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Faculty Tenure and Promotion Policies, Procedures and Standards Faculty 101 Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee 3 December 2009

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Page 1: Faculty Tenure and Promotion Policies, Procedures and Standards Faculty 101 Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee 3 December 2009

Faculty Tenure and Promotion

Policies, Procedures and Standards

Faculty 101

Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee3 December 2009

Page 2: Faculty Tenure and Promotion Policies, Procedures and Standards Faculty 101 Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee 3 December 2009

15 members on the committee, one from each academic department (including the library) or school

Committee Membership

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FTPC Policies, Procedures and Standards General Order #4, Interim Modification Memo to Candidates Memo to Deans and Department Heads Departments/Schools – Standards and Procedures Questions/Answers – Info. Meeting CV Outline (a sample) Faculty Tenure & Promotion Info For Faculty


Documentations on the FTPC Website)

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Apply for tenure and promotion (t&p) in the fall semester of the 6th year of employment.

If you have a two-year credit, then apply t&p in the fall of the 4th year of employment.

The FTPC informational meeting will be held annually in October.

When to Apply ?

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Follow the procedures and standards of the dept/school and GO4GO4 page 14 (B2) (P19 (D1)): The candidate initiates consideration for tenure (promotion) by preparing and submitting to the dept head or rep. …

Talk to dept-head/dean (in summer/beginning of fall) before preparing the application package.

Seek advice from the departmental/school representative on the FTPC.

How to Apply ?

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Narrative Summary – sample outline


•Teaching Philosophy and Professional Vision

•Summary of Teaching and Evidence of Effective Teaching •Summary of Scholarship Activities

•Summary of Service

•Future Research and Professional Development Plan

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Should be organized by teaching, scholarship, and service

Should be orderly and (easily) accessible Should clearly describe types of publications

E.g., peer-reviewed article; peer-reviewed conference paper; peer-reviewed book chapter, etc.

Should include supporting materials for all documents or should that be “all documentation”? The supporting materials for a previous action at The

Citadel should not be included What about from a prior employment?

Should be packaged in a manageable container

Dossier - FTPC

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T&P Committee Academic Dean


dossier+ comm.recomm.

+ dean’srecomm.

+ FTPCrecomm.

October - December





Associate Provost


What is the Review Process?

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Time Table

Oct - Dec

Reviews in Dept/School

January Applications are forwarded to Associate Provost’s Office Candidate emails CV, narrative summary to [email protected]


Interviews with Candidates andDept heads (or representatives)

March Second interviews if necessary FTPC recommendations to Provost

April Final announcement

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Department T&P committees complete work All materials go to Academic Deans

▪ Ballots: votes and written justifications▪ Summary and recommendation▪ The candidates’ dossiers

Each academic dean develops his/her own recommendation and communicates with candidate, and add his/her recommendation in candidate’s application package as it is passed on to the FTPC (-interim modification to GO#4)

October-December: Dept/School Review

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About a week before the spring semester starts

Academic deans will have transferred materialsto Associate Provost Bebensee’s office.

Candidates should check materials to ensure completeness. Candidates will have sent by emailed to [email protected] (i) CV (ii) Narrative summary

January: Applications are forwarded

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Interviews with candidates and department

heads (or dept representative)

Thursdays between 11 and 1 Fridays between 2:30 and 5:30

February: Interviews

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Dept head (or representative) and candidate meet with the FTPC separately

10 minutes maximumDepartment head (or representative) presents qualifications of candidates for tenure/promotion and then answers questions from the FTPC.

10 minutes maximumCandidate gives a brief presentation on his/her qualifications, introduces new or supplementary information and then answers questions from the FTPC.

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Committee Recommendations Ballots tallied Candidates notified of results Copies of all ballots sent to candidates

Second Interviews

Candidates may request second review (5 day rule in G.O. #4)

Second reviews will take place

March: FTPC Recommendations to Provost

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All FTPC members vote except the representative of the department from which the candidate has come forward

Affirmative recommendation requires minimum 2/3 approval

All votes justified in writing

FTPC Voting

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FTPC makes recommendation to Provost

All materials go forward

In case of second review If positive, only materials from second

review go forward If negative, all materials—from first and

second reviews—go forward

FTPC Recommendations

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Provost discusses the report of FTPC with the appropriate academic dean(s)

Provost takes over process

Tenure decisions made by President

Promotion decisions made by Provost

Final Recommendations

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FTPC makes recommendation to Provost

All materials go forward In case of second review

If positive, only materials from second review go forward

If negative, all materials—from first and second reviews—go forward

(GO#4 page 17)

Second Review

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Appeals will go to the Appeal Committee

FTPC is not involved in appeals

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Q & A