fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

EMLYON Business School Specialized Master Quantitative Finance (2013 / 2014) Fair Valuation of Participating Contracts with Jump Risk KOUAM KAMGUIA AURELIEN ALEX Reg.No: 20142165

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Page 1: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

EMLYON Business School

Specialized Master Quantitative Finance

(2013 / 2014)

Fair Valuation of Participating Contracts with

Jump Risk


Reg.No: 20142165

Page 2: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


This report aims to detail the implementation of a Participating Life Insurance con-

tract pricer in accordance with the fair value accounting principle of International

Accounting Standard Board (IASB).

• An inclusion of market and credit risk goes in line with the risk–sensitive

approach promoted by Solvency II and enhances risk management.

• The use of a double exponential random variable creates a rare case of in-

cluding default risk whilst obtaining a closed–form formula.

• A Taylor series approach is sufficiently accurate to approximate the confluent

hypergeometric function within this application.

Page 3: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk



1 The Contract 1

1.1 The Pricing framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1.1 Valuation for default at maturity: generic formulas . . . . . 3

1.2 European Option Pricing under a Double exponential jump-diffusion

model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Computational Implementation 7

2.1 Source code of the file KouFormulas.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Source code of the file LicMath.h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Page 4: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk



IASB International Accounting Standard Board

Page 5: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


List of Tables

1 Balance Sheet as at 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Page 6: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

1 The Contract

The participating life insurance contract with guarantee (LIC) spans on the interval

[0, T ] and at time 0, the balance sheet of the insurer is as follows:

Assets Liabilities

A0 E0


Table 1: Balance Sheet as at 0

where the assets portfolio, A0, is invested partially in equity such that E0 =

(1− α)A0 and bonds as L0 = αA0 in which α ∈ [0, 1]. The variable α is directly

linked to the financial leverage β = L0


As the contract’s name states, the policyholder is guaranteed a minimum rate

of return rg during the life of the contract, in other words she will receive at least

at maturity LTg = L0ergT . In practice, the guaranteed rate rg is always less than

the return of a risk–free asset of the same maturity.

Under the conditions that the insurer is fully solvent during the period [0, T ],

the policyholders will receive additionally a fraction δ of financial earnings up to

their contribution α to the funding of the portfolio. Formally, this relationship

could be written as: δ[AT − LTg


Courtois and Quittard-Pinon (2008) priced the LIC under two approaches:

when default occurs solely at maturity and when default could occur anytime

during the contract’s lifetime. For the time being, we will exclusively cover the

first case in the rest of this document.


Page 7: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

1.1 The Pricing framework

The authors based their LIC pricing under the following assumptions about the

insurance and financial market:

1. there are no transactions costs, taxes, or problems with indivisibilities of


2. there are a sufficient number of investors with comparable wealth levels so

that each investor believes that he can buy and sell as much of an asset as

he wants at the market price.

3. there exists an exchange market for borrowing and lending at the same rate

of interest.

4. short–sales of all assets, with full use of the proceeds, is allowed.

5. The interest rate r is constant.

6. Under the risk–neutral world the firm’s assets portfolio, A , follows a geo-

metric Levy process notably:


A−= rdt+ σdz + d


(Zk − 1)− λζt


where r is the risk–free interest rate, σ is the asset’s volatility, z is a stan-

dard Brownian motion, N is a Poisson process with constant intensity λ, Zk

are strictly positive i.i.d random variables and ζ is here for compensation


The random variable Z in the above equation is the novelty of this document

over previous works on LIC pricing because not only it embeds insurer’s


Page 8: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

bankruptcy risk but also, provides quasi–closed–form formula. The random

variables Yk = log(Zk) are i.i.d. and possess a double exponential density:

fY (y) = pη1e−η1y1{y≥0} + qη2e

−η2y1{y<0} (2)

where η1 is the intensity of positive jumps, η2 is the intensity of negative

jumps, p is the probability of upward jumps, q is the probability of downward

jumps and p+ q = 1. All sources of randomness z, N and Yk are independent.

Using Ito’s lemma for jump–diffusions, it can be easily shown that the unique

solution to the firm’s assets portfolio SDE is:

At = A0exp{Xt

}= A0exp

{(r − λζ − 1


)t+ σzt +




1.1.1 Valuation for default at maturity: generic formulas

At maturity, there are 3 possible outcomes: Within the first case, the insurer is

unable to meet its commitments and the firm is declared bankrupt. Policyholders

receive the residual value of the insurer’s assets, that is AT and the equityholders

nothing. In the second case, the end value of invested assets is greater than

the promised assets value to policyholders but, less than the threshold to deliver

bonuses to policyholders. Finally, the insurer is totally solvent at maturity and

pays the bonus to the policyholders. The mathematical translation of the above

explanation is:

Θ (T ) =

AT ifAT < LgT

LgT ifLgT ≤ AT ≤LgTα

LgT + δ (αAT − LgT ) ifAT >LgTα


Page 9: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

Therefore, the arbitrage free price of the LIC can be rewritten as:

VL (0) = EQ[e−rT

(LgT + δ (αAT − LgT )+ − (LgT − AT )+

)]or more precisely as:

VL (0) = A0 + δαC

(AT ,


)− C (AT , L

gT ) (4)

where C(XT , K) is the price at time 0 of a European call with maturity T , un-

derlying process X and strike K. It’s plain to see that the LIC pricing in this

framework boils down to work out the price of a European call option in which

the underlying process is normally and double exponentially distributed. Luckily,

Kou (2002) developed such a formula.

1.2 European Option Pricing under a Double exponential

jump-diffusion model

Under a double exponential jump-diffusion model, Kou (2002) showed that an

European Option can be computed as follows:

ψc = S(0)Υ(r +1

2σ2 − λζ, λ, p, η1, η2, log(K/S(0)), T )

−Ke−rTΥ(r − 1

2σ2 − λζ, λ, p, η1, η2, log(K/S(0)), T ) (5)

where S(0) is the initial stock price, σ is the underlying instrument volatility,

r, and λ are defined as in 1. η1, η2, p are defined as in 2. K is the strike price.

Furthermore, parameters p, η1, η2, λ and ζ are used to price under the risk-neutral

world. The relationships between p, η1, η2 and ζ and the other variables are as


λ = λ (1 + ζ) , η1 = η1 − 1, η2 = η2 + 1


Page 10: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


p =p

1 + ζ

η1η1 − 1


ζ = pη1

η1 − 1+ q

η2η2 + 1

− 1

Υ(...) := P{Z(T ) ≥ log(K/S(0))} stands for the sum of the double exponential

and normal random vaviables and, equals to the cumulative distribution function

of a standard normal random variable under the European Black-Scholes pricing.

With πn := P(N(T ) = n) = e−λT (λT )n/n!

P{Z(T ) ≥ a} =eση12 T









× Ik−1(a− µT ;−η1,−1


√T )

+eση12 T









× Ik−1(a− µT ; η2,1


√T ) + π0Φ(−a− µT





Pn,k =n−1∑i=k

P(goingfrom(i, n− i)to(k, 0)) ·P(startingfrom(i, n− i))


Page 11: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


n− k − 1

i− k

· ( η1η1 + η2


η1 + η2



Qn,k =n−1∑i=k

n− k − 1

i− k

· ( η1η1 + η2


η1 + η2



In (c;α, β, δ) = −eαc




)n−i×Hhi (βc− δ) +





× eαδβ+ α2

2β2 Φ

(−βc+ δ +



)when β > 0 , α 6= 0 and for all n ≥ −1.

In (c;α, β, δ) = −eαc




)n−i×Hhi (βc− δ)−





× eαδβ+ α2

2β2 Φ

(βc− δ − α


)when β < 0 , α < 0 and for all n ≥ −1. Φ (...) is the standard normal cumulative

distribution function. Hhn (x) is the Hodgkin - Huxley function defined as:

Hhn (x) = 2−n2



2 ×{


(12n+ 1

2, 12, 12x2)√

(2)Γ(1 + 1

2n) − x1F1

(12n+ 1, 3

2, 12x2)


+ 12n) }

where 1F1 (...) is the confluent hypergeometric function and Γ (...) is the gamma



Page 12: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

2 Computational Implementation

The development of a participating life insurance contract pricer was made in

C++. In order to price a life insurance contract, the end–user will make use of

the “KouFormulas.cpp” file. This file requires the integration of the “LicMath.h”

file which embeds all the necessary mathematical functions for the application.

Moreover, we employed some libraries from Boost. Once the “KouFormulas.cpp”

file opens, she will click on the “Local Windows Debugger” button. The interface

will subsequently request the following information:

1. The initial asset price.

2. The prevailing risk-free interest rate.

3. The asset’s volatility.

4. The average number of jumps per unit of time of the exponential random


5. The probability value of positive jumps of the double exponential random


6. The average number of positive jumps per unit of time of the double expo-

nential random variable.

7. The average number of negative jumps per unit of time of the double expo-

nential random variable.

8. The number of simulations required (Enter an integer value between 1 and


9. The leverage coefficient or the proportion of assets invested in risk-free bonds.


Page 13: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

10. The interest rate guaranteed to the policyholder at the contract’s maturity.

11. The participating coefficient.

12. The maturity of the contract.

2.1 Source code of the file KouFormulas.cpp

// KouFormulas . cpp : Def ines the entry po in t f o r the conso l e

// a pp l i c a t i o n .


// r e qu i r e s LicMath . h



#include”LicMath . h”

#include<boost /math/ d i s t r i b u t i o n s /normal . hpp>


//#i f ! d e f ined ( MSC VER)

using namespace std ;

//#end i f

using boost : : math : : normal ;

using namespace std ;

double KouFormulas (double S0 , double K, double i n t r ,

double sigma , double lambda , double p ,

double eta1 , double eta2 , double n ,

double Expiry )


Page 14: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


//Compute the d i f f e r e n t parameters under the r i s k−neu t ra l measure

double a = log10 (K/S0 ) ;

double var iance = pow( sigma , 2 ) ;

double zeta = ( ( p∗ eta1 )/ ( eta1 − 1) ) + (((1−p)∗ eta2 )/ ( eta2+1)) − 1 ;

double p e s t = (p/(1+ zeta ) ) ∗ ( eta1 /( eta1 −1)) ;

double e t a 1 e s t = eta1 −1;

double e t a 2 e s t = eta2 + 1 ;

double i n t e n s i t y e s t = lambda ∗ (1+zeta ) ;

double new dr i f t = ( ( i n t r + 0 . 5∗ ( var iance ) − ( lambda ∗ ze ta ) )∗

Expiry ) ;

double new dr i f t 1 = ( ( i n t r − 0 . 5∗ ( var iance ) − ( lambda ∗ zeta ) )∗

Expiry ) ;

//Compute sum of Pnk and sum of Qnk

double Sum Pnk rn = 0 . 0 ;

double Sum Qnk rn = 0 . 0 ;

double Sum Pnk = 0 . 0 ;

double Sum Qnk = 0 . 0 ;

double k d = 0 . 0 ;

for (unsigned long long int k = 1 ; k<=n ; k++)


k d = static cast<double>(k ) ;

Sum Pnk rn += Pnk(n , k d , e t a1 e s t , e t a2 e s t , p e s t ) ∗

pow( sigma∗ s q r t ( Expiry )∗

e t a1 e s t , k d ) ∗

In ( k d−1,a − new dr i f t ,− e t a1 e s t ,

−(1/( sigma ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ,

−(sigma∗ e t a 1 e s t ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ;


Page 15: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

Sum Qnk rn += Qnk(n , k d , e t a1 e s t , e t a2 e s t , p e s t ) ∗

pow( sigma∗ s q r t ( Expiry )∗

e t a2 e s t , k d ) ∗

In ( k d−1,a − new dr i f t , e t a2 e s t ,

(1/( sigma ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ,

−(sigma∗ e t a 2 e s t ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ;

Sum Pnk += Pnk(n , k d , eta1 , eta2 , p) ∗

pow( sigma∗ s q r t ( Expiry )∗ eta1 , k d ) ∗

In ( k d−1,a − new dr i f t1 ,−eta1 ,

−(1/( sigma ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ,

−(sigma∗ eta1 ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ;

Sum Qnk += Qnk(n , k d , eta1 , eta2 , p) ∗

pow( sigma∗ s q r t ( Expiry )∗ eta2 , k d ) ∗

In ( k d−1,a − new dr i f t1 , eta2 ,

(1/( sigma ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ,

−(sigma∗ eta2 ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ;


// Standard normal cd f are needed f o r the remaining o f

// t h i s a p p l i c a t i o n

norma l d i s t r i bu t i on<double> nv ( 0 , 1 ) ;

// p o i s s o n d i s t r i b u t i o n<> pv ( lambda ) ;

// de f i n e d1 and d2 to measure the r e s p e c t i v e

// cumula t ive d i s t r i b u t i o n s

double d1 , d2 = 0 ;

d1 = ( exp (pow( sigma∗ e t a1 e s t , 2 ) ∗ ( Expiry /2 ) ) ) / ( sigma ∗


Page 16: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

s q r t (2∗ boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>() ∗ Expiry ) ) ∗

(gamma q(n+1, i n t e n s i t y e s t ) ) ∗ Sum Pnk rn +

( exp (pow( sigma∗ e t a2 e s t , 2 ) ∗ ( Expiry /2 ) )/ ( sigma ∗

s q r t (2∗ boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>() ∗ Expiry ) ) ) ∗

(gamma q(n+1, i n t e n s i t y e s t ) ) ∗ Sum Qnk rn +

(Ncdf (0 ,1 ,−( a − new dr i f t )/ ( sigma ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ) ;

d2 = ( exp (pow( sigma∗ eta1 , 2 ) ∗ ( Expiry /2 ) ) ) / ( sigma ∗

s q r t (2∗ boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>() ∗ Expiry ) ) ∗

(gamma q(n+1,lambda ) ) ∗ Sum Pnk +

( exp (pow( sigma∗ eta2 , 2 ) ∗ ( Expiry /2 ) )/ ( sigma ∗

s q r t (2∗ boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>() ∗ Expiry ) ) ) ∗

(gamma q(n+1,lambda ) ) ∗ Sum Qnk +

(Ncdf (0 ,1 ,−( a − new dr i f t 1 )/ ( sigma ∗ s q r t ( Expiry ) ) ) ) ;

return ( S0 ∗ d1 ) − (K∗exp(− i n t r ∗Expiry )∗d2 ) ;


//Define the Payof f o f a l i f e insurance con t rac t wi th p r o f i t s and

// guarantee as in the O. Le Courto is and FQP (2008) paper

double DMLIC(double A0 , double i n t r ,

double alpha , double rg , double de l ta ,

double sigma , double lambda , double p ,

double eta1 , double eta2 , double n ,

double Expiry )


// I n i t i a l i z e the con t rac t parameters

double L0 = alpha ∗ A0 ;

double K1 LIC = (L0 ∗ exp ( rg ∗Expiry ) )/ alpha ;

double K2 LIC = (L0∗exp ( rg ∗Expiry ) ) ;


Page 17: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

return (A0 + ( de l t a ∗ alpha ∗(KouFormulas (A0 , K1 LIC , i n t r , sigma ,

lambda , p , eta1 , eta2 , n , Expiry ) ) ) −

KouFormulas (A0 , K2 LIC , i n t r , sigma , lambda ,

p , eta1 , eta2 , n , Expiry ) ) ;


int main ( )


cout<<”Please ente r the spot Asset p r i c e : ” <<endl ;

double A0 = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>A0 ;

cout<<”Please ente r the r i sk−f r e e i n t e r e s t r a t e : ” <<endl ;

double r = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>r ;

cout<<”Please ente r the Vo l a t i l i y l e v e l : ” <<endl ;

double Vol = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>Vol ;

cout<<”Please ente r the i n t e n s i t y o f the Poisson d i s t r i b u t i o n : ” ;

cout<<endl ;

double lambda = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>lambda ;

cout<<”Please ente r the p r obab i l i t y value o f p o s i t i v e jumps : ” ;

cout<<endl ;

double p = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>p ;

cout<<”Please ente r the i n t e n s i t y o f p o s i t i v e jumps : ” <<endl ;


Page 18: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

double eta1 = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>eta1 ;

cout<<”Please ente r the i n t e n s i t y o f negat ive jumps : ” <<endl ;

double eta2 = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>eta2 ;

cout<<”Please ente r the n value ” <<endl ;

int n = 0 ;

cin>>n ;

cout<<”Please ente r the l e v e r ag e c o e f f i c i e n t value ( alpha ) ” <<endl ;

double alpha = 0 ;

cin>>alpha ;

cout<<”Please ente r the guaranteed ra t e ” <<endl ;

double rg = 0 ;

cin>>rg ;

cout<<”Please ente r the p a r t i c i p a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t value ( de l t a ) ” ;

cout <<endl ;

double de l t a = 0 ;

cin>>de l t a ;

cout<<”Please ente r the maturity in years : ” <<endl ;

double T = 0 . 0 ;

c in>>T;

for (n ; n<=70;n++)


cout<<”The value o f the L i f e Insurance Contract with d e f au l t ” ;


Page 19: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

cout<<at Maturity for n : ”<<n<<” i s : ”<<’ ’ ;

cout<<DMLIC(A0 , r , alpha , rg , de l ta , Vol , lambda , p , eta1 , eta2 , n ,T)<<;

cout<<endl ;


system ( ”PAUSE” ) ;

r e turn 0 ;


2.2 Source code of the file LicMath.h

// LicMath . h

#ifndef LicMath

#define LicMath




#include<boost /math/ d i s t r i b u t i o n s . hpp>

#include<boost /math/ d i s t r i b u t i o n s / po i s son . hpp>

#include<boost /math/ d i s t r i b u t i o n s /normal . hpp>

#include<boost /numeric / ublas /matrix . hpp>

#include<boost /numeric / ublas / vec to r . hpp>

#include<boost /numeric / ublas / i o . hpp>

#include<boost /math/ s p e c i a l f u n c t i o n s /gamma. hpp>

using namespace std ;

using namespace boost : : math ;


Page 20: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

using namespace boost : : math : : cons tant s ;

stat ic const int g = 7 ;

stat ic const double Pi =

3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972 ;

stat ic const double p [ g+2] = {0.99999999999980993 , 676.5203681218851 ,

−1259.1392167224028 , 771.32342877765313 , −176.61502916214059 ,

12.507343278686905 , −0.13857109526572012 , 9.9843695780195716 e−6,

1.5056327351493116 e−7};

typedef unsigned long long int VLint ;

typedef boost : : numeric : : ub las : : vector<int> VectorInt ;

typedef boost : : numeric : : ub las : : vector<double> VectorDbl ;

// De f i n i t i on the f a c t o r i a l f unc t i on

double f a c t o r i a l ( VLint n)


i f (n ==0 | | n == 1)

return 1 ;


return n ∗ f a c t o r i a l (n−1);


// De f i n i t i on o f the Combination func t i on

double nCk(VLint n , VLint k )


return f a c t o r i a l (n )/ ( f a c t o r i a l ( k ) ∗ f a c t o r i a l (n−k ) ) ;


// De f i n i t i on o f the minimum func t i on


Page 21: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

template<class T> T mmin(T& a , T& b)


return ( a<b) ? a : b ;


// De f i n i t i on o f the max func t i on

template<class T>T max(T& a , T& b)


return ( a<b) ?b : a ;


// De f i n i t i on o f the Pnk func t i on

double Pnk(VLint n , VLint k , double eta1 , double eta2 , double p)


i f (n < 1)


cout<<”n i s equal or g r e a t e r than 1”<<endl ;


i f ( k > n)


cout<<”k cannot be h igher than n”<<endl ;


i f (p<0 | | p>1)


cout<< ”p i s a p r obab i l i t y dens i ty funct ion , t h e r e f o r e ” ;

cout<<” l i e s with in the i n t e r v a l 0 and 1”<<endl ;


i f ( eta1 <=1)


Page 22: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


cout<< ” eta1 cannot be l e s s than 1”<<endl ;


i f ( eta2 <=0)


cout<< ” eta2 cannot be l e s s than 0”<<endl ;


double Y = 0 . 0 ;

double j d = 0 . 0 ;

for ( VLint i = k ; i<=n−1; i++)


j d = static cast<double>( i ) ;

Y += nCk(n−k−1, i−k ) ∗ pow( ( eta1 )/ ( eta1+eta2 ) , i−k ) ∗

pow( ( eta2 )/ ( eta1+eta2 ) , n−i )∗ (pow(p , i ) )∗ ( pow(1−p , n−i ) ) ;


return Y;


// De f i n i t i on o f the Qnk func t i on

double Qnk(VLint n , VLint k , double eta1 , double eta2 , double p)


i f (n < 1)


cout<<”n i s equal or g r e a t e r than 1”<<endl ;


i f ( k > n)


cout<<”k cannot be h igher than n”<<endl ;


Page 23: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


i f (p<0 | | p>1)


cout<< ”p i s a p r obab i l i t y dens i ty funct ion , ” ;

cout<<” t h e r e f o r e l i e s with in the i n t e r v a l 0 and 1”<<endl ;


i f ( eta1 <=1)


cout<< ”lambda1 cannot be l e s s than 1”<<endl ;


i f ( eta2 <=0)


cout<< ”lambda2 cannot be l e s s than 0”<<endl ;


double X = 0 . 0 ;

double j d = 0 . 0 ;

for ( VLint i = k ; i<=n−1; i++)


j d = static cast<double>( i ) ;

X += nCk(n−k−1, j d−k ) ∗pow( ( eta1 )/ ( eta1+eta2 ) , n−j d ) ∗

pow( ( eta2 )/ ( eta1+eta2 ) , j d−k )∗ (pow(p , n−j d ) )∗

(pow(1−p , j d ) ) ;


return X;


/∗Code adapted from the Taylor s e r i e s approximation o f the con f l u en t

hypergeometr ic f unc t i on 1F1(a ; b ; z ) deve loped by John Pearson as Part o f

h i s MSc d i s s e r t a t i o n ’ Computation o f Hypergeometric Functions ’


Page 24: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk


long double TaylorConf luentHypergeometr ic (double a , double b ,

double z )


double t o l = pow(10 ,−15);

// I n i t i a l i s e a1 , v e c t o r o f i n d i v i d u a l s terms ,

// and b1 which s t o r e s the sum

// o f the computed terms up to t ha t po in t

boost : : numeric : : ub las : : vector<double> a1 ( 5 0 0 ) ;

a1 (1 ) = 1 ;

double b1 = 1 . 0 ;

for ( int j =1; j<500;++ j )


//Compute the curren t entry o f a1 in terms o f l a s t

a1 ( j +1) = ( a+j −1)/(b+j−1) ∗ z/ j ∗a1 ( j ) ;

//Update the sum of computed terms up to t ha t po in t

b1 = b1+a1 ( j +1);

i f ( f abs ( a1 ( j ) )/ fabs ( b1 ) < t o l && fabs ( a1 ( j +1))/

fabs ( b1)< t o l )

break ;


return b1 ;



Page 25: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

// De f i n i t i on o f the Hodgkin − Huxley func t i on

double Hh( const double& n , const int& x)


double A = (pow(2 ,(−n/2) ) )∗

s q r t ( boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>())∗

( exp (pow(x , 2 )∗ −0 . 5 ) ) ;

double B = TaylorConf luentHypergeometr ic ( ( 0 . 5∗ n )+0 .5 , 0 . 5 ,

( 0 . 5∗pow(x , 2 ) ) ) / ( sq r t (2 ) ∗ tgamma(1 + (0 . 5∗n ) ) ) ;

double C = −(x∗( TaylorConf luentHypergeometr ic ( ( 0 . 5∗ n)+1 ,

1 . 5 , ( 0 . 5 ∗pow(x , 2 ) ) ) ) ) / ( tgamma( (0 . 5 )+(0 . 5∗n ) ) ) ;

return A ∗ (B+C) ;


// De f i n i t i on o f the In func t i on

double In ( const double& n , const double& c , const double& alpha ,

const double& beta , const double& de l ta1 )


// Declare v a r i a b l e s which w i l l ho ld your va l u e s

double r e s u l t 1 = 0 . 0 ;

normal snd ( 0 , 1 ) ;

double j d = 0 . 0 ;

i f ( beta > 0 && alpha != 0)


for ( int i = 0 ; i<=n ; i++)


j d = static cast<double>( i ) ;

r e s u l t 1 += (pow( beta /alpha , n−j d ) ) ∗


Page 26: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

Hh( j d , ( beta ∗ c ) − de l ta1 ) +

(pow( ( beta / alpha ) , n+1) ∗

( s q r t (2 ∗ boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>())/

beta ) ∗ ( exp ( ( ( alpha ∗ de l ta1 )/ ( beta ) ) +

pow( alpha , 2 ) / ( 2 ∗pow( beta , 2 ) ) ) ) ∗

( cd f ( snd ,(− beta ∗ c ) + ( de l t a1 ) +

( alpha /beta ) ) ) ) ;



i f ( beta < 0 && alpha < 0)


for ( int i = 0 ; i !=n ; i++)


j d = static cast<double>( i ) ;

r e s u l t 1 += (pow( beta /alpha , n−j d ) ) ∗

Hh( j d , ( beta ∗ c ) − de l ta1 ) − (pow( ( beta / alpha ) , n+1) ∗

( s q r t (2 ∗ boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>())/ beta ) ∗

( exp ( ( ( alpha ∗ de l ta1 )/ ( beta ) ) + pow( alpha , 2 ) /

(2 ∗pow( beta , 2 ) ) ) ) ∗( cd f ( snd , ( beta ∗ c ) −

( de l t a1 ) − ( alpha /beta ) ) ) ) ;



return −(exp ( alpha ∗ c )/ alpha ) ∗ r e s u l t 1 ;


// De f i n i t i on o f the normal p r o b a b i l i t y d en s i t y f unc t i on

double npdf (double mu, double sigma , double x )


return ( 1 . 0 / ( sq r t ( 2 . 0 ∗

boost : : math : : cons tant s : : pi<double>())) ∗

sigma ) ∗ exp (−0.5 ∗ (pow(x−mu, 2 ) /


Page 27: Fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts with jump risk

(pow( sigma , 2 ) ) ) ) ;


/∗Approximation o f the normal cumulat ive d i s t r i b u t i o n from

Haug .E (1998) ”The Complete Guide to Option Pr ic ing Formulas”


double Ncdf (double mu, double sigma , double x )


double a1 , a2 , a3 , k ;

double r e s u l t = 0 . 0 ;

a1 = 0 .4361836 ;

a2 = −0.1201676;

a3 = 0 .937298 ;

k = 1 .0 / ( 1 . 0 + (0 .33267 ∗ x ) ) ;

i f ( x >= 0)


r e s u l t = 1 − npdf (mu, sigma , x ) ∗ ( a1 ∗ k + ( a2 ∗ k ∗ k ) +

( a3 ∗ k ∗ k ∗ k ) ) ;




r e s u l t = 1 − Ncdf (mu, sigma , −x ) ;


return r e s u l t ;



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Courtois, O. L. and Quittard-Pinon, F. (2008). Fair valuation of participating life

insurance contracts with jump risk. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 33.

Kou, S. (2002). A jump diffusion model for option pricing. Management Science,
