fairfield high school educational visits policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders...

Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy This policy should be read in conjunction with: Behaviour Policy, SEND Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Safeguarding Children Policy, Equality policy. Fairfield High School believe that educational visits are an integral part of the entitlement of every student to a broad and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits are known to enhance learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of what makes Fairfield High School a supportive and effective learning environment. The safety of students and staff is paramount and for this, and other, reasons, meticulous planning and organisation are essential. To ensure that there is overall coordination, inclusivity, regard to the impact on in-school teaching and learning and costing of the cover implications, all proposed activities should be submitted to the Senior Leadership Team for approval before publication to staff and students and before detailed planning is undertaken. The procedures for planning school trips seek to ensure that pupils and staff may experience the best possible benefits from their trips and activities whilst at the same time minimising risks to their health, safety and welfare. The procedures should be followed at all times by all concerned. Purpose of the policy To use educational visits, residential trips, and other off-site activities to: Give opportunities for all students to enrich their cultural, environmental, linguistic, historical, scientific, technological, spiritual, and sporting experience and to raise awareness of diversity and promote community cohesion Encourage students to be open to new experiences and to develop a spirit of enquiry and a sense of wonder about the wider world Encourage students to explore and appreciate the local, national and international community To ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff during all off-site activities To ensure the range of trips and visits offers opportunities for all students to participate and that the inclusive principles of the school’s equality policy are implemented in a proactive way. Fairfield High School adheres to the Equality Act 2010. To ensure that there is an appropriate balance between the continuity of teaching and learning within the normal timetable To improve opportunities for all students, by offering subsidised places on school trips to eligible students. Application It is assumed that, in the context of this document, “off-site visit” will include all school “away” sporting fixtures, sports tours, trips to the theatre and cinema, cultural visits, foreign trips, residential trips, curricular fieldwork, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions, and academic study visits.

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Page 1: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy

This policy should be read in conjunction with: Behaviour Policy, SEND Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Safeguarding Children Policy, Equality policy. Fairfield High School believe that educational visits are an integral part of the entitlement of every student to a broad and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits are known to enhance learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of what makes Fairfield High School a supportive and effective learning environment. The safety of students and staff is paramount and for this, and other, reasons, meticulous planning and organisation are essential. To ensure that there is overall coordination, inclusivity, regard to the impact on in-school teaching and learning and costing of the cover implications, all proposed activities should be submitted to the Senior Leadership Team for approval before publication to staff and students and before detailed planning is undertaken. The procedures for planning school trips seek to ensure that pupils and staff may experience the best possible benefits from their trips and activities whilst at the same time minimising risks to their health, safety and welfare. The procedures should be followed at all times by all concerned. Purpose of the policy To use educational visits, residential trips, and other off-site activities to:

Give opportunities for all students to enrich their cultural, environmental, linguistic, historical, scientific, technological, spiritual, and sporting experience and to raise awareness of diversity and promote community cohesion

Encourage students to be open to new experiences and to develop a spirit of enquiry and a sense of wonder about the wider world

Encourage students to explore and appreciate the local, national and international community

To ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff during all off-site activities

To ensure the range of trips and visits offers opportunities for all students to participate and that the inclusive principles of the school’s equality policy are implemented in a proactive way. Fairfield High School adheres to the Equality Act 2010.

To ensure that there is an appropriate balance between the continuity of teaching and learning within the normal timetable

To improve opportunities for all students, by offering subsidised places on school trips to eligible students.

Application It is assumed that, in the context of this document, “off-site visit” will include all school “away” sporting fixtures, sports tours, trips to the theatre and cinema, cultural visits, foreign trips, residential trips, curricular fieldwork, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions, and academic study visits.

Page 2: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

In the context of this document the “visit leader” is the member of staff in charge of the visit, sports team or expedition. The objectives of this policy are to:

Ensure visits are worthwhile and educationally valid.

Outline the legal requirements and responsibilities for visits.

Provide a mechanism for the approval for all visits.

Provide a planning outline for all visits.

Cover all issues of Health and Safety that might arise with visits.

Cover all types of visits the school might make.

Provide a means of recording all visits made.

In addition to this Educational Visits Policy, Fairfield High School:

Adopts the Herefordshire Council Offsite Activities and Visits Guidance Document

Adopts National Guidance www.oeapng.info (as recommended by the LA).

Uses EVOLVE, the web-based planning, notification, approval, and monitoring and communication system for off-site activities.

All staff are required to plan and execute visits in line with this document, Local Authority policy, and National Guidelines. Staff are particularly directed to be familiar with the roles and responsibilities outlined within the guidance.

Roles and responsibilities Fairfield High School Board of Governors has a duty “to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions likely to cause foreseeable injury (physical or mental)”. This duty is owed to members of staff, pupils and others, such as parent volunteers, who may be involved. The members of staff accompanying students on a visit have ultimate responsibility for safety and are deemed to be acting “in loco parentis”. In these circumstances staff are held to the same standard of care as would be deemed a reasonable parents. Occasionally, this duty of care can be temporarily be transferred to others e.g. an instructor at an activity centre where the activities are controlled by those instructors/experts. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) requires employers to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of:

Its employees

Those persons not in their employment who may be affected by it, i.e. students, parents, visitors and volunteers

Main responsibilities of the Governing Body, the Headteacher, the EVC, a visit Leader and Parents/ Carers, Students and Local Authority

The Governing Body must:

ensure that arrangements are in place and that Local Authority and national regulations and guidance are being translated in to working systems

have the ability to act on behalf of the parents to ascertain if the specific event arrangements and risk assessments are in place and appropriate

Page 3: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

ensure that the visit’s leader’s plans comply with the regulations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health and Safety Policy

approval will be sought from the Chair of Governors for all adventure, residential and overseas visits.

The Head Teacher must:

have responsibility for authorising all visits, and for submitting all overseas, residential or adventurous activity visits to the LA for approval, via EVOLVE.

ensure that the management of visits meets the regulations and guidance offered by the Local Authority as well as conforming to the establishment’s own health and safety policy

ensure that the Governing Body is kept appropriately informed

ensure that arrangements are in place for the educational objectives of a visit to be inclusive and that issues identified in exploratory visits have been satisfactorily resolved within the risk assessment.

be able to confirm that the leadership of the visit is appropriate and to check staff qualifications, this to include accompanying staff and volunteers

ensure that the establishment has robust emergency procedures in place and knows how to liaise with the Local Authority emergency team should an emergency occur

All off-site activities and educational visits will need approval of Senior Leadership Team as signified by a signed and approved off site activity form (Fairfield High School Activity Approval Form – Yellow) The Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) must:

liaise with the Outdoor Education Advisor where appropriate

oversee the trip logging system – Evolve

ensure that the establishment has robust emergency procedures in place and knows how to liaise with the Local Authority emergency team should an emergency occur

support the head teacher in the management of and evaluation of educational visits The Visit leader must:

be approved to carry out the visit, suitably competent and knowledgeable about the establishment and LA’s policies and procedures

plan and prepare for the visit and assess the risks.

ensure risk assessments are in place for all aspects of the visit including behaviour, medical, transport and anti-terrorism.

ensure that the venue/provider has relevant insurance and risk management systems in place

define the roles and responsibilities of other staff and students and ensure effective supervision of what they do

obtain approval from SLT for the visit

ensure DBS clearance has been received by Juliet Winney for all staff and volunteers and visit staff have been assessed as competent to carry out the role.

ensure that parents/carers have given consent for the student to participate on the trip

Page 4: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

have enough information on the students taking part in order to risk assess their suitability for the visit or specific activity

consider stopping the visit if the risk to health and safety of the students is unacceptable and have in place procedures for such an eventuality

ensure the leaders have base contact packs that includes information on students and staff participating

ensure base contacts have packs that include information on students, staff, programme of activities, transport, route, venue/provider and risk assessments at least 5 working days before the visit

ensure the leaders and others have details of the students safeguarding, SEN or medical needs which will be necessary for them to carry out their tasks effectively

ensure that any use of student information complies with GDPR

ensure all details of the visit are on Evolve and the yellow educational activity approval form has been completed.

ensure that all leaders are aware of the role of base contact and what to do in case of an emergency

‘check in’ and ‘check out’ with the primary base contact before, during and after the visit

ensure that accidents and incidents are reported

ensure that, for any overnight, hazardous, overseas or trip that carries an extra charge, parents have given written consent. Matches or fixtures do not require this permission.

Adult volunteers must understand clearly what their responsibilities are and should:

do their best to ensure the Health and Safety of pupils in their care.

not be left in sole charge of pupils except where it has been previously agreed as part of the Risk Assessment and the appropriate level of security clearance (enhanced DBS) has been obtained.

follow the instructions of the visit leader and teaching staff supervisors.

contact the visit leader if concerned about the Health and Safety of any pupil during the visit.

The Base Contact must:

agree to be a base contact and be available during the times of the visit.

understand the role and the procedures that need to be followed if contacted by a visit leader if an incident occurs.

have a base contact pack given to them by the visit leader and have familiarised themselves with the visit before it takes place.

for residential visits, one base contact must be a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Parents/Carers must:

provide up to date emergency contact numbers

give consent for the student to participate on the visit/activity

agree with the schools’ policy and arrangements for sending a student home early and who will meet the cost

meet payment in full for any trips that the student goes on

Page 5: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

recognise that collecting students promptly from the collection point at the end of the visit is extremely important

Recognise that poor behaviour by a student whilst on the visit/activity may result in the parent/carer being required to collect them from the place of visit/activity at their own cost

Students must:

follow the instructions of the leader and other supervisors including those at the venue of the visit

dress and behave appropriately and responsibly

be sensitive to social and environmental codes and customs

not take unnecessary risks Any student whose behaviour may be considered to be a danger to themselves or the group may be stopped from participating.

The Local Authority is:

responsible for the final approval (via EVOLVE) of all visits that are either overseas, residential, and/or involve an adventurous activity.

Staff Competence Fairfield High School recognises that staff competence is the single most important factor in the safe management of visits, and so we support staff in developing their competence in the following ways:

an apprenticeship system, where staff new to visits assist and work alongside experienced visit leaders before taking on a leadership role.

supervision by senior staff on some educational visits.

support for staff to attend training courses relevant to their role, where necessary. In deciding whether a member of staff is competent to be a visit leader, the Senior Leadership Team will take into account the following factors:

relevant experience.

previous relevant training.

the prospective leader’s ability to make dynamic risk management judgements, and take charge in the event of an emergency.

knowledge of the students, the venue, and the activities to be undertaken.

Planning a Trip

Page 6: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

There are three parts to any trip or visit:

the planning that takes place before a visit, which includes outline approval, detailed planning and substantive approval.

the visit itself, which will include briefing of pupils and supervisors and supervision of the visit.

post trip evaluation, including the reporting of any accidents or incidents.

Outline Approval A submission of the proposed visit is made to Senior Leadership Team during the academic year before the event. If the outline is approved the trip will be put onto the school calendar. If a trip is planned later than this, permission should be gained from the Senior Leadership Team. If permission is given, the trip will be placed on the online calendar. Once permission has been gained detailed planning may begin. It is unlikely that permission will be granted for a trip during school time for those in public exam year groups in the second half of the Easter term or in the summer term in the run up to exams. The Easter holiday should also be avoided if possible as this is a time where students will be feeling the pressure of revision.

The approval process is as follows for each type of visit:

Local and Day visits within the UK that do not involve an adventurous activity. The front sheet of the Fairfield High School Visits Approval Form (yellow booklet) is completed and submitted to the Senior Leadership Team for approval. When approved the rest of the yellow booklet must be completed by the visit leader and the trip entered onto EVOLVE and submitted to the EVC for checking at least 15 working days in advance of the trip. The EVC will then forward the EVOLVE form to the head Teacher for approval.

Visits that are overseas, residential, and/or involve an adventurous activity (see LA guidance for definition of ‘adventurous’)

The front sheet of the Fairfield High School Visits Approval Form (yellow booklet) is completed and submitted to the Senior Leadership Team and Governors for approval. When approved the rest of the yellow booklet must be completed by the visit leader and the trip entered onto EVOLVE and submitted to the EVC. The EVC will then forward the EVOLVE form to the head Teacher for approval. Due to the nature of these visits they be submitted to the EVC for checking at least 60 working days in advance of the trip. Types of Visit Day Visit – this type of visit may be undertaken each year/term or an ad hoc basis in support of particular parts of the curriculum e.g. art trips to galleries or lectures and concerts in nearby cities and towns. It will be necessary to seek approval for such visits and to carry out the planning process including completing a Risk Assessment. Sporting Fixtures – All ‘away’ fixtures constitute an off-site visit. Risk assessments will be held as part of the P.E faculty. Adventure Activities – There are three recognised categories of adventure activities:

Page 7: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

Category A – Activities that present no significant risk e.g. walking on non-remote country paths.

Category B – Higher risk or higher profile activities e.g. walking in non-remote country, camping.

Category C – Includes all activities that which, if not school-led would be “in scope” of the Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 1996 and other “high risk” non-licensable activities.

As an example, a school skiing trip will be a Category C visit, whilst Duke of Edinburgh’s Award trips will generally be Category A or B. All activities must be covered by operational procedures and generic/event specific Risk Assessments.

If an external provider is being used, the provider must hold an Adventure Activities Licensing Authority licence if the activity comes within the scope of the AALA regulations. If the activity is outside the scope of AALA regulations the Visit Leader must be satisfied that standards of provision are adequately covered by Risk Assessments and operational procedures. The nature of some adventure activities (e.g. Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions) requires students to work without direct supervision. Parents must be made aware that supervision will be remote. Residential Visits – The section on accommodation should be referred to. There must be adequate staff/supervisors of the gender of the participants for cover should an accident/incident occur. Visits Abroad – Unless agreed with the Head teacher, travel and accommodation arrangements should only be made through a recognised tour operator. Assessment of the operator’s reputation should form part of the Risk Assessment for the trip. Overseas visits will normally involve much more comprehensive planning than other off-site trips. An exploratory visit, however, is likely to be much more difficult to undertake. As an alternative the following can help to inform the planning process and inform the Risk Assessment:

the provider;

the Foreign and Commonwealth Office;

other schools that have used the provider/visited the location;

national travel offices in the UK for the destination country;


LA Educational visit advisor

As well as the normal preparation for students other factors that should be considered include:

language – particularly common phrases. A help sheet could be considered rather than relying on memory, especially in times of crisis.

culture – body language, dress codes, rules of behaviour, local customs, and attitudes to gender.

drug/alcohol usage.

food and drink – difficulties with drinking water/raw fruit and vegetables, shell fish, cooking standards.

money – local currency, sterling equivalent of each denomination, how to carry safely.

how to use phones abroad, including the code for the UK.

Emergency procedures. Parents are likely to have to receive more information, and in more detail, for visits abroad, than for other trips and visits. A briefing meeting with minutes is recommended – the tour operator could be invited to provide as much information as possible before final consent is sought.

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The visit leader should establish if any vaccinations are required and the lead-in time. All students and their parents must receive this information in good time to arrange vaccinations. Written confirmation (e.g. a vaccination certificate) should be sought to confirm that the course has been completed. Comprehensive travel insurance must be in place by the time the deposit is paid. It is advisable that at least one adult member of the group should be able to speak and read the language of the visited country. The ability to hold a basic conversation and to know what to say in an emergency would be an advantage to the other adult members. Visa and passport requirements should be ascertained as part of the planning process and communicated to parents/groups member. The visit leader should ensure that all requirements have been fulfilled at an early stage in the process. The visa needs for any students who are nationals of any EU state should be considered. Such students may require visas when others do not and may well have to use separate passport control channels at points of entry. For trips within the European Community all European Nationals should obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and this should be lodged with the group leader before departure. A contingency fund should be considered to cover the possibility that medical treatments may need to be paid for in advance. The Group Leader should ensure the following paperwork is taken:

travel tickets, passports and visas. A separate list of the numbers of such documents or photocopies of the documents should be carried by another adult.

copy of any contract with a centre/hotel.

EHICs and details of any significant medical histories. Medical consent forms.

contact details for the school.

contact details for the parents (names, addresses and home/work/mobile telephone numbers).

adequate copies of lists of group members and their details.

insurance policy and local contact details for claims.

names, address and telephone number of the group’s accommodation.

instructions for emergency replacement of lost/stolen money/documents

copies of the Risk Assessment(s). The school office and base contacts should retain the following information:

itinerary and contact phone number/address of the group.

list of all group members (including adults) and their details.

contact details for the next of kin (name, address and phone number).

copies of consent forms.

copies of travel documents, insurance policies, medical papers, passports and visas.

contract with the centre/hotel (if any).

risk Assessment(s). During the visit the following should be considered:

all adult visit leaders should know where the nearest British Embassy or Consulate is located and its telephone number

all group members should be provided with a card in the relevant language for use if they get lost. It should advise the reader of their participation in a school trip and ask that they be reunited with the group at the accommodation address or take them to a police station

Page 9: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

all group members should carry an appropriate amount of foreign currency at all times for emergencies

all group members should be advised of security procedures within the accommodation, during visits and emergency protocols when in either built up or rural areas and separated from their visit adult/s

Ski Trips and other adventurous activities In addition to the points covered in “Visits Abroad” ski trip leaders are reminded that, as with any other adventurous activity, skiing, snowboarding or related activities should only take place under the direction of an appropriately qualified and competent instructor. Ski trips require appropriate insurance cover.

Detailed Planning Consideration should be given to First Aid requirements relative to the visit. Where possible there should be a member of staff with an up to date First Aid qualification on every visit. If there is not, this must be included and mitigated by the Risk Assessment. Students with significant medical needs should be included on the Risk Assessment and this information must be given to all supervisors on the visit. Swimming, paddling and other ‘in-water’ activities should never be allowed as an impromptu activity. ‘In water’ activities should only take place when a specific risk assessment has been completed and qualified supervision is available.

Transport In selecting the most appropriate method of transport for the visit the following should be taken into account:

passenger safety;

competence of the driver and whether he/she holds the appropriate licence;

the number of driving hours required for the journey and the length of the driver day;

the number of drivers needed;

the type of journey (locally and long distance);

arrangements in case of breakdown or delay;

insurance arrangements;

welfare breaks on long journeys;

supervision on or around transport. Specific requirements for different types of transport might include:

Private car

the vehicle is roadworthy;

the driver has appropriate and valid driver’s licence;

the driver insurance (check with the Finance Officer);

the car is fitted with functioning seatbelts and these are worn at all times;

Page 10: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

child protection issues- Students should sit in the back seat where possible (see Lone Working guidelines)

School owned or hired minibuses

the driver has an appropriate licence;

there is adequate adult supervision of the participants, if at all possible, other than the driver.

Coach Company

coaches are booked through the school operations department;

any company being used must have a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) Operator’s Licence;

the operator must have appropriate insurance.

Accommodation If accommodation is being used, the following need to be in place:

UK accommodation must be covered by a fire certificate.

if abroad, accommodation must comply with the health and safety regulations for that country.

appropriate security arrangements must be in place for possessions and for students/staff.

separate male and female accommodation and washing facilities must be in place.

staff accommodation must be close at hand.

any person over the age of 18 who is not a student at the school must have an enhanced DBS certificate.

Parents should have full details of accommodation arrangements.

Risk Assessments There are three main types of Risk Assessment: generic, event-specific and on-going.

Generic – these risk assessments are accessible to staff on Common staff and are updated annually. These are applicable to the activity wherever and whenever it takes place (an example might be travelling by minibus or coach).

Event Specific – these are risk assessments that are prepared by the visit leader and will differ from place to place and group to group.

On-going (dynamic) – these risk assessments are made while undertaking the visit; judgements and decisions are made as the need arises and are not normally recorded until after the visit.

All risk assessments should:

Identify the significant hazards.

Identify who might be harmed.

Evaluate the risk level.

Identify controls that are in place.

Implement additional controls if needed.

Page 11: Fairfield High School Educational Visits Policy · 2019. 5. 2. · ensure that the visits leaders plans comply with the regu lations and guidelines of the Fairfield High School Health

Copies of all risk assessments must be attached to EVOLVE, copies given to the base contacts and accessible to all staff on the visit It is good practice to have a contingency plan ‘B’ in the eventuality of the original proposals not being possible (e.g. due to poor weather). This should also be risk assessed. Consideration should be given to First Aid requirements relative to the visit. There must be a member of staff with good working knowledge of First Aid on every visit. Group leaders and those in charge of teams must carry out a medical check on pupils on the trip. This information must be given to all supervisors on the trip. Swimming, paddling and other ‘in-water’ activities should never be allowed as an impromptu activity. ‘In water’ activities should only take place when a specific risk assessment has been completed and qualified supervision is available.

External Providers If an external provider is being used the following points must be taken into account:

external providers are responsible for assessing the risk of those parts of the visit that they are contracted to provide.

financial arrangements are to be made between the ‘provider’ and Fairfield High School – not the students’ parents. If using air transport ensure that there is an Air Travel Organisers Licence (ATOL) in place.

if using a tour operator ensure they are approved by a bonding agency (e.g. ABTA).

Insurance Fairfield High School has Public Liability cover for all ‘approved’ activities on-site and off-site but Group Leaders are advised to check that staff and students are adequately covered and that parents are informed of the insurance cover given by the school.

Confirmed Approval Confirmation of approval for the visit to go ahead will be given by the Senior Leadership Team when all aspects of the planning are confirmed. Most visits and all residential will require approval from the Board of Governors. Visit leaders should ensure Board of Governors have given approval before inviting students/planning the trip.

Briefing Students

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Students should clearly understand what is expected of them and what the visit will entail. They must understand the standard of behaviour expected of and why rules must be followed. They must be informed about potential dangers and how they should act to ensure their own safety.

Briefing Supervising staff and volunteers All supervisors must understand their roles and responsibilities at all times; these should be clearly explained before departure.

Emergency procedures A critical incident is any incident where events go beyond the normal coping mechanisms and experience of the visit leadership team. The school has an emergency plan in place to deal with a critical incident during a visit (see Appendix B). When an incident overwhelms the establishment’s emergency response capability, or where it involves serious injury or fatality, or where it is likely to attract media attention then assistance will be sought from the local authority. In the event of an accident or emergency occurring during an off-site visit or activity the visit Leader should follow the relevant emergency procedures laid down in this section:

all Group Leaders must carry the name and contact details for the Base Contact

accidents and near misses. In order that the school can update its risk management procedures all near misses should be reported.

for minor emergencies the Visit Leader will respond by attending the injured ensuring the safety of the rest of the group. The Visit Leader will complete an accident report form and the incident will be reported to Senior Leadership Team.

for serious emergencies the Visit Leader will respond by attending t the injured, ensuring the safety of the rest of the group, summoning help/evacuation by whatever means appropriate and contacting the Senior Leadership Team on duty. The incident will be recorded following school policy and procedures.

in the event of a fatality the Visit Leader will respond by attending to any injured and ensuring the safety of the rest of the group. They will then call the appropriate emergency services and the Police, giving the details of location, nature of accident, number of individuals involved and the condition of the group. Base Contact procedures will be followed. The remaining activity participants should be prohibited from using mobile telephones (in order to maintain the confidentiality of the incident until the next of kin have been informed via the proper channels).

no member of school staff other than the Head, or the Chair of Governors is authorised to speak to the press/media.

In the event of an incident it is good practice to make notes as soon as is reasonably possible after the event to help in the recording of the incident on the accident report form.


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In most circumstances, school groups are unlikely to be specifically targeted by terrorists but they could become caught in post-incident disruption following an incident.

There are a number of factors to consider to help manage risks before and during a visit including in the UK and abroad.

UK visits

Consider changing either the date or visit location to a time or location that carries less risk

Check government advice on terrorist threats to the UK


Read the government’s advice on how to respond if you are involved in an incident


Consider increasing supervision ratios from normal arrangements

Stay alert to local and national news before and during the visit

Assess the needs of students with special educational needs or disabilities and their ability to react and respond to dynamic situations

Research the venue/s to avoid occasions when large crowds are likely or political demonstrations are planned in the area

Provide and brief all participants with a printed emergency contact card with the school's landline and mobile telephone number on it as well as Run, Hide, Tell instructions.

Be additionally vigilant in crowded places such as shopping malls, travel hubs and stadiums

Overseas Visits

Research and adhere to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's (FCO's) advice for the country being visited


Confirm with insurers that they will cover costs resulting from acts of terrorism, including medical care, repatriation and cancellation/curtailment

Scan copies of passports, visas and travel insurance details and ensure that base contacts have access to them., in case of lost documents following an incident.

Enforce student awareness to cultural sensitivities, clothing and behaviour

Comply with instructions from legitimate security forces and officials

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Advice for overseas visits states that schools and any third party providers should have an emergency plan outlining the kind of actions that should be taken. The plan should include:

24/7 emergency contacts back at the establishment/school, including overnight, holiday periods and at weekends

whole group evacuation/repatriation

contingency funding arrangements

getting support out to the group

For both UK and Overseas visits when there is a known increase in security risk, the visit leader will complete a risk assessment and discuss with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team before the visit is due to take place.

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Appendix A – Roles and Responsibilities

The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR) sets out the following requirements: a. Employers should carry out risk assessments and introduce arrangements for planning, organising, controlling, monitoring, and reviewing the management of health and safety. These assessments should address risks to which employees and students are exposed, to ensure that appropriate control measures are taken to protect their health and safety.

b. Where employers implement preventative and protective measures they should be based on the following principles:

Avoiding risks

Evaluating risks that cannot be avoided

Combating the risk at source

Adapting the work to the individual

Adapting to technical progress

Replacing the dangerous by non-dangerous or less dangerous

Developing a coherent overall prevention policy

Giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures

Giving appropriate instructions to employees

c. Provide access to competent advice

d. Employers should devise emergency procedures, especially for offsite visits and particularly those involving water and remote locations.

e. Employees should be provided with information on the risks identified by the assessment and the preventative and protective measures implemented.

f. Employers shall, in entrusting tasks to employees, take into account their capabilities as regards health and safety. Under the Reporting of Injures, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), if participants in off-site visits, either employees, students or volunteers die or are severely injured (defined as an injury resulting in hospital admission for more than 24 hours), the incident should be reported to the enforcing authority (HSE) by telephone and followed up on a Form F2508 within 10 days. Also, under RIDDOR, all accidents and incidents (near misses), no matter how minor, should be recorded in an accident book. Whilst any off-site centre will have similar duties, visit leaders should maintain their own records for the school’s purposes. Any accident as part of an off-site visit should be reported.

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Appendix B – Emergency Procedure

The school’s emergency response to an incident is based on the following key factors: 1. There is always 2 nominated emergency base contacts for any visit. 2. The nominated base contacts will either be an experienced member of the senior leadership team, or will be able to contact an experienced senior leader at all times. 3. For activities that take place during normal school hours, the visit leadership team will be aware of any relevant medical information for all participants, including staff. 4. For activities that take place outside normal school hours, the visit leadership team and the emergency contact/s will be aware of any relevant medical information and emergency contact information for all participants, including staff. 5. The visit leader/s and the base contact/s know to request support from the local authority in the event that an incident overwhelms the establishment’s emergency response capability, involves serious injury or fatality, or where it is likely to attract media attention. 6. For visits that take place outside the ‘extended learning locality’, the visit leader will carry the local authority emergency contact details as follows: 7. The visit leader understands their role when dealing with an incident and the role of the base contact. Herefordshire Council (out of hours) Emergency Contact: Emergency Planning Duty Officer: O1432 260000 (you need to ask for the Emergency Planning Duty Officer) It is a 24hours emergency line including Bank Holidays Be prepared to give: Your name and Establishment/Group and the visits Evolve reference number. Phone number & back up phone numbers. Exact Location Nature of Incident Number in the Group The Emergency Contact Centre will contact a chief officer and pass on details

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Appendix C – Fairfield High School Visits Approval Form (Yellow Trip Booklet)

Proposed Activity _____________________________ Date of TRIP____/


Complete this first and hand to JEC for outline approval. Some trips require SLT and even

Governors’ approval so give as much notice as possible – at least 3 months for


Organiser’s name:-


Purpose of visit -link to SoW/Curriculum:-

State visit link to curriculum subject and possible career pathways:-

Date(s):- From:-


Departure time:- From:-

Return time to school:- To:-






NE signature and date:

Students involved – year group & numbers:-

Year group:-



First Aiders (s):- Staff Initials:-

EVOLVE form started? YES NO N/A EVOLVE NO:

Form submitted to JEC Date:-

JEC signature:-

Outline approval granted and entered into diary by JEC YES/NO


JEC signature:-

SLG – add to Agenda for Governors’ Meeting

Date of meeting:-

SLG signature:-

Approved by Governors and/or SLT


JEC signature:-

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Copies to organiser, notice board in the staff room, JEC

Following Outline Approval:

Action Person responsible Completion Date

At least three months before activity

1 Liaise with SS/NE: Parentpay & costings calculated. NB: NO TRIP LETTER CAN BE SENT OUT WITHOUT SLT APPROVAL OF TRIP AND DISCUSSION WITH NE RE COST TO STUDENT Check all staff on trip to have up to date DBS checks.


2 Inform SLG/SLT of cost and final details of trips Ongoing: Send any invoices for trip to SS/NE.


3 If all agreed, provisionally book transport/travel company. Organiser

4 SLT check names of students wishing to go on the activity who may have additional needs possibly affecting staffing and support.

SLT/ Organiser

5 Offer letter sent to parents after JEC’s approval. Organiser

6 If sufficient student numbers, make firm travel bookings. Organiser

7 Send confirmation letter to parents with information about payment – (and for foreign travel, passports, EHIC form and behaviour expectation form).


8 Enter onto calendar/website & inform staff. JEC

9 Set up a spreadsheet with names, medical, behaviour, passport and EHIC info Organiser to set up with office (SS/JRT)

At least two months before activity

9 Complete Evolve Form – with RAs specific to proposed activity and students. Consult list of students with medical/ additional needs & submit specific RAs. Send out medical form to be completed by all students (Appendix 6).


10 Canteen and music department notified (peripatetic lessons). Organiser

11 Parents’ meeting arranged (if applicable). Organiser

12 Liaise with caretaker about seating for parents’ meeting. (if applicable). Organise

At least one month before activity

13 Liaise with caretaker about gates / opening & locking up times/seating for parents’ meeting if applicable.


14 2 folders (one for each base contact) with student contact, travel & medical details prepared.


15 For trips abroad, check student and staff passports in date and EHIC forms are valid. Make special note of non-EU passports.


At least a week before the activity


Send letter to parents to ask if any contact or medical details have changed since they sent in their original consent form.


17 Send a copy of the following information to the office in a folder:- - an up-to-date register of students on trip – with absentees clearly marked. -travel details and itinerary plus contact numbers of travel company and accommodation. -final staff list (+ contact no.s), student names and parent mobile numbers. - student medical information. - code of conduct form signed by students and parents.


18 On day of departure, inform Office/SLT if any details have changed or anyone is absent. Ensure you have medical details of students to take with you.


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19 Ensure OUTLINE TRAVEL DETAILS form is pinned on notice board in Office with copies given to SLG/SLT & base contacts along with list of names and emergency contact numbers of all students on separate sheet.


20 Contact school on safe arrival for residential trips. Organiser

21 On return from trip, file any accident forms/near-miss forms and re-evaluate Risk Assessments in readiness for next trip. Complete EVOLVE evaluation.




Rationale Fairfield High School is committed to including all students fully in the life of the school and will make “reasonable adjustments” to organisation, curriculum, accommodation or teaching methods where necessary in accordance with The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 to ensure that no student is disadvantaged.

This includes all aspects of school life, including extracurricular activities and school trips; no student will be prevented from participating in any school visit without careful consideration of individual circumstances, a risk assessment and discussion with all the appropriate parties involved to consider alternative solutions.

In addition, the Charging and Remissions policy (see separate document) will apply to ensure that no student is excluded from activities which take place as part of the curriculum during school time.

This policy is published for staff and parents/carers on the school website, in the prospectus and in the Staff Handbook.

Short Visits These are arranged by members of staff for various activities, such as going to see an exhibition or play. Wherever possible, all students who wish to participate will be able to do so. However, where numbers are limited places will be decided, names will be drawn at random. A reserve list will be kept, so that additional places may be offered, should they become available. Overseas and Residential Visits Places on residential and overseas visits will be allocated in a similar way to those for short visits. On overseas and residential visits it is particularly important to ensure that students are able to behave appropriately and follow instructions, so behaviour on previous school visits and within school will also be taken into account for all students wishing to participate. All Visits It is made clear to all students and their parents/carers when a trip letter goes out that poor behaviour and/or attendance prior to the visit may prevent a student from participating. If concern is expressed by staff about an individual, the following steps will apply:

Discussion with the Form Teacher, Learning Manager and SLT in the first instance about particular concerns.

A risk assessment of the visit for the individual concerned, which must consider each of the activities to be undertaken and the likely response of the student.

A “solutions-focused” discussion with SLT, parents/carers and staff running the trip to see how any identified difficulties can be overcome.

All of the above steps must be recorded in writing (see discussion summary sheet - See Appendix 2.)

In addition, the school may take account of:

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the need to maintain academic and other standards

available funding and the practicalities of particular adjustments

health and safety issues

the interests of other students.

The final decision will lie with the Head Teacher, in consultation with the Governing Body and external advice as appropriate, who will consider all the above and communicate their decision in writing to the student, his/her parent or carer and any necessary external agencies.

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Name of Student: Form: SEN or Additional Needs: Yes/No S/E/K Other

Proposed visit/activity with dates:

Teacher responsible for the visit:

Summary of initial concerns:

Raised by (please initial): Date:

Discussion with Form Teacher/Head of Key Stage : Please initial: Date of discussion:

Summary of individual risk assessment (Completed risk assessment should be attached)

Completed by: Date:

Outcome of discussion between staff, SLT, parents/carers: Please note who was involved: Date of discussion:

Final decision communicated to Governing Body, parent/carer, student, external agencies (if relevant). Paperwork should be attached.


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In General The Senior Leadership Team agrees that all parents and members of staff should be aware of the criteria applied when students are selected for school visits. Members of staff organise, accompany and accept responsibility for the health and safety of students going on visits. They volunteer to do this. Therefore the Head Teacher makes the final decision about selection of students. Short Visits These are arranged by members of staff for various activities such as going to see an exhibition or play. Normally all students who apply will be able to go. However, where numbers are limited places will be decided, names will be drawn at random. If anyone should drop out, the first student on the reserve list will be offered a place. The Head Teacher does reserve the right to withdraw a place if there is concern about a student’s behaviour, following consultation with the Group Leader. Overseas and Residential Visits For residential and overseas visits excellent behaviour is critical. Group leaders must be confident that all instructions will be followed and those students selected will contribute to and benefit from the particular activity concerned. Therefore behaviour on earlier school visits will be monitored and behaviour and discipline within school will also be taken into account. As on short visits, non-selection may be because a visit is over-subscribed and the Group Leader will keep a reserve list. There are times when the dynamics of the group must also be considered. The Head Teacher reserves the right to withdraw a place if there is concern about a student’s behaviour and will consult with other members of SLT before making a final decision. Staff are aware that some students’ behaviour and attitude may improve, especially as they mature. Therefore immature behaviour in KS3 will not automatically exclude students from visits in KS4. For visits away from the local area, students and their parents/carers will also be required to sign a Home-School Code of Conduct agreement (see Appendix 5). If you have any concerns about whether a particular student should be allowed to take part in a trip (because of prior behaviour), please see the appropriate member of Senior Leadership Team

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The law requires that teachers act reasonably not perfectly, as ‘informed and knowledgeable practitioners in their field’.

Safe practice and good practice are complementary. The nature and number of school accidents is insignificant especially when compared to life outside school – but some school accidents can be prevented.

Most common accidents are trips and falls. MINIBUS TRANSPORTATION

If you are driving the minibus for the first time you must see the Head Teacher to check if you are eligible to use it.

The general rule is: 1 teacher for ‘short’ journeys, 2 for longer. Teachers should use their professional judgement (for example, consideration of students’ likely behaviour or special needs).

Maximum driving time is 2 hours, then a 45 minute break away from students.

There should be no driving after a 13-hour working period, which includes teaching and driving. After this time a minimum 30 minute break is required.

There are implications for the driver of the minibus if they are distracted and an incident occurs; the driver saying they were also dealing with students will not be a defence against driving without due care and attention. (This would also apply to parents/carers dealing with their own children).


You may only use your car to transport students if:

You have the relevant insurance (check with your company).

Your car is mechanically sound.

You have received written permission from the student’s parent/carer.

When you are transporting a lone student in your car, s/he must sit in the back seat. In the case of a student requiring emergency transport, please speak to a member of the SLT.

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Appendix 5 – Home-School Code of Conduct Agreement

Fairfield High School Trip to (destination)–

In the past, behaviour on Fairfield school trips has been excellent.

Students: To ensure this continues please familiarise yourself carefully with the following

guidelines which lay down quite clearly the behaviour expected of you.

Parents: Please ensure that your son or daughter has read and understood these


Students and Parents: Please could you both sign below in agreement with these

guidelines, and return the forms to (member of staff) by return.


Be positive and cheerful – it is infectious and adds to the enjoyment of others.

Teasing, harassment and intimidating behaviour is unacceptable if we are to

promote respect for all.

Always report this sort of behaviour promptly to teaching staff who will act quickly,

sensitively and supportively.

Normal school rules apply even though we are out of the school environment –

remember how we act is a reflection of our school.

Remember that your teachers are in charge and their instructions must be obeyed

without question.

If any problems arise the best thing to do is talk to a member of staff about them so

that they can be dealt with and resolved quickly.

Students must be in groups of at least three both when we are travelling or on an




Pack your own case – you may be asked to confirm you have done so at security and


Be aware of other travellers around you and be helpful to others.

Keep together with your group at all times – you might otherwise get left behind.

Respect and avoid disturbing other travellers who want to sleep (for music, only

personal stereos are allowed).

Please keep the buses free from litter – use the bags provided. Use cartons for

drinks rather than cans which spray everywhere. Chewing gum is not permitted on

the coach.

All pupils must remain seated with their seat belts fastened at all times when their

coach is in motion. (This is now EU law and failure to comply could mean a fine for

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up to €750 for the passenger concerned. Parents are asked to stress the safety

significance to their children of this legislation).

Remember to take any travel medication you require in good time for departure.


Keep your rooms and corridors neat and tidy and litter free – there will be regular

checks by the staff on the tidiness of all rooms.

Be polite and considerate to the Hotel staff and other residents. Walk sensibly

without rushing and be conscious of noise.

Be prompt for meal times and await staff instructions before leaving dining areas,

there may be important notices to give out. Attendance at meal times is expected of

the whole party.

Report all damage immediately to a member of staff. Even if caused by your

negligence we will be more understanding if the matter is reported straight away.

Trip Guidelines Agreement

I have understood and agree with the above trip safety guidelines.

Parent ………………………………………………………........


Print name……………………………………………………….. Print




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Appendix 6 – Medical Form for Residential Visits



Daytime Evening

Name :

Relationship to child





Medical details

Can you please provide us with any medical information about your child

Please tick any which are relevant: Additional details:

Allergies Diabetes Heart Stroke Epilepsy Asthma Other

Please give details of any medication your child will be required to take:

If your child suffered from any contagious or infectious disease or illness in the last three months please give details below:

Has your child received a tetanus injection in the last five years? YES or NO

Name, telephone number and address of your GP:

Does your child suffer from travel sickness? YES or NO

If so, please ensure they take medication at least half an hour before travelling and include spare medication for whilst we are away.

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Please give details of any specialist dietary requirements that your child will require.

If your child is vegetarian please tick a box to indicate whether he or she would be prepared to have the following:






Has your child stayed away from home before? YES or NO

Please give details of any problems we might expect to encounter whilst away (if applicable).

Please tick a box to indicate how would you describe your child’s ability to swim?

Cannot swim

Is a weak swimmer

Can swim a width of a normal swimming pool

Can swim a length of a normal swimming pool

Can swim several lengths of a normal swimming pool

Is a very strong and confident swimmer

Are there any activities in which your child cannot participate? Please give details.

Does your child suffer from vertigo? YES or NO

Medical Treatment Agreement

In the case of an emergency or a medical need, I agree to my child being given any treatment deemed necessary whilst away with school Signed ………………………………………… Date………………………………. Relationship to child …………………………………………………………………

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