factual page layout task 3

Factual page layout task 3 By Lusi Ndoja

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Page 1: Factual page layout task 3

Factual page layout task 3

By Lusi Ndoja

Page 2: Factual page layout task 3

marginevery double page layout publication has a margin to separate each three columns. This is so the page looks well structured but also it is clear for the audience to follow. This makes the page look neat and also less confusing as it makes the layout professional.

GridsPublications will use grids to arrange each element of the article, this help arrange how they want the page layout to look like. In order for the page to look professional grids would have been used to give the page layout a good structure.

SpreadsDouble page layout outs are extremely popular and you see them in almost every publication. In my example this is a double page layout, on the left hand side is the interview of Anna Pritchard and for people who may not know who she is there is an image of the celebrity. You can see that this is a double page layout of the gutter I in the middle of the page separating the article with the image

Columns This magazine page layout is structured with three columns. Instead of having the text across they have used the grid to help form these columns.

Page numberPage numbers are key to have in a publication, this indicates that its organised and also easy to find rather than flicking through the whole magazine.

Orientation In this double page layout they have only used one image, this is a photograph of the interviewee. This image is portrait as they have structured the whole layout. The image has been rotated upside down giving it an interesting effect, as this technique is used rarely.

Header/crossheadThe header is the main title for the article it is talking about. In this case the header is the pull quote as it is the main headline it wants the audience to read first. Pull quotes is a phase that is pulled out from an interview. This makes the reader hooked and also it makes the page look interesting.StraplineThere is a strapline underneath the pull quote giving you more information about the article such as who they have interviewed and the name of the interviewee. This is to break the little sections neatly.

Drop capitals Drop capitals has been used in this article of the letter T, this is so that it helps the reader know where the first sentence begins, it also draws attention to the text.

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White spaceAs you can see there is white space within this layout, but however this has not been used in a negative way as most of the space has been used to fill the double page spread. It makes the layout look more clear and also makes the text and colours stand.

Pull quotesPull quotes is a good way of grabbing the audiences attention. This is where a quote has been pulled out (mainly the one that will interest the audience) is used in a much larger font for the reader to be drawn to.

ColoursThe layout I have chosen has a house style to make the layout more professional. The first technique they have used is the colour of the celebrity interviewee’s clothing is used as the colour scheme for the drop capital ‘T’ ad also the subheading for each different paragraph, name of the person and also the word ‘so’ that is exaggerated. They have highlighted the main key words in the article to lure the audience into reading.This type of article would be aimed at women as they have used feminine colours such as pink!

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MarginMargins are always used, this is so that every layout is clear and well structured to make a page look to a professional standard.

Columns/gridsColumns again have been used in The times newspaper, again it is to give you guidance of where to put images and text to give the layout a good and professional look. The main image used 2 columns as its place in the centre of the page as it wants the reader to notice as its the most important picture. In order for the columns to have been created neatly and well structured the lay out designer would have used grids to make the layout professional.

spreadsThis layout of The Times is a single page layout. All the information has been used on one single page. Single spreads are also used in publications rather than on double.

OrientationThe orientation of this page layout is very formal as The times newspaper is aimed at a much older and middle class audience. As this is a website layout thy have used landscape images. The main image uses 2 columns this shows that the image is for the main article the newspaper wants the audience to read and therefore have emphasised the images scale. The second image is on a single column and is much smaller, it shows the different stories you can read which is not the main news but still however gives you an image if the reader is willing to read on.

HeadersThe main headline has been used in a bigger scale, this is because the headline points out the main article title which wants the reader to be aware of. It is placed underneath the title of the news paper as the reader will automatically be drawn too as its is placed underneath.

Strap linesStrap lines have been used to break sections of different articles on the page. They will often bee highlighted in a different colour or bold so the reader knows exactly what part they want to reader, this avoids confusion.

White spaceAs the layout has been structured in a formal manner the white background has been used as they have used black font and makes everything clear.

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Looking at both articles you can tell they have been designed for different audiences. The first article is informal, as the target audience is aimed a young women mostly. Therefore pull quotes and the language will be less complex. For example the word ‘so’ has been exaggerated and emphasised with the colour scheme they have selected. This is because the writer knows who its target audience are, therefore making it acceptable to use informal words.

The second articles is more informal therefore it shows that the target audience are more older and higher in class as it gives you formal news such as politics. They colour scheme will be basic such as mutual colours would e used such as black, white, and blue to make the newspaper more relaxing and calming. And the interview article has used vibrant colours and also a colour scheme match with the colour of the clothing such as pink on the strap lines and have highlighted key elements for the audience to notice.

The first article has used a double page portrait spread where as The Times newspaper has used landscape. This is because again it is based on the audience as the times is about serious news.

They both do not have dates of when the article was published as both publications have news updated regularly therefore it is not need.

Each article has used there own different technique regarding who there target audience is and what they would go for and how suited it is for them .