fetac level 3 programme module descriptor

CDETB Community Participation 3N2908 Page 1 of 14 Programme Module Community Participation Leading to Level 3 QQI Component: Community Participation 3N2908

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CDETB Community Participation 3N2908

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Programme Module

Community Participation

Leading to

Level 3 QQI Component: Community Participation 3N2908


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Please note the following prior to using this programme module descriptor:

This programme module can be delivered as a stand alone module or as part of the:

1. Level 3 QQI Certificate in General Learning 3M08742. Level 3 QQI Certificate in Employability Skills 3M09353. Level 3 QQI Certificate in Information and Communication Technologies 3M0877.

Upon successful completion of this programme module the learner will achieve 10 credits towards the Level 3 QQI Certificates in General Learning, Employability Skills or Information and Communication Technologies.

The learner needs to accumulate a minimum of 60 credits in order to achieve the Level 3 QQI Certificates in General Learning or Employability Skills or Information and Communication Technologies.

Teachers/tutors should familiarise themselves with the information contained in CDVEC’s programme descriptor for Everyday Living Skills, Skills for the Workplace or Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies prior to delivering this programme module.

In delivering this programme module teachers/tutors will deliver class content in line with the Guidelines for Teaching and Learning included in this programme module.

In assessing the learner, teachers/tutors will assess according to the information included in this programme module. Teachers/tutors are required to devise Assessment Briefs for the Collection of Work and the Skills Demonstration.

Where overlap is identified between the content of this programme module and one or more other programme module(s), teachers/tutors are encouraged to integrate the delivery of this content.

Where there is an opportunity to facilitate the learner to produce one piece of assessment evidence which demonstrates the learning outcomes from more than one programme module, teachers/tutors are encouraged to integrate assessment.


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Overview of the Programme Module

The Programme Module is structured as follows:

Section 1 to 8: contains important information for the teacher/tutor about the credit value, title,

code, etc. of the programme module.

Section 9: details the learning outcomes prescribed for the programme module by QQI. These

outcomes are set by QQI and cannot be changed in any way by the CDVEC or individual teachers/


Section 10: outlines suggestions and guidelines for teaching the module. It contains useful

information and ideas for teachers/tutors and can be helpful in clarifying learning outcomes.

Section 11: contains the relevant information in relation to the assessment of the module. As the

teacher/tutor is the assessor of the work, this section is essential reading.

Section 11a specifically prescribes the way in which learners are required to present evidence for


Learner Marking Sheet: this is the marking sheet that must be attached to the assessment portfolio

and signed by the teacher/tutor and the learner.


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Programme Module Award

1. Title of Programme ModuleCommunity Participation

2. Component Name and CodeLevel 3 Community Participation 3N2908

3. Duration in Hours of Programme Module100

4. Credit Value10

5. Assessment TechniquePortfolio / Collection of Work 100%

6. Specific RequirementsCentres must have access to the range ofservices, professional products, tools, materialsand equipment to ensure the learner has theopportunity to cover all of the practical activities.

7. Aims of the Programme Module

The aim of this programme module is to develop a range of key skills with the learner to enable their

involvement in identified community activities

8. Objectives: to understand the concept of community and community organisations

to develop personal and employment skills in the area of community participation

to develop the ability to reflect on experiences of community participation

9. Learning Outcomes of Level 3 Community Participation 3N2908

The learners will be able to:

1. Define the term community

2. Describe a range of community and voluntary activities

3. Describe the characteristics of a local community

4. Compile a list of community and voluntary organisations in a named locality

5. Describe the activities of local community and voluntary organisations

6. Prepare an action plan for participation in a community project including contact information aboutthe organization, location at which the work is to be carried out, estimation of the time requiredand scheduling details and any special requirements for the project

7. Participate consistently in a short community project

8. Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures during participation in theproject

9. Maintain a daily record while participating in the community project including tasks undertaken,resources, facilities and equipment used, adaptations to the planned schedule and achievements ofthe project

10. Compile a report on participation in the project including key aspects of the organization, duration,location, nature and extent of the project, and achievements of the project

11. Reflect critically on participation in the community project including personal learning, successesand areas for improvement

12. Reflect on the impact of the project on the community or organization for which it was carried out


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and other projects that would benefit the organization or local community.

Delivery Strategies and Learning Activities

The programme module could be delivered through classroom-based learning activities, team work, group discussions, one-to-one tutorials, field trips, case studies, role play and other relevant activities. The development of team working skills and effective communications skills should be integrated where possible in the delivery of this module. The application of these skills must be demonstrated in the Collection of Work. There are elements to this module requiring social and communication skills and opportunities to develop the learners skills should be integrated into the course.

10. Guidelines for Teaching and Learning

A note on the typical learner at level 3 and the possible need for specific instruction in basic literacy


Learners undertaking QQI level 3 span a broad spectrum of ability. At one extreme, are the learners

who will be able to achieve the outcomes with relative ease. These learners are likely to understand

simple written material and to have at their disposal a range of reading strategies that have become

natural and instinctive. At the other extreme are learners who have the potential, with time and

support and work on their own behalf, to become proficient at this level. The vast majority of learners

fall somewhere in between these extremes and are likely to be proficient in some areas of reading,

writing and interpersonal communication and not so proficient in others.

Thus, it cannot be assumed that the typical learner has the entire range of basic literacy skills

necessary to engage fully with the module.

To support the learner develop their literacy skills. create a supportive and collaborative atmosphere

and maintain a focus on:

Writing - for purpose and audience

Spelling - apply general spelling rules

Grammar - apply general grammar rules

Vocabulary - practise words relevant to content and purpose

Research, planning and composing – identify key messages and helping the reader identify the

main points, eliminating unnecessary information.

Editing and redrafting - focus on how the work looks, does it get its message across, check for

grammar and spelling errors.

Communication – listening and speaking skills that are applicable in the work and social


Evidence that the learner has achieved the learning outcomes may take a variety of forms including

tutor verification of the learner’s contribution, learner worksheets, diagrams, collages, cloze tests,

multiple choice statements, visual presentation or other appropriate evidence in the form of written,

oral, graphic, audio, visual or any combination of these. Any audio or visual evidence must be

provided in a suitable format. All of the evidence must be retained in the learner’s assessment



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LO 1/2/3/4/5

Unit 1: Research

Research community - Research is work undertaken on a step by step basis in order to increase knowledge.

When working with the learner support them to develop reading skills, research skills and writing skills. To pay attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension and how to gather key information.

Explore with the learner the meanings of community and facilitate the learner to research what a local community its characteristics and the factors that influence the development of those characteristics.

Facilitate the learner to explore and compile a list of local community and voluntary organisations in a given area. Include a description of the organisation, what activities it carries out, when these activities are on, where the organisation is, who the contact is within the organisation, present in a clear and thematic way.


Unit 2: Prepare Prepare to participate in a Community Project

Explore with the learner opportunities to participate in a community project in an area of interest to them.

Facilitate the learner to develop a personal action plan, which must include:

name, address, activities, contact information, location where volunteering will be carried out, type of work, times of attendance, any special requirements, clothes, Garda clearance, and any other information relevant to their individual action plan.

When working with the learner support them to develop skills appropriate to volunteering in the local community, the importance of communication and social skills, respect, relevant vocabulary.

LO 7/8/9/

Unit 3: Participate Participate in a short community project.

Facilitate the learner to participate in a community project this will include Communication – listening and speaking skills applicable in for the placement How to keep a daily record while participating in the community project which includes: Tasks undertaken, resources available, facilities, equipment used, changes to the planned schedule and achievements of the project. Include evidence that the learner applied appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene, while on the project.

When working with the learner support them to develop verbal and non verbal skills, communication skills, reading skills, and writing skills. To pay attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension and how to gather key information.


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LO 10/11/12

Unit 4: Report Report on experience and on the organisation.

Facilitate the learner to compile a report using information gathered from their action plan, daily record and other relevant sources to include:

Key aspects, of the organisation, duration of participation, location, nature and extent of the projectand any achievements.

A reflection on their participation including personal learning, success and areas for improvement.

A reflection on the impact of the project on the community or organisation for which it was carriedout and other projects that would benefit the organisation or local community.

When working with the learner support them to develop, reflective skills, reading skills, research skills and report writing skills. To pay attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension and how to gather key information.


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11.a Specific Information Relating to the Assessment Techniques

The assessor (teacher/tutor) is required to devise Assessment Brief/s for the Collection of Work and Skills

Demonstration. In devising the Assessment Brief/s, care should be taken to ensure that the learner is

given the opportunity to show evidence of ALL learning outcomes. Each learner is required to work alone

in completing the Collection of Work. There is no facility for this Collection of Work to be completed as a


Evidence that the learner has achieved the learning outcomes may take a variety of forms including tutor

verification of the learner’s contribution, learner worksheets, diagrams, cloze tests, multiple choice

statements, visual presentation or other appropriate evidence in the form of written, oral, graphic, audio,

visual or any combination of these. Any audio or visual evidence must be provided in a suitable format.

All of the evidence must be retained in the learner’s assessment portfolio.

Collection of Work 100%

The Collection of Work may be produced throughout the duration of this programme module. It must be clearly indicated where evidence covers more than one learning outcome.

The learner will compile a Collection of Work to include:

LO 1/2/3/4/5

Research community

A piece of research:

that demonstrates understanding of the term community and includes a clear definition of theterm and describes a least two types of community and names a least three characteristics ofeach.

that identifies at least five local community and voluntary organisations in a given area, the list

should include: description, name, activities, address, and contact. This should be presented in a

clear and thematic way.


Prepare to participate in a Community Project

Develop a personal action plan, to include:

name, address, activities, contact information, location where volunteering will be carried out,

type of work, times of attendance, any special requirements, clothes, Garda clearance, and any

other information relevant to action plan.

LO 7/8/9/

Participate in a short community project, this will involve:

maintaining a daily record while participating in the community project which outlines:o tasks undertaken, resources available, facilities, equipment used, changes to the planned

schedule and achievements of the project.o evidence that appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene have been applied,


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LO 10/11/12 Report on your experience and on the organisation

Using information gathered from the action plan, daily record and other relevant sources thereport should include:

o key aspects, of the organisation, duration of participation, location, nature and extent ofthe project and any achievements.

o learner’s reflection on participation, including personal learning, success and areas forimprovement.

o a reflection on the impact of the project on the community or organisation for which it

was carried out and other projects that would benefit the organisation or local



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11.b Assessment - General Information – Community Participation 3N290

All instructions for the learner must be clearly outlined in an Assessment Brief.

Mapping Each Learning Outcome to an Assessment Technique

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

1. Define the term community Collection of Work

2. Describe a range of community and voluntary activities Collection of Work

3. Describe the characteristics of a local community Collection of Work

4. Compile a list of community and voluntary organisations in a named locality Collection of Work

5. Describe the activities of local community and voluntary organisations Collection of Work

6. Prepare an action plan for participation in a community project including contact information about theorganization, location at which the work is to be carried out, estimation of the time required and schedulingdetails and any special requirements for the project

Collection of Work

7. Participate consistently in a short community project Collection of Work

8. Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures during participation in the project Collection of Work

9. Maintain a daily record while participating in the community project including tasks undertaken, resources,facilities and equipment used, adaptations to the planned schedule and achievements of the project

Collection of Work

10. Compile a report on participation in the project including key aspects of the organization, duration, location,nature and extent of the project, and achievements of the project

Collection of Work

11. Reflect critically on participation in the community project including personal learning, successes and areas forimprovement

Collection of Work

12. Reflect on the impact of the project on the community or organization for which it was carried out and other

projects that would benefit the organization or local community.

Collection of Work


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Reflect on the impact of the project on the community or organization for which it was carried out and other projects that would benefit the organization or local



At Level 3 a learner is graded as Successful or Referred.

Successful means that ALL the learning outcomes from the Component Specification have been demonstrated to an appropriate standard in the learner’s portfolio of assessment.

Referred means that the portfolio of assessment needs further work by the learner before s/he can demonstrate the standard and achieve certification from QQI.


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Learner’s Name: ______________________________________________ Learner’s PPSN: _____________________

The learner will be able to: Evidence of the following is included in the assessment portfolio:

If present

in portfolio

Please indicate where evidence is to be found

1. Define the term community

2. Describe a range of community andvoluntary activities

3. Describe the characteristics of a localcommunity

4. Compile a list of community andvoluntary organisations in a namedlocality

5. Describe the activities of localcommunity and voluntaryorganisations

The leaner has demonstrated a clear understanding of the definition of community and can name at least 3 characteristics of a given community.

The leaner has identified a range of local community and voluntary organisations, no less than 5. The list should include: description, name, activities, address, and contact. This should be presented in a clear and thematic way.

When undertaking written work the learner has paid attention to research skills and writing skills. Attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension and how to gather key information.

6. Prepare an action plan forparticipation in a community projectincluding contact information aboutthe organization, location at whichthe work is to be carried out,

The leaner has presented a clear personal action plan which includes name, address, activities, contact information, location where volunteering will be carried out, type of work, times of attendance, any special requirements, clothes, Garda clearance, and any other information relevant to

Level 3 Community Participation 3N290 Learner Marking Sheet


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estimation of the time required and scheduling details and any special requirements for the project

action plan.

The learner has demonstrated a clear understanding of an action plan.

When undertaking written work the learner has paid attention to research, writing skills and communication skills. Attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension and how to gather and present key information.

7. Participate consistently in a short community project

8. Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures during participation in the project

9. Maintain a daily record while participating in the community project including tasks undertaken, resources, facilities and equipment used, adaptations to the planned schedule and achievements of the project

The learner has demonstrated the ability to participate in a short community project.

The learner has maintained a daily record while participating in the community project, which clearly demonstrates tasks undertaken, resources available, facilities, equipment used, changes to the planned schedule and achievements of the project.

o Include evidence that the learner applied appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene, while on the project.

o During this unit the learner has paid attention to developing appropriate listening and speaking communication skills.

o When undertaking written work the learner has paid attention to record keeping, writing skills and communication skills. Attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and comprehension

o The learner has presented themselves appropriately for participation in project.


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10. Compile a report on participation in the project including key aspects of the organization, duration, location, nature and extent of the project, and achievements of the project

11. Reflect critically on participation in the community project including personal learning, successes and areas for improvement

12. Reflect on the impact of the project on the community or organization for which it was carried out and other projects that would benefit the organization or local community.

The leaner has presented a report on their experience during their participation in a community organisation. The report includes:

o Key aspects, of the organisation, duration of participation, location, nature and extent of the project and any achievements.

o A reflection on participation including personal learning, success and areas for improvement.

o A reflection on the impact of the project on the community or organisation for which it was carried out and other projects that would benefit the organisation or local community.

When undertaking written work the learner has paid attention to research, writing skills and communication skills. Attention to relevant vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension and how to gather and present key information.

This is to state that the evidence presented in the attached portfolio is complete and is the work of the named learner.

Learner’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Assessor’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

External Authenticator’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________