february 24 (101a)

A young hedgehog is called a kitten. A. True B. False

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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A young hedgehog is called a kitten.

A. True

B. False

Prior to 1990 the young of a hedgehog were simply called young or baby hedgehogs. During the 1990s the term of hoglet or hedgehoglet came into being.

Get into groups of five Count off to five Read and summarize sections of the reading

Person #1: 1. You, the Potential Helper, Must Notice an Event Is Occurring (starting on page 93)

Person #2: 2. You Must Interpret the Event As One in Which Help Is Needed (starting on page 95)

Person #3: 3. You Must Assume Personal Responsibility (starting on page 98)

Person #4: 4. You Must Decide What Action to Take (starting on page 103)

Person #5: 5. You Must Then Take Action (starting on page 108)

Come together and talk about the reading until you all fully understand it

As a group, create a reading quiz for the chapter

Your objective is to make sure that a student has read the chapter and understands it

You will be graded on your quiz (Does it show that you understood the chapter? Does it force the student taking it to focus on the main points? Is it thorough?)

The creation of the quiz is worth 10 points

You should have one quiz for the entire group

On one piece of paper for the group, write your group number and all of your names at the top

As a group, take another group’s reading quiz

The reading quiz is worth 10 points

You have 15 minutes

Make sure you follow the group’s instructions re using the book

When you are finished, bring it to me

Go back to your seat

Take out a piece of paper

Grade the reading quiz your group took and then bring it to me

You must give the quiz a grade out of 10 points

Explain why you gave it the grade you did

A. Jigsaw Reading and Summaries

B. Creating a Reading Quiz

C. “Water Landing” Discussion

D. “And Yet”

E. “Skeptics May Object”

A. Summaries

B. How to Actively Read to Better Understand the Chapters

C. Paraphrasing/Quoting

D. Essay #2

E. “And Yet”/”Skeptics May Object”

Due Thursday, February 26 at 11:55 p.m.:

Post to the weekly discussion on Moodle

Due Sunday, March 1 at 11:55 p.m.:

Submit your rough draft of Essay #2 to Turnitin

Respond to at least two students in the Moodle discussion

Due Monday, March 2 at 11:55 p.m.:

Watch the EP video lessons “How to Write a Persuasive Essay and Use Several Sources” and take the quiz

Due Tuesday, March 3 at the beginning of class:

Read “Skeptics May Object” and “So What? Who Cares?” (Chapters 6 and 7 of They Say/I Say) and come to class prepared to discuss

Watch “Cloth Mother” to introduce you to the next chapter

Read “Monkey Love” (Chapter 6 of Opening Skinner’s Box) and come to class prepared to discuss and complete the Metacognitive Reading Log

Due Tuesday, March 3 at 11:55 p.m.:

Complete two peer reviews for Essay #2 on Turnitin