farming revival

WowBali presents our Internationally acclaimed... “Celebration Programs” for the most creative experience in EcoTourism.” Our mission is to “share the gifts of living” via our programs and services for our new revival in “Organic Farming and Creativity.” Programs are focused on the youths; ages 9-18 years old (girls encouraged). Our goals are to attract youths via our “dynamic” and creative programs for the promotions of WowBali’s farming revival. Our inter-disciplinary programs via “creative play” consists of: • Day Camp • Weekend Camp • Weekly Programs • Monthly Programs • Enrichment Programs • Ambassadors Programs (Pre-Qualified) Tours, accommodations and collaborations are welcome, contact us for more informa- “Our revival is dedicated in seeking FREE and Sustainable Dynamic models for the sharing of ecological and permaculture processes in the promotions of organic learning and living; like nature intended!” ~ HaiDai, Creative Director At WowBali, our “Celebration” inter-Play core dynamics includes: • Permaculture / Sustainability Practices New Media Designs • Arts & Crafts Development Active Learning via Mobile Devices • TAO of Martial Arts (Yoga for Action) • Explorations & Adventures For More Information: HP: +62 85 792 347 073 Email: [email protected] Batuan Village, Bali, Indonesia Farm Revival

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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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WowBali's "Farming Revival" is dedicated in seeking "FREE and alternative sustainability models" for the sharing of ecological and permaculture processes in promotions of organic living!


WowBali presents our Internationally acclaimed... “Celebration Programs” for the most creative experience in EcoTourism.” Our mission is to “share the gifts of living” via our programs and services for our new revival in “Organic Farming and Creativity.”

Programs are focused on the youths; ages 9-18 years old (girls encouraged). Our goals are to attract youths via our “dynamic” and creative programs for the promotions of WowBali’s farming revival. Our inter-disciplinary programs via “creative play” consists of: • Day Camp • Weekend Camp • Weekly Programs • Monthly Programs • Enrichment Programs • Ambassadors Programs (Pre-Qualified)

Tours, accommodations and collaborations are welcome, contact us for more informa-

“Our revival is dedicated in seeking FREE and Sustainable Dynamic models for the sharing of ecological and permaculture processes in the promotions of organic learning and living; like nature intended!”

~ HaiDai, Creative Director

At WowBali, our “Celebration” inter-Play core dynamics includes: • Permaculture / Sustainability Practices • New Media Designs • Arts & Crafts Development • Active Learning via Mobile Devices• TAO of Martial Arts (Yoga for Action) • Explorations & Adventures For More Information: HP: +62 85 792 347 073 Email: [email protected] Batuan Village, Bali, IndonesiaFarm Revival

Ms. Caroline Cheng, founder of WowBali Farm is the mother of our programs. Acting as Executive Chair, Ms. Cheng promotes our efforts by “sharing the gifts of organic living.” WowBali Farm was founded in 2009 (formerly known as Baliwood Farm) for Caroline’s late husband as a “living gift.” She wanted to give her sick husband an experience of what it means to truly live an organic lifestyle. For her beloved husband that had everything the material world had to offer, they spent their last few years together on an organic farm creating seedlings to sell at a local organic market. Continuing her “labor of love” in planting new seeds, her dedication to WowBali Farm’s efforts are in sharing this precious “gift of life” in promotion of 21st Century “organic farming revival.” Ms. Cheng, case studied as “the woman who you will meet and love” by Presidio Graduate School, will use her “energetic personality” in seeking International partners for the efforts in the “re-migration” back to organic farming and living. “Celebrations Program” is also know among its learners as “JeDai” programs; named after our Creative Director family name. Je” is the French word for “I” and Dai is the oldest Asian character meaning “BIG!” We want our so called “global ambassadors” to feel “grand” in living via invigorate their creative learning experiences. We want to empower our youths so that they can exemplify WOW-Bali’s “resurgence in farming.” We hope to advocate a new revival in organic living via holistic and dynamic processes of creative enrichments; based on design principles, social entrepreneurship models, and creative philoshophies. Located in the abundant rice fields of Batuan village; home of Bali’s top culture creatives. We are five minutes from The Sukawati Art Market and Celuk’s jewelry factories, therefore easy to collaborate with some of Bali’s most exquisite and creative designers and artists. WowBali’s eighty Are Digital Farm; next door to IDEP Foundation;

is nestled between Bali’s capital city of Denpasar and culturally renowned village of Ubud. Also, 30 minutes from Sanur beach, making our location easy to have access of ecological and cultural diversities PLUS creative and spiritual “experiential” attractions.About Our Creative Director: Over two decades of excellence, HaiDai, our Creative Director, was featured in ABC’s Channel 7 News “Profile of Excellence” in 1992 for one of the largest youth martial arts programs to being case studied by the National Alliance of New Media Arts and Culture for the most innovative New Media youth programs in 2003. Early this year of 2013, WOWBali was case studied for; exhibiting their “Sustainable Dynamic” vision in preservation of Balinese culture via a “one-two punch in community’s trust and New Media skills” documented by Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco. HaiDai has made a commitment to a lifetime of youth empowerment; stating that “children need creative enrichments as part of their learning experience for wellness in living; a balance of their multiple intelligences.” The core of our programs are based on UNESCO’s Digital Youth Ambassador’s philosophy; created to help youths advocate global dynamics via digital technology. In 2006, HaiDai was selected as Multimedia Director, teaching twenty of the best UNESCO’s Digital Global Ambassadors from countries around the world; integrating Throw and Sow’s ecological practices via creative New Media processes; showcased at ZeroOne Festival via ISEA Exposition, sponsored by Adobe Incorporated.

For More Information: HP: +62 85 792 347 073 Email: [email protected] Batuan Village, Bali, Indonesia

Tribute to Mr. Jimmy Cheng & Doctor Anthony.

Right Photo | Executive Team: LC Wong, Caroline Cheng, Hai Dai & Tracy Nguyen w/ Cocoa