fc.96b civil war & military dictatorship in england (1642-61) cromwell’s rule is very...

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642- 61) Cromwell’s rule is very unpopular Monarchy restored in 1661 (FC.96C) Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60) Aggressive foreign policy : • Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland • Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland • Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch Repressive home rule : • Heavy taxes for standing army & navy • Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc. • Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior Cromwell resolves political issues : Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649) Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53) Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A) 30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88) Cromwell’s Rule (1649-58) Cromwell’s Rule (1649-58) New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over: Money : Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay Govt : Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy Religion : Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644) Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king English Civil Wars (1642-8) Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has: Standard uniforms & equipment Regular pay Tight discipline English Civil Wars (1642-8) Royalist “Cavaliers” having: • Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry • Irish Catholic allies Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy •Calvinist Scottish allies Civil War between:

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Cromwell’s rule is very unpopular Monarchy restored in 1661 (FC.96C)

Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:




Dutch Republic



Louis XIII dies& Mazarin’s

Regency begins(1643)

Mazarin dies & Louis XIV begins

his active reign (1661)

Glorious Revolution


Eng. Civ. Wars begin





30 Yrs.War ends


James IIBegins reign


Louis XIV revokesEdict of Nantes


Louis XIVdies


1st Anglo Dutch-Naval War(1652-4)

2nd Anglo-DutchNaval War(1665-7)

3rd Anglo- DutchNaval War(1672-4)

Dutch War1672-8)

1660 1670 1680 16901640

Fronde (1648-53)

Stuart monarchyrestored(1661)




Peter the Great dies


War of Sp.Succession (1700-13)

Great N.War vs. Sweden (1700-21)

“Time of Troubles”


PrussiaFred-Wm The Great Elector

Starts his reign(1640)

Fred-Wm the Great ElectorDies (1688)

N. War b/wSweden, Prussia

& Poland (1655-60)

Peter I’sGreat Embassy


Eng. Civ. Wars end


War of Sp.Succession (1700-13)

War of League of Augsburg


War of League of Augsburg


War of League of Augsburg


War of Holy League ends


30 Yrs. War ends (1648)

Dutch indep. (1648)

William IIIMarries MaryStuart (1674)

Turks besiegeVienna & start of

War of Holy League vs. Turks (1683)

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.


FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)30 Yrs War Impact on Eng. Civil

War? Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.


FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:

• What region?

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W

Esp. strong in?

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry


Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having:

Puritans Strong in?

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy


Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

Allied w/Prot. Scots

Civil War between:

Area controlled by Parliament in 1642

Area controlled by King in 1642

One of the myths of the English Civil War?

One of the myths of the English Civil War was that neither side knew how to fight well at its start. However, in addition to the large numbers of Scottish and Irish veterans from the Thirty Years War who took part, there were the “trained bands” of militia that the king had required to train. While they weren’t hardened veterans, they weren’t totally raw recruits either, and they adapted to warfare fairly quickly.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Charles’ nephew & the Cavaliers’ most brilliant cavalry commander. As the son of James I’s daughter Elizabeth and the ill-fated Frederick of the Palatinate whose bid for the throne of Bohemia had started the Thirty Years War, he had spent much of his life in a Hapsburg prison where he studied cavalry tactics. He was only 22 when he assumed command of his uncle’s cavalry.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine and his dog, Boy

Boy’s mother being courted by an English bulldog. However, since he was a Puritan bulldog, his efforts were unsuccessful.

Despite his prissy little dog, Prince Rupert was one of the best cavalry leaders of the war, forging the inexperienced cavaliers into an excellent fighting force that fought in three ranks and charged as shock cavalry in the manner the Swedes had learned from Polish hussars in Eastern Europe.

The standards of the king (above) and Sir Thomas Fairfax,the Parliamentary commander at Edgehill.

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

The battle of Edgehill (1642) was the first major battle of the English Civil War. Although the king’s cavalry won the day, both sides were so exhausted and disorganized that neither was able to take advantage of the situation.

Although a draw, the Puritans could claim one success at Edgehill: the capture of the King’s flag.

The real reason the Roundheads ran away at Edgehill

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder

War developed largely into what?“English

Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

As the English Civil War turned into a series of localized conflicts, skirmishes like this and sieges of manor houses became the most common type of fighting.

Storming of Basing House & the ensuing massacre of Catholics by Cromwell (10/14/1645), a prelude to his later massacres of Irish Catholics. With their men gone to war, women often took the leading role in defending their homes against attacks like this.

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces Turning point?


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

Oliver Cromwell, until his role in the victory at Marston Moor in 1644, a relatively unknown country squire.

Puritan cavalry trooper in Cromwell’s famous cavalry regiment, Ironsides, wearing a buff leather coat that gradually replaced armor

Newcastle’s Lambs, a Royalist regiment that fought to the death at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644 which proved to be the turning point in the first English Civil War

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


New army Parliament formed?Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular pay



Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:

Equipment? Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Pay?Tight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

Thomas Fairfax, commanding general of the New Model Army at Naseby

The final defeat of the Royalist forces at Naseby (1645)

After Naseby, Charles surrendered to the Scots, hoping to split the victorious allies.

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy


What did each side want?

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:


What did each side want?

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay


What did each side want?

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

John Lilburne, leader of the Levelers who stood for religious freedom of conscience and independent local churches. Some of them, mixing politics and social theory with religion, also stood for equality for all men, and a few advocated equal rights for women.

Another group of religious independents was the Quakers, who believed in pacifism and, as this picture of a Quaker woman preaching indicates, more equality for women.

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

What interrupted the resolution of these issues?


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) How was it resolved?


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

FC.96B CIVIL WAR & MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN ENGLAND (1642-61)Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig.

(FC.96A)30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)

New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

Although outnumbered 2:1, Cromwell made more effective use of his troops to defeat the Royalist forces at Dunbar in the Second Civil War.

Cromwell reading Psalm 117 after Dunbar


Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders


Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leadersThe king? Purged Parliament

“Rump” of 60 members

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

In December, 1648 a Colonel Pride purged Parliament of its members who were negotiating with the king. Pride’s Purge made it clear there would be no peace between Cromwell and the king.


Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leadersThe king? Purged Parliament

“Rump” of 60 members

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

"You wrong even the poorest plowman.” -- Charles I at his trial

Charles’ use of Divine Right of Kings as his primary defense proved of no avail.

“We shall cut off the king’s head and the crown with it.”--Oliver CromwellCharles I’s death warrant calling for his beheading. Cromwell, who was supposedly the third to sign, did a bit of arm twisting to pressure other members of Parliament to sign as well. Still only 59 of 135 Members of Parliament signed Charles’ death warrant, maybe because the other 75 members had been purged.

“I am a martyr of the people.”--Charles I at his execution.

Charles I’s execution (1/30/1649) was much less popular than Cromwell & the radical Puritans had anticipated. At the same time, another anti-royalist revolt, the Fronde, was raging in France, although ultimately with very different results from its English counterpart


Cromwell resolves political issues :

Democ. Rumblings in army?

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

Cromwell’s first govt. known as?


Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

Cromwell as Lord Protector, essentially dictator, of England

A British gold crown from 1658 with Cromwell’ head crowned with a laurel wreath on the front. Cromwell also mimicked royalty by maintaining a lavish court and having himself treated as a virtual king.


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

A Brief History of Ireland

The Normans invaded Ireland in 1169, gradually extending their control over the following centuries. For most of the Middle Ages Ireland was ruled as a separate kingdom under the British Crown.

By 1300, the area controlled by the Anglo Normans had reached its greatest extent.

However, by 1450, the Irish had regained control over much of their land.

In the 1500s, the English started to regain control of parts of Ireland. In 1603 the defeat of the Irish in Ulster gave Britain complete control of Ireland.

In the 1500s, the English started to regain control of parts of Ireland. In 1603 the defeat of the Irish in Ulster gave Britain complete control of Ireland.

Unfortunately, the Protestant Reformation added a new and volatile element to the struggle: religion. Now it wasn’t just a struggle over land. It was a struggle over God.

In the 1500s, the English started to regain control of parts of Ireland. In 1603 the defeat of the Irish in Ulster gave Britain complete control of Ireland.

Unfortunately, the Protestant Reformation added a new and volatile element to the struggle: religion. Now it wasn’t just a struggle over land. It was a struggle over God.

In 1641, the Catholic Irish rebelled against their Protestant English masters.

Anti Irish-Catholic propaganda in 1641, showing supposed Irish atrocities committed against English and Irish Protestants in Ireland.

Anglo-Irish Protestants prepare defenses for Drogheda (1641) vs. Irish rebels as they wait for help from England. The English Civil Wars delayed English efforts to respond to the uprising.

However, in 1649, Cromwell landed in Ireland to quell the revolt. The bombardment and storming of Drogheda by Cromwell’s forces was one of the most notorious of his acts.

With his troops wavering, Cromwell personally leads the assault on the gates of Drogheda in Ireland.

With his troops wavering, Cromwell personally leads the assault on the gates of Drogheda in Ireland.

When the city fell, all soldiers, priests, and a number of civilians were massacred.

With his troops wavering, Cromwell personally leads the assault on the gates of Drogheda in Ireland.

When the city fell, all soldiers, priests, and a number of civilians were massacred.

"I wish that all honest hearts may give the glory of this to God, to whom indeed the praise of thy mercy belongs."--Cromwell

Cromwell hoped one massacre could intimidate the Irish into submission.

Cromwell hoped 1 massacre could intimidate the Irish into submission. It didn't.

Cromwell hoped 1 massacre could intimidate the Irish into submission. It didn't.

1500 more were massacred when Wexford was taken.

Cromwell hoped 1 massacre could intimidate the Irish into submission. It didn't.

1500 more were massacred when Wexford was taken.

Other towns offering resistance suffered the same fate.

Cromwell hoped 1 massacre could intimidate the Irish into submission. It didn't.

1500 more were massacred when Wexford was taken.

Other towns offering resistance suffered the same fate.

When Cromwell had to leave Ireland to take care of Scotland, his policy of massacres was abandoned.

Cromwell hoped 1 massacre could intimidate the Irish into submission. It didn't.

1500 more were massacred when Wexford was taken.

Other towns offering resistance suffered the same fate.

When Cromwell had to leave Ireland to take care of Scotland, his policy of massacres was abandoned.

However, another policy that would prove in the long run more destructive to the Irish people was now implemented: land confiscations.

Cromwell’s confiscations were the result of the lack of cash to pay his troops at the end of the war. Therefore, he confiscated land and gave it to his troops in lieu of money. Any Irish unable to prove loyalty to the Commonwealth had their property confiscated. Dispossessed landowners were given poor quality land in Connaught in exchange, thus the expression “To Hell or Connaught.”

To ensure continuing control over the troublesome province of Ulster, the land was confiscated and given to small Scottish farmers.

To ensure continuing control over the troublesome province of Ulster, the land was confiscated and given to small Scottish farmers.

This was the source of the religious strife still afflicting Northern Ireland today.

An act from 1692 encouraging Protestants to settle in Ireland, thus displacing more native Irish. The English seized 2/3 of Irish land for their own.

An act from 1692 encouraging Protestants to settle in Ireland, thus displacing more native Irish. The English seized 2/3 of Irish land for their own.

As a result, starvation and disease killed an estimated 50% of the Irish population by 1692.

An act from 1692 encouraging Protestants to settle in Ireland, thus displacing more native Irish. The English seized 2/3 of Irish land for their own.

As a result, starvation and disease killed an estimated 50% of the Irish population by 1692.

According to one traveler, "...a man might travel 20 or 30 miles and not see a living creature."

Cromwell’s religious policies outlawing Catholicism were no less disruptive.

Cromwell’s religious policies outlawing Catholicism were no less disruptive.

Priests were ordered out of the country in 20 days.

Cromwell’s religious policies outlawing Catholicism were no less disruptive.

Priests were ordered out of the country in 20 days.

Anyone harboring a priest could be executed, although this was not strictly enforced after the war.

Cromwell’s religious policies outlawing Catholicism were no less disruptive.

Priests were ordered out of the country in 20 days.

Anyone harboring a priest could be executed, although this was not strictly enforced after the war.

Magistrates could even take Irish children & ship them to England for a proper Protestant education.

The long-term results for Ireland were also devastating. In the 1840s, the Potato famine hit Ireland. Although English landlords, who controlled the best 2/3 of land in Ireland, had extra food, they exported it to England while maybe a million Irish starved to death.

The long-term results for Ireland were also devastating. In the 1840s, the Potato famine hit Ireland. Although English landlords, who controlled the best 2/3 of land in Ireland, had extra food, they exported it to England while maybe a million Irish starved to death.

Outrage over their plight would eventually lead to the Irish Revolution in 1916.

Have you ever walked the lonesome hillsAnd heard the curfews cryOr seen the raven black as nightUpon a windswept skyTo walk the purple heatherAnd hear the westwind cryTo know that’s where the rapparee must die

Since Cromwell pushed us westwardTo live our lowly livesThere’s some of us have deemed to fightFrom Tipperary mountains highNoblemen with wills of ironWho are not afraid to dieWho’ll fight with gaelic honour held on high

A curse upon you Oliver CromwellYou who raped our MotherlandI hope you’re rotting down in hellFor the horrors that you sentTo our misfortunate forefathersWhom you robbed of their birthright“To hell or Connaught” may you burn in hell tonight

Of one such man I’d like to speakA rapparee by name and deedHis family dispossessed and slaughteredThey put a price upon his headHis name is known in song and storyHis deeds are legend stillAnd murdered for blood moneyWas young Ned of the hill

You have robbed us of our homes and fortunesEven drove us from our landYou tried to break our spiritBut you’ll never understandThe love of dear old IrelandThat will forge an iron willAs long as there are gallant menLike young Ned of the hill

Written by Terry Woods & Ron KavanaFrom the album Peace and Love by the Pogues

Young Ned of the Hill


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

In 1651, Cromwell passed the Navigation Act, which said imports to England had to come either on English ships or ships from the countries where the goods were made. This was an obvious blow against the Dutch who profited greatly from the carrying trade (much like Fed Ex). The result was the First Anglo-Dutch War. Since the Dutch up to liberation in 1648 had concentrated on trade and defeating the Spanish Army, they didn’t have as powerful navy as Britain’s, and did poorly in this war. However, in the next two Anglo-Dutch wars they would more than hold their own by building large warships and adopting the English tactic of fighting in one long line to make best use of the broadsides from their cannons.

In 1653, the two countries’ fleets of 120 ships each met in a bloody and indecisive battle at Scheveningen. Although a tactical draw, it did break the British blockade of Holland and led to peace. From Cromwell’s point of view, this ensured that Johan de Witte’s party remained in power to prevent the young William III of Orange, Charles II’s nephew, from taking over and trying to restore his uncle to the throne of England. Ironically, it would be William who would over throw the Stuart monarchy and seize the throne in 1688 in the Glorious Revolution.


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:


Cromwell’s rule is very unpopular Monarchy restored in 1661 (FC.96C)

Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between:

Cromwell portrayed as a dictator


Cromwell’s rule is very unpopular Monarchy restored in 1661 (FC.96C)

Cromwell, frustrated w/Parl’s lack of fervor, est. milit. dictatorship, the Protectorate (1653-60)Aggressive foreign policy:

• Conquest & mild rule of Calvinist Scotland• Brutal conquest & rule of Catholic Ireland

• Foreign wars vs. Spain & Dutch

Repressive home rule:• Heavy taxes for standing army & navy

• Closed theaters, taverns, racetracks, etc.• Discouraged flamboyant clothes & behavior

Cromwell resolves political issues :Crushed democr. uprising in army & executed 11 leaders

Tried & executed king as a traitor (1/30/1649)

Purged Parliament “Rump” of 60 members

Cromwell rules with “Rump Parliament” in a govt. known as the Commonwealth (1649-53)

Charles I & Parliament clash over $ & relig. (FC.96A)

30 Yrs War Scottish, Eng., & Irish veterans (FC.88)







New Model Army beats king @ Naseby (1645) King surrenders to Scots Split b/w army & Parl. over:

Money: Parl., broke from war, wants to disband army w/o pay

Govt: Parl. wants oligarchy of rich vs. army who wants democracy

Religion: Army wants indep. congr’s vs. Parl.’s Nat’l presbyterian church

Battle of Edgehill (1642) Bloody draw prob. cut short by lack of powder War largely a series of local wars as each side built its forces “Roundheads” beat king at Marston Moor (1644)

Charles escapes & raises Scots vs. Parl. 2nd Civil War (1646-8) Oliver Cromwell & New Model Army beat king


Civil Wars


Parliament forms “New Model Army” of draftees which has:Standard uniforms & equipment Regular payTight discipline


Civil Wars


Royalist “Cavaliers” having:• Agric/ N. & W Better cavalry

• Irish Catholic allies

Parliament & Puritans having: • Urban S & E Control navy

•Calvinist Scottish allies

Civil War between: