festival foods around the world. grade three by jess monn carla mullins

Festival Foods Around the World

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Page 1: Festival Foods Around the World. Grade Three by Jess Monn Carla Mullins

Festival Foods Around the World

Page 2: Festival Foods Around the World. Grade Three by Jess Monn Carla Mullins

Festival Foods Around the World

Grade Three


Jess Monn

Carla Mullins

Page 3: Festival Foods Around the World. Grade Three by Jess Monn Carla Mullins

Table of Contents• History

• Standard and Websites• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

• People in Societies• Standard and Websites• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

• Geography• Standard and Website• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

• Economics• Standard and Website• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

• Government• Standard and Websites• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

• Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities• Standard and Websites• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

• Social Studies and Methods• Standard and Websites• Activity 1• Activity 2• Activity 3• Activity 4• Activity 5

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History Students use materials drawn from the diversity of human experience to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the

history of Ohio, the United States and the world.



Page 5: Festival Foods Around the World. Grade Three by Jess Monn Carla Mullins

History Activity #1

• Research the history of the festivals that are celebrated in China, Vietnam, France, Antigua, Mexico and the United States.

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History Activity #2

• Read the book Festival Foods Around the World by Becky Stull

• Have the students write a journal entry about the festival they would like to attend and why.

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History Activity #3

• The students will research, using the internet, important people that were involved in the battle that the festival of Cinco de Mayo celebrates.

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History Activity #4

• Using the information from researching the festivals, what important people influenced the celebration of these festivals.

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History Activity #5

• The students will research from reference books, selected by the librarian, traditional clothing worn by the locals at each country’s festival.

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People in Societies Students use knowledge of perspectives, practices and products of cultural, ethnic and social groups

to analyze the impact of their commonality and diversity within local, national, regional and global




Page 11: Festival Foods Around the World. Grade Three by Jess Monn Carla Mullins

People in Societies Activity #1

• Have a guest speaker from the country of China come in and tell the students about their country.

• Have students sample tasty moon cakes.

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People in Societies Activity #2

• Have a guest speaker from the country of Mexico come in and tell the students about their country.

• Have students sample tacos, beans, and tortillas.

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People in Societies Activity #3

• Have a guest speaker from the country of Antigua come in and talk to the students about their country.

• Have the students sample vegetable fritters.

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People in Societies Activity #4

• Have a guest speaker from the country of France come in and speak to the students about their country.

• Have the students sample lemon cakes.

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People in Societies Activity #5

• Have a guest speaker from the country of Vietnam come in and speak to the students about their country.

• Have the students sample rice cakes wrapped in leaves.

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GeographyStudents use knowledge of geographic locations,

patterns and processes to show the interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an increasingly interdependent world.



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Geography Activity #1

• Students will use thumbtacks to locate the six countries on a world map. This will be displayed in the classroom.

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Geography Activity #2

• Students will research the different climates of the each country. The students will use the internet and one reference book to make a list of unique characteristics of each climate region.

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Geography Activity #3

• As a whole group, the students will make a chart of the unique climate regions. The class will then do a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the climates.

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Geography Activity #4

• The students will research, using the internet, what type of foods will be grown in these climate regions and how will it affect what people eat in these regions.

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Geography Activity #5

• The students will create a bar graph depicting the regional rainfall for each climate. They will use this data to see if the rainfall helps or hurts crops in that region.

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EconomicsStudents use economic reasoning skills and

knowledge of major economic concepts, issues and systems in order to make informed choices as producers, consumers, saves, investors, workers

and citizens in an interdependent world.


• http://www.tooter4kids.com/china/ChinaTalk_Chinese_Money_and_Counting.htm• http://www.guidevietnam.com/travel/money.htm• http://numismondo.com/pm/atu/• http://www.essortment.com/all/economicschina_rjns.htm• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_history_of_Vietnam

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Economics Activity #1

• The students will research, using the Internet, what foods are imported and exported from the different regions.

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Economics Activity #2

• The students will write an extended response based on Activity #1 their opinions of why these foods need to be imported.

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Economics Activity #3

• The students will compare the price of rice in each of the countries and discuss its availability to all people.

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Economics Activity #4

• As a whole group, the currency of these countries will be compared and contrasted to the US Dollar using a Venn Diagram.

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Economics Activity #5

• The students will create a pie graph that shows the percentage of individuals from each country that are farmers.

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Government Students use knowledge of the purposes, structures and processes of political systems at the local, state, national and international levels to understand that

people create systems of government as structures of power and authority to provide order, maintain stability

and promote the general welfare.

Websites• http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112187/france's_goverment.htm• http://www.index-china.com/index-english/Politics-gov-s.html• http://countrystudies.us/vietnam/57.htm• http://countrystudies.us/mexico/80.htm• http://www.chinatoday.com/who/h/hujintao.htm

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Government Activity #1

• The students will research the government structure of France and list it on chart paper to display in the classroom to be used as a reference guide for a later activity.

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Government Activity #2

• The students will research the government structure of China and list it on chart paper to display in the classroom to be used as a reference guide for a later activity.

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Government Activity #3

• The students will research the government structure of Vietnam and list it on chart paper to display in the classroom to be used as a reference guide for a later activity.

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Government Activity #4

• The students will research the government structure of Mexico and list it on chart paper to display in the classroom to be used as a reference guide for a later activity.

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Government Activity #5

• The students will research the government structure of Antigua and list it on chart paper to display in the classroom to be used as a reference guide for a later activity.

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Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities

Students use knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in order to examine

and evaluate civic ideals and to participate in community life and the American democratic



• www.uscis.gov• http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13442226/• http://cltr.co.douglas.nv.us/Elections/100QuestionTest.htm• http://www.fairvote.org/pr/global/mexicocongress.htm• http://www.usa.gov/Citizen/Topics/Voting/Learn.shtml

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Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #1

• The students will research, using reference books, the voting requirements for each country. These will be broken up into 6 small groups. Their findings will be shared in class and listed on chart paper to display in the classroom.

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Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #2

• The students will research what the proper requirements are of immigrants to become citizens of the United States.

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Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #3

• Students will do a mock test of the one hundred citizenship requirement questions that are given to immigrants who wish to become a US citizen.

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Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #4

• The students will research the rights of women compared to men in each country. Students will do this in small groups of six. They will then vote on the fairness of each country regarding men and women.

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Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #5

• The students will create two election parties. They will list their party’s beliefs and values. The students will participate in a mock election. The students will vote for the different parties they have created.

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Social Studies and MethodsStudents collect, organize, evaluate and

synthesize information from multiple sources to draw logical conclusions. Students

communicate this information using appropriate social studies terminology in oral, written or multimedia form and apply what they have

learned to societal issues in simulated or real-world settings.


• http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/mapcenter/map.aspx• http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/worldmap/worldmap.html• http://www.worldatlas.com/aatlas/world.htm• http://www.dltk-kids.com/type/how_to_paper_mache.htm• http://www.actden.com/pp/

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Social Studies and Methods Activity #1

• The students will make a 4 slide PowerPoint presentation in small groups of six to concentrate on one pre-selected country of things they found interesting.

• The groups will present their presentation to the class.

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Social Studies and Methods Activity #2

• The students will paper Mache a globe that depicts the specific countries of Mexico, Antigua, France, China, Vietnam and the United States.

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Social Studies and Methods Activity #3

• The students will plan and participate in one festival chosen by a mock election.

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Social Studies and Methods Activity #4

• Using the reference charts from the Government Activities, the students will journal the similarities of one of the countries and the United States.

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Social Studies and Methods Activity #5

• Make a class book of what I have learned about the United States, Vietnam, China, France, Mexico and Antigua.