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    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All material and images on this website/e-book are copyright protected, and any unauthorized duplication and/or distribution will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. This eBook is designed to provide information about the subject matter covered. The information contained herein is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor is it a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or condition. Consult your physician or health care practitioner before beginning any nutrition, supplementation or exercise program. Fighter Diet, Inc. (Fighter Diet) does not assume any liability for the information pro-vided herein. Any application of the recommendations or use of the information contained herein is at your discretion and sole risk, and you specifically waive any right to make any claim against Fighter Diet, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives, as the result of the use of such informa-tion.

    Every effort has been made to make this eBook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes both typographical and in content. Therefore, this eBook should be used only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source of the subject matters covered.

    All content and information contained herein is provided as is and Fighter Diet makes no guarantees whatsoever regarding the accuracy of the information provided. To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, Fighter Diet disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall Fighter Diet, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives, be liable to you or any third-party for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages, whether in contract or in tort, including negligence, arising in any way from the use of the information or the results of the use of the information provided herein. With respect to any third-party products or services described herein, any warranty provided in connection with such third-party products or services is provided solely by the third-party provider of such products or services and not by the publisher or Fighter Diet, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives. The purchaser and/or user of the book, and any related materials, assumes total responsibility and risk for use of information contained herein and for any related products or services.

    The information contained herein has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor is it intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease.

    This eBook is for personal use of the original buyer only. All content contained herein is the exclusive property of Fighter Diet and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not modify, transmit, publish, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the content of this eBook, in whole or in part. Any reproduction, retransmission, or republication of all or part of any information contained herein is expressly prohibited. All other rights reserved.

    Construction of this disclaimer and any and all disputes brought hereunder are governed by the laws of the State of California.

    2013 Fighter Diet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    THE FIGHTER DIET CONCEPTBefore you start reading this, remember and acknowledge that this is purely my personal view of nutrition to get lean and stay lean. I am no medical doctor, no know-it-all. I just practice what I preach and now I share my beliefs. There is a disclaimer at the beginning which you should read. It says among other things that you follow the Fighter Diet concept at your own risk. I also apologize for any misprints, misunderstandings or mistypes. Crap happens! Should you have any questions, please consult the Fighter Diet Facebook page www.facebook.com/fdfighterdiet

    What is more important to get lean: dieting or working out? The question is very easy to answer: neither one of the two by themselves. You need to do BOTH. If you diet only you will get thin and skinny fat. Simply a smaller version of yourself. That means the same love handles, the same thighs, same doughy abs. Just a bit smaller. If you instead choose to exercise like crazy with the hopes you will burn so many more calories and thus can eat a little less strict, well, then you will most probably try to get to the goal for everRead this truth and accept it: both exercise and diet is needed to get lean. End of story! So, now when you have read, understood, acknowledged and accepted this, it is time to learn the rules of Fighter Diet.

    THE FIGHTER DIET RULESOvereat when you are hungry. To most individuals will mean eating more at night.

    Practice preventive eating habits. Eat a lot of volume to inhibit cravings.I totally understand you are getting confused here. How can overeating and eating a lot to fill up your belly lead to fat loss? Because it is about WHAT you put on your plate of course. Before I enter that subject I want to explain why you want to stuff yourself to get lean.

    Overeating and preventive eatingWhen are you the most inclined to grab a donut or an extra cookie? When you are starving, right? It does not matter how good a discipline and character you have, those times when you have not eaten for hours and you end up waiting in line at the grocery store, that is when you struggle to stay away from candy bars or other temptations. Who could blame you? Its a very basic marketing trick by any store to strategically put temptations there on the chosen shelves to strike at your weakest moments.

    Now, if you saw this coming it would be very smart to overeat regularly. Especially before you go shopping for food. Overeating fills up your stomach so you lose the desire to eat.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    But it does more than that! You see, the gut is the comfy home for different hormones and enzymes that communicate with your brain. When you have given it no food to chew on those hormone and enzyme guys deliver that information to your brain in order to make something happen!. What these guys want to do is to sabotage your pursuit to get leaner by pushing your brain to signal back Get intense cravings. Now!!!

    So there you find yourself. Your mind is telling you to eat. Your gut is growling. Your brain releases a full army of hunger-digging hormones so you give in and feast on burgers, ice cream, sweets or anything else you set your eyes on that is easily available. What you want to do is to be on the defense side. You know this will take place, so let us counteract the scenario and overeat regularly. Of course according to the Fighter Diet concept!

    Myth about getting leanOne of the myths about how to lose the bulge is the rule of never eating a lot after 6 pm. The saying behind it is that calories eaten at night are not burned off via exercise and since you are ready to go to bed and will be inactive during sleep, those calories will increase body fat.

    This rule is stupid. Let us say you only eat one meal a day and you stay at the same weight doing so due to the calories of that meal being just the amount you need to maintain your current weight. Will that amount of calories make you gain weight if you eat it later at night instead of in the afternoon? Of course not! So you should not fear eating a lot at night. Once again, it comes down to what you eat and the total amount of calories eaten.

    Another reason to overeat at night is due to the human nature. I dont know if we were ever programmed to eat late at night, but our ancestors survived by overeating whenever there was a chance for it. Maybe that usually took place after a long day of hunting and the buffalo the folks caught was barbequed and feasted on in the late evening. It makes sense, does it not?

    That habit of enjoying eating at night has kept haunting us, but instead of running and hunting down our Big Macs for miles before getting to bite in it, well, we chill on the recliner and watch sitcoms. There is something special about eating in front of the TV. Nothing tastes as good as the food-TV combo deal. Well, yes, the JUNK food-TV combo. Oh yeah, it is tasty! Even the worst, boring, horrible movie that never landed in theatres but got straight to DVD, become splendid masterpieces IF they are watched while eating popcorn.

    Why eating healthy and balanced sucksIt took me quite a while to fully accept that my body actually does not want to be as lean and defined as I want it to be. It really sucked. Especially since not even clean eating or simply eating healthy did the trick! I like food too much and I have a big, healthy appetite. So even if



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    I manage to stay away from the caveman habit and indulge in as much as possible in case the opportunity will not come again (which really cannot happen since we are surrounded by 7-elevens, KFCs, Wendys in every block), and instead consistently stick to healthy food choices, I most likely will not get lean anyway. Because healthy food is not calorie FREE.

    When I talk to my clients about the importance of avoiding many of the healthy foods I feel like the devil. How can I be so cruel and say things like Well, nuts are great sources of fat, but you still need to be meticulous with your servings. About 10 almonds has 60 calories. Can you imagine what a whole bag contains???

    If you are obese eating healthy will get you down a lot in weight, but if you struggle with the last pounds you will need a little extremeness in your approach. It is true that the same rules do not apply to everyone. Especially when it comes to leaning out and gaining muscle. Some folks get lean with almost no cardio and just a small reduction in calories. Other people, like myself, need to be anal about diet and cardio to lose anything at all! The leaner you get when starting to really go for the shredded look, the tougher it becomes. But it is not an all out up hills battle. No, that is the sweet thing about following the Fighter Diet Concept: The leaner you get, the more benefits are you reaping, the higher your metabolism will run and thus the more food you can take in. And that without getting fatter again. This is nothing that happens in a week though. Revving up your metabolism takes consistent hard work.

    THE FIGHTER DIET CYCLEEvery human body strives for balance. It does not want to lose weight. It does like to add body fat if it gets the chance though.

    When you diet on the same calories, the same ratios of nutrients day in and day out, your body senses it and gets used to it. The result: no progress. Sucks, huh? So, what you want to do is to cycle your calories and nutrients. How much? Well, the leaner you get, the more frequent you will benefit from having so called refeed days when you increase your calories and/or swap the nutrient to eat less protein and fats and more carbs.

    On the Fighter Diet meal plans typically the workout days are named A days. Refeeds are B days and rest days are C. C days can also be used for days you cannot eat big meals, for instance during traveling or going to a party wearing a little tight dress or social function.

    A cycle could look like five A days in a row, then one B day and one C day. If your body fat drops fast, you can either do the B days more frequent (for example only 4 A days before adding a B day) or simply add more calories overall to your A days. The C day is rest day and typically contains more fats. Day C is not mandatory. You can simply follow day A on rest days instead and skip pre and post workout carbs if these are included in your diet plan.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    More about A, B and C daysFighter Diet is not some kind of ketogenic diet (less than 20 grams of carbs per day). It is not. It is a low STARCHES/SUGAR diet but with loads of low glycemic carbs from vegetables. You see, vegetables DO have calories and carbs. And 5% of your body weight is a lot. See the example:

    Your body weight 140 lbs. 5% in vegetables is 7 lbs. SEVEN pounds of assorted veggies gives you about 130 grams of carbs. Which counts as a lower carb diet.

    When it comes to protein, well, there it is more up to you to choose how much. Usually people who weight train go for 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Protein has calories too of course so if you want to watch the calories, stay with the lower range.

    Finally, let us talk about the EFAs or essential fatty acids. You need some omega 3 and omega 6 in your diet to stay healthy, lubricate joints, have healthy skin, promote healthy hormone levels and to absorb vitamins, but fat has a lot of calories. Yes, even the healthy ones. Yes, I hate to break it to you but even olive oil can make you fat.

    In my experience you do not need that much really. You do need omega 3 and omega 6, they are essential. Recommended dosage of omega 3 is about 2% of your calorie intake. If you dont eat much fish, just buy fish oil caps. Standard dosage is 2-5 grams per day. Omega 6 is more abundant in food, you find it in pretty much anything. Now, the total fat intake should be higher than 2%. 20-30% of your calorie intake is a decent figure.

    I want you to remember that any extreme diet will have you compromise with what is considered as healthy eating. You can carry a few pounds / kg too many and still be really fit on the inside. That is really great, but if you want to look like a fitness model with defined muscles, you need to be a little more extreme. Be meticulous with your diet, look great.

    Day A: About 2-5% of your lean body weight in vegetables + protein + EFAs. EFA stands for essential fatty acids and come down to omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Small amounts of grains/starches/sugar carbs post workout can also be fitted in. If you dont know your lean body weight you can go by your full body weight and calculate using that. However, you do run into problems when youre overweight. Your stomach just wont be able to handle 5% of 300 lbs of vegetables daily. What you want to do here is calculate using your target weight.

    EXAMPLE: You weigh 300 lbs but goal weight is 180 lbs. Take180 and multiply by 0.02 - 0.05 to get the vegetable amount in pounds.

    Day B: Focus here is starches and sugars + small amount of protein + as little fat as possible. I recommend that the protein intake should be about half of your regular intake on



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    A days. This allows you to increase calories from carbs. The more carbs you eat, the less protein you need. The fewer carbs you eat, the higher the requirement for protein.Regarding fats, dont try to go zero fat here. Just dont add fatty items like red salmon, nuts, oils etc. The natural fat in grains and lean meats is fine.

    Day C: is the rest day Fighter Diet alternative you can use to get a little extra boost in fats which has a calming effect on your appetite. If youre eating loads of vegetables and still have a raving hunger it usually is due to too low intake of fat.. On the C day you eat proteins and more fats. You want to really up the fats but stay in your preferred calorie range. Again, this day is not mandatory and as mentioned previously you can simply go for a regular A day without pre and post workout carbs.

    What does it take to build a lean body Fighter Diet style?The ebooks will help you design your own menu. You can also invest in one of my Fighter Diet plans which means you dont need to do lots of work yourself.Building a lean body takes more than diet though. You need to work out with weights and incorporate cardio training depending on your body. I offer multiple workout ebooks. So, to cut to the chase:Diet plan + Workout plan + Dedication + Consistency = RESULTS!

    THE FIGHTER DIET FOODTo learn about all the wonderful foods of Fighter Diet, please please see my ebook The Fighter Diet Pyramid. Also, make sure you do not forget I am extreme. EXTREME. I eat the same foods day in and day out, very little variation. I do make sure I include a variety of vegetables. I am passionate and enthusiastic about my diet so I sometimes take for granted that other people think and feel the same. I know that is not the case always, so be your own man or woman and decide for yourself what you think is appropriate for you.

    This part of the ebook contains a sample meal plan for men and women. It will give you an idea of how A, B and C days looks like. It can be used as is, or, if you dont feel like eating the same foods every day, you can use it in combination with the Fighter Diet Pyramid ebook to customize your own Fighter Diet plan.

    The calorie levels on the sample plans may need to be adjusted up or down depending on your body weight, exercise activity, gender, muscle mass, thermic effect of food and age. Learn exactly how in the Pyramid ebook.

    There are some golden rulesNumber one is to always read the full list of ingredients. Unless its refeed (Day B) added



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    sugar should never be in the label. Example: your sweet & sour sauce is not qualified to use. Stick to plain mustard or go for a regular soy sauce that does not contain sugar as an ingredients. Do you know where you find it? The sugars are listed as INGREDIENTS, it is usually right under the nutrition info.

    How to assess if a food qualifies for Fighter Diet: Sugar is not added to the product

    Corn starch, maltodextrins, corn syrup solids are not in the product

    If it is pre-made, ditch it.

    Pre-made soups, dips, sauces, toppings, fillings featuring high fructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup, agave nectar, molasses: no no no!

    Beware of: Health marketing: chocolate is still fattening even though its sold at Whole Food Market. Zero calories or Calorie free Lightly sweetened. This means they just downsized the sugar, maybe 25% less. Maybe just a gram or two total! Naturally sweetened. Usually that means regular sugar, fructose, honey or molasses. Just as bad as corn syrup or table sugar or brown sugar. Sugar free. Does not mean its not a fast carb! Usually they put in maltodextrin which is a starch. Thus it qualifies as sugar free even though it has a lot of carbs. Only X calories per serving!. Ok, what is a serving? I teaspoon? Many small servings a day add a lot of extra calories Lean meat. Ground meat and ground chicken that says lean. But lean compared to what? Ground beef that is 10% fat is not a lean source of protein. See why: 100 grams (about 3 oz) of 10% ground beef has 221 calories. It has 11.5 grams of fat. 11.5 grams x 9 calories equals: 103.5 calories. That is about 45% calories from fat. Basically half of the calories you get are from fat typically we say 45 E% is from fat (E% = Percentage of the energy)

    Keep it simple rules on the Fighter DietDuring the A days, stick to mainly veggies and lean meats and make sure you implement nutrient timing and swap around the meals to fit your training schedule. For instance, if you train at night, feel free to eat breakfast about two hours before your workout. If you train first thing in the morning, feel free to replace a big breakfast for a snack you find later in



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    the day on the menu and eat breakfast after training. Food eaten in conjunction with training has a better impact on muscle building. Protein pre and post workout increases the muscle building pathways.

    Free foods are: herbs, unsweetened or stevia sweetened tea & coffee and vinegar.

    You dont need to calculate tiny components like a few sticks of sugar free chewing gum or a squirt of regular soy sauce. These are not the items which will halt your fat loss. The items you overload on, like junk food, granola bars, meal replacement bars, fruit etc are.

    Anything that is a deli meat, a yogurt product, a milk product or a salsa, beware of ingredients. On some diet plans you find foods only available in certain countries. Example: Lifetime Cheese is a natural, fat free cheese product which is only available in the United States of America. What do you do? You choose a similar food (in this case a lean pure source of protein) and use that instead.

    Fighter Diet around the worldEven though the Fighter Diet HQ is in US and the ebooks are written in English there are Fighter Diet followers all over the globe. Nothing prevents you from following a Fighter Diet plan no matter where in the world you live. You will need to adjust according to availability of local foods but this is pretty easy. On the Fighter Diet Facebook page you can connect with other followers from all over the world and receive valuable advice.

    A Fighter Diet WEEK TO TRYFighter Diet One Week Sample Meal Plan

    Important Overall Comments: This sample meal plan is based on the Fighter Diet Concept (not FD Pro).

    This is a sample meal plan and it outlines ONE way of how to implement a Fighter Diet plan. On this sample plan you will eat the same menu every day for 6 days (A Days). Day 7 is a sample refeed day (B Day). Typically the refeed doesnt need to be every 7th day. This depends on progress, goals and overall status. But to get a feel for how a Fighter Diet Plan is, you can go through the full 7 days. Day 1-6 the same and Day 7 refeed. For more info about refeeds, read the full section on this after the sample meal plans.

    The sample meal plan consist of A and B days. No C day (rest day) is outlined here but you will see C Days in some of the Fighter Diet meal plans.

    If you want to swap specific foods to create your personalize Fighter Diet plan this can ONLY be done by consulting the Fighter Diet Pyramid ebook (you will need to do some simple calculations in order to map the calories in foods you choose to exchange).



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Spices and herbs are OK as long as these are clean and dont contain sugars or other fillers. Always consult the Fighter Diet Pyramid or Fighter Diet Facebook page if you have questions about spices, add-ons or substitutions.

    All measures in the meal plans are based on uncooked foods unless other is stated.

    On the food preparations, make sure you dont add additional ingredients or fats when preparing. For instructions see general advice on the container or the suggested directions in the plan. Even though I list no oils added, you can use a cooking spray to coat the pan. Its a personal choice and I dont consider it detrimental when used in moderation.

    To promote muscle building it is advised to

    1. Eat protein approximately 1 hour pre workout. This can be a regular meal from the plan or a protein shake. If you choose to add a protein shake this will of course increase the total amount of calories.

    2. Eat a meal containing both protein and carbs within an hour after finished workout. If you choose to add a protein shake here this will of course increase the total amount of calories. Pre and post workout are times when liquid meals are superior to whole foods. This is due to liquid protein powders are easily digested and speeds up the nutrient delivery to your muscles.

    1. Sample plan, A Day (Day 1-6) LADIES MENU

    Meal 140 g oats, old-fashioned (150 cal)15 g flax seeds, ground (86 cal)200 g egg whites, liquid (104 cal)28 g 100% Whey Protein Isolate (96 cal)Stevia powder, pure Stevia no fillersCinnamon

    Calories: 436

    Instructions: Mix oats, flax seeds, cinnamon and stevia in a casserole or glass bowl. Cook on stove or in a microwave (3-5 min on full effect). Add egg whites and cook for a couple of more minutes. Add protein powder to the mix when it has cooled down a bit. You may also pre cook this meal and store it in the fridge overnight.

    Tip! If your bowl cooks over, use a bigger one. If you want a watery consistency, add more water. For thicker, reduce the liquids.

    Meal 290 g wild Alaskan pink salmon, canned drained weight (122 cal)

    Calories: 122

    Instructions: Eat as is. Remember to bring a spoon or fork when youre on the go.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Meal 3454 g broccoli, slaw (154 cal)100 g ground turkey breast, 99% lean (107 cal)200 g shirataki noodles, optional (10 cal)

    Comment: Not the tofu ones, shirataki noodles are optional and should not be added if you strugg-le to finish all the veggies.

    50 g yellow mustard (34 cal)

    Comment: no sugars or oils added, can be removed or exchanged with the same amount of to-mato paste.

    onion powder, ground black pepper, to taste

    Calories: 305

    Instructions: Cook the ground turkey in a nonstick frying pan (no oils or fats to be added). Add the broccoli slaw. This can be bought pre-shredded in bags, or you can swap it with regular broccoli. Rinse the shirataki noodles and drain them. Cut the noodles into smaller pieces with a scissor if you want. Mix all ingredients together with mustard, onion powder and ground pepper, enjoy!

    Meal 4250 g egg whites (7-8 egg whites from large sized eggs) (130 cal)50 g whole egg (1 Large-sized whole egg) (78 cal)

    Calories: 208

    Instructions: Boil all eggs, peel 7-8 and remove the yolks to eat the whites only. Eat one whole egg.

    An alternative is to make an omelet or scrambled eggs, just remember that no oils or fats are to be added so youll need a good nonstick frying pan.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Meal 5454 g cabbage, shredded (109 cal)224 g mushrooms (50 cal)148 g red bell peppers, chopped (38 cal)120 g chicken breast, raw measure (132 cal)50 g yellow mustard (34 cal)

    Comment: no sugars or oils added, can be removed or exchanged with the same amount of to-mato paste.

    1 Clove garlic (4 cal)onion powder, rosemary leaves, to taste200 g shirataki noodles (10 cal)

    Comment: Not the Tofu ones, shirataki noodles are optional and should not be added if you strugg-le to finish all the veggies.

    Calories: 343

    Instructions: Cook the chicken breast in the oven or in a nonstick frying pan (no oils or fats to be added). Add chopped garlic, mushrooms and cabbage. The cabbage can be bought pre-shredded in bags, or you can shred it yourself. Rinse the shirataki noodles and drain them. Cut the noodles into smaller pieces with a scissor if you want. Mix all ingredients together with mustard, onion powder and rosemary leaves, enjoy!

    Meal 6200 g cottage cheese, nonfat, natural (127 cal)10 g 100% cocoa powder (23 cal)stevia powder, to taste

    Comment: pure Stevia no fillers

    Calories: 143

    Instructions: Mix cocoa powder and cottage cheese. Add stevia to taste.

    Total Calories: 1557

    Muscle tip! Add another protein shake (28 grams/96 calories) and 4 rice cakes (about 200 calo-ries) if you want to add more calories overall. Eat meal post weight workout.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    1. Sample plan, A Day (Day 1-6) MENS MENU

    Meal 1100 g oats, old-fashioned (375 cal)30 g flax seeds, ground (172 cal)300 g egg whites, liquid (156 cal)28 g 100% whey protein isolate (96 cal)Stevia powder, pure Stevia no fillersCinnamon

    Calories: 799

    Instructions: Mix oats, flax seeds, cinnamon and stevia in a casserole or glass bowl. Cook on stove or in microwave (3-5 min on full effect). Add egg whites and cook for a couple of more minu-tes. Add protein powder to the mix when it has cooled down a bit. You may also pre cook this meal and store it in the fridge overnight.

    Tip! If your bowl cooks over, use a bigger one. If you want a watery consistency, add more water. For thicker, reduce the liquids.

    Meal 2150 g wild alaskan pink salmon, canned drained weight (204 cal)

    Calories: 204

    Instructions: Eat as is. Remember to bring a spoon or fork if you are on the go.

    Meal 3454 g broccoli, slaw (154 cal)200 g ground turkey breast, 99% lean (214 cal)200 g shirataki noodles (10 cal)

    Comment: Not the Tofu ones, shirataki noodles are optional and should not be added if you strugg-le to finish all the veggies)

    50 g yellow mustard (34 cal)

    Comment: No sugars or oils added, can be removed or exchanged with the same amount of to-mato paste) Onion powder, coarse ground black pepper

    Calories: 412

    Instructions: Cook the ground turkey in a nonstick frying pan (no oils or fats to be added). Add the broccoli slaw. This can be bought pre-shredded in bags, or you can swap it with regular broccoli. Rinse the shirataki noodles and drain them. Cut the noodles into smaller pieces with a scissor if you want. Mix all ingredients together with mustard, onion powder and ground pepper, enjoy!



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Meal 4250 g egg whites (7-8 egg whites from large-sized eggs) (130 cal)100 g whole egg (2 large-sized whole egg) (156 cal)

    Calories: 286

    Instructions: Boil all eggs, peel 7-8 and remove the yolks to eat the whites only. Eat one whole egg.

    An alternative is to make an omelet or scrambled eggs, just remember that no oils or fats are to be added so youll need a good non-stick frying pan.

    Meal 5454 g cabbage, shredded (109 cal)224 g mushrooms (50 cal)148 g red bell peppers, chopped (38 cal)240 g chicken breast, raw measure (264 cal)50 g yellow mustard (34 cal)

    Comment: No sugars or oils added, can be removed or exchanged with the same amount of tomato paste)

    1 clove garlic (4 cal)onion powder, rosemary leaves, to taste200 g shirataki noodles (10 cal)

    Comment: Not the Tofu ones, shirataki noodles are optional and should not be added if you strugg-le to finish all the veggies)

    Calories: 475

    Instructions: Cook the chicken breast in oven or in a non stick frying pan (no oils or fats to be ad-ded). Add chopped garlic, mushrooms and cabbage. The cabbage can be bought pre-shredded in bags, or you can shred it yourself. Rinse the shirataki noodles and drain them. Cut the noodles into smaller pieces with a scissor if you want. Mix all ingredients together with mustard, onion powder and rosemary leaves, enjoy!

    Meal 6300 g nonfat natural cottage cheese (191 cal)15 g 100% cocoa powder (35 cal)stevia powder

    Comment: pure Stevia, no fillers, optional

    Calories: 226

    Instructions: Mix cocoa powder and cottage cheese. Add Stevia to taste.

    Total Calories: 2362



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    2. Sample plan, B Day (Day 7, Refeed) LADIES MENUOn the refeed food preparations, make sure you dont add additional ingredients or fats when preparing. For instructions see general advice on the container or the Sample Menu Day 1-6.

    Meal 180 g oats, old-fashioned (300 cal)240 g nonfat milk, preferably organic (92 cal)200 g banana (178 cal)30 g raisins (90 cal)28 g 100% whey protein isolate (96 cal)

    Calories: 756

    Meal 2168 g nonfat greek yogurt, fruit flavored (138 cal)36 g cheerios (141 cal)150 g blueberries (85 cal)

    Calories: 364

    Meal 31 California sushi roll (8 pieces) (516 cal)250 g pear (145 cal)

    Calories: 661

    Meal 4200 g frozen fat-free yogurt (254 cal)22 g rice cakes, lightly salted (86 cal)

    Calories: 340

    Meal 5300 g sweet potato (258 cal)120 g filet mignon (204 cal)200 g green peas (156 cal)68 g barbecue sauce (106 cal)

    Calories: 724

    Total Calories: 2845



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    2. Sample plan, B Day (Day 7, Refeed) MENS MENUOn the refeed food preparations, make sure you dont add additional ingredients or fats when preparing. For instructions see general advice on the container or the Sample Menu Day 1-6.

    Meal 180 g oats, old-fashioned (300 cal)240 g nonfat milk, preferably organic (92 cal)200 g banana (178 cal)30 g raisins (90 cal)40 g 100% whey protein isolate (137 cal)

    Calories: 797

    Meal 2252 g nonfat greek yogurt, fruit flavored (207 cal)54 g cheerios (212 cal)150 g blueberries (85 cal)

    Calories: 504

    Meal 32 California sushi roll (8 pieces) (1032 cal)250 g pear (145 cal)

    Calories: 1177

    Meal 4400 g frozen fat free yogurt (508 cal)22 g rice cakes, lightly salted (86 cal)

    Calories: 594

    Meal 5400 g sweet potato (344 cal)240 g filet mignon (408 cal)200 g green peas (156 cal)102 g barbecue sauce (159 cal)

    Calories: 1067

    Total Calories: 4139



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    MORE ABOUT REFEEDS (B Days)Curious about Fighter Diet Refeeds? This breaks it down to you so you can benefit from the concept 100%.

    You know when youve been dieting for a long time and your gut instinct says you need to eat in order to break through a fat loss plateau? However, youre not sure about it and definitely scared you will gain fat you worked so hard to get rid of in the first place.So, what do you do? Dont talk to your friends who have no idea how to lose fat! Most likely their response will be something along with the lines of: Hey, a few cookies wont hurt ya!.

    So, what is a refeed? It can be many things depending on what protocol or program youre adhering to, but since youre doing Fighter Diet, Ill explain what it means to Fighter Diet: its basically a day where you increase your calories, with the increase preferably being from clean carbs like grains, starch and to some extent fruit, berries and simple refined sugars.

    Why you want to refeed: it reverses the bad effects of chronic strict dieting and tons of intense training you do in order to get or stay shredded. With time, your body will lower your metabolism so you burn fewer and fewer calories. It happens naturally since fat loss leads to a lower body weight, and hence the lower body weight requires fewer calories than a higher body weight. Yes, weight training does help keep your metabolism up, but when you get very lean your body will fight you for its life. All your body wants is to fatten up again! Especially for women.

    Refeeds are your metabolisms best friend. They boost the hormone insulin which builds muscle (and fat). When you eat plenty of carbs during a refeed, you tell another hormone called leptin that you have been fed. This reassures your brain that everything is cool. Do you know what happens then? The brain (pituitary gland) signals to the master gland of metabolism, the thyroid, that its safe to speed up your metabolism. The carbs also restore muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, which your body loves as well. A depleted body tries to fight your efforts to lose more fat, while a repleted body finds it safe to increase your metabolic rate. However, your body tries to be in balance, so if you were to refeed every day youd miss out on the boost and just accumulate fat. Its the swinging back and forth between dieting strictly and overeating which leads to increased fat loss.

    Now, with more food in your system, calories are again being burnt efficiently, and further fat loss follows. The leaner you get, the harder it becomes to get leaner without sacrificing muscle mass. The leaner you get, the more you benefit from refeeds.

    Do you have to refeed? No. You can increase your calories a bit instead over the course of several days. That should have an even better effect on your metabolism, but it could also set you back if done long enough or youre sensitive to increases. Refeeds are fun though. Its awesome eating lots of what you stay away from to get lean and get away with it. Carbs are delicious! Its fun to eat too!



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Refeeds can be abused, misused, and are also wrongly accused for making people fat. Thats why I had to write this HOW TO MANUAL. I want to help you get started, holding your hand every step of the way!

    Now lets get started!

    Definition of a refeedA refeed is a carb-load. The majority of your calories during the refeed comes from carb sources.

    What is a NOT Refeed?Eating fast food or food made with fats plus sugars. Refeed is NOT a cheat day. Cheat days can be used with success, but I prefer to call those Treat days. Treat days are when you have a day off/a meal off from your regular diet and eat any non diet friendly courses and snacks. Theres nothing wrong with choosing this, but it doesnt have the good effect on performance, training intensity and hormones that pure carb refeeds do. Fats might actually impair the metabolic boost from carbs since fats lower the insulin spikes. Spiking insulin is beneficial for resetting your metabolism. Its also easier to ingest too many calories total with incorporating both fats and carbs.To take it one step further, a Treat day is not a full out binge feast where you consume ten thousands of calories. That is only self sabotage and unhealthy.

    How much do I eat?A basic rule of the thumb is to double the calories you take in on your regular diet. The leaner you are, the more you can and should eat. A newbie might start by not increasing calories, but instead exchanging the majority of protein, fat and veggies for grains and sugars. A very lean individual might triple their calorie intake or even more.

    How lean do I have to be to benefit from a refeed?Physically speaking, if you cannot see any muscle definition at all youre too smooth for a big refeed. However, you should do smaller ones because it does help you stay on your diet and also, you will get leaner with time. Its a great start to practicing refeeds, so you learn how to monitor and progress with the help of them. A slight increase of 500 calories on top of your daily lean diet will never sabotage your efforts, provided youre 100% spot on during your day A days. (Remember, day A is your everyday diet plan on Fighter Diet.) Increasing 500 calories will boost your compliance to the program since it gives you a little break. Just make sure you go back to your normal diet plan after the special day with 500 more calories.

    What foods are the best foods for refeed?Potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, squash, carrots, polenta, beans, lentils, couscous, teff, oatmeal, cream of wheat, corn, beets, Cheerios, fruit, berries, regular fat-free yoghurt, fat-



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    free ice cream, rice cakes, fat-free popcorn, cream of rice, fat-free jell-o pudding, sherbet, sorbet, fat free milk, Swedish Fish, marshmallows, tortilla bread, fat -free cookies (Josephs cookies for instance) etc...As you can see, its typically the food that you should avoid on a regular day-to-day basis.

    Why is it bad to mix fats with the refeed carbs?Carbs increase the release of insulin. Insulin opens up fat cells so they can pack energy into new fat molecules. Carbs are tough to store as fat, but dietary fat is easily stored as body fat, and especially easily stored when the fat cells are opened up by the insulin. When you eat loads of carbs and fats simultaneously you just increase the odds youll accumulate body fat.

    Why not refeed on fats instead of carbs? You can do that if you want, but the amount you will eat is going to be very small due to fats calorie density. It wont help you train harder either, because fat doesnt replenish muscle glycogen. Muscle glycogen is the carb storage in your muscles that take you through intense training. Fatt dont boost your metabolism, but they do satisfy your appetite and hence can be good for curing a ravenous appetite. The old saying you burn fat when you eat fat, has never been proven. Fats are needed for optimizing your hormones, joint lubrication, satiety, and vitamin absorption, but it doesnt make you leaner per se eating tons of it. Yes, ketogenic diets usually have you eat a lot of fat but they also dont give you any carbohydrates, so you cannot compare that to a balanced diet like Fighter Diet.

    Are you a candidate for Refeeds?OK, so now that you have a little background information about refeeds, lets see if youreprimed for a refeed! You want to have the following under your belt to be eligible:

    Your weight is in normal range/healthy BMI, but you are not as lean as you like. Obese individuals should follow FD regular days, and exercise until they reach a normal weight, then introduce refeeds.

    You have been on a Fighter Diet plan for at least one month. I recommend doing day A on my diet plans for two weeks before introducing the weekly day B which is on the diet plan. Many people prefer to skip day B on the pre made diet plans until theyve been doing day A for four-six weeks.

    If you make your own Fighter Diet menu, you should understand the concept and been doing day A for two weeks before considering a refeed.

    You have lost fat on your day A diet plan and find it appropriate to refeed.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Step by StepSo now, if youre eligible, lets get down to business! We take one step at a time:

    Step 1:You are ready for your first refeed, and you want to do it the right way. Lets say your regular diet has 1600 calories, and the only grains you are having each day is your breakfast with grains and perhaps your post workout meal. The rest of your carbs come from vegetables, and the small amounts found in greek yogurt etc... You want to be sure to get the right food, in the right amount for your refeed.

    Example: 1600 x 0.7 = 1120 calories (because you want about 70% from carbs).This means you have 1120 calories to eat from carbs. The remaining 30%, the remaining 480 calories are from protein sources and whatever fat they contain. Dont worry about the tiny amount of natural fats in carb foods like bread or beans. You cannot go completely fat free, you just want to avoid big amounts of it.

    Now, this gives you a diet plan for your first refeed. It has the same amount of calories as your regular day, but the macronutrient breakdown is very different.

    The day after, you should wake up feeling tighter, not bloated. There should be very little weight gain, if any. If you have gained weight, its because the carbs are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. Glycogen is made by carbohydrates and water. Each gram of carbohydrate holds 2.7 grams of water. Its NOT fat gain!

    After this, you go back to your regular diet plan, and wait until its refeed time the next week:

    Step 2:You lost fat since last week, and youre ready to go to another level. This time, you are going to increase your calories a little:You take your regular diet 1600 calories, and add 50% more:1600 x 1.5= 2400 calories. Your refeed will now be 2400 calories. Just like the previous refeed, 70% of your calories should be from carb sources and 30% from protein. For this example, it works out to 1680 calories coming from carbs, and 720 calories coming from protein.

    Dont worry about the small amounts of fat in carbs and protein foods. When you choose your foods, count the calories from it, and just look at where the calories are coming from. For instance, oats have quite some fat for a grain, but it doesnt mean its a bad food for carb load. Do not obsess about the small stuff.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    After this, you go back to your regular 1600 calorie plan. After this refeed, you might gain a little weight, but it should not be visible in the mirror. The weight will be gone again the second day after the refeed. If not, stay on this step for the next refeed and choose this level until you see a definite improvement in leanness, and then its time to go to step 3! Dont be surprised if you lose weight the day after or even look tighter. Carbs tend to have a calming effect on your body and that leads to less water retention.

    Step 3:Here we go, one week after the last refeed, and you feel leaner, tighter, and hungry! Its time to increase the calories again. Double calories were in for now.1600 x 2= 3200 calories. Again, 70% of them should come from carbs, with the remaining 30% from protein.

    Now, you might gain some water weight from this refeed. The day after, a weight gain of one pound is due to the 560 grams of carbs you get from 2240 carb calories. Since each gram of carbs has the potential to bind 2.7 grams of water, it leads to 1512 grams of glycogen, or about 3 lbs more on the scale.Do not worry about this! You might feel smooth the day after, retaining water in your trouble areas, but after one more day, (day 2 post) you should be back to what you looked like before the refeed. And, after another one or two days, you should look more ripped than before the refeed.

    After this refeed, go back to your regular diet, and wait another week until its time for a new refeed. You can repeat this for forever, or try other calorie levels on your A days. You might weight too fast if youre eating too few calories on a daily basis and if you do, you want to increase your daily calorie intake.

    Step 4:If youre a daredevil, or feel like the carbs practically disappear from you, either check if your body wants more without gaining fat, OR introduce some fats. Small steps though, do only one thing at a time. Do not refeed more than once a week. If you lose weight too quickly, add more daily calories to your regular diet!

    Each week you should see an improvement in your body and strength gains usually come faster with consistent refeeds. If you dont lose fat from one week to another, you should skip the refeed, or reduce the calories on it. Do not just go on autopilot and refeed just because its refeed day. Stay honest and true to yourself! If your body is trying to regain fat or inhibit further fat loss, sometimes you will need to go a little longer time between refeeds for the fat to come off.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    TroubleshootingDid you not lose weight/fat after the refeed? Stay on your regular diet for a few more days before refeeding and reduce the calories you took in if it was more than double the calories of your regular diet.If you are a female and holding on to weight after refeed and it usually doesnt happen, see if you are hit by the PMS week. Its natural to look smoother during the time of ovulation and bleeding, it might not be your refeed which is the culprit.

    Having a hard time staying away from more food than planned? Eat veggies first!Cannot control your hunger? Keep your regular diet, but add a few carb treats to your menu. Youre sweating a lot and get hot? Its your increased metabolism, not a regular fever! Youre hungrier the day after than before you had the refeed? Yes, carbs increase your hunger, but be prepared for it, and have your veggies as planned the day after. Some people feel less hungry after a refeed and that is usually thanks to having raised your leptin levels from the refeed.

    OK, thats about it! Now, time to practice. Dont be scared of food, make food work FOR you!

    WHAT IS FIGHTER DIET PRO?Now youre familiar with the concept of Fighter Diet. Its simply the best strategy to get rid of your food addiction and get lean. If you got this down, you might want to take it one step further.... By going FD Pro. Dont get confused. FD Pro takes a whole other level of commitment and discipline. Do not attempt to follow it unless youre already a professional at discipline and mind control and unless you have already successfully incorporated the Fighter Diet Concept to your lifestyle.

    The rules for FD Pro on how to calculate your macronutrients is different to the original FD Concept. Depending on your choice of vegetables, choice of amount of other carbs, fats and protein sources, pre and post workout nutrition etc, you have many options. However, my recommended split of nutrients are about 40% protein, 30-40% carbs, 30-20% fats. The vegetable component, which is a major part of your carb intake I recommend you keep around 2% of your body weight. Example: 0.02 x 60 kilos = 1.2 kilos or 0.02 x 132 lbs = 2.64 lbs

    Since the calories from different vegetables and carbs will differ, you simply have to design your individual menu to fit your macronutrients.

    The easiest way to break down your macros is to go by your calorie intake.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Example: 2000 calories. 40% in carbs = 800 calories, 40% in protein = 800 calories, 20% in fats = 400 calories.

    Regarding refeeds, you use the original Fighter Diet concepts guideline.

    Again, remember, macronutrients dont need to be set in stone, and if you dont count protein from grains or vegetables etc, you will not get a 100% accurate split. Dont sweat the small stuff!

    With Fighter Diet Pro you will mentally focus on being fully aware of the food you are eating and what they do for your body. You will no longer simply stuff yourself with veggies and add more and more low/zero calorie products like for example shirataki noodles, psyllium husk, oat fiber and artificially sweetened dressings. I have seen a trend and I dont like it: instead of vegetables which are the staple foods on Fighter Diet, people choose filler foods like shirataki, oat fiber, psyllium etc. This leaves no room for vegetables and they do not provide you the nutrients you need. Hence, on Fighter Diet Pro, no longer will these items be on the menu.

    Weve become more and more disconnected to our food and why were eating it, and I feel urged to guide you on how to not only get ripped, but to learn how to eat to feel satisfied and nourished.Im sure youve experienced how youre stuffed but still have the munchies, its like your hunger never stops. Why is that? Well, I believe its due to improper eating habits. I want to change that!

    What does the concept Fighter Diet Pro mean? *Choosing the most nutritious foods on earth*Practicing sitting down to enjoy your meals*Avoiding all artificial/chemical sweeteners, coloring, flavoring agents and preservatives*Choosing the best cooking methods for health*Eating for the purpose of fueling and nourishing as well and learn to enjoy your healthy food*Choosing organic produce if possible*Choosing non farm-raised fish, free range organic poultry and eggs, organic/non hormone treated meat products if possible*Avoiding GMO products (Genetically Modified Organisms)*Using safe kitchen items like ceramic pans and glass bowls instead of Teflon pans or plastic containers contaminated with BPA or BPS (Bisphenol A & S)



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    THE FAQsThis section contains a selection of questions that typically are asked

    from Fighter Diet newbies and followers. (Please note that these

    FAQs does not contain any information about FD Pro).

    Q: Is the diet based on frequent small meals? A: I used to eat very, very frequently and small meals, but as time went by I learned I got less hungry with fewer but bigger ones. With fewer I three to four. I believe the best approach is to do what is most suitable for you. Some people feel better on small, frequent snacks and other feed off by fewer bigger ones. As long as the total amount of calories on your Fighter Diet plan is the right amount for your goals, choose what suits you when it comes to meal frequency. Pay attention to nutrient timing though as you want to ensure you have your more carb dense meals post workouts. The positive aspect with smaller and frequent meals is you tend to stabilize your blood sugar better. On the other hand if your body does not need that many calories to go by, you end up with extremely tiny meals that wont fill you up. It is also beneficial to spike your blood sugar after workout, so big meals can have this effect too.

    Q: When you have your refeeds (B days) can I eat pasta, bread etc or is it all still real clean food?

    A: The foods you mention are clean as long as you dont add fatty sauces or butter your bread. You choose what carb foods you prefer and enjoy. Its a personal matter! If you dont like eating potatoes, dont eat potatoes!

    Q: I dont like feeling full and stuffed. What do I do?A: You can choose to practice FD Pro instead of original FD. Regarding refeeds, choose more calorie dense carbohydrates for your refeed days. I love oatmeal so I choose that on my carb days. If you dont like oatmeal, pick something else. Choose the carbs you love: it can be grains, cereal, yoghurt, some fruit, you name it. You can play around with different foods and see what works best. I recommend you stick to what is considered clean: potatoes instead of French fries, Kellogs K instead of high fat granola, rice instead of rice Krispies. Sugars taste great though, so dont be afraid to have some simple sugars on your refeed.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Q: I currently eat 1500-1700 calories. Protein 180 200 g, Fat 60 80 g and Carbs less than 30 g per day. The only vegetable I have is raw spinach. So far Ive enjoyed good results from this plan. Why is Fighter Diet better?

    A: Your diet plan is imbalanced. Youre eating too few carbs. Too few carbs will have a negative impact on your intense workouts. Also, spinach is one vegetable and you should include several for optimal health. Do you want to stay healthy and prevent different cancers from developing? If that is what you want I would not recommend you to stay on that low veggie diet. Vegetables are extremely important for your body and I believe it makes you toxic by not eating enough. I am sure you can keep on staying lean the way you do, but who cares about being lean if you get sick?...You want lean and healthy.

    Q: I read that the recommended intake of dietary fiber is about 30 grams per day. Some Fighter Diet plans seem to have more. What are your thoughts on that?

    A: Our ancestors got a lot of dietary fiber from roots, tubers, berries etc than were getting today. You must understand that the recommended intake is always up to debate. For instance, vitamin supplements base their formulas sometimes on outdated statistics, they are looking for least amount needed to avoid deficiencies instead of whats the optimum amount to promote long term health. Nothing in nutrition is set in stone. Science changes daily. Remember fat free was in fashion a few years ago? Not anymore!

    Q: My upper body is very lean and vascular but I struggle with my leg and bottom definition. I think I hold water more in my lower body but also I have been told that I will never get defined legs while I continue to run long distances! Is this true? I do a mixture of interval training and slower steady runs from 5 to 10 miles depending on the day! I love to run so really dont want to give it up I just value your opinion on this!

    A: We all carry body fat in different areas of the body. Women have more fat on the lower body and men more around the waist. We are genetically programmed that way but its not always the case. Some people lose it first on top, other first on the bottom. Some, but very few lose fat evenly from their whole bodies. The fat on the lower body is more resistant to being burned off. Yes, you will have a hard time getting lean there if you by nature carry more fat on your lower body. Its not impossible though but I am convinced a lean lower body for women takes a lot of consistent dieting and weight training as well as a lot of cardio. Some researchers say yohimbe which is an herb targets those lower body fat deposits but I dont know how well it works. Never did anything for me so I dont use it.

    Losing and gaining weight up and down will not definitely not help. Long term strict dieting and training is the only way to lean out and to improve those stubborn areas.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Q: What is sugar beet fiber?A: sugar beet fiber is naturally gluten-free, and derived from the sugar beet after the sugar is extracted. It does NOT contain any phytic acid which binds with calcium and other minerals. The sugar beet fiber has a natural combination of one-third soluble and two-thirds insoluble fiber content. Soluble fiber contributes to reducing blood cholesterol and balancing blood sugar levels while providing positive effects on the digestive system overall.

    Q: How do you use Sugar beet fiber?A: Sometimes my breakfast consists of sugar beet fiber greek yogurt, vanilla protein powder, water, stevia and cinnamon. I mix it all together and eat it with a spoon. Sugar beet is featured in some recipes, but there is no need to use it unless you want to.

    Q: Does the Fighter Diet cut out sweeteners, caffeine and dairy products? A: No, Fighter Diet does not exclude out any of that. The fighter diet meal plans contains low fat or nonfat dairy products like quark/greek yogurt and cottage cheese. If you are not sensitive to lactose I see no problem with including dairy in your diet. However if you are sensitive to lactose (milk sugar) you can always use the Fighter Diet Pyramid ebook as a tool to swap the foods. I dont cut out coffee or sweeteners like stevia or erythritol either. For some people they may help you soothe your craving for sweet so go ahead and enjoy it. Life is too short to be lived unsweetened!:-)

    Q: What is shirataki noodles?A: Shirataki noodles are made of fiber that your body can not digest and therefore the calorie content is very low. They are suggested on many of the Fighter Diet plans but should not be eaten if you struggle to finish all your vegetables. Please be aware that Tofu shirataki are not approved on Fighter Diet.

    Q: How much water do you drink in a day or recommend in the diet? Are any other drinks allowed?

    A: Oh, I dont count, I go by thirst and for filling up. I would say at least a gallon a day, but it could be more for sure! I drink decaf Americanos morning and afternoon as well. No diet coke, since I am concerned about the enamel erosion on my teeth!

    Q: Do you manage to socialize and stick to your diet? I take my own food everywhere but restaurants can be a bit tricky and I have caused a few arguments lately with the family as I am so fussy!



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    A: I am not much of a socializing person but when I do I tend not to center it around food. However, when I go out I either special special order and am a very demanding guest but in exchange tip extremely well for the hassle, or I plan that day as my refeed day or a making the restaurant occasion to a treat. I am pretty predictable, now and then I go out and have regular stuff like a good hearty meal at a restaurant and dessert on top. Business meetings, dates or special celebrations come in mind.

    Be as fussy as you want, its your body, your life! As long as you dont pressure others to do what you do, its all cool.

    Q: How do I know how many calories I should take in?A: You dont know for sure unless you go to an institute where they do all kinds of tests on you. Quite expensive though There are many formulas out there that take into account your basic metabolism according to gender, lean body mass, activity level, age, thermogenic effect of food etc. You can google for PAL calculation which is a good one. I however believe in trial and error. Start with any given amount and see what happens. If a certain amount of calories for a certain amount of days makes you gain, maintain or lose weight, then adjust accordingly. After a few rounds you will have a good understanding for what your body needs. Remember though that one day of splurge will make it difficult to see if an amount of calories work for you.. Many individuals diet for a week just to go splurge on thousands of calories for a day and then blame the diet for not working!

    I also believe that with the right food you can have a lot more calories than with less good food choices. Healthy food makes your body efficient and keeps your blood sugar in good range. Junk food, sugars, sodas and fries wont do that for you.

    Q: I read a lot about supplements. How important are they and what do you recommend?

    A: Supplements are fantastic additions to your diet. They wont substitute food except for the protein powders, but there are many great products to use. I use a lot of different ones but I recommend taking what you need instead of buying because she takes that and that. Do your research to learn whats right for you. Do I know all these supplements really work? No. Do I feel healthy? Yes. Am I sick often? Almost never sick. So, I will keep them. I have my own supplement line and you find it at www.fighterdietapproved.com

    Q: I have a lot of weight to lose, can I use Fighter Diet if I am obese?A: Oh heck yes! Youre fat because youve eaten too much calorie dense food for long time and maybe not been working out. So switching to fighter diet means you will stop loading your fat cells with fat and you will eat until you are full. You can thank the veggies for that treat! Yes, you will see very good results on the Fighter Diet for sure.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Q: Can I use Fighter Diet for maintenance?A: When youve reached your maintenance condition, you simply add more of the FD foods. Little by little. For instance, , add 100 calories to your snacks pre or post workout and keep that for a week. If no increase in body fat, repeat the procedure. You will find the sweet spot with trial and error.

    You can also add more dietary fat instead of just more carbs. Another way of staying lean is to have more refeed days! Yes, more often. Instead of having one every two weeks or once a week, maybe you will have it twice or three times a week. The more often you have the re-feeds the more important it becomes what you choose to eat. Choose wholesome, clean, good nutritious food and not just sugar

    Q: I am a hardgainer. Can I follow a Fighter Diet plan? I gain fat easy if I eat too many calories thoughIt seems I only gain fat and no muscle

    A: A hard gainer who is really really skinny should not follow the Fighter Diet to the letter since too much bulky food means less hungry and thus less total calories. In that case I would suggest more whole grains like oats, corn, lentils, beans, green peas and a lot of fats from nuts, avocado and nuts. If you dont want to lose weight you need to eat, so for you I recommend even choosing more calorie dense veggies as red beats and have sweet potatoes too.

    For the hardgainers as in hard to put on muscle but who puts on fat easily, you need to pay attention to what you eat. I would avoid any junk food or fast carbs except for around your workouts. Getting more muscular but less fat means you will need to improve your nutrient partitioning, meaning what goes into your muscles vs fat cells. By choosing the right foods around your specific training times you can improve your nutrient partitioning.

    Q: Do you count calories at all? Or macronutrient numbers etc? A: Yes I do. I count calories from all sources, I count protein from all complete protein sources, fats too. I dont calculate the carb or fat content down to single grams. If you want to get 100% insight to what youre getting, you can simply use a calorie tracking program and check each servings content of protein, carbs.

    Q: Is weighing and measuring food vitally important for everything?A: Just when it comes to the sources that have some calories like almost all food. Proteins yes. Fats definitely. Veggies? Ah no not if you are not getting your pounds per dayIts definitely important to know appropriate serving sizes. By knowing how much protein you should take in a day, you can dial it in by checking nutrient data. I recommend



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    www.calorieking.com/foods . Same thing goes for fat. How much depends on your need for calories! The less fat you get, the more important the quality becomes.

    Basically I suggest this: keep a diet log. Check your calories and what they come from. Track your condition and your body. Make adjustments out of the results. Keep tweaking. Easy!

    Q: How often do you weigh yourself and take body fat measurements? A: I weigh in every morning. I never take body fat measurements anymore. I go by what I look like. I fluctuate 3 lbs up and down from day to day. Thats why I keep track so I can hit a good condition for special occasions and plan photo shoots for when I believe I will be in a better version of myself. I used to freak out about my weight but then, all the fiber, water, sodium, rest etc varies from day to day and from morning to night so I stopped worrying and trusted to common sense you cant get fat from what you dont eat and you cannot gain a pound of fat in a day if you dont gorge on thousands of calories in one day.

    Q: Do you EVER have a treat or give in to a craving?A: I wouldnt say never but lets say I have a meal out of the ordinary very seldom. Since I moved to the US three years ago I stopped practicing cheating on my diet. No more cheat days eat all I can from junk food.

    I got aversions from seeing all fat people and all the junk food places as well as I got informed about the trans fat issue. I always loved donuts, Ive had them twice in my life, and then my love for them died when I realized they are the nastiest thing you can ever have, ha!

    I can go out and have a regular dinner and enjoy it. It just does not happen that often! If I do its usually to impress someone important to me haha! I make sure to include my favorite foods which are healthy and work them into my calorie requirement.

    Q: If I miss a meal should I increase intake in the next meal etc?A: Yes. I do.

    Q: What things make you bloated? A: Many things can make you bloat occasionally: PMS, stress, salt, fatigue, fiber intake etc. Fat doesnt come and go like water does. If your abs are tight and cut one day and the next smooth, but you didnt eat a Dominos pizza, dont stress out.

    Q: My protein intake is around 200g is it true too much protein is a bad thing? IA: OH, this is a huge topic. If you have kidney disease of course protein can trigger it or be bad, but for regular people I believe sugars and bad fats are worse. However, I too dont



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    think you should overindulge on protein since there is no reason to. Why not just eat more veggies and fat You wont look better the more protein you eat. Its how your body uses it that is key. For body fat, women stop menstruating when we expend too many calories and take in too few. Its called the Female Athlete Triad. Basically your brain tells the ovaries to shut down the reproduction routine since you would not be able to grow a baby. This causes female hormones to drop. Female hormones are needed to carry calcium into the bones. So, too little can affect your bone density and make you brittle! Is there a way around it? Well, you can prevent it by living a healthy lifestyle and avoid crash dieting. What about being very lean? Is it healthy? Well, no, too low body fat is not what your body wants. Your body does not naturally want to be shredded! Guys have it better off, they dont fall victim for this scenario even when shredded.

    Q: Do you ever take fat burners? A: I dont take fat burners to burn fat per se. I use them to energize me for my workouts. Caffeine is a proven performance enhancer when used appropriately. I spike my energy by taking caffeine containing supplement about 30 minutes pre workout. I never drink regular coffee or take caffeine pills on rest days or when I am not going to work out. That way my body never gets accustomed to the jolt and I get the high every time.

    Q: Do you find after a refeed day you are bloated and up in weight?A: Yes. Its natural. Every gram of carb holds 2.7 grams of water. Add some salt and that your body is super sensitive and loves the opportunity to soak up those carbs. Its supercompensation big times! Usually I gain more weight two days after but Im back to my normal weight at day 3. I realized its because it takes some time for the body to create glycogen which is carbs in muscles and liver. Sometimes I dont gain weight at all.

    Q: Can I use frozen veggies or do they have to be fresh?A: Either is fine; just make sure you use the correct numbers when counting the calories. When I measure I read the label on the bag and see how much it gives me. I dont cook, then measure.

    Q: I bought FDX2 and I have few questions for you: 1. How much milk / water should I add for the pre & post workout protein shake? 2. Is it a must to have a post workout shake if I have already had one before the workout and I follow my dinner soon after the workout? 3. My BCAAs are capsules should I be removing the powder from its capsules and mix it with my protein shake or water? 4. What can I substitute the lean beef with as I do not eat beef due to religious reasons.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Can you also help me with what I can substitute the rice cakes with?

    A: For Fighter Diet, we only add water to our protein shake to avoid the extra calories, unless otherwise noted on the plan, such as a snack with almond milk. Otherwise, water only. Amount of water is a personal choice depending on how thick you like your shake. I would suggest starting with 11/2 cups of water per scoop of protein and adjust to taste. As an alternative option, you can add just a small amount (say 1-2 spoonfuls) of water and mix to make a pudding.

    If you are following FDX2, the ideal way to time it is to consume the full pre workout, then train around 1/2-1 hour later, then immediately consume the post workout meal, wait 45 minutes to 1 hour, then have the dinner meal. If you prefer to eat dinner within an hour of finishing training you can do this, but keep in mind though the ideal situation is to consume the fast carbs and whey protein post workout, followed later by the dinner. If you choose to eat the dinner straight after training, you need to make up for the missed post workout calories elsewhere, using a lean protein source (protein shake or other, such as egg whites) and the rice cake carb calories in veggies. DO NOT eat rice cakes at another point in the day than as post workout. I would strongly recommend the first timing option, as this is how the plan has been designed and is most effective this way.

    The BCAA capsules may be either emptied or simply swallowed, whichever you prefer. There is no difference.

    For all food substitutions, it is strongly recommended to purchase the FD Pyramid. This has lists of approved foods and how to go about exchanges. For lean beef, you can use any lean protein, and add a small amount of fat to match the amount present in the beef, for example an egg white omelette with one whole egg.

    Rice cakes can be substituted with any fast carb source, something with a fast sugars/carbs is ideal, for example white bread, cereal, potato etc... Again, more substitutions listed in the FD pyramid.

    Q: Do the meals need to be eaten every three hours?A: No, for FD you eat when you are hungry. Be sure to get a meal before and after your workout, and the rest can be eaten as you please. I personally eat the majority of my calories at night time or post workout.

    Q: Im following FDX2 and workout twice per day, cardio in the morning, weights at night. Do I use the pre/post workout nutrition for both workouts or what?

    A: No, use around your weights workout only. Be sure to eat one of the normal meals before and after the cardio for optimal results. If you do your cardio workouts fasted, follow it by a meal.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Q: The FD plan. The refeeds are on day 7 which is my workout rest day. Is that what its supposed to be?

    A: Yes, it is recommended to refeed on rest day for optimal glycogen replenishment.

    Q: I was just looking for some info on where to find shirataki noodles in Australia. Have you been able to find them anywhere in Australian stores or have you had to order them online?

    A: Have you checked online or at a local Japanese or asian supermarket? There are a lot of FD followers from Australia, questions like these are best answered online on the FD Facebook page.

    Q: I was trying to go gluten free and dairy free. Is there such a thing on FD? A: Fighter Diet is very low in gluten since the grains are minimal. For the meals that do contain it, you can easily swap with other items. Dairy free is doable too, just swap the dairy items with your preferred items. When you do, make sure you supplement with more calcium for your bones and muscles. The FD Pyramid is essential for all substitutions.

    Q: Where can I buy sugar beet fiber?A: Google nutrafiber and find local retailer or have them sent to you via internet.

    Q: Is almond cheese approved on Fighter Diet?A: If its this, the ingredients are: Filtered water, tapioca flour, palm fruit oil, non-GMO expeller pressed canola and/or safflower oil, pea protein, coconut oil, inactive yeast, salt, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, vegan natural flavours, gum arabic, lactic acid (vegan, for flavor),titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral), natural smoke flavour, vegan enzyme.

    No way, not FD approved at all. The first ingredients are starch and oil!

    Q: I have a question...on all the cocoa recipes, is it powder or bar? A: It can be either 100% cocoa powder or 100% bar. Powder has fewer calories and less fat than 100% chocolate bar. 1 oz of powder has about 100 calories, 1 oz of 100% chocolate bar has about 140 calories. The cocoa it is calculated with is Hersheys extra dark, however, the healthiest way to eat cocoa powder is by using raw cocoa.

    Q: I am trying to get muscular and ripped and I have some questions. What is your opinion of Muscle Milk and Kre-alkalyn? Also is your recommendation to take



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    glutamine, creatine and protein after a workout? I am currently taking Muscle-Tech Pre workout Neurocore and the Post is Myobuild,I think. I do take a natural protein. I have monohydrate creatine. I just want to make sure I am taking enough of my supplements and taking at the right time.

    A: Muscle milk is full of sugar, some oils and other ingredients you dont need. You just want a pure whey protein isolate, something around 100 cals, 20-25 grams protein, minimal anything else. Kre-alkalyn there is nothing wrong with, but its just creatine, which you said you were already using. A plain creatine monohydrate is just as effective, but use it up while you have it.

    If your goal is to build muscle and lose fat, you should use nutrient timing in my opinion. So I would have a small amount of whey protein isolate, a small amount of sugars or fast carbs, glutamine and creatine pre workout, and same post workout. If you need to keep your calories in a certain range you can split the pre and post workout in half and eliminate one of the pre or post workout meals. I would get back to weights asap. You need resistance to build muscle and weight training is the most effective routine. You can do workout videos for cardio, but you need weights in my opinion.You need to eat to grow, but also the right foods to grow muscle not fat. A lot of the pre formulated stuff contains extra calories and ingredients you dont need.

    Q: Im scared to use the whey protein isolate powder, as people tell me it will make me fat? Can I skip this my plan?

    A: Protein shakes wont make you fat per se more than any other food. The reason some people think

    they make you fat is because they add them on top of too much food already. Follow the plan as written, you need the protein!

    Q: Help me with the wheat bran! It has a horrible taste, dry and gritty lump when I cook it!

    A: Hmmm its a little hard for me to say exactly what went wrong as I have never had an outcome that was dry and gritty, however, Ill give you my tips:

    In my opinion you should always add at least 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk. This makes the texture gooey and much more like a bowl of porridge. Whole flax is another great addition to improve the texture. None of these need to be counted on FD.Always add flavor! Be it cinnamon, pure vanilla, stevia, sweetener etc.. The wheat bran is pretty bland otherwise.The addition of things like egg whites, almond milk, greek yogurt, cottage cheese or protein powder are also great items to help! Obviously you need to account for these calories though!I add heaps of water. You can either microwave or cook on the stove. I cover the bran



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    completely, e.g. maybe 4:1 ratio of water to wheat bran. Then just cook until desired consistency.I dont, but many of the girls make pancakes, using wheat bran, egg whites, protein powder, cinnamon, sweetener etc.. That is another option..

    Q: I cannot find almond milk, what else can I use?A: Substitute with a caloric equivalent in almonds or any fat. For all approved substitutions, see the FD Pyramid.

    Q: I have purchased some of your ebooks and they are great! Thank you Butt Bible! I read your basic Fighter Diet and love it. My question: how should I get enough protein if I dont eat meat or dairy? I eat fish about twice a week, tops. Veggies are king! Would love your advice. I see you are a vegetarian but do you consume dairy?

    A: In terms of getting enough protein, which protein sources are you willing to eat daily? Anything from an animal source is preferred for Fighter Diet. Can you do cottage cheese, fat free Lifetime cheese, fat free Greek yoghurt, whey protein powder, egg whites, etc... Are you willing to eat fish daily? The FD Pyramid has the full list of suitable protein sources for FD also, which may help you. If youre 100% set on staying vegan, you can use pea protein, hemp protein, rice protein powder. However, watch out for the calorie content of these items. They usually contain more carbs than whey protein powder.

    Im actually technically not a vegetarian, as I will eat fish, steak, or chicken on occasion, I just gets the majority of my protein from whey protein isolate and fat free Lifetime cheese etc... Im more of an accidental vegetarian if you will :) If you want to add variety, you should purchase the FD Pyramid for suitable foods and use calorieking.com for matching substitutions.

    Q: My computer is broken right now. If I buy an ebook on my iPhone will I be able to get it on my iPhone or do I need a pc for it to work? Thanks :)

    A: If you can open emails on your iPhone, you can open ebooks with the Adobe Reader app. The easiest way to access on iPhone is to download the free ibooks app, then when you open the eBook pdf, click open in iBooks. That way you can store them all easily in one place and read offline.

    Q: I was just wondering, if your pre workout kick is coffee (caffeine). What do you use after your workouts? I was just curious; I always see your Starbucks pictures.

    A: I drinks decaf coffee, for the taste and to enjoy a low calorie drink. I usually order decaf Americano with nothing added, just black decaf coffee.

    For pre-workout energy I use FDXtreme Burn.I prefer artificial caffeine to coffee for energy.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Im careful to avoid overdoing caffeine to protect my adrenals.Post workout nutrition depends on your goals. If you want to gain muscle, a protein shake and some fast carbs, such as rice cakes is recommended. Those with more weight to lose may simply opt for their next meal of lean protein and veggies alternatively use a whey protein isolate shake without the carbs.

    Q: If I send photos, will they be used for facebook, website or anything?A: No, emailed photos will only be seen by me and then I delete the email unless you give permission. I never use photos for anything without permission.

    Q: I would like to get some clarifications on the Fighter Diet. For the chicken etc is there any seasoning that we are allowed to put, such as salt and spices? For the broccoli can we include other brassica veggies or stick to only broccoli? Thanks and Regards

    A: Yes, salt and pepper are fine. Any herb/spice without added sugar/starch is fine also. For a full list of approved seasonings, see the FD pyramid ebook. You can substitute broccoli for any vegetable on the same level of the FD Pyramid. Calorie match using calorieking.com, raw measures.

    In short, the FD Pyramid lists substitutions and explains how to substitute/mix up meals!

    Q: I am wondering whether your competition prep guide comes complete with a diet plan/ recipe ideas or whether it needs to be bought in conjunction with an FD diet plan in which case which one would you recommend? Im about 8 weeks out from comp and have about 4% body fat to lose.

    A: The Contest Prep eBook contains a diet plan that covers off season, and then adjustments from 12 weeks out.

    You do not need to purchase another plan, although the FD Pyramid is a great addition if you wish to make any substitutions to the diet. The FD Concept is also great so you understand the theory behind Fighter Diet.

    Q: How do I receive an ebook once I purchase it? Can I get it in a hard copy?A: All ebooks are emailed to your email address as download links. No hard copies are offered. You can print out the ebooks.

    Q: Oat bran is terrible and coffee without milk or sugar is also terrible.If I were to add vanilla soy milk for some sweet flavor to either of these items, would that throw off FDX3 diet plan too much? I am asking especially for coffee because I drink 2 cups every single morning, weekends included.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    And can I do cream of wheat or oatmeal on A days instead of the oat bran? They are way more palatable. Is this a major difference?And one more thing....what can I drink other than water or lemon water? Everyone says Crystal Light is garbage but at least its tasty. Suggestions??

    A: How are you cooking the oat bran?? Oatmeal is fine though if you prefer, just match calories. Oat bran has fewer calories and more fiber. Cream of wheat is for refeeds only.

    Do you use sweeteners? Stevia is fine to use.Soy milk is not FD approved. You can use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, but you would have to take the calories from somewhere else in the plan. Crystal light is fine in moderation. Any diet drink is fine for FD in moderation. I also drink tea and decaf coffee with stevia and water with flavoured stevia.

    Q: One last point do we have to add the fish oil oil to the noodles that we are cooking or do we take that separately? Sorry to bother but this is the first time I am cooking!!

    A: No way! Swallow the capsules separately!

    Q: My current weight is 147 lbs and my body fat is 15.7 % but I am very unhappy with my stomach area and it doesnt seem to change the way I want and that is probably because I am not eating properly/ the right food to burn all the jiggle from the middle. I know I need to change my diet and I need help with that. I recently became a vegetarian for personal reasons. Currently I am reading into your programs and I am interested in a couple of your eBooks (FDX3 and FD Extreme). My question to you is if the diet plans that you have are Vegetarian approved?

    A: Fighter Diet can easily be followed as a vegetarian. I am often described as an accidental vegetarian, as the majority of my protein sources are things such as whey protein powder, fat free Lifetime cheese, fat free Greek yogurt etc. If you are willing to use protein powder, fat free dairy, or egg whites etc., you should not have any difficulties with Fighter Diet.

    You will need to purchase the FD Pyramid and/or the FD Concept (strongly recommended regardless) with any pre made diet plan in order to understand how to substitute vegetarian options and other things if desired. All can be converted to vegetarian using calorieking.com and FD Pyramid.

    Q: I just bought the Cardio 4 Leanness and I am trying to save it to my computer but it is asking for a password to be able to do that. Is there any chance that you could send me the password? Thank you very much for your help. You are incredible.

    A: The easiest way to save the eBooks to your computer is to right click on the emailed link and click save as/save the attachment.



    THE Fighter Diet Concept

    Q: I came across an ingredient called poly D fiber....the ingredient is polydextrose. What is Fighter Diets/your opinion of this stuff? Seems like a sweetener with fiber in it. Poly D Fiber is actually the product and the ingredient is polydextrose. I found it on netrition.com, it was right next to the oat fiber...and I saw high in fiber, so I bought it anyway to see what it was like....its finer than sugar, and Ive been adding it into my greek yogurt or cottage cheese, it acts like a sweetener. here is the description from netrition.com. Im wondering if this would be FD approved? And if anyone else uses it, how do they use it? What do you think? PolyD Fiber is a fiber supplement and is 100% polydextrose. PolyD Fiber can be used as a sugar and/or fat replacer and adds a significant amount of fiber to foods. It is 90% fiber. It provides about 1 calorie per gram vs. 4 calories per gram for other carbs. It keeps foods moist, and acts as a bulking agent replacing fat and sugar volume. When water is added, polydextrose forms a gel that mimics some of the functional characteristics of fat. PolyD Fibers prebiotic effects help promote growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. As a fiber supplement, stir PolyD Fiber into your favorite drink. It dissolves best in warm or hot liquids. It tends to gel in cold liquids.

    A: Ok verdict is you can use it in moderation as a sweetener, but you need to count the cals. The standard fiber count is usually 2 calories/g, not 1 as listed on wiki. It is digested in the intestine to an extent.

    Q: I absolutely love eating a ton of vegetables; I look forward to my meals. However I am having a slight problem with stomach issues during the day at the office. Like bloating, gas etc which can be an embarrassing problem in an office environment. If I dont eat the veggies with my meals during the day, I know I will be hungrier. Any suggestions?

    A: How long have you been following FD? Often some people find they have some gas/bloating initially, which subsides after a few weeks as the body gets used to digesting the veggies.

    Some of the girls swear by using digestive enzymes/beano etc, but I do not have personal experience with this. Your body learns how to digest the food you provide it with daily. It takes some time but it does work.

    Using mustard and/or vinegar or lemon juice on the veggies can also help digestion. Certain spices can also help, as can a cup of tea, such as peppermint after meals.

    Another option is to choose one veggie, and eat just that one for a few weeks to adjust. Often mixing lots of different veggies can upset the system. Also, some veggies digest better



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    for some people than others. For example, I can eat tons of cabbage with no problems, but used to have digestive issues with broccoli.

    Also be sure to cook the veggies to well cooked, not crunchy can also help. And be sure to chew well!

    If you really want to avoid the issues, you can do what some FD people do and that is consume mostly proteins/fats throughout the day, then feast on all the veggies at night, when it doesnt matter if you have a veggie belly! The last option is to practice the FD PRO concept.

    Q: Do you cook your veggies?A: Yes, in the microwave, unless you follow the FD PRO concept which is another aspect of Fighter Diet created 2013.

    Q: Im using the Contest Prep ebook for my competition. The book starts the first sample meal plan at week 10 so that is what I started with this week. As of today Im 123 and hoping to get down to 114 by comp date...looking forward to seeing the outcome doing just FD principles.