fad 40k eldar 0.1

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  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1



    The Eldar are an ancient race, brought low from the height of their power by their own hubris and

    decadence. Though merely a sliver of a shadow of their former glory, the Eldar are still in possession of

    amazing power, utilizing technology of exquisite sophistication and knowledge of the most puissantPsychic power any living being has ever seen. Most Eldar live and travel on the great Craftworlds,

    created to save their race from the destruction of their civilization.

    Eldar martial disciplines consists of several Paths, representing ancient techniques for the waging of

    war and the exaltation of the legendary warriors that developed them.

    Disposition of Forces

    You may spend two Challenge Points to purchase the following unit:


    You may spend any number of Challenge Points, gaining one of the following units for each point


    GuardiansGuardian Jetbikes


    *You may have only one of this unit for each Farseer in your force.

    You may spend any number of Challenge Points, gaining one of the following units for every two

    points spent:Dire AvengersE

    Howling BansheesE

    Fire DragonsE

    Striking ScorpionsE

    Dark ReapersE

    Swooping HawksE


    Shining SpearsE


    Vyper SquadronFalconH

    Fire PrismH

    War Walker SquadronE This is an Elite unit selection.H This is a Heavy unit selection.

    You may spend three Challege points to gain the following unit:Avatar of KhaineHH This is a Heavy unit selection

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Farseer

    Quality Elite

    Resolve Determined



    Rune Armor (+4)

    Traits Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Psyker, Quick,


    A Farseer is an Independent Character. A Farseer is equipped with a Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Spirit

    Stones and a Ghost Helm.

    A Farseer gains three of the following Psychic Powers:

    DoomEldritch Storm


    GuideMind War

    Name Warlock

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined


    Rune Armor (+4)

    Traits Psyker, Agile

    A unit of Warlocks consists of 4 models. Each Warlock is equipped with a Witchblade and Shuriken


    Each Warlock knows one of the following Psychic Power:




    Every model may use any of the Psychic Powers that the unit possesses.

    For each Warlock that is killed or wounded, select one Power that the unit can no longer use.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Dire Avengers

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Carapace Armor


    Traits Quick, Fleet, Agile

    A unit of Dire Avengers consists of 9 models. Each Dire Avenger is equipped with an Avenger Shuriken


    A unit of Dire Avengers is accompanied by a Dire Avenger Exarch. An Exarch is an Independent

    Character attached to the unit, and cannot leave. The Exarch is identical to a normal Dire Avenger, but

    gains a +4 Armor bonus to Armor Rating and improves its Quality to Elite.

    The Exarch may replace its Shuriken Catapult with a Diresword and Shuriken Pistol or a Power

    Weapon and Shimmershield.

    The Exarch selects one of the following Exarch powers:

    Bladestorm- The Exarch may activate this power when the Dire Avengers make a Shooting attack. The

    unit (including the Exarch himself) gains +1 to Fire Effect for every model in the unit, instead of +1 forevery two models. The unit cannot Shoot during its next activation as it reloads.

    Defend- Enemy units in Close Assault with the Dire Avengers reduces its number of attacks by 1, to aminimum of 1.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Howling Banshees

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Carapace Armor


    Traits Quick, Fleet, Agile

    A unit of Howling Banshees consists of 9 model. Each Howling Banshee is equipped with a Power

    Weapon, Shuriken Pistol and Banshee Mask.

    A unit of Howling Banshees is accompanied by a Howling Banshee Exarch. An Exarch is an

    Independent Character attached to the unit, and cannot leave. The Exarch is identical to a normal

    Howling Banshee, but gains a +4 Armor bonus to Armor Rating and improves its Quality to Elite.

    The Exarch may replace its Power Weapon with an Executioner or Triskele.

    The Exarch may replace its Power Weapon and Shuriken Pistol with paired Mirrorswords.

    The Exarch selects one of the following Exarch powers:

    War Shout- Any unit that Charges or is Charged by the Howling Banshees must take a Morale Test;with one or fewer successes, the unit may only hit on a 6 in Close Assault against the Banshees.

    Acrobatic- The Howling Banshees (including the Exarch) gains the Counter-Attack Trait.

    Name Fire Dragons

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Carapace Armor


    Traits Quick, Fleet, Agile

    A unit of Fire Dragons consists of 9 model. Each Fire Dragons is equipped with a Fusion Gun and

    Melta bombs.

    A unit of Fire Dragons is accompanied by a Fire Dragon Exarch. An Exarch is an Independent

    Character attached to the unit, and cannot leave. The Exarch is identical to a normal Fire Dragon, but

    gains a +4 Armor bonus to Armor Rating and improves its Quality to Elite.

    The Exarch may replace its Fusion Gun with a Dragon's Breath Flamer or Firepike.

    The Exarch selects one of the following Exarh Powers:

    Tank Hunters- The unit (including the Exarch) gains the Tank Hunter Trait.

    Crackshot- The Exarch's Shooting attacks always count the target as Unconcealed.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Striking


    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Power Armor


    Traits Quick, Fleet,


    A unit of Striking Scorpions consists of 10 models. Each Striking Scorpion is equipped with a Shuriken

    Pistol, Scorpion Chainsword, Mandiblasters and Plasma Grenades.

    A unit of Striking Scorpions is accompanied by a Striking Scorpion Exarch. An Exarch is an

    Independent Character attached to the unit, and cannot leave. The Exarch is identical to a normalStriking Scorpion, but improves its Quality to Elite.

    The Exarch may replace its Shuriken Pistol with a Scorpion's Claw.

    The Exarch may replace its Chainsword with a Biting Blade.

    The Exarch may replace all of his weapons with a pair of Chainsabers.

    The Exarch chooses one of the following Exarch Powers:

    Shadowstrike- The unit gains the Infiltrate Trait.

    Stalker- The unit ignores the Movement penalty for moving through Difficult Terrain.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Dark Reapers

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Power Armor


    Traits Quick, Fleet,


    A unit of Dark Reapers consists of 4 models. Each Dark Reaper is equipped with a Reaper Launcher.

    A unit of Dark Reapers is accompanied by a Dark Reaper Exarch. An Exarch is an Independent

    Character attached to the unit. The Exarch is identical to a normal Dark Reaper, but improves its

    Quality to Elite.

    The Exarch may replace its Reaper Launcher with a Shuriken Cannon, Eldar Missile Launcher or

    Tempest Launcher at no cost.

    The Exarch choose one of the following Exarch Powers:

    Crack Shot- The Exarch's Shooting attacks always treat the target as Unconcealed.

    Fast Shot- The Exarch doubles the Fire Effect modifier of the weapon he is wielding.

    Name Swooping Hawks

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined


    Carapace Armor(+2)

    Traits Quick, Fleet, Agile

    A unit of Swooping Hawks consists of 9 models. Each Swooping Hawk is equipped with a Lasblaster,Swooping Hawk Wings, Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack, Hay Wire Grenades and Plasma Grenades.

    A unit of Swooping Hawks is accompanied by a Swooping Hawk Exarch. An Exarch is an IndependentCharacter attached to the unit. The Exarch is identical to a normal Swooping Hawk, but gains a +4

    Armor bonus to Armor Rating, improves its Quality to Elite and is equipped with a Power Weapon.

    The Exarch may replace its Lasblaster with a Hawk's Talon or Sunrifle.

    The Exarch chooses one of the following Exarch Powers:

    Skyleap- At the beginning of the units activation, the units is removed from the board and placed inReserve. The unit Deep Strikes at the beginning of the next turn.

    Intercept- The Swooping Hawks may Close Assault Skimmers.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Warpspiders

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Power Armor


    Traits Quick, Fleet,


    A unit of Warpspiders consists of 9 models. Each Warpspider is equipped with a Death Spinner and a

    Warp Jump Generator.

    A unit of Warpspiders is accompanied by a Warpspider Exarch. An Exarch is an Independent Character

    attached to the unit. The Exarch is identical to a normal Warpspider, but improves its Quality to Eliteand is equipped with Powerblades.

    The Exarch may replace its Death Spinner with a Spinneret Rifle.

    Name Shining Spears

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Power Armor


    Traits Quick

    A unit of Shining Spears consists of 9 models. Each Shining Spear is equipped with an Eldar Jetbike

    and Laser Lance.

    A unit of Shining Spears is accompanied by a Shining Spear Exarch. An Exarch is an Independent

    Character attached to the unit. The Exarch is identical to a normal Shining Spear, but improves its

    Quality to Elite.

    The Exarch may replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult on his Jetbike with a Shuriken Cannon.

    The Exarch may replace his Laser Lance with a Power Weapon or Starlance.

    The Exarch chooses one of the following Exarch Powers:

    Skilled Rider- At the beginning of the units activation, you may have them not count as Skimmers untilthe beginning of their next activation. Each model must roll 1d6 if it enters Difficult Terrain; on a 1, the

    model is killed; each model may reroll this die.

    Hit and Run- After the unit has made all of its Close Assault attacks, the unit may immediately retreat

    from the Close Assault as though they had lost.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Rangers

    Quality Regular

    Resolve Determined



    Power Armor (+4)

    Traits Agile, Infiltrate, Master of Stealth,


    A unit of Rangers contains 5 models. Each Ranger is equipped with a Ranger Long Rifle.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to upgrade the Rangers into Pathfinders. Pathfinders gain the Master

    of Stealth Trait a second time.

    Name Guardians

    Quality Conscript

    Resolve Determined



    Flak Armor (+1)

    Traits Fleet

    A unit of Guardians consists of 10 models. Each Guardian is equipped with a Shuriken Catapult.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to add 10 additional models to the unit. If you do, a Warlock

    accompanies the unit at no additional cost. Choose one Warlock Psychic Power that the Warlockpossesses.

    You may organize two Guardians into a Heavy Weapons team, equipped with a Heavy WeaponsPlatform with a Bright Lance, Eldar Missile Launcher, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon or Starcannon.

    You may upgrade the unit to Storm Guardians at no cost. If you do, replace the units ShurikenCatapults with Shuriken Pistols and Close Combat Weapons. They may not take a Heavy Weapons

    Platform; however, up to two Guardians may replace their Shuriken Pistols with Flamers or Fusion


  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Guardian Jetbikes

    Quality Conscript

    Resolve Determined



    Power Armor



    A unit of Guardian Jetbikes consists of 6 models. Each Guardian is equipped with a Eldar Jetbike.

    You may spend a Challenge Point to add 6 additional models to the unit.

    For every 3 models in the unit, one Guardian may replace the Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult on his

    Jetbike with a Shuriken Cannon.

    Name Avatar of Khaine

    Quality Elite

    Resolve Fearless

    Armor Rating Power Armor and Daemon Aura (+8)

    Traits Daemon, Inspiring, Molten Body, Monstrous Creature, Weapon Master

    The Avatar is equipped with the Wailing Doom.

    Name Vyper

    Armor +0


    Skimmer (18 Crusing, 30Flank)

    Crew 2 (Conscript)

    A Vyper is equipped with a Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult.

    In addition, it is equipped with one of the following weapons: Eldar Missile Launcher, Starcannon,

    Scatter Laser, Shruiken Cannon or Brightlance.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Name Falcon

    Armor +4



    Skimmer (18 Cruising, 30


    Crew 3 (Conscript)A Falcon is equipped with a Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult and a Pulse Laser.

    In addition, it is equipped with one of the following weapons: Scatter Laster, Eldar Missile Launcher,

    Star Cannon or Bright Lance.

    You may replace its Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult with a Shuriken Cannon at no cost.

    A Falcon is a transport, capable of carrying up to 6 models, though it cannot carry Wraithguard.

    Name Fire Prism

    Armor +4



    Skimmer (18 Cruising, 30


    Crew 3 (Regular)

    A Fire Prism is equipped with a a Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult and a Prism Cannon.

    You may replace the Fire Prisms Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult with a Shuriken Cannon.

    Name War Walker

    Armor +4



    Fast Walker (12 Cruising, 18


    Crew 2 (Conscript)

    Each War Walker is equipped with two of the following weapons: Eldar Missile Launcher, Star

    Cannon, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon or Bright Lance.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Eldar Wargear

    Avenger Shuriken Catapult

    An Avenger Shuriken Catapult is a Squad Basic Weapon. A unit equipped with Avenger Shuriken

    Catapults gains +1 to Fire Effect for every two models firing, instead of for every three.

    Banshee Mask

    A model equipped with a Banshee Mask always strikes first in Close Assault if it Charged.

    Biting Blade

    Whenever a model is struck by an Attack with a Biting Blade, it suffers a number of hits equal to thenumber of successful Attacks made with the Biting Blade.

    For example, if the attacker hits three enemy models, each of the three models is hit three times.


    Chainsabers are always used in pairs, and grant an additional attack in Close Assault. In addition, a

    model wielding Chainsabers may reroll any missed attacks in Close Combat.

    Because they use both of the models hands, Chainabers prevent the model for using any other weapons

    at the same time.


    A Diresword counts as a power weapon. Once per turn, the controller of the model equipped with theDiresword may select a single model wounded by it. That model takes a morale test, suffers a wound

    for each failed die.

    Dragon's Breath Flamer

    A Dragon's Breath Flamer is a Special Weapon. A unit gains a +2 bonus to Fire Effect for each

    Dragon's Breath Flamer in the unit.

    Eldar Jetbike

    A model equipped with an Eldar Jetbike moves like a vehicle, with a Cruising Speed of 12 and a Flank

    Speed of 18. It suffers a -3 penalty to Fire Effect for firing before or after moving at Flank Speed, andShooting attacks against it suffers a -1 penalty to Fire Effect after moving at Flank Speed. An Eldar

    Jetbike is a Skimmer; its movement ignores terrain and gains no protection from terrain. A Skimmer

    cannot be the target of a Close Assault from a unit that is not also a Skimmer.

    In addition, an Eldar Jetbike is equipped with a Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult, which the rider may

    fire instead of a personal weapon.

    A model equipped with an Eldar Jetbike doubles the distance it falls back if it retreats from Close


    Eldar Missile Launcher

    An Eldar Missile Launcher is a Heavy Weapons. When making a Shooting Attack with an Eldar

    Missile Launcher, choose either Krak Missiles or Plasma Missiles.

    Whenever a unit would become Under Fire from an attack with a Plasma Missile, they become Pinned


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    An Executioner counts as a Power Weapon. Attacks with an Executioner always hit on a 4+, and an

    Executioner gives a +1 bonus to Close Assault resolution against vehicles.

    An Executioner is a two-handed weapon, preventing its wielder from using any other weapons at the

    same time.


    A Firepike is a Special weapon. A Firepike has the Melta Special Rule; if an attack with a Firepike hitsa vehicle at Short Range, roll an additional 1d6 for Damage.

    Fusion Gun

    A Fusion Gun is a Special Weapon. A Fusion Gun has the Melta Special Rule; if an attack with aFusion Gun hits a Vehicle at Short Range, roll an additional 1d6 for Damage.


    If a model equipped with a Ghosthelm would suffer Perils of the Warp, roll 1d6; on a 4+, the unit

    ignores the Perils of the Warp.


    A mode equipped with Mandiblasters gains an additional attack in Close Assault.


    A unit equipped with Meltabombs gains a +2 bonus to Close Assault Resolution against vehicles, or

    +2d6 if the unit didn't move.


    Mirrorswords count as paired Power Weapons. A model equipped with Mirrorswords gain an additional

    attack in Close Assault.

    Because they use both hands, they prevent the wielder from using any other weapons at the same time.

    Power Weapon

    In Close Assault, an enemy model must reroll their Saves against Power Weapon attacks.

    Ranger Long Rifle

    A Ranger Long Rifle is a Heavy weapon. It has the Sniper Weapon special rule; after a unit with a

    Sniper weapon declares its shooting, roll 1d6. On a 5+, the sniper has a clear shot and may fire at any

    target within range, ignoring Target Priority. The sniper ignores penalties to Fire Effect due to range.

    The Sniper's player allocates hits scored with the Sniper weapon.

    If you roll a natural '6' when determining Fire Effect with a Ranger Long Rifle, the Damage of the

    weapon doubles to +6.

    In addition, a Ranger Long Rifle has the Rending and Pinning special rule; whenever you roll a 6 for

    damage with a Ranger Long Rifle, roll an additional die. Whenever a unit would become Under Fire

    from an attack with a Ranger Long Rifle, it becomes Pinned instead.

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    Rune Armor

    A model with Rune Armor gains a +4 Shield bonus to Armor Rating.

    Scorpion Chainsword

    A Scorpion Chainsword is a Close Combat Weapon. Attacks with a Scorpion Chainsword always hit on

    a 4+ in Close Assault.

    Scorpion's Claw

    A Scorpion's Claw counts as both a Power Fist and Shuriken Catapult.

    As a Power Fist, the Scorpions Claw always hits on a 3+ in Close Assault, and gives a +2 bonus to

    Close Assault resolution.


    Whenever a model equipped with a Shimmershield, or any member of the unit it is attached to is hit in

    a Close Assault, you may roll roll 1d6; on a 5+ the hit is negated. This may be taken even after a modelhas already failed a Save.

    Shuriken Catapult

    A Shuriken Catapult is a Squad Basic Weapon.

    Shuriken Pistol

    A Shuriken Pistol is a Squad Basic Weapon. As a Pistol, it gives a +1 bonus to Close Assault resolution.

    Spirit Stones

    A model equipped with Spirit Stones may use one additional Psychic Power per activation.


    A Sunrifle is a Special Weapon.


    A Triskele counts as a Power Weapon. In addition, a model equipped with a Triskele may use it as aRanged weapon in a Shooting Attack.

    It statistics as a Ranged Weapon may be found in the Special and Heavy Weapons table.

    Wailing Doom

    The Wailing Doom counts as a Close Combat Weapon in Close Assault.

    In addition, it may be used to make Ranged attacks when its wielder Shoots. It's statistics are found in

    the Heavy and Special Weapons table.

    Warp Jump Generator

    A Warp Jump Generator counts as a Jump Pack, with the following differences.

    When a unit equipped with a Warp Jump Generators Rushes, it moves an additional 2d6 instead of 6.

    If you roll doubles, the unit moves the additional movement normally, but one member of the unit of

    the controllers choice disappears into the warp and is removed as a casualty.

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    Any non-vehicle model hit by a Witchblade in Close Assault suffers two additional hits . In addition, a

    Witchblade gives +3 to Close Assault resolution against Vehicles.


    A Wraithcannon is a Special Weapon. Shooting attacks with a Wraithcannon ignore the Armor Ratingor Armor of the target.

    Squad Basic Weapons

    Name Rang




    Avenger Shuriken


    x3 +3

    Deathspinner x2 +3

    Lasblaster x4 +2

    Reaper Launcher x8 +6

    Shuriken Catapult x4 +3

    Shuriken Pistol** x2 +3

    *See weapon description.**As a Pistol, this weapon counts as a Close Combat Weapon in Close Assault.

    Squad Support Weapon

    Name Range Fire-Effect Anti-Tank



    x1 +1d6 +2

    * A unit gains a +2 bonus to Close Assault Resolution for each Flamer in the unit.

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    Heavy and Special Weapons

    Name Range

    Fire Effect Damage Anti-Tank

    Destructor* x1 +1d6 +4 +3

    Dragon's Breath Flamer** x1 +1d6 +3 +2

    Eldar Missile Launcher-


    x8 +0 +8 +6

    Eldar Missile Launcher-Plasma

    x8 +0, Blast,Pinning

    +4 +3

    Eldritch Storm* x3 +0, Large Blast +1 +1d6

    Firepike x3 +0 +11 +8, Melta

    Fusion Gun x2 +0 +11 +8, Melta

    Hawk's Talon x4 +2 +4 +3

    Prism Cannon-Dispersed x10 +0, Blast +4 +3

    Prism Cannon- Focused x10 +0, Large Blast +10 +8

    Ranger Long Rifle*** x6 +0, Pinning +3 +2

    Shuriken Cannon x4 +2 +4 +3

    Spinneret Rifle x3 +0 +8 +6

    Starcannon x6 +1 +7 +5

    Shuriken Cannon x4 +2 +4 +3

    Sunrifle x4 +6 +2 +1

    Triskele x1 +2 +7 +1

    Wailing Doom x2 +0 +11 +8, Melta

    Wraithcannon x2 +0 +0, IgnoresAR

    +0, IgnoredAR

    *This is a Psychic Power.

    ** A unit gains a +2 bonus to Close Assault for each Dragon's Breath Flamer in the unit.*** This weapon has the Sniper Weapons special rule.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Eldar Traits


    Once per turn, a unit with this Trait may move 6 after being targeted by a Shooting attack, before the

    attack is resolved.


    A unit with this Trait is a Warp-Spawned Daemon. Certain Psychic Power or pieces of Wargear havespecial effects against it.

    In addition, its eldritch nature grants a +4 Shield Bonus to Armor Rating.


    When a unit with this Trait Rushes, it moves an additional 6.


    All friendly units within 12 of a model with this Trait become Fearless, automatically passing all

    Morale Tests.

    Master of Stealth

    Whenever a unit with this Trait has Cover from a Shooting Attack and is outside of Base Range, itcounts as at one Range father away. (short to medium and medium to long). If it was already at Long

    Range it cannot be targeted.

    Molted Body

    A model with this Trait is immune to all attacks by flame weapon and weapons with the Melta Special


    Monstrous Creature

    A model with this Trait is so massive that it counts as 10 model when determining who is outnumbered

    in Close Assault. In addition, all of it Attacks in Close Assault counts as Power Weapon attacks.


    A model with this Trait is able to use Psychic Powers.


    A model with this Trait strikes before units without it in Close Assault.

    Runes of Warding

    Whenever an enemy model takes a Psychic Test, the Farseers controller may give a +1 bonus or -1

    penalty to any of the dice. The player choose which dice are affected, and which effect to apply to each.

    Runes of Witnessing

    A model with this Trait rolls an additional die when taking Psychic Tests and keeps three of itscontrollers choice.

    Weapon Master

    A model with this Trait gains a +1 bonus to all Attack rolls in Close Assault.

  • 8/14/2019 FAD 40k Eldar 0.1


    Eldar Psychic Powers


    This Psychic Power is always active and requires no Psychic Test to activate.

    The Psyker and the unit he is attached to, if any, always counts as at least Partially Concealed.

    DestructorThis Psychic Power is always active and requires no Psychic Test to activate. The Psyker may choose

    to use this power instead of Shooting a weapon.

    This power counts as a Special Weapon. The statistics can be found in the Heavy and Special Weapons



    With a successful Psychic Test, the Psyker targets one enemy non-vehicle unit within 24. The enemy

    is affected until the beginning of the Farseers next activation, or until it is the target of a Shooting

    attack or Close Assault.

    Shooting attacks against the affected unit roll twice for Damage, keeping the best result.

    All attacks against the affected unit in Close Assault reroll if they miss.

    Eldritch Storm

    With a successful Psychic Test, the Psyker may choose to use this power instead of Shooting a weapon.

    This power counts as a Special Weapon. The statistics can be found in the Heavy and Special Weapons



    This Psychic Power is always active and requires no Psychic Test to activate.

    The Psyker allows the unit it is attached to to reroll Morale Tests.


    This Psychic Power is always active and requires no Psychic Test to activate.

    The Psyker and the unit he is attached to gains the Quick Trait and counts as one Quality level higher inClose Assault, to a maximum of Elite.


    The Psyker selects one friendly unit within 6. The friendly unit is affected until the beginning of the

    Farseers next activation, or until it performs a Shooting attack or Close Assault.

    The affected unit rolls Armor Rating twice for each hit it suffers from a Shooting attack, keeping the

    better result.

    The affected unit rerolls any failed Saves in Close Assault.

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    Wit a successful Psychic Test, the Psyker selects one friendly unit within 6. The friendly unit is

    affected until the beginning of the Farseers next activation, or until it performs a Shooting attack or

    Close Assault.

    The affected unit rolls twice for Fire Effect, keeping the best result.

    The affected unit rolls twice for Close Assault resolution, keeping the best result.

    Mind War

    With a successful Psychic Test, the Psyker may choose to use this power instead of Shooting a weapon.

    The Psyker selects one enemy model within 18. Both the Psyker and the targeted model take Psychic

    Tests. Whichever character scores more successes inflicts a number of wounds equal to the differenceto the loser.