fce speaking practice

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  • 7/25/2019 FCE Speaking Practice


    FCE Speaking Practice

    This section provides practice for the four parts of FCE Paper 5, the speaking paper. There are five sections

    practising the four parts of Paper 5: one section practises part 1, two sections practise part 2 and two sections

    practise parts ! ".

    Each section provides practice for the ski##s needed to answer the t$pe of %uestions asked in each part. Each

    section shou#d take appro&i'ate#$ "5 'inutes.

    Overview of the Speaking Paper for FCE

    " parts to co'p#ete in 1" 'inutes per pair of candidates

    Part 1 Interview

    Each candidate answers the inter#ocuter(s %uestions a)out the'se#ves.

    Part 2 Individual long turn

    Candidate * ta#ks for a 'inute a)out a pair of photographs, after which Candidate + is invited to 'ake a

    )rief co''ent on the topic of the photographs. Then Candidate + is given 2 different photographs and ta#ksa)out the' for a 'inute, after which, Candidate * is invited to co''ent on the topic of the photographs .

    Part 3 Collaborative task

    Candidates work together to carr$ out a task )ased on so'e pictures. This part #asts 'inutes.

    Part 4 is!ussion

    The inter#ocuter wi## ask )oth candidates so'e %uestions which are re#ated to the topic in part . This part

    #asts for " 'inutes.

    Part 1 Persona# infor'ation

    n this part $ou practise asking and answering %uestions a)out $ourse#f, $our interests and preferences. -ou a#so

    work on re#evant voca)u#ar$ and stud$ so'e e&a'p#es of word stress.

    Part 2a Eating out

    n this section, $ou practise descri)ing two photographs. -ou a#so stud$ pronunciation, and sentence stress.

    Part 2) Freeti'e activities

    n this section, $ou #isten to so'eone co'paring and contrasting photographs in a speaking e&a', and $ou

    practise doing the sa'e $ourse#f. -ou #ook at how to arrange ideas in order to do this.

    Part ! "a Sports

    n this section $ou hear two students doing a task together. -ou then #ook at so'e genera# %uestions that the

    e&a'iner 'a$ ask and practise answering the'.

    Part ! ") The shopping centre

    n this section, $ou #isten to two students discussing p#ans for a new shopping centre and #earn so'e usefu#

    e&pressions used during si'i#ar conversations.

    FCE Speaking "est# Part 1 $Interview%

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    "ests abilit& to# use #anguage for socia# purposes, e.g. 'aking introductions, answering %uestions a)out


    Part 1 of the FCE Speaking test #asts a)out 'inutes. The e&a'iner wi## ask so'e (gettingtoknow$ou(

    %uestions perhaps to find out where $ou co'e fro', $our interests, $our fa'i#$ or $our studies etc.

    E'a(ple )uestions

    /:Where are you from?/:Tell me something about your family.

    /:What did you enjoy most when you were at primary school?

    /:Do you have any plans for a holiday this year?

    Q: Do you play any musical instruments?


    0iving fu## answers to the e&a'iner(s %uestions wi## he#p get the interview off to a good start.

    1 *void giving short, unco''unicative rep#ies.

    /: Tell me something about your family.*:I live with my mum dad and sister and brother. 3on(t stop there4!y sister"s younger than me and still

    goes to school. !y brother wor#s as a computer technician.

    2 *void short, ($es(, (no( answers to c#osed %uestions. These are %uestions )eginning (ave $ou ...(, (3o $ou ...(,

    (s it ...( etc which can )e answered si'p#$ with a $es or no answer.

    /:Do you have any plans for a holiday this year?

    *: $es. %Don"t stop there&' If I get the chance I"d li#e to visit my friend in (ermany. We haven"t seen each other

    for a while and I"m really loo#ing forward to seeing him and getting to #now (ermany.

    /:Do you play any musical instruments?

    *:)o. %Don"t stop there&' We had music lessons when I was at school but I was never very good.

    6ffer e&a'p#es to he#p $ou e&p#ain a state'ent.

    /: Why are you preparing for the *+, e-am?

    *:)o reason really. %Don"t stop there&' I enjoy learning ,nglish and I thin# it would be good to have a

    ualification to show my level.

    FCE Speaking "est# Part 2 $+ong "urn%

    "ests abilit& to# speak at #ength coherent#$, use #anguage to descri)e, co'pare and contrast and co''ent upon

    a topic.

    Part 2 of the FCE Speaking test #asts )etween " 'inutes 7 'inutes for groups of three. The e&a'iner gives

    $ou two photographs and $our partner a different pair of photographs. -ou have to speak a)out $our two photos

    without interruption for a)out 1 'inute and a#so answer a %uestion a)out $our partner(s photographs when he or

    she has finished their #ong turn.

    E'a(ple "ask

    The interview wi## )egin with the e&a'iner sa$ing so'ething #ike:

    /:In this part of the test I"m going to give each of you two photographs. I"d li#e you to tal# about your

    photographs on your own for about / minute and also to answer a short uestion about your partner"sphotographs.

    /:%+andidate 0' here are your photographs. They showpeople participating in sporting activities.

    /:I"d li#e you to compare the two photographs and say why sport is important to people.

    /:0ll right?

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    8otice there are T96 instructions here: first to (co'pare( the two photographs and a#so (to sa$ wh$( sport is

    i'portant to peop#e. n Part 2 candidates need to show the$ can co'pare )ut a#so give an opinion.

    The e&a'iner wi## then ask Candidate + a short %uestion a)out these photographs.

    /: Thank $ou Candidate *. Candidate + which sport wou#d $ou 'ost #ike to tr$

    Candidate + wi## then do their #ong turn with a different set of photographs and at the end, Candidate * wi## )e

    asked a short %uestion.


    1. ;isten to the instructions carefu##$ and 'ake sure $ou know what $ou have to ta#k a)out. f $ou don(t

    understand the instructions $ou shou#d ask the e&a'iner to repeat the':

    1,-cuse me could you say that again?1

    1I"m sorry but would you mind repeating that?1

    2. The %uestion wi## he#p $ou with the structure of $our ta#k.

    * Start with a genera# su''ar$ of the topic:

    "These two photographs show people involved in a sport."

    + Then 'ove on to a co'parison of the two pictures, using words to he#p e&p#ain the co'parison:

    Bothphotographs were ta#en outside and each ofthe people are concentrating hard on what they"re doing.

    "The top photo shows a woman roc# climbing whilst the bottom photo is of a young s#ating ... It loo#s li#e the

    woman is out in the natural world whereasthe boy is in a man2made s#ating par# ..... etc."

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    C Fina##$ give $our opinion with e&a'p#es, again using signposting words and e&pressions to he#p the

    e&a'iner fo##ow $our argu'ent.

    "In my opinion sport is important for people in lots of ways. For example it"s a way to #eep fit of course but

    we alsomeet new people andcan get a lot of enjoyment from a sport ... etc."

    ". Practise 'aking short one'inute ta#ks as often as possi)#e to get an idea for how #ong 1 'inute fee#s #ike.

    Ti'e $ourse#f and ask a friend for feed)ack.

    FCE Speaking "est# Part 3# $Collaborative "ask%

    "ests abilit& to# use #anguage to discuss, e&press an opinion, to agree and disagree, specu#ate and eva#uate etc.

    n Part of the test, which #asts a)out 'inutes, the e&a'iner wi## give )oth candidates instructions and a set

    of visua#s and the candidates wi## have to tr$ to reach so'e for' of agree'ent.

    E'a(ple "ask

    The e&a'iner wi## sa$ so'ething #ike:

    /:)ow I"d li#e you to tal# about something together for about 3 minutes./:I"d li#e you to imagine that you are planning a wee#2long touring holiday with your partner around the

    country that you"re studying in. $ou want to see as much as possible but don"t want to spend too much money

    on transport. 4oo# at the types of transport shown in the photographs.

    /:*irst tal# to each other about how useful each of these forms of transport might be for your holiday. Then

    decide which one would be best.

    /:0ll right?

    8otice there are T96 instructions here: first to ta#k a)out each for' of transport then to (decide( which one is

    )est for $our ho#ida$. This 'eans $ou have to do 'ore than

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    "5ow about you?"

    "Do you thin# ...?"

    2. ;isten carefu##$( to what $our partner sa$s and respond to co''ents he or she 'akes to he#p the discussion

    f#ow. For e&a'p#e:

    "Do65ave60re you?"

    "Don"t65aven"t60ren"t you?"

    "Do you thin# so?


    . f $ou disagree tr$ e&pressing this po#ite#$. For e&a'p#e:

    (I see what you mean but ...(

    (I can see your point but ...(

    "8ut don"t you thin# ..."

    ". =se e&pressions to a##ow $ourse#f ti'e to think. For e&a'p#e:

    (That"s a good uestion.(

    (Well let me thin# ...(

    "It"s difficult to say ..."

    5. -ou(## possi)#$ find $ou don(t understand so'ething $our partner has said. f this happens, take contro# with

    si'p#e %uestions #ike those )e#ow to he#p $ou dea# positive#$ with the situation. This wi## a#so give $ou the

    chance to i'press the e&a'iner with $our co''unication ski##s.

    * f $ou didn(t %uite understand a word or phrase espond constructive#$ and show interest in things he or she sa$s.

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    This page descri)es the ora# speaking e&a' for the Ca')ridge FCE First Certificate in Eng#ish e&a'.

    -ou usua##$ take the speaking e&a' together with one other student.

    The e&a' #asts a)out 1" 'inutes and has four parts:

    $1% Interview $3 (inutes%Each of $ou wi## )e asked )asic %uestions a)out $our ho'e town, fa'i#$, work or stud$, #eisure and future


    $2% Individual tasks $4 (inutes%

    Each of $ou wi## )e asked to co'pare two co#our photographs and e&p#ain $our persona# fee#ings a)out the'

    $ou wi## )e asked to speak for 1 'inute, without an$ interruption. -ou wi## a#so )e asked to give $our opinion

    a)out the other student(s photographs $ou wi## )e e&pected to speak for a)out 2? seconds.

    $3% /oint task $3 (inutes%

    -ou wi## )e shown so'e pictures. -ou wi## )e asked to discuss these with the other student and to 'ake a

    decision. So'eti'es $ou wi## )e asked to agree on the conc#usion, and so'eti'es $ou wi## )e to#d that $ou 'a$'ake different decisions.

    $4% "hree0wa& dis!ussion $4 (inutes%

    -ou wi## )e asked to discuss together with the other student and the e&a'iner so'e ideas that are connected

    with the

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    To avoid wasting ti'e, 'ake it c#ear when $ou have finished ta#king. For e&a'p#e, sa$ so'ething #ike:

    That"s all I can thin# of at the moment


    +efore the e&a', practice the test with another student if $ou a#read$ know the other student who wi## )e

    taking the speaking test with $ou, ask hi'her to practice with $ou.

    -ou 'a$ find it usefu# to pa$ for so'e private #essons with an Eng#ish teacher to prepare. f $ou do this

    together with a friend then the #esson 'a$ )e cheaper for $ou, and $ou can practice the speaking test in a 'ore

    rea#istic wa$.

    SPEI,# Interview 'inutes a)out 1.5 'inutes for each candidate

    The e&a'iner wi## ask $ou so'e short %uestions a)out $ourse#f

    To prepare for this part of the test, think a)out short answers to t$pica# %uestions. So'e e&a'p#es are shown


    +efore the interview $ou wi## )e asked to fi## in a sheet giving $our first na'e, fa'i#$ na'e, ho'e town and

    countr$A $ou shou#d hand this to the interviewer. The interviewer 'a$ ask $ou how to pronounce $our na'e.

    our ho(e town 5 village

    8a'e: 9hat is the na'e of $our ho'e town pronounce it in the Eng#ish wa$


    9here is the town #ocated

    s it near to the capita# cit$ or an$ 'a

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    Pets: 3o $ou have an$ pets

    our work or stud&

    8ow:*re $ou working or stud$ing at the 'o'ent

    Can $ou te## 'e so'ething a)out $ourse#f

    Previous: 9hat were $ou doing )efore $ou started $our current work or studies


    9h$ are $ou stud$ing Eng#ish

    9here are $ou stud$ing

    ow #ong have $ou )een stud$ing Eng#ish


    o))ies:9hat do $ou #ike doing in $our spare ti'e

    3o $ou have an$ ho))ies

    usic: 9hat kind of 'usic do $ou #ike

    Sports: 3o $ou #ike sports

    o#ida$s: ow do $ou #ike to spend $our ho#ida$s

    >eading: 3o $ou en

  • 7/25/2019 FCE Speaking Practice


    There are different wa$s in which $ou can refer to the pictures. For e&a'p#e:

    The first picture referring to the one on the #eft or on topA the secondother picture referring to the one on the

    right or on the )otto'

    The picture on the #eft the #efthand pictureA the picture on the right the righthand picture

    The top picture the picture on the top the upper pictureA the )otto' picture the picture at the )otto' the

    #ower picture

    *fter introducing the pictures, $ou 'a$ )e a)#e to refer to the' using a su)

  • 7/25/2019 FCE Speaking Practice


    E&a'iner: Can $ou te## 'e so'ething a)out 8ara

    -uko:8ara was once the capita# cit$ of Gapan.

    t contains 'an$ o#d te'p#es and is fa'ous for its deer park.

    E&a'iner: 3o $ou have a #arge fa'i#$, *#e&

    *#e&: 8ot rea##$. (' an on#$ chi#d. #ive with '$ parents. 9e have a cat ca##ed To''$.

    E&a'iner: 9hat a)out $ou, -uko


    have one e#der )rother and two $ounger sisters.

    #ive with '$ 'other and father and one of '$ grand'others.

    9e don(t have an$ pets.

    E&a'iner: ow #ong have $ou )een stud$ing Eng#ish, *#e&

    *#e&: studied Eng#ish at schoo# )etween the ages of e#even and si&teen.

    (ve )een stud$ing at a #anguage schoo# in ;ondon since Septe')er #ast $ear.

    E&a'iner: ow do $ou #ike to spend $our ho#ida$s, -uko


    #ike trave##ing around Gapan with one of '$ sisters.

    a#so en

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    Two of the' are white and two of the' are )rown.

    The$ are wa#king in #ine.

    * white car has stopped and is waiting for the' to 'ove. a$)e there is a #ong traffic e'e')er, -uko, $ou have on#$ a)out a 'inute for this, so don(t worr$ if interrupt $ou.


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    1 'inute


    ;et 'e see. First#$, wi## descri)e the upper photo.

    This shows a path through a forest. t is a we##'ade path.

    6n the #efthand side there is a )ench where peop#e can rest if the$ are fee#ing tired.

    n the distance can see a sign showing which wa$ to go.

    a$)e this path is 'aintained )$ the #oca# counci# or )$ the 8ationa# Trust.

    The #ower picture shows a path through a fie#d.

    t isn(t 'aintained as we## as the other path.t #ooks #ike a road for a far'er(s car or tractor, not for peop#e.

    There aren(t so 'an$ trees in this picture. There is one tree in the foreground, and so'e others in

    the )ackground.

    To the right of the path is a fie#d fu## of $e##ow f#owers. don(t know what kind of p#ant it is.

    The $e##ow f#owers 'ake this picture 'ore co#ourfu# than the other one, which is 'ost#$ green.

    think )oth photos were taken in su''er, )ecause the sun is shining and the trees and f#owers

    are growing we##.

    wou#d prefer to wa#k on the path shown in the top picture.

    t #ooks 'ore ro'antic want to go there with '$ )o$friend.

    f it is a hot da$, there is a #ot of shade under the trees and we can sit down on the )ench and

    have a picnic.

    E&a'iner: Thank $ou, -uko. *#e&, in which p#ace wou#d $ou prefer to )e


    2? seconds

    prefer the p#ace shown in the )otto' picture.

    The #and is %uite f#at, so $ou can see far into the distance.

    $ ho'e town is surrounded )$ 'ountains, so it is unusua# to see that kind of scener$ there.

    wou#d #ike to c$c#e a#ong that path with '$ friends.

    E&a'iner: Thank $ou.

    $3% /oint task $3 (inutes%


    8ow, (d #ike $ou to ta#k a)out so'ething together for a)out three 'inutes. ('

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    Ta#k to each other a)out how usefu# $ou find each of the wa$s of stud$ing, and then agree with

    each other on three that $ou wou#d )oth reco''end to a friend.

    -ou have on#$ a)out three 'inutes for this, so, once again, don(t worr$ if stop $ou and p#easespeak so that we can hear $ou. *#right

    -uko: *#right.

    *#e&: 6.

    -uko: So, *#e&, #et(s take turns to choose a 'ethod of stud$ing. 9hich wa$ do $ou #ike )est

    *#e&: think that #earning Eng#ish on a co'puter is the )est wa$. There is a #ot of usefu# infor'ation

    on the internet.


    -es, agree. 9e can stud$ at an$ ti'e )$ ourse#ves. +ut find Eng#ish conversation 'ost

    difficu#t, so ta#king to peop#e is good for 'e.

    *#e&:eeting peop#e is en

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    *#e&: 9e )oth see'ed to think co'puters are usefu#.

    -uko: -es, and we agreed that )ooks shou#d )e one of our choices.

    *#e&: So which one sha## we choose for the third 'ethod no'inate videos and fi#'s.

    -uko:Persona##$ )e#ieve that 'eeting peop#e is 'ore i'portant. f $ou have Eng#ishspeaking friends,

    $ou wi## keep on stud$ing.


    6. So'eti'es it can )e difficu#t to 'ake friends with native Eng#ish speakers, )ut knowing

    how to ta#k Eng#ish is i'portant for work or for trave#.

    -uko: So sha## we 'ake our reco''endations

    *#e&: -es, #et(s do that.

    -uko: suggest the fo##owing. First: co'puters, second: )ooks, third: ta#king to peop#e. 3o $ou agree

    *#e&: -es. Co'puters, )ooks and conversations are a## good wa$s of stud$ing Eng#ish.

    E&a'iner: Thank $ou.

    $4% "hree0wa& dis!ussion $4 (inutes%

    E&a'iner: -uko, do $ou think it is good that co'puters are )eing used 'ore co''on#$ in schoo#s

    -uko: think so. Peop#e can find a #ot of usefu# infor'ation using co'puters. There are so'e )ad

    points a)out the' too, though.

    E&a'iner: 9hat sort of )ad points can $ou think of


    9e##, if peop#e spend too 'uch ti'e #ooking at the co'puter screen, the$ 'a$ have #ess ti'e to

    'eet peop#e and the$ 'ight )eco'e #ess active. n Gapan, schoo#chi#dren are putting on weight.The$ spend so 'uch ti'e stud$ing or p#a$ing ga'es on a co'puter, or watching te#evision.

    *#e&:t 'a$ not )e good for the e$es to #ook at a TH or co'puter screen a## da$. think that(s wh$

    'ore peop#e need to wear g#asses or contact #enses.

    E&a'iner: 3o $ou think there is 'uch difference )etween writing a #etter and sending an e'ai#, *#e&

    *#e&:9riting a #etter using pen and paper takes 'ore ti'e and effort, think. t isn(t so eas$ to correct

    'istakes as it is on a co'puter.

    E&a'iner: 3o $ou prefer receiving a #etter or an e'ai#

    *#e&: t(s nice to get a #etter fro' so'eone. $ parents write #etters to 'e whi#e (' #iving awa$ fro'ho'e, and #ike to receive those ver$ 'uch. +ut #ike to get e'ai#s fro' '$ friends, )ecause

    can write )ack and get a rep#$ %uick#$. check ever$ da$ to see if have received an$ e'ai#s.

    E&a'iner: 9hat a)out $ou, -uko

    -uko: Sorr$, cou#d $ou p#ease repeat $our %uestion

    E&a'iner: Certain#$. was

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    E&a'iner: 3o $ou )e#ieve what $ou read on the internet, -uko

    -uko:*n$one can put infor'ation on the internet, so $ou can(t trust it co'p#ete#$. -ou have to )e


    E&a'iner: 3o $ou think Eng#ish is taught we## in $our ho'e countr$, -uko


    think that the Eng#ish teachers in Gapan concentrate on gra''ar too 'uch. 9e don(t have 'uch

    opportunit$ to practice speaking. The c#ass siDe is ver$ #arge often there are "? students or

    'ore. >ecent#$ the govern'ent has encouraged $oung native Eng#ish teachers to co'e to Gapan,)ut it is difficu#t for the' )ecause the$ aren(t trained teachers and the$ can(t speak Gapanese.

    ow we## is Eng#ish taught in SwitDer#and, *#e&


    think it is easier for us to #earn Eng#ish in SwitDer#and. There are four #anguages spoken in

    different parts of the countr$, so #earning #anguages is i'portant for us. There are 'an$ tourists

    and )usiness peop#e who speak Eng#ish, so we can practice outside of the schoo# so'eti'es. +ut

    the )est wa$ to #earn Eng#ish is to visit an Eng#ishspeaking countr$.

    -uko:-es, agree. $ speaking and #istening ski##s have i'proved a #ot since ca'e to Eng#and to


    E&a'iner: Thank $ou. That is the end of the test.