fiat volume 22 -€¦ · web viewi don’t think i can do this anymore, it’s...

VOLUME 22 J.M.J. Fiat!!! June 1, 1927 How Jesus knows how to make all miracles except for that of separating from His own Will. Sorrow because of the death of Father Di Francia. The good of one who puts the truths he has known into practice. Jesus allows her to see that Blessed soul, and speaks to her about him. My sweet Jesus stays away longer these days. I don’t think I can do this anymore, it’s too hard. I wish I were allowed to fly to my Celestial Fatherland where I would no longer be separated from Jesus. I would be so happy to get out of this dark prison of my body. Jesus! Jesus! Have pity on me, a poor prisoner. How can You leave me here in this dank prison without bothering to visit me. I need to see You more often.” Oh! Jesus, the prison You put me in is horrible enough as it is. But without You it is so gloomy and much more painful. You keep telling me I should stay here doing Your Will out of love for You and that You would not leave me alone, that You would keep me company. But it looks like it’s all over now that I no longer have Your smile to cheer me up. I need you voice to break the long silence, Your company to soothe my loneliness. I’m all alone, caged and bound by You within this prison, and You reward me by leaving me. Jesus! My Jesus! I never expected this from You.” As I was pouring out my intense sorrow, He came out from within me. He saw how weak I felt and hugged me to keep me from falling over. He said, “Courage My daughter, I won’t ever leave you. Quite the contrary, you know your Jesus can perform any kind of miracle, except detaching from My own Will. My Divine Will is in you, there’s no way I could leave. If I were to do so, your Jesus would not have a life. I am hidden in the infinity of My Fiat and though you can feel Its life, you don’t see your Jesus inside of It.”

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Page 1: Fiat Volume 22 -€¦ · Web viewI don’t think I can do this anymore, it’s too hard. I wish I were allowed to fly to my Celestial Fatherland where I would no

VOLUME 22J.M.J.Fiat!!!

June 1, 1927

How Jesus knows how to make all miracles except for that of separating from His own Will. Sorrow because of the death of Father Di Francia. The good of one who puts the truths he has known into

practice. Jesus allows her to see that Blessed soul, and speaks to her about him.

My sweet Jesus stays away longer these days. I don’t think I can do this anymore, it’s too hard. I wish I were allowed to fly to my Celestial Fatherland where I would no longer be separated from Jesus. I would be so happy to get out of this dark prison of my body. “Jesus! Jesus! Have pity on me, a poor prisoner. How can You leave me here in this dank prison without bothering to visit me. I need to see You more often.”

“Oh! Jesus, the prison You put me in is horrible enough as it is. But without You it is so gloomy and much more painful. You keep telling me I should stay here doing Your Will out of love for You and that You would not leave me alone, that You would keep me company. But it looks like it’s all over now that I no longer have Your smile to cheer me up. I need you voice to break the long silence, Your company to soothe my loneliness. I’m all alone, caged and bound by You within this prison, and You reward me by leaving me. Jesus! My Jesus! I never expected this from You.”

As I was pouring out my intense sorrow, He came out from within me. He saw how weak I felt and hugged me to keep me from falling over.

He said, “Courage My daughter, I won’t ever leave you. Quite the contrary, you know your Jesus can perform any kind of miracle, except detaching from My own Will. My Divine Will is in you, there’s no way I could leave. If I were to do so, your Jesus would not have a life. I am hidden in the infinity of My Fiat and though you can feel Its life, you don’t see your Jesus inside of It.”

After that, I was really depressed, not only because my sweet Jesus was away, I just got news of the unexpected death of Reverend Father Di Francia. I could open my poor soul to him; he was the only one. He really understood me, I could trust him. He was a saint who understood the importance of what Jesus had told me about the Divine Will. He liked so much that he insisted on taking everything I wrote so he could publish them.

I thought, “I didn’t want to give them up, however I had to make the sacrifice and hand them over, because he was a saint and Jesus said he could take them. Now, Jesus has taken him to Heaven.”

The pain was torture, nevertheless, ‘Fiat! Fiat! Fiat!’, everything’s over down here. I poured out my tears, commending to Jesus this blessed soul who had suffered and worked so hard for Him. As I was saying this, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “Courage, My daughter. Everything that soul has done, with all he has known about My Will, has enclosed a great deal of light within him. He is very dear to Me. Every new revelation brought him greater light, and each one cast its own distinct light in the soul, all of them beautiful, each of them with its own unique joy.”

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“With anything good the soul can know, if she’s willing to put it into practice, she owns by knowing it. However, if she’s not willing to practice what she knows, it’s like someone touching a flower. She can smell its fragrance, yet the flower does not belong to her, and the fragrance vanishes quickly. It’s the same with someone who washes themselves with clear, fresh water. She is refreshed by it, yet she doesn’t own the fountain, and refreshment soon fades away. Then, she has neither to enjoy.”

“Knowledge is useless if you don’t put it into practice. On the other hand, when the soul actually uses that knowledge and finds out how good it feels, she wants others to know about it, so she publishes them. As long as he remained on earth, that light was barricaded within his body. However, as soon as his soul escaped his bodily prison, he realized he was full of the light he was given. The effects of knowing about My Divine Will are like seeds of happiness, and when they took root, he began to feel the life of true beatitude. Diving into the Eternal Light of his Creator, he entered into the Celestial Fatherland, where he will continue his mission, My Will, assisting in everything from Heaven.”

“Imagine someone who, upon dying, brings light from the earth and the seed of great happiness. Now picture someone else who can only receive it from his Creator. There is such a great difference in glory, beauty and happiness between them that they are farther apart than the distance between Heaven and earth. Mortals need to know that there is great advantage in knowing true goodness. They must absorb it into their very life-blood. If they did, they would forget about everything else other than this one truth and compete among themselves to lay down their lives to put it into practice.”

As Jesus was telling this, I saw the blessed soul of Father Hannibal close to my bed, hanging in midair, staring at me without saying a word. He was full of light. I was dumbstruck.

Jesus continued, “Look at his transformation. His soul has been made over with the exquisite light of My Will, giving him every hue and shade of perfect beauty. He has been sanctified by Its holiness. His soul has been catalyzed by the Divine alchemy of My Will, the source of all science. It has given him everything. If humans understood what Divine Will means, they would set everything aside and fully commit themselves to doing nothing other than My Will, they wouldn’t care about doing anything else.”

After that, I thought, “Why didn’t blessed Jesus agree to do something miraculous for Father Di Francia?” Then Jesus moved inside me.

He answered, “My daughter, the Queen of Heaven didn’t perform any miracles in Redemption. Circumstances wouldn’t permit Her to heal the sick or raise the dead. Her Will was God’s; whatever Her God wanted, She wanted, and what He did, She did as well. She would have needed another will to ask God for miracles and healings, however, She never gave in to Her human will. She could have used Her own to ask miracles from the Divine Will, however, She didn’t want that. It would have meant descending into the human order. The Sovereign Queen never took one step outside of the Divine order, because when you are in It, you must want what the Creator wants and do what He does. Moreover, living in the Divine Will, She could see, by Its light, that whatever Her Creator wanted was best and all He did was perfect. Doing His Will was the holiest thing a creature could do. Why would She ever want to descend from the heights of Divine order?

“The only miracle She performed was the one that enclosed all others, Redemption. That’s what Divine Will wanted, and that’s what animated Her. It brought universal goodness to whoever wants it. She

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performed no visible miracles during Her lifetime, She raised no one from the dead nor did She heal anyone sick. The great Celestial Mother made, and continues to make, the one and only miracle of miracles. That’s the one that’s ongoing every moment of every hour of every day. Souls are only ever ready to repent because She has prepared them for it. She bi-locates Her Jesus, the fruit of Her womb, and gives Him entirely to each one. This is confirmation of Her great miracle, the one God wanted this Celestial Creature to make. The miracles God wants are never contaminated with human will. His are perpetual because they begin at the inexhaustible Divine fountain. All you need to do to have one is to want it enough.”

“Your situation goes hand in hand with that of the incomparable Queen of Heaven. You have to form the Kingdom of Supreme Fiat by wanting only what My Divine Will wants and doing only what It does. Your will must die, even if it seems to you that it might be doing some good for creatures. My Mom didn’t want to make any miracle other than giving Her Jesus to creatures. That goes for you too. The miracle the Divine Will wants from you is giving My Will to creatures. It has to be known before It can reign.”

“You can do more with this miracle than you could with anything else. You will keep salvation, sanctity and the nobility of creatures safely within you. Moreover, you will also banish their corporal maladies; they would never have existed in the first place if My Divine Will had been reigning all along without interruption. It is up to you to securely establish the Divine Will in the midst of creatures. You must retrieve the honor and glory human ingratitude had embezzled and make It whole. That’s why I wouldn’t allow you to heal him with a miracle. Nonetheless, you did give him the great miracle of letting him know My Will. He took It with him when he left. Now he enjoys being in the Divine Will’s Sea of the light, and it doesn’t get any better than that.”

June 8, 1927

For one who does the Divine Will all times and places are her own. How she takes eternity in her power. How God loses nothing, because He is perfect in loving.

I was following the Divine Will in Its actions, in everything It had done in the entire matrix of Creation, from the beginning of the world up until now.

As I did this I thought, “I have no control over the past, so it seems a waste of time for me to go on tracing what has already happened.” That’s when my sweet Jesus moved within me.

He said, “My daughter, for someone who does My Will and lives in It, all times and all places are her own. Nothing My Supreme Will does can ever vanish. It has the singular power to perform an action and then preserve it within Itself, intact and beautiful, forever. Someone who lives in My Supreme Will can find all of Its actions still happening in the same order they were done, as if It were still doing them now. The soul who unites with It does whatever My Volition is doing.”

“This is the delight, satisfaction and glory of My Will. Its actions are eternal, yet nonetheless, by virtue of being so little, the creature who lives in It can take control of eternity. She finds the Actions of her Creator as though they were still occurring, and she relives them with Him. As she loves her Creator, she glorifies the timelessness of His Actions. A contest begins as they compete in these revisited works, a game of love

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and glory. The time of Creation is at her disposal, and so is the terrestrial Eden, just as It was. She has the times of My Incarnation, My Passion, and Bethlehem. Nazareth and Calvary are not far from her. Neither past times nor distance exist for her; everything is present and close.”

“Moreover, you know My Will gives everything to the soul as a single unit. My Will, while being one, does everything. In a similar manner, the soul who possesses Divine Unity encloses within herself the thoughts of all, everyone’s words, works, steps and heartbeats as if they were one thing. This is how My Will finds within her all generations, with every single one of their actions, just as It finds them within Itself. This is how the steps of this chosen creature can be recognized, so sweet is her treading.”

“She never goes before her God alone, for she carries the treading feet of all within her steps. Her voice sings the notes of every human voice, producing such beautiful harmony here in Our Will. Her heartbeat unleashes a little flame for each and every creature that has ever come into existence. She is Our delight as We amuse ourselves together, Our precious jewel, the reflection of Our work, the image of Our Life. This is why I want My Will to reign within the creature, to fill her with all of Its actions, because if It does not, It will exist as a dark, empty space within her. The void of Divine Will within the creature is something dreadful. It is a dry land, full of rocks, devoid of sun or water, terrifying to look at. There are so many of these voids in the creature. When I find one who lives in My Will, I have a feast filling her with all the acts of My Will.”

I was thinking about this when Jesus spoke again. He said, “My daughter, Our Love is perfect in all of Our works, so We never lose anything We do. That’s why Our works are triumphant, the glorious and everlasting crown of Our Divine Being. Whatever We do in the perfection of Our Love can never be lost, nor anything of their wholesome beauty fade away.”

“A creature’s work is different because she doesn’t have perfect love for it. When she produces her work, she hasn’t the power to preserve it within herself, nor any space to put it, so she loses many of her works. They haven’t the life and love of their maker. Neither can these human works retain the beauty they had when they were first made, nor are they indestructible.”

“We delight in showing the soul who lives in Our Divine Will all Our Actions in the present as they were actually being done. We say to the soul, ‘Repeat Our Action, do whatever We do, so We can share the Action of the Creator in common with the creature.’

“It’s like someone who has many beautiful things kept under lock and key in separate rooms. No one knows he has that many beautiful things, all of them different. Then another person wins the love of this man. Although she hasn’t the least influence over him, by proving her loyalty, she captures his heart and he feels it crack. His love for her irresistibly forces him to show her the variety of rare and precious thing he has. He opens the secret rooms and says to her, ‘It wouldn’t be right to keep any secrets from the one I love, so I’ll show you what I have here. We can share and enjoy them together.’ She’d never seen anything like it, especially the ancient works.”

“That’s how it is with someone who comes to live in Our Will, doors are opened and Our secrets revealed. We make her she aware of all Our most beautiful works. To keep secrets or hide Our Actions from her would weigh heavily on Our Heart, as if We were treating her like a stranger. That would really bother Us. Truly perfect love does not keep secrets nor does It hide what We do or what We have. Not at all, what’s

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Mine is yours, you know what I know. What’s more, you know that My Will forms the echo of Its work, Its love and Its word in the soul where It reigns. When the soul hears Its echo, it repeats the work, love and word of the Divine Fiat.”

June 12, 1927

Relations that exist between Creator and creature, between Redeemer and redeemed ones, between Sanctifier and sanctified ones. Who it is that will be able to read the Divine characters.

I was following the acts of the Divine Fiat as usual, repairing and binding all relationships broken by the human will between Creator and creature, Redeemer and redeemed ones, Sanctifier and those sanctified. Then my beloved Jesus, moved within me.

He said, “My daughter, someone who wants to know all the relationships between Creator and creature, and keep their bonds in force, must let My Divine Will reign in her with absolute dominion.”

“Since the life of My Will is present in all Creation, she must take all created things and form them into one single life. It is, in the end, only one life, so she must understand their language and all their relationships with their Creator. Each created thing speaks of its Creator with the legible characters of My Divine Fiat. Only someone who possesses My Will is capable of hearing their voice or understanding their celestial language and reading the Divine characters imprinted within each created thing. She listens well enough to hear their voice, has the intelligence to comprehend them and the vision to read the Divine characters her Creator impressed within each created thing with so much love.”

“On the other hand, someone who does not let My Will reign is deaf, or a cretin, or someone who hasn’t studied other languages. Then it doesn’t matter how much they talk, he still won’t understand anything.”

“That’s how it is between Redeemer and redeemed. To maintain relations, you have to learn them by studying My Life. Each of My words, works, steps, every heartbeat and pain were all ties I used to bind the redeemed. However, only those who study My Life and try to imitate Me are thus bound. As she imitates Me, she becomes bound to My words, works and steps by taking on their life. Then she will listen close enough to hear all My teachings. Her eyes will read all the letters imprinted within Me when I came to redeem mankind. Then her mind will comprehend them.”

“If the creature does not do this, however, she will not be able to read these characters of Redemption. It will be a foreign language to her, so the bonds and relationships of Redemption will have no attractive force. The creature will always be someone born blind to all Our treasure, though We want to enrich her. Someone who want to know all the relationships and bonds of sanctity must love the Sanctifier to receive them. The Holy Spirit sends His flames toward anyone who truly loves, and binds her with the bonds of His Sanctity. Without love there is no true sanctity, because its bonds have already been broken.”

My Jesus was silent while I was immersed in the Supreme Fiat to the hilt. Then my beloved Good continued, “My daughter, those who live in My Will drink light. Light is something that one person can see and enjoy while others do the same. That’s how it is for My Will. When It gives Itself to the soul by filling

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her completely with light, It bi-locates her whole interior to gives light to each thought of every creature. It bi-locates her words to enlighten the words of others. It bi-locates her work and her steps to shine light on others as they walk or work. Light is the perfect image of true bi-location. From its one single source, it has the power to bi-locate to those who see it and want to enjoy it. There is only one sun, yet so many look at it with enjoyment.”

“That’s how it is with the Sun of My Will when the soul drinks her fill of Its Light, only much more so. Although It is one, It has the power to bi-locate for each action, word or step. This is the enchantment of Its Divine Light.”

June 17, 1927

How the Will of God is everything. She sees Father Annibale again, who tells her of his surprises.

My poor mind was going round about, pivoting in the center of the Supreme Fiat. I spread myself out into all of Its actions, embracing everyone and everything there in the very endlessness of Its light.

Then I wondered, “Why do I embrace everyone and everything while in the Divine Will?” My sweet Jesus moved inside me.”

He said, “My daughter, My Will is everything and all life is derived from It and nothing else. It is everywhere and there is nowhere It is not. All goodness arises from It alone and everything is dependent on It because It owns It all. It wants to find everyone and everything that belongs to It there in the soul where It reigns. If It did not find everyone and everything, there would be division in Its empire, which cannot be. That’s why, when you feel the life of the Divine Fiat within yourself, you are experiencing everyone and everything. You feel the life of the sun that gives light, warms and nourishes. You also sense the living earth breathing in this light, its vegetation clothing itself with plants and flowers. Holding hands, the earth and sun sustain and delight all generations.”

“It is My Will that gives life to the sun so the earth can breathe. It cheers up all of Creation, making the birds sing and the lambs jump and bleat. Everything that happens in the universe comes from It, and if want to, you can feel everything My Will does. It puts all things inside you, the one single center of everything. My Will makes you feel the human heart beating, the mind thinking and hands doing things. It gives life to all of these; however, creatures are not all for It. That’s why you don’t find Divine Action being returned in the creature’s actions, and It wants what all they do not do from you. It wants all of Its actions to be filled in by you with acts of Divine Will. Your task is great, so you will have to pay close attention.”

Suddenly, I was myself outside of my body. Then I looked for my sweet Jesus until I encountered Father Di Francia.

Cheerfully, he said, “You wouldn’t believe how many beautiful surprises I found. I didn’t think so when I was on earth even though I thought I had done something good by publishing the Hours of the Passion. Nonetheless, I found marvelous, enchanting surprises rarely ever seen. Every word regarding the Passion of

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Our Lord changed into light. They were all braided together, one more beautiful than the other, still growing in number and intensity as creatures do the Hours of the Passion.”

“What surprised me the most was the little I published about the Divine Will. Each revelation changed into a sun and filled all those lights with their rays, startling me with their rapturous beauty until I was thoroughly enchanted. You can’t imagine how surprised I was at seeing myself in the midst of these lights and these suns. It was so gratifying, and I thanked our highest Good, Jesus for giving me the opportunity and grace to do it. Please thank Him on my behalf when you see Him.”

I was amazed when I heard this and did my prayers in the Divine Fiat so the Blessed could also take part in them.

Then my lovable Jesus said, “My daughter, even if the soul does not intend it, everyone takes part in everything done in My Divine Will, the Blessed living in Its Unity even more so. Whatever the creature might do in It, my Will flows like a current everywhere, bringing everyone Its unifying strength as part of Its own action. There’s only one difference. If the soul operating in the Divine Will on earth genuinely intends to give extraordinary glory to those who live in the Celestial Fatherland, the Blessed in Heaven hear the call. She delights and glorifies them even more in the Unity of My Will, and they are pleased to look at her lovingly as they extend their protection especially to her.”

“On the other hand, someone who does not operate in the Unity of My Fiat remain down below, because without this current of light flowing through her, she hasn’t the strength to climb. Her work goes nowhere for no one. If you only knew the difference between someone who operates in the Unity of My Will and those who operate outside of It. Even while attempting to do something good, you wouldn’t have the slightest effect outside of My Will, and it would cost you your life.”

He looked at me with love, deep into my innermost being. Then He added, “My daughter, I have come for a visit to look at the attributes of My Love that I deposited for safety within your soul. I just want to make sure that everything is intact and in the right order, exactly as I had arranged them.”

Then, after looking at me all over, He disappeared.

June 20, 1927

How God, in creating man, had given him a fertile and beautiful land. The reason why He keeps Luisa alive. How everything that is done in the Divine Will has continuous life.

I was depressed with an empty feeling inside that I’m such a good for nothing. Being deprived of my beloved Jesus leaves me feeling so helpless. Oddly, I not only feel this vivid pain lacerating my poor soul, yet at the same time, I’m in a lifeless daze. It’s petrifying to think that the purpose of life is merely to feel myself dying. My God, it hurts; this merciless pain without pity! I live in a nightmare of pain that has an

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infinite, immense and eternal weight. There’s nothing I can do and no way to escape the enormous pressure of such tremendous pain.

I thought, “The only thing I’m good for anymore is to bear the full weight of my great misfortune. Why can’t I have Him when everybody does? This harrowing pain has been reserved for me alone, not to have my Life, my All, my Jesus. My Jesus, come back to the one You have wounded and left as prey to the pain You gave me. Besides, why keep me alive when I’m no longer good for anything?”

I was still pouring out my sorrow when Jesus, my highest Good, moved inside me and gave me a big hug.

He said, “My daughter, the earth was created, fertile and beautiful, by God, with a sun to delight it with its radiant illumination. However, it became stony and full of thorns because of sin after human will put to flight My Sun. Now it is covered in thick darkness. I keep you alive because it is you who must remove all these stones from the earth and make it fertile again.”

“Each act of human will is a stone covering the beautiful earth I created, each venial sin, a thorn, and every grave sin, poison. Every good thing done outside of My Will is like sand scattered over the land, completely suffocating it. Now there is no vegetation, not the smallest plant nor even a single blade of grass sprouts from beneath the stones. My daughter, every action you perform within My Will must remove one of these stones, and it will take many acts to remove them all. By never giving in to your will, you will bring back the bright rays of the Sun of the Supreme Fiat to shine over these darkened lands. These rays will then call the mighty imperial wind of grace to stir these barren sands. This is the desert of good works that are done to earn human esteem, glory and their attention rather than to do My Will or to be in It or done out of love for Me. These seemingly good works are heavier than the sand choking the undergrowth of souls by sterilizing them without pity. However, the nourishing Sun of My Will transforms these thorns into flowers and fruit. The wind of My Grace will be the antidote that revitalizes souls.”

“You must be certain that I keep you still alive to reorder the work of Creation. Just one human will living outside of Mine is enough for chaos to change the face of the earth. Now, however, another human will enters into Mine where she must reorder everything with constant repeated actions. It is she who will return to Me the sweet enchantment, harmony and beauty of the beginning of Creation. You feel within yourself how large this field of action is. Go back to the terrestrial Eden where My Divine Will celebrated man’s first actions when, together, they enjoyed the beautiful, fertile land It had given him. I call on you to bind those first actions and survey all the lands invaded by human will. Embrace all times together so you can help remove the stones, thorns and sand that human will has covered them with so pitifully.”

Then, my poor mind, in the Divine Will, went back to Eden to enter into the Unity of that one Act that can only be found in It. Then I went toward the very end of time, so that my love and adoration could extend to all time and every place. I did this for each and every creature. Then I started thinking about what I was doing.

I thought, “What a bunch of nonsense. In the end days, I hope, by the Lord’s grace, to be up there in the Celestial Fatherland, so how could I love in time while I am in eternity?”

My sweet Jesus moved inside me.

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He said, “My daughter, everything done in My Will has perpetual life, because It came out of unending Love for its Creator and no one could ever interrupt It. It loved, loves and will love always. Those who love and adore in My Will are only following Eternal Love, the perfect adoration of the Divine Persons who have neither beginning nor end.”

“When the soul enters into My Will, she comes into the midst of Our Actions where she continually loves with Our Love and adores with Our Adoration. She is bound to Our Will through Our reciprocal Love and Its actions have the power to go on forever. What the others do is merely the continuation of the action done in My Divine Will, because actions performed within It have unending life without interruption. Therefore, your love during end times will be exactly the same as today. When others love, they will love in and with your love, because yours is the primal action that has come out of God.”

“You will love both in time and in eternity from the Celestial Fatherland. My Will jealously keeps your love the same way It keeps Its own. Wherever It extends Its life, there It will make you love and adore. Someone who lives in My Will has all Divine Actions within each of her own, and from beginning to end, they operate as Our own. All the soul does is imitate whatever God does.”

“The Sovereign Queen lived a perfect life inside the Royal Palace of Our Will. She loved with Our Love as she adored with Our adoration, because she had nothing of Her own. All of Her actions are fused within Ours, except they’re natural for Us, and are hers by grace. Her acts did not originate in Her will, they came from Ours, so it is right and just that She has primacy over all the creatures’ actions. When you love, it’s predominately the Celestial Queen’s love that you follow, just as you trace Ours. We and the Great Lady continue to love within your love; that’s how it is with everything you do in Our Will.”

“When you come to the Celestial Fatherland, your love will not depart from the earth; it will continue to love within each creature. Even now, My Divine Fiat extends your love to the past, present and future. That gives you the right to extend your adoration everywhere and to all times, with unending love. That’s the main difference between someone who lives in My Will and those who live outside of It.”

June 26, 1927

How all the things of God have equal weight. How everything that God did in Creation is pearled with His Love, and this is felt by one who lives in the Divine Will.

I was making my usual rounds in the Divine Fiat, going around throughout all Creation.

I wondered, “How much heat and light does my Creator have, considering how much He used to create the sun? He has so much of it, He must get awfully hot.”

While I was thinking about it, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, there is a perfectly balanced quantity of everything among Our attributes. Heat, light and love are equally balanced by sweetness, beauty and power, for instance. Everything balances out, heat is nourished by freshness, and freshness by heat; light is nourished by beauty, and beauty nourishes light; one

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tempers the other. Strength nourishes sweetness, and sweetness strength, and like all the rest of Our Divine Qualities, each of them makes Us happy.”

“Each of Our Qualities alone would tie Us down. Together, however, in perfect equilibrium, they all compete to make Us happy. They are Our joy and contentment. Heat makes Us happy with love, and freshness gives Us the joy of beauty renewed. Light brings Us its own joy, and beauty softens its glare. Together they make Us happy because they are immensely holy and good. Braiding all of Our Qualities together makes them all so beautiful that We love and admire them. Strength brings Us its own happiness, and sweetness then saturates it completely. Our joy blends with sweetness and strength. Everything you can see in Creation is the abundant outpouring of new heat and light, of the beauty and strength We hold within Ourselves. We pour these out to nourish and delight creatures with Our own superabundance, to make them happy. By nourishing themselves with Our Qualities, creatures could become similar to Us. They would bring happiness and joy to their Creator.”

“It would have been so beautiful to see them all as luminous as the sun, more beautiful than flowery fields and starry skies and as strong as a mighty wind. Imagine them pearled with the dew of Divine freshness, always clean and new, without ever changing. Of all that We have poured out, Our Will would unite them all together so that every delight gladdens another. However, ever since man withdrew from the Supreme Fiat, We pour out Our Qualities separately, one at a time. That’s why heat burns him, light blinds him, cold makes him numb and wind chafes him, knocks him over or just blows him away. Our Qualities act independently of each other on man unless they see the likeness of his Creator and a bond of unity with the Divine Fiat. In isolation, they bring no happiness to man, only when they are united do they.”

“With My Will, the creature would be the happiest of all beings. Meanwhile, without It, she is the most miserable.”

Then I continued flying in the Divine Volition where I hovered over each creature’s every thought and action, over each plant and flower, and everything else. I impressed my “I love You” upon everything and asked for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.

As I did, I thought, “My poor mind. This story is so long, it seems to go on forever, however, there’s no way around it. I have to keep tracing all times, all places, all human actions, plus plants, flowers and everything else. I have to emboss an ‘I love You,’ an ‘I adore You,’ an ‘I bless You,’ a ‘thank You,’ on every one of them so I can ask that His Kingdom come.”

As I was thinking about it, my sweet Jesus moved within me again.

He said, “My daughter, do you really think you are the one who does all this? No, it is My Will that keeps tracing all of Its own actions that It performed in Creation. With Its ‘I love you’, It drips pearls of dew over each of Its actions, thoughts, words and steps. This ‘I love you’ runs right through every thought and action as It moves toward each creature. Someone who is in My Will feels this love of God spread everywhere over everything. His Love is hidden within plants, flowers, and even under the earth in their roots. He can’t hold It back, so He rips the earth open and drips pearls of dew over plants and flowers with His ‘I love you’ as a sign of His ardent Love toward the creature. When My Will reigns in the soul, It wants to continue Its Creation with an ‘I love you’, so It calls you to follow Its Eternal Love. It calls each and every thought and action, as well as everything else It created. Then, using your voice, Its Will says ‘I love You’, and makes you ask that Its Kingdom be bound once again in the midst of creatures.”

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“It is enchanting to see your ‘I love You’ united to the ‘I love You’ of My Will, so they can flow within the creature’s every thought and action, everywhere asking for My Kingdom. It will be captivating to see this ‘I love You’ flowing in the mighty wind, shining forth in the rays of the sun, the murmuring of the sea and its roaring waves. It will impress itself on each plant as they rise in adoration with the flowers’ fragrance toward the sweet sparkling of the stars as they twinkle with trembling voices, saying ‘I love You’. Those who do not live in My Divine Will don’t hear the language of My Eternal Love in all of Its actions within each created thing. However, someone who lives in It is called to love in return for every time her Creator has loved her. All things speak of My Love with holy eloquence and it would be most ungrateful if she did not also speak lovingly of My Eternal Fiat.”

June 29, 1927

How God keeps His gaze fixed on our interior. For one who lives in the Divine Will everything becomes Will of God.

I was thinking about how little I do to glorify my beloved Jesus when He moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, I don’t look at what you do outwardly, I only look at whether the fountain of your heart is full of My Love. That is what overflows onto your external actions, covering them with pearls of celestial dew from the fountain of My Love cascading from within you. You are always beautiful in My eyes when My Love unites with My Divine Will and murmurs within you, or prays or works or suffers, or eats, speaks or sleeps. Whenever and however you act, you receive another shade of beauty from My Will that makes you more beautiful in My eyes. My Love grows in the fount of your soul until your outward actions breathe My Love as if It were air. I am so very pleased when you exhale, it’s simply delightful.”

I started thinking about the Divine Will again, abandoning myself completely within It.

Then my sweet Jesus continued, “My daughter, for someone who lives in My Divine Will, all things become My Will. Everything she does, whatever touches or sees, is My Will. If she thinks and lives in My Will, she will feel the of the sanctified intelligence of Divine Life permeate her and flow within her mind. When she speaks, the sanctity of the Fiat flows within her word, because when It speaks, It creates. When she operates she will feel the sanctity of Divine works, and when she takes a step, it is the tread of the Eternal Fiat flowing within her as she walks. When she sleeps, it is with the eternal rest of her Creator. Everything competes to bring her My Will, the light of the sun, the refreshing cool of the wind, the heat of fire, the refreshment of water, the fragrance of flowers, the flavor of food and the sweetness of fruit. The birds sing of My Will as they warble. Moreover, one thing will not wait for another as they bring every act of My Will done in each created thing. The soul will be like a queen that receives the innumerable actions done by Divine Will in all Creation.”

“The Divine Will, living and reigning within her own, draws all the actions It performed in all things. Sweet enchantment gleams in the pupil of her eye as she discerns Divine Will within all things running toward her from every direction to completely transform her into the Will of God.”

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After that, I thought, “Why is it that while I am making my rounds through all Creation to follow the acts of Supreme Will, or just completing them, I see a light come out of me. Even when I don’t see my beloved Jesus, this light always tells me some truths regarding the Divine Fiat.”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, it’s like a cup full of water or any other liquid. If you put a piece of bread into it, the water overflows onto the table. It’s like the sea when the wind pushes the water up into waves, almost as if it wanted to show off for everyone. That’s what’s happening to you. When you enter into the actions of My Will and go around in It, you are like that piece of bread making the water overflow, or the wind making the light of My Will rise up. In either case, they come out from inside you. Its language is light that explains Itself to you: how you are filled with It, what It can do, and what these waves of light want to do. The force of you actions entering into My Will stirs up winds that push the overflowing waves of light outside of you. That’s how It makes Itself know to you and to others. These waves of light are Its truths.”

“Everything I have revealed to you about My Will, I have also told to the Sovereign Queen of Heaven. She would continually make It rise until Its revelations overflowed, so She could know them, love them and hold them more closely than Her own life. Nonetheless, they would not overflow outside of Her. They stayed inside Her because She did not have a mandate to make My Divine Will known. It was not Her mission, so She kept them in Her Heart. Even the littlest truths were precious relics, and the big ones were sacred deposits. They are waiting for you and your special mission. She wants you to have Her wind so you can make the light waves of the Divine Will rise up and overflow outside of you. That’s Her role in making My Will known.”

July 1, 1927

How, in order to do a great work, great sacrifices are needed.

My adorable Jesus hides from me more and more often. Even when I am writing, I no longer see His Light like always have until recently. He no longer comes to give me the words He wants me to write. For every word He spoke to me in His brief visits to my soul, He would whisper so many more of them within me as I wrote that I couldn’t manage to write them all down. I miss His most sweet voice resounding on my lips. Without His light, it’s such a struggle finding the right words and correct terminology. I am poverty-stricken without His light. Sleep fills my poor eyes as I strain to write a few lines. The sheer effort is so debilitating that I can’t go on doing this. I miss Him so much. He was my light. He would prompt me as he dictated His words in our late night vigils. Sleep could never close my eyes when He was here, unless He would take me with Him. I had to struggle so hard to write that, after a while, I started thinking that maybe it is no longer the Will of God that I write down on paper what blessed Jesus tells me. If He doesn’t want it, neither do I.

While I thought about it, my sweet Jesus came out from within me to sustain me, because I felt like I was dying from all the effort I made to write even the little bit I did.

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He said, “My daughter, for a work to be truly great, many heroic sacrifices are needed for the greater good of the human family. The greater the good, the greater the sacrifice required. To My work as the Redeemer of creatures, I had to make many sacrifices involving so much pain, sorrow, and even death. Everything about this work had to be larger than life, with so much sorrow and such degrading humiliation. The pain was beyond people’s understanding, yet it was met with invincible Love, heroic strength and unparalleled patience. Everything had to be grand in scale because such a great work involved creatures from all walks of life who really needed whatever good this work could provide. The only exception were those who were obstinate and perfidious enough to try to escape by brute force. On the other hand, great sacrifice is not required for small works. However, for some creatures, little works won’t do much good at all. Walking in the dark, the ground shifts under their feet and they can’t find their way. Some of them wouldn’t be moved by the enrapturing force of sorrowful love sacrificed anyhow. Very few will benefit from these small works, since they lack the life and substance necessary to give themselves to those who want to receive it.”

“The work of the Kingdom of Divine Fiat is the greatest work of all, My daughter. It goes hand in hand with the work of Redemption, although by virtue of Divine Glory, with all Its sanctity and goodness, It goes much further than mere salvation. That’s why great sacrifice, immeasurable pain and incessant prayers are inescapable. I had to choose a creature who would voluntarily accept so many years of sacrifice involving all kinds of pain. I will make known to the children of My Kingdom how much this Kingdom of My Will cost you and Me. At great cost, You and I are arranging things so that anyone can enter into It, by opening all sorts of entry points from various directions. We have to win them over before they will come, whether by the path of light or of pain. With all the revelations of truth I have manifested, I will show everyone what tremendous effort you have made by writing so much. We’re doing this so they will have everything they need to find a safe path on solid ground. We must attract them with an irresistible force so they can take possession of the Kingdom of Supreme Fiat.”

“When the human generations have known all the knowledges about the Divine Will, the great goods of My Kingdom, and how the one who impetrated It suffered such long sacrifices, My knowledges and your sacrifices, united together, will be powerful magnets, irresistible spurs, incessant calls, penetrating light, deafening voices that, making them deaf to all other things, will leave them the hearing to listen to the sweet teachings of the Divine Fiat, and to accept a Kingdom that was impetrated for them with so many sacrifices. Therefore, in order to form a great work there is much to do and to suffer—everything is necessary; and what to you seems a pain of no significance, for others it may be a pitiful voice, such that, moved by it, they will recognize themselves as too ungrateful not to accept a good so great, that cost us so much because of them. Therefore, let Me do, and leave Me free to do what I want.”

July 4, 1927

Offering of Communion. How our wills are the accidents in which Jesus is multiplied. How the soul who lives in the Divine Will contains the source of all the Sacraments.

I was giving thanks for the Holy Communion I had just received and I thought that I should offer It to all the inhabitants of Heaven, the souls in Purgatory and to every living being and those who are yet to come. I want to give my Sacramental Jesus to the starry heavens, the flowery fields and every created thing for His greater glory and the triumph of all His works. Then I stopped and reconsidered.

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I thought, “I’m thinking nonsense as usual. How can I replicate Jesus so many times? That’s impossible.”

Then my beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, there are many little accidents of bread in the Sacramental Host, and your Jesus hides inside of them, alive and real, one Jesus for every host. In a similar manner, there are accidents of human will in the soul that are not consumed like the accidents of My Sacramental Life that are fortunately more solid. Eucharistic Life multiplies in the hosts just like My Divine Will replicates My Life in each act of human will. However, this is not a matter of accidental crumbs of bread, It actually multiplies My Life.”

“When you were making your will flow within Mine, you wanted to give Me to every creature and created thing. As you were doing that, My Will was forming My Life within yours, Its light shining forth My very Life as a gift for each one of them. I was so happy that the little daughter of My Will was reproducing so many of My Lives within the accidental life of her will and giving them to animate creatures as well as everything else I created. As I was multiplying My Life, I felt like the King of everything, of the sun, the sea, flowers, stars, the heavens and everything else. My daughter, someone who lives in My Will has the source and fountain of the Sacraments within her, and she multiplies Me as much as she wants, however she wants.”

As I wrote this last sentence, I had some doubts and My beloved Jesus reassured me.

He said, “My daughter, the Sacraments came out of My Will like little fountains pouring out from It. It was and is their source spring, constantly replenishing them with blessings and fruit from Its superabundant cornucopia. However, the output of these fountains depends on the disposition of those they feed. If creatures are not disposed to drink from them, they slow to a trickle. They often pour out clean water, yet the creatures are not washed. Sometimes some of them pour out a consecrating stream of Divine ink printing indelible characters, yet somehow the creatures are not sanctified by It. Another fountain gives birth continuously to the Life of your Jesus, yet even though It is poured out for them, you can see no evidence of It. So you can see that each Sacrament has Its own sorrow when they see their own blessings and fruit being wasted or simple ignored by creatures.”

“My Divine Will has the source of all the Sacraments within It, so it’s no wonder that someone who lives within It also has possession of the same source. When the soul lets It reign within her as Sovereign in Its own Kingdom, she can feel the very nature of the Sacraments within her, with all the blessings and advantages inherent in them. When she receives the Sacraments from the Church, she considers them as food from a source already in her possession, yet she takes them anyhow to give them their full glory. She takes them to glorify the Divine Will that instituted them because in It alone is there perfect glory for all Our works.”

“That’s why I long for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat so much. It alone can give everything equilibrium by giving creatures whatever It wants in return for all the glory that they owe It.”

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July 10, 1927

Privation of Jesus. How one who lives in the Divine Will is the triumph of God and of the soul.

I was going around again within the Divine Will, my poor mind imprinting my ‘I love You’ on every created thing. I went up to the highest mountains and into the deepest valleys, all the way down to the darkest abysses of the earth and even as far as the floor of the deepest ocean beyond the sea; I went everywhere. All the while I was doing this, my poor mind was tortured by the absence of my sweet Jesus. I called to Him with my love, over and over again, but still couldn’t find Him; my poor heart was in torment. My God, it hurts so much.

I thought, “Maybe Jesus has stopped listening to me. I fill Heaven and earth with my ‘I love You’s,’ yet none of my ‘I love You’s’ are aimed well enough to wound Him. If I could only make Him feel my own wound, my torture, torment and pain, perhaps that would make change His mind and allow Himself to be found. I long for Him so much. My Jesus, this is the price I pay to know You and not possess You, to love You and not to be loved in return.”

This pain cannot be described; there are simply no words to express it. Just then, my dear Jesus moved inside me and burst into tears, sobbing so hard that it resonated in my bodily ear and I started cry along with Him.

He said, “My daughter, what makes you think I am far away? You don’t really believe that you are not loved in return by your Jesus, do you? Each of your ‘I love You’s’ wounded to My Heart, making Me say, ‘My daughter, your ‘I love You’ reverberates everywhere. I hear it from the mountains, valleys, the sea, from flowery fields, from the sun and everywhere else.’

“Even though I was hidden in you, I said repeatedly, ‘I love you, My daughter.’ Nonetheless, I was cut to the quick when you thought I did not love you in return. That would never happen, My daughter. It is the nature of your Jesus to love; I could never neglect loving you in return. When I hide within you without revealing Myself, it is My Justice that hides Me so It can punish people by scourging them severely. They are infuriating My Justice so much that all sorts of punishment will pour out on the earth. I hide from you when I allow It to run Its course.”

Then He was silent for a while until He disappeared. I felt so bad that I couldn’t stop crying. Later on, He came back and said, “My daughter, the triumph of God is the human will operating in His own. His victory is to have what He poured out of Himself return back to Him into His Will. As the soul operates within It, she expands as far as the Divine boundaries, acting within everything that is eternal. My Will is everywhere; that’s true, there’s no place you can escape It, however, the Divine operates by using It power within the soul who lives in It. The soul who lives within It opens an area for new work by allowing It to unleash the beauty and holiness It holds inside Itself.”

“That’s what happened in Creation. Our Being existed in eternity; yet nothing was visible outside of ourselves before Creation, because We did everything in wondrous ecstasy within Ourselves. When Our

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Divine Being wanted to operate outside of Ourselves, however, Our Will began this operation by issuing an entire universe ordered with sumptuous harmony. This triumphant victory of Our Supreme Being has since amazed all generations.”

“That’s how it is for the soul who lives in Our Will. As she operates within it, she makes It an occasion to produce more works that are worthy of It. She is Our on-going triumph as she carries out Our works with a Divine attitude. She is the essence of Our triumphant victory while, at the same time, the soul triumphs by conquering the Divine Will. Both of these occasions are signs of victory for God as well as the creature in her very smallness. There is nothing at all trivial about a tiny creature singing victory as she conquers Divine Will and moves into action.”

Later on, my poor mind resumed its flight throughout Creation, bringing before the Supreme Majesty all the actions performed by Divine Will within each created thing. Along with these, I brought everything It has done in the Sovereign Queen and in the Most Holy Humanity of Our Lord. Reuniting everything all together, I carried them like newborn infants born of Divine Will, all of them worthy of a God Thrice Holy. Only a work of Divine Will can give such beautiful homage worthy of a God.

At that moment, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, all actions My Will performs are venerable and harmoniously ordered among themselves; they are acts of rare beauty. They are Our Divine army, standing in formation around the Supreme Being. They are Our Glory, Our Defense and Our endless Happiness. Whatever comes out of the Divine Fiat carries the Divine seal. They come out as Our true children, with life everlasting.”

“If you never give in to your will, you too are an act of Divine Will, and as one of Its acts, you come to acquire rights over all of Its actions. Take your place in Our army and become Our legitimate daughter, a sister of all the acts of Our Will. Then you will have the power to unite them all together to bring Us the glory and happiness of all the acts of the Eternal Fiat.”

“There’s a big difference between someone who is an act of Divine Will and one who is not. One of Its can be a sun, a heaven, a sea of Eternal Love, a beatitude or happiness that never ends. A single act of My Will can do anything. My Will is eternal, so Its actions are eternal. It is immense light, so all of Its actions are full of light. They are saturated with everything It has and is.”

“On the other hand, someone who is not an act of Divine Will is drastically different. He has no place in the Divine army. He will not have any joy or happiness to give anyone and his light will be so dim that he can barely see himself. His actions, however good, are produced by the human will, like smoke dispersed by the wind, or a flower that withers and dies. There’s a big difference between the two, My daughter.”

July 16, 1927

How one who lives in the Divine Will possesses perfect balance. How the prayer done in It possesses Divine Power and Universal Strength.

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I continue to live totally abandoned within the Divine Fiat, following Its innumerable actions. A little while ago, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, someone who lives in My Will has ample capacity to enclose all the Acts of God within herself, becoming the treasury of the Divine Will. God sees Himself in that soul in His entirety, with all of His Actions.”

“Absolutely everything within her is sacred and holy, everything is light and beauty. She has perfect balance in the Divine order. I see the Glory of My Sanctity in her, My Light and My rare Beauty. I look at her and see My reflection. I created her just like I wanted, as My most precious image. In the excess of My Love, I keep repeating: ‘You are so beautiful. My Will has enclosed everything within you. Creation is only a pale image of you who are more radiant than the sun. You have more adornment than the heavens, you are more graceful than any flowery field. You are beautiful all over because the power of My Divine Volition pervades you, nourishes you; It is your life.’”

He paused and then continued, “My daughter, whenever the soul prays from within My Will, all things and all created beings stand at attention. Everything goes into suspension and there is total silence. Intently admiring this action performed within the Divine Will, they all follow along with the prayer. Its power calls out to impose itself on everything until they are all synchronized. A simple prayer said within My Will is worth more than all other prayers put together; there is no comparison. This one little prayer surpasses them all because it has an invaluable Divine Will with immense power. This prayer penetrates Me, and when I see that it is My own Will praying, its power becomes identical to Mine.”

“Sometimes you won’t get the grace you ask for with Universal Divine Prayer from within My Will. If Divine Justice is still not appeased by this Prayer and scourges continue to pour down upon the earth, it means that this punishment is the Will of God. When that happens, grace does not rain down upon the earth; instead, the good effects of this Prayer descend directly into souls. You may not get all the desired results; however, you would get much less with other prayers not done within My Will because they have neither Divine Power nor Universal Strength.”

A bit later, my lovable Jesus came out from inside me and infused me completely with Himself in His entirety until I felt like I was both completely surrounded by Jesus while being wholly inside Him. Then He jumped out of me and threw Himself into my arms and leaned His head on my chest to take a nap. As He did, all created things: sun, stars, wind, earth and everything else arranged themselves in formation around and then under Jesus to support His body as if they were a comfortable bed. They all offered themselves up just to give Him a little rest.

Then He said, “My daughter, if you only knew how much craftwork I put inside you. I watch over your every heartbeat, all your affections, each word and your whole stream of consciousness. I monitor everything so My Divine Will can flow all through you unimpeded and dominates you in order to establish Its Kingdom. After so much work I often rest for awhile, something I enjoy as the fruit of My labor that only My Will can give Me. To relax like this is simply delicious. All of Our works and everything We created compete among themselves to give Me a break, so I can enjoy My eternal rest on the blissful delight of Our works. My rest is not disturbed by the noises of the human will and My work in the Kingdom of My Will is safe. Behold then, by living in My Will, the Divine Life is faithfully transmitted to the creature.”

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July 21, 1927

Difference between the Love of Heaven and that of the earth. How oppression weighs the soul down, while the Divine Will empties her.

I continue living within the Divine Volition; however, my sweet Jesus too often deprives me of His lovable presence. Now I call my Sovereign Mom to help me. I ask all the Angels and Saints to come to my aid and lend me their loving adoration so I can do from earth what they do in Heaven. Perhaps my Jesus, drawn by the love of Heaven, will come to His little exile, the one who longs for Him so much. Yet, heedless of the rigors of my martyrdom, He spurns my yearning sighs. Instead of having pity on me He runs off, perhaps to watch my suffering from afar. Maybe, if He feels the love of Heaven in me, something He likes a lot, He will come back and not leave me abandoned all alone for so long. I kept on thinking all this nonsense until my sweet Jesus, my dear Life, came out from within me and gave me a big hug.

He said, “I do admire the love of Heaven, My daughter, however, I esteem the love of the earth even more. There is always something new on earth for Me. It is there that I make new gains and further glory. I already have the love of Heaven and nobody can take it away from Me; It belongs to Me. I am still in the act of acquiring the earth’s love. I should be advancing, however I often lose what I have gained because souls don’t always give Me the love and glory they ought to give Me.”

“When souls die in My Grace they are naturally confirmed in love and glory within the Life of Divine Will. In Heaven everything is natural for all the Blessed, so they have nothing more to give Me, so I am constantly giving them ever new acts of happiness, joy and beatitude without end. That’s why, when I look out over the earth, I am all eyes; Heaven is Mine, I needn’t be concerned with It. I focus all my attention on the soul living in the exile because, even though Heaven is not natural to her, she tries to help Me gain new love, glory and adoration on earth.”

“If you only knew how your love hovers around within My Will, how it flies between Heaven and earth, permeating all created things. It even breaks into Heaven as far up as My Divine Will extends. It gives Me possession of new love from the creature who allows herself to be infuse by the power of My Supreme Fiat and as it becomes Mine, she is busy preparing new glory for Me. Whenever you come back to repeat your actions, they are always new to Me because, after all, you didn’t have them before. The love, glory and adoration you give Me are always new for you, yet It is My Will that transfers them to you as an echo of what It already naturally has.”

“In Heaven I give this new action to all the Blessed as never ending joy and serenity beyond comprehension. It is your destiny to take these new acts from the earth and give them to Me in the light and power of My Will. So pay attention as you follow It flying so fast.”

I was so depressed that my beloved Jesus still hadn’t come to see me that I thought it was all over. I thought a lot of other useless stuff that isn’t worth mentioning. That’s when my lovable Jesus came and swept me off my feet with a big hug.

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He said, “You’ve gotten so heavy, My daughter. Don’t you know that depression weighs the soul down? How do you expect Me to lift you up? My Will can empty out all this weight of nature. Its light removes the gloom of what is human and makes her light enough to sacrifice anything, light enough to fly on the wings of love. It gives the soul the primary attributes of the Celestial Fatherland, so she knows neither depression nor darkness; only everlasting joy and the light of a sun that never sets.”

“Think about it. What would you say if you heard the sun say, ‘It’s all over; I’m no longer a sun because my Creator won’t give me anymore light.’ If you were me, you would probably say to the sun, ‘You’re still the sun to me, and will be for a long time to come, because your Maker hasn’t taken away any of the light He gave you. If He kept on giving you light, you would only be a stronger and more radiant sun’, and that’s what I’m telling you now. ‘You are still a sun, because the Sun of My Will and your own knowledge of It reign within you more than any light.’ Neither I nor anyone else can snatch away even one single bit of the information in your possession concerning My Eternal Fiat.”

“You complain that I’m not constantly giving you more information, as if I haven’t revealed anything at all. You say, ‘Everything’s over,’ as if the Sun within you were extinguished. It would take way too much to extinguish this Sun of My Will, My daughter. You could never escape Its eternal rays penetrating your soul, while hiding everything else in Its the glare. So follow Its light and wait patiently for more of it. Then the Sun of My Will within you shall become ever more brilliant.”

July 26, 1927

How the Divine Will has two characters: incessant act and unshakeable firmness. How the human actions serve as straw for the wheat.

I was lamenting the absence of my sweet Jesus, pouring out my intense sorrow. I thought, “It’s so hard being abandoned by Him. I feel like I’m under a winepress, being squeezed drop by drop. Oh, Jesus! What about Your promises? Where is Your Love? Where is the triumph of Your Divine Will in my poor soul? I feel betrayed. I’ve come to such a bitter end. It’s not the beginning that counts; it’s how it turns out in the end that’s important.”

Then, while I was still venting, my beloved Good moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My Divine Will triumphs in you. That’s why It squeezes you, drop by drop, under Its Divine winepress, until there’s not a drop of your will left in you. My Poor daughter, it is a Divine and unshakeable Will at work laying the foundation of Its Kingdom in you, using even in your slightest little actions. So be patient and don’t lose heart. My Divine Will has two aspects; unshakeable firmness and incessant action. That’s why, when the soul has given herself to It, Its works non-stop. Don’t you feel It moving continuously within you? When I reveal some Truth about It to you, I do it with a Divine mastery that is all Its own. It begins Its incessant motion by orienting It and letting It repeat itself endlessly within you. This repetition is Its own triumph, because It does in you what It naturally does within Itself. This is the triumph of My Will.”

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Then, a bit later, He added, “My daughter, all human actions such as working, eating, sleeping, suffering pain, encountering people or things, experiencing joy and sorrow, they are nothing but straw. However, wheat cannot grow without its stalk and chaff because that’s what protects the wheat from frost, the burning rays of the sun and too much rain or inclement weather. Straw covers the wheat like a garment and grows with it until it is ripe and then falls off on the threshing floor after serving and protecting the life of the grain.”

“All human actions, from the smallest to the greatest, are nothing but straw. However, when the wheat of My Will grows within them, they serve admirably to protect and shield the wheat of My Divine Volition. The more straw there is, the more wheat you can expect to harvest. It is enchanting to see human action enfolding the burnished gold of the purest wheat of My Divine Will. Like straw, human actions, at first, seems to have primacy over the wheat, especially when they boast about it, saying, ‘Even though it’s true we are only straws, we hide within ourselves a Divine Will that is far superior to wheat. We are at Its service and give complete freedom of action to form Itself within our own actions.’ Otherwise, if My Will does not flow within them, human actions are only straw. They are worthless and burned as waste because they do nothing to help grow pure wheat for the Celestial Fatherland.”

“Straw is separated from wheat by threshing and human actions are separated from the pure wheat of My Divine Will by death. You can only know whether it is wheat or straw by knocking down what is human and crushing the garment that clothed the golden wheat of My Will until It was ready. Thus, it is not human action that determines their value; it is the will that animates them. Many actions, apparently beautiful and holy, if done out of self-interest, turn out to be full of mud. If they are done out of self-esteem and personal glory, they are nothing but wind. They are rotten if they are done to just to please creatures and full of smoke if done out of attachment to anything human.”

“The straw of human action hides many things, however, on the last day of life, when the thresher crushes the straw, it will reveal all things hidden.”

Afterwards, I abandoned myself once again in the Divine Fiat, and then my always lovable Jesus, moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the human will ruined man until he was like a dilapidated factory on the verged of collapsing and he is not able to repair by himself. He needed the Divine Maker, who knew the secret art of building something with love, to repair it for him. He knew how to repair it with the vital fluid of His Divine Strength flowing into the cracks to make it solid again, just as He had built it.”

“However, man has to draw near the Divine Repairer to receive the benefit of His art. Man has to let himself be handled by Him without any interaction with the human will, the main reason he ended up like this derelict factory. Otherwise, with or without the coming of the Celestial Constructor, man will remain an abandoned building without ever being refurbished.”

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July 30, 1927

How life is in the incessant motion; how this motion produces the spring. The value of the interior acts.

I was following the Holy Divine Volition, however, being without Jesus, my highest Good, was like a nail pounded into me.

I thought, “What good does it do me to follow the actions of the Supreme Fiat when I out of communication with He who brought about all of Creation with the decisive intonation of His Volition. To follow His Will without being able to see Him is indescribably painful. Seeing His works all referring to Him without being held in His arms is a wound that won’t stop bleeding.”However, as I was thinking about it, my beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, life is continually moving. What comes from God has motion; everything We created moves, without exception. The heavens, the earth, sun and sea, all move in perfect order and constant velocity without ever stopping. If they did stop, life would cease, along all the good they do. They would be as useless as painted pictures. An action is only truly good if it constantly moving. All of Our Divine Being’s Acts are perfect because of Its continual motion which never ceases to do good and to give Its blessings. I will never stop; if It did, the goodness of life would end.”

“Our Will is a perfect replication of the life of Our Divine Being. With Its constant motion, It is perfectly good and can give itself to all. Its continual motion shows that it has an inexhaustible fountainhead, and when something good goes on forever, everyone can share in it. So, someone who lives in My Divine Will must take the echo of My Will and, in a continuous motion, follow Its actions. The blessings that comes to you synchronizes you with Divine motion, carrying you with enthralling velocity in concert with all created things. Your actions are then inexhaustible and everyone can benefit from them, because they come from the fountainhead of the Eternal Fiat.”

“To do something good that endlessly gushes out is nothing trivial. Creatures can’t see true and perfect goodness because their virtues are intermittent, and if they are interrupted, then living goodness has already ceased to exist. They lose the zest of the force of momentum if they are not constantly moving. The very life of this virtue remains unformed as does endless fountainhead of action, so anything done is superficial and fleeting. There is no way they can give the goodness of these virtues to everyone without having this ever-living spring. With It they can inexhaustible give to others without ever losing anything themselves. The sun loses virtually nothing by giving its light to all because it holds the fountainhead of light and is constantly in the act of releasing it.”

“So, My daughter, from within My Divine Will your actions and your prayer for Its Kingdom must be ceaseless if you implore that the Divine Fiat be known and loved by all.”

Then I resumed following the most holy and adorable Divine Will within me until my sweet Jesus continued.

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He said, “My daughter, the inner actions of a soul who does the Will of God are free from any evil or even the slightest shadow of imperfection. God alone witnesses inner action, even though no one else points her out or looks at her or even says anything. God, witness of the creature’s work, is there where no one can penetrate. From within her, he points and looks tells all of Heaven about her. Even on earth, He sometimes talks about the wonder of this creature’s inner workings.”

“For God to look at and point out a creature by talking about her work and acting on it is the greatest honor she can receive, and this is only one of the great works that God will accomplish through her. The inner actions are wounds, darts and arrows launched into the Divine bosom. They are celestial messengers that fly from the creature directly to her Creator. This mark of glorious love pleases only her creator.”

“No one else sees, hears or appreciates all the things you do in your interior. I am their only witness; I alone listen and appreciate them. That’s why We choose souls for Our greatest works who don’t appear to be anyone special. We prefer inner looking souls who are unblemished either by human views, or the clamorous noise and vain-glory that external works bring.”

“That’s why We choose a simple Virgin without any outward splendor for Redemption. She was able to say so much, one-on-one with Her Creator, in the silence of her heart, enough to obtain Redemption by conquering Him. Now, We have done the same for the Kingdom of Divine Fiat. We have chosen another inward looking one who will say much and pray to God to grant the longed for Kingdom.”

“External actions, even when good and holy, cannot please Me like inner actions, because outwardly, they are usually charged with vain-glory, and sometimes with blame. After all the sacrifices it makes, a poor heart suffers the effects of either praise or blame. What is human comes to the fore and permeates the creature’s actions with its gloomy air, so they don’t reach Me as pure as they should be. On the other hand, inner action are neither praised nor blamed by anyone because what is human has no way in. It’s because no one is watching that the soul imagines she isn’t doing anything important, that’s why her actions are all infused with a celestial air. So pay attention, and always let your inner self go around within My Will.”

August 4, 1927

There is no greater happiness than a king who serves his queen, and a queen who serves her king. When the Divine Will reigns, It is like the beating of the heart. Example of father and son.

I was really depressed because, as usual, my beloved Jesus has stayed away from me too long. Every time this happens, the pain gets worse and worse until it is so harsh that I’m petrified. I was immersed in a sea of pain until a glass of refreshing ice-cold water appeared. I could see His Will in the water’s reflection. He who both loved and tortured me had prepared a cool drink for me. As I was bringing it up to my lips, Jesus appeared within me and stretched out His hand to help me hold the glass so I could drink.

He said, “I am serving My queen, and she serves Me, her King. Anyone who does My Will and lives in It is always ready to do whatever I want. It is commendable how faithfully she attends to the King who made her His queen, and since My Will is in her, I am actually serving My own Will through her.”

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When I heard this, I burst into tears of tenderness beyond words.

I thought, “Queen?! Queen?! He leaves me all alone and abandoned until I feel like dying, and then He comes up some other reason to leave me for even longer. Jesus! Jesus! Are You trying to make fun of me?”

As I was pouring out my sorrow, He moved again within me.

He answered, “My daughter, I am not making fun of you. Not at all; I’m just telling you that there is no greater happiness than when the king serves the queen, and the queen, the king. There’s nothing the king won’t do for her when she’s not feeling well. He won’t even let the servants come close when he serves his queen like this, holding her in his arms and feeding her with his own hands. His love makes her feel lively again and she forgets about not feeling well. As the king watches over her, she’s just glad to be with him.”

“That’s how it is in the natural order of things; a king prefers to be served by the queen. A father likes being served by his daughter, and she prefers assistance from her mom or her dad. That’s because, when king, father or daughter serve each other, the first thing they give is their love, and each knows that the other would give their lives to help them. Even though they are sick, they are happy to be served by family rather than by servants who can be so impersonal. That’s how it is in the supernatural order as well. Someone who lives in My Will is My queen and her first act is of love. She gives Me her life in every action she does. Her actions make me feel so happy because they are acts of My own Will serving Me.”

“When I seeing feeling so bad because of Me, I’m happy to serve you in everything I have created and I want to give you My very Life in each one of them. My Happiness is doubled when I give It to you because I feel My own Life in the one who possesses My Will. That’s why I made you My queen. For those who do not do My Will, what I have created is very different. They are mere servants because they do not possess a Royal Will, and I find it really hard to serve servants. When a king serves his queen, he does not degrade himself, his heroism merits glory. Having to serve servants, however, brings only sorrow and humiliation!”

Then I went back to following the actions within the Divine Volition.

I thought, “Being deprived of my sweet Jesus so often has made a deep impression on my poor soul. I no longer feel the ardent fervors I so often felt before. It leaves me cold. Oh, God! Your absence is a double-edged sword; one side cuts while the other kills. It cuts away and destroys everything, leaving me naked and bereft of even what is most holy. I can just barely stay alive, and only because I must fulfill the Supreme Volition.”

However, while I was thinking about this, my beloved Jesus moved within me.

He said, “My daughter, all the things you used to feel inside were a form of ordinary grace. Fervors and deep feelings are ordinary graces that I give to all according to their disposition. These moods are easily interrupted as they rise up and die away. They signify neither life nor enduring sanctity.”

“In My Will, however, I have filled you with extraordinary grace, something firm in its goodness that act constantly. These are exclusively Divine virtues. Your continual rounds in the works of your Creator are nothing trivial or ordinary in the least. The firmness of your will within Mine serves for more than just

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following the acts of My Eternal Will. Fervors and deep feelings have nothing to do with My Will. They are like candle lights next to the bright sun, they serve no purpose. They are good for nothing.”

“My Will absorbs everything and transforms the soul into all of God, It wants to make her another Sun. He who is the Sun wants everyone to become a sun. Just forming little lights would not be worthy of My Will, that is not Its nature. Here you are crying over these little lights without understanding that a Sun is within you that can make you firm and unshakeable. When My Will reigns in the soul, It is like the beating of the heart, the primary act of life for all parts of the body. It is life, movement, strength, warmth; everything comes from the heartbeat. If the heartbeat stops, life, motion and everything else stops with it.”

“As My Will beats in the soul, It gives Divine Life and Its constant movement. It gives Its own Strength that is never exhausted. It palpitating provides Its inextinguishable light. It is beautiful to see the continual beating of My Will within the creature. From Heaven to earth, that’s the greatest miracle that could ever exist. It brings perfect order between Creator and creature.”

“For the soul where the heartbeat of My Will reigns, I am like a father who always keeps his son close to him. He shows him how to do things and feeds him wisdom with his words. Their hearts beat together as he gives him knowledge and life. Then, when he is sure that his son has become just like him and can do everything he knows how to do, he says to him, ‘My son, go out onto the playing field of life and do all your father has done up until now. Work hard and take care of our business. Take responsibility for your family, for you will stand in for me and I shall rest. My heart will beat with yours and you will feel your father’s life within you as you faithfully carry on with the mission. I will be waiting for you as I rest, so we can enjoy the fruit of your labor together.’

“I am more than any father as I act within the soul where My Will reigns. A father cannot really give his heartbeat to his son, while I actually do. I keep her close with Me always, I teach her My Divine ways, tell her My secrets and give her My Strength. Then, when I am sure, I fling her into the field, the life of My Will. She will take full responsibility for the human family. I will say to her, ‘My daughter, let Me rest, I will trust you with everything. As I rest I will wait for you as I enjoy the fruit of the work you do in the Kingdom of My Will.’ Let your Father, your Jesus, rest while you work in My place, continually with My heartbeat.”

I said, “My Jesus, You hardly ever tell me anything anymore. It feels like I have to work all alone without You. I miss Your Word that shows me the road I must travel in the Kingdom of Your Will.”

He said, “My daughter, My Word is Life. When I speak, I must see whether this Life can live in creatures. If it is not so, there’s no reason to expose a Divine Life of Mine if there is no one to receive It. Before releasing Divine Life from Myself, within My Word, it would be enough for Me to see even one single creature prepared to accept It. That’s why I sometimes don’t say anything; I don’t see anyone ready to live the Life of My Word. Furthermore, with you there’s no need for words to make Myself understood. It’s enough for us to look at each other to understand each other, and you know it. You understand Me and I understand you.”

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August 9, 1927

How Creation and Redemption are Divine territories given to creatures. The Love of Jesus in making her sleep. How light and heat are inseparable from each other.

I was following the Divine Will in Its actions, while my beloved Jesus followed me with His gaze to see if I would visit all of His works.

He said, “My daughter, I am watching to make sure you visit all of My provinces, one of them being Creation and another, Redemption. Moreover, My childhood, My tearful wailing as a baby, My prayers and works, My every step, My Hidden and Public Life, these are some of My many mansions I have formed throughout My provinces. Every single thing and every pain I suffered served to expand the boundaries of the Divine provinces so I could give them to creatures.”

“Every day I check to make sure that the little daughter of My Will visits all My provinces and enters each of My mansions. When I see you begin your rounds by visiting the sun and stars, the heavens, the sea and all created things, I am reassured that My provinces are not abandoned, since at least one person visits them. I formed them with so much Love and gave them to creatures, and since she visits them, it means that she loves them and has accepted them as a gift. I wait in anticipation for you to revisit Bethlehem, where I was born, and visit My tears, My pains and My baby steps. I’ll watch as you visit My works, the miracles I performed, the Sacraments I instituted, My Passion, My Cross, and everything else. I’ll let you know if you miss anything, but just pay a little visit, however brief it may be. I’m so pleased that someone, at least, is visiting all My mansions.”

“My daughter, creatures don’t understand what It is that I’m trying to give them. I brings Me great sorrow when I attempt to give something this good and nobody wants to take It. So here’s My solution. Whenever I see you, all alone, going around throughout all My provinces and visiting My mansions, I give you all the treasure that is in them. Everything I intend to give to others, I give to you for safe keeping so that it is all centralized in one location. I give you everything and then you give Me everything. Before giving everything to the soul, I must first find everything in her, and for her to give Me everything, she must possess everything herself. Only someone who has everything can give it all to Me as well as she can accept everything.”

Afterwards, I was so sleepy I couldn’t even write.

I thought, “Why am I so sleepy now when it’s always been my custom to stay awake most of the night in vigil?”

Then my beloved Jesus moved inside me.,

He said, “My daughter, when a doctor is ready to operate on some poor patient, he puts them to sleep so they won’t feel unbearable pain when he has to use a scalpel on a person who is already suffering some injury. As the Celestial Doctor, that’s what I do because I love you so much that I don’t want you to continually

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suffer when I am away. To withstand the repeated trauma and searing pain of being cut by My absence, you must be put to sleep. Sleep will give you a little respite from such intense pain and give you a break from your martyrdom. Your Jesus will hold you in His arms as you sleep and I continue My work in your soul.”

“There is another reason I make you sleep. When My Justice gets so irritated by the creatures’ offenses, I may well go on a rampage and lash out at the creatures. While you are asleep It will have a free hand, and meanwhile, you will be spared the sorrow of seeing It rain blows down on an ungrateful world, which is only right and just. If you could only see how your Jesus embraces you, so delicately that you never feel the touch of My embrace, and how I kiss you so very softly that you don’t feel the touch of My lips. I keep repeating, so very quietly that the sound of My voice doesn’t wake you up, ‘My poor daughter, My poor daughter, this martyrdom is so hard for you.’ I continue the work of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat in your soul without moving or disturbing you with My voice. If you knew, you would stop saying I no longer love you as before. Instead, you would say, ‘Jesus loves Me so very much, He makes me fall asleep so I won’t suffer any more.’”

Then I followed the Divine Volition as usual until my sweet Jesus continued.

He said, “My daughter, it takes more heat to produce a brighter light. Light and heat are totally interconnected. Where there’s light, there’s heat, because the nature of light is heat, and the nature of heat is light. However, if you want a really bright light, you need a lot of heat; they are both equal forces, and they structure their life together.”

“Someone who does My Will and lives in It receives the life of this heat and light from her Creator and as the soul thinks about My Divine Will, she generates heat. When she speaks about It, she adds more heat, and as she operates to fulfill It, she doubles the heat. As she walks on Its path, she multiplies the heat until the light becomes brighter, stronger, extending further and expanding ever more. Every single part of her being spreads rays of vivifying light, especially since she has in her possession the source of the life of light, which is My Supreme Fiat.”

“This will help you comprehend how creatures possess heat and light in proportion to the contact they have with My Will as they try to fulfill It in their actions. If this doesn’t happen, then even if you see them doing something good, it is goodness without heat, light or life. It is merely superficial virtue, a painted picture heat and light, so when you touch it, it is cold and without the benefit of a life-giving and truly vivifying light. Works devoid of My Divine Will, on certain occasions, reveal how they were actually nourished by passions and vices that were painted to appear good.”

When He grew silent, I tried to totally abandon myself in His Will so I could follow It, but my highest Good, Jesus, started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, when We created man, Our Divinity bound him completely to Us. His memory, intellect and will were bonds of union, as were his eyes, mouth, hearing, heart, hands and feet. When the creature lives in My Will, as she put each of these bonds in perspective, she adopts an attitude of Divine Life. She germinates and grows like a little plant brimming with vitality from the nourishment of its earth, abundant clean water and exposure to the beneficial rays of the sun that give its perennial life. It thrives so well and its fruit is so highly sought after for pure enjoyment that it inspire love and appreciation in everyone.”

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“That’s how it is with the soul. These bonds nourish her with the perennial Life of God, and like solar rays, they permeate every part of her being; like fertile earth, they fill her with Divine vitality, the sap flowing within her. She grows so well, she is the beloved, the one sought for by Heaven and earth. Her life, her works and her words are more enjoyable to all than any fruit. God Himself takes pleasure in enjoying such precious fruit.”

“So, how can you be afraid I may leave you when you are bound to Me with so many ties that nourish you with perennial life?”

August 12, 1927

How incessant prayer conquers God. Uproaring of nature. The three little fountains.

Preparations for world wars.

His absence is my worst nightmare; it’s pure agony. I’m sick and tired of all this and I just can’t take it anymore. My adorable Jesus has squeezed me under His winepress until I was in excruciating pain; however, He finally had pity on me and gave me a big hug.

“Poor daughter, you suffer so much. Be brave, now. Calm down, there’s no reason to get so upset. Cheer up, everything inside you is in constant communication with the Divine Majesty. Your ceaseless prayer before God, petitioning the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, is a sure sign of impending victory. It means that you have won, or are about to win.”

“What you have been doing and saying all this time eventually gives you the power to win over God. As the soul acquires the strength to win, she gradually wears down God’s resistance. There is a role reversal. As the soul becomes armed with Divine weapons, God is disarmed and the Supreme Being is no longer able to resist. Your ongoing petition for the Kingdom of My Eternal Will is nothing trivial. You go around through all Creation over and over again, reliving all My Actions in Redemption. You do the same with the actions of the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, in her seas of love and sorrow, asking for My Kingdom.”

“You just go round and round, asking over and over again that My Divine Will be known. You seek nothing for yourself, only that It dominate and rule. There’s not a shadow of self-interest in what you do, no evidence at all of human will enters into this. It is the holiest, the purest, most beautiful kind of Divine prayer and action, something of Heaven rather than earth, invincible because it has no interest other than Divine Glory.”

“No one has ever prayed to Me with such insistence. Only My Mom prayed to Me with this kind of insistence, for the sake of Redemption, and She was victorious. For the Kingdom of My Will, however, no one until now has prayed with enough insistence to conquer a God. Your insistence says a lot, and so does the commotion of all nature. In these times, all the elements announce the good things they bear with an uproar. This is what it takes to reorder My Kingdom. For something this great, it takes an upheaval to purify the earth. So don’t upset yourself too much. Just keep on flying non-stop and be insistent. That’s how you will gain enough strength to win the Kingdom of Supreme Fiat.”

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I kept on praying until I felt a hand on my head, and out of it came three little fountains. One of them spouted water, another fire, and the third one blood, and they all inundated the earth. People, cities and entire kingdoms were swept away. It was horrifying to see these evils to come. I prayed that my beloved Jesus would calm down and asked Him to let me suffer instead, so that people might be spared.

Jesus replied, “My daughter, water, fire and blood will unite them together and bring justice. As nations take up arms to make war, they irritates Divine Justice even more, until the elements themselves rise up to take revenge on them. The earth will pour out fire and the air, fountains of water. War will spew forth fountains of human blood. Many will disappear, cities and entire regions will be destroyed. It shows how wicked they are that after going through all the evils of the last war, they are preparing another even more terrible one. It’s as if they were united as a single man, trying to move the entire world. Sin has entered deep into their very bones, transforming their own nature into sin.”

Just hearing this made me sick and I begged Jesus to set justice aside and let mercy to its work, and if He really wanted a victim, I was ready, as long as people could be spared. “If You won’t let me, then take me away from this earth, because I can’t stay here anymore. Your absence always makes me want to die and the scourging of people tortures me. My life isn’t worth living if I cannot spare our brothers from pain by suffering myself. Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, have pity on us all! Calm down and make Your little daughter feel better.”

I don’t know how, but just then I felt a lot of pain, more than I’ve had for quite some time. I really can’t explain what I went through, yet nonetheless, it gives me hope that grave evils might be held back, at least in part.

August 15, 1927

How all created things possess the Unity of the Divine Will. Difference between the test of Adam and that of Abraham.

I was going around throughout all Creation as usual, uniting myself to the acts of Supreme Will performed within It, when my always lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, all created things share the Unity of My Divine Fiat. Even though It is divided into many separate actions, these acts are bound together and cannot be divided, one from the another, in the Unity of the one Divine Will.”

“Look at the sun. Its light is a form of action unique among other created things, yet its light binds all of them. It permeates the earth and binds it with its light, and the whole planet binds itself to it, drinking in large gulps from this fountain of light. The earth receives the beneficial effects of its heat from its ardent kisses, and in the process, it performs one single action along with the sun. The light pervades the air and merges with it. It invades the water, and the water plunges into the light where they bind themselves to each other in unity. The Will that dominates them is a singularity, hence all created things are so bound to each other that they become inseparable. None of them can do without the others.”

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“The soul who lives in My Divine Fiat has taken possession of Its Unity and is thus inseparable from every action the Unity of My Will unfurls. Its Unity binds her to God, and she gives Me glory by operating within the Divine. It binds her to the Angels and Saints, so she gives Me Angelic and Saintly glory. It binds her to all Creation, thus she gives Me the glory of the heavens, the sun, sea and everything else where My Will operates. She is inseparable from It and develops her unity within It. Only someone who lives in My Will can give Me the love and glory of all Creation, as well as of everything concerning Redemption. This soul can never be separated from any of Its actions whatsoever. The other creatures might say it with words, but only someone who lives in My Volition actually has possession of Its deeds.”

“Then I continued making my rounds in the Supreme Volition. I offered up Adam’s first actions when he still possessed the Unity of the Supreme Will at the beginning of Creation. I wanted to unite myself to his perfect actions before the fall. Then I moved on to unite myself with the heroism of Abraham.”

I thought to myself:

“What Divine Wisdom! We know that he was the first man created by God, and that he sinned, casting the human family into an evil maze. We don’t know much else other than he lived for a long time afterwards. I wonder why Our Lord couldn’t give him a second chance to prove his faithfulness by some kind of sacrifice. After Adam receded into oblivion, He called Abraham. After testing him and finding him faithful, He put him on display and made him head of the generations, and now people talk about all his honor glory.”

While I was wondering about it, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, this is the judgment of My infinite Wisdom. It is My custom to ask the creature to make a small sacrifice for her good. If she is ungrateful and refuses, I stop trusting her and abandon My plans to prepare her for greatness. I leave that creature in oblivion, unknown for anything great or heroic, not for God, herself or for people.”

“Consider what I asked of Adam, that he make a small sacrifice by not eating fruit from one particular tree, and he wouldn’t even do that for Me. I couldn’t trust him with anything after that, let alone a much greater sacrifice. I didn’t ask Abraham to sacrifice any fruit, however, I started off by asking him to go into a foreign land far from his birthplace, and he promptly obeyed Me. Then, to test him further, I lavished grace upon him and asked him to sacrifice his only son, who he loved more than his own life, and he immediately prepared the offering. After that I knew he was up to it and I could trust him with anything. He was the first to offer reparation, so I knew I could trust him with the scepter of the future Messiah. That’s why I promoted him as the patriarch of the generations for the greater glory of God, himself and the tribes of people as well.”

“That’s how I work with all creatures. I usually ask for small sacrifices, such as depriving themself of some pleasure, a desire, something that interests them or appeals to their vanity. All I ask is that they detach themself from something that seems to do no harm. These small tests are like little shelves where I store the great treasures of My Grace until I prepare them to accept greater sacrifices. If the soul is faithful to Me in small trials, then I give them abundant grace and ask for greater sacrifices that dispose Me to give even more abundantly. Then I make them a sign of sanctity. Many sanctities begin with just one small sacrifice. More often, however, creatures will deny Me a small sacrifice, thinking that it really makes no difference at all. Their feeble attempts to do good are scrawny and their comprehension of it is cretinous. You can see them

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on the road, slouching toward Heaven. Its so pathetic, watching them crawl on the ground and licking the dirt.”

“So, My daughter, you actually have to pay more attention to small sacrifices than to great ones, because the small are the real strength of the great. It’s the little ones that dispose God to give grace, and prepare the soul to receive it.”

August 17, 1927

Everything that is done in the Divine Will becomes universal property. What it means to go around in the Divine works.

I’ve been living continually in the Divine Will, and while following Its innumerable actions, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, everything the creature does in My Divine Will becomes universal property. Moreover, everything done in the Divine Fiat becomes Divine property simply because My Will is the property of God. The Supreme Being, Creator of everything is naturally the sole Owner of all things universal, which is right and just according to Its Creative Power. However, everything the soul does in My Will acquires universal rights and becomes the common property of all, everyone can take what becomes universal. Furthermore, by giving themselves to all, the universal properties of God never diminish, they give, yet they lose nothing whatsoever.”

“It’s a bit like the sun that gives its light to all while losing virtually nothing itself, nor do creatures enjoy its light any less because all of them receive it. The sun loses virtually nothing, and creatures, whether alone or together, enjoy its light just as much. God loses nothing by giving Himself to all, nor do creatures receive less because He is the God of all. Neither One nor the other loses anything.”

“The soul who lives in My Will and operates in It gives Me such honor and glory as she sets her actions within the universal properties of God. She’s like the sun because everyone can benefit from the goodness of her actions.”

Then I saw my beloved Jesus turning to leave me.

I yelled at Him, “Jesus, where are You going? Don’t leave me! I can’t live without You!”

He turned towards me and said, “My daughter, I cannot leave My Divine Will, My Actions or My possessions. It can’t be done, so don’t be scared. You know that I never actually leave you.”

I replied, “Yes You do, my Love, You always leave me. Then I go round and around over and over again throughout all Creation and I can never find You. I keep going around through all Your works of Redemption, hoping to find You, who I love, but in vain. I even go into the seas of the acts of the Sovereign Queen, hoping You might be there with our Mom, and, to my sorrow, my searching is futile and I end up in

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sorrow without finding You. Sometimes I think I shouldn’t bother going all around in Your works, since I can never find the One who gives me life, who is everything to me.”

Then Jesus interrupted me.

He said, “My daughter, you don’t understand what would happen if you didn’t complete your rounds in all Our works and those of the Queen of Heaven. You don’t fully comprehend what it means to go around in Creation and everything else that belongs to Us. It means to love and appreciate Our works, and to possess them. My happiness would not be complete if the little daughter of My Will did not possess what is Mine, especially if she wasn’t even aware of It. Either way, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy all My treasures. I would find many empty spaces in you, voids that do not exist in Me. I’d see the emptiness of love unfulfilled, dark voids that should be full of light and gaps in the complete understanding of your Creator works. Your own happiness would be unfulfilled. If I couldn’t find everything fulfilled in you, then I would feel your emptiness and your happiness denied by half. Furthermore, if our Queen Mom saw you without Her seas of grace, She would feel that Her little daughter is not nearly as rich or happy as she could be.”

“My daughter, to have one single Divine Will as your life and not possess what It has, is not possible. Wherever It rules, the Divine Will wants everything that belongs to It firmly in Its possession, otherwise such disparity would throw it off balance. So you must own everything that It keeps safe within Me and the Virgin Queen, since by going around in all Its works, you confirm that It reigns within you. You have already learned so many things by going around in all the works of My Supreme Fiat, and every time new knowledge is revealed to you, It gives you something for you to hold. Someone who lives in Our Will must possess all Our treasures, or it would be like a father who is not only rich, but as happy as can be. Imagine how his joy would be undermined if his son were poor and depressed.”

“That’s the beauty of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, Its most distinguishing characteristic is that Creator and creature possess the same Love within one single Will, the source of all their glory and happiness.”

August 21, 1927

How Jesus wants to end it with the world. The power of what is done in the Divine Will in order to placate Divine Justice.

As I was immersed in my usual routine, my adorable Jesus came rushing up to me, threw His arms around my neck and gave me big hug.

He said, “My daughter, I’ve had it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to end the world. The pain and suffering they cause Me is just too much, so I have to destroy them.”

When I heard that, I trembled.

I said, “Love of my life, it’s obvious that You suffer too much; no one can put up with that much pain. But that’s only because You insist on suffering alone. However, if You shared Your pains with me, You would suffer less and hopefully not give up on these poor creatures. So give me some of Your pain. We can share

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them together and maybe You’ll see a way to put up with them for a little while longer. Come on Jesus, please try. You don’t have to suffer by Yourself anymore. You are right, You do suffer too much. That’s why I’m begging You to let me share them with you. So please, calm down, relax.”

I kept nagging him until He gave in and let me suffer with Him. Nevertheless, what He allowed me to suffer were mere shadows of His pain, and I felt crushed, utterly destroyed. However, I can’t exactly explain what I suffered, and besides, some things are better left unsaid. Then Jesus, sick and tired of His long suffering, hid inside me to find some relief. It felt like He had taken me over completely. I saw Jesus’ eyes everywhere within me and they looked like the eyes of a fugitive searching for someplace to hide from the earth’s afflictions. The light in Jesus’ eyes focused on several spots on earth and the evils committed in those places. The fire in His eyes urged Him to destroy them. I begged Him to spare them, and I showed Him His own Blood, His pain, His Life and Eternal Will.

All goodness, Jesus answered, “My daughter, the power of the prayers, actions and the pain suffered in My Will is beyond human reach. As you were praying and suffering, My Blood, My steps and My works were praying. All the while, My pain and suffering were being replicated and multiplied. Everything you do in It gives Me another opportunity to relive what I did while on earth. This is the best possible way to satisfy Divine Justice.”

Then I continued my rounds in the Divine Volition without finding my sweet Jesus, and I cried inside.

I thought, “I can’t understand why Jesus doesn’t more often like He used to do. He keeps telling me about the wonders of His Will and how far you can go when you live within It. If that’s true, He should be coming more often rather than less.”

As I was thinking about it, my beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My Humanity hides within you where I reserve a large area for My Divine Will so It can operate freely; there It can establish Its Kingdom. My Humanity once had free time to have Its way within you, so It was always very close to you. My Divine Will let Me do this to prepare you for the larger field of action extended by endless Fiat. That’s how It acts, and anyhow, It doesn’t keep Me from being with you, because we are inseparable. When I’m with you, one of the things I love to do is to tie a thread of My Will’s light to you so I can make you fly into Its immensity like a tiny bird. I fling you into Its innumerable actions while holding on to the string with My hands. Whenever you wander away within Its actions and lose sight of Me, I wait until you follow all My Divine Will’s action and then pull you back to Me by the string.”

“You couldn’t follow all of Its actions before because you would follow the small circle of My Humanity’s actions, something rather small compared to the actions of My Divine Volition. That’s why each of your actions and all of your pain brought you a close encounter with your Jesus, and all the while I busy making you into a faithful copy My Humanity. I had to keep the brush in My hand to paint My Image in you after I prepared the canvas of your soul for the vivid colors dipped in the light of My Divine Fiat.”

“What was essential before is no longer required, though that doesn’t mean I’m not with you. We live together within the glare of the light of an Eternal Will. Its light is so bright that we lose sight of each other in Its overwhelming brilliance. However, if the light dims little, I can see you and you can see Me, like we’d never been apart.”

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August 25, 1927

Relations between the branches and the vine. The soul, depository of the Divine Will.

While I was praying, I realized that I was outside of my body, holding my sweet Jesus in my arms. I hugged Him tight.

I said, “Tell me, my Love, what kind of relationship do we have, You and I?”

Jesus, all goodness, answered, “I’ll tell you, My daughter. We are related like a vine and its branches. The vine feeds the branches the vital sap to make them grow until they can clothe themselves with leaves and grapes. The bond that unites vine and branches is indispensible. Without it, there would be no branches, nor vine for that matter. Without it, we would never see a vine, let alone branches, and we wouldn’t have any grapes. The relationship between the two of them is a bond of union so strong that they share one life and could never exist without each other. The vine is sterile without the vine. It can’t show off its clothes; that would be fruitless. The branches would just shrivel up and die.”

“The vine is your Jesus and you are my branch. We are always together in this relationship. The same blood circulates in our veins, pumped by the same beating heart, we share the same Will. I mold your life, and you embody My Glory and My fruit. It is delightful to rest in the shade under the thick leaves of your branch where I pick grapes from My vine and enjoy them whenever I please.”

I said, “Tell me more, my Life. Tell me about Your Will and how It is in me.”

With indescribable sweetness, Jesus answered, “My daughter, My Will resides in you as the treasury of all Its own actions. My Will would never store It’s actions outside of Itself, because there simply isn’t enough room anywhere else, and even if there were, there wouldn’t be any way of preserving them. Besides, there’s no sanctity out there, it wouldn’t be decent. These are just a few of the reasons why It can’t keep them anywhere else but within Itself. No one else would ever have the space to receive all the heavens, complete with their stars, and the sun with its great expanse of light. Neither would there be anyone who could contain the vast waters of the sea and the earth with all its great variety of plants. My Divine Will needs only Itself to save Its own actions.”

“My Will stores all Its actions within you simply because It resides there where Its Fiat can have the immense scale and sanctity worthy of Itself. Try to understand what makes My Eternal Fiat content, finding space in a creature where It can store Its actions. After all, that’s the main reason they were performed in the first place. So, all the acts of My Divine Will are inside you, and it is from there they shall be released for their own well deserved glory. It is only then that It will have the satisfaction of being adequately compensated for Its actions as the creature gives glory to Its light, Its sanctity and to Its very immensity. The kisses, glory and love she returns inspire It to perform ever more beautiful actions, as befits My Eternal Fiat. It then deposits these new actions in her treasury, and the cycle continues as she compensates It with the glory of new love and kisses.”

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“That’s why, wherever My Will is, there are heavens, sun, sea and everything else, including every one of Its works, without exception. It holds everything and preserves them. It has enough room for absolutely everything within Itself.”

August 28, 1927

Sorrow of the Divine Will in each created thing. The Conception of Jesus. The love of the soul.

I was following the actions of Supreme Volition as usual when my sweet Jesus came out from within me. He seemed so weary and sad and I could hear Him sighing in deep sorrow.

I said, “What’s the matter? What is it, my Love? Tell me, why are You so sad? What’s troubling You?”

And Jesus, “My daughter, if you knew how much sorrow comes into My Will, you’d be crying too. My Will moves in Its one continual action throughout Creation, encompassing everything. It offers Its unending action to each creature from within all creation. It looks for Its own Will so It can present Its actions to them, however, human are so covered in mud that It has to arrange the preservation of Its actions someplace else. Just the idea of putting the nobility, sanctity and purity of Its Divine Actions in the mud is enough to torment It with sorrow. It suffers intensely because It wants to store Its actions in the creature, yet It cannot because the ensemble of Its own Divine Will in those actions is missing. As a result, I feel Its sorrow in each of Its own actions, as well as in every action that It allows the creatures to perform themselves.”

“When the creature speaks, operates or walks, it is My Divine Will that is the primary cause moving her every word, work and step. Yet she doesn’t even bother to look at It. She leaves off to one side as if My Volition didn’t have anything to do with her, and all the while It supports the most vital and essential part of her action. It grieves so much over each of the creature’s actions because It sees that she neither recognizes nor looks at It and has no love whatsoever for It. Everything in Creation is done by My Will, without exception. It is constantly in the act of giving Its light to creatures as It looks to see if Its own Volition is there within them to receive the homage and glory for Its light. When It doesn’t see that, It grieves because there is no sign of Its light, only a cold darkness that is an offense to Its heat and light. It’s so sad.”

“My Volition is continually acting through the air by breathing in It, a vital act that gives life to creatures as they breathe the air. Yet, even though It gives life, It sees no sign of the breath of Its own Divine Volition breathing in synch with the creature as It forms Divine Life in her. Giving life can be so sad when I can’t form it within them. There are so many things My Will has to do just to grow food. It has to synchronize the earth, wind, sun, air, water and seed to arrange for this food to be given to creatures in a way that can show Its own Will at work in them. However, all this is done in vain, and Its sorrow continues to get worse.”

“My Will does everything in Creation. It performs Its primary act of life in absolutely everything. It runs and runs toward the creature without ever stopping. It runs in the wind, the water, in the earth’s flowery fields, the waves of the sea, the outstretched heavens and everywhere else. It runs looking for Its Will in creatures, and It feels sad about everything because It can’t find Itself in creatures. Its own actions are snatched away without ever serving Its own Volition. If the creature could only read the letters and words of

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My Divine Fiat in everything she sees, hears, touches or takes, she would read the endless sorrow of My Volition. It keeps running, looking for My Will within them, and It will always do so because that’s the only reason Man and Creation were made. It continues to sustain creatures for the sole purpose of ending such enduring sorrow.” “This is why I care so much about letting people know about My Divine Will, so It can rule and dominate. It will give everything to Its own children because they alone can revise the word sorrow to spell out the letters meaning ‘joy’, ‘glory’ and ‘happiness’ in all created things. They will receive Divine Will through them, and they will let It find Itself within them. Then My Will can receive due homage and glory for the actions It performs throughout Creation.”

Then, I continued following the actions of the Supreme Volition until I got to where the Sovereign Queen conceived in Her purest womb.

I thought, “Her Highness, my Celestial Mother provided Her blood, Her love and the Divine Will reigning within Her to form the Conception of the Word inside Herself. That’s what I want to do. I want to offer my love, pain and the Divine Will reigning within me as She conceives in Her womb. I want to put everything I can into the Conception of Jesus as an adoration to the Eternal Fiat as It performs such a great act. Moreover, having given myself, I want Him to be conceived in me.”

Then I thought, “I may be strange, as usual, however, after all, it is my love I want to give to Jesus, it is His very Divine Will for the honor and glory of His Conception.”

That was when Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, I move your soul to do what I want, and quite often, I don’t even tell you why. My Divine Will performed Its first act in the Conception of Myself, the Eternal Word. On the other hand, Your own love, along with your actions, are acts of justice required for the Conception of the Divine Will in the Humanity of your Jesus. The first Kingdom It established was in My Humanity.”

“To merit the privilege of having It reign in you, it is right and just that It demanded your love as It conceived in My Humanity. There is no past or future for My Supreme Fiat, everything is in the present moment. As I conceived in the Sovereign Queen, I also conceived in your love, your pain and in that same Volition that was to reign within you. Now, however, you only have to give Its own rights to It, and whatever else It might need to conceive in you. This earns you the privilege of It establishing Its Kingdom within you, scepter in hand to command with absolute dominion.”

“What seems to you like something merely odd is actually a part of the primal action of Divine Will. Your Jesus looked upon you and took you by the hand into that very act when He conceived in the maternal womb, so you could place your love and your pain there. It is right and just that you act as part of that great action that began the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the human family.”

“That’s why I call on your love to bind itself to all the actions I performed while on earth. You must never let even one of them one escape you. It is right and just that My Will demands this because they are the connecting links that give you the privilege of having It reign within you. So don’t worry, just follow your Jesus.”

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Then I started thinking again about the sorrow felt by the Divine Will in Creation. I wish I had one life for each sorrow It feels, so I could sweeten such an enduring sadness. I was still meditating on the sorrow Fiat suffers because of creatures when my lovable Jesus came out from within me.

He said, “My daughter, My Divine Volition cannot allow the acts of My Will to enter the creature if It cannot find Itself residing there. Creatures lack the capacity, sanctity and dignity. There’s not enough space to hold even one single act of Supreme Will. This is just one of Its many sorrows. Nevertheless, by virtue of Its good nature, It still gives Its blessings.”

“It’s like the sun that benefits the earth, without residing in it. If it did, the earth would become a radiant and luminous globe until the sun has moved on, leaving it the dark body it really is. Still, the sun’s benefits keep it alive so it can produce plants, flowers and fruit. That’s how water is. It gives its beneficial effects to the earth, but not the source of its own life. It’s obviously true that when it doesn’t rain, the earth remains dry and doesn’t have the strength to produce a single blade of grass. The earth owns neither the life of the sun nor of water. That’s why it needs the sun’s daily nourishment as well as enough rain water to keep it alive and productive.”

“That’s how My Divine Will acts. It wants to give Itself until the creature becomes like a sun that can nourish the growth of Its life in herself. If It does not encounter Itself in the creature, however, It grows sad. Yet even in Its sorrow, the superabundance of Its goodness makes It continue to give Its nourishment to keep the creature alive, despite her being the cause of Its sorrow. No one else but your Jesus can explain how valuable one single act of My Divine Fiat can be, and how immense is Its power, light and sanctity. That’s why only someone possessing a Divine Volition has the capacity to contain Its actions.”

“Only Fiat can raise the creature to Divine Sanctity and Nobility, the Likeness of her Creator. All the rest, no matter how good and praiseworthy their ability, ingenuity, doctrine, regardless of how hard they work, are still poor beggars. They will go on, like the earth, without owning the source of light and water, are still given the blessings of My Supreme Will, as charity for the destitute.”

September 3, 1927

Until the soul lets the Divine Will reign, she will always be unhappy and restless. Diversity of martyrdom of soul and of body.

I was crossing the Sea of light within the Divine Fiat, following Its actions, when I finally realized how everything good is contained within It. Then my always lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, until the creature finally lets My Divine Will reign within her, she will always be restless and unhappy. No matter how good, holy, learned and rich she may be, she will never fully enjoy happiness in the sea of peace. If she did live under Its rule, nothing, anywhere, could disturb or disrupt her happiness. Otherwise, at best, she would be only somewhat happy. She would only be at peace half the time, which of course means that she would be disturbed the rest of the time, and that opens the way for sadness.”

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“That’s how it is in the natural order, as well. If someone is rich, he has everything he needs. Yet, if he had ten or twenty million dollars, or even billions, he would still be haunted knowing that he could still get more until he was super rich. With no appreciation for the wealth he already has, he will keep walking, talking and working, on the lookout for ever more riches to be gotten. Poor guy, he can never be happy and at peace, when there is no cornucopia telling him, ‘Rest, everything is yours, and everything you want is within your power.’”

“Consider someone who is a king. There is so much unhappiness under that crown. He is afraid of losing his own realm, yet he hopes to control other kingdoms. He yearns to rule over the whole world through costly wars of conquest. As you can well imagine, having a kingdom is this poor king’s highway to agitation and grief. Imagine someone else who is very learned, but has not yet mastered every science. He knows that if he studies more, he could master other areas of scientific endeavor as well. He keeps studying without a break, never getting any closer to mastering every discipline, and his anxiety keeps growing. Every time he encounters someone more learned, he feels humiliated and suffers angst over his inadequacy at mastering every science.”

“That also happens in the supernatural order. Someone may be a good person and still feel guilty because he does not possess the source of goodness itself. He is painfully aware that sometimes his patience wears thin, his goodness comes and goes, his charity is limp and he still has not arrived at ceaseless prayer. He becomes anxious and guilt ridden because he knows he is only half good, and the other half tortures him relentlessly until he is demoralized.”

“This poor guy clearly shows that he does not possess the Kingdom of My Divine Will. If It were reigning within him, he would indeed possess the source of all goodness. It would say, ‘Relax, everything is within your power; you have the source of all patience, resoluteness, charity and prayer.’ When he holds the source of everything within him, he would feel a sea of joy and peace extending inside and outside of himself because there wouldn’t be any way for sadness or anxiety to enter into him.”

“Consider someone who is holy, yet sometimes doesn’t feel the source of holiness with him. He doesn’t have the light that helps you know everything by pointing it all out to him. It doesn’t illuminate the road to happiness. He doesn’t fully know God, so heroic virtue comes and goes. He’s not happy with what holiness he does have because it gives him no peace because My Divine Fiat doesn’t fully reign in dominion within him. He doesn’t have the source of light that blinds the seed of all evil and replaces it with the source of joy and peace.”

“That’s why the world has no idea what it means to be completely happy. It has no real knowledge of true peace. Nothing, not matter how good and holy, is complete without My Supreme Volition reigning in dominion because that is the source of all happiness. He can take whatever he wants from this fountain, whenever he wants it. That’s why I care so much that My Will be known so It can establish Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures. I want them to have all the happiness I endowed them with when I created them and delivered them from the womb of their Creator, the source of all imaginable happiness.”

Later, even though I was following the Holy Divine Will, I felt deprived without my sweet Jesus. I wanted to see Him so bad I was raving in agony. He makes me go through the cruelest martyrdom until I can’t take it anymore. That’s when my always lovable Jesus came out from within me.

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He said, “My daughter, the martyrdom of the soul is greater than that of the body. It is so much more noble and worthwhile; there’s no comparison. The martyrdom of the body is no match for the suffering of the soul. The soul is light; the body, material. When the body is martyred, its blood spills out, but it does not expand or flow very far. It just soaks into the earth, not far from where it spilt. The result is limited in space and time and doesn’t affect everyone at once.”

“The soul is light, however, and when it is filtered, squeezed under a press, it spreads out, rising farther and beyond. No one can restrict or confine the light of the sun. No one can ever keep its solar rays from pervading the entire earth and heating it all. Nothing can resist the light; no weapons can kill or even wound it. All forces together are powerless against the light. Whether they want it or not, they are forced to let it have its way as it saturates them. If anyone, in their madness, should even think of stopping it, the light would just laugh at him. It would win the game with its own natural power and spray him with more light.”

“The soul amounts to more than any sun. When she is crushed under the wine press of My absence while making her rounds throughout My Volition, she accumulates more rays of light to expand more and extend farther. This pain comes by doing the Divine Will and is an attribute of Divine Life. Martyrdom is the most beautiful act a soul can offer and makes her light extends so far that no one can reach it. That’s because it is Divine Will that endures this martyrdom brought on by the absence your Jesus. Matter has nothing to do with this martyrdom, everything is light. Your Jesus is light, as is My Will, and your soul. This light is so enchanting that Heaven and earth are saturated with its warm blessings. The martyrdom of the body is nothing compared to this.”

September 4, 1927

How all Creation is invested by the acts done in the Divine Will.

I was still making my rounds throughout all Creation, permeating the heavens, the sun, sea and all other created things with my “I love You, I adore You, I bless You.” This is how I sing for the glory of my Creator everywhere in His Creation. As I was doing this, my sweet Jesus moved within me.

He said, “My daughter, let’s listen together to all the harmonies of Creation. Listen to the sea murmuring. Within it you can hear an even more beautiful song, ‘I love You,’ ‘I adore You,’ ‘I bless You.’ This is the glory that little daughter of My Will murmurs along with the sea. She makes the whole sea murmur and the waters chant her loving refrains to her Creator. The sea augments its harmony with graceful notes of great beauty and new forms of music. My little daughter vocalizes within My Divine Will and teaches the glory of the sea to sing for her Creator.”

“Now listen to the sun singing with its light raining down from the heavens, permeating everything on earth. It harmonizes with your loving notes in welcome refrain: ‘I love You, I glorify You, I bless You, I adore You.’ The Divine Will reigning in you is the same that reigns in the sun. Its light sings so eloquently of how the love of her Creator flows in the heat. It learns many new melodies and harmonies it hasn’t known until the little daughter of the Supreme Will lent her voice to all created things. She applies her voice and her actions within It, making her will one with those of all Creation.”

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“Listen to what seems natural for the sun and the sea though they do not have the ability to speak. They are amazed at finding someone who lives in My Will and lends them her voice and her actions. That it is the greatest glory that you can give to your Creator. Every single created thing is saturated by your actions. It is delightful to listen to your song with its refrains repeated in the heavens, in the air, the wind, raindrops falling, the little bird that sings and everything else. Let’s listen together; listen to your own harmonies, the ones you arrange with all Creation.”

“My daughter, the least movement, the slightest breath done in the Divine Will, becomes all of God. It is His own, He finds in it everything that belongs to Him. He finds Divine Sanctity in every single action done in My Divine Fiat. He finds His Light, His Goodness, His Love and His Power. That one action contains every belonging to God. They are called Divine Acts because they are the most beautiful, the holiest and most welcome. Compared to these Acts, all other actions, however good they may be, are tasteless, worthless and I am never pleased with them.”

“It’s like an extremely wealthy landlord who has lots of money and owns gardens and farms with the most beautiful fruit trees that have no equal. He is well aware that no one else has fruit as delicious as his own, so when his sons or his servants bring him fruit from his own gardens, he really he appreciates them. He loves to eat as many of them as he wants. If they were to bring him fruit from someone else’s farm, however, he wouldn’t like them. He could tell the difference with just one bite, and he would always find something wrong with them. He would complain and tell them that they were disgusting because they were not perfectly ripe. How dare they bring fruit, or anything else, that did not belong to him?”

“That’s how We are. Everything done in Our Divine Will belongs to Us, it is all fruit from Our boundless farm. The only things worthy of Our Divinity are what already belong to Us, and We are delighted when they are offered Us. However, anything done outside Our Divine Will is foreign to Us. Without the Divine imprint, it doesn’t taste right and hasn’t enough sweetness, light or sanctity. Even at its best, the human will always gives what is not ripe, ruining the taste of what is otherwise so delicious. When it gives us anything other than fruit of Our Divine Will from Our farm, We just set it aside. Sometimes We don’t even bother looking at it.”

“So when anything enters the light of My Supreme Fiat, don’t let it escape, because We only want what We own. Nothing else would please Us very much.”

September 8, 1927

How all Creation is fixed in God and is the relater of the Supreme Being. The sorrow suffered in a Divine way in Jesus and in Mary. Meaning of the forty days in the desert.

The Supreme Volition holds all Creation in the palm of Its hand. As I continue flying in it, I have to hover from one created thing to another, like a honey bee. I try to gather all the glory I can from them, so I can give it to my Creator. I want to repay Him with my love for everything He has done out of love for me and for everyone.

As I was flying about, my beloved Jesus moved inside me.

Page 40: Fiat Volume 22 -€¦ · Web viewI don’t think I can do this anymore, it’s too hard. I wish I were allowed to fly to my Celestial Fatherland where I would no

He said, “My daughter, when Our Divinity called all of Creation into existence, It bound It within Itself. The heavens keep their ties with God, where they are firmly attached, and it is from within God they spread their immensity. The stars are bound within God, and from within God they adorn the vault of the firmament with gold. The sun is bound within God, and from the Divine bosom it spreads its light, permeating the entire earth. Every single created thing has a link in God, and although they come out, they never separate from God.”

“God is jealous of His Actions, and He loves them so much, He won’t let them leave Him. He keeps them all bound within Himself as the everlasting glory of His own Actions. They are ambassadors of His Being to creatures, and they announce with silent voices, everything about the God who created them. They explain in detail He is purest, endless Light, Love that never dies, the penetrating, all-seeing Eye, the Ear that hears everything.”

“The sun says this, as do all Created things. ‘Look at us, and we will explain everything to you in detail. That’s why we don’t talk; events say more than words ever can. He is the Power that can do anything, He is the Immensity that envelops everything, He is the Wisdom that orders everything, He is the Beauty that enraptures everything.’ Creation is the endless narration of the Supreme Being that gives It everlasting life. As you go around from one created thing to another, you are bound through them to your Creator, and you are attached by the connections of light, love, power and every other attribute they each possess.”

When I heard this, I said, “My Love, created things can’t reason. How can they have any relationship with me? How can they give You so much glory?”

Jesus answered, “My daughter, created things have a relationship with Me; they are attached to Me like limbs are to the head that makes them move. Your hands and feet are not able to reason, nor can they speak. Hands can manipulate and feet can walk only because they are brought to life by the head. They do whatever the head wants them to do, and that’s its greatest glory. If hands are severed from the body, they can do nothing, nor could feet walk. They would be lifeless without the head controlling them.”

“All Creation is like that. Even though created things cannot reason or speak, they are constantly busy. They function because they are united with God like limbs to the body; they receive life from their Creator. They do Our bidding better than your hands and feet obey their head. Just like your hands have the power to do things for other creatures, created things can lend their assistance to creatures, especially for someone who lives in My Divine Will. The Will that animates them is same that give life to that soul, so they consider her part of the one body of all Creation. They share with her all the relationships connecting them to their Head, and bind themselves to her with great love.”

“So, live constantly in My Divine Will, if you want to live communally with your Jesus and all His Creation. Give Me the same glory that all My works continually give Me.”

After that, I followed the act Holy Divine Volition where my sweet Jesus left the Sovereign Queen to go into the desert and watched them as they shared Their compassion with each other.

I wondered, “How could the Sovereign Queen ever say goodbye to Her dear Son for forty long days? She loved Him so much; how could She endure being without Him? I can’t love like she does, yet I suffer so much even when He’s away for only a few days; what must it have been like for my Mom?”

Page 41: Fiat Volume 22 -€¦ · Web viewI don’t think I can do this anymore, it’s too hard. I wish I were allowed to fly to my Celestial Fatherland where I would no

As I thought about it my adored Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, We were both sad when We said goodbye, however, Our sorrow was Divine and not the way humans grieve. It did not affect our happiness or disturb Our perpetual serenity. I was happy to leave for the desert and Her Highness, My Celestial Mom, was glad to stay. Suffering in the Divine does not cast even the slightest shadow on Divine Happiness with Its endless seas of joy and peace. Sorrows, for the Divine, are like little drops of water in an immense sea; the power of its waves transforms them into joy. Human suffering has the power to rupture true happiness, it disturbs the peace. The Divine way never does that.”

“Moreover, My Queen Mom possessed the Sun of My Will by grace, and I, by nature. The Sun was within Her, yet It remained in Me, Its rays did not separate however, light is indivisible. It was from within this light that She remained in Me, following My Acts, and I remained within Her as the center of Her life. We were only apparently separated; in substance We were indivisibly fused together. The light of Divine Will held Our Actions in common as if they were just one.”

“I went to the desert to call for the return of My Divine Will that creatures had deserted for forty centuries and has been banished from their midst ever since. So I wanted to be alone for forty days to repair the damage from all those centuries of human will. My Will has been dispossessed of Its Kingdom in the midst of the human family for all that time. I wanted to call for the return of this Kingdom with My own Divine Will, so It could reestablish Its rule among them. When I returned from the desert, I placed It within My Mom for safe-keeping, along with all the acts of Divine Will that creatures had rejected and left stranded in the desert. She is the Royal Treasurer, Reparatrix and Empress of the Kingdom of My Will. Only the Sovereign Lady could gauard this great treasure, because She had within Her the very Divine Will that could hold the Will deserted by creatures.”

“We couldn’t be distracted by the sorrow of Our separation of forty days, because We had to call for the return of Our Divine Will to Itself within creatures and reestablish Its rule among them. Even in Our sorrow, We were more than happy to serve the Kingdom of Supreme Fiat by putting It in Our treasury for safety. The Celestial Queen waited, yearnings for My return, so We could deposit this new Sun within Her so She can reimburse with Her love all of Its actions that humans had defaulted on out of ingratitude. She acted toward My Divine Will as any real Mom would, as a true Mother for creatures as well. She prays on their behalf for all the life, happiness and joy that come by possessing the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat.”

“My daughter, the number, forty days, is a significant symbol of My Life down here. When I was born, for instance, I stayed in the grotto of Bethlehem for forty days. That was symbolic of My Divine Will being present in the midst of creatures, even though hidden outside the city of their souls. I remained outside of the city for forty days so I could repair the damage from forty centuries of human will. I stayed in a miserable hut, crying, moaning and praying for My Divine Will to come back into the city of souls as the ruler of Its own dominion.”

“After forty days, I left to present Myself at the Temple and reveal Myself to Simeon, an aged holy man. He was the first city I called with revelations of My Kingdom. His joy was so great that he closed his eyes to the earth and opened them to eternity. Immediately after spending forty days in the desert, I started My Public Life, by giving them healing remedies and the understanding needed to reach the Kingdom of My

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Will. I continued my stay on earth for forty days after My Resurrection as confirmation of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat and the forty centuries Its Kingdom would rule.”

“My first priority in everything I did down here, the primary action, was restoring this Kingdom, everything else was secondary. The first link of the chain connecting Me to creatures was the Kingdom of My Will. When it comes to My Will, I don’t hold back, not light, sacrifice, revelation, nor happiness. I release oceans full of them, just to make It known and loved so that It may reign in dominion.”

September 14, 1927

How God is jealous of the acts that are done in the Divine Will. Grace is the bilocated life of God. How Our Lord calls the soul to follow His Acts.

I was totally abandoned in the Divine Fiat and acting within It. An endless Sea appeared and I was inside It, forming my own tiny little sea with my actions. The waters got deeper, expanding and rising around me in a circle, making room for me to put my acts in the middle of the Sea so I could form my own little sea within It. Something about that sea surprised me. What seemed to be water was actually made of light. Huge waves swelled in enchanting beauty as the sea murmured gently, sweeter than any music.

Then my sweet Jesus came out from within me.

He said, “My daughter, the soul who operates in My Divine Will functions within God Himself, and her actions abide in Him. The Sea that you perceive is the Supreme Being, and He is jealous of anything holy done in My Volition. He extends the endless Sea of His Being around the soul to absorb her actions and hold them within Himself. They are the soul’s miniature sea full of her actions done within His Divine Will. Our satisfaction and love for someone living within Our Divine Volition is so great that when We see her operate, We come down to her and form a circle around her and let her operate within Ourselves. Then she rises up into Us as her actions enter into Ours, delighting and glorifying Us as We delight and glorify Ourselves.”

After that, I was following the Divine Will in everything It has done in Creation and then I followed the acts of Redemption. That was when my adored Jesus showed me what He had done when He came upon earth. I followed Him, step by step, all the way back to the tender young years of His childhood. I watched Him in the act of crying and suckling milk in the arms of the Sovereign Queen.

I said to Him, “My pretty little baby, I want to fill Your tears with my ‘I love You,’ and ask, from within each of them, for the Kingdom of Your Divine Will. From within each drop of milk that Our Celestial Mom gives You, I want my ‘I love You,’ to flow. I want to feed You with my love as She nourishes You with Her milk. From within each drop of milk You take, I ask for the Kingdom of Your Divine Fiat.”

Then I said to my Mom, “Join me in saying, ‘I call for the Kingdom of Your Will from within each drop of milk I give You. I call from within each tear that falls from your face and from within the sound of Your

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pitiful wailing. I plead for It in each of my kisses that I plant on Your cute little face.’ Jesus will surely grant His Kingdom if You ask for It!”

I felt much better after the Sovereign Lady said it in unison with me.

Then Jesus answered, “My daughter, My Celestial Mom was continually acting of My behalf, and I repaid Her with another degree of grace. I would never let Myself be outdone by any creature’s action, I am the Insuperable. So, whenever My dear Mom gave Me love or acted on My behalf, with every step She took or word She spoke, I bestowed an additional level of grace on Her that would give Her yet another Divine Life. Grace is precisely that, the bi-located Life of God giving Itself to creatures.”

“There’s a huge difference between an action a creature performs on My behalf and a Divine Life that God gives in return for each of these deeds. The Queen of Heaven was constantly receiving new Divine Lives, so She was immensely rich. They made up Her cortege and She would arrange for them to love and honor Her Son, Her Jesus, Her All with these same Divine Lives.”

“Now I’ll tell you why I call into the present for you everything I did in My Life while I was on earth. At this very moment, I am crying and shivering with cold, wetting Her motherly hands with My tears, I’m still lying in My Mom’s arms, still sucking milk as I did before. We are yet kissing each other and acting as We did back then. It’s because I want your actions and your love fused together with My Mother’s. I want all of My Actions to be followed by yours so I can give you the same grace I gave my Mom, one degree for every action you perform for Me. Do this for the dignity and honor of what is assembled around My Will, just waiting to establish Its Kingdom in you.”

“My Will is in no way inferior to My Humanity, so It deserves the same honors My devoted Mom gave Me. That’s why I want your actions following Mine, so I can give you My Divine Life for each one of them. So pay attention and follow Me closely.”

May everything be for the Glory of God and the triumph of the Kingdom of Supreme Fiat.