fantastic voyage ogr 04/03/2015

Fantastic Voyage OGR 04/03/2015 Rebecca Patterson

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Fantastic Voyage OGR


Page 1: Fantastic Voyage OGR 04/03/2015

Fantastic Voyage OGR


Rebecca Patterson

Page 2: Fantastic Voyage OGR 04/03/2015

Life Cycle of a Hookworm Bloodsucking nematode worms.

parasitic in the intestine of humans and other animals.

Chosen Audience People aged between 18 – 25

An age group cable of understand what’s going on without being heavily guided by text. An age group basically around my own age, but directed towards people maybe more interested in the

horror genre in any media, etc. book, games, films…

Why, because when watching the life cycle I felt I could incorporate horror, education and gaming into a 3D animation.

Page 3: Fantastic Voyage OGR 04/03/2015

Researching into older animation with a certain look I hope to achieve and survival horror games that appeal to my chosen audience – want to combine the two.