fast and dirty 6mm combat

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  • 8/14/2019 Fast and Dirty 6mm Combat




    Each stand represents a squad or section of infantry, or one vehicle or one heavy weapon and its crew.Stands are organized into units of 3-10, which form the standard battlefield formations.

    Each unit must be graded as Green, Regular, Veteran or Elite.Each grade has a quality rating associated with it. This is the number you must roll equal or better than, to

    pass a quality test.Green 5+Regular 4+Veteran 3+Elite 2+

    Take turns moving a unit. When chosen, a unit may perform a normal move and one action from thefollowing list:Rush (increases movement by 2/3)Fire at an enemy unit

    Regroup to recover disrupted troops.

    Any movement that brings you in contact with an enemy stand is by definition an assault.

    Units must keep all stands within 4 inches of each other at all times.

    Basic infantry movement rate is 6 inches. Tanks will typically move 12-15 inches per turn.A vehicle that is within 6 inches of a terrain feature that does not contain any friendly infantry, AND whichdoes not have friendly dismounted infantry within 2 inches have their movement reduced to 6 inches perturn.

    Any stand that moves in difficult terrain at any point during its movement must halve its total movementrate that turn.

    To fire, roll 2 dice and pick the highest of the two.Modify as follows:Add the total firepower of each firing stand. (example, infantry 0, heavy infantry 1, MBT 2)+2 if the firing unit is Elite-2 if the firing unit is Green+2 if the target unit is Green-2 if the target unit is Elite+2 if the target unit is a swarm (xenomorph, STT bugs, tyranids and whatnot)

    For every 3 points of total Fire Effect, a single hit is inflicted.If the target is in cover, 5 points is needed.

    If the target is entrenched, 7 points is needed.Infiltrators and skimmer/anti-grav units always count as being in cover, even if they are not.

    Any Recon unit may take a quality test on 1D6 when fired upon. If successful, the unit may retreat 4 inchesaway from the firer, BEFORE resolving the attack.

    For each hit inflicted, roll 1D6 and add the impact of the firing stand (its assumed that all stands in a unitwill have equal weapons. If a unit includes a single stand with a different impact value, the first hit isresolved with the higher value).

  • 8/14/2019 Fast and Dirty 6mm Combat


    If this equals or exceeds the targets Defense by up to 2 points, the target is Disrupted.Stands whose defense is exceeded by 3+ are destroyed.

    Hits are allocated to the closest stands first.If firing at a combined unit, firer nominates whether infantry or armour is priority, and allocates hits to the

    priority first.

    To resolve a close assault, each unit rolls 2D6, picks highest, and modifies as appropriate:+1 for each stand more than opponent+1 for each stand involved that is an Assault unit+2 if half or more is power armoured infantry+2 if half or more is in any type of terrain and enemy is not. Does not apply to vehicle units

    Then resolve casualties by rolling 1D6 for each stand involved. Score to inflict a kill is:3+ if you won, 5+ if you lost. 4+ in case of a draw.

    Looser must fall back 6 inches.

    If one side scores twice as much or more, as opponent, combat is an overrun. Each victorious stand will

    inflict a casualty automatically, while loosers will on a 6+.

    Morale:After each activation, test morale for every unit that suffered casualties.Roll 3 dice and compare each to quality score.If 2 or 3 is equal or higher, all is wellIf 1 is equal or higher, unit is Shocked.If none are, unit is Panicked.

    Shock lasts until after the units next activation, and prevents the unit from taking a Rush move. They rollonly 1D6 for firing or assaulting.Panic causes the unit to fall back 4 inches immediately, and then become Shocked.

    If a shocked unit becomes shocked again, treat as Panic.If a unit falls back more than once in the same game turn, take a quality test for each stand, after the fall

    back move. Failure means the stand is routed and removed from the game.