fashion photography avedon, verushka wearing irving penn, 1960s bill blas 1967 in the 1970s, social...

Fashion photography A short history 1826 First photograph 1850s First fashion photographs (from the court of Napoleon III ) 1880s The first fashion magazines, Harper's Bazaar and Vogue (fashion was hand illustrated) 1905 - U se of photography as an advertising tool . 1913 Condé Nast hired Baron Adolph de Meyer to shoot portraits of models, actresses , and aristocrats for Vogue . The importance of magazines grew in the early 20th century as collaborations with designers increased. Ready - to - wear lines and department stores increased the accessibility of couture fashion, and trends were adopted and disseminated internationally. With the help of photography, rising couturiers in the 1920s and 1930s, such as Chanel , Sc hiaparelli , Balenciaga, and Lanvin , each became known for their distinctive styles . In all of the ex amples below, the photograph exists independently from but supplemental to the clothing, brand or idea that it communicates. COMPOSITION: Early fashion photographers: Horst P. Horst , Man Ray , Cecil Beaton , Edward Steichen , George Hoyningen - Huene , and Erwin Blumenfeld . Horst B Horst, Dali designed costumes 1939 Cecil Beaton, Audrey Hepburn in Givinchy, 1954

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Page 1: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women

Fashion photography A short history

1826 Firs t photograph 1850s Firs t fash ion photographs ( f rom the court of Napoleon I I I ) 1880s The f i rs t fash ion magazines, Harper 's Bazaar and Vogue ( fash ion was hand i l lus t ra ted) 1905 - Use of photography as an adver t is ing tool . 1913 Condé Nast h i red Baron Adolph de Meyer to shoot por t ra i ts of models , actresses , and ar is tocrats for Vogue .

The importance of magazines grew in the ear ly 20th century as col laborat ions with des igners increased. Ready - to -wear l ines and department s tores increased the access ib i l i ty of couture fash ion, and t rends were adopted and d isseminated in ternat ional ly .

With the help of photography, r is ing coutur iers in the 1920s and 1930s, such as Chanel , Schiaparel l i , Ba lenc iaga, and Lanvin , each became known for thei r dis t inct ive s ty les .

In a l l o f the examples be low, the photograph ex is ts independent ly f rom but supplementa l to the c lo th ing, brand or idea that i t communicates.

COMPOSITION: Ear ly fash ion photographers :

Horst P. Horst , Man Ray , Cecil Beaton , Edward Ste ichen , George Hoyningen -Huene , and Erwin Blumenfe ld .

Hors t B Hors t , Da l i des igned cos tumes 1939 Cec i l Bea ton , Audrey Hepburn in G iv inchy , 1954

Page 2: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women

By the mid -1950s, the t rend toward carefu l ly composed and beaut i fu l ly - l i t studio shots and the elegance of the models had g iven way to a new aesthet ic that was more f lu id , spontaneous, and energet ic . Arguably , the two most in f luent ia l fash ion photographers to emerge at that t ime were : Richard Avedon and I rv ing Penn , both of whom embraced a min imal is t aesthet ic that profoundly impacted the genre. Note the amount of movement and animat ion in these shots below.


Richa rd Avedon , Verushka wear ing I r v ing Penn , 1960s B i l l B las 1967

In the 1970s, soc ia l changes, par t icular ly femin ism, in f luenced the fash ion industry and the way women were represented. More women photographers , such as Sarah Moon , Deborah Turbevi l le and Eve Arnold brought f resh perspect ives to publ icat ions such as Vogue and Harper 's Bazaar.

Eve Arnold ’s moves seem very contemporary ( ref : recent Dove commerc ia l ) , her not ion of the beauty of the un - retouched woman can be seen in her very natura l pic tures of Mar i lyn Monroe, so d i f ferent f rom her g lamor shots and her book on Monroe reveals the ar t i f ice of her publ ic glamor persona– i t ’s carefu l construct ion . She a lso shot models behind - the -scenes at fash ion shows.

Page 3: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women


Eve A rno ld , Mar i l yn Monroe , 1950s

SHOCK -SUSPENSE -NARRATIVE: Helmut Newton pushed boundar ies wi th h is psychologica l ly and sexual ly charged images . Newton’s work a lways has a narrat ive e lement, and is both controvers ia l and extremely in f luent ia l in fash ion photography in everyth ing f rom Terry Richardson’s “porn” aesthet ic to David LaChappel le ’s s taged tab leaus.

Helmet Newton , M iam i , 1991 Ter ry R icha rdson , K ayne Wes t /Amber Rose , 2010

Page 4: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women

Dav id LaChappe l le , B r i t ney Spears , 2012 These photos are in tent ional ly des igned to push v iewer ’s but tons ( in di f ferent ways) .

THE SUPERMODEL (AND MASS CONSUMPTION) : More pract ica l and casual s ty les for both men and women predominated in the 1970s to 1980s, the concept of ready - to -wear (or , prêt -a -porter) or apparel bas ics took hold, and, by the 1980s, rampant consumer ism had grown fashion in to a booming in ternat ional industry , fue led by adver t is ing campaigns and te lev is ion commerc ia ls . The era of fas t fash ion was get t ing s tar ted.

Supermodels l ike Cindy Crawford, Chr is ty Tu r l ington, and Naomi Campbel l were photographed by Patr ick Demarche l ie r below.

Page 5: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women


Men's fash ion grew in to i ts own industry as wel l , w i th photographers such as Herb Ritts and Bruce Weber known for thei r work for brands such as Armani and Calv in K le in .

Bruce Weber, Rob and Little Bear, Bear Pond, Herb Ritts, Johnny Depp, 1985 Adirondack Park, 1990

Both of these photographers use male sexual i ty to se l l c lo th ing des igned for both men and women. In the case of Weber ’s work in the 1990s of Abercrombie and F i tch, there of ten are no c lothes; these are exerc ises in pure brand ident i ty .

NOW: In today’s fashion photography, boundar ies are becoming increas ingly b lurred between commerc ia l and ar t is t ic work. These photographers inc lude Mario Testino , Ellen von Unwerth , Roxanne Lowit , Juergen Te l le r , and David LaChape l le .

Page 6: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women

Jurgen Te l l e r , 2014 Mar io Tes t ino , 2012

This b lurr ing can be seen in the edi tor ia l work of magazines such as Purp le, and Grey which of ten feature the work of photographers who pr imar i ly ident i fy as ar t is ts such as Wolfgang Til lmans . What is ar t–as– fash ion photography? We can see common techniques used across the ar t— to—des ign spectrum: use of ce lebr i ty models , “ rea l ism” ( in d i f ferent forms ( t i red strung -out un -made up models , “cheap” f lash photography, the “everyday ” , formal and compos i t ional innovat ion, unexpected [shock ing] imagery: v io lent , sexual , surrea l , psychologica l ly loaded; ambiguous , (somet imes unf la t ter ing) poses etc .

Wolfgang Tillmans, 1992

Page 7: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women

Dash Snow, various dates

When shoot ing your work you have the ab i l i ty to take many photographs, having 200 photos and edi t ing 5 f rom these is preferab le to edi t ing f ive f rom ten photographs.


1. Look at other work , th is l ink is useful as are many others on l ine: ht tp : / / ty le/2012/08/ the -50 -greates t - fash ion -photographers -r ight -now/v ic tor -demarchel ier .

2. Make some ske tches or notat ions on your shoot idea ( I rv ing Penn a lways drew), you can use th is as a bas is to co l lect props for your shoot . Be somewhat prepared.

3. On site , try dif fe rent ideas , and shoot a LOT. Vary the fo l lowing: • Shoot ing angle: above, on - level , be low • F lash/no f lash • Shut ter speed (may need t r ipod for th is ) • Compos i t ion (cons ider the f rame and negat ive space) • Get the model ’s body moving • Cons ider ro le of in -camera in teract ion (eye contact and other actors) • Shoot in mul t ip le locat ions • T i l t camera to compose on d iagonals • Coach good per formances f rom your model (express ive face and body) , at t i tude • In t roduce props and other e lements (can re la te to concept or jus t surpr ise v iewer NO BORING PHOTOS!

Page 8: Fashion photography Avedon, Verushka wearing Irving Penn, 1960s Bill Blas 1967 In the 1970s, social changes, particularly feminism, influenced the fashion industry and the way women