famous poems by william wordsworth

7/25/2019 Famous Poems by William Wordsworth http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/famous-poems-by-william-wordsworth 1/32 I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze !ontinuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the "ilky way, They stretched in never#ending line Along the "argin of a bay$ Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in s%rightly dance The waves beside the" danced, but they &ut#did the s%arkling leaves in glee; A %oet could not be but gay, In such a ocund co"%any( I gazed)and gazed)but little thought What wealth the show to "e had brought$ For oft, when on "y couch I lie In vacant or in %ensive "ood, They flash u%on that inward eye

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I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze

!ontinuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the "ilky way,

They stretched in never#ending line

Along the "argin of a bay$

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in s%rightly dance

The waves beside the" danced, but they

&ut#did the s%arkling leaves in glee;

A %oet could not be but gay,

In such a ocund co"%any(

I gazed)and gazed)but little thought

What wealth the show to "e had brought$

For oft, when on "y couch I lie

In vacant or in %ensive "ood,

They flash u%on that inward eye

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Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then "y heart with %leasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils

Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth

*arth has not anything to show "ore fair$

+ull would he be of soul who could %ass by

A sight so touching in its "aesty$

This !ity now doth like a gar"ent wear 

The beauty of the "orning; silent , bare,

hi%s, towers, do"es, theatres, and te"%les lie

&%en unto the fields, and to the sky,

All bright and glittering in the s"okeless air

 -ever did the sun "ore beautifully stee%

In his first s%lendour, valley, rock, or hill;

 -e'er saw I, never felt a cal" so dee%(

The river glideth at his own sweet will$

+ear .od( the very houses see" aslee%;

And all that "ighty heart is lying still(

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Lines Written In Early Spring by William Wordsworth

I heard a thousand blended notes,

While in a grove I sate reclined,

In that sweet "ood when %leasant thoughts

Bring sad thoughts to the "ind

To her fair works did -ature link 

The hu"an soul that through "e ran;

And "uch it grieved "y heart to think 

What "an has "ade of "an

Through %ri"rose tufts, in that green bower,

The %eriwinkle trailed its wreaths;

And 'tis "y faith that every flower 

*noys the air it breathes

The birds around "e ho%%ed and %layed,

Their thoughts I cannot "easure$##

But the least "otion which they "ade

It see"ed a thrill of %leasure

The budding twigs s%read out their fan,

To catch the breezy air;

And I "ust think, do all I can,

That there was %leasure there

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If this belief fro" heaven be sent,

If such be -ature's holy %lan,

/ave I not reason to la"ent

What "an has "ade of "an0

London, 18! by William Wordsworth

1ilton( thou should'st be living at this hour$

*ngland hath need of thee$ she is a fen

&f stagnant waters$ altar, sword, and %en,

Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,

/ave forfeited their ancient *nglish dower 

&f inward ha%%iness We are selfish "en;

&h( raise us u%, return to us again;

And give us "anners, virtue, freedo", %ower

Thy soul was like a tar, and dwelt a%art$

Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea$

2ure as the naked heavens, "aestic, free,

o didst thou travel on life's co""on way,

In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart

The lowliest duties on herself did lay

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A Chara"ter

I "arvel how -ature could ever find s%ace

For so "any strange contrasts in one hu"an face$

There's thought and no thought, and there's %aleness and bloo"

And bustle and sluggishness, %leasure and gloo"

There's weakness, and strength both redundant and vain;

uch strength as, if ever affliction and %ain

!ould %ierce through a te"%er that's soft to disease,

Would be rational %eace##a %hiloso%her's ease

There's indifference, alike when he fails or succeeds,

And attention full ten ti"es as "uch as there needs;

2ride where there's no envy, there's so "uch of oy;

And "ildness, and s%irit both forward and coy

There's freedo", and so"eti"es a diffident stare

&f sha"e scarcely see"ing to know that she's there,

There's virtue, the title it surely "ay clai",

3et wants heaven knows what to be worthy the na"e

This %icture fro" nature "ay see" to de%art,

3et the 1an would at once run away with your heart;

And I for five centuries right gladly would be

uch an odd such a kind ha%%y creature as he

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A #a"t, And An Imagination, $r, Canute And Al%red, $n &he Seashore

T/* +anish !on4ueror, on his royal chair,

1ustering a face of haughty sovereignty,

To aid a covert %ur%ose, cried##'& ye

A%%roaching Waters of the dee%, that share

With this green isle "y fortunes, co"e not where

3our 1aster's throne is set'##+eaf was the ea;

/er waves rolled on, res%ecting his decree

5ess than they heed a breath of wanton air

##Then !anute, rising fro" the invaded throne,

aid to his servile !ourtiers,##'2oor the reach,

The undisguised e6tent, of "ortal sway(

/e only is a 7ing, and he alone

+eserves the na"e 8this truth the billows %reach9

Whose everlasting laws, sea, earth, and heaven, obey'

This ust re%roof the %ros%erous +ane

+rew, fro" the influ6 of the "ain,

For so"e whose rugged northern "ouths would strain

At oriental flattery;

And !anute 8fact "ore worthy to be known9

Fro" that ti"e forth did for his brows disown

The ostentatious sy"bol of a crown;

*stee"ing earthly royalty

!onte"%tible as vain

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 -ow hear what one of elder days,

:ich the"e of *ngland's fondest %raise,

/er darling Alfred, '"ight' have s%oken;

To cheer the re"nant of his host

When he was driven fro" coast to coast,

+istressed and harassed, but with "ind unbroken$

'1y faithful followers, lo( the tide is s%ent

That rose, and steadily advanced to fill

The shores and channels, working -ature's will

A"ong the "azy strea"s that backward went,

And in the sluggish %ools where shi%s are %ent$

And now, his task %erfor"ed, the flood stands still,

At the green base of "any an inland hill,

In %lacid beauty and subli"e content(

uch the re%ose that sage and hero find;

uch "easured rest the sedulous and good

&f hu"bler na"e; whose souls do, like the flood

&f &cean, %ress right on; or gently wind,

 -either to be diverted nor withstood,

ntil they reach the bounds by /eaven assigned'

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A #lower 'arden At Coleorton (all, Lei"estershire)

T*55 "e, ye <e%hyrs( that unfold,

While fluttering o'er this gay :ecess,

2inions that fanned the tee"ing "ould

&f *den's blissful wilderness,

+id only softly#stealing hours

There close the %eaceful lives of flowers0

ay, when the '"oving' creatures saw

All kinds co""ingled without fear,

2revailed a like indulgent law

For the still growths that %ros%er here0

+id wanton fawn and kid forbear 

The half#blown rose, the lily s%are0

&r %ee%ed they often fro" their beds

And %re"aturely disa%%eared,

+evoured like %leasure ere it s%reads

A boso" to the sun endeared0

If such their harsh unti"ely doo",

It falls not 'here' on bud or bloo"

All su""er long the ha%%y *ve

&f this fair %ot her flowers "ay bind,

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 -or e'er, with ruffled fancy, grieve,

Fro" the ne6t glance she casts, to find

That love for little things by Fate

Is rendered vain as love for great

3et, where the guardian fence is wound,

o subtly are our eyes beguiled

We see not nor sus%ect a bound,

 -o "ore than in so"e forest wild;

The sight is free as air##or crost

&nly by art in nature lost

And, though the ealous turf refuse

By rando" footste%s to be %rest,

And feed on never#sullied dews,

'3e', gentle breezes fro" the west,

With all the "inisters of ho%e

Are te"%ted to this sunny slo%e(

And hither throngs of birds resort;

o"e, in"ates lodged in shady nests,

o"e, %erched on ste"s of stately %ort

That nod to welco"e transient guests;

While hare and leveret, seen at %lay,

'A%%ear' not "ore shut out than they

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A%t e"ble" 8for re%roof of %ride9

This delicate *nclosure shows

&f "odest kindness, that would hide

The fir" %rotection she bestows;

&f "anners, like its viewless fence,

*nsuring %eace to innocence

Thus s%ake the "oral 1use##her wing

Abru%tly s%reading to de%art,

he left that farewell offering,

1o"ento for so"e docile heart;

That "ay res%ect the good old age

When Fancy was Truth's willing 2age;

And Truth would ski" the flowery glade,

Though entering but as Fancy's hade

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A *ewish #amily In A Small +alley $pposite St) 'oar, Upon &he hine

.*-I of :a%hael( if thy wings

1ight bear thee to this glen,

With faithful "e"ory left of things

To %encil dear and %en,

Thou would'st forego the neighbouring :hine,

And all his "aesty##

A studious forehead to incline

&'er this %oor fa"ily

The 1other##her thou "ust have seen,

In s%irit, ere she ca"e

To dwell these rifted rocks between,

&r found on earth a na"e;

An i"age, too, of that sweet Boy,

Thy ins%irations give##

&f %layfulness, and love, and oy,

2redestined here to live

+owncast, or shooting glances far,

/ow beautiful his eyes,

That blend the nature of the star 

With that of su""er skies(

I s%eak as if of sense beguiled;

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ncounted "onths are gone,

3et a" I with the =ewish !hild,

That e64uisite aint =ohn

I see the dark#brown curls, the brow,

The s"ooth trans%arent skin,

:efined, as with intent to show

The holiness within;

The grace of %arting Infancy

By blushes yet unta"ed;

Age faithful to the "other's knee,

 -or of her ar"s asha"ed

Two lovely isters, still and sweet

As flowers, stand side by side;

Their soul#subduing looks "ight cheat

The !hristian of his %ride$

uch beauty hath the *ternal %oured

%on the" not forlorn,

Though of a lineage once abhorred,

 -or yet redee"ed fro" scorn

1ysterious safeguard, that, in s%ite

&f %overty and wrong,

+oth here %reserve a living light,

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Fro" /ebrew fountains s%rung;

That gives this ragged grou% to cast

Around the dell a glea"

&f 2alestine, of glory %ast,

And %roud =erusale"(

A -arrow 'irdle o% ough Stones and Crags

A narrow girdle of rough stones and crags,

A rude and natural causeway, inter%osed

Between the water and a winding slo%e

&f co%se and thicket, leaves the eastern shore

&f .ras"ere safe in its own %rivacy$

And there "yself and two beloved Friends,

&ne cal" e%te"ber "orning, ere the "ist

/ad altogether yielded to the sun,

auntered on this retired and difficult way

####Ill suits the road with one in haste; but we

2layed with our ti"e; and, as we strolled along,

It was our occu%ation to observe

uch obects as the waves had tossed ashore##

Feather, or leaf, or weed, or withered bough,

*ach on the other hea%ed, along the line

&f the dry wreck And, in our vacant "ood,

 -ot seldo" did we sto% to watch so"e tuft

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&f dandelion seed or thistle's beard,

That ski""ed the surface of the dead cal" lake,

uddenly halting now##a lifeless stand(

And starting off again with freak as sudden;

In all its s%ortive wanderings, all the while,

1aking re%ort of an invisible breeze

That was its wings, its chariot, and its horse,

Its %lay"ate, rather say, its "oving soul

##And often, trifling with a %rivilege

Alike indulged to all, we %aused, one now,

And now the other, to %oint out, %erchance

To %luck, so"e flower or water#weed, too fair

*ither to be divided fro" the %lace

&n which it grew, or to be left alone

To its own beauty 1any such there are,

Fair ferns and flowers, and chiefly that tall fern,

o stately, of the 4ueen &s"unda na"ed;

2lant lovelier, in its own retired abode

&n .ras"ere's beach, than -aiad by the side

&f .recian brook, or 5ady of the 1ere,

ole#sitting by the shores of old ro"ance

##o fared we that bright "orning$ fro" the fields

1eanwhile, a noise was heard, the busy "irth

&f rea%ers, "en and wo"en, boys and girls

+elighted "uch to listen to those sounds,

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And feeding thus our fancies, we advanced

Along the indented shore; when suddenly,

Through a thin veil of glittering haze was seen

Before us, on a %oint of utting land,

The tall and u%right figure of a 1an

Attired in %easant's garb, who stood alone,

Angling beside the "argin of the lake

'I"%rovident and reckless,' we e6clai"ed,

'The 1an "ust be, who thus can lose a day

&f the "id harvest, when the labourer's hire

Is a"%le, and so"e little "ight be stored

Wherewith to cheer hi" in the winter ti"e'

Thus talking of that 2easant, we a%%roached

!lose to the s%ot where with his rod and line

/e stood alone; whereat he turned his head

To greet us##and we saw a 1a" worn down

By sickness, gaunt and lean, with sunken cheeks

And wasted li"bs, his legs so long and lean

That for "y single self I looked at the",

Forgetful of the body they sustained##

Too weak to labour in the harvest field,

The 1an was using his best skill to gain

A %ittance fro" the dead unfeeling lake

That knew not of his wants I will not say

What thoughts i""ediately were ours, nor how

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The ha%%y idleness of that sweet "orn,

With all its lovely i"ages, was changed

To serious "using and to self#re%roach

 -or did we fail to see within ourselves

What need there is to be reserved in s%eech,

And te"%er all our thoughts with charity

##Therefore, unwilling to forget that day,

1y Friend, 1yself, and he who then received

The sa"e ad"onish"ent, have called the %lace

By a "e"orial na"e, uncouth indeed

As e'er by "ariner was given to bay

&r foreland, on a new#discovered coast;

And 2&I-T :A/#=+.1*-T is the na"e it bears

A -ight./ie"e

######The sky is overcast

With a continuous cloud of te6ture close,

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/eavy and wan, all whitened by the 1oon,

Which through that veil is indistinctly seen,

A dull, contracted circle, yielding light

o feebly s%read, that not a shadow falls,

!he4uering the ground##fro" rock, %lant, tree, or tower

At length a %leasant instantaneous glea"

tartles the %ensive traveller while he treads

/is loneso"e %ath, with unobserving eye

Bent earthwards; he looks u%##the clouds are s%lit

Asunder,##and above his head he sees

The clear 1oon, and the glory of the heavens

There, in a black#blue vault she sails along,

Followed by "ultitudes of stars, that, s"all

And shar%, and bright, along the dark abyss

+rive as she drives$ how fast they wheel away,

3et vanish not(##the wind is in the tree,

But they are silent;##still they roll along

I""easurably distant; and the vault,

Built round by those white clouds, enor"ous clouds,

till dee%ens its unfatho"able de%th

At length the >ision closes; and the "ind,

 -ot undisturbed by the delight it feels,

Which slowly settles into %eaceful cal",

Is left to "use u%on the sole"n scene

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A /oet0 (e (ath /ut his (eart to S"hool

A %oet(##/e hath %ut his heart to school,

 -or dares to "ove un%ro%%ed u%on the staff 

Which art hath lodged within his hand##"ust laugh

By %rece%t only, and shed tears by rule

Thy Art be -ature; the live current 4uaff,

And let the groveller si% his stagnant %ool,

In fear that else, when !ritics grave and cool

/ave killed hi", corn should write his e%ita%h

/ow does the 1eadow#flower its bloo" unfold0

Because the lovely little flower is free

+own to its root, and, in that freedo", bold;

And so the grandeur of the Forest#tree

!o"es not by casting in a for"al "ould,

But fro" its own divine vitality

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A Complaint

There is a change##and I a" %oor;

3our love hath been, nor long ago,

A fountain at "y fond heart's door,

Whose only business was to flow;

And flow it did; not taking heed

&f its own bounty, or "y need

What ha%%y "o"ents did I count(

Blest was I then all bliss above(

 -ow, for that consecrated fount

&f "ur"uring, s%arkling, living love,

What have I0 hall I dare to tell0

A co"fortless and hidden well

A well of love##it "ay be dee%##

I trust it is,##and never dry$

What "atter0 If the waters slee%

In silence and obscurity

##uch change, and at the very door 

&f "y fond heart, hath "ade "e %oor

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A #arewell

FA:*W*55, thou little -ook of "ountain#ground,

Thou rocky corner in the lowest stair 

&f that "agnificent te"%le which doth bound

&ne side of our whole vale with grandeur rare;

weet garden#orchard, e"inently fair,

The loveliest s%ot that "an hath ever found,

Farewell(##we leave thee to /eaven's %eaceful care,

Thee, and the !ottage which thou dost surround

&ur boat is safely anchored by the shore,

And there will safely ride when we are gone;

The flowering shrubs that deck our hu"ble door 

Will %ros%er, though untended and alone$

Fields, goods, and far#off chattels we have none$

These narrow bounds contain our %rivate store

&f things earth "akes, and sun doth shine u%on;

/ere are they in our sight##we have no "ore

unshine and shower be with you, bud and bell(

For two "onths now in vain we shall be sought$

We leave you here in solitude to dwell

With these our latest gifts of tender thought;

Thou, like the "orning, in thy saffron coat,

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Bright gowan, and "arsh#"arigold, farewell(

Who" fro" the borders of the 5ake we brought,

And %laced together near our rocky Well

We go for &ne to who" ye will be dear;

And she will %rize this Bower, this Indian shed,

&ur own contrivance, Building without %eer(

##A gentle 1aid, whose heart is lowly bred,

Whose %leasures are in wild fields gathered,

With oyousness, and with a thoughtful cheer,

Will co"e to you; to you herself will wed;

And love the blessed life that we lead here

+ear %ot( which we have watched with tender heed,

Bringing thee chosen %lants and blosso"s blown

A"ong the distant "ountains, flower and weed,

Which thou hast taken to thee as thy own,

1aking all kindness registered and known;

Thou for our sakes, though -ature's child indeed,

Fair in thyself and beautiful alone,

/ast taken gifts which thou dost little need

And & "ost constant, yet "ost fickle 2lace,

Thou hast thy wayward "oods, as thou dost show

To the" who look not daily on thy face;

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Who, being loved, in love no bounds dost know,

And say'st, when we forsake thee, '5et the" go('

Thou easy#hearted Thing, with thy wild race

&f weeds and flowers, till we return be slow,

And travel with the year at a soft %ace

/el% us to tell /er tales of years gone by,

And this sweet s%ring, the best beloved and best;

=oy will be flown in its "ortality;

o"ething "ust stay to tell us of the rest

/ere, thronged with %ri"roses, the stee% rock's breast

.littered at evening like a starry sky;

And in this bush our s%arrow built her nest,

&f which I sang one song that will not die

& ha%%y .arden( whose seclusion dee%

/ath been so friendly to industrious hours;

And to soft slu"bers, that did gently stee%

&ur s%irits, carrying with the" drea"s of flowers,

And wild notes warbled a"ong leafy bowers;

Two burning "onths let su""er overlea%,

And, co"ing back with /er who will be ours,

Into thy boso" we again shall cree%

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A 'raestone Upon &he #loor In &he Cloisters $% Wor"ester Cathedral

'1I*::I1,' and neither na"e nor date,

2rayer, te6t, or sy"bol, graven u%on the stone;

 -ought but that word assigned to the unknown,

That solitary word##to se%arate

Fro" all, and cast a cloud around the fate

&f hi" who lies beneath 1ost wretched one,

'Who' chose his e%ita%h0##/i"self alone

!ould thus have dared the grave to agitate,

And clai", a"ong the dead, this awful crown;

 -or doubt that /e "arked also for his own

!lose to these cloistral ste%s a burial#%lace,

That every foot "ight fall with heavier tread,

Tra"%ling u%on his vileness tranger, %ass

oftly(##To save the contrite, =esus bled

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A 2orning E3er"ise

FA-!3, who leads the %asti"es of the glad,

Full oft is %leased a wayward dart to throw;

ending sad shadows after things not sad,

2eo%ling the har"less fields with signs of woe$

Beneath her sway, a si"%le forest cry

Beco"es an echo of "an's "isery

Blithe ravens croak of death; and when the owl

Tries his two voices for a favourite strain##

'Tu#whit##Tu#whoo(' the unsus%ecting fowl

Forebodes "isha% or see"s but to co"%lain;

Fancy, intent to harass and annoy,

!an thus %ervert the evidence of oy

Through border wilds where naked Indians stray,

1yriads of notes attest her subtle skill;

A feathered task#"aster cries, 'W&:7 AWA3('

And, in thy iteration, 'W/I2 2&&: WI55('

Is heard the s%irit of a toil#worn slave,

5ashed out of life, not 4uiet in the grave

What wonder0 at her bidding, ancient lays

tee%ed in dire grief the voice of 2hilo"el;

And that fleet "essenger of su""er days,

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The wallow, twittered subect to like s%ell;

But ne'er could Fancy bend the buoyant 5ark 

To "elancholy service##hark( & hark(

The daisy slee%s u%on the dewy lawn,

 -ot lifting yet the head that evening bowed;

But '/e' is risen, a later star of dawn,

.littering and twinkling near yon rosy cloud;

Bright ge" instinct with "usic, vocal s%ark;

The ha%%iest bird that s%rang out of the Ark(

/ail, blest above all kinds(##u%re"ely skilled

:estless with fi6ed to balance, high with low,

Thou leav'st the halcyon free her ho%es to build

&n such forbearance as the dee% "ay show;

2er%etual flight, unchecked by earthly ties,

5eav'st to the wandering bird of %aradise

Faithful, though swift as lightning, the "eek dove;

3et "ore hath -ature reconciled in thee;

o constant with thy downward eye of love,

3et, in aerial singleness, so free;

o hu"ble, yet so ready to reoice

In %ower of wing and never#wearied voice

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To the last %oint of vision, and beyond,

1ount, daring warbler(##that love#%ro"%ted strain,

8'Twi6t thee and thine a never#failing bond9

Thrills not the less the boso" of the %lain$

3et "ight'st thou see", %roud %rivilege( to sing

All inde%endent of the leafy s%ring

/ow would it %lease old &cean to %artake,

With sailors longing for a breeze in vain,

The har"ony thy notes "ost gladly "ake

Where earth rese"bles "ost his own do"ain(

rania's self "ight welco"e with %leased ear 

These "atins "ounting towards her native s%here

!hanter by heaven attracted, who" no bars

To day#light known deter fro" that %ursuit,

'Tis well that so"e sage instinct, when the stars

!o"e forth at evening, kee%s Thee still and "ute;

For not an eyelid could to slee% incline

Wert thou a"ong the", singing as they shine(

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A -ight &hought

5o( where the 1oon along the sky

ails with her ha%%y destiny;

&ft is she hid fro" "ortal eye

&r di"ly seen,

But when the clouds asunder fly

/ow bright her "ien(

Far different we##a froward race,

Thousands though rich in Fortune's grace

With cherished sullenness of %ace

Their way %ursue,

Ingrates who wear a s"ileless face

The whole year through

If kindred hu"ours e'er would "ake

1y s%irit droo% for droo%ing's sake,

Fro" Fancy following in thy wake,

Bright shi% of heaven(

A counter i"%ulse let "e take

And be forgiven

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A /arsonage In $3%ordshire

Where holy ground begins, unhallowed ends,

Is "arked by no distinguishable line;

The turf unites, the %athways intertwine;

And, wheresoe'er the stealing footste% tends,

.arden, and that do"ain where kindred, friends,

And neighbours rest together, here confound

Their several features, "ingled like the sound

&f "any waters, or as evening blends

With shady night oft airs, fro" shrub and flower,

Waft fragrant greetings to each silent grave;

And while those lofty %o%lars gently wave

Their to%s, between the" co"es and goes a sky

Bright as the gli"%ses of eternity,

To saints accorded in their "ortal hour

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A /oet4s Epitaph

Art thou a tatist in the van

&f %ublic conflicts trained and bred0

##First learn to love one living "an;

'Then' "ay'st thou think u%on the dead

A 5awyer art thou0##draw not nigh(

.o, carry to so"e fitter %lace

The keenness of that %ractised eye,

The hardness of that sallow face

Art thou a 1an of %ur%le cheer0

A rosy 1an, right %lu"% to see0

A%%roach; yet, +octor, not too near,

This grave no cushion is for thee

&r art thou one of gallant %ride,

A oldier and no "an of chaff0

Welco"e(##but lay thy sword aside,

And lean u%on a %easant's staff

2hysician art thou0 one, all eyes,

2hiloso%her( a fingering slave,

&ne that would %ee% and botanise

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%on his "other's grave0

Wra%t closely in thy sensual fleece,

& turn aside,##and take, I %ray,

That he below "ay rest in %eace,

Thy ever#dwindling soul, away(

A 1oralist %erchance a%%ears;

5ed, /eaven knows how( to this %oor sod$

And he has neither eyes nor ears;

/i"self his world, and his own .od;

&ne to whose s"ooth#rubbed soul can cling

 -or for", nor feeling, great or s"all;

A reasoning, self#sufficing thing,

An intellectual All#in#all(

hut close the door; %ress down the latch;

lee% in thy intellectual crust;

 -or lose ten tickings of thy watch

 -ear this un%rofitable dust

But who is /e, with "odest looks,

And clad in ho"ely russet brown0

/e "ur"urs near the running brooks

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A "usic sweeter than their own

/e is retired as noontide dew,

&r fountain in a noon#day grove;

And you "ust love hi", ere to you

/e will see" worthy of your love

The outward shows of sky and earth,

&f hill and valley, he has viewed;

And i"%ulses of dee%er birth

/ave co"e to hi" in solitude

In co""on things that round us lie

o"e rando" truths he can i"%art,##

The harvest of a 4uiet eye

That broods and slee%s on his own heart

But he is weak; both 1an and Boy,

/ath been an idler in the land;

!ontented if he "ight enoy

The things which others understand

##!o"e hither in thy hour of strength;

!o"e, weak as is a breaking wave(

/ere stretch thy body at full length;

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&r build thy house u%on this grave