february 7, 2016february 7, 2016 - southside hopkinsville · the 12 apostles: peter, andrew, james,...

Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry Duane Moore Wesley Parker Ed Staley John Wheeler Minister Terry Alan Jones Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards Associate Minister Phil Dunn Youth Minister Scott Wilson Counselor Ann Vander Linden 886-3089 Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado Costa Rica Allan Lopez Panama Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class 10:00 AM Bible Class 6:30 PM Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville. com February 7, 2016 February 7, 2016 February 7, 2016 February 7, 2016

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Page 1: February 7, 2016February 7, 2016 - Southside Hopkinsville · the 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bar-tholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon & Judas. Growth

Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry

Duane Moore Wesley Parker

Ed Staley John Wheeler


Terry Alan Jones

Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards

Associate Minister Phil Dunn

Youth Minister Scott Wilson


Ann Vander Linden 886-3089

Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado

Costa Rica

Allan Lopez Panama

Dorian Flynn Africa

Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM

Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship

5:00 PM

Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class

10:00 AM

Bible Class 6:30 PM

Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville.


February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016February 7, 2016

Page 2: February 7, 2016February 7, 2016 - Southside Hopkinsville · the 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bar-tholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon & Judas. Growth

S o u t h s i d e C h u r c h o f C h r i s t Page 2

February 7th—Be Careful What You Think

February memory verse: "Do to others what you would

have them do to you.” Matthew 7:12

Please begin working on the Quarterly Goal of memorizing the 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bar-

tholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon &


Growth Groups will resume

mee�ng on February 14th.

We are looking for dona�ons for prizes for our

Valen�ne's Day Banquet on February 13th.

If you have a small business or specialty and would like to

help, we would greatly appreciate it. Anyone wishing to

donate an item for a prize, please see Jennifer Sco). There

is no prize too small! We can also take cash dona�ons and

we'll shop.

A sign up sheet is on the bulle�n board! Please sign up if

you plan to a)end the banquet. The meal will be catered.

Sign up sheet to host devo�onals is

on the bulle�n board in the Wel-

come Center. Please put your

name on the list and Sco) will con-

tact you to schedule!



Reedy dates for the

youth in 2016 will

be June 26-30th!

Plan now to a2end this fun week!

The new pocket directories are available! Since they were

printed by the office staff, we have a limited number availa-

ble now. We are reques�ng that each family pick up only

2 copies. If we need more copies, we will consider another


A contribu�on has been made to the

Building Fund in memory of Garland

Hester and Dennis Swain by Vonda Dew,

Be)y Hayes and Barbara Smith

A contribu�on has been made to the

Youth Fund in memory of John Hall by

Hilda Hall

A contribu�on has been made to the

Building Fund in memory of Dennis Swain

by Mike & Alita Johnson and Beverly


Baby Shower in honor of Liz Perry on Sunday,

February 28th at Southside from 1 to 2:30 PM.

Liz and Tyler are expec�ng a boy.

A huge thank you to Sco) and the youth

group for the soup and cornbread. The ges-

ture of them thinking that much of us to buy

the food, prepare the food and then deliver it, put instant smiles

on our faces and filled our hearts with their love. Thank you,

thank you. David & Jan Morrow

Con�nue to remember Pat Boyd and

her family in the loss of her husband,

Walter. The funeral service was held

last Friday.

Page 3: February 7, 2016February 7, 2016 - Southside Hopkinsville · the 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bar-tholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon & Judas. Growth

S o u t h s i d e C h u r c h o f C h r i s t Page 3

Cecelia Hos�lo will have neck surgery in Nashville on

Feb. 15. Jan Morrow fell recently and broke a rib.

Be2y Stallons, mother of Ross and grandmother of

Tyler, fell and broke her hip recently and has pneumo-

nia. Susan Rochelle’s sister Mary recently had open

heart surgery for blockages. Joan Oa2s’ nephew start-

ed treatments this week in Nashville. Kim Wheeler is

now at home and improving. Clarance Gates is having

hip problems and will see his doctor on Feb. 23rd.

Kenda Jones is at home a>er having a procedure to

break up a kidney stone. She will have another proce-

dure on the other kidney soon. Remember these al-

so: Granville Adams, Paul Arvin, Denny Audas, Violet

Berkley, Perry Boren, John Burman, Frances Cheno-

weth, G.A. Church, Elvadean Dunn, Rosie East, Nancy

Farmer, Mike Finley, John David Foster, Joel Gardner,

Raleigh Garre2, David Graham, Todd Hayes, Liz Hern-

don, Ricky Hunt, Marsha Kelly Kingrey, Tara King,

Mary Lou Laster, Jean Likens, Russell Mar�n, Veachel

Mar�n, Be2y McLerran, Doris Medeiros, Ed & Barba-

ra Moore, David & Jan Morrow, Dorothy Newcomb,

Charles & Do>e O’Nan, Junie Peterson, Be2y Brame

Richardson, Ken & Geraldine Simmons, Sco2 Su2on,

Nina Tuggle, June Ubelhor, and Earl Webb.

This week’s schedule:

Feb. 8—Levi�cus 19-21

Feb. 9—Levi�cus 22-23

Feb. 10—Levi�cus 24-25

Feb. 11—Levi�cus 26-27

Feb. 12—Numbers 1-2

Feb. 13—Numbers 3-4

Feb. 14—Numbers 5-6

Camp Can Do will be

June 6—10th. If you

can help in any way

please contact Lindsey


Memorable Words From Micah

Micah, we believe, prophesied some�me between

750 B.C. and 686 B.C. during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz,

and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Interes�ngly, he was there-

fore a contemporary of both Isaiah and Hosea. There are

two passages from his book that I especially want to share

with you.

“With what shall I come before the

LEFG and bow down before the

exalted God?

Shall I come before him with burnt

offerings, with calves a year old?

Will the LEFG be pleased with

thousands of rams,

with ten thousand rivers of olive


Shall I offer my firstborn for my


the fruit of my body for the sin of

my soul?

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the LEFG require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.” 6:6-8

“Who is a God like you,

who pardons sin and forgives the transgression

of the remnant of his inheritance?

You do not stay angry forever

but delight to show mercy.

You will again have compassion on us;

you will tread our sins underfoot

and hurl all our iniqui�es into the depths of the

sea.” 7:18-19

Didn’t Micah have some great things to say?


Please make the following

change in your new pocket


Roy & Dana Staley

1702 Ivy Lynn Court

Page 4: February 7, 2016February 7, 2016 - Southside Hopkinsville · the 12 apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bar-tholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon & Judas. Growth

Greeters for Today

Door 1 Tim & Cindy Noel

and Ethan

Door 2 Lovella Oatts and Terri Putty

Door 3 Sara Nell Payne and Jared

Door 4 Raymond & Elaine Perry

Van Drivers Sunday, Feb. 14—Albert Passenau—


Sunday, Feb. 21—Skip Aldridge—


If you need a ride, please call the

church office.

Southside Church of Christ

529 Country Club Lane

Hopkinsville KY 42240

Sunday Morning Worship

February 7, 2016

Song Director ............ .......... David Howell

Prayer ....................... .......... Ed Staley

Prayer ........................ .......... Roy Staley

Scripture Reader ....... .......... Luke Lu)rull

Romans 10:6-10

Speaker ..................... .......... Terry Alan Jones

Sermon -You Must Confess Your Faith In Christ

Announcements ........ .......... Tim Noel

Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Jimmy Stamps

Teaching Children’s Worship – David &

Barbara Lassiter

Helpers – Caleb Gary and Lainey Burman

Communion to Shut-Ins

David Lassiter and Fred Myers

Sunday Evening Service Song Director ............ .......... Paul Hos�lo

Opening Prayer ......... .......... Sco) Wilson

Speaker ..................... .......... Terry Alan Jones

Sermon-Do You Have A Rela�onship With God?

Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Gary Logan

Canaan’s Kids — Carol Myers and Marsha


Wednesday Evening Prayer—2/10

Tom Rogers

Sunday Morning Worship

February 14, 2016

Song Director ............. .......... David Howell

Prayer ....................... .......... John Wheeler

Prayer ........................ .......... Lester Buckner

Scripture Reader ........ .......... Luke Lu)rull

Speaker ...................... .......... Terry Alan Jones

Sermon Topic …… ...... ..........

Announcements ........ .......... Tim Noel

Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Taylor Gray

Teaching Children’s Worship – David &

Barbara Lassiter

Helpers – Ethan Noel and Hope Jones

Communion to Shut-Ins

Gerame Wells and Brad Dougherty

Sunday Evening Service Song Director ............. .......... Paul Hos�lo

Opening Prayer .......... .......... Ed Staley

Speaker ...................... .......... Terry Alan Jones

Sermon Topic……….

Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Freddy Farmer

Canaan’s Kids — Carol Myers and Marsha


Wednesday Evening Prayer—2/17

Lester Buckner

Phone: 270-885-8392

Fax: 270-885-7615

Email: [email protected]



I have never qualified for anything that would compare to the Olympic Games. Through the


If you are visi�ng with us today please feel free to par�cipate. We will sing and pray to the Lord and express our

adora�on and thanksgiving for all the blessings He freely gives. We will have an offering this morning and we do not

want our visitors to feel obligated in any way. There is an infant nursery located through the double doors located to

the le> of the pulpit. The toddler nursery is located up the stairs in the foyer. A children’s worship is provided for

children ages 18 months through 4 on the second floor which will be announced during our service. Please turn your

cell phone ringers off during our service.

Birthdays Mary Ann Moore Feb. 10

Kenneth Morris Feb. 12

Gerame Wells Feb. 12

Jimmy Stamps Feb. 14

Wayne Finn Feb. 15

Presley Bruce Feb. 15

Be)y Hayes Feb. 15

Anniversaries Raymond & Elaine Perry—Feb. 12

Ushers for February Foyer—Blake Cowan, Bruce Jenkins and Duane Moore

Side Door Greeters—Taylor Gray and Brian Oa)s

Subs�tutes: Neil Silvy and Jimmy Stamps

Serve Communion in February

Preside Tim Arvin Raymond Perry David Lassiter

Gordon Green Freddie Sweeney

Brad Dougherty Tony Vierra

Tyler Lancaster Logan Sco)

Caleb Gary Houston Ray Subs�tutes: Rudy Adams and John Bruce

Nursery A2endants: Terri Medeiros and tammy cowan

Baby Nursery A2endants: Lovella Oa)s and Carolyn Finn