farmer managed seed enterprises in mali

Access to seed and informaton about new varietes and hybrids of sorghum, pearl millet, and associated intercrops, are major constraints to adopton of available producton technologies. The “Farmer Managed Seed Enterprises in Mali (FarmSEM)” project, funded by USAID aims to catalyze growth of the Malian agriculture sector through increased access to improved seed which is recognized as one of the major requirements for increasing agricultural productvity. baCkgRound To enhance skills and capacites of experienced local seed farmers and seed enterprises, to improve availabi- lity and access to improved seeds in the target area To facilitate adopton of improved varietes and hybrids by ensuring that appropriate informaton about perfor- mance and nutritonal characteristcs of the new varie- tes is available to small holder farmers, men and women. objeCtives FarmSEM intervenes in two USAID FtF regions in Mali: Mopt and Sikasso. A basic Diagnosis and identficaton of farmers seed coope- ratves was initated. This was followed by cooperatves training on seed producton, appropriate variety choosing for seed producton, business plan development, marketng of seed, communicaton to reach many farmers. Private rural radios were also trained on sorghum and pearl millet seed issues. methodology & aCtivities 38 seeds cooperatves trained in seeds producton Over 140 tons of seed produced and sold in 2014 & 2015 79 training sessions on seed producton & commerciali- zaton and over 3,200 farmers partcipated to these trainings 26,000 farmers used improved seeds (OPVs & hybrids sorghum, pearl millet and cowpea) and Apron Star for seed treatment in 2014 & 2015. • Results and main aChievements Improved variety & hybrid seeds systems of sorghum, millet and associated crops are managed by farmers cooperatves. Each cooperatve developed his own business plan to ensure the sustainability of seed system. These seeds are prior sold locally before looking for external market. Communicaton remains a key tool for varietes diffusion. • ConClusions Farmer managed seed enterprises in Mali Baloua Nebie 1 , Krista B. Isaac 1 , Samuel Guindo 1 , Mamourou Sidibe 1 , Abdoulaye Diallo 2 1 : ICRISAT Bamako Mali 2 : IER Bamako Mali Corresponding author email: [email protected] Culinary test with farmers, important step for variety adopton & diffusion Group of farmers developing strategies for seed commercializaton Radio staff interviewing president of seed cooperatve on seed availability

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Page 1: Farmer managed seed enterprises in Mali

Access to seed and information about new varieties and

hybrids of sorghum, pearl millet, and associated intercrops,

are major constraints to adoption of available production

technologies. The “Farmer Managed Seed Enterprises in

Mali (FarmSEM)” project, funded by USAID aims to catalyze

growth of the Malian agriculture sector through increased

access to improved seed which is recognized as one of the

major requirements for increasing agricultural productivity.

• baCkgRound

• To enhance skills and capacities of experienced local

seed farmers and seed enterprises, to improve availabi-

lity and access to improved seeds in the target area

• To facilitate adoption of improved varieties and hybrids

by ensuring that appropriate information about perfor-

mance and nutritional characteristics of the new varie-

ties is available to small holder farmers, men and


• objeCtives

FarmSEM intervenes in two USAID FtF regions in Mali:

Mopti and Sikasso.

A basic Diagnosis and identification of farmers seed coope-

ratives was initiated. This was followed by cooperatives

training on seed production, appropriate variety choosing

for seed production, business plan development, marketing

of seed, communication to reach many farmers. Private

rural radios were also trained on sorghum and pearl millet

seed issues.

• methodology & aCtivities

• 38 seeds cooperatives trained in seeds production

• Over 140 tons of seed produced and sold in 2014 & 2015

• 79 training sessions on seed production & commerciali-

zation and over 3,200 farmers participated to these


• 26,000 farmers used improved seeds (OPVs & hybrids

sorghum, pearl millet and cowpea) and Apron Star for

seed treatment in 2014 & 2015.

• Results and main aChievements

Improved variety & hybrid seeds systems of sorghum, millet

and associated crops are managed by farmers cooperatives.

Each cooperative developed his own business plan to

ensure the sustainability of seed system. These seeds are

prior sold locally before looking for external market.

Communication remains a key tool for varieties diffusion.

• ConClusions

Farmer managed seed enterprises in MaliBaloua Nebie 1, Krista B. Isaac1, Samuel Guindo1, Mamourou Sidibe1, Abdoulaye Diallo2

1: ICRISAT Bamako Mali2: IER Bamako Mali

Corresponding author email: [email protected]

­­­Culinary test with farmers, important step for variety adoption & diffusion

­­­Group of farmers developing

strategies for seed commercialization

­­­Radio staff interviewing president

of seed cooperative on seed
