
FAQ Question: 1 Please suggest me the best oil for long hair. I tried many oils, but it in vain, instead I am losing my hair. 1. How to get fair face. Suggest any best face cream (note: mine is dry skin) 2. My sister wears specs, hence she gets black rings around her eyes. How to get rid of it? Waiting for reply! Answer: 1. Hair: Take hot oil massage. Then apply a mixture of egg, curd and henna powder or any other conditioner on your hair, make it a point to use quality shampoo or shikkai. 2. Face: Bleaching & Facial must be done once in a month. You have to apply moisturizing cream in the night before you go to bed. Wash your face with a good face wash like pears, ponds, Lakme etc., in the morning, weekly once apply face pack. After half an hour wash the face pack with milk. 3. Eyes: This is due to Vitamin deficiency. You have to take lot of vegetables and greens. Cucumber juice & carrot juice with cotton pack should be applied on face to remove black rings near the eyes. Question: 2 1. I would like to know how to wear mild make-up? 2. Basic thing about maintaining the hair in daily routine. Answer: 1. Mild Make-up: First you have to apply Lakme foundation, Powder, then Mascara, Eye liner & Lip stick 2. Hair: When you are going to bed first you comb neatly and plat it (Pinnal Podavum) weekly once take hot oil massage. Then apply a mixture of egg curd and henna powder or any other conditioner on your hair, make it a point to use quality shampoo or shikkai. Question: 3 My lips little black, but I am naturally fair?

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Question: 1 Please suggest me the best oil for long hair. I tried many oils, but it in vain, instead I am losing my hair.

1. How to get fair face. Suggest any best face cream (note: mine is dry skin) 2. My sister wears specs, hence she gets black rings around her eyes. How to get

rid of it?  Waiting for reply!

Answer: 1. Hair: Take hot oil massage.  Then apply a mixture of egg, curd and henna powder or any other conditioner on your hair, make it a point to use quality shampoo or shikkai. 

2. Face: Bleaching & Facial must be done once in a month.  You have to apply moisturizing cream in the night before you go to bed.  Wash your face with a good face wash like pears, ponds, Lakme etc., in the morning, weekly once apply face pack.  After half an hour wash the face pack with milk.

3. Eyes: This is due to Vitamin deficiency.  You have to take lot of vegetables and greens. Cucumber juice & carrot juice with cotton pack should be applied on face to remove black rings near the eyes.

Question: 2 1. I would like to know how to wear mild make-up? 2. Basic thing about maintaining the hair in daily routine.

Answer: 1. Mild Make-up:  First you have to apply Lakme foundation, Powder, then Mascara, Eye liner & Lip stick

2. Hair: When you are going to bed first you comb neatly and plat it (Pinnal Podavum) weekly once take hot oil massage.  Then apply a mixture of egg curd and henna powder or any other conditioner on your hair, make it a point to use quality shampoo or shikkai.

Question: 3 My lips little black, but I am naturally fair?

Thanks for all your answers.  I’m getting dryness in my lips during this winter season. I used chopstick etc., but could u give any idea about this by natural way? Thanks.

Answer: Use Vasmol cream on your lips, use beetroot piece and rub it on your lips.  Before going to bed, apply saffron (Kunkumapoo) on your lips.

Question: 4 Mama my face is very oily in summer and I got pimples and heat boils, in winter my face is ok. Even in winter also I am getting this problem. So what can I do? Please help me

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Answer: Wash your face with pure water four or five times a day.  You should not massage your face.  Do only mini facial that means clean the face and steam the face.  When you steam the face your pores will be opened and then remove black and white heads and then give ice cubes to face and then holes will be closed. Apply herbal pack like mint, leaves, thulasi leaves and neem leaves.  Mix it with sandal powder and rose water.  We should take care of the pimple from the beginning and if you do not take care of it, it will then turn into a one which is difficult to eradicate.

Question: 5 I would like to know whether consuming limejuice mixed with honey in lukewarm water on an empty stomach decreases and dissolves the excess fat in the body ?I am a bit on the bigger size and my height is 5 ft. I would like to slim down. Please suggest some ways (herbals) to slim without taking pills?

Answer: You have to control your diet, Break fast 2 idly, one glass of juice (Carrot juice without milk & Sugar) afternoon one cup or rice any side dish but less of oil, night 2 chappati.  In empty stomach you can drink lime juice mixed with honey in lake warm water (morning).

Question: 6 I’m having a hair losing problem since I'm17 years old. What can I do to prevent it and can you help me to nourish my hair. Is there any treatment for it because my hair is going towards baldness?

Answer: You have go to the Beauty parlour and consult the Hair Dresser.

Question: 7 How to change my white hair to black

Answer: First thing, consult with doctor and second thing, take hot oil massage (Use a good oil).  Then apply a mixture of egg curd and henna powder or any other conditioner on your hair, make it a point to use quality shampoo or shikkai.

Question: 8 I am 19 years old and I have more problems than 1 60-year-old woman. I have oily skin. Its not oily if you touch it but it always looks oily 24'7. Then on top I have pimples and black heads all over my body. My back, neck, hands. And I have deep black circles underneath my eyes and lots of gray hair. My whole body is nearly tanned black except for my legs are very fair so its looks ugly?

Answer: Oily skin problem: Use the Sha mask.  Weekly once. For pimples:  Use Sha clove every day on the face.

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For gray hair : Use black henna. or you can go to a beauty parlour and consult a beautician.

Question: 9 I have a couple of prominent looking hair over my lips. Is there any risk of more excessive hair growth if I use a scissor or a razor to remove them?  Also is it advisable to use a razor for removing body hair?. Thanks.

Answer: Razor & Scissor is not advisable to remove the hair.  Only way is you can go to beauty parlour and do waxing or permanent electrolysis on the upper lip clin.

Question: 10 I have pimples and black spots in my face, I' m not using any creams. How to come over it (Mine is oily face)

Answer: Cleanse the face with Sha cleanse and apply Sha blem on the face (night time everyday)

Question: 11 Ever since I delivered to my second baby in 1997, the neck area turned to be very dark.  I've tried several treatments but yet it doesn’t seemed to work. Pls advice what shall I do to overcome this problem. Thanks for yr advise.

Answer: You need to bleach twice a month. Every day take little saffron (Kunkummapoo) 2 tsp milk, few drops of honey, few drops of lime, soak it for 10 mts and apply fully in the dark circle (neck) do it every day or alternate days.

Question: 12 Hello Madam, I am using Apricot scrub. I am a housewife and weekly twice I will go out. How many times I can use this scrub. Can I use it once in 3 days? Will it do harm otherwise? Please give me some ideas. Thanks a lot.

Answer: Yes, you can use apricot scrub.  Weekly once.

Question: 13 I am into health. The problem is I have reduced but my thigh and hips does not seem to be reduced at all.  As my body loses its weight my hips and thighs appear really big.  What can I do to get rid of this cellulite, which is ruining me? Also I have a problem with my legs, my legs intent to swell up with water and it looks rather bulky especially just below my knees. I have done all sort of excersie but to no avail. The swelling haven't gone.  What should I do?

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Answer: Better you can consult doctor and do cycling or walking in the early morning.

Question: 14 I am 5'4" in height, 49 kg in weight. And of course has a good complexion. Now the problem is I have got thin legs. This makes me embraced when I put shorts.  And again if I work hard I get black rounds in my eyes. Madam, can you please give some advice to this?

Answer: It is a correct weight. Regarding remedy for under eye circle-Using eye cream (Shannaz’s). This is due to Vitamin deficiency.  You have to take lot of vegetables and greens. Cucumber juice & carrot juice with cotton pack should be applied on face to remove black rings near the eyes.

Question: 15 Currently I am a wearing a nose ring and I would like to remove it. But I am afraid that the scar would look bad. Is there anything that I can do about that?

Answer: Don’t remove the nose rings.  If you remove the nose rings, the scar will be visible.

Question: 16 I am getting premature white (gray) hair on my scalp.  It looks and makes me feel too old even though I'm only 29.  Please advice, Is there any way to stop this? Even though it may be hereditary is there some method to help me? I don't want to dye my hair.

Answer: There exists no other remedy for your grey hair, unless you do coloring for your hair.

Question: 17 I'm really a charming looking girl but my fatty body makes me feel shy. What should I do? I only takes healthy food and sometimes do exercise?

Answer: It is good, that you take healthy food, but please control your diet and do exercise regularly.

Question: 18

I got married just 6 months before. At that time, I had facial & herbal bleaching. Before marriage I don't have tiny hairs on my face especially above my lips. Now I have tiny unwanted hairs above my lips. My friends told me that I had this because of bleaching. Is this true? Please suggest me how to get rid of this using home products or any suggestions. Thanks.

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Answer: It is not true.  For removing upper lip hair do wax or electrolysis (permanent Hair remover).

Question: 19 I have dry skin.  And my mom says that I have become relatively very dark for the way I used to be. Can u pl suggest some home made remedies and how I will schedule so that I can go to parlor and do home made remedies also. My mouth side, nose, neck and side of the mouth and chin are very dark comparing my other part of the face. Pl suggests so that I can retain my complexion and look nicer.

Answer: Go to a beauty parlor.  Do bleaching & facial, once in a month.  At home, use milk cream + honey (few drops) use it every day or alternately days.

Question: 20 I just want to know if the "fair & lovely" cream actually makes people whiter? and also I know that all the hair removing things out there can cause some kind of bad side to it or may not even work long term, so I hear there are drugs which are prescribed by the doctor that we can get (like Diane 35), so do you think they are worth it? Thanks

Answer: Its not true.  Razor and Hair removing cream are not advisable.  Waxing & Electrolysis are advisable.

Question: 23 how do I remove wrinkle, which appears under my eye

Answer: Do facial once in a month and use sha weeds under your eyes.

Question: 24 I'm over weight. I have tried to diet & exercise but failure. What should I do?

Answer: If you know swimming, you can go for it every day  or you can do cycling.

Question: 25 How do I get my skin fair?

Answer: Wash your face at least three or four times a day.  Very important is that you should wash when you come from out side. When you go out side, make it a point to apply sun screen lotion.  Monthly once you should go in for bleaching  and facial, when you go to bed in the night if you have oily skin use astringent, but if you have a dry skin use moisturiser. You have to take special care of the skin after the age of 20 years.

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Question: 26 Hi, I am having oily skin, can I use Multani Metti cream once in a week and can I do steaming at home?

Answer: If you have pimples on your face, you don’t use any cream.  Wash your face four or five times.  And apply some herbal pack, sandal powder mixed with rose water.  Or mint leaves and neem leaves.

Question: 27 I have hair fall. I reviewed ur previous questions and answers and saw the answer for that. You mentioned that we should use Shikai instead of Shampoo, but here I am not getting Shikai, What should I do now? Please tell me a good solution.

I have short and straight hair. It has been 2 years since I came to US. Since then I'm losing lots of hair. Each time I brush my hair lots of hair fall off. Suggest some home remedy to stop hair fall. Because of this hair fall the thickness of my hair has reduced a lot and now it is very thin. Please suggest some remedy.

I am 26 year old  I have been losing my hair  for past 2 years and also its very dry and I use many oil but it don't work so pls help, with this kind hair tell me should I do pls

Answer: Take hot oil massage.  Then apply a mixture of egg, curd and henna powder or any other conditioner on your hair. Make it a point to use quality shampoo or shikkai.

Question: 28 I have black marks around the corner of my lips and have tried several remedies to get rid of them. I do not have scar marks anywhere else on my face. Can you help me ... please?

Answer: You should apply bleach around the lips, twice in a month. Slowly you will get the natural colour.

Question: 29 I like to learn (get training) in beauty/makeup field.  I am an Indian / Tamilnadu currently working in Saudi Arabia...

Answer: You can come and join our beauty Training course. Ours is approved by Government of Tamil Nadu, so we give Government Certificate.

Question: 30 how could I make hairs in the face away?

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Answer: First you do Bleaching in your face. Then wax it.

Question: 31 What can I do for the black spots in my face to clear off?

Answer: It all depends on what sort of black marks you have.  We have imported equipment’s to remove any type of black marks.

Question: 32 I have hair growth on my upper lips & cheeks. I feel bad of it. What can I do to remove it?  Without waxing or threading

Answer: First thing, you do bleaching. For removing the hairs on the upper lip you can go for electrolysis.

Question: 33 I have hair on my cheeks and under the chin. Is there any herbal remedy to get rid off it? I don’t want to go for electrolyses

Answer: You do bleaching then do the face waxing.

Question: 36 My pimples are clear now but black patches are still there on my face how can I remove them I will be very thankful to u

Answer: Monthly once go for bleaching and for the black dots apply vitamin-E oil, Also use Kadalai flour, Paasi seeds.  This will make the marks fade away.

Question: 37 I have hairs below my eyes on my face how can I permanently remove them if electrolysis is applicable then please explain what electrolysis is?

I am having unwanted hair in my face,(upper lips and chin). I am feeling very bad because of this, feeling shame to go out and to meet others, in your answer you have mentioned that electrolyses is the permanent solution for this, can you tell me in detail about this, is it possible for me here,  Does it control the hair growth or completely stops the growth?

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Answer: Electrolysis means permanent removal of hairs from unwanted place and  there is no homely treatment for hair removal.

Question: 38 Hi, I really have a fair white face, I have some pimples on my cheeks only...I tried and talked with so many skin doctors...they also recommended some pills and cream, but the problem is my pimples are gone when the time I take the medicine.. After I quit the medicine it comes back. What does u recommend to me? I live in Canada

Answer: Wash your face twice a day, and then apply pimples lotion (Astringent) once in 15 days. Reduce oil foods and fat items like chocolates, sweets, etc.

Question: 39 I have wavy hair, whitish complexion, round face and hair till the end of my neck. I would like to change my hair style to something totally different (I wear a pony now).any suggestions?

Answer: Go for straightening treatment (permanent).

Question: 40 Height of 5ft but on fat side how to reduce sagging tummy? Body fair but face /neck, dark?

I have tummy, and I tried to reduce but no effective result. I don’t drink, I don’t sleep after eating, I do play games.

Answer: You go for monthly once face and neck bleach.  Bath morning and evening take breathing exercise, bending backward.  Do this at least for half an hour, both times, also walk two km both in morning and evening?  This will slowly reduce your tummy.

Question: 41 I have chubby face how to reduce my chubby face. Because of that I look older and how to look younger?

Answer: You can go for face lifting treatment. Its totally 14 sittings, weekly twice.

Question: 42 I am getting too many pimples and boils in my face and also in body

Answer: I think your body becomes very hot, so you can go for oil bath weekly twice and early

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morning you can drink 1 glass of tender coconut, for face pimples you can go for mini facial monthly once.

Question: 43 my skin is so dry & rough. I’m using eucerin body lotion. My baby's skin is also like dry. Now I’m using gram flour for him. What can I do for that? My hair is also falling so much. What can I do for these problems? Please reply me.

Answer: Once in a month you do facial.  Use Johnson baby oil before baths do hot oil massage with coconut oil + castor oil once in a week. 

Question: 44I am a medium-complexion person but my lips are darker. What do I do for this? Even if I wear lipsticks, it is only temporary. Is there a way to make them look pink?

Answer: Use milk cream, few drops of honey & little bit lime on your lips.

Question: 45My face is of two colors, it means, around the face it is dark, so how can I make the whole of my face color uniform?

Answer: Do bleaching every month.


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Question: 1 I just gave birth to a baby boy and there are stretch marks on my stomach.  How can I get rid of them? And how can I flatten my tummy to look lean?  I am anxiously awaiting your answer.

Answer: You have to rub the places where the marks are found with olive oil and vitamin E-oil. Go for walking for at least three kilometers a day in the morning in empty stomach. Also two kilometers in the evenings. That would reduce your tummy. ________________________________________________________________ Question: 2 How to reduce hair growth permanently in face?

Answer: You have to go to a beauty parlor and get Electrolysis done. You should have at least ten sittings.  Then only you can obtain the desired results. ________________________________________________________________ Question: 3 My skin has recently become a combination. Chin and the skin above lips oily, forehead and cheeks normal. Always my skin or areas around my lips are very dark that is prominently visible. I am wheatish in color. Please suggest a good home remedy

I have this problem for a long time. I have dry lips. Because of this dry lips problem, my lips had changed to dark color. How can I get rid of this problem and is there any way I can lighten my lips.

Answer: Down your lips you use Shannaz Hussain cream in the night. Use powder only in the places where you find oily surface. In other places you use moisturiser cream. ________________________________________________________________ Question: 4 I want to become slim and fair. Give me some tips

Answer: To become slim, you have to walk two or three kilometers daily in empty stomach in the mornings.  Also about two kilometers in the evenings. You have to take only raw vegetables and avoid fat substances. Take your weight once in 15 days. Avoid especially butter, ghee and non-vegetarian food. After two or three months visit a beauty parlor and get your weight checked up. Please take your weight on the day when you begin exercise.

To become fair you get your face bleached and also get your body fully massaged twice in a week.  In course of time you will find a good result. ________________________________________________________________ Question: 5 Thinning hair, how to solve this problem?

Answer: Get your scalp massaged with Herbal oil. This is only available in beauty parlors. You should have a separate comb and hair brush. ________________________________________________________________

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Question: 6 How do I make my hair soft?

Answer: Use egg sun silk shampoo (yellow color) with henna conditioner; mix up with one egg, 1 cup of curd, tea decoction and lemon.  Let it be soaked for at least half an hour.  Apply herbal oil then massage your head, yourself, and again apply the conditioner, after 20 minutes wash your hair.  This will give you good result. ________________________________________________________________ Question: 7 Treatment for oily face

Answer: Wash your face daily three or four times. Apply quality powder (nycil powder). Avoid oily substances. Drink lot of fruit juices and take water in the morning times. ________________________________________________________________ Question: 8 I am from Atlanta basically from mandavelli pakkam. I am not sure about my skin type (oily or dry). But during winter my skin will become very dry. So I think I have dry skin am I right?  Or please tell me the way to find our the skin type.

Answer: In winter, naturally everybody will find the skin dry.  When summer comes, take a bit of cotton and try to wipe out your forehead and cheeks. If you find it oily, you can take it that you have oily skin; this is the way to find out the nature of your skin. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 9 I'm having a terrible hair losing problem and stretch marks on my body. What should I do?

Answer: Have your hair completely massaged twice in a week at home with herbal oil and get your hair and head massaged in a parlor twice in a month. Apply oil or Johnson baby oil on your body, only in the night. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 10 How to get rid of scalp dandruff from my head? I have long hair but having scalp problem. It is white in color and very itchy. My head skin becomes very dry after washing my hair.

Answer: This has to be done only in parlors. We have got special treatment in our parlor. You must take this in the parlor at least two times and totally three settings.  By this method you can completely avoid dandruff problem. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 11 please tell me some tips to reduce belly. Thanks.

Answer: Try to do breathing exercise in the morning at least half an hour.  If possible, do skipping for an hour, avoid fatty substances. ______________________________________________________________________

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Question: 12 Please adv me on how I could lose weight within 2 months from now as my ROM is in January 2001

Answer: Avoid all fatty substances and do lot of walking. You can gradually reduce your weight. The following methods have to be adopted:

Take a walk in the early morning for half an hour. Take a cup of water with lime and honey, mix it and drink in empty stomach. There must diet control. Avoid fats and sweets as far as possible. Take greens and raw boiled vegetable and fresh juices.

________________________________________________________________Question: 13 I have got black circles under my eye. It is giving a bad look to my fair face. Please advice me to remove this.

I am suffering from black ring at outer layer of my eyes. Is there any treatment for this?

Answer: Take either cucumber or potato - cut into two small pieces and keep it on your eyes and the dark places under your eyes.  Please do this atleast for a week in the morning.  This will slowly remove the marks. You should not use all sort of creams in the face. You should take lot of green vegetables. Papaya, yellow pumpkin, kari leaves, drumstick leaves, pottu kadalai, seem milk should be taken periodically. Monthly once you get the bleaching done. Gradually it will disappear. ______________________________________________________________________Question: 14 After delivery I have big abdomen what can I do.

Answer: To reduce belly we have to do slight abdomal exercise. Lay down, stretch you legs and fold it. Just do cycling, give exercise to your legs. Although you do cycling, this has to be done for 100 times.  Further you have to sit and stand up 50 times, try to increase this to greater numbers, gradually. ______________________________________________________________________Question: 15 Hi, I have hair falling problem, my hair is thinning and I also have some blod spots. I have lost lots of my hair in the past. I would like to increase hair growth, to stop hair falling, thick and strong, silky, soft, black, stop the gray, glossy and make hair grow very fast. What can I use or do? I would appreciate for the advice thanks.

Answer: It might happen due to weather and change of water and also due to and tension.  Use clear water.  Avoid shampoo and use shika. Massage your hair with warm oil in the evening see that it get soaked for two hours.  Dip a towel in hot water and then squeeze.  The hotness of the towel should reach the scalp and continue it for four or five minutes.  Leave it for the whole night.  The next day morning apply henna with the tea decoction egg and curd or lime (I) mix together and apply the same on the scalp again

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and wash it after an hour. ______________________________________________________________________Question: 16 How to make my breast big?  Now it is of lemon size only.

Answer: Use fatty substances and eat lots of nuts containing lots of proteins such as almonds dry grapes etc., you should go to any parlor and do breast massage monthly once. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 17 I have black rings under my eyes for several years. What can I do to remove it. Give some simple tips to remove it.

I have under eye circles. Can you please tell me how to reduce it in natural way? I have enough sleep daily.

Tips to remove black rings around eyes

Answer: Sleeplessness, not regular with food habits these are the reasons.  It is necessary for you to have at least eight hours sleep.  When you sleep do not have any feelings in your mind. Before you go to bed take a cup of milk mixed with a teaspoon full of honey.  Keep your mind completely relaxed, do meditation.  Before going to bed eat a piece of papaya.  That will prevent constipation .When you take food include greens and fresh vegetables.  Cucumber, tomato, potato should be sliced and should  be applied to eyes and you must get your eyes massaged once in a month. ______________________________________________________________________Question: 18 Doing waxing will make the skin dry?

Answer: Whenever you happen to go outside apply either moisturizing lotion or seen tan lotion. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 19 I have trouble removing underarm hair. Small stubbles are visible even immediately after

I shave. Waxing leads to bleeding. Exfoliation prior to shaving doesn't help either. Can you suggest a better option?

Answer: Avoid shaving and going for waxing. Place some ice cubes under the arm.  And then apply some quality powder.  There will not be any problem if blood appears. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 20 I am getting lot of hair on my face. What can I do to stop this? bcoz of this I am going for bleaching so that it's not visible. Is it harmful to do bleach frequently?

Answer: Instead of bleaching you can go for waxing that will lead to a good result. Then get facial done in a parlor. ______________________________________________________________________

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Question: 21 In order to remove black spots what mask shall I use? My skin is oily.

Answer: In order to remove black spots get your face bleached. Get fruit facial done. The substance in the fruit will remove the oily surface on the skin.  The fruits are of herbal nature.  They will give shining, and brightness to your face. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 22 How to improve the complexion & how to maintain healthy skin?

Answer: You get done bleaching and facial monthly once. This will  not only improve your complexion but also will keep your skin healthy. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 23 I am very lean, not slim. Why am I looking like this. How to get extra skin on my body. Please tell me madam

Answer: Eat fatty substances twice in a week.  Add butter and ghee in your food.  In course of time you will pick up good health. Take plenty of water and also two cups of any fruit juice. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 24 Please give me some ideas to take care of my face..

How to become very fair? Please answer.

What facial wash for soft or smooth face would u recommend?

Answer: Wash your face atleast three or four times a day.  Very important is that you should wash when you come from outside.  When you go out side, make it a point to apply sunscreen lotion.  Monthly once you should go in for bleaching and facial.  When you go to bed in the night if you have a oily skin use astringent.  But if you have a dry skin use moisturizer. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 25 Hi, I used to have oily skin but now my skin has turned dry i.e tzone skin. What creams or kitchen remedies can I do? I have dandruff. Please help.

Answer: Use oily items along with your food.  Wash your face when you come from outside and use moisturising lotion in night time when you go to bed.


Mix coconut milk and kasa-kasa apply as a pack. Cow?s milk, white pepper, lemon seek make it as a pack. Lemon juice, amla, curd, egg while and castor oil.

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Have separate towels,  combs and pillows.


Question: 26 My face skin is not clear. It looks like a thick skin. Compared to my skin in other parts of my body,     my face skin is thicker. For this reason I look older. Please give some advice, and also I am 146 lbs, my height is 5"2' this is 1st time I visit your site. So please give some tips.

Answer: Facial must be done once in a month.  You have to apply moisturizer cream everyday before you go to bed every night.  Have a good face wash in the morning with pears, ponds, lakme etc., weekly once apply face pack, after half an hour wash the face pack with milk. ______________________________________________________________________ Question: 27

1. I have scars of pimples in my face and in my body. How do I get rid of it permanently (without bleaching treatment)?

2. How can we reduce arm size? 3. If we loose weight generally will our breast size reduce too? If not, how to loose

breast size?


1. To control the pimples go for high frequency.  You should not meddle and pluck with your finger on the pimples.  Because of the dirt in nail it will get infected.  For the black spots you have to go in for bleaching monthly once. Gradually it will disappear.

2. Do lot of exercise stretching your hands up and down and also on side ways. Do this for atleast 45 minutes in the morning in empty stomach.  Also if you have time repeat this process for half an hour before going to bed.

3. If you loose weight, do not mind about your breast size.  As soon as you pick up good health the breast also will become normal.


Question: 28 Pls. give some idea about the uses of honey. And also give me a list of things needed for making natural home face pack or maintaining good complexion. Thanks in advance.

Answer: Honey reduces fat if it is used sparingly. The following has to be used as a herbal home made pack:-

1. Kasthuri Manchal - Bleaching agent. 2. Aavaram ilai - Bleaching agent. 3. Green grams - smother the skin. 4. Aavaram poo - smell

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5. Sandal powder - smell & cooling effect. 6. Vetriver - smell & cooling effect. 7. Carpogaarisi - Bleaching agent. 8. Poolang Kezangu - helps to remove the skin marks. 9. Karai Kezangu - helps to remove the skin marks. 10. Rose petals - smell. 11. Kitchili Kezangu - helps to remove the skin marks.

You can get it from Ayurvedic shop.  Dry everything and then grind it as powder.  When you use it mix it up with a rose water and make it as a paste and mix two lemon drops and apply on the face   Avoid using near the eyes.  After half an hour wash your face.  Apply ice cubes on the face. Twice in a month it should be done. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 29

I want to become fat.  What can I do?

Answer: Take fatty substances at least twice in a week.  Use ghee and butter twice in a week.  It will give you the desired effect. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 30 My whole body is reddish but my face is dark.  What to do?

Answer: As far as the face is concerned get bleaching done for your face and also have a body massage once in a week.  This should give you good result. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 31 How to remove black marks and black head from home after steaming the face(while doing facial).Is there any way to do bleaching.

Answer: Removing black marks and black heads can be done only in parlours. Parlours have got special equipments and use special processes to remove these things.  It is not possible to do it at home.


Question: 32 Can you suggest me some of the cleansing milk

Answer: Mix up orange juice & milk and apply.  Lakme product's cleansing milk is available. That also can be used. Otherwise go to a parlor where cleansing milk is available. ______________________________________________________________________

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Question: 33 I was not more black or more white. I want to become white by using simple product. Can you suggest something?

Answer: Wash your face at least three or four times a day very important is that you should wash when you come from outside.  When you go outside, make it a point to apply sunscreen lotion.  Monthly once you should go in for bleaching and facial. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 34 I am interested in wearing sleeveless dresses.  I have lot of hair in my underarms. Kindly suggest suitable method to remove them (without razor)

Answer: Better you do bleaching in a parlor.  You can’t do it with house hold things or by doing waxing. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 35 I just want to know whether using the hair color is better or using mehandhi is better?

Answer: Using hair color in parlor is better because good quality products are only available in parlors. Using Mehandhi is also good but the color may not last long. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 36

I have seen your website and it seems to be a gift to every woman's personal problem which she often finds difficult to explain.  I referred to your answer for how to become fair. Some of the names mentioned in it like aavaram poo & ellai, kitchli kezengu, korai kezengu I would like to know the english or simpler version name for the same. Hope you shall be able to provide the same.

Answer: The equivalent names in English can be only referred by a Botanist.  The parlor people will not be able to give you these equivalent names because these are purely herbal products. Refer a Botanist for the equivalent names in English. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 37

I am 171 cms in height. My weight is 75kg. Is it too high? What is the exact weight I have to be? Please help me.

Answer: That is proper weight, you need not worry. ______________________________________________________________________

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Question: 38 My face seems to be weak and dark from the days when I landed in Europe. And my face is loosing its shining and skin type is oily during summer time. I used to apply all sorts of facial cream but in vain. There are some black patches on the head side and near my nose too. Previously I don't have such weaknesses (while I was in India). Could you please advice me to get rid of these skin problems?

Answer: It is advisable to do fruit facial and bleaching once in a month.  Use vitamin -E oil on the dark patches found in the nose area and also on the black spots found anywhere the body. That will give good result. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 39 There are lots of white spots in my face. Is there a way to clear it off?

Answer: We are not able to understand your problem fully. We need to know how it had sprung up to suggest a method to eradicate it. Or otherwise consult a skin specialist. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 40 I am really in a very confused state. I lose a lot of hair. Some say I should use shikkakai and not shampoo. But due to allergic reasons, I very often catch cold and doctor told me not to have cold items. Applying oil on scalp cools and I am not able to apply oil. Also since I am allergic to dust, I can't apply shikakkai. Pls helps me out from this hair loss trouble

Answer: Take two eggs and remove the yellow portion, only the white portion of the egg should be taken.   Mix with two cups of curd. This semi liquid should be massaged in your hair. You will get a good result without any side effect. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 41 I have pimples problem. Now only started. Remedy please.

Answer: Wash your face with pure water four or five times day.  You should not massage your face, do only mini facial that means clean the face and steam the face.  When you steam the face your pores will be opened and then remove black and white heads and then give ice cubes to face and then holes will be closed.  Apply herbal pack like mint leaves, thulasi leaves and neem leaves.  Mix it with sandal powder and rose water. ______________________________________________________________________

Question: 42 Hi!  My skin is pretty fair, but my armpits are a funny grayish color!  Sometimes it’s darker than other times. So I think that the deodorant I use makes a difference but I'm not too sure. Do you know why this is or what I can do about it?

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Answer: You must stop using the razor.  If the usage of deodorant does not agree, go in for bleaching in a parlor. This will give good result. ______________________________________________________________________

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Question: Do you have a ayurveda herbal skin care routine for oily skin?


Morning: Wash with SHAZEEMA. Moisturize: Apply PINK LOTUS with SHASILK.Night: Wash with SHAZEEMA. Moisturize with NEEM ANTISEPTIC CREAM.Mask Treatment: Twice a week: Apply a thin film of SHATEX Facial Mask and let it dry, then wash off with water

Question: Do you have a routine for mature and dehydrated skin?


MorningCleanse with SHADEW: Apply generously and leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off.Moisturize with SHAHANAZ PERSONAL FORMULA or BARBARA CARTLANDNightCleanse with SHACLEANSE: Apply, leave on for 10 minutes and then wipe off with moist cotton balls/pads.Every Night Apply Moisturizer 24 CARAT GOLD GEL MOISTURIZER and leave on overnight and see a very radiant youthful face in the morning.Twice a Week--Massage with SHALIFE (diluted with few drops of water), leave on for 15 minutes and the wipe off with cotton balls.Mask TreatmentTwice a Week: Apply a thin film of SHAYOUTH Facial Mask and let it dry, then wash off.

Question: My skin is very dry, rough to the feel and looks very dull. What do you suggest for moisturizing the skin?


Moisturizing the Skin:Skin's main requirement is moisture, so moisturizers help to achieve the balance of oil & moisture, so that the skin can be softened on the outer layer and keep it in a youthful condition. Supplying moisture to the skin by the use of moisturizers are the only way to prevent the skin from drying up.

Moisturizing should form an integral part of the daily skin care routine.

In addition, for Dry Skin use a Nourishing Cream every night. Some nourishing creams in the Shahnaz Products are: Veg. Power Carrot Cream, Shalife, Honey Health Nourishing Cream.

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Moisturizers in the Shahnaz Range of ProductsDry Skin: Shamoist, Shaglow, Barbara Cartland, Shaqueen, White Water Lily (Flower Power Range) Honey Health Rehydrant MilkOily Skin: Shasilk, Shataj, & Morning Glory (Flower Power Range)Combination Skin: Shahnaz Husain Personal Formula, Neem Rehydrant Milk

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Question: I hear a lot about Deep Cleansing. I cleanse everyday with soap and water. What is the difference between Regular Cleaning versus Deep Claning?


We are living in an environment with a lot of pollutants/dust. These get embedded into our skin during the course of the day. In addition, there are dead surface cells that cling to our skin. Regular Cleansing will only get rid of surface dirt.The human skin is structured to breathe in oxygen. In order to do so it should be absolutely clean from embedded dirt & dead skin. Deep cleansing cleanses deeper and gives a cleaner feel to the skin.

Deep Cleansing of Skin involves a process that uses Cleansing Creams, Astringent or Skin Tonic and Scrubs.

This routine requires time so you can follow it 2-3 times a week instead of daily.

First, cleanse with face and neck area withDry Skin: choose ShacleanseOily Skin: choose Shazeema or Shamoon Combination Skin: choose Neem Cleansing Cream or Marigold Cleanser.

Second, Scrub with a Granular Scrubber Dry Skin: choose ShagrainCombination Skin: choose ShascrubDO NOT USE A SCRUB IF YOU HAVE OILY, ACNE PRONE, SENSITIVE SKIN.

Third, Tone with a TonerDry Skin: choose Sharose Oily Skin: choose Neem Skin Tonic or Shamint Combination Skin: choose Neem Skin Tonic or Shamint or Lavender Skin Tonic

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Question: What does Rejuvenation mean?

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The word rejuvenate literally means "to restore to youthful appearance".

What does Rejuvenation do?

Rejuvenation treatment (by way of a basic facial) helps to remove the debris of dead-skin, pore-clogging oils & waxes, dirt & grime, to mildly scrub off scars tissue and to expose the true and fresh skin on face and body, it is essential to use a dermabrasion or exfoliation treatment twice a week. Rejuvenation exposes new skin, which is young and fresh.

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Question: I have very rough cracked heels, how can I make them smooth and soft?


Here is a routine if followed diligently will bring results.

When you shower, scrub the heels and feet with Soapy Loofah. Then polish with Pumice Stone when still soapy.

At night, rub in one teaspoon of glycerin in two teaspoons of lemon juice and two teaspoons of rose water or you can use Shagloss. Wear socks for one hour and then wipe off with wet towel.

You will see a significant improvement with 4 weeks.

You do have to follow the routine diligently on an everyday basis.

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Question: My face looks very wrinkled and dehydrated. Which of the Shahnaz products would help to help to my face look more healthy and youthful?


To hydrate your skin, you need to work on it from the inside too. So drinking 8 glasses of water a day would be highly recommended.


Cleanse with SHADEW: Apply generously and leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off. Moisturize with SHAHANAZ PERSONAL FORMULA or BARBARA CARTLAND

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Cleanse with SHACLEANSE: Apply, leave on for 10 minutes and then wipe off with cotton balls. Massage with SHALIFE (diluted with few drops of water), leave on for 15 minutes and the wipe off with cotton balls.

Mask Treatment

Apply a thin film of SHAYOUTH Facial Mask and let it dry, then wash off. Apply Moisturizer 24 CARAT GOLD GEL MOISTURIZER

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Question: My skin has these dark patches/spots that I have to hide with make-up. The dark patches are becoming bigger and darker. Is there a Shahnaz product that can help take care of this?


Dark patches are a result of sun damage usually. Avoid the sun as much as possible. If you need to be in the sun, then be sure to use a sun protective base cream.

Here is a routine that will help to reduce the dark patches/spots:


Apply SHADEW on face in the morning, wait for 10 minutes and then wash face.


Apply PRECIOUS PEARL CREAM on the patches/blemishes.



Cleanse face with SHASCRUB and tone with SHAROSE

Apply SHAFAIR:Only to be used after Sundown, apply Shafair to the dark areas.

When you use Shafair avoid sun under all circumstances.

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Cleanse face e with HONEY HEALTH CLEANSER

Apply SHAWHITE, leave overnight & wash in the morning.


Use SHAMASK-I: Three times a week for clear glowing skin, this Deep Skin Rejuvenation is strongly recommended to get best results.

Avoid the sun as far as possible and use a sunscreen

Please be mindful that every treatment has an individual response, if irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

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Question: My hair needs a good conditioning, its very damaged. Please advise which products are good for making my hair look healthy.


Shahnaz Herbals has a number of products that are excellent for damaged hair.

Shagrow helps to make the hair thick and healthy.

Shamla, an excellent shampoo that also helps with the hair feel very healthy.

Wild Thyme, a contidioner that is made from wild thyme and nurtures the hair back to life.

Shalisma, a vitaminized hair treatment formula that gives the hair a lustrous sheen.

Wild Thyme, an ayurvedic hair conditioner that is intensively botanically enriched to help the hair to a lustrous health.

All these products are excellent to make you hair become healthy and shiny.

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Question: I have terrible dark circles and puffiness under my eyes. Is there a routine that will help to eliminate or reduce this problem around my eyes?

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Dark circles and puffiness is a result of a lack of sleep and dehydration. So you would want to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night and drink 8 glasses of water everyday.

Here is the routine for getting decreasing the dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.


Use twice a day morning and night: Apply sparingly around the eyes. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wipe of f with moist cotton balls.

The cream should not be left on for too long.


Apply sparingly under the eyes and leave on.



Use 3 times a week. Apply a thin film under the eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wipe off with moist cotton balls.

Please be mindful that every treatment has an individual response, if irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

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Question: I have large pores, which Shahnaz products are helpful to tighten the pores?


The Home Pack Treatment is excellent for tightening the pores and making your skin appear porcelained.

Home Pack Treatment:

3 teaspoons Shaface, 2 teaspoons Shafresh, 4 drops of Shableach, ½ Egg Yoke or Egg White, 1 Teaspoon Plain Yogurt, 1 teaspoon Honey,

Mix all the above ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply thin film on the face and neck. Leave to dry for 15 minutes and then wash off.

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The Home Pack can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days and used daily.

Tone the skin with a Skin Toner such as Sharose and then apply a Moisturizer such as Shahnaz Husain’s Personal Formula.

Please be mindful that every treatment has an individual response, if irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

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Question: How do I do Deep Pore Cleansing with Fennel for enlarged pores?


Add tablespoon of Fennel in a Large Pot of Water. Cover the Pot & bring to a Boil. Turn off stove and place pot of hot water in the sink to avoid/prevent any spills/burns.

Then steam face for 5-6 minutes over the hot water by putting a towel over your head to feel the steam. Please be careful not to overdo this.

Then apply a Rose based skin tonic such as Sharose to the skin several times a day and see a porcelained smooth skin.

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Question: How do I get rid of the black rings under my eyes?


Rinse out with running water a used tea bag. Then place the cold, used tea-bag, on each eye daily. Relax for a few minutes. In a few weeks the black circles will be diminish significantly. Please make sure that you do not use a fresh tea bag, as it may leave the tea color on the skin.

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Question: Is there a natural way for conditioning hair?


Yes there is. You can use Tea for Conditioning Hair. Add a couple of teabags to 3 cups of boiling water. Boil for about 2 minutes, remove from the stove. Strain immediately. This will make a weak tea. Cool this weak tea. Rinse hair with this

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mild tea infusion. Let this dry for ½ hour then rinse off with water. Gives a nice shine to the Hair.

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Question: How do I make a refreshing Body Splash from Lavender Flowers?


Soak a handful of Lavender Flowers in water. Leave overnight. It’s a very refreshing Body Splash.

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Question: Is there a simple and natural remedy for dry patch skin?


There is a remedy for Dry Patch Skin with Rose water, Lemon and Glycerin. Mix one teaspoon of glycerin in two teaspoons of lemon juice and rose water. Apply on face, neck, rough elbows, and knees. Excellent for softening the skin and keeping it free of dryness.

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Question: How do I reduce pores and wrinkles with Fennel?


Fennel in steam facials cleanses pores and helps in reducing wrinkles.

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Question: How can I make my own Home-made Dry Skin Mask?


Mix well 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoon fresh cream and apply on face. Leave on for 10 minutes and then remove with cotton balls soaked in warm water.

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Mix well 1 tablespoon of Cornflakes, 1 tablespoon of Almond oil & 1 tablespoon of Olive oil (or just 1 tablespoon of fresh cream instead of the almond oil & olive oil) . Apply on face, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse off.

Other masks for Dry Skin are Shaweeds, Shayouth, Shapeel, And Home Pack Treatment of Shaface 2-3 teaspoons, Shafresh 2 teaspoons, Egg Yolk 1, Yogurt 1 teaspoon, Honey 1 teaspoon. Mix all the above ingredients to make a smooth paste. Apply a thin film on face and leave to dry. Wash off. The Home Pack mix can be stored in refrigerator for one week. This can be used daily.

Please be mindful that every treatment has a individual response, if irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

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Question: How can I deal with Oily Skin?


By far the most important part in the daily care of Oily Skin is cleansing.

First, wash the face with a medicated soap like Shazeema. This helps to remove surface oil and dirt. Second, after the skin is cleansed off the surface grease, one should cleans the pores with a mixture of Shagrain and Sharose gently rubbed in a circular motion in the nose and chin area as well as all over. Let it dry and then rinse off.

Over time the skin looks more porcelained.

Deep pore cleansing improved the circulation giving the skin a healthy glow.

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Question: How can I clear Blemishes?


Grind Mint Leaves and water into a paste and apply on blemishes.

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The alternative is to purchase the formulated Herbal Products --Shamint or Shablem from the Shahnaz Herbals collection to clear blemishes.

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Question: Please give a sample of a Deep Pore Treatment?


1. Cleanse face with Shagloss 2. Tone with Sharose 3. Treat with Home Pack Mask

Shaface 2 teaspooons Shafresh 4 drops Yogurt 1 teaspoon Honey 1 teaspoon Egg 1 egg yolk (for dry skin) OR 1 egg white (for oily skin) Store residual in a refrigrator for one week and use it within one week.

Mix together into a paste and apply on face. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off. You will see that this treatment will porcelain the face and the pores will diminish or disappear over time with regular use of 3 to 4 times a week.

To avoid procrastination of using the Mask. When you wake up in the morning, apply mask on face (after washing face)and then (take 20 minutes to drink coffee/tea) and then wash off in the shower. This way you are not looking for time as to when to do this treatment.

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Question: Is there a good natural mask for Oily/Spotty skin?


Plain yogurt (low fat) contains enzymes that cleanse and make the skin feel beautiful. Strain about 4 tablespoons of yogurt of the water and blend with fork. Apply a thin layer on face. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash off with warm water to get a very clean healthy feeling to skin.

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Question: Is there a good natural mask to help treat dry skin?


Boil 2 large carrots (washes and peeled with stems removed) in water until soft and water has evaporated. Mash the carrots into pulp. When the carrot pulp is cool, apply a thin layer on the face/neck as a mask and leave on for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water to get a healthy looking skin. Carrots enrich Dry Sensitive Skin.

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Question: What is a good skin nourishment treatment/technique?


Boil ½ Cabbage in 3 cups of water for about 10 minutes (boiling). Strain and cool the water. Wash face with the cool cabbage water. It’s great for Nourishing the Skin. The nutrients from the cabbage nourish the skin.

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Question: My hands and nails are very dry. What do I have to do to have soft hands?


After every wash use hand lotion liberally. Nails should respond well with a warm olive oil massage every night before you retire for bed.

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Question: What are the main objectives to reduce couperose skin?


Stengthen the capillary wall by taking vitamin C or P (bio-flavinoids). Avoid stimulants such as caffeine,and sugar. Avoid sun exposure. Use products on the skin that are vaso-constricting (azulene products) and soothing (chamomile).

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Question: I have terrible stretch marks. What causes them? What can I do to get rid of them?


Stretchmarks are common after pregnancy, or when weight loss follows weight gain. Massage is recommended during pregnancy and also afterwards, to protect and improve elasticity. A cream containing turmeric and lemon is used, as this helps to minimise the marks and keep the skin soft and well moisturised. Massage has great efficacy in terms of helping the oils or creams to be better absorbed by the skin. Essential oils and natural oils also bring about a greater degree of relaxation, apart from their specific healing actions. Body masks are also applied, after the massage.To get rid of those stretch marks massage the area everyday with a lemon-turmeric cream, or olive oil. Mix together besan and milk or cream of milk into a paste and add a pinch of turmeric ( haldi). Apply this paste on the area and remove it after 10-15 minutes by rubbing it off gently.

Products Recomended:

o Shafair o Shablem o Shawhite

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Question: What are the factors causing premature aging?


SUN AND AGING PROCESSThe ultraviolet component abetted by infrared radiation is notorious enemy of good skin. Practically all the dreary stigmata registered on premature skin are sunshine induced. Sunlight not only causes skin cancer, but it accelerates and accentuates all sagging, wrinkling, and yellowing of the skin associated with aging. The redness in the sunburn represents injury, damage that will accumulate over the years.OTHER FACTORS CAUSING PREMATURE AGINGGenetic factors - such as slack, weak tissues, and or fragile thin skin. Ilness, particularly nervous disorders, sudden weight loss, and malnurition impacts the aging process. Besides sun, any exposure to harsh climatic conditons and temperature extremes should be avoided. Nicotine is not only harmful in the long run, but causes considerable esthetic damage: dehyration lines and a reduction of peripheral circulation, ultimately resulting in skin atrophy. Stress, worry and lack of rest should be considered a major obstacle to well being, beauty and longivity. Gravity, and facial expression, menopause, also causes wrinkles.

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Question: How does hormones effects acne skin?


PUBERTY:Puperty causes the secretion of certain gonadotrophic hormones by the anterior pituitary gland. The target organs of these gonadotrophic hormones are gonads (the ovaries in woman or testes in man). In addition, the adrenal cortex is stimulated at puberty. Both of these glands, the adrenal cortex and the gonads, are encouraged to excete large quantities of steroid hormones into the circulatory system. In the male, the influence of adrenal hormones on bodily changes is overshadowed by the action of testicular hormones. In female, the female estrogens produces by the ovaries works in conjunction with the male androgens from the adrenal cortex to create secondary sex characteristics. This sudden surge of male hormones (called androgens) in both sexes results in bodily hair growth as well as increase in oil flow from the sebaceous glands. This increase in oil flow does not automatically lead to acne, but it sets the stage and no acne is possible without it. Only a small amount is needed to stimulate the oil glan s, and it is impossible to distinguish the adrogen levels of acne patients form those of clear skinned types.HEREDITY:People with chonically oily skin and lingering acne have been found to harbor and especially active enzyme that converts testosterone, one of the androgens, into a more potent form called dihydro-testosterone. This is the factor directly responsible for releasing more oil. It is thought that if the effect dihydro-testosterone on the sebaceous glands could be counteracted then acne could be controlled. The challenge lies in accomplishing this without tampering with the body's normal hormonal makeup. Genes are also believed to play a stagesetting role, since acne and its degree of serverity often run in families. Heredity can help determine the amount of oil you body produces, the kind of bacteria nesting in your glands, the strength of your follicular walls, and other factor linked to either your resistance or your susceptibility.ACNE IN ADULTHOOD:Occasionally the onset of acne in adulthood can signal the presence of pituitary, adrenal, or ovarian tumors. The condition will usually be accompanied by other signs of excess androgen or erractic hormone activity: Irregular menstrual periods, the growth of facial hair, and deepening of the voice. Other factors, if not direct causes, may aggrevate and already existing case of acne. In cases of anxiety and stress, the body signals the pituitary gland to release more of its hormones to meet the challenge. These, in turn, stimulate the andrenal cortex to pour more adrogens into the bloodstream. Since people vary in their tolerance to extra androgens, not everyone under pressure will have an acne flare-up. But stress will put those who are susceptible at higher risk. Stress can also lead to nervous scratching and picking of the face, which can irritate pimples and drive them deeper into the skin. To complicate matters, it has been found that the output of fatty acids is also increased during stress.PREGNANCY AND MENOPAUSE:Hormonal changes in women during pregnancy and menopause are also contributing factors in oil secretion and hair growth since hormones produced by the ovaries have inhibiting effect of the anterior pituitary. If secretion from the

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ovaries is affected in any way, there may be lack of control over the pituitary gland. This can result in a hyperstimulation by pituitary hormones of the andrenal cortex, which in turn can produce an excess androgens, which can lead to excessive oil production and hair growth.

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Question: What causes acne?


The causes contributing to acne are internal and external.INTERNAL: Genetic, hormonal, stress (emotional), poor diet and certain drugs (cortisone).EXTERNAL: Lack of personal hygiene, topical pressure or friction through restrictive clothing, and comedogenic creams and cosmetics.In mose cases acne is the result of an internal malfunction manifesting as a symptom on the face, chest and back. This is often aggrevated externally through improper management and the wrong kinds of products.The pathogenic factors which causes acne are:1. Increased production of free fatty acids due to bacterial activity.2. Obstruction of follicular orifices (pores) with keratinized cells (dead skin), sebum and debris.3. Increased production of keratin (dead skin)

Question: What is the holistic method for treating acne?



o Avoid fried foods, butter, cheeses, whole milk, ice cream, rich salad dressings, chocolate, fatty meats, anything from cocoa or coffee beans, other stimulants, sweets and processed nut products.

o Include fresh fruits, plenty of water, fresh and cooked vegetables, lean meats, broiled fish, chicken, whole-grain cereals and other complex carbohydrates. The diet should allow regular bowl movements.

o Foods containing bromides, iodine and caffeine stimulate the endocrine system, which in turn increases the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous gland.

o Vitamin A and Zinc supplements can be helpful, but use only proper dosage as recommended on the bottle.

Question: What causes surface dehydration?

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Using products that are harsh on the skin such as soap or acne treatments.

o Neglect by not drinking enough water and smoking cigarettes.o Medication and illness can cause internal dehydration and ultimately

affect the surface of the skin.o Inadequate moisturizers that are too light texture and runny. This

does not provide enough protection against moisture evaporation from the skin's surface.

o Scrubs used too often will break down the cohesion of the top layer of the skin which is responsible for holding moisture.

o Astringents that have strong alcohol content can act as a drying agent.

o Dry climate cause moisture to evaporate quickly.o Hot showers which removes sebum on the skin's surface, it also

causes tendency for capillary damage and dehydration.o Excessive intake of table salt (sodium chloride) can have a

dehydrating effect. Coffee also contribute to dehydration.

Question: Lack of sleep gives people dark rings under the eyes...what should one do?


The best thing is to use slices of cucumber cooled in the fridge and applied on the eyes like an eye-mask or sliced raw potato used in the same way. Iced frozen used tea bags are also really useful in controlling exhausted eyes and dark circles. But very effective is using a mixture of yogurt and honey like an eye-mask under the eyse and then grated cucumber or potato juice cooled in fridge and use cotton eye pads dipped in the juice which has been kept in the fridge. Apply over eye area . This makes an excellent eye treatment.

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1. Q: My skin feels very dry and dull in most seasons. Is there any way to improve the condition of my skin I am a 45 year old lady.

A: The solution is rehydration. It means replacing of lost water. You will rehydrate externally if you leave your skin damp after you wash your face and then apply an effective moisturizer.

  2. Q: What is the best way to firm up the skin on my face and neck. As I am on a weight loss programme, and am losing more than 2 kilos in a month, I would like to keep my skin in a toned way

A: your surface lines will be less noticeable with masks which can plump up the skin surrounding your wrinkles, so that they may appear temporarily to disappear. Whenever you are on a weight loss programme, Make sure you mask your throat area with effective clay or mineral mask.

  3. Q: I have never had dandruff all my life. Now, I am 40 years old and the dandruff seems to bother  me a lot what can I do ?

A: Dandruff is caused by the over activity of melassezia, a fungus which is ever-present on our scalp whenever we all under stress or have not worked on hair well or have a hormonal disturbance, this fungus multiplies fast causing dandruff. The best solution is to use an anti-dandruff shampoo containing zinc, sulphur or selenium pyrithian atleast once in a week until your scalp calms down.

  4. Q: what is the purpose of using conditioners.

A: Conditioners are substances made up of fat and protein, they help in closing the cuticles, which have been opened by a shampoo. Conditioners heal broken cuticles and promote healthy and shiny hair. There are surface and deep penetrating conditioners. The first variety is for normal hairs and the deep penetrating conditioners are for those who have very dry, brittle and damaged hairs you can scan your hair and choose the right conditioner for your hair type.

5. Q: Can I Perm and colour my hair at the same time will it damage my hair? 

A: Yes, you can do them together if your hair is healthy. The perm comes first and colouring can be done after 10 days. Use of a semi permanent colour will be less damaging when the two treatments are carried out at the same time.

  6. Q: My hair seems to fall at an alarming rate in the last few months. Will I go bald at this rate? I am only 30 year old and have a very stressful job

A: The answer is in your question itself stress is one of the major causes for hair loss. The most important thing for a luxuriant hair growth is a healthy balanced diet internally and a regular stimulation of the scalp have a diet rich in iron, calcium and protein and

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have a regular oil massage or a spa treatment to improve hair growth.  

Spa treatment for your hair

I am a 22-year-old girl. I have been reading your columns regularly and I notice in many of the hair related queries you talk a lot about hair spa. I would like to know what exactly is hair spa? Is there any specific age group that can go in for hair spa? How often can one do a spa? Also how much does one sitting of spa normally cost?

Hair spa is really a big trend now! It is one of the best treatments for hair…Hair Spa is basically an advanced method of deep conditioning. Earlier, there used to be mainly scalp massages with oil which later advanced to special aroma oil massages.

This later moved a step ahead with deep conditioning treatments for the hair. A spa rises above all these treatments and proves to be the one of the most effective and intense treatment for any and every hair problem that you may face.

For hair problems

A spa is an excellent treatment for dry, damaged and porous hair. Your hair can be dry and damaged because of some chemical treatment it may have undergone, like rebonding, perming, colouring or because of exposure to strong detergents and use of wrong products, or because of being exposed to pollution and hard water or maybe just because of sheer neglect and lack of care. It is time you start a spa and you will see how the texture changes over a short period of time.

For people suffering from hair loss and dandruff, spa is an excellent treatment. These conditions can occur in us due to stress, hormonal changes, change in climatic conditions, keeping unwell etc. Spa has excellent treatments to keep dandruff and hair fall in control and in hair fall cases it also gives a lot of new growth if done regularly over a period of time.

For people who feel that their hair lacks strength and volume. The texture of a person’s hair can’t be changed…if one has soft, fine hair it will not become coarse, but spa helps in building the strength of each hair follicle giving the hair a stronger and a more bouncy look.

People with a very sensitive and itchy scalp which maybe sensitized due to over exposure to chemicals and strong detergents or changes in climatic conditions also will benefit a lot from hair spa.

A very oily and greasy scalp which tends to become oily within the same evening of one’s washing the hair can also be helped by hair spa.

Benefits of Hair Spa

Deep conditioning Hair Spa treatment is designed to strengthen the hair follicles, nourish the roots &

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revitalise the scalp that leads to natural hair rebirth.

It helps to normalise oil secretions. It increases cell metabolism and stimulates blood circulation. It eliminates impurities inside pores and repairs  damaged hair.

This treatment works like silken fingers that work their magic on the roots of your hair. It helps to coax away the knotted harshness from your hair. Spa is a rehydrating therapy that restores vital oils and moisture for a smooth, sensuous glow that begins at the roots.


Normally the hair spa starts with a specific spa shampoo (depending on the hair condition) which is massaged in a specific way for about 10 minutes. This is followed by a deep conditioning masque application and massage for 20-25 minutes.

The spa cream is applied in a neat method to cover every strand of the hair and the massage is very delicate and relaxing. It rejuvenates and de-stresses you completely. The spa massage is followed by steam for about 5minutes to just penetrate the product better. The whole duration of spa should be roughly about 40-50 minutes.

There is no age limit as such for a spa. You can start as young as 14-15 because that is the age at which dandruff and hair fall problems can start. You can do a spa even as often as a week if you want to…ideally once in 2 weeks. Spa treatments roughly should cost in the range of Rs 700-1000 depending on the length, treatment and thickness of the hair.