fibs v4.2

FIBS Written by Jack Tancey Address Phone Number

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Post on 10-May-2017




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Page 1: Fibs V4.2


Written by

Jack Tancey

AddressPhone Number

Page 2: Fibs V4.2




Dozen of prison busses unload men in orange jumpsuits into a processing funnel while crowds picket from outside the fence with “Keep Cons In” signs.


Prisoners are packed in shoulder to shoulder creating a sea of orange. Men of all ages, from all walks of life, reduced to a single article of clothing.

And then there’s Fibs [40s, charming good looks] wearing a full suit sans tie eyeing the same room everyone else is.

GUARDFibonacci Strauss.

The guard holds the door open for Fibs, closing it after he enters. Hugh [50/60s, fat, joyous] is waiting with a smile.


The two men hug, then begin walking.

HUGH (CONT’D)How much you bribe to get the suit?


HUGHThat’s it? Prison is cheap.


HUGH (CONT’D)Just remember the three C’s. Contrite, Confessional and-

FIBSAnd Succinct. Which is an S. Doesn’t even sound like a C.

HUGHYou want it to be helpful or accurate?

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FIBSIf my “lawyer” is so helpful, why isn’t he coming into the hearing?

HUGHI’ve seen this judge before. She doesn’t like me.

FIBSWhy not?

HUGHBecause I’m a lawyer.

They stop at a large door and wait to be signaled.

HUGH (CONT’D)Just remember: We’re gonna be rich.

(beat)You don’t still do that thing where you cross your fingers when you’re lying do you?


HUGHProve it.

FIBSI’m the President of Estonia.

HUGHShow me your hands.

FIBS(showing hands)

My skin color is green. You look like you’ve lost weight. I’d love to go shopping with you, honey.

A guard nods to Fibs who begins to buckle, shift.

HUGHAll you have to do is get out that door and you’re rich. That’s it.

Fibs focuses with intensity. The con is on.


Two parole board members and a SPEAKING JUDGE sit as a parolee makes his way out the exit.


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Fibs approaches a table in the middle of the room where CAMILLE OLSEN [30s, light Swedish accent, hawkish] waits for him.


Just keep your mouth shut unless they call on you.

FIBSGot it.

SPEAKING JUDGEFibonacci Strauss.

FIBSThat’s me.

The room is shocked at his lack of respect. Camille narrows her eyes.

SPEAKING JUDGEI move that Mr. Strauss not get parole. All in favor?


CAMILLEYour honor.

HUGH(through the door)

Damn it, son.

The Speaking Judge puts up her hand for silence.

SPEAKING JUDGEIt is my opinion that this convict has not shown enough rehabilitation to be released early.

CAMILLEYour honor-

SPEAKING JUDGEShut it, Blondie. If I wanted the opinion of a Barbie doll I’d pull a string.

(points to Fibs)What have you done in here?



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Fibs looks at a greasy kitchen with disdain and mop in hand.

FIBS (V.O.)I took my vocational assignment...


A half dozen convicts are scrubbing the kitchen clean as Fibs reads an E-reader while sipping a drink through a straw.

FIBS (V.O.)And turned it into a works program.


Fibs uses the straw to reach a number pad inside the depot. Once inside he takes stacks of items from a ten dollar section and passes them out the window for five dollar bills.

FIBS (V.O.)I also found a way to distribute items to prisoners in need.


A teacher watches as cons put their paper face down on his desk. When Fibs reaches him he puts a file down.

FIBS (V.O.)I also earned my high school degree and B.A. in three years.

The teacher opens the file to reveal stacks of small bills. He takes Fibs’ name off one test and puts it on another.


SPEAKING JUDGEI’d like to talk about your other activities.


Other? Activities? I don’t...

The judge holds up her e-reader with a copy of Fibs’ book.


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SPEAKING JUDGEWhile in prison you wrote the book I’m A Conman, Man. I’d like to read a quick passage.

CAMILLEYour honor, is this really-

SPEAKING JUDGE“All you have to do to find a mark is find someone who wants something. Anything at all and promise them they’ll get it.”

The burden weighs on Fibs, his shoulders droop. He feels freedom slipping away and casts a look to the door the parolee walked out of. Then, after a moment, he rises.

FIBSI’ve told a lot of lies in my time, all of them designed to benefit me. So I get it, I do, when someone looks at that book and says he’s not reformed.



FIBSBut Ms. Olsen isn’t here because I conned her. She’s here because if I walk out that door I have the first honest job in my life.


CAMILLEYes, your honor, working to get criminals work due to the massive-




FIBSI could lie to you but the truth is;



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I can’t come back here, I don’t want to. I’ve gone straight. When I walk out that door-

SPEAKING JUDGEIf you walk out that door.

FIBSThe very first thing I’m going to do is go downtown and start trying to get someone else a job because I know what it’s like to be in here.

SPEAKING JUDGESo for the record: You are done with your life of crime.

FIBSI’m done. I’m done with this life. I’m ready to move on from it.

The Speaking Judge sits back in contemplation while Camille looks at Fibs with begrudging respect.

Fibs holds crossed fingers behind his back and smiles looking to the parolee door until it swings open.


The elevator dings and Fibs with Hugh slide through the open doors with a smile, a big of prison belongings over his shoulder.

He office is filled with thugs, prostitutes and addicts which he greets with chipper hellos and friendly gestures on his way back to an office.

Hugh leads him to a back office where he Camille slides him a GREEN PIECE OF PAPER.

CAMILLEReady for your new life?

Fibs signs it with gusto and then looks back the direction he came.

FIBSNot even a little bit.




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A thick file is opened, inside is a picture of JEROME [20s, black, affable].

CAMILLEJerome Stall. In prison for possession with intent to sell. Model prisoner, first arrest.

FIBSAre you going to read the whole thing aloud because I have the file right here. I can read.

CAMILLEMr. Strauss.

FIBSFibs, please.

CAMILLEMr. Strauss. You may notice I have an accent.

FIBSI was going to say, it’s pretty.

CAMILLEAre you hitting on me?

FIBSI’ve been in prison for three years, I’m going to hit on every woman I see to various degrees for the next 24 hours.

CAMILLEI’m not from around here. I came because I believe in the project, the promise.

(she examines him)I don’t buy it.



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CAMILLEYou. I sense no remorse. They never recovered the money you stole. It was a large sum

FIBSOh come on, it was like 100,000!

CAMILLE(small cold smile)

For the first time in history a private prison is going back to the public sector. I’m not going to let anyone tarnish this process.

FIBSIs this animosity because I talked about your accent?

CAMILLEDo your job and get him one. But I want you to know that if you are fired from this position you go back inside.

FIBSYou got it boss and I--WAIT, WHAT?

CAMILLEDidn’t your lawyer tell you?

Camille waves the papers he’s signed like a noose.


Of course he did. Can I have a moment?

Fibs rushes out of the room.

CAMILLEYou meet with Jerome at one!


It’s a small and near-empty office with Fibs sitting on the desk with a bejeweled and sparkling pink phone. The only item on the desk is a TABLET who’s light is too bright.

FIBSWhat the hell did she mean if I get fired I go back in.


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HUGH (PHONE)She means if you get fired you go back in.

Hugh flips through a travel brochure.

FIBSWhy would you make that deal? Why would I sign that deal!

HUGH (PHONE)Relaaaaaaax. I knew if I told you you would have worried.

FIBSI am worried!

HUGH (PHONE)Fibs. You just got to keep up the good guy act until we crack the code, get the money and skip town.

FIBSI can’t do any of that behind bars!

HUGH (PHONE)Which is why I took a bad deal to get you out. Speaking of which-

FIBSNot yet.

HUGH (PHONE) Well hurry up. Find a nerd, get to the bank and let’s get rich. Rich. Riiiiich.

FIBSSay it one more time.

HUGH (PHONE)(in a higher register)


FIBSI’ll call you when I can get to the bank.

Fibs hangs up as Hugh sing-songs another “Rich.”


Fibs hides the phone behind his file while walking up to a girl looking through her purse frantically.


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GIRLIt was just here--I just had it...

As Fibs walks by he kicks the side of a desk, as the girl looks towards the noise Fibs drops the phone into her purse and keeps walking.


Fibs flips through the file with a furrowed brow as TOM MILLS [20s, earnest, slow] recognizes him and trots over.


FIBS(not looking up)

Hey there.

TOMSo you’re the new guy, very exciting.

FIBSHow the hell could that be?

TOMWell, for one, it means I’m no longer the new guy.

Tom laughs at his own joke.

TOM (CONT’D)(somehow ashamed)

Err, I’m Tom.


TOMI know, I read your book.

FIBSOh good, you must have been one of the five.

TOMI don’t understand.

FIBSI bet you say that a lot.



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Fibs stops and bunny ears a page in the file to look at Tom exuding a sense of superiority.

FIBSTom, it’s nice to meet you but you wouldn’t believe the day I have ahead of me so if we could move this along.

TOM(still somehow ashamed)

Oh yes, of course, sorry. So my name is Tom and if you have any questions of problems you can just let me know.

FIBSWhy would I ask you.

TOMOh, well I suppose technically that, you boss.

FIBSThe second newest hire--is my boss.

TOMYes, well, you know bureaucrats. They just get into a position and dig in and, and...

Tom gives off a grunt of despair pretending it’s playful.

FIBSHow long have you been here?

TOMTwo years.

(feeling a void)And 11 months.

(the void grows)And two weeks.

FIBSIt’s Wednesday.

TOMAnd three days!

FIBSWait if you’re my boss, who’s the Swede?

They begin to walk and talk down the hallway.


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TOMOh Camille? She’s a consultant but, a powerful one? I don’t know. She scares me when she talks. And when she doesn’t.

FIBSYou talk a lot when you get nervous, don’t you?

TOMI wouldn’t say a lot I just feel it’s best to let you thoughts out when you’re experiencing--I’m still talking--why am I still talking.

FIBSTom I want you to respect that you and I are not going to have the standard boss/employee paradigm.


FIBSOkay, so since you’re here to help, I have a guy coming in at One. How do I get him a job?


A row of computers and filing cabinets furnish the room. Desks are covered with neat binders.

TOMThis is the Research room. Inside each of these binders you’ll find information for all our programs. Employers, housing, grants.

FIBSAnd these are good for any felon?

TOMAnyone released today through the next six months, yes.

Fibs opens the book titled Housing.

FIBSWhat are the computers for?


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TOMDatabase for criminals. To make sure that you can find a good fit for a job, or make sure your client is tell you the truth.

FIBSAre you telling me that I can look up anyone’s criminal history just by having their name?


FIBSAnd, for no cost, I can have information over any criminal in this system no matter how desperate?


Fibs goes from the binder to a computer looking at it like it holds magical powers. He holds a hand up to it like it may bestow these powers upon him.

TOM (CONT’D)You can also search by date and crime.


Fibs enters the room with a file and paperwork. Jerome idly turns on a tablet and winces as it flashes a bright light.

FIBSHey, sorry I’m late.

JEROMEOh, hey man, no problem. Just...good to be free.

FIBSYou’d think so but--paperwork. I don’t know. I’m still deciding.


FIBSNothing. You used to move drugs?


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FIBSWhat did the supplements fix?


FIBSSo part of your parole is that we have to find you a job. Given your somewhat checked work history I figured moving things would be your primary skill-set.

JEROMEWell that or “Gigolo who doesn’t cuddle after.”

FIBSJust missed the last posting on that one.

Fibs hands over a GREEN PIECE OF PAPER to Jerome.

FIBS (CONT’D)We’re going to go down to the warehouse, let me talk him into it. He signs that...

(Fibs points to the paper) stay free.

Fibs rises to end the meeting.

JEROMEOh hey, I’ve got some questions.

FIBSIs that a thing? Asking questions? This is my first time.

JEROMEHaving a meeting?

FIBSHaving a job. First day.

JEROMEHow you going to get me a job if you don’t know how to work...


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FIBSYou didn’t know until I told you. How would he?

JEROME(long consideration)

That checks out...(back on track)

I need medical coverage for my family.


JEROMEWhat! No! Don’t be like that! It’s for my Gam-Gam.

FIBSYour grandma...

JEROMEYeah. She’s taking me in until I get everything set back up. She has diabetes, needs coverage.

FIBSThere’s a form for almost everything. I’m sure somewhere in here there’s some magical piece of paper that gets her treatment.

JEROMEWhen you say “for us...”

FIBSOh I just got released from prison today, too.

JEROMECan I...get another case officer?

FIBSI don’t know what the actual answer to that is--but no.

Fibs rises, hand Jerome his paperwork and pats him on the back.

FIBS (CONT’D)See you at the warehouse, 3 o’clock.

Fibs looks at a printed page with a YOUNG GIRL on it.


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The office is as barren and stark and Tom’s self esteem. Tom sits at a desk and Fibs pops his head in.

FIBSHey, do you have a car?


FIBSIt’s partially work related.

TOMWell, you can take a company car.

FIBS(using the excuse)

Can’t. Revoked license. Damn the system.

TOMWell, where do you need to go?

FIBSI need to go the bank to see my lawyer, then I’m going to talk someone into joining the program.

Tom looks at Fibs with disbelief.

FIBS (CONT’D)I know, bank to see my lawyer, it’s weird. But I’ll lunch.


Fibs puts the finishing touches on a paper airplane. He throws it at the foot of the girl he stole from. When she bends over to pick it up Fibs boosts her phone and wallet.

FIBS(in phone)

Bank. Twenty minutes.

He redeposits the phone and wallet sans rolled up wad of cash



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Fibs jumps out Tom’s crappy company car and into the bank with a bag of personal belongings in a prison bag.


Hugh can be seen dancing like a fatman who scored a touchdown, his mouth movements clearly visible. The moment Fibs opens the door Hugh’s voice rings out.


Riiiiiiiiccccchhhh. Yeah!

FIBSHow many times have you said that word today?

HUGH200. Sang it around a dozen, too. How come you haven’t opened up your stuff?

FIBSBeen a long day already.

Fibs pulls an MP3 player from the bag and slides open a hidden compartment to reveal a key.

HUGHDamn. You had it this entire time.

FIBSIn evidence. Safest place there is.

Hugh pulls out his own key and they unlock a vault box together. Inside is a THUMB DRIVE covered in saran wrap.

HUGHHow much was it worth when you went in?

FIBSAbout 100,000.

HUGHAnd how much is it worth now?


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FIBSAbout three million.

HUGHWell. How do we get the money out of there?

Hugh shakes the data stick before Fibs snatches it.

FIBSWe need a nerd.

HUGHYou got anyone in mind?

Fibs pulls out the print of the YOUNG GIRL.

FIBSIf you’ve got money for pizza.


Tom is eating a giant slice of pizza in the car as Fibs takes the oversized box up the stairs and buzzes an apartment.


FIBSPizza delivery.


FIBSNo, but I’ve got an extra one.You want it or not?

A buzz and Fibs is in.


The man’s voice turns out to be a program used by AMANDA NETTE [20s, chubby, nerd-cute]. She opens the door.

FIBSFreeze! F-I-B-S!

AMANDAOh my god.


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FIBSI don’t have a gun or a badge because I don’t play by the rules. But there is one thing I do know and that’s this: you’re a criminal.

Fibs moves over to the kitchen table to put the pizza down, taking a slice. He surveys the various computers, the personal server and various nerd deco on the walls.

AMANDAI didn’t do anything!

FIBSYou think you can get one over on me? Just because your previous hacking was sealed on your juveyrecord? Three strikes.

When Amanda doesn’t budge he holds up three fingers.

FIBS (CONT’D)Three strikes!

AMANDAWhat was the third strike?

FIBSAdvanced network retcon through a remote IPO.

AMANDANone of those are things!

FIBSI know, but I figured if you opened the door for a free pizza I didn’t have to try. I’m here to hire you because you’re a hacker.

AMANDAThat is insulting.

(beat)But not entirely inaccurate.

FIBSBut that’s okay because in addition to the pizza I’m here to offer you 50,000 dollars for one days work. Can I call you Amanda?

She nods.


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FIBS (CONT’D)All I need for you to do is crack the code on this drive, give me access to the account number on it and I pay you the whole sum.

Fibs pulls out the thumb drive. Amanda attempts to get her hands on it but Fibs holds it out of reach.

FIBS (CONT’D)No. If you have this AND can get away then you’ll screw me.

AMANDAI wouldn’t do-

FIBSYes you would.

AMANDAYeah. I would.

(suspicious)That’s all I have to do?

FIBSThat’s it. I’m going to create a problem in our IT department. You come in, you do this, nobody ever sees each other again and everyone is happy forever.

AMANDAI can do that. I just need an hour.

FIBSYou need clothes that don’t have food stains on them.

AMANDAI just need two hours.

FIBSGood. Just make your way in saying you were called by a Swedish lady.

Fibs starts to head out but turns around last second.

FIBS (CONT’D)Why do you pretend to be a man, anyway?


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AMANDAIf you’re a woman on the internet you get a lot of pictures of genitals that aren’t strictly speaking “requested.”


Amanda opens the pizza with a grin and takes a slice.

AMANDAYeah, dude. You get more surprise sausage than on this pizza.


Tom looks bored until he sees Fibs come out the apartment, then he acts like a dog seeing his master.

TOMHey, how’d it go in there?

FIBSGood. I got another con a job.

TOMWow! And she isn’t even on your list.

FIBSI know. I’m awesome at this.

TOMI feel like Camille is wrong about you and after she sees what you can do, she’s going to be really impressed.


Two technicians apply the final strap to Fibs’ MONITORING DEVICE before moving out of the office.

CAMILLEA two hour lunch?

FIBSIs that wrong? How long do you usually get for a lunch hour. Wait. I just heard my own question.


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CAMILLETom is a good man. I won’t have you misguide him.

(she sighs)It’s your first day and you already made me hire two technicians to put that device on you.

FIBSWell in all fairness one of them just stood there. Didn’t really do anything. Seemed like overkill.

CAMILLEI can now track your movements. Everywhere you go, I will see. And if I catch you...

They stare at one another.

FIBSIf you catch me doing what?

CAMILLEI don’t know! But I will! And then I’ll do!

FIBSAnyone ever tell you that your accent gets thicker and your English gets poorer when you’re mad?

CAMILLE(much more Swedish)

Be getting out of my office now!


A DRONE holds a notepad and eagerly approaches Fibs

DRONEExcuse me, Mr. Srauss?


DRONEThere’s someone waiting in your office. Said she knew you.

Fibs stops and looks to the drone, eyes brows raised.


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EVIE WELSH [30s, girl next door, clever] lounges on Fibs’ desk wearing a zip-up hoodie and sweat pants.


FIBSGet out.

EVIE(mock pouting)

Don’t you want to say hello. It’s been years.

FIBSWhich is why I don’t miss you.

EVIEBut I missed you.

FIBSAre you doing the--are you doing the seductive girl thing because you’re wearing the wrong clothes.

Evie tilts her heard, bats her eyes and lifts an index finger to her zipper. She flicks it up and down.


Fibs grabs the TABLET and turns its bright light on her.

FIBSIn the name of all that is holy, I banish you back to hell!

Evie hisses and brings her hands up like claws before sighing and dropping the act.

EVIEFibs. We were really good together.

FIBSI know. I just--it’s too late.

EVIEI get it, I do.


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Evie rises and picks up her purse, pausing before leaving.

EVIE (CONT’D)I got a job as a court reporter. I know three different cases where the money went missing.

She looks back to him with faux wide eyes.

EVIE (CONT’D)Could that benefit you in some wa--

Fibs kisses her so hard he pushes her against a wall.

FIBSFair warning. I’m going to last, like, 90 seconds. Tops.

EVIESo you didn’t change on the inside?


Evie zips up her hoodie looking very pleased with herself and Fibs is so relaxed he almost melds into his chair.

FIBSSo I hate to do that and ask for a favor, but--

EVIEYou really didn’t change.

FIBSI need you to wait around here for about 30 minutes then go down to the IT department and mess up their internet.

EVIEWhy can’t you do it?

Fibs puts his leg on the desk to show off his device.

EVIE (CONT’D)Aww. Does it come in pink?

FIBSThis is my alibi maker. Because if I’m at a warehouse in 30 minutes--

EVIEYou can’t be here causing trouble.


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FIBSWill you do it?

EVIEHow much will you pay me?

Fibs pulls all the crumpled money out of his pocket and places it on the desk.

FIBSEverything I have to my name. And a ride around the world later.

EVIECan I just take the cash?

FIBSDid we just fall back into six year old habits in one day?

EVIESeems so. Although I thought you would have gotten buff in prison.

FIBSI thought you’d have gotten fatter on the outside.

She smacks him with her purse before collecting the money.

EVIEYou got something big planned?

FIBSBiggest score of my life.


FIBSJust gotta get a job to do a job. Everything’s going smooth.

Camille pushes her head into the office door, she regards Fibs as though Evie isn’t there.

CAMILLEI’ve decided to ride along to your next appointment.



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Fibs, Camille and Tom get out of Camille’s nicer company car.

TOM(to Fibs)

Why did she come along again?

CAMILLETo oversee you boys.

FIBSYou have really good hearing, is that a Scandinavian thing?

Camille walks into the building like she didn’t hear it.

FIBS (CONT’D)Guess not. So if things get tough in there I might need your help.


FIBSNothing major, a little interference. I get the feeling that Camille might want everything to be on the level.

TOMAnd you..don’t want that?

FIBSTom, its a job interview. It’s the only time people are allowed to lie besides poker and dating.

TOMOkay, so just--

FIBSIf I give you this signal--

Fibs gives a hand signal.

FIBS (CONT’D)You get Camille out of the room, say you need to talk to her.


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TOMI’m a little nervous about this.

FIBSDon’t be, I’ll only use it as a last resort. Besides, you read my book, it told you everything you need to know about lying.

Fibs walks into the warehouse.

TOMI actually mostly skimmed it...


Jerome and Fibs sit across from a beady eyed MANAGER who is going over the paperwork.

MANAGERSo why should I hire you.


FIBSMr. Stall has shown a go-get-em attitude paired with an unparalleled work ethic. He started his own shipping business.

CAMILLETo tell you the truth, is business was not what one may say--

Fibs starts incessantly giving the hand signal.

FIBSAs successful as he would have liked. Which is why he’s here.

CAMILLEBut the reason for that failure--

Fibs gives the signal HARDER and FASTER.

FIBSWas a downturn in the economy followed by strict overregulation of the industry. I’m sure you know what THAT feels like.


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TOMCamille can I see you for a moment?

CAMILLETom, we’re in the middle of--

TOMYou’ve been putting me off for weeks. This is clearly handled.

(to the manager)If you’ll excuse us, we’re going to talk about my plans for the program.

Tom exits and after a moment of composure Camille does as well. Fibs looks on with newfound respect before con mode.

FIBSWe can go back and forth on this but the truth is Jerome wants a job and will work hard.

JEROMEIt’s true, I do, and I will.

FIBSAnd I didn’t even coach him to say that. Plus as an ex-con you get a stipend, a credit and with the new program your first two months are paid for by the county.

Fibs takes the GREEN PIECE OF PAPER out of his folder and slides it over to the Manager’s side of the desk.

FIBS (CONT’D)It’s going to work out. Sign it.

The manager looks over Jerome and Fibs with pursed lips before taking his own paperwork and pen out.

FIBS (CONT’D)(to Jerome)

I wonder how many beers it would take to knock us on our asses.

JEROMEFore real, like three. Bet I’m a lightweight now.

FIBSYou stay clean inside?


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JEROMEYeah, you?

FIBSNah, got into a bad way. Needed a fix or two a day.


FIBSBooks. Worst habit there is. One minute you’re content the next you’re wondering what else you don’t know.

The Manager pushes a stack of paperwork to Jerome as Camille and Tom come back into the room.

MANAGERHere you go.

JEROME(shy and nervous)

Hey, this is great and all, but uh--

MANAGERWhat is it?

JEROMEIt’s just that, you Xed out the medical portion. The benefits, I need them, you know.

MANAGERYeah. I’m not doing medical.

FIBS(earnestly outraged)

Are you out of your mind? It’s like 50 bucks a month to your company, you’re still saving money on him over anyone else you could hire.

MANAGERYeah, and from what I hear with all the prisons going public, I can get this same deal minus the medical with all those guys.

(to Jerome)Sign it or walk, kid.


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I can’t, Fibs. I can’t do it.

Camille’s expression softens.

CAMILLEIt’s okay, Jerome. We’ll find you something else.

She moves between Fibs and Jerome and rips up the papers.

CAMILLE (CONT’D)(to manager)

I’m going to do my absolute best to make sure you don’t get a single cent of our hiring money while all your competitors do. Let’s go.

Camille, Jerome and Tom leave the office leaving Fibs to stare off against the Manager one on one.

FIBSI’m sorry it didn’t work out, but she’s right. Its a lot of money.


FIBSHey, don’t say no just yet.

He rises, moves around to the side of the desk and holds out his hand.

FIBS (CONT’D)Think it over. Crunch the numbers. Maybe give me a call after if you change your mind.

Fibs stands there until the Manager stands. They shake.


Fibs waves Jerome over to him and pulls out the manager’s wallet. He takes the cash out and hands it to Jerome before tossing it in the trash.

FIBSTake this.



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FIBSMy voice didn’t go up at the end, it wasn’t a question. We’ll find you something.

Jerome nods and Camille approaches with a smile.

FIBS (CONT’D)Hey. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.

CAMILLEI’m not. You tried. I respect that.

It looks as though they are going to have a moment before Camille’s cell rings.

CAMILLE (CONT’D)(on phone)

Camille. What? How can our whole system go down like that?


Three nerds surround and ogle over Amanda as she looks over their system on one monitor and cracks code on the other.

FIBS (V.O.)If you’re reading this it’s to understand how to get what you want. Hardest part about that is figuring out exactly what that is.

Amanda sees that the code is about to complete and grins.


Tom is pitching a community center. Eyes wide, hands waving--he’s on fire selling the idea to Camille.

FIBS (V.O.)Once you do, half of the con is convincing the other person that you really do want it more than anything. Ambition confounds and dazes. It opens people up.

Camille looks pensive, thoughtful at the prospect.


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Fibs goes through the house grants for cons before getting an idea. He goes to a computer and types in “Security Guard.”

FIBS (V.O.)And once you have that energy the rest is easy. Apply a little misdirection, smile at the right time, and you’ll get it.

When the list comes up Fibs starts looking between the grant housing and job positions.


Fibs makes his way up to a locked door. The red lock turns to green the moment he grabs the handle and he opens it.

FIBS (V.O.)That’s what I’m going to teach you. How to get anyone to give you something thinking they didn’t.

Fibs walks by Jerome, seated behind a Security desk, writing “Grandmother” on the medical insurance form.


Fibs is leaning far back in his chair, a few empty beer bottles and pizza box adorn his desk. He puts his book down.

AMANDADude, why were you reading to me from your book?

FIBSBecause you don’t have my money, my ex is crazy and I had to talk to someone about my day.

Fibs pulls from a beer.

AMANDAHow did you know I don’t have the money?

FIBSWould you have let me yammer if you had cracked the code?


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AMANDAIt’s a really complex code!

FIBSAlright. Don’t be defensive. What’s the problem?

AMANDAThe was a code inside the code for some kind of internet money thing?

FIBSCould you actually work in IT?


FIBSCongratulations, you have a real job.

AMANDAI don’t want a real job!

FIBSWell neither do I! We do this until we figure out the code.

AMANDAI don’t know what it means but--


AMANDAThere’s a bank account attached for some reason. I think you have to hack the code and be in the bank at the same time?

FIBSCould you get into the system?


Fibs sits up, interested.

FIBSSo all I’d have to do is rob a bank?



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FIBS Yeah. I can do that.

Amanda looks at him with disbelief. The phone rings.

FIBS (CONT’D)(to phone)


No. We aren’t rich yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Fibs hangs up and rises with a beer.

FIBS (CONT’D)I’m going to the bathroom.

As he exits, Amanda reaches into the pizza box.

FIBS (O.S.) (CONT’D)Don’t touch my pizza you already had one!

Amanda snaps her hand back and sips her beer sullenly.


Fibs sees the desk of the girl his robbed twice today and sighs. He pulls the money he stole from her out of his pocket and tucks it into one of her desk drawers as Tom appears.

TOMWhat are you doing? And are you drinking a beer?

FIBSI was un-stealing. And yes.

TOMDo you not have a place to stay?

FIBSStarted renting, just don’t have furniture. What are you doing here?


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TOM(contained defeat)

Oh, I just pitched Camille my graduate thesis and life’s work.

FIBSI have more beer in my office.

TOMThat’s okay.

Tom starts to walk off.

FIBSWhat was it?

TOMOh, just a community center. You know; food bank, urban gardening.

FIBSSounds like a good idea.

TOMThanks. But she’s right, the start up money. It’s too much. I get it.

FIBSYou want to do a con?

Tom stops and looks back at Fibs with a smile.

FIBS (CONT’D)I’m serious. Want to help me con your way into a community center?

TOMYou understand that I’m your boss.

FIBSI’ve got pizza. And beer.

Tom tries to come up with a response but stops. Unsure of what to say or do he heads towards Fibs’ office.

Fibs uses the office phone to dial out.

FIBS (CONT’D)Evie. You want to rob a bank? Of course I’ll give you an even cut.

Fibs crosses his fingers.

