feelingsfeelings social story on how to calm down by: mrs. bieber

Feelings Social story on how to calm down By: Mrs. Bieber

Upload: stephanie-coffey

Post on 14-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 FeelingsFeelings Social story on how to calm down By: Mrs. Bieber Slide 3 I have many different feelings. Slide 4 Some of my feelings are good feelings. Slide 5 Feeling happy is a good feeling. Slide 6 I smile when Im happy. I am nice to my friends when Im happy. Slide 7 Being proud of my work is a good feeling. Slide 8 Some of my feelings are not good feelings. Slide 9 I feel upset when it takes me too long to finish my work. Then I dont get to have free choice time. Slide 10 I feel frustrated when my work is too hard. Slide 11 When I am upset, I should calm down. Here are some ways I could calm down: Count to five Take slow, deep breaths Look out the window Close my eyes a minute Write or draw something Slide 12 I have many feelings. That is okay. Slide 13 Everyone feels upset sometimes. Even my teacher. Slide 14 When I feel upset, I will try to do some of the things we talked about to calm down. Slide 15 When I am calm, my teacher is happy. Other kids in class are happy. I am happy, too!