fbi created 17 false flag terrorist attacks

7/30/2019 FBI Created 17 False Flag Terrorist Attacks http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/fbi-created-17-false-flag-terrorist-attacks 1/54 1 FBI Created 17 False Flag Terrorist Attacks FBI agent being trained to shoot at paper terrorists. According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, in the past 10 years, there’ve been 20 Terrorist plots against the US. Three of those plots were real but were discovered and stopped by private Americans. The other 17 were created–and then stopped–by the FBI. The apparent purpose of these false flag operations was to deceive Americans into believing we’re under attack by foreign or domestic terrorists who are fictional. Based on the false belief that we’re being persistently attacked, Americans tend to accept and even our government’s invasions of foreign countries and our own growing police state.

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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FBI Created 17 False Flag

Terrorist Attacks

FBI agent being trained to shoot at paper terrorists.

According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, in the past

10 years, there’ve been 20 Terrorist plots against the


Three of those plots were real but were discovered

and stopped by private Americans.

The other 17 were created–and then stopped–by the


The apparent purpose of these false flag operations

was to deceive Americans into believing we’re under

attack by foreign or domestic terrorists who are


Based on the false belief that we’re being persistently

attacked, Americans tend to accept and even our

government’s invasions of foreign countries and our

own growing police state.

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If you want to fly on an airplane, you must first be x-

rayed or groped based, in part, on 17 plots created

by the FBI to prove the existence of terrorists who

don’t actually exist.

Every government agent–right up to the President–who authorized or participated in such fraudulent

terrorist attacks should be tried for treason and, if

found guilty, hanged by the neck until dead.

video 00:05:05


Here’s an article from the New York Times thatexplains that the FBI is not finding terrorists, so

much as creating and grooming people who are

upset with government to become “terrorists” in

“sting operations”.

This article claims that “Of the 22 most frightening

plans for attacks since 9/11 on American soil, 14 were

developed in [FBI] sting operations.”

These numbers don’t precisely match Judge

Napolitano’s, but they’re similar.

More, the article interests me in that it reveals that

most defendants charged in these “sting operations”

claim “entrapment” for their defense and thereby

lose in court.

That tells me that “entrapment” is probably an

“affirmative defense” which, as I’ve previously

explained, is first and foremost a confession.

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I.e., you can’t claim to have been “entrapped” into

committing a crime without first implicitly

confessing that you did, in fact, commit the alleged


Once you make any affirmative defense/confession,the prosecution’s case is made, and the burden of

proof shifts to the defendant to prove that, except

for the influence exerted by the FBI (or whoever), the

defendant would not have committed the crime.

Because it’s almost impossible for the defendant to

prove his state of mind and intent, convicting fools

who make affirmative defenses is like shooting fish ina barrel.

If the defendant had not made an affirmative

defense, the burden of proof would remain on theprosecution to prove the defendant’s state of


The most important consequence of using theaffirmative defense of entrapment to excuse some

alleged criminal act inspired by the FBI (or some

other governmental agency) is that such defense

constitutes a confession that you have attempted to

commit a crime.

The second most important consequence may be

that “entrapment” implicitly admits that the personwho tried to entrap the defendant was a

government agent.

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If so, by alleging that he was “entrapped” by a

government agent, the defendant cloaks that

government agent with “official immunity” that

might not otherwise exist.

In other words, if a defendant doesn’t claim“entrapment,” the alleged “government agent” might

be just as liable for the offense as the defendant.

If I were being prosecuted for attempting to commit

some “terrorist act” that had been inspired by a

purported FBI agent, I might not try a defense of


I might instead challenge the credentials of the

government agent, attempt to prove that he’s

merely a private actor, corporate employee, and the

real “brains” behind the terror plot.

I would not thereby confess to the alleged “crime”.

By not confessing, I’d make the prosecution proveevery element of the crime, including venue (The

State vs. this state), and I might sue the purported FBI

agent for misleading and deceiving me.

I’d be careful to create evidence that the alleged

“government agent” was the brains behind the crime

and thus a co-defendant rather than some “official”.

I’d argue that if I were to be sentenced to 5 years, my

co-defendant should be sentenced to 10.

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 April 21st, 2013 April 21st, 2013 April 21st, 2013 April 21st, 2013







Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in

Most ‘Terrorist’ Attacks!

VIDEO: American Terror: Manufactured by the FBI

People need to watch this!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013



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On 23 April 2013, a body was found "in India Point

Park in Providence Harbor", near the Wyndham

Garden Providence Hotel, Rhode Island. 

Is the body that of Tamerlan Tsaraev?

Tamerlan's wife's family is from Rhode Island.

"The body appeared to be a male in his twenties and

had 'been in the water for a while,' said Commander

Thomas Oates of the Providence Police Department...

"The Rhode Island medical examiner's office is trying

to determine if a body pulled from a river is missingBrown University student Sunil Tripathi, who was

erroneously linked on social media to the Boston

bombings last week.

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"An autopsy is being conducted on the body,

however it was unlikely a positive identification will

be made today, according to Dara Chadwick,

spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office."

Body in River May Be ...

The Russell's home in North Kingstown in RhodeIsland. 

Tamerlan Tsaraev was married to Katherine Russell

whose father Warren Russell lists his high school as

the elite New Hampshire boarding school Phillips

Exeter Academy and his college as Yale (linked Skull

and Bones and the CIA).

Katherine's mother is Judith Russell.


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"According to documents received by Izvestia a

Russian language newspaper, Tamerlan Tsarnaevwas recruited by Georgia's Caucasus Fund, anorganization run by the Jamestown Foundation.

"The documents were leaked from the files of

Georgia's Ministry of Internal Affairs,Counterintelligence Department.

"Izvestia reports that between January and July of

2012, Tamerlan Tsarnaev the accused bomber of the

Boston Marathon attended seminars conducted by

the Fund of Caucasus."


The Jamestown Foundation is a front for the CIA. 

Below is the backpack said to have contained abomb. 

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That guy, who's backpack exactly matches theone that blew up, is a f..... navy seal! 

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent | Facebook 

Why would Tsarnaev tell the carjacking victim they

were responsible for the bombings, as police allege?

"Makes no sense."

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Those unexploded bombs found in older brother

Tamerlan's apartment?

"They didn't live together."

How could Jahar have run away as quickly as heallegedly did with "multiple guns and hundredsof rounds of ammunition?"

What about this video with 350,000 views that maybe

looks like he still had a backpack on after the bombs

went off?

The Facebook page "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Innocent,"claims that the US government, not Dzhokhar and

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was behind the attacks in Boston.

"These are the same kind of conspiracy theories

espoused about 9/11 by Alex Jones, who founded

Infowars — a favorite website of Tamerlan Tsarnaev,

according to The Associated Press."

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended a CIA-sponsoredWorkshop 

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended a workshopsponsored by the CIA-linked JamestownFoundation, Izvestia reports.

The Russian newspaper cites documents produced by

the Counterintelligence Department Ministry ofInternal Affairs of Georgia confirming that the NGO

“Fund of Caucasus” held workshops in the summer of

2012 and Tsarnaev attended.

The Caucasus Fund was established in November,

2008, following the Geoergian- Ossetian conflict.

The main purpose of the organization, accordingto Izvestia, is to “to recruit young people andintellectuals of the North Caucasus to enhanceinstability and extremism in the southernregions of Russia.” 

The Jamestown Foundation is a known CIA front.

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Treason-Gate Escalates

International Intelligence 


UNITED States of America - It can now be reported

that Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the alleged

Boston bombing terrorist suspect, is being blocked

from traveling to the United States by the U.S. State

Department and the Obama Administration.

Russian FSB

intelligence officer Zubeidat Tsarnaeva

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Zubeidat Tsarnaeva is a Russian FSB intelligence

officer and a former employee of the Department of

Homeland Security.

After being interviewed today by the Federal Bureau

of Investigation, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva was ready totravel to the U.S. and testify to a Federal Grand Jury

on her knowledge of the relevant details concerning

the Boston bombing aka the NSA psyop and the

training ground for this operation in the old Russian

Republic of Georgia and a direct connection dating

back to the 9/11 BushFRAUD Administration BLACK OP

attacks on the United States.

The Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner

of Ohio, is currently obstructing justice in the matter

of the assassination of the late Ambassador to Libya,

Christopher Stevens, and the "smoking gun" evidence

tying former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham

Clinton and the stand down order she issued in

regards to a security request by the late Ambassador

Stevens for the unregistered diplomatic outpost inBenghazi 24 hours before the attack and the

assassination of the Ambassador. 

Do not believe CNN aka Bush-Clinton Crime Family

Syndicate news regards to the story claiming that the

mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, of the Boston bombing

suspect can't travel to the United States because of

an alleged existing warrant for her arrest regarding ashop lifting charge. Again, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva is a

Russian FSB intelligence agent and has diplomatic

immunity in the United States as well as an employee

of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was

not subject to any arrest.

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The Russian warning to the U.S. concerning the

events surrounding the Boston bombing also deals

with information supplied to the U.S. FBI that the

Department of Homeland Security had been fatally

compromised and infiltrated by the Israeli Mossad

and the Nazi German NSA Kurt Becker cell of

Hamburg, Germany.

Operation Wack-a-Mole Unravels 

International Intelligence 

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UNITED States of America - It can now be reported

that the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force

operating on U.S. soil have linked 29 operatives and

chaos actors to the NSA scripted Boston,

Massachusetts psyop aka "Operation Wack-a-Mole".

Two operatives of Turkish descent were assassinated

in Liechtenstein after escaping to that nation on a

Lufthansa jet. Lufthansa employees are now on strike

fearing their safety and security.

We can now divulge that the major two suspects in

the Boston bombing Tamerlan and Dzhokhar

Tsarnaev, two Russian Chechnyan brothers one deadand one in the hospital, have been FBI informants for

over two years and were used by the FBI to infiltrate

alleged Jihadist websites and were crucial to

identifying the individual responsible for the Ft.

Hood shootings.

We can now also report that the mother of the

alleged two terror suspects, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, hasbeen a member of Russian Intelligence aka Russian

FSB for over 15 years and is also on the payroll, and

get this folks, of none other than the Department of

Homeland Security (DHS) as an anti-terrorist

consultant reference the activity of Chechnya rebels.

And now the plot thickens and

the dots are being connected.

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 We can now report that Zubeidat Tsarnaeva was a

member of the Russian Intelligence team that, alongwith French Intelligence, intercepted an Israeli

Mossad cable that originated from the Republic of

Georgia titled "The Time Is Now The Match Is Hot".

That was the 9/11 command and control attack order

to proceed with the Black Op 9/11 attack on the

United States aka George W. BushFRAUD's Nazi-style

Reichstag fire.

BushFRAUD's Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice

ignored the warning as did the entire BushFRAUD


We can also report that the training ground for the

NSA Black Op attack on Boston, Massachusetts, as well

as the attack on the U.S. diplomatic outpost inBenghazi, Libya, was none other than the old Soviet

province of the Republic of Georgia.

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The Black Op attack on the diplomatic outpost in

Benghazi, Libya led to the assassination of the late

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens who was about

to blow the whistle on the illegal arms and narcotic

activity involving Syria, Turkey and the U.S. State



Hillary Clinton and H.W. Bush 

Stevens was also about to blow the whistle on U.S.

Secretary of State loser and lesbian Hillary

Rodenhurst Clinton for her role of not only in the

aforementioned crooked arms deals but her role as

Co-CEO, along with George Herbert Walker Bush, in

the training of bought and paid for terrorist training

in the Republic of Georgia.

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The financial support for these private terror cells

and mercenary armies is the Mossad-controlled

America-Turkish Council and the Nazi German "Skull

and Bones" Deutsche Bank.

It is important to remember that the historical origin

for these private mercenary terror cells go back to

the Clinton era war in Bosnia and then President

Clinton's reckless decision to proceed with the

privatization of special forces.

This action by Clinton caused U.S. intelligence to

become decompartmentalized and led to thecreation of private Blackwater associate mercenary

armies (aka True Colors Gary Best Inc.) and eventually

the offshoot aka terror cells that could be used for

FALSE FLAG terrorist attacks aka psyops that could

affect geopolitical events and worldwide financial


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In closing, we want to re-emphasize as we have in

previous intelligence briefings that these type of

FALSE FLAG psyops aka attacks on the AmericanPeople on their own soil are scripted to continue

pending final declaration of MARTIAL LAW by alleged

U.S. President and crooked bank stooge Barack

Hussein Obama-Soetoro.

The pending MARTIAL LAW declaration is once again a

back drop to the pending collapse of world financial

markets and the total insolvency of banks world widewho are now prepared a 'bail in' aka the LOOTING of

customers' savings deposits as to 'bail out' their

crooked casino gambling debts.

Last week as gold dropped over $130, treasonous

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke re-

wrote new worthless crooked derivatives using oldcross-collateralized derivatives as collateral.

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So the entire world economy has almost no cash, no

velocity of money, and is currently hinging on a

Federal Reserve ordered ponzi scheme with the

Central Bank of Japan and the completely corrupt

Bush Crime Family administered German Nazi

Deutsche Bank.


International Intelligence

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the

Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating onAmerican soil have developed 'smoking gun'

evidence linking the U.S. NSA (National Security

Agency), elements of the Israeli Mossad and the Nazi

German Deutsche Bank financed Kurt Becker cell out

of Hamburg, Germany, as well as the Republic of

Georgia to both the Boston and 9/11 FALSE FLAG

psyop attacks on the American People.

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The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force is the

only entity right now protecting the American

People's safety, their Bill of Rights and their beloved

Constitution from clearly what is a continuing Nazi

German "Operation Paperclip" attack on the AmericanPeople, which is designed to be completed by May

1st with MARTIAL LAW being declared on U.S. soil.

Remember, the corporate-fascist, extortion-friendly,

crooked bank controlled U.S. media are direct

enablers of the Nazi-controlled U.S. government.

CNN alleged terrorist analyst, Peter Bergen (of foreign

British ancestry), suggested that the U.S. government

should consider taking down websites across the

United States that are trying to tell the American

People the truth. If that is not a precursor to MARTIAL

LAW, folks, then what is!

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Suggestion to the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task

Force Maybe you should take down CNN's website as

to end their lying and propaganda, accordingly, allow

the American People to bring forward the truth.

Next emergency intelligence briefing at any moment.

Remember the two Russian Chechnyan suspects who

are being accused of staging this Boston FALSE FLAGevent are Department of Homeland Security patsies.

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The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen


By Wayne Madsen


New Hampshire State Rep: "Black Ops"

Carried Out Boston Bombings



How The Boston Bombing Is Already Being

Exploited To Introduce Tyranny






U.S. Civil War Remains Imminent


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International Intelligence

NAZI Department of Homeland Security

Secretary Janet Napolitano the REAL Terrorist

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported

that the highest levels of the FBI (Director Robert

Mueller) have told U.S. President Barack Obama that

the treasonous Department of Homeland Security

(which has no Constitutional mandate whatsoever to

be involved in law enforcement) has refused for over

four (4) years to turn over vital documents and files

concerning members and employees of their antiterrorist task force to the Federal Bureau of

Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Department of Homeland Security (which is UN-

Constitutional to begin with) has gone rogue.

Note: The DHS stonewalling of the FBI and

Department of Justice includes documents and files(which have now been shredded) concerning the

alleged Boston bombing terrorist suspect Tsarneav,

including the mother and father.

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Reference: All four members of the Tsarnaev family

(one now deceased) are active members of Russian

FSB Intelligence and have been employees of the

Department of Homeland Security anti terrorist task

force for over four (4) years.

All are double agents who worked directly with the

U.S. State Department to destabilize Chechnya in an

attempt to create instability in Chechnya and

negative publicity for the Russian government of

Vladimir Putin.

NAZI Department of

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

The alleged FALSE FLAG terror attack in Boston aka

NSA (National Security Agency) psyop was a

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) scripted

terror attack on American citizens in Boston,

Massachusetts ordered directly by NAZI Department

of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano aka

"Operation Wack-a-Mole".

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Nazi Napolitano has been busy shredding files linking

her own DHS employees to the Bush-Clinton-Gary Best

Inc "True Colors" assassination teams and the Bush-

Clinton-Israeli Mossad-Nazi German Kurt Becker

Hamburg terror cell with tie ins to the Republic of

Georgia where the training ground took place tostage not only the Boston terrorist psyop but also the

9/11 BLACK OP attacks on the American People

(George W. BushFRAUD's Nazi German Reichstag fire).

CNN bullshit about female DNA on a pressure cooker

is completely irrelevant since the pressure cooker

examined by the FBI is unscorched and was clearly

never used in the Boston NSA FALSE FLAG terroristpsyop.

Most of the bullshit and dis-information being fed to

the corporate fascist, extortion-friendly, crooked

bank-controlled U.S. media comes from the

treasonous, UN-Constitutional Department of

Homeland Security (DHS).

Neo-Nazi DHS Secretary and out-of-the closet lesbian

Janet Napolitano has a special relationship with neo-

Nazi New York Mayor and homosexual in-the-closet

Michael Bloomberg when it comes to the use of

cointelpro stooges aka misfits like Jeff Fisher to try to

frame and discredit American Patriots who are

attempting to save the U.S. Constitution and bring an

end to treasonous filth like Napolitano andBloomberg.

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As we reported, Napolitano is an active lesbian and

neo-Nazi Bloomberg is a closet but active homosexual

who continues a hot homosexual affair with

President Obama's car czar.

Remember, folks, we are not being anti gay but weare describing officials that are subject to blackmail

and thus are threats to our national security.

Remember, Adolf Hitler used homosexuals like Ernst

Röhm to coordinate the Nazi German brown shirts

that burned the Reichstag building (parliament) and

then blamed it on gypsies, communists, Jews and


The modern day Ernst Röhm is lifelong CIA asset and

homosexual Anderson Cooper of CNN, (202) 898-7900.

Anderson Cooper is also been involved in insider

trading with Steven Cohen of SAC Capital and

members of the Securities Exchange Commission.

Anderson Cooper of CNN is a direct threat to the

American Constitution and our sacred Bill of Rights.

CNN from the American People (that includes Israeli

Mossad agent and Bush-Clinton Crime Family

Syndicate stooge Wolf Blitzer):

The U.S. military has issued a May 1st deadline.In the words of great American hero General George

McAuliffe who stated to the Nazi German attackers at

the Battle of the Bulge who ordered him to

surrender, McAuliffe responded in the legendary

words "Nuts!".

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International Intelligence

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported

that the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force

operating on American soil have developed 'smoking

gun' evidence linking the U.S. NSA (National Security

Agency), elements of the Israeli Mossad and the Nazi

German Deutsche Bank financed Kurt Becker cell out

of Hamburg, Germany, as well as the Republic ofGeorgia to both the Boston and 9/11 FALSE FLAG

psyop attacks on the American People.

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The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force is the

only entity right now protecting the American

People's safety, their Bill of Rights and their beloved

Constitution from clearly what is a continuing Nazi

German "Operation Paperclip" attack on the American

People, which is designed to be completed by May1st with MARTIAL LAW being declared on U.S. soil.

Remember, the corporate-fascist, extortion-friendly,

crooked bank controlled U.S. media are direct

enablers of the Nazi-controlled U.S. government.

CNN alleged terrorist analyst, Peter Bergen (of foreign

British ancestry), suggested that the U.S. government

should consider taking down websites across the

United States that are trying to tell the American

People the truth. If that is not a precursor to MARTIAL

LAW, folks, then what is!

Suggestion to the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task

Force Maybe you should take down CNN's website as

to end their lying and propaganda, accordingly, allow

the American People to bring forward the truth.

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Next emergency intelligence briefing at any moment.

Remember the two Russian Chechnyan suspects who

are being accused of staging this Boston FALSE FLAG

event are Department of Homeland Security patsies.

The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen


By Wayne Madsen

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New Hampshire State Rep: "Black Ops"

Carried Out Boston Bombings



How The Boston Bombing Is Already BeingExploited To Introduce Tyranny





U.S. Civil War Remains



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International Intelligence

NAZI Department of Homeland Security

Secretary Janet Napolitano the REAL Terrorist

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported

that the highest levels of the FBI (Director Robert

Mueller) have told U.S. President Barack Obama that

the treasonous Department of Homeland Security

(which has no Constitutional mandate whatsoever to

be involved in law enforcement) has refused for over

four (4) years to turn over vital documents and files

concerning members and employees of their antiterrorist task force to the Federal Bureau of

Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Department of Homeland Security (which is UN-

Constitutional to begin with) has gone rogue.

Note: The DHS stonewalling of the FBI and

Department of Justice includes documents and files(which have now been shredded) concerning the

alleged Boston bombing terrorist suspect Tsarneav,

including the mother and father.

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Reference: All four members of the Tsarnaev family

(one now deceased) are active members of Russian

FSB Intelligence and have been employees of the

Department of Homeland Security anti terrorist task

force for over four (4) years.

All are double agents who worked directly with the

U.S. State Department to destabilize Chechnya in an

attempt to create instability in Chechnya and

negative publicity for the Russian government of

Vladimir Putin.

NAZI Department of

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

The alleged FALSE FLAG terror attack in Boston aka

NSA (National Security Agency) psyop was a

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) scripted

terror attack on American citizens in Boston,

Massachusetts ordered directly by NAZI Department

of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano aka

"Operation Wack-a-Mole".

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Nazi Napolitano has been busy shredding files linking

her own DHS employees to the Bush-Clinton-Gary Best

Inc "True Colors" assassination teams and the Bush-

Clinton-Israeli Mossad-Nazi German Kurt Becker

Hamburg terror cell with tie ins to the Republic of

Georgia where the training ground took place tostage not only the Boston terrorist psyop but also the

9/11 BLACK OP attacks on the American People

(George W. BushFRAUD's Nazi German Reichstag fire).

CNN bullshit about female DNA on a pressure cooker

is completely irrelevant since the pressure cooker

examined by the FBI is unscorched and was clearly

never used in the Boston NSA FALSE FLAG terroristpsyop.

Most of the bullshit and dis-information being fed to

the corporate fascist, extortion-friendly, crooked

bank-controlled U.S. media comes from the

treasonous, UN-Constitutional Department of

Homeland Security (DHS).

Neo-Nazi DHS Secretary and out-of-the closet lesbian

Janet Napolitano has a special relationship with neo-

Nazi New York Mayor and homosexual in-the-closet

Michael Bloomberg when it comes to the use of

cointelpro stooges aka misfits like Jeff Fisher to try to

frame and discredit American Patriots who are

attempting to save the U.S. Constitution and bring an

end to treasonous filth like Napolitano andBloomberg.

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As we reported, Napolitano is an active lesbian and

neo-Nazi Bloomberg is a closet but active homosexual

who continues a hot homosexual affair with

President Obama's car czar.

Remember, folks, we are not being anti gay but weare describing officials that are subject to blackmail

and thus are threats to our national security.

Remember, Adolf Hitler used homosexuals like Ernst

Röhm to coordinate the Nazi German brown shirts

that burned the Reichstag building (parliament) and

then blamed it on gypsies, communists, Jews and


The modern day Ernst Röhm is lifelong CIA asset and

homosexual Anderson Cooper of CNN, (202) 898-7900.

Anderson Cooper is also been involved in insider

trading with Steven Cohen of SAC Capital and

members of the Securities Exchange Commission.

Anderson Cooper of CNN is a direct threat to the

American Constitution and our sacred Bill of Rights.

CNN from the American People (that includes Israeli

Mossad agent and Bush-Clinton Crime Family

Syndicate stooge Wolf Blitzer):

The U.S. military has issued a May 1st deadline.

In the words of great American hero General GeorgeMcAuliffe who stated to the Nazi German attackers at

the Battle of the Bulge who ordered him to

surrender, McAuliffe responded in the legendary

words "Nuts!".

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Thursday, April 25, 2013


3 on cap

7 on cap 

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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev or his double? 

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev orhis double? 

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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev or his double? 

Dzhokhar in hospital, allegedly 

The real Dzhokhar 

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The Boston police chiefs are total liars, reportedly.

"Two unnamed U.S. officials have told theAssociated Press that the surviving suspect inthe Boston bombings was unarmed when police

captured him hiding inside a boat in aneighborhood back yard.

"The report contradicts the Boston police

department's own account of Dzhokar Tsarnaev's

capture on Friday - after commissioner Ed Daviesdescribed a firefight between him and officersbefore the terror suspect was captured." 

"The throat wound sustained by Tsaernev was also

said by numerous law enforcement sources to be self



"The US attorney in the Boston bombing case is the

same one who helped lead Aaron Swartz to suicide."

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"New Hampshire State Rep. Stella Tremblay iscalling for answers about whether the Americangovernment was involved in detonatingexplosives at the Boston Marathon last week andstates she cannot rule out the government was

involved in the bombings." 

Boston Marathon Bombing

Ushering In New Era Of


Am I a Jew?

Leana Wen (above): Boston doctor .. 

Corrupt police?

The Lockerbie Case 

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Which one is the real Elvis? 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


New surveillance images from Boston show chilling

images of 'Red Bull and Doritos'.

Tamerlan Tsaraev attended the same school asactors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. 

Friends describe Dzhokhar Tsaraev as a mild-mannered pot-smoker, and seem genuinely shocked

that he could have been involved in violence.

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According to Dzhokhar's Twitter account, Dzhokhardreams of cheeseburgers, jokes with friendsabout getting high, finding girls and watchingthe fantasy saga "Game of Thrones" on TV.

The day after the bombing, he tweeted: 'I'm a stress-

free kind of guy'.

After the attacks, he went to the gym the following


Several of his friends have launched Facebook and

Twitter campaigns proclaiming his innocence and

arguing that he was set up. Others have said they

believe so strongly in his good character that they

would testify for him at trial.

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Reportedly Tamerlan Tsaraev (above) was an Islamic

terrorist "like France's Mohammed Merah, who died

in a shootout with police a year ago after ... a gun

rampage in Toulouse..."

Sarkozy's rival Francois Hollande with alleged

Toulouse shooter Mohamed Merah.

It's a fake photo.


Certain top French intelligence officials have

suggested that Mohamed Merah, the alleged

gunman in Toulouse, worked for French intelligence.

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Merah has been linked to the Central Directorate of

Internal Intelligence (DCRI), run by Bernard Squarcini,

who is very close to former President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Squarcini has admitted that Merah repeatedly visited

DCRI offices.

Yves Bonnet, a former intelligence chief, says ofMerah: "He was known to the DCRI... because hehad a handler in domestic intelligence." 

According to intelligence sources that spoke to Il

Foglio, France'sGeneral Directorate of External

Security obtained entry into Israel for Merah in 2010,presenting him as an informant.

Toulouse gunman was informant of French

intelligence? / Reports indicate Toulouse

gunman was French intelligence asset

Tania Head with Bloomberg and Giuliani

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Tania Head was the founder and boss of the World

Trade Center Survivors' Network.

Tania says that, on 9 11, she was on the 78th-floor in the south tower when a plane struck.

She says she was lying on the floor when a man with

a red bandanna put out the flames on her back.


In reality, Tania Head was in Barcelona on 9 11. 

Tania Head's real name is Alicia Esteve Head.

She is the daughter of a Spanish businessman who

went to prison for embezzlement

In 2007, as the New York Times was about to expose

her, she confessed to her lies.

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A new book, The Woman Who Wasn't There, by Robin

Gaby Fisher and Angelo J. Guglielmo Jr., provides the


One might suspect that Tania Head worked for

the CIA and that her job was to spreaddisinformation, and, make sure that genuinesurvivors of 9 11 were brainwashed. 

Tania Head became friends with survivor LindaGormley. 

Head forced Gormley to take part in a 'treatment'

called 'flooding' to help deal with her post traumaticstress.

The treatment involved Head forcing Gormley to

listen to a tape in which Head describes nightmarish

incidents linked to the attacks.

On the tape, Head records: "She has no head. Oh my

God! I can’t breathe! My skin is burning! They’re alldead, Everyone is dead!"

Sounds like CIA brainwashing, designed to get control

of someone's mind.


If you want terrorists in Boston, look at the BostonIrish who helped finance the IRA in Northern Ireland.

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Now officials claim Boston

bombing suspect was NOT armed

in boat showdown - despite

police account of firefight andhim 'shooting himself' 

Now officials claim Boston bombing suspect was NOTarmed in boat showdown - despite police account of

firefight and him 'shooting himself'

Officials now claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wasunarmed as he hid in boat in Watertown

• Contradicts Boston Police Commissioner's

account of hour-long firefight with Tsarnaev

• New York Times said M4 rifle had been found on


• Police sources suggested Tsarnaev shot himself


Two unnamed U.S. officials have told the Associated

Press that the surviving suspect in the Boston

bombings was unarmed when police captured him

hiding inside a boat in a neighborhood back yard.

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The report contradicts the Boston police

department's own account of Dzhokar Tsarnaev's

capture on Friday - after commissioner Ed Davies

described a firefight between him and officersbefore the terror suspect was captured.

The New York Times also said an M4 rifle had been

found on the boat - another claim contradicted by

the latest revelations.

Officers had originally said they had exchanged

gunfire with Tsarnaev for more than one hour Friday

evening before they were able to subdue him.

But on Wednesday, the law enforcement officials told

the AP that no gun was found aboard the vessel.

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Hidden: Authorities say that Boston Marathon

bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was not armed

as he hid in this boat in a Watertown, Massachusetts


Hideout: Dzhokhar was found hiding in this boat in

Watertown on Friday following a massive manhunt

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It also contradicts many media accounts of Tsarnaev's

final moments of freedom.

The New York Times reported that an M-4 carbine

rifle - similar to the weapon used by American troops

fighting in Afghanistan - was found aboard the boatand that officials had recovered two handguns and a

bb gun used by the two brothers.

The throat wound sustained by Tsaernev was also said

by numerous law enforcement sources to be self


Sources told Newsday that Tsarnaev's bullet wound

looked to be self-inflicted, due to the location ofTsarnaev's wound and the trajectory of the bullet.


• Now officials claim Boston bombing suspect was

NOT armed in boat showdown - despite police

account of firefight and him 'shooting himself'

• CIA knew about Tamerlan Tsarnaev months

before the Boston bombing and put him on a

terrorist 'watchlist'

• Wife of 'Boston bomber' was arrested for

shoplifting from clothes store - years before his

mother was hit with similar charges

• Revealed: First pictures of Boston bomber's

daughter outside her grandparents' Rhode Island


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• Incredible 'thermal imaging' technology that

helped police helicopters detect HEAT of

wounded suspect as he cowered in boat

And Reuters reported that the suspect was shot

through the mouth by a round that exited throughhis neck.

Dozens of bullet holes were seen on the exterior of

the boat in photos taken shortly after the final

standoff in the Watertown backyard.

The officials told the AP that say investigators only

recovered a 9 mm handgun believed to have beenused by Tsarnaev's brother, Tamerlan, from the site

of a gun battle Thursday night, which injured a

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority officer.

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Scene: He was found cowering in the boat after its

owner realized its straps had moved on Friday


Dzhokhar was believed to have been shot before he


The officials tell The Associated Press that no gun wasfound in the boat.

Investigators have said the brothers appeared to

have been radicalized through jihadist materials on

the Internet and have found no evidence tying them

to a terrorist group.

Dzhokhar told the FBI that they were angry about the

U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the killing of

Muslims there, officials said.

How much of those conversations will end up in

court is unclear.

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Rip: An FBI officer stands in front of the boat where

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the

Boston Marathon bombings, was hiding inside The FBI

normally tells suspects they have the right to remain

silent before questioning them so all their

statements can be used against them.

Under pressure from Congress, however, the

Department of Justice has said investigators may wait

until they have gathered intelligence about other

threats before reading those rights in terrorism


The American Civil Liberties Union has expressed

concern about that.

Regardless, investigators have found pieces of

remote-control equipment among the debris and

were analyzing them, officials said.

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One official described the detonator as 'close-

controlled,' meaning it had to be triggered within

several blocks of the bombs.

Trawl: On Monday, a police forensics team examined

the boat where Dzhokhar was found hiding