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College of Health Sciences and Nursing Faculty Notes SCI/163 Version 5 Elements of Health and Wellness Copyright

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College of Health Sciences and Nursing

Faculty Notes

SCI/163 Version 5Elements of Health and Wellness


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SCI/163 R5 Removed Learning Teams

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This course reinforces the concept that learning effectively and living well involves both the mind and body. It presents the fundamentals of wellness and preventive health including strategic planning to attain and maintain personal optimal health. In addition, physical and mental diseases are discussed along with the dangers of environmental pollution, stress, addiction, and other negative factors that can affect personal health.


Week One: Healthy Balance of Mind and Body

Define health and wellness. Identify resources that support psychosocial health.

Week Two: The Rewards of Physical Fitness

Identify the five components of health related fitness. Explain the health benefits of regular physical activity.

Week Two: Nutrition and Health Management

Define essential nutrients. Explain methods to determine the nutritional values of food. Explain environmental, economic, and psychosocial effects of eating behaviors.

Week Three: Preventing and Treating Chronic Diseases

Describe risk factors for common chronic diseases. Identify reliable community and web resources for individuals with chronic diseases.

Week Four: Infectious Diseases and Environmental Effects on Health

Explain the immune system’s role in protecting the body from disease. Identify pathogens that cause infectious diseases. Explain ways the environment affects human health and wellness.

Week Five: Healthy Living Choices

Discuss guidelines for making wise health care decisions. Identify complementary and alternative health care options.

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Week One Faculty NotesHealthy Balance of Mind and Body

Define health and wellness. Identify resources that support psychosocial health.


Distribute the course syllabus. Discuss policies, procedures, expectations, and assignments.

Ensure that students have copies of the program handbook. Provide any directions necessary for locating it on the student website.

Preview the major assignments for the course, week by week. Include suggested times to start preparation for these assignments.

Discuss the role of Learning Teams in the course, highlighting the specific demands for each modality.

Facilitate the formation of Learning Teams. Preview the learning objectives and content for this week. At the end of the class or week, review key content points and preview the content of the

next week. Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due. All classes are 4 hours in length. All Learning Team meetings are 5 hours in length. Discuss the Learning Team Charter and Learning Team Logs, instruct students to obtain

your approval of these documents, and reiterate the need for having designated meeting times and places.


1. Healthy balance of mind and body a. Define health and wellness.

1) Define and elaborate on the six dimensions of health.a) Physical health b) Social health c) Intellectual health d) Environmental health e) Emotional health f) Spiritual health

2) Incorporate the six dimensions of health into one definition of health to gain an understanding of wellness or well-being.

b. Identify resources that support psychosocial health1) Psychosocial health encompasses the mental, emotional, social, and spiritual

dimensions of health.2) Identify characteristics of psychosocially healthy people.3) Strategies to promote or enhance psychosocial health4) Resources for promoting psychosocial health

a) Support groupsb) Self-help books or websitesc) Professional help

(1) Psychotherapy

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(2) Counseling(3) Medication


1. What are some of the most important elements of health and wellness? Explain your response.

2. How can a positive mind-set help individuals overcome life’s challenges? How might having a healthy balance of mind and body help you accomplish your life goals?

3. How does the text define stress? What are some common stressors? What are some strategies for coping with stress? What are some ways that stress affects wellness?


SCI/163 is infused with learning activities called GameScapes that have been developed in collaboration with Toolwire® to reinforce the objectives of the course.

Toolwire® GameScapes are divided into 5 chapters (called episodes), to be completed each week.

o In each GameScape, students manage a virtual team, coaching them to proper health and wellness. This is not to be confused with their class Learning Team.o Students proceed through each module individually, not with their Learning Teams.

At the end of each module, students answer three Reflection Summary Questions on the module for that week; this is done individually, not with their Learning Team.

After students complete each module, a PDF assessment is created displaying a student’s individual results and responses for that week.

o Students must submit this PDF assessment to you for grading.o Since the PDF assessment is unalterable, it is recommended that students type responses in Microsoft Word® and then copy and paste them into the GameScapes response areas. A version saved as a Word® document will be easier to manipulate.

**Note. For students attending Ground Campuses, the Weeks One and Two Toolwire® GameScapes assignments could be combined so students submit their assignments when they come to class on Week Two.

**Note. For faculty teaching at Ground Campuses, you are encouraged to complete the Module One Toolwire® GameScapes with your class on the first night. Students will still be required to complete their own module, but this will give them a good idea of what to expect and an opportunity to answer questions and clear any confusion surrounding this activity.


Quiz Show

Divide the class into teams. Use the link provided under the Week One Faculty Materials of the course to facilitate a

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quiz show game for students to review information from Ch. 1.

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Week Two Faculty NotesThe Rewards of Physical Fitness

Identify the five components of health related fitness. Explain the health benefits of regular physical activity.

Nutrition and Health Management

Define essential nutrients. Explain methods to determine the nutritional values of food. Explain environmental, economic, and psychosocial effects of eating behaviors.


Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week. Check on the progress of Learning Team projects. Preview the major assignments for the course, week by week. Include suggested times to start preparation for these assignments. Preview the learning objectives and content for this week. At the end of the class or week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week. Be sure that you have received all assignments that are due.


1. The rewards of physical fitnessa. Identify the five components of health-related fitness.

1) Discuss each of the five components of health-related fitness.a) Cardiorespiratory fitness – includes aerobic exercise and helps improve

respiratory rateb) Muscular strength c) Muscular endurance d) Flexibility e) Body composition

2) Discuss strategies for improving each component of health related fitnessa) Applying the FITT principle

(1) Frequency of work outs(2) Intensity of work outs(3) Time spent on activity or exercise(4) Type of activity or exercise

b) Aerobic exercisec) Strength training exercisesd) Stretching, yoga, and Pilates

b. Explain the health benefits of regular physical activity.1) Discuss the benefits of physical fitness

a) Improves cardiorespiratory fitness which reduces risks of many chronic diseases(1) Heart disease(2) Hypertension

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(3) Lowers cholesterol(4) Cancer(5) Diabetes

b) Improved bone massc) Improved weight controld) Stronger immunitye) Improved mental healthf) Longer life expectancy

2. Nutrition and health managementa. Define essential nutrients.

1) A healthy diet should consist of the following:a) Adequateb) Moderate c) Balanced d) Varied e) Nutrient dense

2) What are essential nutrients?a) Water b) Proteins are important for proper nutrition and metabolism. Some examples of

proteins include the following:(1) Lactose(2) Amylase(3) Live enzymes

c) Carbohydrates supply the body with energy. (1) Simple carbohydrates provide short-term energy.(2) Complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy.

d) Fats(1) Saturated fats(2) Unsaturated fats(3) Trans fats

e) Vitamins f) Minerals

b. Explain methods to determine the nutritional values of food1) When reading labels look for

a) Serving sizeb) Calories and calories from fatc) Daily values (DV)d) Nutrient information for fats, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars,

protein, vitamins, and minerals2) Conducting research

a) It is important for individuals to be aware of their own caloric needs. An individual’s total daily caloric need depends on their Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), activity level, and the number of calories they need to digest food. The actual measurement of a BMR is very extensive. The formulas given here provide you with rough estimates.(1) Step 1 – Calculating BMR Calories

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a. For females: body weight (pounds) × 10 = BMR Caloriesb. For males: body weight (pounds) × 11 = BMR Calories

(2) Step 2 – Calculating Activity Levelsa. Inactive %BMR Calories = 30; multiply this by 0.30.b. Average activity %BMR Calories = 50; multiply this by 0.50.c. Very active %BMR Calories = 75; multiply this by 0.75.

(3) Step 3 – Calculating Calories Needed to Digest Food: (BMR Calories + Activity Calories)(0.1) = Digestion calories

(4) Total Calories needed per day = Step 1 + Step 2 + Step 3(5) Here is an example: Marianne weighs 130 lbs. Her activity level is

average. Marianne needs 2,145 calories to maintain her weight.a. Step 1 – 130 lb × 10 = 1300 BMR Caloriesb. Step 2 – 0.50 × 1,300 = 650 Activity Caloriesc. Step 3 – 1,950 × 0.1 = 195 Digestion Caloriesd. Total daily calories needed = 2,145 (1300 + 650 + 195)

3) Learning about serving sizesc. Explain environmental, economic, and psychosocial effects of eating behaviors.

1) Environmental factors2) Economic factors3) Psychosocial factors play a big role in our food choices.4) Genetic and physiological factors


1. Do you think understanding how to read a food label might benefit you? How might you use this information to improve your eating habits?

2. What are some of the benefits of regular physical activity? Why is physical activity important and how might it improve health and wellness?

3. What is one factor that has contributed to the global increase in obesity? Describe this factor in detail and explain why the factor puts individuals at risk for becoming obese.


Analyze a Fast Food Meal

Divide the class into teams. Ask each team to think of a meal or meals from a fast food restaurant—for example, a cheeseburger, french fries, and a drink Direct each team to analyze the meals using the website from the Center for Disease Control: http://www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov/activities/analyze_my_plate.html During this activity, each team should address the following:

o What nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fat) are included in the meal? o Can this meal be considered healthy in terms of providing adequate daily nutrition? What nutrients are lacking? o Are there any nutrients that are in excess?o Is this a meal that would be considered beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart? Explain why or why not.

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o Do fast food meals contribute to childhood obesity and other diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease?o What are the effects of regularly eating fast food in terms of school-age health and nutrition including obesity and self-esteem? What can be done to mitigate this problem?


Use the link provided under the Week Two Materials of the course to show the following videos:

o “You Are What You Eat”o “Food Diet Writing”

Lead a discussion by asking students what they think of the information presented in the videos.

Quiz Show

Divide the class into teams. Use the links provided under the Week Two Faculty Materials of the course to facilitate a quiz show game for students to review information from Ch. 9, 10, and 11.

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Week Three Faculty NotesPreventing and Treating Chronic Diseases

Describe risk factors for common chronic diseases. Identify reliable community and web resources for individuals with chronic diseases.


Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week. Check on the progress of Learning Team projects. Preview the major assignments for the course, week by week. Include suggested times to start preparation for these assignments. Preview the learning objectives and content for this week. At the end of the class or week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week. Be sure that you have received all assignments that are due.


1. Preventing and treating chronic diseasesa. Describe risk factors for common chronic diseases.

1) Cardiovascular disease refers to diseases of the heart and blood.a) Types of cardiovascular disease include the following:

(1) Atherosclerosis (2) Coronary heart disease (CHD) (3) Congestive heart failure (CHF) (4) Stroke

b) Risk profile(1) Modifiable risk factors (lifestyle risks)

(a) Tobacco use(b) High fat diet(c) High cholesterol(d) Being overweight(e) Lack of regular exercise(f) Not keeping diabetes under control(g) High blood pressure(h) High levels of stress

(2) Nonmodifiable risk factors (genetic and physiological risks)(a) Race and ethnicity(b) Heredity(c) Age(d) Gender

(3) Prevention and treatment(a) Medication(b) Healthy diet(c) Regular exercise

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(d) Avoid tobacco products2) Cancer

a) Risk profile(1) Modifiable risk factors (lifestyle risks)

(a) Tobacco use (b) Poor nutrition(c) Physical Inactivity(d) Obesity(e) Stress

(2) Nonmodifiable risk factors (genetic and physiological risks): heredity(3) Occupational and environmental risks

(a) Asbestos(b) Chemicals such as nickel, chromate, benzene, arsenic, and vinyl chloride(c) Radiation(d) Chemicals in foods

(4) Prevention and treatment(a) Surgery(b) Radiation therapy(c) Chemotherapy(d) Avoid using or quit using tobacco(e) Healthy diet(f) Limit exposure to UV rays

3) Diabetes a) There are two main types of diabetes.

(1) Type 1 diabetes (a) Nonmodifiable risk factors for Type 1 diabetes

a. European ancestryb. Genetic predispositionc. Viral infection

(b) Modifiable risk factors for Type 1 diabetes: Dietary changes and oral insulin are not effective.

(2) Type 2 diabetes (a) Nonmodifiable risks factors for Type 2 diabetes

a. Increased ageb. Ethnicityc. Genetic and biological factors

(b) Modifiable risk factors for Type 2 diabetesa. Being overweight or obeseb. A sedentary lifestylec. Inadequate sleepd. Stress

(3) Prevention and treatment(a) There is no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes from occurring. Individuals

with Type 1 diabetes must receive daily insulin injections.(b) Treatment and prevention for Type 2 diabetes includes the following:

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a. Weight lossb. Dietary changesc. Regular exercised. Medicatione. Insulin injectionsf. Stress managementg. Adequate sleeph. Avoid tobacco productsi. Reduce consumption of alcohol

b. Identify reliable community and web resources for individuals with chronic diseases.1) Resources for individuals with cardiovascular disease

a) American Heart Association b) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute c) Center for Disease Control

2) Resources for individuals with cancera) American Cancer Society b) OncoLinkc) Cancer Support

3) Resources for individuals with diabetesa) American Diabetes Associationb) American Association of Diabetes Educators


1. What are some risk factors that may be controlled to prevent serious illness? Do any of these controllable risk factors apply to you? What can you do to eliminate these risk factors in your life?

2. With widely publicized information on the health and environmental consequences of smoking, why do you think people still choose to smoke?

3. What is the difference between a problem drinker and an alcoholic? What factors can cause someone to become an alcoholic? What effect does alcoholism have on an alcoholic’s family?


Quiz Show

Divide the class into teams. Use the links provided under the Week Three Faculty Materials of the course to facilitate a

quiz show game for students to review information from Ch. 8 and 12.

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Week Four Faculty NotesInfectious Diseases and Environmental Effects on Health

Explain the immune system’s role in protecting the body from disease. Identify pathogens that cause infectious diseases. Explain ways the environment affects human health and wellness.


Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week. Check on the progress of Learning Team projects. Preview the major assignments for the course, week by week. Include suggested times to start preparation for these assignments. Preview the learning objectives and content for this week. At the end of the class or week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week. Be sure that you have received all assignments that are due.


1. Infectious diseases and environmental effects on healtha. Explain the immune system’s role in protecting the body from disease.

1) White blood cells 2) Antibodies3) B cells and T cells 4) Vaccines

b. Identify pathogens that cause infectious diseases.1) Bacteria

a) Staphylococcal infectionsb) Streptococcal infectionsc) Meningitisd) Pneumoniae) Tuberculosisf) Tickborne

2) Viruses a) The common coldb) Influenzac) Hepatitis

3) Fungia) Athlete’s footb) Ringworm

4) Parasitic protozoansa) Malariab) African sleeping sicknessc) Giardiad) Amoebiasis

5) Parasitic worms

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a) Roundworms(1) Pinworms(2) Hookworms(3) Ascaris

b) Tapeworms6) Prions – mad cow disease

c. Explain ways the environment affects human health and wellness1) Overpopulation contributes to the following:

a) Drought and erosion which have a negative effect on our food supplyb) Land degradation and contamination of drinking waterc) Potential for energy shortagesd) Water shortagese) The spread of diseases

2) Pollutiona) Air pollution

(1) Auto and factory emissions contribute largely to air pollution.(2) Clean air options include the following:

(a) Hybrid cars(b) Solar energy(c) Wind energy

b) Water pollution(1) Contamination of the water table by land pollutants(2) Some ways to prevent groundwater contamination

c) Land pollution(1) Herbicides(2) Pesticides(3) Hazardous wastes(4) Fertilizers

d) Noise pollution


1. What role does the environment play in preventing major chronic illness such as respiratory diseases and cancers? Are these environmental factors present where you live?

2. What do you do to try to maintain a healthy immune system? Why is it important to have a healthy immune system?

3. How do you feel about vaccines? Do you feel the benefits outweigh the risks? Would you recommend that parents follow vaccine recommendations for their children?


Video Use the link provided under the Week Three Materials of the course to show the video

“What’s in the Water?” Lead a discussion by asking students what they think of the information presented in the


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Quiz Show

Divide the class into teams. Use the link provided under the Week Four Faculty Materials of the course to facilitate a quiz

show game for students to review information from Ch. 15.

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Week Five Faculty NotesHealthy Living Choices

Discuss guidelines for making wise health care decisions. Identify complementary and alternative health care options.


Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week. Check on the progress of Learning Team projects. Preview the learning objectives and content for this week. Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due.


1. Healthy living choicesa. Discuss guidelines for making wise health care decisions.

1) Assess health professionals.a) Consider education, experience, and credentials.b) Defensive medicine describes actions taken by a health car provider, such as

ordering unnecessary tests, for the sake of avoiding potential malpractice claims rather than for the health of the patient.

2) Ask questions.3) Be an active participant in your treatment and recommendations. Be aware that our

health care environment encourages defensive medicine in which health care providers may order unnecessary tests for their patients.

4) Choosing health productsa) Prescription drugsb) Over-the-counter (OTC) drugsc) Health Insurance

(1) Private health insurance(2) Managed care

(a) HMO(b) PPO(c) POS

(3) Medicare and Medicaidb. Identify complementary and alternative health care options.

1) Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) a) Complementary medicine b) Alternative medicine

2) There are four major domains of complementary and alternative medicine.a) Manipulative and body-based practices

(1) Chiropractic medicine(2) Massage therapy

b) Energy medicine(1) Acupuncture

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(2) Therapeutic touchc) Mind-body medicine

(1) Meditation(2) Cognitive behavioral theory

d) Biologically based practices(1) Dietary supplements(2) Herbal products


1. Have you ever tried any type of alternative or complementary medicine? If so, please share your experience. If not, would you consider doing so in the future? Explain why or why not.

2. What are some of the criteria you use to assess health professionals?

3. What is your opinion of health care delivery in the United States? Is it adequate? How can health care delivery be improved in the United States? Consider private and public health delivery options.



Use the link provided under the Week Three Materials of the course to show the following videos:

o “Consumerism”o “Dr. Webs Credentials”

Lead a discussion by asking students what they think of the information presented in the videos.

Quiz Show

Divide the class into teams. Use the links provided under the Week Five Faculty Materials of the course to facilitate a quiz show game for students to review information from Ch. 16 and 17.