famous quotes on poetry

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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 Famous Quotes on Poetry


    What is Poetry?

    Poetry is language on a spree.John Hegley 

    A poem should mean and not be.Archibald Macleish 

    I started writing poetry because I didn’t like

    poetry.Benjamin ephaniah 

    Poetry is a hotline to the emotions.Andrew Motion 

    Poetry! like music is to be heard.Basil Bunting 

    Poetry is language in orbit."eamus Heaney 

    Poetry is words with a tune.Jon "tallworthy 

    Poetry begins in delight and ends in wisdom.#obert $rost 

    Prose% &ords in their best order.

    Poetry% 'he best words in the best order."amuel 'aylor (oleridge 

    Poetry is naked words dancing together.Adrian Mitchell 

    Poetry’s like a huge multi)coloured mar*uee that

    has room +or all kinds o+ +orms and ,oices.-icki $ea,er 

    ,ery poem is an island. 'o get to a poem

    re*uires sailing out +rom the mainland o+ routine

    language.#obert (raw+ord