farm animal family and farm areas

FARM ANIMALS Males, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals

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Page 1: Farm Animal Family and Farm areas

FARM ANIMALSMales, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals

Page 2: Farm Animal Family and Farm areas

Animal Male Female Baby Group of Animals

Batmale female pup colony

Beedrone queen,

worker larva hive, swarm

Butterflymale female

caterpillar, larva, pupa,


swarm, rabble (group of

caterpillars is an army)

Cattomcat queen kitten,

kitty litter

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Cattlebull cow calf drove, herd

Dogdog bitch pup Litter, pack

(wild), kennel

Donkeyjackass jennet, jenny colt, foal drove, herd

Dovecock hen squab,

chick flock

Fish- - fry,

fingerling shoal

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Fly- - maggot swarm

Frog- - tadpole,

polliwog, army, knot

Goatbilly doe kid, billy herd, tribe

Goosegander goose gosling flock, gaggle,

skein (in flight)

GrasshopperMale female nymph swarm

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Harebuck doe leveret warren

Horsestallion, stud mare, dam

foal, colt (male),

filly (female)

stable, herd, string or field (race horses)

Owl- - owlet,

fledgling parliament

Pigboar sow

piglet, shoat, farrow

drove, herd, litter (of pups)

Pigeoncock hen squab,

squeaker flock

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Rabbitbuck doe bunny

colony, drove, leash, nest,

trace, warren

Sheepbuck, ram ewe, dam

lamb, lambkin, cosset

drift, drove, flock,herd, mob, trip

Snakemale female Snakelet bed, nest, pit

Swancob pen cygnet,

flapper Bevy, herd

Turkey Tom (adult male),

jake (juvenile male)

hen poult rafter

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Aviary: an enclosed area where birds are kept

Barn: a large building on a farm where animals, crops, or machines are kept

Coop, henhouse: small building or large container where chickens or small animals are kept

Cowshed: sarm building where cows are kept

Dairy: A building on a farm where milk is kept and where foods such as butter and cheese are made

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Doghouse: a kennel or dog pound

Dutch barn: farm building with a roof but no walls that is used for storing hay (=dried grass used for feeding animals)

Hive (Apiary): container in which bees live and make honey

Piggery, pigpen: farm building where pigs are kept

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Stables: building where horses or farm animals are kept

Silo: a tall tower or pit on a farm used to store grain.

Corral: A pen for livestock, especially cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch.

Cage: a structure of bars or wires in which birds or other animals are confined.

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Warehouse, storehouse: a building used for storing goods

Vegetable patch, vegetable garden: vegetables plantation (Orchard) Fruit trees

Mill: a building equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour.

Holthouse, greenhouse: a transparent building in which plants are grown

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Nursery: a place where young plants and trees are grown for sale or for planting elsewhere.

Lake, pond, lagoon: a large area of water surrounded by land.

Meadow: A tract of grassland, either in its natural state or used as pasture or for growing hay.

Burrow: A hole or tunnel dug in the ground by a small animal, such as a rabbit or mole, for habitat or refuge.

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Nest: A structure or shelter made or used by a bird to hold its eggs during incubation and to house its young until fledged.

Hutch: A pen or coop for small animals, especially rabbits.

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