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JAMES∙ a faith that works ∙

Fall 2017



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JAMESNovember 5, 2017




1. TEACHING GOAL: Don’t be deceived with fake wisdom that hurts the body.

2. SUMMARY OF TEXT: Believers with true wisdom avoid envy and selfish ambition and produce peace and righteousness.

3. TEACHING OUTLINE• Demonstrate true wisdom: You think you are wise—prove it. (James 3:13)• Don’t be deceived: Don’t brag about wisdom when you don’t have it. (James 3:14)• A description of fake wisdom: The source of false wisdom is below. (James 3:15)• A description of true wisdom: The source of true wisdom is above. (James 3:16)



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As your group time begins, use this section to help get the conversation going. (5-10 minutes)

While variety may be the spice of life, we like our variety best when it’s predictable. Imagine what it would be like if your home’s thermostat had its own mind, and kept changing its setting anywhere from 40 to 90 degrees. What if you turned on your radio to your favorite station, but you never knew whether the next song would be classical, hip-hop, oldies, heavy metal, or folk music? What if you could never be sure when you opened a can from the grocery store, whether you’d find beans, milk, potting soil, or house paint inside?

You get the idea. Life would be out of control in a world like that. And we like things in control. And we like to think we’re in. Studies show that human knowledge is expanding at an unprecedented rate. By some estimates, we double what we know about the world every 12-13 months. 1Smart phones have put all of this knowledge at our fingertips. Need to know of a good restaurant? Ask your friends on Facebook. Having weird medical symptoms? Check WebMD. Are you lost? Pull out Google Maps. With all this information readily available to us, it is easy to believe we have it all figured out. Some have dubbed this “infobesity.” The problem is that information alone isn’t enough—we need the wisdom to apply it.

1 http://www.industrytap.com/knowledge-doubling-every-12-months-soon-to-be-every-12-hours/3950

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What happens when the unexpected happens? Do you have a trigger that leads you to lose control? What happens when you get cut off in traffic? When you stub your toe? When life’s just not fair? In times like these, we turn to one of two places—the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of God.

• What is the best advice you have ever been given? How has this advice stuck with you throughout your life?

• If you were looking for wisdom or advice, where would you look?

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Unpack the biblical text to discover what Scripture says or means about a particular topic. (30-35 minutes)


13 Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.


The opening rhetorical question asks how we can show that we have wisdom. Wise refers to someone with moral insight and skill in deciding practical issues of conduct. Understanding pictures someone with the knowledge of an expert. We are to show the presence of wisdom by good deeds practiced with humility. Only obedient deeds, not mere talk, prove the presence of wisdom.

Humility refers to a submissive spirit opposed to arrogance and self-seeking. The person with humility is not a doormat for the desires of others, but controls and overpowers the natural human tendency to be arrogant and self-assertive. Non-Christian Greeks felt that this type of humility was a vice. Christianity made meekness into a virtue. “Meek” in Matthew 5:5 is the adjectival form of the noun translated here as humility. Jesus promised the “meek” they would inherit the earth. Jesus meant a believer who relates to God with dependence and contentment will reap God’s abundant blessings.

Even when you are involved in a disagreement, you must demonstrate a gentleness and kindness of attitude. You must banish all contentiousness and mutual accusation. The Bible calls on all Christians to show the presence of spiritual wisdom in their lives by deeds of humility and goodness.

False wisdom destroys unity and develops rivalry. This section discusses the demonstration of false wisdom (v. 14), the source of false wisdom (v. 15), and the results of false wisdom (v. 16).

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• What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge, and why are the two so easy to confuse?

• How does James say we are to demonstrate godly wisdom? What does this look like in action?

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, but wisdom is the God-given ability to apply those facts to everyday life. In an information age, it is easy to get these two confused, but wisdom is much harder to come by than knowledge. Likewise, all wisdom is not created equally. All wisdom falls into one of two categories, earthly or heavenly. James wrote that we need to develop the spiritual discernment to recognize the source of the wisdom we have found.

Jesus once said, “Wisdom is justified by all her children” (Luke 7:35). What Jesus meant was, wisdom is proven through results. If you want to see if a person is wise, evaluate his or her life. The way a person lives should prove that person’s wisdom. As children are most often a product of their upbringing, conduct is a product of wisdom. Wisdom cannot be assumed; it must be proven over time with the resumé of your life.

HOME22:6 – Read James 3:13. What was the best part of your day? What was the hardest part of your day? Did you make wise choices in reaction to the hardest part of your day?

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14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.


3:14. Bitter envy and selfish ambition prove that a person is following the route of false wisdom. Envy describes a determined desire to promote one’s opinion to the exclusion of the opinions of others. Selfish ambition pictures a person who tries to promote a cause in an unethical manner. This person becomes willing to use divisive means to promote a personal viewpoint. Bitter rivalries develop out of these practices.

James warned that people who had envy and selfish ambition could boast about it or deny the truth. Boasting describes the malicious triumphant attitude gained by one party over its opponents. Those who choose to deny the truth can end up rejecting the truth of the gospel. Envy of Jesus led the religious leaders to deny his person and power and to plot his death (John 11:47-53).


• The second point we can draw from this text is not to brag about wisdom when we don't have it. Bragging about wisdom looks like bitter jealousy and selfish ambition. How do these traits choke out wisdom?

Three times in James 3-4 (3:14, 3:16, and again in 4:2), we see James’s references to selfish ambition and jealousy. Remember that James was a leader in the Jerusalem church that was scattered after the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7. Many of them were wealthy and successful in Jerusalem and had lost everything when they left. Having found themselves in a new circumstance yet without the same resources, they struggled with fighting within the community of faith.

We can also see that James believed wisdom to be the opposite of jealousy and selfish ambition. Wisdom, by its nature, works for the good of others and not just for the good of self. A wise person gives counsel to others for their good, not just to manipulate them to their own ends. A wise person serves others out of the joy of service, not because he or she expects payment in return. When we live such lives of “good conduct,” others will take notice of it.

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• How are we to deal with bitter jealousy and selfish ambition?

We need the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit to give us true wisdom. When He comes and bears fruit in our lives (Gal. 5:22-23), we will live selflessly because pleasing Jesus will have become our goal. Rivalries will cease because we are more concerned with what God thinks than what other people think. Learning to live without the approval of the world is a hard lesson to learn, especially for the people James was writing to. Yet we know that as the Holy Spirit bears fruit, rivalry and division will cease as His wisdom comes in.

HOME22:6 - Read James 3:14. Did you have jealousy or selfish ambition in your heart today?


15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.


3:15. This verse uses three adjectives to describe the distinctive traits and source of false wisdom. First, negatively, false wisdom does not come from heaven or from God. Its source is earthly. It belongs to the way of life of this world. Second, false wisdom is unspiritual, belonging to the natural world and not to the supernatural world. It comes from the mental and emotional ideas of fallen human beings. Unfortunately, we Christians are too often guilty of using this twisted wisdom. Finally, this false wisdom is of the devil. Satan uses it to corrupt relationships.


• James used three terms to describe fake wisdom, the root of our selfish behavior (v. 14)—earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. How does that knowledge impact your attitude about your speech and behavior?

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James described false, truth-denying wisdom with three strong terms. First, counterfeit wisdom is earthly— human with human limitations. Also, such wisdom focuses on worldly pursuits. Second, false wisdom is unspiritual; it is concerned with appetites and desires. Instead of following the Holy Spirit, a person with this wisdom is mastered by unregenerate human nature. Third, such wisdom is demonic; evil is its source and it serves evil.

Earthly wisdom is “demonic” in that it copies the same sort of foolishness we see in the demons themselves. Their works are at odds with the works of God, and instead of seeking to bring God glory, they seek to bring about their own glorification. We can see this in action in Satan’s temptation of Jesus. “The Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. And he said to Him, ‘I will give You all these things if You will fall down and worship me’” (Matt. 4:8-9). Fake wisdom is that which is self-serving in its pursuits.

• What are some markers that will help us discern false wisdom when it arises?

HOME22:6 – Read the story of Jesus' temptation in Matthew 4:1-11. What can we learn from Jesus about avoiding fake wisdom?


16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.


3:16. The results of envy and selfish ambition are disorder and every evil practice. Disorder describes an experience of anarchy and disturbance. Such disarray affects private relationships between Christians and public meetings of believers. Every evil practice pictures an evil from which no good can come.

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People who cater to selfish ambition need never expect to develop any fruit which is godly, righteous, or helpful to others.

False wisdom promotes self-assertion and independence. It destroys a spirit of mutual concern. Where Christians “do their own thing” instead of caring for one another, a community of support and mercy can disintegrate (see 1 Cor. 1:10-17). Paul outlined a solution for this epidemic of selfish living, telling us to look out for “the interests of others” (Phil. 2:4).

3:17. True wisdom is free from self-interest and strife. This verse lists eight traits or characteristics of true wisdom. The first is purity. People with true wisdom are pure in that they have put aside the vices of a self-seeking nature and factionalism. This trait provides the secure foundation for all that follows.

The following five traits show the attitude of true wisdom toward other people. Peace-loving means it demonstrates a desire to promote peace between struggling factions. Considerate refers to being reasonable in the demands it makes on others. Submissive indicates a willingness to learn from others by being open to reason. Full of mercy is revealed by offering compassion to those in distress. Full of good fruit is shown by kind actions and helpful deeds to others.

The final two traits describe the essential nature of true wisdom in itself. It is impartial, without prejudice and unwavering in its commitments. True wisdom is sincere, genuine and open in its approaches to others. Jesus particularly showed his genuineness in his dialogues with Pilate (John 18:33-37).

3:18. Verse 18 concludes this section with a description of the effects of true wisdom. True wisdom results in a harvest of righteousness, that is, a conformity to God’s will. True wisdom also lets one experience peace, the enjoyment of harmonious relationships between human beings.


• What characteristics of godly wisdom did James list in verse 17? What would be the opposite of each of these characteristics?

• What insights about wisdom does this give you?

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• Why is wisdom easier to come by when you devote yourself to pursuing God with a pure heart?

With verse 17, James turned to a description of genuine wisdom whose source is God. His wisdom is pure, or free from fault. People with this wisdom avoid jealousy, self-promotion, and other sins that contaminate life. The following seven qualities flow from wisdom’s essential purity: peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere.

In Proverbs 1:7, a book written by the wisest man who ever lived aside from Jesus, we learn that wisdom is the fear of the Lord. In 1 Corinthians 1–2, Paul described Jesus Christ as the embodiment of heavenly wisdom. When we trace His life, we can see all of these traits in Jesus. He is the ultimate source of wisdom and the first place we should look. He gives wisdom without partiality or preference. We cannot have wisdom if we have not accepted Christ and are not regularly seeking Christ.

We should recognize that our natural inclination is to respond in selfish, critical ways to others. We must look to God and seek His wisdom and power. He will guide us to show love and grace as we relate to others with righteousness and peace.

HOME22:6— Read James 3:17. Make sure your kids understand what each of the traits of true wisdom mean. Then ask: Which of these do you need God to help grow in you as He grows you in wisdom?

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Help your group identify how the truths from the Scripture passage apply directly to their lives. (5-10 minutes)

• We all look for wisdom in the wrong places from time to time. What are some of those places for you? Why is it so tempting to look there?

• What is one step you can take this week to pursue God's wisdom?

• How should proper speech and wise behavior influence our relationships with both believers and unbelievers? What principles from this lesson will you apply to your relationships this week?


PRAYERClose your group in prayer focused on applying what you have studied to their lives. (5 minutes)

Thank God for being the source and object of our wisdom. Ask Him for wisdom where it is needed, and pray that you would always search for wisdom where it can be found—in God’s Word.

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1. TEACHING GOAL: The tongue is powerful and should be controlled.

2. SUMMARY OF TEXT: God wants His people to control their tongues and to display true wisdom.

3. TEACHING OUTLINE• The tongue is small but powerful. James 3:3-5a• The tongue is small but destructive. James 3:5b-6• The tongue can be uncontrollable. James 3:7-9• The tongue can be poisonous. James 3:8b-12



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As your group time begins, use this section to help get the conversation going. (5-10 minutes)

Psychologist Gordon Allport, in his book The Psychology of Rumor, tells of a Chinese teacher who was traveling through Maine on vacation in the summer of 1945, shortly before Japan surrendered to the Allies to end World War II. The teacher was carrying a guidebook that suggested a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside could be seen from the crest of a certain hill, so he stopped in town to ask directions to that particular hilltop. From that innocent action, a rumor spread quickly through the area that a Japanese spy had gone up to the top of this hill to take pictures of the region for some sinister purpose.

The transformation of this innocent happening into a rumor was caused by three distortions. First of all, Allport, suggests, the story was leveled. That is, all kinds of details were left out of the story such as the kindness of this man and the fact that they didn’t know his exact nationality and the openness with which he went about his work. All of these details were left out of the conclusion about this visitor.

And then, Allport explains, the story was sharpened. The details that were emphasized became sharpened. The man became a spy. The Asian man became a Japanese. Sightseeing became espionage. The guidebook became a camera. Certain details were sharpened.

And finally, says Allport, assimilation took place. The possibility of a Chinese teacher from a university being on holiday in that area of Maine just didn’t make sense, so they assimilated the story into reference points that did make sense. And the frames of reference in 1945, in Maine, when America was at war with the Japanese, led them to the conclusion that this Asian man must be Japanese, that if he was Japanese he must be up to no good, and if he was up to something, it was probably some form of espionage. They assimilated the details that had been sharpened into the frames of reference that made sense to them.

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These three processes to which Allport referred – leveling, sharpening, and assimilation – are universal elements in the spread of rumors. And the first century church was certainly not immune to the problem. Even though James did not give as elaborate of a psychological explanation as did Gordon Allport, he nevertheless was aware of the seriousness of the problem. So in his letter to the first century Christians, James warned them against the power of the tongue.

• Share with the group about a time when you spoke too soon and ended up saying something you regretted. When is a time when someone has said something about you that hurt your feelings?

• Why do you think gossip and other sins related to the words we say are so common and often excused?

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Unpack the biblical text to discover what Scripture says or means about a particular topic. (30-35 minutes)


3 If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. 4 Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. 5 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.


The rider of a horse can use a bit to control and govern a wild, unmanageable horse. Though the bit is small, its use gives riders the potential for turning the animal wherever they want. In gales and violent winds, pilots use the rudder to guide the ship to safety or point it in the direction of intended travel. Compared to the size of a ship, the rudder was very small, but its importance in controlling the ship demanded careful attention in its use.

Verse 5a summarizes the point of these illustrations. Like the bit for the horse and the rudder for the ship, the tongue is small in relation to the body and yet has powerful potential to achieve great results, both good and bad. It can stir up violence or promote peace. It can crush the spirit or soothe the discouraged. If the tongue could personally express itself, it could legitimately boast of its great exploits.


• The analogies James used in these verses describe the power of our words. When do you first remember seeing the power your words could have?

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• Read Proverbs 18:21. Solomon was the wisest man who has ever lived and thought that words had the power of life and death. Why do we make the things we say, good or bad, less important than the Bible makes them?

A small piece of metal placed in the mouth of a horse controls the power of an enormous animal. A small mechanism on the back end of a ship guides the entire vessel through the water. Our tongues are a relatively small part of our body, but they have the power of life and death. This is evident if you were to think about some of your most painful memories from growing up—at least one would probably be tied to something someone has said to you.

• Read 1 Timothy 3:9-11; 5:13-11; Titus 2:2-5. These are letters Paul wrote to young pastors. Why do you think he felt the need to mention and condemn gossip so strongly here? What is your relationship with gossip?

The saying “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is a good reply on a playground, but that saying is disproven every time a kid comes crying to his mom after someone has hurt his feelings. If anything, words are more painful than physical hurt because words reach us at our core, and they stay with us forever. What’s worse, these problems aren’t ones that we leave on the playground (James was writing to adults). Few people are mature enough to reign in the power of their tongues all the time. With such power to direct and destroy, we need to be more careful in our speech.

HOME22:6—Read Proverbs 16:28. Ask your kids why it is wrong to say something about someone else that they wouldn’t say to their face. Help them think through how they should respond if their friends are gossiping.

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5b How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.


Verse 5b shows that an uncontrolled tongue is a source of great destruction. Just as a little flame can destroy a huge forest, a small misuse of the tongue can cause pain and agony to many.

The tongue can produce ruin and may represent the presence of a vast system of iniquity within our body. Within this body the tongue can produce three results. First, it can corrupt the whole person. It is a source of pollution and defilement for the entire personality. Second, it sets the whole course of his life on fire. Course may also mean “wheel.” Life may refer to “birth,” “origin,” or “existence.” A misused tongue may affect the cycle of life from birth onward! Third, the tongue is itself set on fire by hell. This describes Satan’s influence on the tongue.

James 3:1-6 describes the tongue as it is by nature. By nature the tongue could serve as a divisive instrument of evil. By grace the tongue can become an instrument of positive blessing (Col. 4:6). We must not conclude that our tongue is doomed to be an instrument of discord and strife. God can mold an abusive tongue into a force for good and righteousness.


In verses 5-6, James focused on the tongue’s great power to corrupt and to destroy. The tongue’s power is pervasive; whatever subject the tongue speaks about can be perverted and destroyed. A small spark can ignite a flame that burns down a city. Such is the power our tongues have—the power to destroy. Satan led Eve into sin through his words (Genesis 3:1-6). This is perhaps what James was alluding to when he mentioned that the tongue could drag us into hell.

• How does the tongue “stain the whole body” and set “the entire course of one’s life on fire”?

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• Practically speaking, how can we focus on what is good and restrain the destructive power of the tongue?

Our words are a symptom of a larger problem. Our destructive words demonstrate a distorted nature. All of us have turned from the truth and embraced a lie (Rom. 1:25). Our words reveal our sinful hearts, which are desperately sick (Jer. 17:9). Words stain our bodies because they proceed from our hearts. God is ever present (Ps. 139:7), which means He hears every word we say. He will hold us accountable for what we say, so we cannot assume the problem will get better on its own.

In Philippians 4:8, Paul wrote: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” When our minds are transformed by the gospel (Rom. 12:1-2), it will transform the things we say. The destructive power of the tongue cannot be controlled by our own strength. To avoid setting the entire course of our lives on fire, we must turn to God.

HOME22:6—Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. Did your speech glorify God today, or was it more like the destructive fire of James 3:6? How can you do better tomorrow?


7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God.


Verse 7 mentions four classifications of earthly animals men have subdued or tamed: animals which could walk, fly crawl, or swim. Genesis 9:2 follows the same type of classification. These classifications represent a human observation about different types of animals rather than a scientific ordering.

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Certainly no one has ever tamed a rhinoceros or an alligator, but in general wild animals can be brought under human control. Elephants, charmed snakes, and porpoises are examples of this principle. Although human beings can tame animals, they cannot tame their own tongues. The tongue is a restless evil, always busy creating more mischief. We must always keep the tongue under careful guard and never give it freedom to roam relentlessly, for it is full of deadly poison. Like the tongue of a serpent, the tongue deals out death (see Psalm. 140:3).

Verse 9 mentions both a positive and a negative use of the tongue. The positive use involved praise of God, the highest function of human speech (see Ps. 103:1-5). The negative use involved cursing human beings. Cursing refers to personal verbal abuse, perhaps arising from loss of temper in an argument or debate. It also involves the expression of angry wishes on enemies. It includes speech that is insulting as well as profane.


• What did Jesus say about our inability to control our tongues in Matthew 12:34-35? How do our tongues lead us to realize we are sinful?

James’s audience was primarily Jewish converts who would have been skilled at modifying their behavior to make sure everything looked good from the outside. Though we can control the way we act and the way we present ourselves, sooner or later our tongues will betray us. The fact that we cannot control our tongues points to the truth that we need help. The gospel is for those who realize that they cannot do it all on their own and need God’s help (see Romans 7).

• Why does realizing we cannot control our words put us in an excellent position to receive grace from Jesus?

Just think about how many times you have said something and immediately wished you had not said it. We cannot control our tongues all the time. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). Leaders in the church must be self-controlled and cannot be double-tongued (1 Tim. 3:2, 8). Our tongues are only

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controlled as we grow in spiritual maturity. They are restrained as we grow into the image of Christ. To know that Christ was sinless is to understand that He controlled His words perfectly. He was silent before His accusers (Isa. 53:5,7; Mark 14:53-65). To be like Jesus is to model His example.

HOME22:6—Read James 3:7-9. When is the last time your words hurt someone in this family? Apologize to that person now, then pray together that God will help you all control your tongues.


8 It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. 10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? 12 Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water.


We must always keep the tongue under careful guard and never give it freedom to roam relentlessly, for it is full of deadly poison. Like the tongue of a serpent, the tongue deals out death (see Ps. 140:3).

Verse 10 spotlights the inconsistency of this action. We are sinfully inconsistent when we bless God and then curse those made in God’s likeness. When we curse those whom God has made, we are effectively cursing God. He is the object of both expressions. Such a double standard is outrageous: My brethren, this should not be.

These verses show the consistency of nature. Both verses ask questions to which the expected answer is “no.” The illustrations from nature would have been familiar to inhabitants of Palestine. Areas around the Dead Sea contained many salty springs. Farther north of the Dead Sea travelers could find springs emitting fresh water. One spring could produce only one type of water.

The farmers of Palestine produced figs, olives, and grapes in abundance. James emphasized that a tree produced its own kind of fruit. We don’t go to grapevines to find figs. We do not pluck olives from fig trees. Nature is consistent, but our tongues have never provided models of consistency.

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The applications are so pointed they do not need to be made explicit. Colossians 4:6 provides a fitting conclusion: “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (nkjv).


• Read Psalm 140:3. How did David describe the words of his enemies? Why is poison such a good analogy?

If you were to look in your medicine cabinet, all the pills have warnings and give advice on what to do if your kids get into the medicine. In fact, most of the medicine also has some sort of safety mechanism to keep children out. Why? Because the same substance used to help us will hurt us if used improperly. Parents take every precaution to keep their children away from things that will poison them. This is why we must watch our words—we cannot leave them unrestrained, just as we would never leave an open bottle of poison lying around.

• James also used the analogy of a mixed stream. Read Revelation 3:15-16. What is the problem with being neither hot nor cold?

James pointed out the contradictory nature of the tongue. Out of the same mouth come the blessing of God and the cursing of fellow humans who are made in God's likeness, a violation of the "royal law" (James 2:8). The point of the mixed stream is that it is not useful. It isn’t cold, so it isn’t refreshing. It isn’t hot, so it isn’t soothing. It is somewhere in between. We want to be used by God, so we must restrain our words.

HOME22:6—Read Psalm 63:1-8. Instead of speaking poisonous words, let's be a family that uses our tongue to praise God. What do you want to praise or thank God for today?

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Help your group identify how the truths from the Scripture passage apply directly to their lives. (5-10 minutes)

• What are some practical ways to rely on the Spirit to control our tongues?

• Why do we have a tendency to look over or excuse things people say when we might be more willing to confront their other sins?

• How do we damage our witness by being loose with our mouths? Why must our talk match our walk, especially as Christians?


PRAYERClose your group in prayer focused on applying what you have studied to their lives. (5 minutes)

Thank God for the gift of words, particularly His Word that points us to love and truth. Ask God to help us control and tame our words so that we can bless Him and build one another up. Pray that He would free us from the temptation to gossip.

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1. TEACHING GOAL: We are to be careful with our words.

2. SUMMARY OF TEXT: Our words have great power, so we should always defer to God before we speak.

3. TEACHING OUTLINE• Regarding Judging: Don’t speak evil about others. James 4:11-12• Regarding Boasting: Don’t boast about tomorrow. James 4:13-17 • Regarding Swearing: Let your word be enough. James 5:12



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As your group time begins, use this section to help get the conversation going. (5-10 minutes)

Charles Warr was a prominent minister in Scotland during the last century. As a young preacher he was harsh and critical in his messages. He failed to communicate mercy and love. One day an elderly and gracious church member, Arthur Caird, dropped by to speak with the young Charles in the pastor’s study. Mr. Caird expressed appreciation for Charles and noted several of his strengths as a pastor. Then Mr. Caird confided in Charles that the one thing needful was for Charles to show the people of the church that he loved them, rather than always scolding them.

Much later in life, Charles saw this very conversation as life-changing and ministry-changing for him. Charles apparently discovered that when his fellow Christians knew he loved them he was more effective as a leader, his words of encouragement and loving patience built up others and promoted harmony in the church. Perhaps even more importantly, when Charles made the basic mode-shift from criticism to mercy and love he moved into the right position in relation to God and his brothers and sisters in Christ.

Last week, we saw the power our words have by examining the danger of gossip. This week we will be continuing to think about words, but moving on to three specific areas—judging, boasting, and swearing. What these have in common is that they are all types of speech that ignore God’s rule in our lives. God hears every word that we speak; He knows whether our words honor Him or not. Often it can be good to be forward and say what you mean, but before we say anything, we must consider if God will be honored and others will be encouraged by what we have to say.

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• When it comes to your words, are you more the “say whatever you think” type or are you more measured? What are the benefits of both? What are the challenges of both?

• Depending on your personality, has there ever been a time when you said something you wished you hadn’t or stayed silent when you wish you had spoken? Share about that memorable moment.

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Unpack the biblical text to discover what Scripture says or means about a particular topic. (30-35 minutes)


11 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?


4:11. Warnings in verses 11-12 grow out of the rebuke of pride and the call for humility in verses 7-10. Verse 11 prohibits slander and insulting language. Pride and the lack of humility are the chief causes of slanderous, insulting language. Slander is critical speech intended to inflame others against the person being criticized. It involves talking against people, perhaps attacking them behind their backs. In this instance Christians were slandering Christians. Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. For Christians to malign other believers is a living contradiction of the close family ties which should bind them together.

A slanderous Christian must face two charges. First, one who practices slander speaks against the law. The law that a critical Christian misrepresents is the law of love (see Lev. 19:18). Christians are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. The slanderous Christian fails to do this.

Second, one who practices slander judges the law. With a faultfinding attitude I set myself up as a judge. I neglect God's law, thus declaring that it is a bad law and worthy of being removed. God calls Christians to keep the law, not to sit in judgment on it. When we slander our neighbors, we show our opposition to the law of love and imply that we are exempt from observing it.

4:12. God is the only Lawgiver and Judge, the one able both to save and destroy. Only God has the ability to enforce his laws and carry out his purposes. He allows no human being to share his role. A slanderous Christian attempts to play the role of God. God has no pleasure in those who practice slander.

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Christians can easily come to the conclusion that we are free to show critical attitudes toward those who do wrong. The Bible warns us to leave this judgment with God. Only God has the competence to find and punish those who break his laws. Our calling is to respond in supportive love rather than biting criticism.


• “Criticism” is a pretty broad term. What types of speech come to mind when you think of criticism? Why should Christians avoid such speech? For example, gossip is dangerous because it discredits your kind or loving actions and makes people lose trust in you.

Speaking evil covers all kinds of speech—passing judgment, slandering, gossiping, or simply being careless with our words. Speaking ill of another person is wrong because we do not have all the facts. In essence, we have made ourselves the judge in these situations and taken God’s rightful place. The Old Testament strictly forbids this kind of speech (Lev. 19:16; Ps. 50:20; Jer. 6:28). So when we step in and judge others, we are making the same error present in every form of speech we’re studying today: we are taking God’s place. He is the only One who sees all things clearly. He alone is equipped to judge hearts and minds (Jer. 17:10). Additionally, when we slander others, we harm people made in the image of God.

• Think about a time when you said something about someone, only to find out that you were mistaken later. What did you do when you realized you were wrong? Read Romans 12:14-21. What would have been a better way to handle this situation?

One of the most surprising facts of the Bible’s teaching is that it calls us to treat our friends and enemies with respect. Christians do not have the option to treat others as they treat us. We treat others as we would like to be treated (Matt. 22:38-39). Jesus was treated unfairly His whole life, but He never said an unkind word about another person. Often Jesus spoke very hard and difficult truths (see Matthew 23), but He never spoke evil against someone.

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HOME22:6—Read James 4:11-12. What would you do if you found out someone was talking about you behind your back? Would that make it okay for you to say something bad about him or her? Why or why not?


13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” 16 As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. 17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.


4:13-14. These verses rebuke our self-sufficient attitudes. Some interpreters feel James was describing non-Christian businessmen, who planned their lives without reference to God. Others point out that those rebuked could at least talk about the Lord's will and take this as a sign that those rebuked at least claimed to be Christians. Probably the original recipients were strong believers in the existence of God but lived as if he did not exist. They did not consider his will for their daily lives.

Trading was the surest method to make money in Palestine. Trading involved risk, but farming was even more uncertain. A person willing to take risks could become wealthy and live quite independently.

Verse 13 shows these businessmen planned the time of their departure, length of stay, and profit without reference to the will of God. The parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21 warns against living such a self-sufficient lifestyle (see also Prov. 27:1).

Verse 14 mentions two features about daily life we often ignore. First, we have no sure knowledge of the future. We do not know whether tomorrow will produce a catastrophe or a visitation of God's grace. Even though we do not know the future, we so often act as if we are secure. We forget that we may be here for a moment and then gone. By failing to accept this fact, we demonstrate arrogant self-sufficiency. Second, we do not understand the nature of human life,

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which is like a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Life is both uncertain and brief.

4:15. Finally, we hear the proper attitude. We are to seek the will of God in all our plans. Doing the will of God demands an active listening for God's goals and plans. We must plan for the future, but we must plan with a deliberate seeking of the will of God.

As we discuss the will of God, we must not let his will become a strictly formal expression, which lacks any spiritual meaning for us. We must remain spiritually alive to the necessity of building our plans around his desires. We must also avoid legalizing our own will under the disguise of seeking God's will.

4:16-17. These verses reveal our disobedient attitude and rebuke our proud, boastful spirit. They call us to an humble dependence on God rather than priding ourselves on our independence.

James accused his readers of boasting and bragging. Brag describes the arrogant assumption they could handle the future as they wanted to do independently of God. Our boasting is to be in the Lord himself, in the blessings he gives us, and in the experiences, which cause us to know him better. Paul boasted in his weaknesses that allowed the power of Christ to rest on him (2 Cor. 12:9). He gloried in the cross (Gal. 6:14) because it represented the action, which brought the blessings of God's salvation to lost sinners.

Verse 17 states a specific principle applied to presumptuous planning about the future. It can also serve as a general principle applying to all areas of the Christian life: It is sin to know what is right and to fail to do it. These sins of omission refuse to make a right response to God. A sin of omission displeases God just as much as a sin of commission, that is, a blatant act against God's will. We know to make our plans in reliance on God's will. When we fail to follow this knowledge, we commit a sin of omission. God holds us accountable for more than merely knowing the right. He wants us to do the right.

God wants us to avoid acts of disobedience to his will. He also wants us to avoid the failure to live up to the truth he has given us. The response of the lazy servant, which Jesus condemned involved burying his money and failing to increase it by hard work and effort (Matt. 25:14-30).

As Christians we must plan our lives in full commitment to the will and plans of God. We must also avoid omitting from our lives such important practices as prayer, Bible reading, helping the needy, and sharing our faith. To omit the latter is to commit a sin of omission. God wants our full and constant obedience.

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• What type of control/planning was James speaking against? What are types of plans that we make, and how can we involve God in those plans?

All planning is not bad (Prov. 24:27), so James was not making a prohibition against planning. The key to understanding what James was talking about is by looking at the activity that he described. At the end of verse 13, James said they were making plans to “trade and make a profit.” The reference to business and trade clues us into the fact that James was likely referring to the wealthy merchant class in Jerusalem at the time. These people were in error, not because they made plans, but because they boasted about their plans as if they were the ones in charge. Self-sufficient people boast because they feel they have everything worked out. Self-sufficient people don’t “need” God, because they believe they are the masters of their fate.

In doing so, these people were minimizing and compartmentalizing God. The Lord is ruler over all human activity, including our plans. When we deny God this rule (which isn’t really possible), we reject His providence and miss the joy of living under it. Followers of Jesus have given up their right to determine the course of their lives (Matt. 16:24).

• How many times have you experienced a circumstance that couldn’t have been planned? What does this teach us about the danger of boasting?

• James urged us to consider our lives “a mist”. What did he mean by this? How difficult is it for you to take on this perspective in your life?

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Life is far more momentary and fragile than we care to admit. People die unexpectedly. Accidents happen. Sickness strikes. Daily life is far more unpredictable than we would like it to be. Life is momentary and fleeting. The word James used to describe our lives is “mist.” The Greek word is where we get our word for “atom,” something so small that it cannot be seen with the naked human eye. No one wants to think about his or her own life this way, because everyone wants to be significant. However, the irony behind our desire for significance is that true meaning is found when we surrender our plans to the Lord and give Him our lives.

• Read Proverbs 16:9. What should Christians do instead of boasting? How might this be practiced in your daily routine?

HOME22:6—Start a conversation with your kids by asking them what plans they have for next summer. Use this as an entry point to talk about boasting about the future. Use Proverbs 15:22 and 16:3, 9 as guides to talk about holy planning.


12 But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.


Here the appeal is for us to avoid using God's name disrespectfully. Above all does not suggest that this sin is more serious than other sins such as murder, immorality, or robbery. It is simply a common way of bringing a letter to a close, perhaps indicating that what follows in some way summarizes what has gone before.

Although these words prohibit profanity, they are not chiefly concerned about "taking the Lord's name in vain." They warn against the use of a hasty, irreverent oath involving God's name during a time of suffering or hardship. This logically follows the discussion of suffering in verses 10-11. Above all during our stress

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we should not resort to flippant oaths that communicate something about God to the world that we do not intend.

This prohibition bans the careless use of God's name to guarantee the truthfulness of a statement. Christians who face suffering can be easily tempted to make a frivolous appeal to God's name to bargain their way out of trouble or difficulty.

In the New Testament period, some Jews used oaths for frivolous swearing. They would make a statement such as "by my life" or "by my head" to bolster the truth of a promise or statement. They also used evasive swearing. If a person swore by the name of God, his oath was binding. If he swore by another object such as heaven or earth, his oath was not binding. Jesus condemned such false actions. He wanted the words of his followers to be so patently honest that they needed no additional confirmation. James affirmed what Jesus had already said. He wanted an individual's yes to mean yes, and the no to mean no. God would judge the words of an evasive or frivolous swearer (see Matt. 12:36).


• When James wrote “do not swear,” to what type of swearing was he referring?

• Read Matthew 5:34-37. Why do we think we need additional protections, such as “I swear to God”? How do we become the type of people whose word stands on its own?

“Do not swear” is an exhortation to truthfulness, not a universal prohibition against oath-making (see Rom 1:9; 2 Cor 1:23; Gal. 1:20: Phil. 1:8; 1 Thess. 2:5,10). James was referring to a person who uses God’s name to guarantee his or her promises, instead of simply being honest and forthright in the first place. Oaths in and of themselves are not bad. God made them Himself (Heb. 3:11, 18; 6:13). But Jesus and James were saying that an honest character needs no additional assurance. If we live with integrity and holiness over a period of time, our word will stand on its own.

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When we are committed to the truth, we should need no other claim to verify whether or not we are speaking the truth. When we swear to God, we are tying God’s faithfulness and character to our own claims, thus yoking Him to whatever happens. It is better for us to be godly men and women, where our integrity will speak for itself.

HOME22:6—Read Proverbs 12:22. What are some ways we can work on being more honest and trustworthy?

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Help your group identify how the truths from the Scripture passage apply directly to their lives. (5-10 minutes)

• How can we help and encourage one another to see God at the center of every word we speak? Is this something you struggle with? How can we help?

• Are you known as a person who speaks evil or speaks life? Ask others that know you how you measure up with "speaking evil" or "speaking life."

• How could actively celebrating people lead to opportunities for you to share the grace of God with them? Who has modeled "speaking life" in your own life?


PRAYERClose your group in prayer focused on applying what you have studied to their lives. (5 minutes)

Pray that God would help us rein our tongues. Ask that the Holy Spirit would help us be more thoughtful and Christ-honoring with our words. Ask that you would consider Jesus before you speak and give the ultimate deference to Him.

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1. TEACHING GOAL: A workless faith is a worthless faith.

2. SUMMARY OF TEXT: Saving faith produces deeds of service to prove its reality.

3. TEACHING OUTLINE• A workless faith is not good for the body. James 2:14-16• A workless faith is not good for you. James 2:17



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As your group time begins, use this section to help get the conversation going. (5-10 minutes)

A popular English proverb reads, "A hungry belly has no ears." This means a hungry person is totally concentrated on their need for food and nothing else interests them. Feeding America reports that in 2015, 42.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households (homes where food on the table was not a guarantee), including 29.1 million adults and 13.1 million children. The hunger needs of people around us are great, but needs extend beyond food to healing, clothing, companionship, and on and on.

If we want to reach people with the message of the gospel, then we begin by putting feet to our faith. This is the example Jesus set for us in the Gospels every time He met a person's physical needs alongside their spiritual needs. Unfortunately, one of the criticisms that continues to haunt Christians is their hypocrisy—failing to practice what they preach. While this is certainly not true for many Christians, we must acknowledge this stereotype exists among the unbelieving people we interact with every day. James addressed this topic in his letter to the church. For Christians, our walk should always match our talk. When it does, we are a powerful witness for the power and truth of the gospel. A faith that is not evidenced in action is worthless.

• Interact with the proverb, "A hungry man has no ears." Do you agree? If so, how have you seen this prove true in your interactions with others?

• How do the unbelievers you know regard Christians in general? Do they reference legalism or hypocrisy? Explain.

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Unpack the biblical text to discover what Scripture says or means about a particular topic. (30-35 minutes)


14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?


2:14. Two rhetorical questions here expect negative answers. Three features of the questions are important. First, they accept the reader's claim to faith, but do not assume that the claim without works represents saving faith. The absence of deeds of obedience in this person's life makes the claim highly suspicious, if not outright wrong!

Second, the topic is not faith in general but a specific kind of faith, one which has no deeds. Such in the NIV text implies this focus. The question is not, "Can faith save the lost?" Of course, faith saves the lost. The question is, "Can a faith without deeds save the lost?" The answer to that question is "no." A verbal testimony alone is not an adequate evidence that true saving faith is present. Only works of obedience can prove the presence of genuine faith. Verse 15 provides an example of such deeds.

Third, save refers to acquittal at the final judgment. The question is, "What type of faith can guarantee a favorable verdict in the final judgment?" Only a faith that produces works can provide security in the final judgment. Prospective drivers of automobiles and trucks must pass a written test on road rules and a skill test on the road. Lawyers must pass the bar examination, and accountants must pass the CPA exam. Students in all institutions must show their knowledge on examinations. It is only reasonable to realize that our profession of Christianity demands a test. That test is the production of works. Without works to demonstrate faith our claim becomes false, and we show our deception.

2:15-16. These verses offer a parable in miniature, illustrating the person who has the type of faith that cannot save. Verse 15 pictures people who needed clothes and food. Cold and hungry, these believers desperately needed the necessities of life.

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Verse 16 shows how the person who claims to have faith approaches these needy people: with an offer of good wishes but no practical help. Go, I wish you well offers a good-bye to the needy person. Apparently, the speaker could have helped, but he chose to do nothing except offer kind expressions. Both John the Baptist (Luke 3:7-14) and Jesus (Matt. 7:15-27) condemned professions of piety without action.

Sympathy is valuable when this is all a person can give to the suffering. This speaker, however, had the ability to feed the hungry and clothe the needy. First John 3:18 gives us the proper response, "let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." James concluded his illustration by wondering aloud, "What good is a faith which can only give pious wishes but no practical help?"


• The context of these verses is the service of the church. What are some of the good works the body of Christ is called to do?

• What do the questions in verse 14 imply about faith without works?

The word “faith” has the sense of trust in and commitment to Christ for salvation. The openness to receive God’s grace brings redemption, and the redeemed live out that grace. The term “works” refers to good deeds—actions on others’ behalf that demonstrate Christ’s love (see v. 8). James’s question called for an obvious answer: An inactive faith accomplishes nothing. Good deeds arising from faith give concrete evidence of commitment to Christ. The reality of faith is shown in a lifestyle characterized by ministry to others in obedience to Christ. Faith cannot be separated from daily behavior. The body of Christ is called to live out its faith through love, service, generosity and so on.

• Read 1 John 3:18. Why must our faith be lived out instead of something to which we give mere lip service?

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• What illustration did James use in order to show the necessity of faith in the body of Christ? What impression does a workless faith give our community?

• In what ways should the witness of a local church be verified by their actions? What impression does a workless faith give to us? Our families?

The call James made to a faith and works balance is not abstract. No sooner had he asked the question than he gave a practical example from the life of the church. This was not hypothetical; it really happened. A church that tells hungry people to “be filled” without actually giving them the food they need to be filled is missing the point. For Jesus, true faith means true love for others.

James pointed to the danger that comes from ignoring basic needs. We cannot claim to be the church if we are not taking care of the poor and weak among us, much less in our larger community. Matthew 25:31-46 is a shocking example of what Jesus expects from His church. In it, He tells a parable about a shepherd separating sheep and goats. He separated the two on the basis of their works. Jesus sees everything, and He takes notice that we serve. He sees the heart and notices the relationship between faith and works. A faith without works is dangerous for the body because it damages our witness in the world.

HOME22:6—Read Matthew 25:35-40. What is one way we can help our church meet people's physical needs?

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17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.


Verse 17 concludes the matter. Good wishes consisting of mere talk are empty of all reality and lifeless. Offering only good wishes to the cold and the hungry serves to depress further those who are starving and chilled. They need more than good wishes. They need practical help.

A faith not accompanied by action, that is faith alone, having no works to distinguish it, is dead. Anything with life produces fruit. The living are the acting, creating things that reveal their nature and character. Faith in Jesus produces actions revealing the nature and character of Jesus. The dead lie still doing nothing. So faith that lies still, inactive, proves it is dead. True faith brings salvation and life, not death.

Christians should show works of love to prove their faith is real. When Paul warned that a person could not be saved by "works," he referred to the works of obedience to the Jewish law (Rom. 3:20). When James called for deeds, he was not suggesting that these deeds resulted in salvation. He was calling for Christians to do what living faith naturally does: show care and concern for those in need. Acts 6:1-4; 9:36-43; 20:34-35; Romans 15:25-27; 1 Timothy 5:1-16; and many other Scriptures show Christians and churches in action meeting needs. This type of loving, caring interest in others made early Christians distinctive. Likewise, today people who show loving, caring interest in others stand out as visible representatives of Jesus Christ.


• James said that faith without works is dead. What evidence does your faith give that is it alive?

• How are we sometimes guilty of being “all talk” when it comes to expressing our faith?

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James did not say that faith without works is in need of help; he said that faith without works is dead. Individualistic faith that never steps out to help others or strengthen the church is no faith at all, according to James. Such faith is self-centered; its aim is to take from Jesus but never give back. Imagine if you were to say that you loved your family, but you never did anything for them. You were unconcerned about their wellbeing and growth. If you had a friend like that, you would question that friend’s commitment to his or her family.

The same thing can be said of our faith. If we are not actively working out our faith in real life, our faith is not centered on Jesus. Jesus cared so much about serving others that He washed the feet of His disciples (John 13). He went out of His way to minister to a grieving family (John 11). Jesus healed the sick and lame. If Jesus is the center of our faith, we should follow His example.

• Read Mark 10:45 and think about the example Jesus sets for us in the Gospels. What are some of the ways we should serve others that flow out from our faith, based on Jesus’ example of ministry?

Jesus perfectly modeled the true standard of living faith. No one is greater than He is, yet He came to serve. Selfless ministry to others’ needs marked Jesus’ entire ministry. Not only did Jesus come to serve others, but also to give His life as a ransom for many. We need to redefine our faith according to Jesus’ teaching and example. A workless faith is a worthless faith because it doesn’t point people to Jesus.

HOME22:6—Read John 6:1-14. The boy in this story had five loaves of bread and two fish. What can you put to use in order to serve God and help Him in His work?

Page 45: Fall 2017 - ibclr.org · it or deny the truth. Boasting describes the malicious triumphant attitude gained by one party over its opponents. Those who choose to deny the truth can

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Help your group identify how the truths from the Scripture passage apply directly to their lives. (5-10 minutes)

• Where are you meeting needs and showing your faith through action? Where could you grow in this area?

• How are we serving together as a group? Is the faith of our group a living, working faith?

• Imagine you are discipling a new believer. How would you teach him or her the connection between faith and works?

HOME22:6—Read James 2:14-17. What do you learn through serving others? How does it help you see the world from a different point of view?


PRAYERClose your group in prayer focused on applying what you have studied to their lives. (5 minutes)

Praise God for the gift of faith. Ask God that your faith in Him would be demonstrated through your interactions with those who do not know Jesus. Ask that you would see how essential good works are both for the body and for you as an individual.

Page 46: Fall 2017 - ibclr.org · it or deny the truth. Boasting describes the malicious triumphant attitude gained by one party over its opponents. Those who choose to deny the truth can