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12 CBC St John’s Parklands Faith Family Excellence Diversity

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Page 1: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is






St John’s Parklands

Faith Family Excellence Diversity

Page 2: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

About our school About our school

flexible solutions for your business needs

About our school Our Mission Statement As an independent Catholic school, our aim is to provide an enriched,

holistic education based on Gospel values, where the spirituality of

each person is nurtured in an environment where Life, Faith, Family,

Excellence and Diversity are celebrated. By recognising each child’s

potential, we aspire to produce students who are meaningful

contributors to a world requiring social advocacy, compassion,

tolerance and innovative thinking.

Page 3: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

About our school With three schools on one

campus, our dedicated

staff ensures that the

transitions between the

various grades and phases

are effortless.

About our school

flexible solutions for your business needs

About our school Originally founded in 1935 in Green Point, CBC St John’s

relocated to the diverse and rapidly developing suburb

of Parklands in 2003.

Over the past 13 years, the College has grown phenome-

nally and last year we celebrated 80 years of holistic

education in Cape Town.

CBC St John’s Parklands is home of the Saints in Training,

a family orientated Junior School, offering high quality

education and care for children from Grade 1 to Grade

7. We pride ourselves on creating a sense of family in the

Junior School. Our school is our “home away from home”

and there is an intrinsic sense of warmth and care as one

meanders down our walkways. Our policy is to treat each

one of our family members, children, parents and staff

alike, with kindness and respect. The dignity of each indi-

vidual on our Campus is precious and is to be protected

at all times. Our students are loved unconditionally and

mistakes are never held against them. Our students are

well-disciplined and have the freedom to grow in a nur-

turing environment.

About our school

Page 4: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

The Foundation Phase teachers believe that structure and consistency is naturally the first

step towards maintaining control and discipline. Each teacher utilises his or her own personal and

individualised reward systems. By utilising these systems we focus on rewarding positive behaviour. We

make use of a ‘Sunshine Award’ certificate to acknowledge a child displaying responsible, caring

and positive attitudes.

However, there are instances where these reward systems are not effective. We have therefore

adopted a method whereby the consequences of ‘undesirable’ behaviour is realised. This method

of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. A demerit is given for the following reasons:

Consistent unacceptable behaviour during school hours.

Incorrect school uniform without an excuse note from parents.

Not having the Homework Diary signed. We feel that it is the child’s responsibility to get mom or

dad to sign homework.

Continually being late for school.

Our parents are kept informed of ‘Sunshine Awards’ and ‘demerits’ via the homework diary.

Rules and expectations

The Intermediate Phase teachers believe that structure and consistency is naturally the first step towards

maintaining control and discipline. Each teacher utilises his/her own personal and individualised merit

system. Every effort is made to focus on positive behaviour and to reward the students for this. We work

on a “three strikes and you are… detention”. A demerit is issued to a child who does not adhere to

the Junior School Code of Conduct. If a second demerit is issued, a warning slip is sent home. If a third

demerit is issued, the student is required to attend detention on Friday afternoon.

Students are expected to:

Comply with the Code of Conduct.

Maintain a high academic standard. Do his/her homework/assignments/projects timeously, prepare for

tests and examinations and respect the right of their peers to learn.

Respect the rights/dignity and personal safety of others, as well as treat the property of others with re-


Refrain from cheating, plagiarism, theft, dishonesty and substance abuse.

Attend practices and matches of his/her chosen extra-mural and behave appropriately.

Attend school Masses and Services.

Be ambassadors of the College.

Accept responsibility for his/her behaviour and the consequences that may result from his/her failure to

observe the Code of Conduct.

Comply with the regulations and code with regard to the use of the IT room facilities and equipment as

stipulated in the IT Code.

Page 5: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

Our Ethos

The Junior School Code of Conduct is to be found in front of each child’s diary.

With regard to behaviour, we use the Restorative Justice System for discipline purposes.

The Restorative Justice procedure restores relationships that have broken down due to

inappropriate behaviour. The children are given the opportunity to talk face to face to

one another and make amends for the hurt caused. The children are encouraged to

think of ways to make amends to the other/s and to restore calm and happiness. This

helps the student(s) to take responsibility for their behaviour. They explore and think of

alternative actions that would have been better to take, as well as come to realise how

their actions affected others. This is an important life skill that will be carried on into adult

life. We try to teach our children that talking things through is a peaceful, positive meth-

od of communication, where both parties win.

This is the standard the teachers, parents and students

strive to live by each day. It encourages us to relate

to each other in a polite, respectful manner and deal

with our stresses and concerns in the same way. It en-

courages us all to behave in a way that demonstrates

the democratic and inclusive nature of our school.

We are a proud Catholic school and Catholic tradi-

tions are followed. Mass is held at least twice a term,

we come together as a family every morning for devo-

tions and after every break to say thank you to God for

the food He has provided for us. Our Ethos helps us to

create pride in our school and builds school spirit. It

urges us all to become the best that we can be and

teaches us how to behave in victory as well as de-


The mission of the church and the Constitution is

brought into our school community and our pupils are

encouraged to help those less fortunate in our

community through charity drives throughout the year.

Our Ethos emphasises God’s love to all His people and

shows us the importance of justice, peace, equality,

acceptance, unity and truth in everything we do.

Page 6: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

Daily Programme

The first bell rings at 07:40 and we expect our children to be quietly lined up and ready

for morning devotions by the time the second bell rings at 07:45. Assemblies are held

once a week. Each morning we come together as a school for a short devotion and

the relaying of messages.

Our academic timetable starts promptly at 08:00. Our College follows the CAPS

curriculum as set by the Western Cape Education Department. In the Foundation

Phase (Grades 1 to 3), the following subjects are taught: Home Language (English),

First Additional Language (Afrikaans), Mathematics and Life Skills. In the Intermediate

Phase (Grades 4 to 6), the following subjects are taught: Home Language (English),

First Additional Language (Afrikaans), Mathematics, Social Sciences (History and

Geography), Life Skills and Natural Sciences and Technology. In the Senior Phase

(Grades 7 to 9) the same subjects are taught, but Technology is seen as a subject on its

own, as well as Economic and Management Sciences. In addition to these subjects,

the children have lessons in Religious Education, Physical Education, Art, IT and Music.

Individual tuition in piano, flute, recorder, guitar, drums, saxophone, clarinet, violin,

trumpet and trombone are offered to aspiring musicians.

For the children in Grades 1 and 2, the school day ends at 13:00. Children in Grades 3

to 7 end school at 14:00. Early care is offered every day and staff members are at

school by 07:00 to care for our “early birds”. Staff members are also on duty during

break times to care for our students. Our Tuck Shop offers yummy, yet healthy food

and is cost effective.

Page 7: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

Classroom structures At present, we have three classes per grade from Grades 1 to 5, two classes in

Grade 6 and three classes in Grade 7. We limit our class sizes to 25 students. We

keep our classes small to ensure that each child has individual attention and the

assistance he/she may need. We follow the CAPS Curriculum as set out by the

Western Cape Education Department. We have introduced “My Pals are Here”

Mathematics in the Foundation Phase which is a methodology used to teach

Singapore Mathematics. This is proving to be highly successful and our students are

emerging as confident mathematicians. This methodology will be introduced into

Grade 4 in 2017, Grade 5 in 2018 and so on.

We have developed a reputation of assisting children who learn differently. We

give those children who require them, various concessions such as: scribes, readers,

spelling concessions and time concessions to ensure that each individual is given

the opportunity to achieve his/her potential.

2015 was an incredibly exciting

year as we had the use of a

brand new building, with an ex-

tra ten beautiful classrooms to

facilitate our growth. The quad

in the “new” building has astro

turf that is periodically used for

impromptu hockey practices.

The Grade 7 classrooms have

stunning views as they look out

onto Table Mountain. Each

classroom in the Junior School

has a data projector, laptop or

desk top computer and access

to the internet. We make use of various forms of technology to enhance the chil-

dren’s learning experience. Classrooms are attractively decorated, to ensure that

each child finds him/herself in a safe, secure and aesthetically pleasing environ-


Page 8: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

Our Music Department continues to grow from strength to strength. Due to this

growth, we have two full-time, multi-talented Music teachers and a number of

part-timers. Our talented Music teachers also co-ordinate our Orchestra and

assist members in learning to play the saxophone, cello, trumpet, trombone,

clarinet and violin. This extra-mural is available for students from Grade 4 and

up, as well as for staff who are keen to learn to play an instrument. Orff is of-

fered to our students from Grades 1 to 4.

RE lessons form an important part of our curriculum. Our teachers attend cours-

es run by the Catholic Schools Office which qualify them to teach meaningful

lessons. We offer special classes to prepare our Grade 3 Catholic children to

celebrate their First Holy Communion. Mass is celebrated twice a term and a

visiting priest comes in to do Confession. We always start our Assemblies with a

devotion and prayers. Prayers are said before and/or after break times to

thank God for our food and the many blessings bestowed on us. Our Prayer

Group meets every Friday to offer up prayers for the hurting, as well as praise in

thanks-giving of the many blessings we are abundantly and freely given.

We support a number of charities every year, assist with a number of Outreach

Programmes and we have active Junior and Senior Edmund Rice Societies. Our

children are very aware of and are generous in their giving and in their support

of the needy, the hurting and the marginalised.

Religious Education

Page 9: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

Various extra-murals are offered in the afternoons

once the school day has ended. We offer a wide

range of sport and cultural activities. Our children are

motivated and competitive and are encouraged to

participate in both Summer and Winter extra-murals.

During the course of each season, we successfully

participate in various leagues and festivals that are


Summer sport codes are mini-tennis, tennis, T-ball,

softball, mini-cricket, cricket, swimming and athletics.

Winter sport codes are soccer, rugby, mini-hockey

and hockey (for boys and girls) and netball.

Cultural activities include choir, Orff and recorder en-

sembles, band (Grade 4 upwards), art club, robotics

and chess.

There are a few privately run extra-murals and these

include ballet, karate and Portuguese.

To enhance the learning experience, the students

participate in at least one curriculum enrichment

activity per term. Visiting speakers are invited to our

campus and are always well received. From Grade

5 onwards, our children go on Camp - a highlight of

the school year and a much anticipated event.

Extra curricular activities, trips and visits

Page 10: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

Uniforms Our striped green, blue and gold blazer is worn with

a great sense of pride and is instantly recognisable.

In the summer terms, the girls wear a green and

white checked dress, white ankle socks and black

shoes. A pullover jersey may be worn under the

blazer. Boys wear grey shorts and a white open-

necked shirt and long grey socks with black shoes.

In winter, our girls wear a grey skirt or pants, a white

long-sleeved shirt and a tie. Black tights may be worn with black shoes. If wearing

long pants, long grey socks are worn with black shoes. The pullover jersey may be

worn under the blazer. Our boys wear long grey pants, a white long-sleeved shirt and

a tie. Long grey socks are worn with black shoes.

Our sport and physical education uniform consists

of navy blue shorts or skorts (for the girls), our CBC

navy blue, with green trim, sport top and a navy

blue, with green trim, tracksuit. White takkies are

worn with either white ankle sport socks or long

navy blue sport socks.

A College cap is a must to protect tender skins

from the sun. Our students are encouraged to

wear sunblock every day.

After-Care, where homework supervision is provided, is offered to children whose par-

ents are unable to collect them at the end of the school day. Holiday care is also of-

fered during the school holidays at a nominal fee. Children are supervised in a safe en-

vironment and special activities are planned for them.

Aftercare, Holiday and Early care

Page 11: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

It is very important to have open lines of communication between the parents and

the College. We encourage our parents to download the School Communicator

onto their computers and/or mobile phones. This is one of our main communication

tools. Our Facebook page is updated with daily glimpses of College life. Every two

weeks, a newsletter called the “Inside Story”, is emailed to our parents informing

them of upcoming events, commenting on events in which we have participated,

general reminders and any other pertinent information. Each child has a College

Diary. This is also an important communication tool. It is checked daily by the class

teacher and the parent is requested to do the same. At the start of each year,

each parent receives an Information Brochure, that is grade specific. The email ad-

dresses of the teachers teaching in that grade are given and parents are more than

welcome to email their child’s teacher with any concerns.


Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to email us at

[email protected] or you can contact the Junior School on the following

telephone number: 021 556 5969.

We encourage you to contact Mrs Cathy Zonomessis to book a tour of our College.

This generally takes place during the course of the school day so that you can see our

children in action. Mrs Zonomessis will be able to answer your questions and introduce

you to our dynamic staff.

Please visit our College website for more information:

Contact Details

Page 12: Faith Family Excellence Diversity - Welcome CBC St John's · PDF fileOriginally founded in 1935 in Green Point, ... of punishment is called a ‘demerit’. ... We feel that it is

About our school Contact Details

Cnr Dorchester Drive and Parklands Main Rd



Tel : 021-5565969

Fax : 021-5561160

Email: [email protected]