feedback tutorial letter assignment 5 semester 1 ‐ … · electronic and web‐based marketing...


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Page 1: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report














                                     SEMESTER 1 ‐ 2018 









Page 2: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report










Page 3: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report



Dear Student,

This tutorial letter provides a framework on how assessment 5 (Main Assignment-

Web Design) should have been answered or dealt with. I have also appended to this

feedback letter the suggested answers for the make-up test (see Appendix A). I must

say that many of you did extremely well in these assessments, congratulations!

This is the last feedback letter for this course.

I wish you all the best.

Efigenia MM Semente

Page 4: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report


ASSESSMENT 5 ASSESSMENT 5: Main Assignment - Website Design (Refer to COLL Information


PART 1 QUESTION Conduct an Environmental Scanning (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report.

Total Part


50 marks



Assume you have registered a company (any type of legal entity/organisation

in any industry of your choice in Namibia; i.e. tourism, education,

entertainment, arts, retailing, financial etc.)

Develop a website for your company,

1. Develop a website consisting of at least 4 pages (NB: use the Notepad Text Editor and HTML Style): What to include in each page:

a) Page 1: Home page with a background picture, at least 1 picture, company background information and as well as company contact details

b) Page 2: A Trading Calendar Page with a Calendar for April 2018 and a Coming Soon Special List for April 2018 (NB: also include product pictures in this page)

c) Page 3: An Order form Page (create an order form page linked to the home page)

d) Page 4: Develop an Image Gallery Page for your product and save it along your other web pages.

e) The following must appear at the bottom of the website home page: Copyright symbol, year and email link to e.g. [email protected] (link must be operational)

2. Save both Notepad file (source document) and the HTML file (website pages) on a clean CD and submit CD attached to your assignment booklet. Do not forget to write your student number on the CD cover page and on the CD itself. Ensure that the files are burned to the CD. If you submit an empty CD, you will get a zero (it is advisable that you test the CD before to ensure it is usable)







Part 2:

50 marks

Page 5: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report


Suggested answers for Assessment 1:


A Bricks and Click Company refer to an organisation that uses both the traditional marketing

approach and the online marketing approach to conduct its marketing activities. You could select any

organisation along these parameters. Additionally, you were expected to conduct a SWOT analysis

for your chosen organisation. Below are examples that you could use to thoroughly present your

SWOT analysis:

Example 1:

50 marks

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50 marks

PART 2 50 marks

Given this is a practical Web Design assignment; There is no specific web design format

requirements other than the specific prescriptions provided in the assignment question for this

assignment. Hence, I have attached some examples (snapshots) of websites designed by

students in this course which I my opinion meet to a certain degree the expectations of this


Page 7: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report


Figure 1: Monique’s Home Page

Figure 2: Moninque’s Reservation Form Page

Page 8: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report


Figure 3: Gwisai’s Home Page

Figure 4: Nepembe’s Home Page

Page 9: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report


Figure 5: Nepembe’s Order Form Page

Figure 6: Nepembe’s Trading Calendar Page

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Figure 7: Nepembe’s Gallery Page

Figure 8: J Cloete’s home page

Page 11: FEEDBACK TUTORIAL LETTER ASSIGNMENT 5 SEMESTER 1 ‐ … · ELECTRONIC AND WEB‐BASED MARKETING ... (SWOT Analysis) for any Bricks and Click Company of your choice and write a report


Appendix A – Make-up Test Semester 1, 2018



ASSESSMENT 6 (MAKE UP TEST) – THIS TEST CAN ONLY REPLACE ASSESSMENT 3 – WRITTEN THEORY TEST AND NOT ANY OTHER ASSESSMENT COURSE: Electronic and Web-based Marketing CODE: EWB711S DATE: 16 May 2018 MARKS: 60 marks DURATION: 14:00 – 16:00 – 2 hours LECTURER: Dr E.M.M. Semente ___________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS

This is a closed book test

Read each question carefully

Write as legible as possible, and as precise as possible

Number your answers correctly QUESTION 1 With practical examples (one for each category), define and discuss the following online concepts:

a. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 5 marks b. Cookie Data 5 marks c. Permission Marketing 5 marks d. Packet Switching System 5 marks

QUESTION 2 Students are consumers. With the advent of the internet and related technologies, what are the advantages and the disadvantages of the Internet in the Higher Education Sector in Namibia? Provide 4 (four) practical examples of each. 20 marks

QUESTION 3 By means of a diagram, discuss six (6) E-commerce Fundamentals and provide one example of each. 20 marks


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Suggested Answers: Question 1

a. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 5 marks Search Engine Optimisation is a technical process of engineering or re-engineering web pages and gaining quality links from other web sites to acquire top positioning (ranking on the web’s major search engines and directories). Optimisation can generate quick results. Until recently it was one of the cheapest methods of online promotion, as getting indexed with major search engines and directories was completely free. This is still largely the case, although getting high rankings has become far more difficult. It is for this reason that many online marketers have adopted ‘pay per click’, pay for inclusion, or even pay for consideration services that have been introduced by most of the major services. This means they guarantee that within a specified period, an organisation’s web pages will be included in their index. Even so, with these guaranteed paid for models, they do not guarantee that any priority will be given in the index, i.e. web pages are not optimised for search engines and directories. This means that an organisation could be paying to sit virtually undetectable with a very low ranking. As an internet marketing student, it is important to have basic background knowledge of the rapid growth of search engines and the development of information retrieval technology on the web. A basic operational knowledge of HTML is also required for a better understanding of web site optimisation techniques.

b. A cookie is a data file on your computer that identifies an individual computer.

Cookies are used for: 5 marks Personalising a site for an individual – Cookies are used to identify individual users and retrieve their preferences from a database. Retailers such as Amazon can use cookie data to recognise returning visitors and can recommend, based on their preferences, books purchased by other users with similar preferences Online ordering systems – This enables the site to track what is in the basket as you order different products Tracking within a site – Web analytics software relies on persistent cookies to find the proportion of repeat visitors to a website from the total number of visitors to the website Tracking across sites – Advertising networks use cookies to track the number of times a computer user has been shown a banner advertisement and from which websites

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specific users come from i.e. how many of your site visitors come from search engines or Facebook or Twitter as an example Examples of cookies: Persistent cookies – these stay on the user’s computer between multiples sessions and are most valuable for marketers to identify repeat visits to sites Temporary or session cookies – useful for tracking within pages or a session on an e-commerce site First party cookies – served by the site currently in use, typically for e-commerce sites. These can be persistent or session cookies. Third party cookies – served by another site to the one being viewed, typically for portals where an ad network will track remotely or where web analytics software places a cookie.

c. Permission Marketing 5 marks

Permission marketing refers to communications messages that are personal, relevant and anticipated, when the targeted customer has given permission (opted-in) to receive such messages from the sender. ‘Permission marketing encourages customers to participate in a long-term, interactive marketing campaign in which they are rewarded in some way for paying attention to increasingly relevant messages’ Permission tackles privacy issues as the customer has shown a willingness in providing personal details to the organisation, and helps with segmentation Drayton Bird (1993), in his authoritative direct marketing text, suggested three simple steps to the success of direct marketing. Locate a prospect Make that prospect a customer Turn the customer into a friend

d. Packet Switching System 5 marks

This is a method of breaking data files into small packets or chunks to send them across a network. Imagine that you have a data file, perhaps an email or a document which is 2 Megabytes in size. You want to send this file to someone in another country. When you send the file, it isn’t sent as one document (remember the telephone call), instead it is broken up into lots of small 'data packets'. Our 2MB file would be broken up into chunks of 512 bytes in size. Before each packet is sent, it is given a 'header' containing the network IP address that it needs to arrive at and details of the IP address from which it was sent. The header also gives each packet a number and records how many packets the data was split up into.

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Question 2 Students may list and discuss any 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages (applied to the Higher

Education Sector in Namibia) as follows: 20 marks

Advantages [2.5 x 4 = 10]

o The Internet can increase an organisation’s geographic coverage beyond its

traditional heartland.

o New customers can be reached.

o The Internet provides a low cost-effective way of transacting with customers

compared to traditional selling costs.

o A site can be open for business all day everyday providing customer convenience.

o The Internet is a fast and flexible communications tool

Disadvantages [2.5 x 5 = 10]

o Customer resistance to change, especially older and disadvantaged people.

o Public concerns over privacy issues, such as SPAM and chat-rooms.

o Lingering security doubts over fraud and Phishing (hackers) and network security and

stability. (Worms).

o Lack of trust with unknown virtual traders.

o The Internet’s sensory boundaries limit senses like taste and touch which influence

buyer decisions.

Question 3 By means of a diagram and relevant examples, you were expected to discuss the six e-commerce fundamentals and provide one example of each as follows 20 marks

B2C: online marketing/buying and selling of goods and services to final consumers. E.g.; Dell

B2B: online marketing and selling of goods and services directed to corporate customers or companies. Air Namibia web site targeted to Tourism companies, Dell

C2C: online exchange of goods and information between consumers. E.g. E-Bay site for selling, purchasing and lease, Consumer Reviews (,, TripAdvisor etc.)

C2B: online exchanges in which consumers look out for business buyers, initiate offers and drive the terms of purchases E.g., customer bids -

B2G: online marketing and selling of goods and services initiated by businesses and directed to government, government agencies, Local Authorities, etc. e.g. SME & City of Windhoek

C2G: online marketing and selling of goods and services initiated by consumers and directed to government, government agencies, Local Authorities, etc.