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  • 8/3/2019 Fc Hard Copy



    152- Ronak Jain

    153- Sagar Jain

    154- Saajan Jain

    155- SaketJain

    156- Shalin Jain

    157- Siddharth Jain

  • 8/3/2019 Fc Hard Copy



    Traffic congestion and cities, it seems, go hand in

    hand. Everyone complains about being stuck in

    traffic, but, like the weather, no one seems to do

    anything about it. In particular, traffic engineers,

    transportation planners, and public officials

    responsible for metropolitan transportation

    systems are frequently criticized for failing to

    make a dent in congestion .But is traffic

    congestion a sign of failure? Long queues at

    restaurants or theater box offices are seen as

    signs of success. Should transportation systemsbe viewed any differently? I think we should

    recognize that traffic congestion is an inevitable

    by-product of vibrant, successful cities, and view

    the congestion problem in a different light.

    Conventional wisdom holds that traffic congestionexacts a terrible social and economic toll on

    society; expanding transportation capacity only

    makes things worse and redesigning cities and

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    expanding alternative transportation modes offer

    the best long-term means for reducing traffic


    What is Traffic Congestion?

    Traffic congestion is a condition on road

    networks that occurs as use increases, and ischaracterized by slower speeds, longer trip

    times, and increased vehicular queuing . The most

    common example is the physical use of roads by

    vehicles . When traffic demand is great enough

    that the interaction between vehicles slows the

    speed of the traffic stream, this results in some

    congestion. As demand approaches the capacity

    of a road (or of the intersections along the road),

    extreme traffic congestion sets in. When

    vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time,

    this is known as a traffic jam or traffic snarl-


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    Traffic congestion occurs when a volume oftraffic generates demand for space greater than

    the available road capacity. There are a numberof specific circumstances which cause oraggravate congestion; most of them reduce thecapacity of a road at a given point or over acertain length, or increase the number of vehiclesrequired for a given volume of people or goods.

    Traffic research still cannot fully predict underwhich conditions a "traffic jam" (as opposed toheavy, but smoothly flowing traffic) may suddenlyoccur. It has been found that individual incidents(such as accidents or even a single car braking

    heavily in a previously smooth flow) may causeripple effects which then spread out and createa sustained traffic jam when, otherwise, normalflow might have continued for some time longer.

    The Myth

    You cant build your way out of congestion, or,Build it and they will come.These two phrases

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    summarize the theory of induced travel. Buildingmore roads leads to an increased number of cars

    and vehicle travel, thereby exacerbatingcongestion and increasing development.

    The Facts

    Traffic congestion is growing nationwide ,leading

    to increased costs to motorists in wasted timeand fuel use.

    According to (1999): More than 31 percent of urban freewaysthroughout the country are congested.

    Traffic congestion costs motorists more than$72 billion a year in wasted time and fuel costs.

    While traffic congestion is worsening across thecountry, according to the Texas TransportationInstitute (TTI), cities that have aggressivelyadded road capacity in response to regional

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    growth have had smaller increases in congestionthan have other areas.

    A 1998 Federal Highway Administration reportfound that increased vehicle travel on expandedroad capacity is largely the result of trafficbeing diverted from nearby routes or from shiftsin travel times. Diverting traffic reduces overall

    regional traffic congestion. The study concludedthat only 5 to 13 percent of the new traffic onexpanded urban highways is attributable to newhighway travel actually induced by the expandedcapacity.

    Indian festivals and Traffic Congestion

    In India, the celebrations of fairs and festivalsform a wondrous and joyful series of events,

    marking the rites of passage between birth,death and renewal. There are said to be morefestivals in India than there are days of the year;not unlikely in a country where small, local village

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    rituals of worship and propitiation are celebratedwith as much as fervor as are high holy days

    across the nation, occasions that can draw floodsof people numbering half a million or more. Fairsand festivals are moments of remembrance andcommemoration of the birthdays and great deedsof gods, goddesses, hero's, heroine's, gurus,prophet's and saints. They are times when people

    gather together, linked by ties of shared socialand religious beliefs. Each of India's manyreligious groups - Hindus, Muslims, Christians,Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain and others - has its ownsuch days.

    Festivals are bound to attract people out of theirhouses .Whether it is Diwali,Ganeshchaturthi,Ramzan or any other festival ,peopleget out of their houses to celebrate it.

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    So what does Traffic Congestion has to do

    with Festivals?



    All major road in Mumbai, especially the onessurrounding major markets witnessed heavytraffic jams during peak hours during Diwali eve.However, unlike other traffic jams, peopleconfined to their vehicles for hours seemed

    patient on Diwali eve.

    Harleen Kaur, a commuter driving from Colabawho was stuck at Churchgate in South Mumbaifor half an hour, said, It is festive season,

    jams are bound to happen. We went forshopping and I am happy. There is no use

    getting hyper about it. Traffic is annoying, but

    we are in festive mood, so it is ok.

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    In South Mumbai, the density of vehicles was

    very high, which lead to sluggish movement ofvehicles in the area. The difficult stretch was

    from Colaba to Kalbadevi . Most people were out

    to buy Diwali gifts so the area adjoining markets

    were choked.



    On the day of Ramzan the city witnessed trafficjams at various places. This also causedinconvenience to revellers.

    In congested markets like, it was difficult toeven walk or cross the road. Traffic jams forhours have been a routine here ahead of thefestival.

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    The major cause that led to traffic chaos werevendors, who encroached upon the footpaths or

    verandahs in busy markets to sell their goods.The shopkeepers too had encroached the areasoutside their shops to grab the attention ofbuyers.

    "Even though the district administration has

    made arrangements for parking in most of the

    shopping centres or busy markets, the lack of

    road sense among the vehicle owners is a major

    factor for traffic snarls on the city roads,"said a senior citizen Shyam Goel.

    "As the road users have increased manifold

    and the vehicle population is growing, people

    have failed to instil a road sense among

    themselves for safe driving on the roads or

    parking of vehicles," he said.

    The shopkeepers in markets said that traffic

    congestion has become a part of the city culture."If the customers visit the market for

    purchasing from a particular shop and if there

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    are no arrangements of parking, the customers

    park their vehicles on the roadside," .

    Case 3: Crowded markets, traffic jams on


    New Delhi:Hundreds of shoppers thronged brightly-lit citymarkets on Monday to make purchases onDhanteras, considered an auspicious occasion tobuy things like gold, utensils or household goodsahead of Diwali, leading to massive traffic jams

    across the city.

    Despite it being a weekday, long queues of carscould be seen around many markets as shoppersmade last minute purchases.

    The crowds were pouring in by the hour and the

    market is bursting at the seams. Apart from theDhanteras shopping, customers were splurging onDiwali related goods too.

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    There was a huge traffic jam in all thos areasleading to a block to the main road.Hundreds of

    cars were stuck behind each other,moving veryslowly.

    A fifteen minute route took approximately 45-90minutes to go through that same route.

    Case 4:Traffic snarls in Hyderabad as Ganeshimmersion continues


    The delay in immersion of Ganesh idols inHussainsagar Lake in Hyderabad had caused hugetraffic jams in the city, causing inconvenience tocommuters. Hundreds of idols were still beingbrought to the lake in the heart of the city, a dayafter the immersion procession began.

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    Students and office-goers were caught in longtraffic snarls in the areas surrounding the lake.

    Additional Commissioner of Police (traffic) hadsaid traffic restrictions would continue tillfurther orders.Heaps of garbage on the roadssurrounding the lake were also proving to be ahurdle in smooth flow of vehicular traffic.

    Case 5:Dussehra hits traffic, more jamslikely


    Dussehra eve left the city's roads jammed atmany places. The festive rush for Durga Pujapandals and Ramlilas around the evening rush hourresulted in traffic snarls.

    Traffic police officials said the overall vehicle

    movement went up due to the festivities.Manyparts of the city were affected. It wasn't justthe office rush but also the people coming out tocelebrate.

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    Traffic moved at a snail's pace. "The rush forDurga Puja pandals in Gorgon led to a traffic jam.

    I have been stuck here for the last 45 minutesalthough it takes me only a few minutes to crossthis stretch. The traffic police should makearrangements to ensure smooth trafficmovement," said, a commuter.

    Case 6: Traffic nightmare in GOA


    Come Christmas-New Year and it is a nightmarefor people living in the area or tourists

    themselves as hoards of revelers rush toCalangute, Candolim, Sinquerim, and Anjuna withtheir vehicles only to be stuck in traffic forhours causing severe hardships especially tolocals. The recent traffic chaos during the Diwali

    festivities had virtually brought life to a grindinghalt along the narrow roads at Calangute,Candolim, Nagoa-Arpora.

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    With the traffic is expected to increase evenmore during the forthcoming IFFI and Christmas

    season. Calangute Panch Filipe Dias, said, Onerequires at least half an hour to travel fromCalangute market to the beach, which

    otherwise takes less than 10 minutes. Most of

    the time, I hesitate to move out because of

    such traffic jams which occurs every year,.

    Unless all heavy vehicles and even four wheelersare stopped prior to the church and huge parkingarea is developed and people allowed to move onfoot or cycles to the beach, the beaches which

    are a place of relaxation will continue to become anightmare and tourists will avoid these places andbusiness is likely to die a slow death.

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    Traffic congestion





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    Gone are the days when traffic congestion onlyoccurred during festivals such asDeepavali,Ganesh Chaturthi, New Year, etc.



    Generally traffic studies have found that 25 % ofthe causes of congestion are incident andaccident related, 15 % can be blamed on weather,

    10 % is due to traffic flow slowing because ofwork or maintenance operations, while bothspecial events and emergencies, and poor signaltiming are responsible for 5 % respectively. The

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    remaining 40 % is classified as recurrent causes -mostly bottlenecking due to capacity


    General Recurrent causes

    The three main reasons for recurrent causesinclude:

    1.Insufficient capacity, when the existing roadnetwork simply cannot cope with the demand,simply due to the annual increase in traffic,

    2.Unrestrained demand, in which case more and

    more people buy private vehicles because theycan afford to, because the public transportsystem is insufficient, or because there is ageographic necessity for it, resulting in growththat outstrips the rate at which public transport

    systems can be expanded or adjusted.

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    3.Ineffective capacity management, wheretraffic control systems are ill-timed, out of order

    or badly placed.It is nearly impossible to list all the factors thatcontribute to the closely-linked first tworecurrent causes, as each location has its own setof unique characteristics that contribute to thewhole problem - and all of these interact witheach other in place-specific manner. However, afew general and global reasons should behighlighted:

    4. Time usage patterns: Human nature (and logic)

    dictates that the majority of people living in anurban centre have similar time schedules basedon work or education: Most people need to be atschool or work between 8 and 9 am, andtherefore everyone needs to be travelling to

    their place of work or education in the precedinghours. The same pattern emerges at the end ofthe working day.

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    5. Population increase: As urban populationsincrease over time, the transport infrastructure

    needs to support more and more people every day.Since not everyone can live in the city centre -and most prefer to live in the suburbs - there isan increase of people living in surrounding areaswho need to get into the city centre each day (orelsewhere in the metropolitan area).

    Non-recurrent causes

    1. Incidents and accidents: Clearly a road

    accident has the ability to shut down lanes on ahighway as the vehicles involved block the routeand/or emergency personnel need space on theroad in which to work, but minor incidents - whichdo not require emergency personnel - also havethe effect of encouraging so-called rubber-necking (in which other drivers slow down to takea look), which effectively creates a bottleneck.

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    2.Work zones: Road maintenance and

    construction near a road requires space and areduction in speed of vehicles. The result, again,is a bottleneck.

    3. Weather: Bad weather hampers visibility (inthe case of rain or snow) and therefore cautiousdrivers will slow down to compensate.

    4. Special events: An influx of a few thousandpeople to a sports or entertainment venue such asa stadium creates traffic congestion in thesurrounding access roads.

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    FESTIVALSWe all know that India is a developing country anddensely populated. In spite of that India hasshown tremendous growth as compared to otherdeveloping countries in the world. But there are

    some basic problems of almost all major citiesneeds attention and solution as soon as possibleso as to maintain the actual growth in terms ofbasic development. The traffic problem in citiesis increasing with every passing day. Whenever wetalk about traffic we hear words like disgusting,

    chaotic, unsafe, infamous, etc.Thanks to veryunorganised, undisciplined traffic of city withzero traffic sense in the population. Every timewe cross the city we find ourselves standingfrustrated in traffic congestion and criticizing

    the government. Is it fair to blame governmentfor everything?

    Especially during festivals,there is traffic jamsall over.During festivals there is a rush hour

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    everywhere.The streets are full withpeople,cars,vendors etc.There is joy and even

    chaos everywhere during festivals.There is a pileup of traffic everywhere around the world duringdifferent festivals.Some of the reasons fortraffic congestion during festivals are as follows:

    Although India is home to over fifty nationalhighways the sad state of affairs is that mostnational highways are just two lanes or evenlesser. The design of the highways is a matter ofgreat importance since only properly designedhighways can withstand the pressure created by

    heavy vehicles. Apart from being narrow they arealso highly congested since quite a large part ofIndia's freight is carried on these highways.

    One of the major reasons for the damage of

    roads in India is overloading. It is said that about70 percept of funds meant to be spent for themaintenance of roads

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    actually goes behind paying laborers. Themagnanimity of the expenditure incurred in orderto repair roads is alarming and hence thegovernment is stressing on building large scaleconcrete roads instead of the common bituminous

    roads. Although building concrete roads is a littleexpensive but it is beneficial for the country inthe long run. India's road network is extensive


    ome of the important reasons:

    1.Bad city roads

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    2. Potholes here and there on the city roads.3. Insufficient existing parking infrastructure in

    the city.4. Encroachment on footpaths that contributes inpoor discipline in pedestrians who are forced touse roads to walk.5. Lack of traffic rules education amongpopulation. Sometimes highly qualified

    professional like engineers and doctors behavelike illiterates on the roads.6. Lack of strict traffic police system that canpunish rule breakers on the roads.7. Heavy vehicles transit into city slows down the

    traffic and increases jam like situations quiteoften.8. Auto drivers are the curse in the city as theydominate the roads and take dangerous cuts to goahead and risks the lives of their passengers.9. Most of us think red lights are for street

    decoration and thus ignoring it is quite common.10. Horns have become substitute to the brakesas I myself have seen many times when the cardriver ahead of me needs to push brakes but he

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    pushes horn hard like anything. It just aggravatesthe situation and sometimes the rider ahead of

    him may lose control due to loud sound.11. Bad shape of roads and less width in thebusiest parts of city invites traffic to congest.12. I think almost all the roads in the city arefrequently dug up by government or corporationfor some reasons and then it takes a long time to

    repair them. In some cases they just forget tofill it up inviting accidents. In some places youdont find even a sign board.13. Frequent rallies, marriage processions,political rallies, visit of a celebrity or politician

    are some of the very common causes of trafficcongestion in India (specially).14. Overtaking from wrong side, taking a shortcut, merging in main lane, etc are common sightshelping in disturbing traffic of city.15. Not obeying the traffic rules is very common

    behaviour among population.16. Inadequate public transportation encouragespeople to use their own vehicles that contributein increasing volume of vehicles on the roads.

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    17. Fast development of city has pulled hugepopulation from across the nation contributing in

    increase in traffic.

    Other reasons of Traffic Congestion :

    India has more truly congested cities than any

    other nation, which is not surprising, since it isalso the world's second-most populous country,

    after China. Vehicles in India are distributed

    somewhat unevenly. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and

    Bangalore have 5% of India's population but 14%

    of its registered vehicles.

    Traffic is growing four times faster than the

    population in six cities: Mumbai, Delhi,

    Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad.

    Indeed, Delhi is now said to have as many cars as

    Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai combined. Traffic is

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    well known for moving at the pace of its slowest

    component. Most countries have automobiles,

    buses, trucks, trains, motorcycles, motorscooters and bicycles. But in India, in addition to

    this routine urban transportation, and

    contributing substantially to the congestion, are

    networks of auto-rickshaws and two-wheelers, as

    well as bullock carts and hand-pulled rickshaws(disappearing from some urban areas).

    There has been a staggering 100 fold increase in

    the population of motorized vehicles, however,the expansion in the road network has not been

    commensurate with this increase. While the

    motor vehicle population has grown from 0.3

    million in 1951 to over 30 million in 2004, the road

    network has expanded from 0.4 million km to 3.32

    million km, only a 8 fold increase in terms of

    length during the same period.

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    Strategies to Mitigate Congestion During


    Traffic congestion is a serious problem in most

    Indian metros. Public transport systems are

    overloaded, and there is a limit on how much

    additional infrastructure such as roads and rail

    lines a city can add. Of course, city planners are

    doing the best they can to cope with the

    increasing stress on the transportation

    infrastructure. For instance, in Mumbai, tens of

    flyovers have been and continue to be

    constructed, and existing roads are being

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    widened. But creating more infrastructure is not

    a solution by itself. The improvements in

    infrastructure will always lag behind the increasein traffic. Its benefits are only short-term;

    whats needed is a more imaginative, holistic and

    integrated approach to the problem. The

    improving-infrastructure approach seeks to

    accommodate the future. What is also needed is apreventive approach to actually reduce the

    traffic on the roads.

    Build better public transport systems:

    An efficient public transport system can

    effectively reduce the traffic on city roads.

    Theres considerable evidence to suggest vehicle

    owners will use a mass transit system, if a good

    one is available. In fact, because of traffic

    snarls and the problem of finding parking space,

    many commuters in cities like New York and

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    London choose to travel by the metro rail

    network. Many cities in India are already taking

    steps in this direction. Prime Minister ManmohanSingh recently laid the foundation for a metro

    rail network in Mumbai. City authorities are also

    exploring providing public transport on sea

    routes that connect important hubs of Mumbai.

    But building such alternative transportationsystems requires huge investments.

    An efficient public

    Transport system can effectively reduce the

    traffic on city roads. Theres considerableevidence to suggest vehicle owners will use a

    mass transit system, if a good one is available. In

    fact, because of traffic snarls and the problem

    of finding parking space, many commuters in

    cities like New York and London choose to travel

    by the metro rail network.

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    Many cities in India are already taking steps in

    this direction. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

    recently laid the foundation for a metro railnetwork in Mumbai. City authorities are also

    exploring providing public transport on sea routes

    that connect important hubs of Mumbai.

    But building such alternative transportation

    systems requires huge investments. That is where

    we come to the second approach.

    Reduce traffic through congestion charging

    schemes, Car-pooling etc.: Cities around the world

    such as Singapore and London have introducedcongestion charging schemes to reduce traffic.

    For instance, in London, drivers are charged a fee

    for entering the Central London zone.

    Proper Traffic Management

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    There should be proper traffic management

    during festivals. The police should be on their

    duties and carry on to clear and manage trafficwith proper management

    CCTV Project

    This project envisages the implementation of

    computerized video surveillance at 100 criticaltraffic junctions in Mumbai for visual surveillanceand incident detection to facilitate effectivemanagement .The system shall combine theefficiency of video Detection with the flexibility

    of PTZ cameras. The main function of this systemwill be to collect real time videos from distantcameras and transmit the footage via an opticalfibre network to a control room fitted with

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    workstation PCs with various application software.

    The system shall enable the police to detectvideo incidents using suitable algorithm providingfor automatic traffic pattern recognition. Thesystem shall automatically detect stoppedvehicles on every lane type (traveling laneemergency lane ramp) and under any traffic

    configuration (fluid congestion stop go).

    When an alert is detected the Video incidentserver will send a command to the other PCworkstation meant only for surveillance to display

    the real time image from the camera. Using thissystem will enable the police to identifyoffenders and also ease traffic congestion at aparticular junction by deploying the nearestwireless van to the scene.

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    Variable Messaging System ( VMS )Installation

    of Electronic Messaging Boards in Mumbai.

    With a view to provide all the most recentinformation regarding traffic to the commuters.Traffic Control Branch has started installation of

    Electronic Messaging Boards at strategiclocations in the city. These boards are connectedto the Traffic Control Room from where latestinformation regarding congestion, bottlenecks,diversion etc. is displayed. The Intention is tokeep the motorists well informed & assist them

    to take their own suitable decisions regardingtheir travel thereby assisting in effective trafficmanagement. Benefit of these boards are highlyvisible particularly during emergencies, festivalslike Ganesh Utsava / Navratra Utsav / Mount

    Mary fair, VIP / VVIP movements etc.

    Learning from the Ants- An interesting


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    Ants seem to have cracked a problem we humanshaven't. While our cars get clogged in jams, help

    each other to move around their colony muchmore efficiently. Understanding how they do thiscould inspire more effective routing of roadtraffic. Collective intelligence expert DirkHelbing from the Dresden University ofTechnology in Germany and his team investigated

    how ants move around their colony. They set up anant highway with two routes of different widthsfrom the nest to some sugar syrup.Unsurprisingly, the narrower route soon becamecongested. But when an ant returning along the

    congested route to the nest collided with anotherant just starting out, the returning ant pushedthe newcomer onto the other path. However, ifthe returning ant had enjoyed a trouble-freejourney, it did not redirect the newcomer. Theresearchers created a computer model of more

    complex ant networks with routes of differentlengths. The team found that even though antsbeing rerouted sometimes took a longer route,they still got to the food quickly and efficiently.

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    If human drivers travelling in opposite directionscould pass congestion information to each other

    in this way, we would all be better off.From a technology and project implementationstand point, India has no dearth of talent. Afterall, our IT talent is exported across the world tosolve some of the most complex challenges. Itstime we harness it to solve domestic problems aswell. Indian companies have enormous experiencein successfully implementing large-scale, citizen-facing, mission-critical projects. And these arechallenges the Indian IT industry will welcomewith open arms.


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    Among the strategies that address congestion,

    reduce unexpected delays, and make the most of

    the nation's existing investments, continuedadvancement of better transportation operations

    plays a critical role. It will not happen by one

    single act. The transportation community can

    accelerate the solution to congestion by being

    more aggressive in championing the need fortransportation systems management and

    operations, more aggressive in showing the

    benefits of management and operations, and more

    aggressive in the deployment and use of traffic

    engineering, transportation management, and

    traveler information tools.

    Overall, traffic problems are caused by an

    over-reliance on private transport and a failure

    to keep up with the rapidly expandingpopulation. However, the city has shown it can

    solve problems in the past.

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    Too many cars for too few road have lead to

    severe congestion in the city. However, if the

    municipal authorities encourage residents touse public transport, I am sure it will continue

    to be a pleasant city to live in in the future.




    3.The times of india

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    4. The Article Traffic Congestion and the
