families, substance use and domestic violence

Adfam/AVA collaboration and Research Findings LDAN – 25 October 2011 Families, substance use and domestic violence

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Families, substance use and domestic violence. Adfam/AVA collaboration and Research Findings LDAN – 25 October 2011. Background SU stats. Up to 350,000 children affected by drug use, up to 1.3 million children affected by alcohol use (government figures) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Adfam/AVA collaboration and

Research Findings

LDAN – 25 October 2011

Families, substance use and domestic violence

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Background SU stats

Up to 350,000 children affected by drug use, up to 1.3 million children affected by alcohol use (government figures)

Up to 8 million family members, including partners, affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use (Velleman and Templeton 2007)

44% perpetrators under the influence of alcohol, 12% drugs (BCS Review)

Alcohol thought to be a factor in at least one third of all domestic violence assaults (Finney 2004)

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Background DV stats

Women experiencing DV are 15 times more likely to misuse alcohol, 9 times misuse drugs (Barron 2004)

1 in 4 children said that they had witnessed DV between adult family members. 47% of incidents involved physical assaults, 13% with an object or weapon (NSPCC survey 2007)

Children witness ¾ of abusive incidents (Royal College Psych. 2004)

Based on a large volume of research, child care law now includes witnessing or hearing the ill treatment of someone else as causing harm to children

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Adfam/AVA collaboration - background

First project – 2010/111. Research conducted by Dr Sarah Galvani2. DVD resource kit for practitioners working with young

people affected by DV and SU3. Comic Relief fundedSecond project – 2011/121. Research into parents affected by DV from SU children,

with focus groups around England and training developed2. Department of Health funded

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Supporting families affected by substance use and domestic violence

Dr Sarah GalvaniUniversity of Bedfordshire

Group 1 – Children and Young PeopleGroup 2 – Family member facilitators

Research - 2010

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Common themes 1

1- Children and young people’s focus groups• Consent and choice• Impact of drugs or alcohol on relationships• Substance user as perpetrator• Age differences

e.g. controlling behavioursSubstance use treatment and relationships

• Things that make me feel better

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2 - Family member facilitator interviews• Varied responses to disclosure – v. good to v. bad practice• Need more info and training on DV, and also DV/SU• High level of child to parent abuse reported• High tolerance levels for abuse reported• Financial, emotional and psychological abuse• Four barriers identified to why parents don’t seek support –

1. Shame – I’m ashamed my child is abusing me2. Guilt – I feel guilty my child is like this3. Fear – I fear what my child may do if I seek help4. Lack of trust in support organisation

Common themes 2

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What do you call ‘it’?

• Family abuse? Domestic violence/abuse? Child-parent abuse?• If the perpetrator is under 18 it’s tricky to apply the normal

definitions of DV• Some established DV practitioners/services may not see it as DV

but as something separate• ‘Some family members wouldn’t recognise their experiences as

domestic abuse nor would they be comfortable with the term ‘domestic violence’’ – Galvani report.

• Current project finding diversity in terminology andconceptualisation amongst parents

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• ‘Sometimes they just take it that that’s what’s happening, and they don’t actually understand that it’s not acceptable behaviour for them, or their children, or their loved ones to see them in this position.’ Family support provider interviewed

• ‘It’s the same as with having a drug or alcohol user in the family. It’s that stigma. And then there’s the double stigma of admitting you’re being abused as well.’ Family support provider interviewed

• ‘It’s about them feeling they can trust you, and it helps when they know that you’ve had experience of it yourself. I’m quite openabout my story, so that can help.’ Family supportprovider interviewed

‘Double stigma’

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What parents want

What have I done? Why can he change so quickly?What can I do to cope? “How can I make it stop?”When will it end? “Does anybody ever get better?”There’s always that same question, ‘what triggers it’. Is it

something I’ve done or not done?Coping strategies. What can I do in a give situation?Where do I get help for him?What can I do in a crisis? Who can I ring? What should I do?

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From the research

Characteristics of family abuse include –High tolerance of abuse, due to perpetrator being own childShame of admitting to professionals that you need helpComplex interplay of emotions and needs – anger, disappointment, shame, sorrowFamily support providers reported wanting more information on the topicLack of adult protection policies in family support organisations

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From other research

Met Police in DV homicide review 2008-9, found all five female non-partner/ex-partners and one of two males murdered were parents killed by sons. All six perpetrators ‘were either suffering from mental health problems or under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled drugs’ (MPS 2009: 14).

Responses to child to parent violence are not as developed as those for partner violence (Condy 2009)

Often characterised as a child protection issue, anti-social behaviour or conduct problems (Gallagher 2004a, Holt 2009)

Research has highlighted inappropriate responses fromstatutory agencies to mothers experiencing abuse fromchildren involved in the youth justice system (Holt 2009).

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Thinking it Through

Following the research Adfam and AVA produced a DVD and resource pack for practitioners working with young people affected by DV/SUFocus groups held around the country with young people affected by these issuesFictional scripts collaboratively developed covering the issuesFive short films made with actors and included on DVDResource pack with background on issues, activities for group work and notes for facilitatorsLaunch event in March 2011, with young peopleinvited

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Oliver Standing - Project Coordinator

[email protected]

020 7553 7656