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  • 8/12/2019 FCE Complete_French Wordlist


    Wordlist: English to French


    Wordlist: English to French

  • 8/12/2019 FCE Complete_French Wordlist


    Cambridge University Press 2011 2

    Wordlist: English to French

    a 8 amused adj mjuzd amus showing that you think somethingis funny

    a 10 annoy v n agacer to make someone angry

    a 11 assume v sjum supposer to accept something to be truewithout question or proof

    b 10 best-selling adj bestsel succs selling in very large numbers

    b 8 bored adj bd ennuy feeling tired and unhappybecause something is notinteresting or because you havenothing to do

    b 10 bring up v br p lever to care for a child until he/sheis an adult, often giving him/herparticular beliefs

    c 11 charming adj tm charmant pleasant and attractive

    c 11 compromise n kmprmaz compromis an agreement in an argument inwhich the people involved reducetheir demands or change their

    opinion in order to agreec 11 counter-

    argumentn kant


    an argument against anotherargument, idea or suggestion

    c 10 countless adj kantls innombrable very many; too many to becounted

    d 10 deal with v dil w 1 avoir affaire / avecquelquun2 soccuper de3 traiter

    1 to talk to someone or meetsomeone, especially as part ofyour job 2 to take action in orderto achieve something or in orderto solve a problem 3 to be aboutor be on the subject of something

    d 10 desire v dza dsirer a strong feeling that you wantsomething

    d 13 do someone afavour

    du smwn fev

    rendre service quelquun

    to do something for someone inorder to help them

    e 8 embarrassed adj mbrst embarass feeling ashamed or shy

    e 9 energetic adj endetk nergique,dynamique

    the power and ability to bephysically and mentally active

    e 8 extend v kstend agrandir to add to something in order tomake it bigger or longer

    f 9 fanatic n fntk fanatique someone whose interest insomething or enthusiasm for

    something is extremef 9 rm n fm entreprise a company or business

    Cambridge University Press 2011 2

    UNIT 1Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    ocuparse detratarlidiar


    hacer un favoravergonzado



    fantico empresaagenciafirma

  • 8/12/2019 FCE Complete_French Wordlist


    Cambridge University Press 2011 3

    Wordlist: English to French

    f 9 tness n ftns tness the condition of being physicallystrong and healthy

    g 9 give someonea lift

    gv smwn lft

    emmener to give someone a free ridesomewhere, usually in a car

    i 9 interrupt v ntrpt interrompre to stop a person from speakingfor a short period by something

    you say or doi 10 irritate v rtet irriter to make someone angryl 10 lack of

    somethingn lk v sm manque de not having something or not

    having enough of something

    m 10 mature adj mtj mr fully grown or developed

    m 9 mind your ownbusiness

    mand j nbzns

    mle-toi de tesaffaires

    used to tell someone in a rudeway that you do not want them toask about something private

    o 13 on average n vrd en moyenne usually, based on an amountwhich is calculated by addingsome amounts together, and

    then dividing by the number ofamounts

    p 11 prioritise v prartaz metttre enpriorit

    to decide which of a group ofthings are the most important sothat you can deal with them rst

    s 9 sporty adj spti sportif relating to sportst 10 the key to

    something ki tusm

    secret, cl the best way of achievingsomething

    u 10 upset adj pset contrari worried, unhappy or angry

    v 11 vital adj vatl dimportancecapitale

    extremely important

    UNIT 1Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    dar a alguien un paseo


    falta de algomaduro

    mtete en tus asuntos

    en media



    la llave de algocontrariado


  • 8/12/2019 FCE Complete_French Wordlist


    Cambridge University Press 2011 4

    Wordlist: English to French

    a 16 abrupt adj brpt subit describes something that issudden and unexpected, andoften unpleasant

    c 17 clamber v klmb se hisser to climb up, across or intosomewhere with dif culty, usingthe hands and the feet

    c 20 commit v kmt commettre to do something illegal orsomething that is consideredwrong

    c 20 compete v kmpit concurrencer to try to be more successful thansomeone or something else

    c 20 consistent adj knsstnt constant always behaving or happening ina similar, especially positive, way

    d 19 disappoint v dspnt dcevoir to make someone feel unhappybecause something or someonewas not as good as they hadexpected or because somethingdid not happen

    d 19 distract v dstrkt distraire to make someone stop givingtheir attention to something

    e 19 exhaust v gzst puiser to make someone feel extremelytired

    f 17 fantasise v fntsaz fantasmer to imagine something that youwould like to happen but which isnot likely to happen

    f 17 further a eld f ld plus loin a long distance away

    h 17 heap n hip tas an untidy pile or mass of things

    h 16 heartbroken adj htbrkn avoir le coeur


    extremely sad, often because a

    relationship has nishedh 17 high-pitched adj haptt aigu describes a noise that is high

    and sometimes also loud orunpleasant

    i 16 irrelevant adj relvnt hors de propos not related to what is beingdiscussed or considered andtherefore of no importance

    l 23 leisure n le temps libre the time when you are notworking or doing other duties

    m 17 make up v mek p fabriquer to invent something, such as anexcuse or a story, often in order

    to deceivem 16 mousy adj masi chtain terne describes hair which is brownand not special or attractive

    UNIT 2Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 5

    Wordlist: English to French

    o 16 on display n dsple en exposition If something is on display, it is ina place for people to look at.

    p 17 pile n pal pile an amount of a substance in theshape of a small hill or a numberof objects on top of each other

    r 17 rush n r lan sudden, quick movement

    s 20 simultaneously adv smltenisli simultanment happening or existing at thesame time

    s 17 straw n str paille the dried yellow stems of cropssuch as wheat, used as foodfor animals or as a layer on theground for animals to lie on

    s 16 sum up v sm p rsumer to describe the important factsabout something brie y

    t 16 triviality n trvilti banalit something that is not importantu 16 urge v d inciter to strongly advise or try to

    persuade someone to do a

    particular thingv 17 venture v vent hasarder to risk going somewhere or

    doing something that might bedangerous or unpleasant

    UNIT 2Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 6

    Wordlist: English to French

    a 29 adapt v dpt sadapter to change something to suitdifferent conditions or uses

    b 29 bare adj be dnud if a cupboard or room is bare,there is little or nothing in it

    c 29 compartment n kmptmnt compartiment one of the separate areas insidea vehicle, especially a train

    d 29 dismantle v dsmntl dmonter to take something apart so that itis in many pieces

    d 29 document n dkjmnt document a paper or set of papers withwritten or printed information,especially of an of cial type

    e 29 endure v ndj endurer to suffer something dif cult,unpleasant or painful

    e 29 epic adj epk pique describes events that happenover a long period and involve alot of action and dif culty

    e 33 excursion n kskn excursion a short journey usually made

    for pleasure, often by a group ofpeople

    f 29 fake adj fek faux not real, but made to look orseem real

    g 29 gust n gst rafale a sudden strong windh 29 holdall n hldl fourre-tout a small case used for carrying

    clothes and personal things whentravelling

    h 30 host n hst hte someone who has guests

    i 27 in style n stal en beaut if you do something in style, youdo it in a way that people admire,

    usually spending a lot of moneyi 29 involve v nvlv impliquer If a situation or activity involves

    something, that thing is anecessary part of it.

    l 27 luxury n lkri de luxe great comfort, especially asprovided by expensive andbeautiful things

    m 31 mood n mud humeur the way you feel at a particulartime

    n 27 novelty n nvlti nouveaut something which has not beenexperienced before and so is

    interestingo 29 overnight adj vnat de nuit, pour la

    nuitfor or during the night

    UNIT 3Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 7

    Wordlist: English to French

    p 29 packed adj pkt bond completely full

    p 29 panel n pnl panneau a at, usually rectangular part, orpiece of wood, metal, cloth, etc.,that ts into or onto somethinglarger

    p 29 privacy n prvsi intimit the state of being alone

    p 29 proclamation n prklmen proclamation a de nite statementr 27 route n rut parcours a particular way or direction

    between places

    s 29 screwdriver n skrudrav tournevis a tool for turning screws,consisting of a handle joined to ametal rod shaped at one end to tin the cut in the top of the screw

    s 29 snack n snk goter a small amount of food that iseaten between meals, or a verysmall meal

    s 29 snatch v snt attraper to take hold of something

    suddenly and roughlys 29 sweaty adj sweti en sueur covered in sweat or smelling of


    u 27 unspoilt adj nsplt prserv an unspoilt place is beautifulbecause it has not been changedor damaged by people

    w 29 wildlife n waldlaf faune et ore animals and plants that growindependently of people, usuallyin natural conditions

    w 29 witness v wtns tmoin to see something happen,especially an accident or crime

    UNIT 3Pageno.

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 8

    Wordlist: English to French

    a 35 aim v em viser to intend

    a 41 airy adj eri ar with a lot of light and spacea 35 attitude n ttjud attitude a feeling or opinion about

    something or someone, or a wayof behaving that is caused by this

    b 35 bunch n bn bande a group of people

    c 39 cage n ked cage a space surrounded on all sidesby bars or wire, in which animalsor birds are kept

    c 40 combination n kmbnen combinaison the mixture you get when two ormore things are combined

    c 41 cosy adj kzi douillet comfortable and pleasant,especially (of a building) becausesmall and warm

    c 35 curriculum n krkjlm programme the group of subjects studied in aschool, college, etc.

    d 34 diet n dat alimentation the food and drink usually eatenor drunk by a person or group

    e 34 edible adj edbl comestible suitable or safe for eating

    e 35 experimental adj kspermentl exprimental experiencing and observingdifferent methods or situations inorder to discover what the resultwill be

    f 40 feature v t prsenter to include someone or somethingas an important part

    f 40 avour n ev got how food or drink tastes, or aparticular taste itself

    f 34 funds n fndz fonds money needed or available tospend on something

    h 38 historic adj hstrk historique important or likely to be importantin history

    i 35 ingredient n ngridint ingrdient a food that is used with otherfoods in the preparation of aparticular dish

    i 35 initiative n ntv initiative a new action or movement, oftenintended to solve a problem

    i 35 isolated adj asletd isol feeling unhappy because of notseeing or talking to other people

    n 35 nutrition n njutrn alimentation the substances that you take intoyour body as food and the waythat they in uence your health

    UNIT 4Pageno.

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 9

    Wordlist: English to French

    o 35 organic adj gnk biologique not using arti cial chemicals inthe growing of plants and animalsfor food and other products

    r 35 range n rend gamme a set of similar things

    r 35 recipe n respi recette a set of instructions telling youhow to prepare and cook food,

    including a list of what food isneeded for this

    s 40 seafood n sifud poisson et fruitsde mer

    animals from the sea that canbe eaten, especially sh or seaanimals with shells

    s 35 supply v spli approvisionner to provide something that iswanted or needed, often in largequantities and over a long periodof time

    t 37 talkative adj tktv bavard talking a lot

    t 36 tasty adj testi savoureux describes food which has a

    strong and very pleasant avour t 34 tuition n tjun cours teaching, especially when given

    to a small group or one person,such as in a college or university

    v 40 value for money vlju fmni

    bon march If something is value for money,it is good quality or there is a lotof it so you think the amount ofmoney you spent on it was right.

    v 38 variety n vrati varit many different types of things orpeople

    w 38 warn v wn avertir to make someone realise apossible danger or problem,especially one in the future

    UNIT 4Pageno.

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 10

    Wordlist: English to French

    a 47 achieve v tiv russir,atteindre

    to succeed in nishing somethingor reaching an aim, especiallyafter a lot of work or effort

    a 48 appreciate v priiet apprcier to recognise or understand thatsomething is valuable, importantor as described

    a 44 approach n prt approche a way of considering or doingsomething

    a 49 aspect n spekt aspect one part of a situation, problem,subject, etc.

    b 49 barrier n bri barrire anything that preventspeople from being together orunderstanding each other

    b 49 bilingual adj balgwl bilingue (of a person) able to use twolanguages for communication, or(of a thing) using or involving twolanguages

    c 45 cancel v knsl annuler to decide that an organised eventwill not happen

    c 49 challenge n tlnd d something that is dif cult andthat tests someones ability anddetermination

    c 45 classmate n klsmet camarade someone who is in the sameclass as you at school

    c 44 culture n klt culture the way of life, especially thegeneral customs and beliefs, ofa particular group of people at aparticular time

    f 45 atmate n tmet colocataire a person who shares anapartment or at with anotherperson

    f 49 y by v a ba ler If a period of time ies by, itseems to pass very quickly,usually because you are enjoyingyourself or very busy.

    f 47 focus onsomething

    v fks nsm

    se focaliser sur to give a lot of attention to oneparticular subject or thing

    f 44 frustrated adj frstretd frustr feeling annoyed or less con dentbecause you cannot achievewhat you want

    g 44 get to know v get tu n apprendre connatrequelquun

    to spend time with someone orsomething so that you graduallylearn more about them

    UNIT 5Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 11

    Wordlist: English to French

    h 48 homesick adj hmsk mal du pays unhappy because of being awayfrom home for a long period

    h 49 hospitality n hsptlti hospitalit when people are friendly andwelcoming to guests and visitors

    i 47 immerseyourself in


    v ms jselfn sm

    se plongerdans

    to become completely involved insomething

    i 44 independent adj ndpendnt indpendant not needing anyone else to helpyou or do things for you

    i 48 initial adj nl initial of or at the beginning

    i 47 intensive adj ntensv intensif involving a lot of effort or activityin a short period of time

    m 49 marked adj mkt marqu describes a change or differencein behaviour that is very obviousor noticeable

    m 47 master v mst matriser to learn how to do something well

    o 45 overhear v vh surprendre to hear what other people aresaying without intending to andwithout their knowledge

    q 45 quali cation n kwlfken certi cat an of cial record showing thatyou have nished a trainingcourse or have the necessaryskills, etc.

    r 45 remind v rmand rappeler to make someone think ofsomething they have forgotten ormight have forgotten

    r 44 research n rst recherche a detailed study of a subject,especially in order to discover

    information or reach a newunderstandings 49 scare v ske effrayer to (cause to) feel frightened

    t 49 theoretical adj retkl thorique based on the ideas that relate toa subject, not the practical usesof that subject

    u 48 unique adj junik unique being the only existing one of itstype or, more generally, unusualor special in some way

    UNIT 5Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 12

    Wordlist: English to French

    a 53 alert adj lt alerte quick to see, understand and actin a particular situation

    b 53 branch n brn branche one of the parts of a tree thatgrows out from the main trunkand has leaves, owers or fruiton it

    c 53 clearing n klr clairire an area in a wood or forest fromwhich trees and bushes havebeen removed

    c 56 crop n krp culture a plant such as a grain, fruit, orvegetable that is grown in largeamounts by farmers

    d 56 debate n dbet dbat a serious discussion of a subjectin which many people take part

    e 52 endangeredspecies

    n ndenddspiiz


    a type of animal that may soonnot exist because there are veryfew alive now

    e 52 exhaust fumes n gzst fjumz gazdchappement the waste gas from a vehiclesengine

    g 53 go ahead v g hed aller de lavant to go somewhere before theother people that you are walkingor travelling with

    g 56 ground v grand immobiliser If aircraft are grounded, they areprevented from ying or orderednot to y.

    h 59 habitat n hbtt habitat the natural environment in whichan animal or plant usually lives

    i 53 idly adv adli oisivement without any particular purpose

    i 53 in the wild n wald en libert in natural conditions,independent of humansk 53 keeper n kip gardien a person who takes care of

    animals in a zoo

    l 59 level n levl niveau the height of something

    l 58 litter n lt dtritus small pieces of rubbish that havebeen left lying on the ground inpublic places

    m 52 machete n meti machette a large knife with a wide blade,used for cutting trees and plantsor as a weapon

    n 59 nature reserve n net rzv rservenaturelle an area of land which isprotected in order to keep safethe animals and plants that livethere, often because they arerare

    UNIT 6Pageno.

    English word n, v, adj,adv

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 13

    Wordlist: English to French

    p 56 play a part ple pt prendre part to help to achieve something

    p 58 pollution n plun pollution damage caused to water, air, etc.by harmful substances or waste

    r 53 remote adj rmt lointain describes an area, house orvillage that is a long way fromany towns or cities

    s 53 scramble v skrmbl grimper to move or climb quickly but withdif culty, often using your handsto help you

    s 53 slip v slp se glisser to go somewhere or dosomething quickly, often so thatyou are not noticed

    s 56 sneeze v sniz ternuer when you sneeze, air and oftensmall drops of liquid suddenlycome out of your nose and mouthin a way you cannot control

    s 53 sniff v snf reni er to smell something by taking air

    in through your noses 53 squat v skwt saccroupir to position yourself close to the

    ground balancing on the frontpart of your feet with your legsbent under your body

    s 56 surface n sfs surface the outer or top part or layer ofsomething

    t 52 threat n ret menace someone or something that islikely to cause harm or damage

    w 53 wander v wnd vagabonder to walk around slowly in arelaxed way or without any clear

    purpose or directionw 53 watchful adj wtfl vigilant paying careful attention and

    ready to deal with problems

    UNIT 6Pageno.

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 14

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    b 64 blow down v bl dan renverser If the wind blows somethingdown, it makes it fall to theground by blowing on it.

    c 62 call centre n kl sent centre dappel a large of ce in which acompanys employees provideinformation to its customers,

    or sell or advertise its goods orservices by telephone

    c 62 cashier n k caissier a person whose job is to receiveand pay out money in a shop,bank, restaurant, etc.

    d 66 database n detbes base dedonnes

    a large amount of informationstored in a computer system insuch a way that it can be easilylooked at or changed

    d 65 daunting adj dnt dcourageant making you feel slightlyfrightened or worried about yourability to achieve something

    e 65 elaborate adj lbrt complexe containing a lot of careful detailor many detailed parts

    e 65 equip v kwp quiper to provide a person or a placewith objects that are necessaryfor a particular purpose

    e 64 equipment n kwpmnt quipement the set of necessary tools,clothing, etc. for a particularpurpose

    g 65 grab v grb saisir to take hold of something orsomeone suddenly and roughly

    h 65 have somethingin common

    hv smn kmn

    avoir encommun

    to share interests, experiences,or other characteristics withsomeone or something

    i 65 improvise v mprvaz improviser to invent or make something,such as a speech or a device,at the time when it is neededwithout already having planned it

    k 66 key in v ki n taper to put information into a computeror a machine using a keyboard

    l 65 live up toexpectations

    lav p tuekspektenz

    tre lahauteur

    to be very good, as good as youwere expecting or hoping

    l 64 luggage n lgd bagages the bags, cases, etc. which

    contain your possessions andthat you take with you when youare travelling

    n 65 neat adj nit rang tidy, with everything in its place

    UNIT 7Pageno.

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 15

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    n 65 nightly adv natli de tous lessoirs

    happening every night

    p 66 punctual adj pktjul ponctuel arriving, doing something orhappening at the expected,correct time; not late

    p 64 put effort into


    pt eft nt


    sfforcer to work hard in order to achieve

    something, using a lot of timeand energy

    s 65 stare v ste regarderxement

    to look for a long time with theeyes wide open, especially whensurprised, frightened or thinking

    s 65 status n stets statut the amount of respect, admirationor importance given to a person,organisation or object

    t 64 task n tsk tche a piece of work to be done,especially one done regularly,unwillingly or with dif culty

    t 65 terrifying adj terfa terri ant very frighteningt 65 trolley n trli chariot a table on four small wheels with

    one or more shelves under itwhich is used for serving food ordrinks

    u 65 undeniably adv ndnabli incontestablement certainlyv 65 vision n vn vision an idea or mental image of


    v 68 volunteer n vlnt bnvole a person who does something,especially helping other people,willingly and without being forcedor paid to do it

    v 68 volunteer v vlnt portervolontaire

    to offer to do something that youdo not have to do, often withouthaving been asked to do it andwithout expecting payment

    UNIT 7Pageno.

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    Cambridge University Press 2011 16

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    b 71 blister n blst ampoule a painful red swelling on theskin that contains liquid, causedusually by continuous rubbing,especially on your foot, or byburning

    c 72 cant help knt help ne pas pouvoir


    If you cant help doing something,

    you cannot stop yourself doing it.c 71 career n kr carrire the job or series of jobs that

    you do during your working life,especially if you continue to getbetter jobs and earn more money

    c 72 carry on v kri n poursuivre to continue doing something, orto cause something to continue

    c 73 casual adj kjul dcontract describes clothes that are notformal or not suitable for specialoccasions

    d 71 disappointment n dspntmnt dception the feeling of being unhappybecause something or someonewas not as good as you hadhoped or because something didnot happen

    d 72 disqualify v dskwlfa disquali er to stop someone from being in acompetition or doing somethingbecause they are unsuitable orthey have done something wrong

    d 71 drop out v drp at laisser tomber to not do something that youwere going to do, or to stopdoing something before you havecompletely nished it

    e 71 eternity n tnti ternit time which never ends or whichhas no limits

    f 71 exible adj eksbl exible able to change or be changedeasily according to the situation

    f 71 furious adj fjris endiabl using a lot of effort or strength

    h 71 hallucination n hlusnen hallucination when you see, hear, feel or smellsomething which does not exist,usually because you are ill orhave taken a drug

    h 74 hire v ha louer to pay to use something for ashort period

    i 70 individually adv ndvduli individuellement separatelyi 72 its no good adj ts n gd laisser tomber used to say that trying to do

    something has no effect

    UNIT 8Pageno.

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    i 72 its not worth ts nt w ca ne vaut pasla peine

    used to say that something is notuseful or enjoyable enough touse time, effort or money doing

    k 71 keep up with v kip p w aller aussi viteque

    to move at the same speed assomeone or something that ismoving forward so that you stay

    level with themm 71 methodical adj mdkl mthodique describes people who do things

    in a very ordered, careful way

    o 77 outline v atlan exposerbrivement

    to give the main facts aboutsomething

    p 71 pace n pes pas the speed at which someone orsomething moves, or with whichsomething happens or changes

    p 73 peaceful adj pisfl paisible quiet and calm

    s 71 severe adj sv grave causing very great pain, dif culty,anxiety, damage, etc.; very

    seriouss 71 strategy n strtdi stratgie a detailed plan for achieving

    success in situations such aswar, politics, business, industry orsport, or the skill of planning forsuch situations

    t 73 take up v tek p se mettre to start doing a particular job oractivity

    t 71 to cut a longstory short

    tu kt lstri t

    pour faire court,bref

    something that you say beforeyou describe, very brie y,something that happened,without saying all the details

    t 71 train v tren sentraner to prepare or be prepared for a job, activity or sport, by learningskills and/or by mental orphysical exercise

    UNIT 8Pageno.

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    a 84 abandon v bndn renoncer to stop doing an activity beforeyou have nished it

    b 84 be supposed v bi spzd tre cens to have to; to have a duty or aresponsibility to

    b 83 brutal adj brutl brutal not considering someonesfeelings

    b 83 by accident ba ksdnt par accident without intending to, or withoutbeing intended

    c 84 celebrity n slebrti clbrit someone who is famous,especially in the entertainmentbusiness

    c 81 chance of alifetime

    n tns v laftam

    chance dunevie

    an opportunity which only comesonce in your life

    c 84 cheering n tr acclamation shouts of encouragement andapproval

    c 83 come down to v km dan tu se rsumer If a situation or decision comesdown to something, that is the

    thing that in uences it most.c 82 contract n kntrkt contrat a legal document that states and

    explains a formal agreementbetween two different people orgroups, or the agreement itself

    d 84 delighted adj dlatd enchant very pleasede 83 exhilarating adj gzlret enivrant making you feel very excited and


    f 81 fascinating adj fsnet fascinant very interesting

    f 84 further adj f de plus extra; additional

    g 83 get involved v get nvlvd prendre part to do things and be part of anactivity or event

    i 83 invaluable adj nvljubl inestimable extremely useful

    l 84 lifestyle n lafstal mode de vie someones way of living; thethings that a person or particulargroup of people usually do

    l 83 live adj lav en direct (of a performance) broadcast,recorded or seen while it ishappening

    m 82 make sense mek sens avoir un sens to be a good thing to do

    m 81 miss v ms rater to not see or hear something orsomeone

    o 83 outlet n atlet exutoire a way in which emotion or energycan be expressed or made use of

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    r 83 reject v rdekt refuser to refuse to accept someone fora job, course, etc.

    s 83 show off v f frimer to behave in a way which isintended to attract attention oradmiration, and which otherpeople often nd annoying

    s 84 steady adj stedi xe steady career/job, etc.; work thatis likely to continue for a longtime and that will pay you regularamounts of money

    s 83 strip away v strp we dpouillerquelquun de

    to gradually reduce somethingimportant or something that hasexisted for a long time

    s 84 superb adj supb superbe of excellent quality; very great

    t 83 take time out v tek tam at prendre dutemps pour

    to spend a period of time doingsomething that is not your normal

    job or course of study

    t 83 taste n test avant-got a short experience of somethingt 83 turn something

    downv tn sm

    danrejeter to refuse an offer or request

    w 84 wealthy adj weli fortun rich; having a lot of money

    w 82 well-known adj welnn clbre famous

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    a 89 appropriate adj prprit appropri suitable or right for a particularsituation or occasion

    b 89 be to do with v bi tu du w porter sur to be caused by or connectedwith something

    d 88 devotesomething to


    v dvtsm tu


    se consacrer to use time, energy, etc. for aparticular purpose

    d 89 divide v dvad diviser to (cause to) separate into partsor groups

    e 89 earn v n gagner to receive money as payment forwork that you do

    f 88 fascinated adj fsnetd fascin very interested

    f 88 feel like l lak avoir envie to want to do something

    f 88 nancial adj fannl nancier relating to money or how moneyis managed

    g 88 give out v gv at mettre to make a sound

    i 89 immeasurably adv merbliimmesurablement

    in an extreme wayi 90 impact n mpkt impact a powerful effect that something,

    especially something new, hason a situation or person

    i 89 income n km revenu money that is earned fromdoing work or received frominvestments

    i 89 intense adj ntens intense strong

    l 89 lead v lid mener lead a busy/happy/normal, etc.life; to live in a particular way

    m 88 match v mt mettre en


    to choose someone or something

    that is suitable for a particularperson, activity, or purpose

    n 88 neighbourhood n nebhd quartier the area of a town that surroundssomeones home, or the peoplewho live in this area

    o 89 objective n bdektv objectif something which you plan to door achieve

    o 89 observation n bzven observation a remark about something thatyou have noticed

    o 88 original adj rdnl dorigine existing since the beginning,or being the earliest form ofsomething

    p 89 poverty n pvti pauvret the condition of being extremelypoor

    p 88 prove v pruv prouver to show that something is true

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    r 88 reward n rwd rcompense something good that you get orexperience because you haveworked hard, behaved well, etc.

    s 88 sample n smpl chantillon a small amount of something thatshows you what the rest is orshould be like

    s 89 slightly adv slatli lgrement a littles 88 start out v stt at commencer to begin your work or a task in a

    particular wayt 89 turn out v tn at savrer to be known or discovered nally

    and surprisingly

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    a 102 abuse n bjus injures rude and offensive words said toanother person

    a 102 accessory n ksesri accessoire something added to a machine orto clothing, which has a useful ordecorative purpose

    b 101 brilliant adj brlint 1 super 2


    1 very good 2 extremely clever

    or skilledc 102 concern n knsn inquitude when you feel worried or nervous

    about something, or somethingthat makes you feel worried

    c 99 convenient adj knvinint commode near or easy to get to or use

    d 99 delivery n dlvri livraison when goods, letters, parcels, etc.are taken to peoples houses orplaces of work

    d 102 deny v dna nier to not admit that you haveknowledge, responsibility,feelings, etc.

    e 103 ensure v n sassurer to make something certain tohappen

    102 get by v get ba se dbrouiller to be able to live with dif culty,having just enough money

    g 102 glance v glnts coup doeil to give a quick, short lookg 100 grateful adj gretfl reconnaissant showing or expressing thanks,

    especially to another person

    h 99 harm v hm faire du mal,endommager

    to hurt someone or damagesomething

    h 99 high-quality adj hakwlti de bonnequalit

    very good and well made

    h 102 hoover v huv passerlaspirateur

    to clean a oor by using anelectric machine which sucks upthe dirt

    h 100 hunter n hnt chasseur a person or an animal that huntsanimals for food or for sport

    i 105 interactive adj ntrktv interactif describes a system or computerprogram which is designed toinvolve the user in the exchangeof information

    i 102 item n atm article something which is part of a listor group of things

    p 99 permission n pmn permission If someone is given permission todo something, they are allowedto do it.

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    r 100 rate v ret classer to judge the value or character ofsomeone or something

    r 100 regard v rgd considrer to consider or have an opinionabout something or someone

    r 102 rental n rentl de location an arrangement to rentsomething, or the amount of

    money that you pay to rentsomething

    r 105 replace v rples remplacer to take the place of something,or to put something or someonein the place of something orsomeone else

    r 101 reputation n repjten rputation the opinion that people ingeneral have about someoneor something, or how muchrespect or admiration someoneor something receives, based onpast behaviour or character

    r 100 reveal v rvil dvoiler to make known or showsomething that is surprising orthat was previously secret

    r 99 security n skjrti scurit protection of a person, building,organisation or country againstthreats such as crime or attacksby foreign countries

    s 102 slam v slm claquer to close violently and noisilyt 102 tackle v tkl entreprendre to try to deal with something or


    t 102 toiletries n tltriz articles detoilette

    things such as soap, toothpaste,etc. that you use for keepingyourself clean

    u 102 underwear n ndwe sous-vtements clothes worn next to the skin,under other clothes

    v 99 vehicle n vkl vhicule a machine usually with wheelsand an engine, which is used fortransporting people or goods onland, especially on roads

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    a 111 arise v raz survenir to happen

    a 107 at rst glance t fst glns premire vue when rst looking

    c 107 canned food n knd fud conserves food which is sold in cans (=closed metal containers)

    c 107 change yourmind

    tend jmand

    changer davis to change your decision oropinion

    c 106 check-up n tekp contrle a general medical examination tosee if you are healthy

    c 107 counsellor n kanstl conseiller someone who is trained to listento people and give them adviceabout their problems

    c 111 crew n kru quipage the people who work together ona ship, aircraft, or plane

    d 111 discreetly adv dskritli discrtement in a way that will not causeembarrassment or attract toomuch attention

    d 107 dramatically adv drmtkli de faondramatique

    suddenly or obviously

    d 107 drastic adj drstk radical (especially of actions) severe andsudden or having very noticeableeffects

    f 110 fasten v fsn attacher to (cause something to) becomermly xed together, or in

    position, or closed

    g 106 get over v get v se remettre to get better after an illness, orfeel better after something orsomeone has made you unhappy

    g 107 get rid of get rd v se dbarasserde

    to remove or throw awaysomething unwanted

    i 111 in mid-air n n mde en plein ciel in the air or sky

    i 107 instance n nstns 1 cas 2 parexemple

    1 a particular situation, eventor fact, especially an exampleof something that happensgenerally 2 for instance saidbefore you give something as anexample

    i 106 intake n ntek consommation the amount of a particularsubstance which is eaten ordrunk during a particular time

    i 107 IQ n akju QI intelligence quotient: a measureof someones intelligence foundfrom special tests

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    o 111 on board n n bd bord on a boat, train or aircraft

    p 107 patrol v ptrl patrouiller (especially of soldiers or thepolice) to go around an area ora building to see if there is anytrouble or danger

    p 107 profoundly adv prfandli profondment deeply or extremely

    p 106 put on v pt n grossir if people or animals put weighton, they become heavier

    q 111 queue n kju queue to wait in a line of people, oftento buy something

    t 106 treatment n tritmnt traitement the use of drugs, exercises, etc.to cure a person of an illness orinjury

    t 108 troublemaker n trblmek fauteur detrouble

    someone who intentionallycauses trouble

    v 107 vandalism n vndlzm vandalisme the crime of intentionallydamaging property belonging to

    other peoplew 106 workout n wkat sance de mise

    en formewhen you do a series ofexercises to make your bodystrong and healthy

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    a 119 ashore adv vers le rivage towards or onto land from anarea of water

    b 119 backpack n bkpk sac dos a bag that you carry on your back

    b 118 bark v bk aboyer (of a dog) to make a loud roughnoise

    c 119 charge v td foncer to move forward quickly andviolently, especially towardssomething which has causeddif culty or anger

    c 119 crash v kr entrer encollison

    to hit something, often making aloud noise or causing damage

    c 119 crunch v krnt croquer, crisser to crush hard food loudlybetween the teeth, or to make asound as if something is beingcrushed or broken

    e 119 enraged adj nredd furieux extremely angryf 119 at out adj t at darrache-pied as fast or as hard as possible

    i 120 intimate adj ntmt intime If a place or event is intimate,it is small in a way that feelscomfortable and private.

    n 119 numb adj nm engourdi If a part of your body is numb,you are unable to feel it, usuallyfor a short time.

    p 119 pan n pn pole a metal container that is roundand often has a long handle anda lid, used for cooking things ontop of a cooker

    p 118 pay attention v pe tenn prter attention to watch, listen to, or think about

    something carefully or withinterestp 119 penultimate adj pnltmt pnultime second from the last

    p 116 pet n pet animal decompagnie

    an animal which is kept in thehome as a companion andtreated kindly

    p 119 pierce v ps percer (of a light, sound, etc.) tosuddenly be seen or heard,despite darkness, noise, etc.

    p 119 pot n pt casserole any of various types of container,usually round, especially oneused for cooking food

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    p 119 prick n prk piqre the quick feeling of pain thatyou get when something sharpmakes a very small hole in yourskin

    r 119 root n rut racine the part of a plant which growsdown into the earth to get water

    and food and which holds theplant rm in the ground

    r 120 rural adj rrl rural relating to the countryside andnot to towns

    s 119 scratch n skrt gratignure a slight cut or a long, thin markmade with a sharp object

    s 119 scream v skrim crier to cry or say somethingloudly and usually on a highnote, especially because ofstrong emotions such as fear,excitement or anger

    s 119 smash v sm fracasser to cause something to move withgreat force against somethinghard, usually causing damage orinjury

    s 119 snorkelling n snkl plonge avectuba

    the activity of swimming whileusing a snorkel (= a tube that youbreathe through when your faceis under the water)

    s 117 supervise v supvaz superviser to watch a person or activity tomake certain that everything isdone correctly, safely, etc.

    s 119 survive v svav survivre to continue to live or exist,

    especially after coming close todying or being destroyed or afterbeing in a dif cult or threateningsituation

    t 119 tangle v tgl semmler to become twisted together, or tomake something become twistedtogether

    t 118 thick adj k pais made of strong, heavy material

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    t 117 timid adj tmd timide shy and nervous; without muchcon dence; easily frightened

    w 119 wave v wev faire un signede la main

    to raise your hand and moveit from side to side as a wayof greeting someone, tellingthem to do something or adding

    emphasis to an expressionz 119 zip n zp fermeture clair a fastener consisting of two rows

    of metal or plastic teeth-likeparts which are brought togetherby pulling a small sliding pieceover them, and which is used forclosing openings, especially inclothes or bags

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    a 125 anxiety n zati angoisse an uncomfortable feeling ofnervousness or worry aboutsomething that is happening ormight happen in the future

    a 125 arch n t arche a structure consisting of a curvedtop on two supports, which holds

    the weight of something above itb 124 block n blk immeuble a large, usually tall building

    divided into separate parts foruse as of ces or homes byseveral different organisations orpeople

    c 125 cellar n sel cave a room under the ground oorof a building, usually used forstorage

    c 128 consultant n knsltnt consultant someone who advises people ona particular subject

    c 125 cruel adj krul cruel causing sufferingc 125 customary adj kstmri 1 habituel 2

    coutumier 1 usual 2 traditional

    c 127 cut down v kt dan abattre to make a tree fall to the groundby cutting it near the bottom

    d 125 dealer n dil marchand a person whose work is to buyand sell something

    e 125 elegant adj elgnt lgant graceful and attractive inappearance or behaviour

    f 125 fetch v fet rapporter to be sold for a particular amountof money

    h 125 handrails n hndrelz balustrade a long bar that you hold in orderto support yourself when walking,for example at the side of stairs

    h 126 haunted adj hntd hant describes a place where ghostsappear

    h 124 housing estate n haz stet lotissement an area containing a largenumber of houses or apartmentsbuilt close together at the sametime

    j 125 jumbled adj dmbld dsordonn mixed together in an untidy wayp 125 print v prnt imprimer to produce writing or images on

    paper or other material with amachine

    r 125 request n rkwest demande when you politely or of cially askfor something

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    r 125 rounded adj randd arrondi smooth and curveds 128 saucer n ss soucoupe a small curved plate which you

    put a cup on

    s 125 sense ofhumour

    n sens vhjum

    sens delhumour

    your ability to understandamusing things

    s 125 shutter n t volet a wooden cover on the outsideof a window which prevents lightor heat from going into a room orheat from leaving it

    s 127 site n sat site a place where somethinghappened or was built in the past

    s 125 store v st ranger to put or keep things in a specialplace for use in the future

    s 124 storey n stri tage a level of a building

    s 125 struggle v strgl lutter to experience dif culty and makea very great effort in order to dosomething

    s 125 suspicious adj ssps m ant feeling doubt or no trust insomeone or something

    t 125 trade n tred mtier a particular business or industry

    w 215 warehouse n wehas entrept a large building for storing thingsbefore they are sold, used, orsent out to shops

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    a 136 ancient adj ennt ancien of or from a long time ago, havinglasted for a very long time

    b 138 break out v brek at clater If something dangerous orunpleasant breaks out, itsuddenly starts.

    c 138 chaotic adj ketk chaotique in a state of chaos (= a situation

    where there is no order andeverything is confused)

    c 138 chuck v tk jeter to throw something carelesslyc 136 contemporary adj kntemprri contemporain existing or happening now

    c 135 conventional adj knvennl conventionel traditional and ordinary

    c 138 cram v krm entasser to force a lot of things into a smallspace

    f 138 ock v k af uer to move or come together inlarge numbers

    f 138 frenzy n frenzi frnsie uncontrolled and excitedbehaviour or emotion, which issometimes violent

    h 136 harvest n hvst rcolte the time of year when cropsare cut and collected from the

    elds, or the activity of cuttingand collecting them, or the cropswhich are cut and collected

    h 138 hurl v hl lancer to throw something with a lotof force, usually in an angry orviolent way

    j 135 juggling n dgl jonglage the activity of throwing twoor more balls into the air,

    repeatedly, often in order toentertain people

    l 138 lie ahead v la hed se pro ler to be going to happen in thefuture

    l 138 load n ld charge a large amount of things that aperson or animal carries

    m 138 manic adj mnk maniaque very excited and physically activein a way that is not controlled

    m 135 move on v muv n circuler If the police or other people inauthority move you on, they askyou to leave a place.

    m 136 myth n m mythe an ancient story or set of stories,especially explaining in a literaryway the early history of a groupof people or about natural eventsand facts

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    r 136 raw adj r cru (of food) not cooked

    s 138 scour v ska parcourir to search a place or thing verycarefully in order to try to ndsomething

    s 138 sizzle v szl grsiller to make a sound like foodcooking in hot fat

    s 138 sour adj sa aigre having a sharp, sometimesunpleasant, taste or smell, like alemon, and not sweet

    s 138 squash v skw aplatir to crush something into a atshape

    s 138 stale adj stel rassis no longer new or fresh, usuallyas a result of being kept for toolong

    s 138 stall n stl stand a large table or a small shop withan open front from which goodsare sold in a public place

    s 136 symbolise v smblaz symboliser to represent somethingt 136 trap v trp piger to catch an animal using a piece

    of equipment

    t 140 triumph n tramf triomphe a very great success,achievement or victory (=when you win a war, ght orcompetition), or a feeling of greatsatisfaction or pleasure causedby this

    t 138 trundle v trndl cahoter (to cause something) to moveslowly on wheels

    u 138 upbeat adj pbit joyeux full of hope, happiness and goodfeelingsw 136 welfare n welfe bien-tre physical and mental health and

    happiness, especially of a person

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    a 147 attract attention trkttenn

    attirer lattention to make someone notice you

    b 143 be up to nogood

    v bi p tu ngd

    prparer unmauvais coup

    to be doing something bad thatyou should not be doing

    b 145 break down v brek dan tomber enpanne

    If a machine or vehicle breaksdown, it stops working.

    b 143 built-in adj bltn encastr If a place or piece of equipmenthas built-in objects, they arepermanently connected andcannot be easily removed.

    c 143 compatible adj kmptbl compatible compatible equipment can beused together

    c 143 coordination n kdnen coordination the ability to make your arms,legs and other body parts movein a controlled way

    c 143 current adj krnt courant of the present time

    d 143 demand v dmnd rclamer to need something such as time,

    effort, or a particular qualityd 143 device n dvas appareil an object or machine which has

    been invented for a particularpurpose

    d 143 downside n dansad inconvnient the disadvantage of a situation

    e 143 elsewhere adv elswe ailleurs somewhere different; somewhereelse

    g 144 gadget n gdt gadget a small device or machine with aparticular purpose

    g 145 give up v gv p renoncer to stop owning and usingsomething

    g 143 goal n gl but an aim or purposei 143 indoors adv ndz lintrieur into or inside a building

    i 143 link v lk joindre to connect computers so thatinformation can be sent betweenthem

    l 143 loudspeaker n ladspik haut-parleur a piece of equipment thatchanges electrical signals intosounds, especially used in publicplaces so that large numbersof people can hear someonespeaking or music playing

    o 143 overlong adj vl trop long too long

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    p 143 persuade v pswed convaincre to make someone do or believesomething by giving them a goodreason to do it or by talking tothem and making them believe it

    p 143 pinpoint v pnpnt localiser to nd out or say the exactposition in space or time of

    somethingp 143 price tag n pras tg prix how much something costs

    p 146 proud adj prad er feeling pleasure and satisfactionbecause you or peopleconnected with you have done orgot something good

    r 143 resemble v rzembl ressembler to look like or be like someone orsomething

    s 143 set targets v set tgts xer lesobjectifs

    to decide what you want toachieve by a particular time

    s 143 signal n sgnl signal an action, movement or sound

    which gives information, amessage, a warning or an order

    s 143 substantial adj sbstnl substantiel large in size, value or importance

    s 143 suit v sut convenir to be right for a particular person,situation or occasion

    s 143 switch on v swt n allumer to turn a piece of equipment ont 143 track v trk suivre la trace

    deto follow a person or animal bylooking for proof that they havebeen somewhere, or by usingelectronic equipment

    t 143 turn into v tn ntu (se) transformer


    to change and become someone

    or something different, or tomake someone or something dothis

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