fenton's unification formula notes

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  • 7/28/2019 Fenton's Unification Formula NOTES







  • 7/28/2019 Fenton's Unification Formula NOTES


    E=MC2 / GUT

    SYMBOL 1


    t / t diagram 1

    / /

    x2 t x3

    x1,x2,x3 = coordinates of gravitational well. Coordinates indicating intensity of

    gravitational curve. Intensity of curvature of space time (stress energy tensor).

    Distance between x1, x2, x3 indicates intensity of gravitational curve. These co-

    ordinates contracting towards one another correspond to an increase in the

    curvature of the gravitational curve (stress energy tensor).

    As x1, x2, x3 contract towards one another indicating an increase in the gravitational

    curve (gravitational well), this will correspond with an increase in the frequency and

    a shortening of the wavelength. Of course these measurements are only relative to

    the reference frame of the observer.

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    E=MC2we can see that mass, the curvature of s/t and c are reciprocal. If this is the

    case then they should be symmetrically opposite.eg

    x1 s/t coordinates c e/m coordinates

    t t

    x2 t x3

    diagram 2 diagram 3

    and in that case the symbols e/m and x1, 2, 3 should be interchangeable. eg

    symbol 2 x1

    c2 e/m or


    x0 diagram 5

    t t

    x2 x3

    e/m s/t coordinate

    diagram 6 diagram 7

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    the same rules still apply regarding contraction of coordinates and an increase in

    in intensity of the s/t (gravitational) curve.

    Symbol 1 x1


    t t

    diagram 8

    X2 t x3

    Symbol 2


    diagram 9 T e/m


    x2 t t x3

    So we can see that by applying this symbol to the universe (metric) that the only

    difference between sub atomic particles, galaxies and universes is the intensity

    of the s/t curve (gravitational well) which is reciprocally synchronized with the e/m

    wavelength, thus causing 4 dimensional harmonic standing waves. This symbol is

    a scalar (harmonic fractal). Phenomena which appear to be black holes and singularities

    are only such relative to our reference frame.

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  • 7/28/2019 Fenton's Unification Formula NOTES


    symbol 2

    c2 e/m standing wave

    2 up quarks


    1 down quark

    Diagram 11

    Symbol 2 continued

    quark quark

    Diagram 12


    So by increasing the curvature of s/t we can create the constituents of a proton, quarks

    this process can be continued indefinitely, although academics stipulate that quarks

    are elementary particles and cannot be reduced further.

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    Symbol 2 quark structure

    U uuu U


    diagram 13

    e/m standing wave



    now if we apply symbol 2 coordinates to a quark for example we can reduce the

    quark to 3 more sub quarks, eg

    quark e/m wave x1

    u t u

    now we apply s/t x0

    coordinates x0,x1,x2,x3,t x2 t t x3


    diagram 14 diagram 15

    So now diagram 15 becomes a smaller version of symbol 2 (fractal) eg.

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    Proton sub quarks

    u u


    s/t coordinates


    diagram 17 diagram 18

    Reductionism can continue indefinitely as per fractal theory. eg,

    Proton sub quarks

    Quarks sub sub quarks

    Diagram 19

    Reductionism seems to work so how about we magnify the coordinates or decrease the

    s/t curve to create electrons and neutrons. The proton can be reduced to sub quarks but

    can we also by applying this method create the full atom, multi proton, neutron and


    proton proton x1 electron

    now we apply x0

    s/t coordinates x2 x3


    diagram 20 diagram 21

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    obviously symbol 2 which resembles a tetrahedron has fractal qualities. Sub quarks,

    proton, electron, neutron. All created by varying the s/t coordinates x1,2,3 of symbol


    This seems easy enough but these diagrams only contain 1 proton etc. Now we have

    to apply this method to create positive and negative forces, plus to atoms with multi

    protons, neutrons etc.

    Whats so strange about this theory is, we can change the value of the s/t and e/m

    coordinates simply by changing *our reference frame. If that is the case then in reality

    there are no separate coordinates eg, x1,x2,x3 etc. this separation only occurs relative

    to our reference frame. This is why I dont use coordinates x,y,z simply because this

    implies separate entities which cannot be unified, when in reality all coordinates

    merge into one eg, x1,x2,x3 coordinates all reduce to x0.

    All these wavelengths must be harmonics of one another eg, the sub quarks wavelength

    must be a harmonic of the quarks wavelength. The quarks wavelength must be a

    harmonic of the protons wavelength. The protons w/l must be a harmonic of the atoms


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    Symbol 1 x1

    E t t

    Diagram 22 / (c2)

    x2 t x3

    x1,x2,x3,t = s/t curve (mass)

    / = wavelength and frequency (c2)

    x1,x2,x3 X = E

    E = x1,x2,x3 (mass) X / (c2)

    c2 = E x1,x2,x3 (s/t)

    mass(s/t) = E / (c2)

    *Im not exactly sure of these equations at this moment. Still researching. Can be

    corrected later.

    s/t coordinates (c2) /

    E = (mass) X

    s/t (m) = E (c2) /


    Diagram 23,24,25

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    *t = time (relative)

    Whats interesting about symbol 1 and possibly symbol 2 is that from a 2 dimensional

    triangle, simply by manipulating the w/l we can create a 3 dimensional image (tetrahedron).

    = X



    diagram 26

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    Again, by manipulating the s/t coordinates of symbol 2 we created the proton, 2 up quarks,

    1 down quark eg,

    Symbol 2 (proton) 2 up quarks

    1 down quark

    Diagram 27

    Whereas by manipulating the s/t coordinates of symbol 1 gives us the 1 up 2 down

    quark configuration of the neutron.eg,

    symbol 1 (neutron)

    1 up quark

    2 down quarks

    Diagram 28

    By superimposing these symbols upon one another, we should get the neutron, proton

    relationship. Some might say, it would be easier to take symbol 1 or 2 and just rotate

    them 180 degrees to give us the proton, neutron relationship, but I have a feeling that

    by doing so one would create an electron of opposite charge and not a neutron, eg

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    symbol 2 proton quarks

    u u


    neutron quarks

    symbol 1 u

    diagram 29 d d

    By not spinning symbol 2 180 degrees we can create the n/p reciprocal symmetric

    Quark relationship.

    To create an electron then all we have to do is spin symbol 2 (proton) 180 degrees

    on its own axis, thereby creating an opposite charge (negative), eg,

    symbol 3 (symbol 2 reversed)

    electron 1 u quarks

    d d

    diagram 30

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    This electron quark configuration resembles the neutron quark configuration but

    with a negative charge.

    Now we only have symbol 4, which is the same as symbol 1 spun on its axis 180


    symbol 4 (symbol 1 reversed)

    Electron 2 quarks

    u u


    diagram 31

    How this symbol harmonizes with the others is still a work in progress. I suppose it

    maybe possible to spin these symbols not only by 180 degrees but maybe by 15, 45,

    or 90 degrees etc, as long as the harmonics correlate. For example if we take a musical

    score of say the first bar in G with a 4/4 beat and then if we divide this bar into 4 more

    bars and then divide these bars again by 4 ad infinitum, this may be possible as long

    as the harmonics of all the sub bars and the original bar (overtone, fundamental frequency)

    match up (synchronize).

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    Symbol 1 symbol 2

    Symbol 3 symbol 4

    Diagram 33

    In reality though these symbols are really just derivatives of the one symbol, eg


    diagram 34

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    So now we seem to have a correlation, eg 4 symbols and 4 forces (e/m, strong, weak

    and gravity. In reality though, as I said before, all these symbols reduce to one (symbol)

    as do the four forces, eg, e/m, weak, strong, and gravity can all be reduced to one

    force, the interaction between the s/t coordinates and c2 or the e/m wavelength.

    If these symbols and equations are correct then it means that 1) the universe only

    seems big because our reference frame is small (low energy), 2) there are no such

    things as particles, which imply separateness, 3) plancks constant (h) is not the

    limit of s/t which is, in reality an infinite harmonic scalar, 4) a singularity can be

    expanded to create a universe and a universe can be reduced to a singularity (x0)

    simply by altering the energy value of ones reference frame. And subsequently

    to negate the previous statement, in a sense, singularities x0 and universes x

    are only relative entities and do not exist independently of an observer. So we can

    say that all the space coordinates (x0123) are scalar and that if we were to travel at

    the speed of light, the space coordinates x0123 would converge towards one another

    till they converged to x0, a singularity. Also, time, because it is interconnected to

    the space coordinates, would also converge, because (t) coordinates are represented

    by the distance between the space coordinates, eg, as the space coordinates converge

    the distance between them (space coordinates) shrink and thus so does the time

    coordinate till we have x0 (singularity) and t0. So now it seems as we travel at the

    speed of light, our whole universe, s/t coordinates converge to a singularity. Everything,

    the past, present and future, all the galaxies, stars etc, all exist in a singularity, which

    the academics tell us is really nothing. And not only our universe, but universes

    within universes, ad infinitum. Is a singularity a photon? Now were getting into

    metaphysics because if in reality what we perceive as a photon is actually of s/t,

    before, present and future, and if our brain constructs our reality or perception from

    light, photons, neurons and bioluminescence?, it implies that our brain has access to

    all space and all time, and for some reason only selects our present reality out of an

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    infinity of possibilities. This actually sends chills down my spine because this insinuates

    that my life, my existence, my death, my birth, all exist simultaneously. This is where it

    gets sinister because it means that I, me, that thinks its in control and making all the

    decisions, isnt. Simply because anything I do or decide to do, has already been done. If

    that doesnt make your head spin nothing will.

    So if we were to continue along this sinister path, we would say, well, if I am a mental

    construct or projected image, who is doing the projecting?. If this entity is in my brain, then

    it can only be me, but somehow hidden from this image or reality which I perceive to

    be me. The persona is a projection then. This also explains why I have had premonitions

    and dreams of the future which come true, because some part of our brain or some

    entity, somewhere, projecting this image has access to not only my future, but all

    of the space time continuum. This explains how the brain functions holistically, coordinating

    cell regeneration and replication on molecular and atomic levels and yet also functions

    in our classical world by utilizing our physical senses. This reminds me of the movie

    blade runner, and replicant memory programming. I believe that our reality which seems

    to be constructed from light, because if it were not, there would not be an image to

    see, is actually like I said before, some kind of bioluminescent effect, similar to, but more

    complex than that used by cephalopods. But at the moment this is just speculation

    and more work needs to be done.

    Is this why this knowledge is hidden from us, because if people knew that their whole

    life has been pre planned in advance and the consequences determined before hand,

    then what would be the point of living, eg, if you could not only see your whole life

    before it happened, the consequences already determined, then what would be the

    incentive to struggle through life, especially when the reality selected for you is an un-

    pleasant one. Would we continue on if we knew the suffering and pain that awaits us,

    war, cancer, physical ailments etc.

    This is most probably why scientists will never be able to localize or compartmentalize

    Memories to a section of the brain or isolate memories to a chemical compound or

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    reaction, because these memories already exist, in the s/t continuum, and the

    brain, just below the consciousness threshold is selecting pre existing images to

    project. Our memories are not ours , they are being selected for us to experience.

    So it is feasible to suggest that the brain is not only capable of accessing all s/t, but

    is capable of manipulating it as well. This also explains why ants, bees, birds, salmon

    etc, seem to have access to sophisticated guidance systems. The academics tell us

    that ants, bees etc find their way around by utilizing chemical compounds and birds

    find their way by utilizing e/m currents, when in reality ants, birds etc, dont need

    to find their way, for the simple fact that the way is just a program that always

    exists in its totality and always has eg, the bird and bee as we perceive them, as travelling

    to a destination, which implies separateness of s/t is an illusion. In reality the bee,

    ant etc, have already reached their destination, completed their journey. It is only us

    that perceives a separateness of s/t.

    We, just like birds, bees, ants etc, are following the same process, when in actuality

    our whole life has already happened.

    Scientists, academics will never solve the puzzle of the brain, consciousness etc, until

    they understand and are capable of comprehending general relativity, in its entirety.

    Maybe instead of looking for god out there, we should instead, be looking for god in


    No doubt, the brain or something has access to a higher realm of knowledge (infinite

    Knowledge) and is only letting us see certain aspects of that knowledge.

    *Why do universities, academics continue to preach Galilean, Newtonian, (classical)

    Quantum mechanics when they are wrong and know they are wrong and only reinforce

    primitive peer trends. Even einsteins field equations are wrong, though the principle

    idea is correct. To this date I have not found in my research of physics, over the last

    30 years, any correct interpretation of general relativity. Why do these called academics

    persist in their pursuit of primitive theories, which have no relevance anywhere, except

    in their own ego.

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    Ok, back to the physics.

    It must always be kept in mind that the x coordinates are not positions or locations

    in space, but represent the value of the curvature of s/t or the intensity of curvature

    of a gravitational well (stress energy tensor).

    So weve got the neutron, proton and electron 1(first electron in shell 1) eg,

    Symbol 1 neutron quark structure



    Symbol 2 proton quark structure



    Symbol 3 electron quark structure


    Diagram 35 2

    The electron should collapse into the proton wave function because they are symmetrically

    attractive eg, reciprocal charge and reciprocal quark configuration. So why doesnt the

    electron collapse into the proton? Because the neutrons quark configuration repels the

    electrons quark configuration, expelling it from the nucleus. This also means the atomic

    hydrogen atom (hydrogen atom with 1 proton and 1 electron) does not exist, for if there

    were no neutron to repel the quark configuration of the electron it would collapse into

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    the proton.

    So now we have a simple atom, consisting of 1 proton, 1 neutron and 1 electron. How do

    we create a multi proton atom, if the proton charge and the proton quark configuration

    repel? The next proton or proton 2 attaches or binds itself to the quark configuration of the

    neutron. The neutron quark structure can occupy the same space as the proton, as per

    paulis exclusion principle (pep) and also acts as a binder between protons.

    Now weve added an extra proton, proton 2, we must add another electron, electron 2.

    Symbol 4 electron 2 (symbol 1 reversed)

    Electron 2 electronquark configuration



    Diagram 36

    Symbol 4, electron 2 has a negative charge but a quark configuration equivalent to

    the proton, symbol 2. Thus electron 2 is repelled from the nucleus by the quark

    configuration of the proton, yet attracted to the protons positive charge, and can also

    occupy the same shell number with electron 1, because the quark configurations

    are reversed as per (pep). The proton and neutron seem to be just phase transitions

    of the same standing wave, and electron 1 and 2 phase transitions of one another. To

    make a wild guess at this stage, I would say all these entities are just phase transitions

    of one another. These harmonic standing wave patterns should extrapolate into atoms

    with higher numbers of protons and electrons, eg, by manipulation of spin atoms with

    2 electron shells, 3 electron shells etc can be created with the same 4 symbols. Symbols

    1, 2, 3, 4.

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    It seems the quark structure is equivalent in form to the particles charge but on a

    Higher frequency or order,eg, the quarks frequency is higher than the protons

    Frequency, the protons frequency is higher than the atoms etc,etc. frequencies

    within frequencies ad infinitum, but all harmonically symmetrical. It must be remembered

    that all these frequencies and measurements are relative to the energy value (frequency)

    of the observers reference frame.

    The frequency and s/t coordinates are reciprocal eg, as the (x) coordinates move further

    apart indicating a flattening of space or a decrease in the intensity of the s/t curve, the

    frequency decreases and the wavelength increases. Then as the (x) coordinates move closer

    together (contract) indicating an increase in intensity of the s/t curve, the frequency

    increases and the w/l decreases.

    When the s/t coordinates are infinitely separated, the wavelength becomes infinite and the

    frequency reduces to zero.eg,


    = , = 0

    diagram 37

    x2 x3

    x1,2,,3,t, =

    = 0

    *All measurements are relative to the observers frame of reference

    This is reciprocal so that when the s/t coordinates reduce to zero, the frequency increases

    to infinity eg,

    x1 = 0, =

    0 0

    0 diagram 38

    x2 0 x3

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    This symbol is a harmonic scalar fractal which means that (h) plancks constant is only a

    relative value and is not constant at all, but relative to the reference frame of the observer.

    So at the end of the day we have 2 anomalies 1) an atomic hydrogen atom consisting of 1

    electron and 1 proton cannot exist 2) the quark structure of electron 1 and electron 2 are

    attractive and should over power the repulsive electric charge to collapse into one another.It could be that quark attraction does not extend over long distances. But it must have a

    quark harmonic, latent or not, for if it didnt it would collapse into the proton.

    Weve got a proton 1, neutron 1, and proton 2 in the nucleus. Now we add another neutron

    neutron 2. Neutron 2 although repelled by the quark structure of neutron 1, attaches itself

    to proton 2, and proton 1, whos quark structure is attractive, thereby creating a kind of

    harmonic standing wave.


    neutron neutron

    proton diagram 39

    n1 p1 n2 p2

    diagram 40

    n1 p1 n2 p2

    *p2 should fold over and bind with n1. It must be remembered that these diagrams are

    only 2 dimensional representations of a 4 dimensional standing wave.

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    P2, proton 2 should fold over and bind to n1, neutron 1 thereby creating a 4 dimensional

    e/m standing wave.

    These are obviously rough diagrams as in reality the proton and neutron should be able to

    occupy the same s/t, according to (pep).

    So we can see this tetrahedron like symbol or fentonsunification formula, as I call it can be

    applied not only to physical and entities but literally everything, eg, take this symbol and

    superimpose it on for instance, the human cell then you have a tripartite harmonic, similar

    to musical harmonics. With the cell you have, dna, rna, enzymes. Apply this formula to light

    and you have a wavelength, frequency and amplitude. Apply it to Hegelian dialectics and

    you get, thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Apply it to a human arm and you get, a hand, lower

    arm and upper arm. But what Im going to tell you next will blow your mind. For I am going

    to tell you what god is. How light is conscious. How the holographic universe and the

    holonomic brain function holistically to create consciousness and the universe.

    Remember before, earlier in this book when I explained how by accelerating our reference

    frame relative to our universe, the universe actually shrinks to the size of a singularity, x0,

    eg, if we were to travel at the speed of light, the universe would contract to zero dimensions

    x0. But imagine now that instead of accelerating to the speed of light, we accelerate to just

    below the speed of light, so that the universe instead of contracting to a singularity,

    contracted to the size of a brain. And thats exactly what the universe is, a brain. You are

    quite literally, inside a brain, and thats how light seems to be conscious yet without

    substance. We cannot perceive the inherent interconnectedness of the universe and all

    things because of our limited reference frame (sub light speed). This explains the

    holographic universe, the holonomic brain, the constancy of light, the e.p.r experiment, and

    jungs synchronicity, a causal principle. So we can see that fentons unification formula

    unifies everything, including god.

    This symbol, symbol 1, must be the key to everything and without a thorough understanding

    of it, we will be forever just talking monkeys. This tetrahedron like symbol though is

    completely useless without the s/t coordinates and e/m wavelength and frequency.

    So the universe is actually a brain and only appears as empty space from our perspective(reference frame). Then if we were to expand on this concept, (the universe contracting to

    the size of a brain), then that brain must be situated in its own universe, which can also

    contract to the size of a brain. So we have brains within brains, and all harmonics of one

    another, ad infinitum, fractal membrane. I say brain, singular because all these brains

    are actually one brain, a fractal membrane.

    Einstein, planck, Poincare, etc, could never unify quantum and general relativity because

    they used classical mechanics (physics) derived from Newtonian and Galilean formulas,

    which are incorrect.

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    *All measurements are relative to the observers frame of reference and are infinitely

    harmonically scalared.

    The reason academics have never figured out how to unify relativity and quantum is

    because they perceive mass as a force, solid or particle, when really they should have been

    using my formula, symbol 1, then mass becomes not a physical quantity or force but a

    measurement of the intensity of curvature of s/t.


    symbol 1

    t t

    diagram 41

    x2 t x3

    So to create a true grand unified theory, mass and light should be interchangeable,eg, at a

    certain value, they should unify into one entity, this would be a true unification. Is it possible

    for x1,2,3,t, and to merge into one component(entity)? I believe so, eg, if we take the

    coordinates, x1,2,3, and superimpose them over a galaxy, we find that within this galaxian

    coordinate system, we find that many frequencies and wavelengths can be detected, due to

    the frequencies produced by billions of stars within that coordinate system. If we now

    contract the s/t coordinates, thereby condensing the galaxy relative to our reference frame

    (basically meaning the galaxy shrinks relative to us, the observer), to a state where a

    singularity is produced (x0), then also all the light sources must be condensed into one

    frequency, merging, x0 with . So we have manipulated the s/t coordinates to give us a

    unified frequency.eg, if I were to accelerate to near the speed of light, my coordinate

    system, (mass) would Increase relative to the galaxian coordinate values, to a point where

    at the speed of light, the galaxian coordinate system x1x2x3, would shrink to x0, indicatingan infinite gravitational curve, relative to my reference frame (speed of light).

    Some might say, Of course the galaxian coordinate system galaxy shrinks relative to you,

    thats because you are travelling away from it at the speed of light, so the galaxy will just

    fade into the distance, just as any other object does when it recedes into the distance.

    Wrong, distance and separateness are illusions. What really happens when you travel at

    near the speed of light is that, as the distance increases, your mass also increases.eg, if I

    am standing on the earth and then accelerate away at near the speed of light, an academic

    will say, in 1 sec you should be approx 186,000 miles from earth, because obviously the

    speed of light is 186,000 mps. Wrong, what the academics dont tell you is that your mass,

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    s/t coordinates also increase, so in reality, you dont move or go anywhere, you increase

    mass. This extra mass, you could say, in simplistic terms compensates for the supposed

    distance travelled.eg, academics will say,if I am standing on earth and then accelerate away

    at the speed of light, 186,000 mps, in 1 sec I am 186,000 miles away. This is incorrect.eg,


    186,000 miles

    me 1 sec me diagram 44

    * This is what academics tell us. This is incorrect.


    1 me


    Diagram 45

    186,000 miles

    1 sec

    *this is what really happens, an increase in mass. If I were to look at earth from this

    reference frame, it would not be 186,000 miles away, it would still be in the same place but

    would have shrunk to a singularity, x0, relative to my reference frame (c).

    Now, when I look around at the universe everything seems separate, objects, stars, atoms,even time, past, present and future. But if I were to accelerate to the speed of light, the

    universe would contract (shrink) to the size of a singularity, x0, where all space time, past,

    present and future, and all mass, stars, galaxies, atoms etc, would merge into one.

    There would be no distance, past, present or future. All s/t would unify at x0. The frequency

    produced by a true singularity, should be infinite. w/l = 0, f() = . Then if I were to de

    accelerate back to normal, everything would appear as separate again, objects, distance,

    past, present and future.

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    If this is the case, then obviously what we perceive as separateness, past, present and

    future are illusions and only relative to our reference frame. In reality, all things being


    Lets deviate to harmonics for a sec and use the guitar as an analogy. The nut and the bridge

    represent the nodes. Take the sixth string and tune it to E. This represents the universal

    overtone or fundamental frequency. Now, if I place my finger on the 12th

    fret, or move up

    an octave, I still produce an E, but one of higher frequency and shorter w/l. if I were to

    move up another octave, the frequency would be even higher and the w/l even shorter. If I

    were to repeat this process over and over, there would come a point where the distance

    between my finger on the fret board (node), and the bridge (node), would become so short

    that, taken as an analogy for an e/m wave trapped in gravitational well, that the frequency

    would become infinite, and the w/l zero.

    So we see that moving from the, light speed universe to the, planck universe is only a

    matter of harmonic scale. A more simpler example would be that, the universal guitar string

    is equivalent to the universal overtone, tuned to E, and plancks constant is equivalent to

    moving up millions of octaves, but still tuned to E, only of higher frequency and shorter


    No matter what we look at in the universe, everything is just a harmonic scalar (fractal) of

    the universal overtone or fundamental frequency. eg, we play an open sixth string tuned to

    E, we have the universe. We move up an octave, to the twelfth fret, and we produce, s/t

    and light. We move up another octave, and we produce, galaxies. We move up anotheroctave, and we produce stars. We move up another octave and produce atoms. We move

    up another octave and produce sub atomic particles etc etc, and each time we move up an

    octave, the frequency increases and the w/l gets shorter. Obviously the above is an over

    simplified analogy and must be extended into 4 dimensions.

    *In the movie, close encounters of the third kind, harmonics play a major role, especially in

    the end scenes, when harmonic sounds are synchronized with the color (light) spectrum. I

    wonder if spielberg was aware of the significance of these scenes.

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    Symbol 1 s/t coordinates symbol 2 s/t coordinates

    Neutron proton

    Symbol 3 s/t coordinates symbol 4 s/t coordinates

    Electron 1 electron 2

    Diagram 49

    s/t coordinates of symbols 1,2,3,4


    diagram 50

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    symbol 1 e/m w/l symbol 2 e/m w/l

    neutron proton

    symbol 3 e/m w/l symbol 4 e/m w/l

    electron 1 electron 2

    e/m coordinates symbols 1,2,3,4


    diagram 55

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    e/m symbols 1,2,3,4 and s/t coordinate symbols 1,2,3,4


    Diagram 57

    Super symmetry

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