fare_architecture brochure


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FARE_Architecture Brochure


FARE pursues a circumstantial architecture, where innovation is the key to adapting to changing contexts, technique the

condition for increasing choices and meaning the measure of appropriateness.

Why FARE*, and why for an architecture of reality?

*The Italian verb FARE is derived from the Latin word facere. It can be translated as to do, to make or to produce. The English definitions of the word FARE - the price to be paid for a

service or, extensively, a trip - while unintentional, are significant.

The architecture of reality we refer to is the antithesis of cosmetic, visual architecture.

Who we are

Founded in Rome (Italy) in 2006, by Riccardo Vannucci and Giuseppina Forte, FARE is the result of over 20 years of experience in architectural design, technology, management and organization. FARE is focused on integrating high level design solutions with technical innovations adapted to different social and climatic environments. In an era when design appears to oscillate dangerously between the virtualisation of products and the narcissism of protagonists, FARE pursues a more concrete and material approach to architecture, an inherent objective rendered explicit in the name of the office. The confrontation with reality sought by FARE is not, however, the sign of an adhesion to a [presumed] neutrality of technique, be it economic, programmatic or constructive: a critical analysis of the presuppositions of each project [context, final objectives, restrictions] constitutes the foundation of a method by which the unavoidable tectonic dimension must confront typological and functional innovation, together with the even more essential theme of social responsibility. Among the projects developed by FARE we mention the CBF_Centre pour le Bien-être des Femmes, in Ouagadougou [Burkina Faso], inaugurated in November 2007 winner of the Health Category Award at the World Architecture Festival 2008 of Barcelona and shortlisted project at the Aga Khan Architecture Award 2010, the Dubai Municipality New Headquarters in Dubai [UAE] and the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Visitor’s Centre, also in Dubai. Riccardo Vannucci has a PhD in architectural design from the University of Rome. His dissertation, published by Gangemi in 1996, examined the space of design decisions within complex building projects. Since 1985, he has worked as a free-lance architect in Italy, the Middle East and Africa, while simultaneously developing a decidedly sui generis approach to the profession in architectural design, engineering and project management. From 1995 to 2005 he founded and directed an integrated-design structure [deStudio]. Giuseppina Forte graduated as an architect from La Sapienza University in Rome. Her final thesis investigated a prototypical office building in which work activities and spaces were strongly related to sustainable strategies for indoor air quality and a healthy workplace environment. In 2000, while at the A/E firm Fortebis, she began developing strategic briefs to meet the needs of companies changing their organisation as a result of the introduction of information technologies and networking. She is now actively pursuing the analysis of the possible connection between architecture as an object of cultural communication and social programs as opportunities for environmental action.

From Dubai to Burkina

In a global world we design for global needs.

We have decided to provide an approach rather than a pre-packaged formula: themes, technologies, typologies, scales and clients are interrelated terms, and rigid categorization is both un-

realistic and restrictive.


Technical control is not merely an expression of the architect’s narcissism: it is a means to

assuring performance requirements.

In other words, we provide creative images combined with

specialised technical know-how.

In  a  global  world  we  design  for  global  needs.      

We  have  decided  to  provide  an  approach  rather  than  a  pre-­‐packaged  formula:  themes,  technologies,  typologies,  scales  and  clients  are  interrelated  

terms,  and  rigid  categoriza?on  is  both  un-­‐realis?c  and  restric?ve.      


Fields  of  ac?vity  

Services  and  products  

so FARE [some of the things we have done]


Dubai  Municipality  New  Headquarters  Dubai_United  Arab  Emirates  

2006-­‐2010  |  client:  Al  Hashemi  Consultants  |  services:  concept_preliminary_final  design  

 Roof  Top  Pavilion    

a  synthesis  where  con@nuity  of  a  ribbon  is  coupled  by  flexibility  of  smooth  form  


Office  Tower  a  straighDorward  shape  as  representa@on  of  

maximum  flexibility  plan    

Green  Cut  a  ver@cal  green  corridor  trough  the  building    

 Pedestrian  Bridge  

to  exis@ng  DM  Municipality    

Podium  a  curvilinear  dynamic  

geometry  for  Dubai  Municipality  own  offices    

Hall  a  public  inner  plaza:    

exposi@ons,  BtoB  opportuni@es  

11,000  sqm  Plot  

Exis?ng  DM  Headquarters  

Ground  Floor  Plan  

Typical  office  mee@ng  room  

Entrance  hall  

Roof  Terrace  

Office  Tower  

Technical  Floor  


Conference  Centre  

Dubai  Municipality  Office  

LiO  lobby  

Bridge  to  the  old  Municipality  

View  of  the  Mosque  

Entrance  hall  

Du_[EITC]  Emirates  Integrated  Telecommunica?on  Abu  Dhabi  Headquarters  Abu  Dhabi_United  Arab  Emirates  

2008  |  client:  Al  Hashemi  Consultants  |  services:  concept  design_preliminary  budget  |  interna@onal  compe@@on_3rd  prize    

The  Totem    wrapped  with  an  interac@ve  skin  


The  Sculptural  Cut        eroded  by  prevailing  winds  

the  building  is  environmentally  friendly  

The  Plates      office  blocks:    

the  shiO  makes  the  building  surprising  

The  Tubes      ver@cal  circula@on  &  structure:  

an  expression  of  the  building’s  honesty  

The  Podium  an  expression  of  the  building’s  confidence    

South  East  Eleva@on   North  West  Eleva@on  

Plaza  Hall  

Roof  Terrace  

Technical  Floor  

Technical  Floor  

Shopping  Centre  


Renovation and addition to an historical building. An interpretation of continuity and identity.

Addi?on  to  the  Bank  of  Albania  HQs  Tirana_Albania  

2007  |  client:  Studio  Valle  ProgeYazioni  |  services:  preliminary  design  |  interna@onal  compe@@on_3rd  prize  


Caffe]eria  Ci]adella  Politecnica  Torino  Torino_Italia  

2006-­‐2009  |  client:  Studio  Valle  ProgeYazioni  _Roma  |  services:  concept_preliminary_final  design  |  current  phase:  in  construc@on    

Approval  follows  form:  a  new  public  building  to  be  located  adjacent  to  an  exis?ng  complex.  

Restric@ve  zoning  laws  dictate  the  nature  of  the  new  architecture  as  an  extrusion  of  the  exis@ng  buildings.  

Primary  Structure  concrete  twin  frames      

 Secondary  Structure  

wood  beams  and  columns  

Technical  Roof  Areas      

Ver?cal  Shaas  

Technical  Basement  Areas  

Mezzanine  slab  

Ground  Floor  slab  

Basement  slab  

Underground  tracks  

Structural  scheme  

Technical  Systems  scheme  

New  Constan?ne  Stadium  Constan@ne_Algeria  

2007  |  client:  Studio  Valle  ProgeYazioni  _Roma  |  services:  concept  and  preliminary  design    

Request:  a  35,000  seat  stadium  in  Algeria,  without  a  defini@ve  site.  

 An  abstract  proposal  to  be  adapted  to  a  

future  loca?on.  

vip  tribune/press    


vip  tribune/press    


covered  tribune    

Politecnico  di  Torino  Spor?ng  Complex  Turin_Italy  

2006-­‐2007  |  client:  Studio  Valle  ProgeYazioni  _Roma  |  services:  concept  and  preliminary  design    

Spogliatoio  SD  

Spogliatoio  S2  

Spogliatoio  S6x2  

Vani  tecnici/deposi?  

Recep?on  impian?  spor?vi  

Club  house  

Recep?on  uffici/foresteria  

Campo  da  calcio  ad  8  

Campo  da  pallacanestro  

Campo  da  beachvolley    

Servizi  igienici  





Ras  Al  Khor  Wildlife  Visitors’  Centre    Dubai_U.A.E.  

2007  |  client:  Al  Hashemi  Consultants  for  Sama  Dubai  |  services:  concept  and  preliminary  design    

The  paradox  of  a  sustainable  infrastructure  in  what  remains    of  Dubai’s  natural  landscape.    

A  linear  structure  that  touches  the  soil  lightly.  

The  interrelated  func@ons  of  an  undefined  programme  are  combined  to  create  a  

unified  object.  

2007  |  client:  Staryacht  Srl  |  services:  concept  design    

Health  and  Wellness  Centre    Orbassano_Italy  

1  Two  stories  building  2  Underground  courts  3  Double  height  spaces  4  Landscaped  external  areas  5  Equipped  external  areas    

Temporary  exhibi?on  pavilion  Rome_Piazza  del  Popolo  

2007  |  client:  Promoconven@on  Srl  for  Fiat  |  services:  concept  design    

Commercial    good  design  is  not  just  a  cost:  

it  is  a  profitable  investment    to  enhance  value  

Colombo  Office  Building  Rome_Italy  

2008  |  client:  deStudio  Srl  for  Generali  Proper@es  Spa  |  services:  building  value  study    

Parking  &  mul?func?onal  building  Milano_Italy  

2007  |  client:  Fortebìs  Srl    |  services:  building  value  study  

Roof  garden  

Green  external  areas  

Green  filter  

Roof  terrace  

Green  filter  








5 6 7



Nursery  School  Prato_Italy  

2008  |  client:  Prato  Municipality  |  services:  preliminary  design  |  interna@onal  compe@@on  

prima  fase  

seconda  fase  


spazio  genitori    bambini  



spazio    maestre  




 sezioni  v  e  r  d  e  

v  e  r  d  e  

v  e  r  d  e  

piazza  a  doppia  altezza  


sezione  BB  

scatole  incastrate    nel  muro  


fotovoltaico  in  copertura  


B   B  

Sciences  Exploratorium  Museum          Campinas_São  Paulo_Brasil  

2009  |  client:  University  of  Campinas  |  services:  concept  design  |  interna@onal  compe@@on  

Supporting the arts

Biondotevere  [Piazza  Tevere]  Rome_Italy  

2007  |  client:  Kris@n  Jones  visual  ar@st_Tevereterno  Founda@on  |  services:  feasibiliy  study  

Biondotevere  [Piazza  Tevere]  Rome_Italy  

2007  |  client:  Kris@n  Jones  visual  ar@st_Tevereterno  Founda@on  |  services:  feasibiliy  study