fascists and communists

Fascists and Communists 30.2 |The response to misery

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Fascists and Communists. 30.2 |The response to misery . The Soviet Union. From 1917 – 1991 The most durable 20 th century authoritarian government Seized power through revolution Not nationalistic, as it was an ideology Exportable: Western fears of “ Red Scare” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Fascists  and  Communists

Fascists and Communists30.2 |The response to misery

Page 2: Fascists  and  Communists

The Soviet Union

From 1917 – 1991 The most durable 20th century authoritarian government

Seized power through revolution Not nationalistic, as it was an ideology

Exportable: Western fears of “Red Scare” A dictatorship of the proletariat

Cheka War Communism: economic central planning

State-owned industry and collectivization

Page 3: Fascists  and  Communists

Early Problems and Division

Disdain of central planning Strikes in 1920 and 1921(peasants and workers)

Lenin’s New Economic Policy 1921 Allowed for some private economic enterprise Made a land of small farms and businesses

Stroke 1922 and death 1924 Joseph Stalin v. Leon Trotsky

Internal development v. global revolution Lenin suggested Stalin be dismissed: Stalin destroyed evidence

Page 4: Fascists  and  Communists

Reforming Russia

“Socialism in one country” 1924 Russian advancement was popular Trotsky outlawed in 1929: murdered in 1940

The 5-Year Plan 1928 and the Great Depression Rapid industrialization Collectivization 1929

Ukrainian kulaks fight the system C. 10 million deaths and millions more to gulags

Success however: 1928-1940 saw a 400% industrial increase Stalin’s purges

Paranoia led to executions of an estimated millions: issues

Page 5: Fascists  and  Communists

Fascism Rises

Fearing the spread of the “red” Ultra-nationalist states would rise

Fascism (the fasces) Stop the spread of bolshevism: assist middle-class/small farmers Single-party dictatorships with nationalistic cause

Social unrest in Italy 1919-21 Fear of communist revolution Fascists support conservative control in the north Benito Mussolini’s party supports this “order”

Page 6: Fascists  and  Communists

Fascist Italy

Fascist popularity in the north led to A view of fascism as a solution Mussolini elected prime minister by the king

Use of dictatorial power to control society Use of terrorism to control opponents

Heavy use of propaganda