favorite and least favorite commercials


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Favorite and least favorite commercials


Q1. Identify your three favorite and least favorite commercials and explain why you like or

don’t like each one. Notice whether there are similarities in your preferences. In other

words, are your favorite commercials humorous? Are your least favorite commercials


There are a wide range of favorite and least favorite commercials which we like or dislike but we

have chosen few of them. They are as follows:

Favorite Commercials:





Why we like Ufone Commercials?

It’s a short time duration Ad which doesn’t make a Commercial boring.

There is always a humorous part in the Commercial.

The packages and promotions offered by Ufone are really appealing.

The Characters presenting the whole plot are very persuasive and experts.

The network service of Ufone is very much Mesmerizing.

They are using good promotion mix tools and techniques.


Why we like Olx.com Commercials?

Now selling and buying become easier with Olx.com “Sub Bikta Hai”

This Ad makes you aware how to find a buyer or seller of the desired product which you

are looking for or selling. It saves time of both buyer and seller.

It’s a freelance selling and buying social medium you don’t have to spend any money for

placing your Ad.

The Commercial is short duration and little humorous as well.

The commercial is very much appealing to the people who are much into selling and

buying of products.


Why we like 7Up Commercials?

The 7Up commercial is youth oriented.

They merged their product with the meal that it will make it more delicious if you take it

as a complementary drink.

Page 2: Favorite and least favorite commercials

The commercial is much up to date and creating the sense of fashion among the


The best of the commercial is they are focusing on Desi food. Asian peoples are much

into spicy and desi food.

The promotion mix strategies which they adapted are impressive.

Least Favorite Commercials:

Caster Lager (Vine)

Chevrolet (Chevy Life Ad)

Axe Body Spray (Kiss For Peace)

Caster Lager (Vine):

The commercial which we don’t like most often Caster lager Ad. This commercial appear on

different foreign channels. This is the brand which is sponsoring South African Cricket team

from many years.

Now, the question is why we don’t like this product?

Alcohol consumption is injurious to health.

In the commercial the guy is running with the bag of alcohol towards the roof top.

Nothing interesting in the commercial.

It often cause liver damage.

There is no alert message or warning in the commercial that alcohol consumption is

prohibited for the people who are underage.

We are not supporting things which are harmful to health.

Chevrolet (Chevy Life Ad):

The worst thing about their commercial was that they are selling and showing their product (Car)

in the whole advertisement and at the end they flashed a strip “This Tuesday Is World’s Cancer

Day”. Using a cause to sell product is the thing which we don’t like in the whole commercial.

Axe Body Spray (Axe Kiss For Peace):

Axe body spray it was a 60 sec commercial. The moto of the commercial was “Make Love Not

War”. The commercial was like if you use Axe Body spray the leader of Korea, India, Pakistan

will not decide to nuke each other and it may create the sense of love, harmony among the

nations instead of war. Why we dislike the commercial “How it is possible that by using a body

spray you can make peace”. It was high budget Ad but creates no sense.

Least favorite commercials were really annoying they create no sense at all spending too much

money on your ads can’t make them that up to the mark if you are not using the right strategy or

promotion mix selling tools and techniques.

Page 3: Favorite and least favorite commercials