federated web map cache server: a “web 2.0 meets soa” case study zao liu, marlon pierce,...

Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil Devadasan Polis Center Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

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Page 1: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Federated Web Map Cache Server:

A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study

Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox

Community Grids Laboratory

Indiana University


Neil Devadasan

Polis Center

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Page 2: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

GIS Map Servers as a Web 2.0 Case Study

There are several different products for creating on-line maps and allowing interaction with Geographical Information System (GIS) data bases.• ESRI, Autodesk, Open Geospatial Consortium

• These follow a classic user driven request/response style model.

An interesting application of Service Oriented Architecture principles.

Google Maps (released in 2005).• Highly interactive AJAX style clients replaced stodgy user-

driven request/response.

• See the Monday tutorial for more information. http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/presentations

• More importantly, any one could use the JavaScript API to make really sophisticated applications.

Page 3: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Building a Hybrid System

Google Maps provide a highly interactive user interface and capabilities (geolocations, directions)

But GIS services have much more detailed local information.• Indiana has orthophotography with much higher zoom levels than

Google maps. http://www.indiana.edu/~gisdata/05orthos.html

• Local county servers have many interesting map layers not in Google

Parcels/property lines, school district lines

• And these tie into feature services with interesting data like pinpoint addresses, tax assessments, etc.

So obviously it makes sense to adopt the Google approach but enhance it with local data.• Ultimately we hope to ties this into representations of scientific

data generated on the Grid.

Page 4: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Browser +Google Map API

Cass County Map Server(OGC Web

Map Server)

Hamilton County Map


Marion County Map

Server(ESRI ArcIMS)

Browser client fetches image tiles for the bounding box using Google Map API.

Cache Server

Tile Server




Cache Server requests map tiles at all zoom levels with all layers. These are converted to uniform projection, indexed, and stored. Overlapping images are combined.

Must provide adapters for each Map Server type .

The tile server fulfills Google map calls with cached tiles at the requested bounding box that fill the bounding box.

Google Maps Server

Page 5: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Sample client runs in browser, usesGoogle JavaScript API.

Marion/Hancock county boundary.

Page 6: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Map of Marion/Hancock boundary (slightly panned North from previous slide) with IU orthophotography, parcel boundaries, and

parcel IDs.

Page 7: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Building a Cache Server

Reverse engineering Map Server requests.

Page 8: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Federating GIS Servers Around Indiana

Indiana has 92 counties• Approximately 15 have public GIS map servers.

Examples• ESRI ArcIMS and ArcMap Server

Marion, Vanderburgh, Hancock, Kosciusco, Huntington, Tippecanoe

• Autodesk MapGuide Hamilton, Hendricks, Monroe, Wayne

• WTH Mapserver™ Web Mapping Application (OGC Minnesota Map Server)

Fulton, Cass, Daviess, City of Huntingburg

Also there are state-wide GIS servers• Orthophotography from Indiana University• Indiana Geological Survey

These are not normally interoperable.

Page 9: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Map Requests for ArcIMS and ArcMap

Map image requests for ESRI ArcIMS and ArcMap are based on ArcXML

ESRI sends SOAP-like XML over HTTP. Note the generated image is left on the server. Client has to retrieve it in a separate step. Server cleans up images every 10 minutes or so (a configurable parameter).

Page 10: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Map Requests for other type of Servers Map requests for other type of servers are using HTTP GET method.

Trick is to figure out the correct format for the name/value pairs.

Requesting format of MapGuide and WMS is almost the same

Map image is directly returned in the HTTP response (GIF, JPG, etc)

Request for AutoDesk MapGuide Server


Request for AutoDesk MapGuide Server


Request for WTH Web Map Server


Request for WTH Web Map Server


Page 11: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Caching for Performance

County Server

Cache Server

Performance is constrained by the performance of the individual servers.

Obviously this is not suitable for AJAX style applications. We need to pre-fetch and store as tiles.

Page 12: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Building a Tiling Server

Reverse engineering Google’s map server.

Page 13: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Tiling Strategy

Google Maps works by delivering map tiles that fill a bounding box.

Google Map API 2.0 lets you point at your own tile server.

• We use this to serve up our own map data together with Google maps.

To do this, all tiles should be saved as the same bounding box as Google map tiles.

• Tiles must have same size, projection, and coordinate values as underlying Google base maps.

Each tile uses tile ID and zoom level as its name (ie, tile36.48.10), so no database is needed to find the tile.

• Our tile naming convention based on Google’s lat/lon to transverse Mercator projection.

• tileX.Y.Zoom, but must first convert lat and lon to rectangular coordinates.

• Naming convention discussed on next slide. See http://mapki.com/wiki/Lat/Lon_To_Tile

Using zoom level as the first-level directory and layer as the second-level directory to store tiles.

Page 14: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Converting bounding box to Google tile valuesGoogle uses an x,y coordinate system combined with a zoom value to specify the tiles to retrieve from the server. These coordinates are calculated using an algorithm which can be found in GoogleMapki. See: http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/googlemap.asp

Steps for fetching image tiles from county map servers that match Google map tiles.Steps for fetching image tiles from county map servers that match Google map tiles.

Example Tile: http://mt0.google.com/mt?n=404&v=w2.37&x=0&y=0&zoom=16.

Page 15: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Naming Tiles Example

A (-88.2, 42.4)

B(-84.6, 37.1)Bounding box of Indiana at zoom level 10

Tile 1 (36,47)

Tile 2 (36,48)

Tile 3 (36,49)

Tile 4 (37,47)

Tile 5 (37,48)

Tile 6 (37,49)

Page 16: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Matching Projections: EPSG4326 to Mercator County map over-layer from IGS is in EPSG4326 projection. Must

convert to Mercator to match Google.

Page 17: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Combine Google map with county parcel data

Map servers typically contain base maps and optional layers.

• Parcel boundaries, roads, and township boundaries are layers.

We cache each layer separately.Layers and base maps are combined dynamically using Java Advanced Image libraries.

Page 18: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Combine tiles at County Boundaries

Marion County

Hancock County

County boundary tiles need to be combined to one tile by use Java Advanced Image Library

Page 19: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Next Steps

Caching more regions in Indiana and elsewhere.• If county uses ESRI or OGC map server, current agent plugins can be used.

• We would like to do other neighboring states and California next.

Build more interesting applications on top of this.• Use to represent outputs of scientific applications.

• Contour plots, vector maps, and other types of layers for displaying results of geophysical applications.

• Dynamic (“real time” layers) to display streaming data from instruments and applications.

Find a way to keep current with county servers, especially when the county server change layer id.• Recent Monroe county example

The tiling services should support multiple server styles for multiple clients• URLs for REST/AJAX style clients

• WSDL and SOAP for formal Web Services

• Support OGC and ESRI clients.

Improve collaborative clients

Page 20: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Observations and Conclusions on SOA and Web 2.0

Web 2.0 approaches are very compatible with SOA in general...• Although the details are important.

But we have to do a better job making services.• We are very good at making complicated interfaces to simple

services.• Programmable Web lists 450+ simple public APIs to

complicated services.

And it’s the data...we need to find better ways to use Grids like the TeraGrid to populate data services instead of concentrating on providing computing web services.• Computations will always require expertise.• Grid software is useful for computing experts.• But not everyone needs this. We need to think of better ways

for archiving and delivering computational results.

Page 21: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

More Information

[email protected]

See demo:•

Collaborative version:•


• Need a) Flash, and b) a friend to also try.

• Buggy still, so you have to login at the same time.

Page 22: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Comparison of state and county data

10 foot contours (1990) 1 foot contours (2006) Missing local roads Local roads (2006) No parcels Parcels (2006) No point addresses Point addresses (2006) Jurisdictional boundaries (2001) Jurisdictional boundaries


Page 23: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Basic Problem: Data Federation

Integrated GIS systems have obvious benefits but inevitably systems are developed by various state and local government agencies.• Bottom up rather than top down

This tends to give excellent local information but it breaks down at the county boundary.

Page 24: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil


We assume heterogeneity in GIS map and feature servers.• Must find a way to federate existing services

We must reconcile ESRI, OGC, Google Map, and other technical approaches.• Make a clean distinction between clients and services

• Must try to take advantage of Google, ESRI, etc rather than compete.

We must have good performance and interactivity. • Servers must respond quickly--launching queries to 20 different

map servers is very inefficient.

• Clients should have simplicity and interactivity of Google Maps and similar AJAX style applications.

Page 25: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Backup Slides

Page 26: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Developing issues

Integrating GIS map servers is not trivial• Different county map servers may use different technologies and web services.

• Interoperability of Geospatial Referencing: Different coordinate systems and projections are used by the different county web services.

• Semantic Interoperability: Different attribute names for layers are used by the different county web services.

Our solution: create a virtual map server to act as an agent server• Translates map requests from generic format to the format expected by the specific

map server.

• Provides a common language and programming interface for constructing clients

• Projecting the information to a single coordinate system

• Standardizing symbol

The agent server by itself will work but performance is not good• Must wait for slowest server to respond

• Failure prone: a county server may not respond at all

• Adds additional overhead for combining images

Page 27: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Caching Server

The agent server runs offline to harvest map images from county map servers.• Images are stored as tiles.• Tiles at county boundaries may be combined for greater storage

and performance efficiency. Clients connect to the cache server instead of the agent

server. The cache server constructs the requested image from pre-

fetched tiles.• Inspired by Google Maps approach• Enable more interactive clients

Image construction may be parallelized/multi-threaded for greater performance.• Potentially takes advantage of new multi-core server architectures

from Sun, Intel, and AMD.

Page 28: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Two Phase Approach: Caching and Tiling

Federation through caching:

• WMS and WFS resources are queried and results are stored on the cache servers.

• WMS images are stored as tiles.

These can be assembled into new images on demand (c. f. Google Maps).

Projections and styling can be reconciled.

We can store multiple layers this way.

• We build adapters that can work with ESRI and OGC products; tailor to specific counties.


• Client programs obtain images directly from our tile server.

That is, don’t go back to the original WMS for every request.

• Similar approaches can be used to mediate WFS requests.

• The tile server can re-cache and tile on demand if tile sections are missing.

Google Map Clients can work with tiling server.

Page 29: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Cache Server architecture

1 - 29


Tile-County Mapping Process

IGS boundary- checking service

County Map Fetcher thread

County Map Fetcher thread

County Map Fetcher thread

County Boundary Fetcher thread which need to use JAI library to combine tiles from different counties.

County Web Map Services

County Web Map Services

County Web Map Services

County Web Map Services

County Web Map Services

Page 30: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Building Indiana Map client Using Google Map API

Google Map API V2 enables us to add custom map directly on Google Map . • See http://mapki.com/wiki/Add_Your_Own_Custom_Map

To utilize Google map API to build Indiana map client, there are several steps:• Register for using Google map API

• Create a collection of copyrights.

• Give those copyright collections to all tile layers that we want to add on Google Map.

• Pass those tile layer(s) off to create a map type.

• Once a map type has been created, it can be added to our map instance in our JavaScript code.

Page 31: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Example code for building custom map on Google Map Create a GCopyrightvar copyright = new GCopyright(1, new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(-90, -180), new GLatLng(90, 180)), 0,

“@Indiana Geology Survey");

Add the GCopyright to a GCopyrightCollectionvar copyrightCollection = new GCopyrightCollection('Chart'); copyrightCollection.addCopyright(copyright);

Create a GTileLayer arrayvar tilelayers = [new GTileLayer(copyrightCollection , 3, 11)]; tilelayers[0].getTileUrl = CustomGetTileUrl;

function CustomGetTileUrl(a,b) {

var z = 17 - b;

var f = "/maps/?x="+a.x+"&y="+a.y+"&zoom="+z;

return f;


Create a GMapTypevar custommap = new GMapType(tilelayers, new GMercatorProjection(12), "Chart", {errorMessage:"No data


Add the custom map type to the mapmap.addMapType(custommap);

Once the maptype added to the map container, this type layer could be controlled as Google map.

Page 32: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Collaborative Indiana Map

Flex data service from Adobe which is the basic technology used to support collaboration of Indiana map clients.

• Enables innovative applications to be delivered in the browser in a reliable and scalable manner.

• Enables data to automatically be pushed to the client application without polling.

• Enables a client application to concurrently share data with other clients or other servers. This model enables new application concepts like “co-browsing” and synchronous collaboration.

The Flex module adds the following collaboration features to Google Maps:

• Map sharing: Maps are kept in sync (in real time) between users involved in a collaboration session.

• Videoconferencing (Webcam sharing and VOIP): You can share your Webcam and microphone to add video and audio to your collaboration session.

• White-board: Collaborating users can draw on the map. For example you could draw potential directions, etc. The users’ whiteboards are kept in sync in real time.

• Chat-board: Collaborating users can chat on the chat-board in real time.

• Cursor sharing: When you move your mouse, other users see the movements of your mouse and what you are pointing at.

Using flex API to communicate with Ajax and Javascript to implement rich web applications.

Page 33: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Flex runtime architecture

To enable collaboration, clients need flash player first installed.

To the clients who subscribe to the same channel which configured in the flex data services, the events invoked in one client could broadcast to other clients to enable collaboration.

Clients can make direct calls to Java objects as well as subscribe to real-time data feeds, send messages to other clients, and integrate with existing Java Message Service (JMS) messaging systems.

Page 34: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Storage of caching entire state Currently storing 15 counties at 13 zoom levels for 13 layers. It is

takes ~250 GB. Takes about 2.5-3 TB to store the entire state to zoom level 13 this

way.• There are 48410476 tiles for zoom levels 0-13, 162561384 tiles for 0-14

levels (nearly 12 TB).• There are ~10 layers for each scale

Aerial photo layer tiles take 25~30 KB Other layers (parcels, roads) are much smaller: 30~36 KB for all

remaining 9 layers per tile So we need almost 60KB * 48410476 tiles to store all map data Layers from Google (Hybrids, Street, Google Satellite) don’t need to

be cached.• This is large but possible.

We can easily spread our caching server over multiple hosts to store even higher magnification scales.

Efficient tiling storage can save disk space.

Page 35: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Current Progress Supports ESRI and OGC servers

• Now 17 counties is being cached. (Marion, Monroe are fully cached for 13 zoom levels)

7 layers has been proved that they can be easily cached. • Aerial photo layer, street , interstate layer, parcel, parcel ID,

county boundary, school).• 3 more layers can be easily shown in client without caching.

(Google Map, Google Satellite, Hybrids). Querying parcel information across boundary. ( MARION-HANCOCK

boundary) Support Geocode querying. Higher resolution than Google Satellite. Google Map-like interaction. Performance and Reliability.

• Cache Server still work even the county server doesn’t work.• Much faster response to the client.

Page 36: Federated Web Map Cache Server: A “Web 2.0 Meets SOA” Case Study Zao Liu, Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox Community Grids Laboratory Indiana University & Neil

Tradeoffs of Caching

Cached images must be store somewhere. More zoom levels, much more disk space is needed.

• For 12 levels, 500-600 GB.• For 13 levels, 2.5-3 TB.• For 14 levels, about 12 TB. (It may be not necessary to

cache this zoom level for all counties. We can cache this level for the requirement of some place.

Difficulty of map re-projection. Latency of keeping update with county servers. Inconsistencies in available layers.