fiba seminar how to read wealth clients 15 oct 2013

15 October 2013 How to read Wealth Clients FIBA Wealth Management Breakfast Seminars Skills to improve your client relationships

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Summary slides for the breakfast seminar "How to read Wealth Clients" presented in Miami on 15 october 2013.


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15 October 2013

How to read Wealth Clients FIBA Wealth Management Breakfast Seminars

Skills to improve your client relationships

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SDI – Strength Deployment Inventory

The SDI helps people identify their personal strengths in relating to others under two conditions: 1) when everything is going well, and 2) when they are faced with conflict.


means to move strategically or to take a position for effective action. The SDI suggests ways that one’s personal strengths may be used to improve relationships with others.


Inventory... The SDI is not a test where judgments and “right” or “wrong” answers are graded. It is a self-discovery tool.

It is an inventory for taking stock of motivational values (the basis for how you feel and act in different situations).

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4 types of people according to their SDI motivation

Blue Red-Blue Red




Hub (Black)

Blue: Help others Red: Get results

Green: Analise independently

Black: Be flexible

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Blue Wealth Clients

They see their Private Banker as someone close to the family who understands their values and helps them preserve and project them into the future.


§  Talks about feelings and family

§  Will be sincere, trusting and loyal

§  Talks about benefits to other people

§  Will be interested in your

opinion and whether you are happy

§  Will emphasize the relationship

§  Meeting may be longer than planned if they “connect” with you


How they tend to behave:

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Selling to BLUE

Listening and personalization are key. They will be less price sensitive if you’re giving them a very good service otherwise. Allow time in the meeting to meet members of the family or visit the business.

§  Don’t go in with a pre-thought solution, ask them for their opinion first

§  Tell them about the benefits to the family

§  Be genuine: they need to trust you as a person

before doing business §  Refer to relationship: “we

want to have a long-term relationship”

§  Don’t take advantage of their trusting nature. If you lose their trust, they’re gone forever.

How to influence them:


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Red Wealth Clients

They see their Private Banker as someone who can help them obtain a high return on their investments. They are clients of several banks and foster competition between them.


§  Likely to be direct and clear; can be challenging

§  Gets to the point quickly, focuses on results, will want action

§  They will be uninterested in the detail

§  Meeting will be short. They may be doing other things at the same time

§  Likely to negotiate §  The relationship is more

transactional: you’re only a good as the last lucrative deal you proposed to them.

How they tend to behave:

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Selling to RED

Being competitive is key. If you’re not on this occasion, don’t waste their time. Show how what you’re offering is different.

§  Talk about solutions rather than problems

§  Be brief and clear §  Present short documents

with clear recommendations

§  Emphasize return on investment, time & money savings

§  Give them credit for ideas

How to influence them:


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Green Wealth Clients

They see their Private Banker as a provider of information and expertise they couldn’t get access to otherwise. Green clients will do their own thorough analysis, are generally risk averse and will have a long term investment strategy.


§  Will be objective and logical

§  Will follow the meeting agenda

§  They will pause when asked a question to think it through

§  Will prefer information in writing

§  Will not make a decision there and then

§  Will read the small print and follow procedures

§  Meeting will last exactly as planned


How they tend to behave:

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Selling to GREEN

Being well prepared and professional is key. Bring experts and/or show them specialised research from your organization. Do not oversell: people don’t convince them, facts do. If you put pressure they will say no.


§  Send an agenda in advance and any documents to review

§  Stick to the agenda §  Have supporting facts

available in writing or offer to email

§  Show that you have procedures in place to minimise risks

§  Show credentials and expertise

§  Respect silences

How to influence them:

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Hub Wealth Clients

They see their Private Banker as someone who helps them think things through. They like to be presented with several flexible options and explore what will be the best one at a given moment.

§ Will appear open and flexible

§ May switch from topic to topic

§ May not give a straight answer (“it depends”)

§ Will want a menu of

options § Will want to involve a lot

of people in the decision

§  A successful meeting swill be long to consider all sides of an argument

How they tend to behave:


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Selling to HUB

Showing that you’re willing to explore different options with them without showing frustration or impatience is key. They are going to continue thinking about it with or without you, and you stand better chances of influencing them if you join them.


§ Offer a menu of options §  Involve a lot of

stakeholders in the decision

§  Show willingness to adapt §  Leave time to consider all

sides of an argument

§  Ask for commitment to small steps leaving options open for later

§  To move them along, start each meeting with a summary of the options that have been considered so far.

How to influence them:

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The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) helps us understand the motivational values of the people around us, and how they differ from our own. Our motivational value system (MVS or “colour”) is a collection of priorities which influence the way we approach others in all life situations. When we act according to our value system, we feel good about ourselves. When communicating with our clients, we tend to create our message according to our priorities, assuming that what is important to us will be important to them as well. Yet if we tailor the message to their “colour”, we will increase our chances of influencing them.

How to Read Wealth Clients Prepared by Mónica Hernanz from The Client Academy. [email protected]. Tel UK: +44 7890 593 408 | Tel US: +1 305 771 4011

MVS (Colour) How to recognise them They are likely to say How to influence them What you should say

Blue This is a people-focused value system concerned with the protection and welfare of others. They are warm and friendly and are motivated by helping others above everything else.

• Talks about feelings and family • Will be sincere, trusting and loyal • Talks about benefits to other people • Will be interested in your opinion and whether you are happy • Will emphasise the relationship • Meeting may be longer than planned if they “connect” with you

• “How can I help you?” • “What do you feel?” • “Let’s see what we can do together” • “I’ll be honest with you” • “Let me do it for you” • “I am interested in your opinion” • “We can’t let them down”

• Don’t go in with a pre-thought solution, ask them for their opinion first • Tell them about the benefits to the individuals and the team • Be genuine: they need to trust you as a person before business • Refer to relationship: “we want to have a long-term relationship”

• “I need your help to figure out what to do in this situation” • “Let’s figure this out together” • “We want to develop a long term relationship with you” • “We enjoy working with you” • “What would be the impact of this on you/ your people?”

Red This is an assertive, goal focused value system motivated by task accomplishment. It takes decisive action and is constantly on the lookout for opportunity.

• Likely to be direct and clear; can be challenging • Gets to the point quickly, focuses on results, will want action • They will be uninterested in the detail • Meeting will be short. They may be doing other things at the same time • Likely to negotiate

• “Let’s get into action” • “What is the bottom line?” • “Do you see what I want?” • “We need to get round this somehow” • “It needs to be done now” • “Can you do it cheaper/faster/efficiently?”

• Talk about solutions rather than problems • Be brief and clear • Present short documents with clear recommendations • Emphasise return on investment, time & money savings • Give them credit for ideas

• “It will be done” • “This is what you will achieve” • “The objectives are...” • “The bottom line impact is...” • “We can do it cheaper/faster” • If you need help or further input from them say: “to achieve the deadline you need to step in..”

Green This is a cautious analytical value system that prefers to think carefully before acting. It is motivated by autonomy and self-sufficiency. It is concerned with facts, detail, objectivity, fairness and principles.

• Will be objective and logical • Will follow the meeting agenda • They will pause when asked a question to think it through • Will prefer information in writing • Will not make a decision then • May make you fill forms and follow procedures • Meeting will last exactly as planned

• “We need to monitor progress” • “There must be a logical reason” • “Is this accurate?” • “Can I have it in writing?” • “Where does this figure come from? • “We must follow procedures”

• Send an agenda in advance and any documents to review •  Stick to the agenda • Have supporting facts available in writing or offer to email • Show that you have procedures in place to minimise risks • Show credentials and expertise • Respect silences

• “Let’s go through it line by line” • “We want to do a thorough analysis” • “We have a procedure in place ” • “We will minimise risks by...” • Use objective language, i.e. ”what issues need to be considered?” and not “what do you feel we should do?”

Hub (black) This is a flexible and adaptable value system that values the welfare and membership of the group. It is capable of seeing all sides of an argument and changing behaviour to adapt to what the group needs.

• Will appear open and flexible • May switch from topic to topic • May not give a straight answer (“it depends”) • Will want a menu of options • Will want to involve a lot of people in the decision • Successful meeting swill be long to consider all sides of an argument

• “It depends” • “This is a consensus decision” • “What about this?” • “What options do you propose?” • “We need to remain flexible” • When asked to make an either/or decision they will say :“I want both”

• Offer a menu of options • Involve a lot of stakeholders in the decision • Show willingness to adapt • Leave time to consider all sides of an argument • Ask for commitment to small steps leaving options open for later

• “Here are several case studies showing different options of what we could do” • “Let’s play devil’s advocate and see it from the other side” • “Who else do we need to involve in the decision?” • “This way we will be able to keep options open for later”

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Closing  the  sale   The  account  is  open  but  needs  funds  

This  is  product  may  be  interes7ng  to  you  

I  need  to  leave  

Blue  “We  have  spent  some  .me  talking  about  this  product.    I  would  like  for  us  to  find  the  best  solu.on  for  you  and  your  family,  whether  it  is  this  product  or  another.    Please  help  me  be@er  understand  what  you  need  in  order  to  make  a  decision.”  (Let  them  speak,  listen  and  empathize.    In  the  end,  aEer  listening  it  could  be  more  of  a  PUSH:)      “In  that  case,  I  suggest  we  proceed  like  this…what  do  you  think?”  

Blue  “I  greatly  appreciate  the  confidence  you  have  given  us  in  opening  the  account,  however,  without  the  funds  it  is  as  if  you  were  not  a  client.    I  cannot  show  you  what  we  can  do  and  they  are  puMng  pressure  on  me.    If  it  is  ok  with  you,  lets  take  a  look  together  at  what  type  of  funding  would  have  the  least  impact  on  your  actual  investment.    Tell  me…”  

Blue  “You  have  men.oned  previously  that…….    Also  having  in  mind  that  you  family  is  going  through……  And  that  the  market  is…….  Having  all  this  in  mind,  I  believe  that  this  product  could  be  of  interest  to  you  because  it  will  provide  you  with  the  following  benefits:……”  

Blue  “I  am  very  happy  speaking  with  you  and  I  greatly  appreciate  that  you  are  telling  me  these  things  because  it  gives  me  an  opportunity  to  get  to  know  you  be@er  and  find  be@er  solu.ons  for  your  family.    Today  I  cannot  dedicate  the  .me  that  this  deserves,  because  at  xxxx  (.me)  I  need  to  leave.  Out  of  respect  for  my  clients,  I  try  to  be  punctual.    When  would  it  be  a  good  .me  to  con.nue  this  conversa.on?”  

Red  “We  have  spent  some  .me  discussing  this  product,  but  if  we  do  not  act  quickly  we  are  going  to  lose  this  opportunity.  In  short,  I  think  that  it  is  a  good  product  for  you  because:  (bullet  points,  1,  2,  3).    How  do  we  move  forward?”  (bring  the  papers  prepared  because  they  could  be  signed  at  that  .me)  

Red  “In  order  to  fund  the  account,  do  you  have  an  investment  at  another  bank  that  is  not  giving  you  sa.sfactory  profits?”    (another  op.on)  “What  is  is  the  easiest  way  to  transfer  X  MM  in  order  to  test  our  services?”    

Red  “You  had  told  me  before  that  you  were  looking  for  a  return  of……  and  this  product  is  offering  that.”  “I  am  offering  you  this  product  because  with  other  clients  in  similar  circumstances  to  you  they  like  these  characteris.cs:  xxxx,  xxxx,.  What  do  you  think?”  

Red  “I  am  going  to  have  to  leave  at  X  hour.    “Which  topics  do  you  think  we  need  to  discuss  to  make  the  best  use  of  our  .me?”  

Green  (Send  them  the  detailed  informa.on  prior  to  the    Do  not  expect  a  spontaneous  decision).  “Did  you  have  .me  to  analyse  the  informa.on  that  I  sent  you?    What  addi.onal  ques.ons  do  you  have?  In  order  to  move  forward  and  not  have  to  rush  at  the  last  minute,  you  should  make  a  decision  before  x  date.    What  else  do  you  need  in  order  to  make  the  decision?”    

Green  “It  has  been  2  months  since  the  account  was  opened,  but  it  is  s.ll  not  funded.  In  principle,  in  order  to  be  a  client  the  account  must  be  funded  with  a  minimum  of  X  MM”  (Show  the  condi.ons).  (Explain  the  process,  what  he/she  needs  to  do  and  what  happens  once  the  account  is  funded)]  “What  informa.on  do  you  need  from  us  to  be  able  to  fund  the  account  before  X  date?”  

Green  “Analysing  your  long-­‐term  investment  plan  for  this  product,  it  gives  you  the  following  advantages.    There  are  two  issues,  but  we  can  mi.gate  them  like  this.”  (Be,  do  not  try  to  oversell).  I  will  leave  this  detailed  informa.on  with  you.    What  other  ques.ons  do  you  have?  (Do  not  get  or  improvise,  if  you  do  not  know,  send  the  informa.on  later)  What  other  informa.on  could  I  send  you  in  advance  of  our  next”  

Green  (Check  the  .me  that  they  have  for  the  at  the  beginning  of  the  Tell  them  at  what  .me  you  will  have  to  leave.  Let  them  know  with  enough  .me  instead  of  cuMng  it  short).  “We  have  30  minutes  leE.  What  would  you  like  to  analyze  in  the  .me  we  have  available?”  “Do  you  need  any  informa.on  in  that  I  could  send  you  so  that  you  can  analyze  it  before  our  next”  

Hub  (black)  “Lets  go  through  everything  that  we  have  discussed  about  this  product  to  see  if  with  having  all  the  perspec.ves,  we  find  the  best  solu.on.”  (Review  together  all  of  the  op.ons/opinions.    Do  not  lose  pa.ence).  “Great,  now  that  we  have  thoroughly  reviewed  it,  the  best  op.on  seems  to  be….do  you  agree?”  “If  you  commit  to  this  minimum,  if  the  circumstances  change  you  will  s.ll  have  these  other  op.ons  available”  

 Hub  (black)  “Since  the  account  has  been  open  for  X  .me  and  is  s.ll  not  funded,  I  would  like  for  us  to  examine  the  op.ons  that  you  have  for  funding  so  you  can  choose  the  best  one.  Normally,  clients  opt  for  these  two  funding  op.ons,  this  and  that…  What  other  op.ons  are  you  considering?  ….  Lets  look  at  the  pros  and  cons  of  each  op.on.”  

Hub  (black)  “This  product  gives  flexibility  because…”  “Lets  think  about  which  alterna.ves  you  have  with  respect  to  this  product”  “If  you  move  forward  and  later  change  your  opinion,  the  easiest  way  to  cancel  or  change  it  would  be….”  

Hub  (black)  Of  course  it  is  important  to  consider  all  the  perspec.ves  and  I  am  here  to  help  you  to  think  about  them  and  assess  them  to  the  extent  that  you  can.    Since  I  will  need  to  leave  in  30  minutes,  what  do  you  think  if  we  summarize  and  try  to  see  which  is  the  best  op.on  as  of  now?”      “….I  need  to  leave,  at  this  point  the  best  op.ons  seems  to  be  xx  and  it  looks  like  we  can  rule  out  xxx.    I  suggest  that  the  next  steps  are  xxx.    What  can  we  decide  on  at  this  point?”  

How  to  adapt  sales  messages  to  different  SDI  Wealth  Clients  Prepared  by    Mónica  Hernanz    from  The  Client  Academy.  [email protected].  Tel  UK:  +44  7890  593  408  |  Tel  US:  +1  305  771  4011  

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Thank  you  

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