fall stc training stanford achievement testing otis lennon ability testing september 18, 2007

Fall STC Training Stanford Achievement Testing Otis Lennon Ability Testing September 18, 2007

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Fall STC Training

Stanford Achievement TestingOtis Lennon Ability Testing

September 18, 2007

What is the Stanford Achievement Test?

Stanford Achievement Test, Version 10 The Stanford Achievement test is given in

grades 4 & 6 in Henrico in order to assist teachers and administrators in determining at what level the student is performing based on national comparisons

Achievement tests are used to estimate a student’s relative knowledge at the time of test and compares them to other students in a national comparison

What is the OLSAT?

Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Version 8

Otis-Lennon is given in the 3rd and 6th grades in Henrico in order to assist teachers and administrators in identifying students who may need additional assistance

Ability tests attempt to make a prediction about future ability based on the results of that particular test

Testing Window

Testing window for Henrico schools will be:Thurs., October 4 – Thurs., October 18

Schools will choose their own specific testing dates within the given window and submit a testing schedule to Research & Planning by September 28th.

Important Testing Note

Stanford 10 is UNTIMED!! You will see in the Directions for Administering

(DFA) that there are recommended testing times and these are for your planning purposes only.

Otis Lennon 8 is a TIMED TEST!!

Before Testing

Please send home parent letters notifying parents of dates that the Otis Lennon and Stanford will be administered based on your school’s administration schedule

An electronic version of the letter will be sent as a sample, but should be revised to fit your specific school

Who tests?

Elementary: Students in grade 3 will first take a Practice OLSAT to

acquaint them with the test. Then they will take the “real” OLSAT (“Level D”) during the testing window.

Students in grade 4 will take the Stanford (this test is called the “Primary 3”)

Recommended Guidelines for LEP Participation

LEP students should be exempt if they are level 1. A committee must decide which subtests are appropriate

for each student (must complete the LEP Participation Plan

Testing accommodations are also available for LEP students

Recommended guidelines for OLSAT and Stanford: If a student is Level 1 ESL – do not test Level 2 should be a committee decision Level 3 & 4 should be tested (but could be exempted by committee)

Guidelines for Students with Disabilities

Disabilities will be recorded in Section #10. Can only be exempt if noted on IEP or 504 Plan. Decisions should be made for each subtest If accommodations are used which do NOT maintain

standard conditions, scores will not provide an accurate indication of how well the student performed.

Code #19 or #20 to denote standard or non-standard accommodation, under Section #10.

The Stanford Reading Test CANNOT be read to any student – results in a non-standard accommodation

Scores with non-standard accommodations are not included in school’s averages.

What subtests are taken as part of the Abbreviated Battery for the Stanford?

Stanford (grades 4 & 6) Subtests to administer:

Reading Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Mathematics Problem Solving Mathematics Procedures Language Form D (not A)

How to Schedule your Testing

OLSAT Grade 3:

One day for practice test (see next slide) One day for “real” test (35 minute test)

Stanford Grade 4:

Each subtest(s) may be scheduled independently over separate days – school-based decision

Grade 3 OLSAT Practice Test

Separate Directions and Test Booklets (see labels on lower right front cover)

13 questions that are UNTIMED – and, students can be given as much help as needed to complete the practice test

Should be given approximately one week or less prior to “real” test

The answers to the practice test questions can be found on page 10 of the Practice Test Directions for Administering in addition to being part of the directions.

Testing Materials Needed

Schools were instructed to secure their Directions for Administering for both tests last school year. Be sure that you can locate these so that the teachers can review them before the first day of testing

Secure test booklets and non-secure answer documents have been ordered by R&P based on school enrollment and will ship today (9/18)

Pre-ID labels for answer documents will be ordered to minimize hand-bubbling of answer documents

Materials Needed by Students

Stanford Materials Grade 4:

Test book, Answer document, No. 2 pencilsScratch paper for Math and Listening

subtestsRuler with inch and centimeter marks for

Mathematics Problem Solving Subtest

Materials Needed by Students

OLSAT Materials Grade 3

Practice Test (given previously – may be sent home)

Test booklet (students answer in their booklet and demographic information goes on the back page)

No. 2 pencils

Use of Test Booklets by Students

Grade 3 OLSAT – test books are consumable and students can write in them

Grade 4 Stanford – test books are non-consumable; students must only write in them if that is an allowable accommodation

Please pass this information to your examiner during their training so they can monitor students during testing

Decisions that need to be made prior to testing:

How you will work with ESL & Sped staff to communicate who will and will not participate in testing and what accommodations may be needed

Make arrangements with appropriate Sped and/ or ESL teachers to assist with administering tests with accommodations

How you will check to be sure you have accounted for each student in the appropriate grade level (either with an answer doc. or listing them on the exempted/absent list)

Schedule a test examiner training with staff

Decisions prior to testing continued… Make arrangements for those not testing (due to

exemptions or tardiness) Decide how you will provide a lunch-time break for

students on extended testing time who do not finish in time for lunch

Determine make-up dates for testing Notify all school staff of your testing calendar (PE, Art,

Music, Cafeteria, etc.) in the event their regular schedules could be disrupted

Decide if large classes need to be split up so that students have room to test; if this occurs, you will need extra examiners

Determine who is available to serve as proctors in the hallway in the event students need to go to the restroom or if a teacher needs assistance during testing.

Train your Test Examiners

• Must sign Security Agreement• Room preparation – sufficient number of desks

and removal of curriculum material from walls• Review time frame for each subtest• Coding of answer documents• Review for stray marks at end of testing• Use of calculators and rulers (when to be used!)• How to handle an emergency• How you will advise them as to where to send

students who are NOT testing

Test Security

Secure Materials include: test booklets and any answer document which a student has taken even one test with.

• These must always be under lock and key

• Examiners must verify count daily -Examiner’s Test Booklet Daily Transmittal Form

Test Irregularities

• Since the Stanford and OLSAT are no longer state mandated tests, it is not necessary to report irregularities to R&P.

• However, please call if you have an unusual situation and would like to discuss how to handle and/or maintain security.

Answer Document Coding Stanford & OLSAT Coding

No coding for specific accommodations. However, will delineate between standard accommodation (bubble 19

in section 10) & non-standard accommodations (bubble 20). No coding for Title I or ESL. No Special Forms (tape, large print, or Braille) are available;

however, if you do need a large print version, please contact Cecil Grove in Research & Planning at 652-3836.

If no pre-id label: Sections 1-6 & 8 are a must (note: Section 7 will not be used; Section

8 will use the STI numbers only) Section 10 if appropriate based on the Directions for Administering

(DFA) If there is a pre-id label:

Only complete Sections 1 (& 10 if appropriate based on the DFA)

Answer Document Coding (continued)

List of Students NOT Testing Please provide a list of students who did not

take the Stanford and/or OLSAT test(s) so that R&P has a paper record of why the student did not participate (absent, exempt, etc.) – see handbook for a sample of the list

Once scores come in, Principals often have questions as to why students did not test or why they do not have a score – this will help us to answer those questions.

Packaging your Answer Documents

Keep each classroom’s answer documents in a bundle

Use the paper bands to wrap around each class

Complete the purple SSID/Header sheet with the teacher’s name on the back and package with those answer documents

Packaging your Answer Documents (continuted)

Complete a Master File Sheet that tells us what you are shipping to us for scoring

Send all secure answer documents by pony to Tracy Walker,R & P Warehouse, by October 23rd.

Returning your Test Booklets

School Test Booklet Transmittal Form – records number of booklets returning.

Examiner’s Test Booklet Daily Transmittal Affidavit – initialed daily by examiners and signed on last day of testing.

Please return materials in the same boxes in which they arrived.

Test Booklets - if written in, please rubber band and place on top with post-it note “written in.”

Please do not send scratch paper.

Testing Contacts

Main Contact:Tracy Walker, 652-3839, [email protected]

Second Contact: Latonya Glowinski, 652-3595,

[email protected]

Materials: Cecil Grove, 652-3836,

[email protected]