felix master 1961-1970

90th Birthday 1960 - 1969 •Family Visits •Building Blackfoot House •Stacy Born •Anna Hoff Dies •Family Portrait •Visit to Arizona •Going Into Business

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Page 1: Felix master 1961-1970

90th Birthday

1960 - 1969

•Family Visits

•Building Blackfoot House

•Stacy Born

•Anna Hoff Dies

•Family Portrait

•Visit to Arizona

•Going Into Business

Page 2: Felix master 1961-1970


World Events


90th Birthday

President: Dwight D Eisenhower, John F Kennedy (1961), Lyndon B Johnson (1966),Richard M Nixon (1969)Vice President: Richard M Nixon, Lyndon B Johnson (1961), Hubert H Humphrey (1966),Spiro T Agnew (1969) Population: 180,671,158 (1960)Postage Stamp: $.04Unemployment: 3.5%Average US Annual Salary: $4,743, Teachers $5,174, Loaf of bread $0.24

•U-2 spy plane shot down over Russia, Gary Powers pilot (1960)

•Berlin Wall erected to halt flood of refugees ( 1961)

•First US astronaut, Alan Shepard, rockets 116.5 miles up and 302 miles down range (1961)

•Russia orbits moon (1961)

•Pope John XXII opens Second Vatican Council (1962)

•John Glenn is first American to orbit Earth – three times in 4 hours 55 minutes (1962)

•First artificial heart transplanted in a human (1963)

•President Kennedy shot (1963)

•Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa (1964)

•The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show (1964)

•The Sound of Music premieres – remains a most popular musical (1965)

•US planes begin bombing North Vietnam war ends 1975 (1965)

•Medicare begins (1966)

•First black US Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall (1967)

•Congress creates PBS (1967)

•Martin Luther King Jr. shot in Memphis (1968)

•First walk on Moon , Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin ( 1969)

•The FCC bans all cigarette advertising on television and radio (1969)


Page 3: Felix master 1961-1970


Visits to Bozeman


90th Birthday

Ray had joined the college flying club and when he got his pilots license Felix was his first passenger.

Fishing on the Montana lakes was a favorite pastime. They caught lots of fish from that 18’ canoe. Felix, Colleen, Steve & Melanie are pictured but Anna Hoff was along as well as Bessie, Ray and Phyllis. They were tenting and Felix had a VW Bus.

Ray, Melanie, Bessie, Steve, Felix, and Colleen.

When Ray was in college in Bozeman, MT the Hoffs visited as often as possible and stayed with them in their 8x44 foot trailer house. They had traded the little trailer in on one with a bathroom.


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90th Birthday

Bessie, Steve, Felix, Phyllis, Melanie, and Colleen.

Felix, Bessie, Phyllis, Steve, Ray, and Colleen & Melanie in the front.

Felix, Melanie, and Colleen by their trailer in Idaho on Easter Sunday 1960. That trailer is now the tool shop at the Ranch.

In 1959 after the Arizona trip, Felix excepted a job in Blackfoot, Idaho with a lumber yard. So the move was made, a Kit mobile home was parked in Groveland and Bessie opened another beauty salon.

Page 5: Felix master 1961-1970


Ground Breaking '64


90th Birthday

One of the exotic foul they raised.

Bessie & Felix by the house he built.

Colleen in front of what was torn down.

Ground breaking.

It wasn’t long before Felix and Bessie bought some land on the edge of Blackfoot. They moved the trailer onto it and Felix was able to have horses and raise some cattle. He first built Bessie a salon and then a house. The property was soon annexed into the city and their street was named Hoff Drive.

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Stacy -1962


90th Birthday

Stacy Sammons joined Ray, Phyllis and Steve on November 3, 1962 in Bozeman, Montana. The second grandchild of Felix and Bessie and the second nephew to Melanie and Colleen. Felix was 48, Bessie 49, Melanie 9, Colleen 7 and Great Grandma Hoff was 89.

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Anna Hoff Passes


90th Birthday

In the late forties Anna Hoff was nominated as a contestant for Idaho Mother of the Year. The following article appeared in the Idaho Falls paper.

On December 7, 1963 Anna Sophia Sangren Hoff passed away just a few days short of her 90th birthday. She had had a stroke several months earlier.

Services were held in the Bethel Lutheran Church in Firth and she was buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery beside her husband Peter Hoff how had passed away in 1931.

She was survived by four of her six children. Elmer had passed away as a baby in 1905 and Rudolf passed away in July of 1963.

She will always be remembered as one of the most loving and giving and selfless persons ever.

Mrs. Anna Hoff Seventy three year old Anna Sangren Hoff, Firth, boasts 16 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. She was born in Gowrie, Iowa and has been active in red Cross, P-TA, WCTU and other organizations. A member of the Bethel Lutheran church, she has been a Sunday school teacher for many years. She has done much sewing for the poor and for the Red Cross. During her later years she has spent the most of her time caring for the sick. She has a great many family gatherings for the family at her home and is loved by all her grandchildren. She has 16 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Her husband died several years ago. They have five children, Rudolph Hoff, Aberdeen; Ruth Rogers, Firth; Alvin Hoff, Rockland; Gladys Alloway, North Hollywood, CA; Felix Hoff, Powell, Wy.

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90th Birthday

Melanie, Colleen, Felix, and Bessie.

Family Portrait taken in the mid 60’s.

Page 9: Felix master 1961-1970


Christmas 1966


90th Birthday

Ray always boasted about Tucson’s good weather but Felix never let him forget that he scraped ice from the van windows in Tucson!

Felix, Colleen, Melanie, Bessie, Steve, Stacy in tiger pajamas, and Phyllis before the trip back to Idaho.

For Christmas 1966 the Hoffs loaded their VW Bus and drove to Tucson to visit Phyllis and Ray and boys. Ray had taken a job with the University.

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The Lumber Business


90th Birthday

In the late sixties Felix went into the lumber business with a friend and later for himself. Then the decision was made to remodel houses and sell them. This he did until he retired.