non-availability for continuous use during construction of any such route.

  • Uslovi ugovaranja FIDIC

    34 Deo I Opti uslovi

    4.13. PravoPristupaiObjekti

    Izvoa e snositi sve trokove i izdatke za specijalno ili privremeno pravo prolaza zahtevano od njega radi pristupa Gradilitu. Izvoa e takoe pribaviti o svom troku, sve dodatne pogod-nosti objekte izvan Gradilita neophodne za potrebe Radova.

    4.14. DinamikaRadova

    Izvoa treba da podnese Predstavniku Investitora na uvid Dinamiku Radova u vremenu nave-denom u Prilogu Tenderu. Dinamika treba da sadri sledee:

    a) redosled po kom Izvoa planira da izvodi radove (ukljuujui svaku fazu projektovanja, nabavke, dopremanja na gradilite, izgradnje, montae, testiranje i putanje u rad),

    b) sve kljune dogaaje i aktivnosti u pripremanju Dokumentacije za Izgradnju,c) vremena pregleda dokumenata pre izvedbe po lanu 5.2 i vremena za ostala podnoe-

    nja, odobrenja i saglasnosti navedena u Zahtevima Investitora, id) redosled testiranja navedenih u Ugovoru.

    Ukoliko drugaije nije navedeno u Ugovoru, Dinamika Radova e biti razvijana korienjem tehnike prioritetnog umreavanja, pokazujui datume ranog i kasnog poetka i ranog i kasnog zavretka.

    Izvoa e, kada god to zahteva Predstavnik Investitora, obezbediti u pisanoj formi radi infor-macije, opti opis organizacije i metoda koje Izvoa namerava da usvoji za potrebe izvoenja Radova. Nikakva znaajnija izmena Dinamike Radova ili organizacije i metoda, ne sme biti nainjena bez obavetenja Predstavnika Izvoaa.

    Ako se napredovanje Radova ne podudara sa Dinamikom, Predstavnik Investitora moe da uputi Izvoaa da revidira Dinamiku, ukazujui na izmene neophodne za postizanje zavretka radova u Roku za Zavretak.

    4.15. IzvetajoNapredovanjuRadova

    Meseni izvetaji o napretku radova bie pripremani od strane Izvoaa i predavani Predstavniku Investitora u est kopija. Prvi izvetaj treba da obuhvati period do kraja kalendarskog meseca u kome se nalazi Datum poetka radova; izvetaji se posle toga predaju meseno, svaki u roku od 14 dana od poslednjeg dana perioda na koji se odnosi. Izvetavanje e se nastaviti sve dok Izvoa ne zavri sve radove za koje se zna da su neizvreni do datuma zavretka navedenog u Potvrdi o Preuzimanju Radova. Svaki Izvetaj treba da ukljui:

    a) fotografije i detaljan opis napredovanja, ukljuujui svaku fazu projektovanja, nabavke, izrade, isporuke na Gradilite, izgradnje, montae, testiranja i putanja u rad;

    b) grafikone koji pokazuju status Dokumenata za Izgradnju, narudbenica, proizvodnje i izgradnje;

    c) za proizvodnju svake glavne pozicije Postrojenja i Materijala, ime proizvoaa, mesto proizvodnje, napredak izraen u procentima, i aktuelni ili oekivani datum poetka pro-izvodnje, Izvoaeve inspekcije testiranja i isporuke;

    d) zapisnike o personalu i Mehanizaciji Izvoaa na Gradilitu;e) kopije potvrde Kvaliteta, rezultate testiranja i potvrde o Materijalima;f) statistiku o bezbednosti, ukljuujui detalje o svakom opasnom sluaju i aktivnostima

    vezanim za aspekte okruenja i odnose sa javnou;g) uporeenja planiranog i aktuelnog napretka sa svim detaljima izgleda koji mogu ugroziti

    zavretak radova u skladu sa Ugovorom, i mere koje su usvojene (ili e biti usvojene) da se izbegnu takvi izgledi.

  • FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    Part I General Conditions 35

    4.13. RightsofWayandFacilities

    The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary rights-of-way required by him for access to the Site. The Contractor shall also provide, at his own cost, any additional facilities outside the Site required by him for the purposes of the Works.

    4.14. Programme

    The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Employers Representative, for information, within the time stated in the Appendix to Tender. The programme shall include the following:

    a) the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry out the Works (including each stage of design, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, constr